OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1899- u Oregon City Auction House Opposite Postoffice Oregon City Anction House! Opposite Postoffice 1 jMK E ffHVVmHS EY That we are the cheapest GASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us. If you are wise and have your own inter est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy, you will be POSTED as to goods and values Remember, A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE NOTE THE FOLLOWING Baby Baggies Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set from from from from Sewing Machine Bed Room t?tt Stove of 44 Pieces aa Improved from on Earth $2.00 25C O.UU ,0 year, Guarantee The UNIVERSAL and Upward &24b JiQ aa and Upward and Upward second-iw Per Yd and Upward Easy TI1S Given and Upward STEEL RANGES $-UU w REALTY TRAN5ERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka. mas Abstract & Trust Co. F T Barlow to M A Th mas, It 7. blk 4, W Gladstone $ B F Webster lo P Ficken, part of wK of sec 5, 3s, lw ;,. B F Webster to W Oberst, 24 a sec 5, 3s, lw W P Kaylor to P F Kaylor, of nwj sec 32,5s, 2e Chas Handle to W J Bowermau, 15a sec 3, 2a, 2e F Preuehoflrto J Brnnner, 25 ft 8 side It 13 blk 4, Paikplace. . . . . . J L Knife to A Gebliardt, 1 a sec 7, 3s, le A Gebbardt to J L Kruse. 1 a sec 7. 3i, le 0 & 0 R it Co to J W Niceolpqn, tyi of nv, l4 sec 17, 6s, 2d II E Straight to J L Maynard, It 5, blk 1)4, 0 0 B Stanton to 1 15 Heine, 60 a T J Chase elm, 5s, lw W P Kaylor to P F Kaylor, t of ne see 31, 5n, 2e Sf Sheelian to Clackamas Co, county road sec 12, 2s, 2e T5 A J Buchman, pr mi). 100 810 600 200 1000 99 90 60 280 245 1000 800 1 1 J C Baidley to Mary Bradley, t Bw sec 30, Is, 4) 1000 W Kydd to F Wournis, 108.23 a R OuufHld dm II Frey to W Halm, It 3, blk 4, Cambridge (bond) ... T P Soulcs to 1) Raumye, 70 a eec 3.'!, 5s, le 1 00 31) 700 T A Hyde to U S, & of tie,1 4 sec 30, 3s 8e Act of Congreso State to F A Hyde, wjj sec 30, 3h 8o J II Schneider to F A Hyde, fe4' 400 of 100 L Blnkelcy to ,1 H Schneider of in ,!4' no "(1, 3s, 8e "tate lo L Blakely. mime . . . W T Bmney lo C li dull. Id, 101.87 aVec 3i, 8c W T Blimey to N R Lang, 7. 92 a near blk U, Caneinah 3.10 J Garhado to II B Anderson, sw 1-4 of sec 22, 5s, 3e Wm Wade to II B Anderson, el-2 of nwl-4 sec 20, 5g, 3e SCO oOO tt Livingston t.i J W Powell, 158 50 a sec 10, 3.4, 2. 1585 K Macleay et al to J W Powell, same 1585 U C Young to W K Young nwl-4 ' of swl-4 sec 17, 3s, lw 1 W II Baker to I Young, same as above and nel-4 of eel -4 sec 18 3s lw 1 W I Phillips to E J Maple, It i) blk 4, Turk place 125 A B Barlow to A F Schmidt, part of blk 14, Barlows , 500 A Thousand Touicuea Could not express the rapture of Annie K. Spinglor, of 1125 Howard street, Phil adulphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she nays of this royal cure: "It soon re moved the pain in my chest, and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praise throughout the universe." So will every one who trios Dr. King's New Discovery for any trou ble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price, 60c and $1. Trial bottle free at George A. Harding's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. If you want the best price for your farm produce, send to Harris' grocery. For SAiJt Five room bouse and one lot at head of Fifth street near old creamery, Trice $000, easy terms. Also 120 acres of school land near George P O., cheap. Inquire of Courier-Herald CALLED FOR WARRANTS. Following is a list of warrants remain ing uncalled for in the clerk's office of Clackamas county for seven years end ing July 1, 1809, and if not called for in 60 days they will be cancelled: No. 7730 9654 8440 8731 1031,7 Name Amount Mrs M L Brown 2 10 J W Ciisliing 1 70 George Deiker 1 20 L Dulory ' 1 70 M Durst ... 1 20 9118 Hans Krlcksou 1 60 8f10 F Fredrick 1 70 8785 Mrs Viola KHnn 3 50 10324 8am Gaines 2 SO 8723 1. Heller 1 20 9800 O M Howard 4 20 8770 W H Jones 2 50 ! 8577 J M Jones 2 00 9110 H W Jones 1 50 8728 J Koenig 1 70 10308 f Koehler 1 20 J27(j Fred Lehman 2 00 103(15 0 A Legrand 1 20 8515 M Mfncke 1 70 8531 SJMickley 2 00 9878 Minnie McCoy 2 20 8144 John Nlsson 1 20 8508 II S Newton 1 20 9119 ilnm Noble 1 50 9121 Grant Nixon 1 50 8489 J L Picklhom 1 20 8012 Wm Pogle 8 40 8732 J Qiiinn 170 8120 J II Thompson 1 70 KM Silas Stewart 1 50 10075 W L Smith 1 70 8221 V F Wilcox 1 00 8590 David O Williams 3 40 9123 RG Williams 1 50 9114 David Wilson 1 00 11488 J W Wolfer 1 05 10373 Unas Wilson 170 $07 35 State of Oregon. ) County of Clackamas.f I, Elmer Dixon, county clerk of the above named county and state, and clerk of the county court of the county of Clackamas and stalo of Oiegon, do hereby certify that the forego'""; copy of warrants over seven years prior to July 1st, 1899, mid uncalled for has been by me compared with the original, and that It is a correct ttansciipt therefrom and of the whole of tuch original as the same appears of record in my otlice and in my care and custody. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and allixed the seal of said court this 9th day of June. A. D. 1899. Ki.MUii Dixon, Clerk. seal. By E. II. Cooi'uii, Deputy. Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making on examination of all persons who may odor themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at the court house in Oregon City, Oregon, on August 9 th, nine o' clock a. m., A. J). 1899. All applicants will be present at time stated above, whether for state papers or county papers. Dated this 15 th day of July, A. D. 1899. N. W. Bowlasd, Co. Supt. Schools. SIMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county. Emma Ferry, Plaintiff, vs, L, M. Ferry, Defendant. To L. M. Eorry, the defendant above named; N tha name of the State of Oregon you are here- ruiiutrcu w appear auu answer vo me com plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order tor the publication of this summons, lo-wit; six woeks the dale of the first publication of this summons being on the 4th day of August, 1H99, and If you fall to so appear aud answer the plaintiff herein will apply to said court for the relief prayed for in her eomplaint, vie: a Judg ment against you and a decree dissolving the marrlagu contraot now existing between you and the plaintiff herein aud for the care and cus tody of the two aald minor ohildrcn named In said plaintiffs complaint and for such other re lief as to the court may seem proper. This summons Is published by an order of the Hon. Thomas F. Ryau, Judge of the county oourt, made ami entered on the 31st day of July, 1899. Nafomeon DAvia. Attorney for Plaintiff. All parties knowing themselves in debted to Noblitt & Co. will be expected to call and settle at once. No exceptions will be made, as we wish to pay our bills, and desire others to do likewise so that e can. Noblitt Co. lock's Furniture an SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Comity of Clackamas. S. W. R. Jones, Plaintiff, V8. W. T. Burney and Klnora T. Burner, his wife, Charles N, Scott and 8n Ban J. scott, his wife. Clarence W. Simpson and Mary Simpson, his wife. Charles H . Caufleldnnd Ella S. Uauneld, his wife, Jtiohard Nixon, receiver of the Portland Sav ings Bank, T. J. Siltee. F. P. Nut tins. J. T. Anperson, S. 8. Train and J. K. Whitney, partners under the firm name of Train & Whitney, F. K. Toeplt-man, Charles Risley. trustee of the estate of Henry Nass, and 8. C. Cramer, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. DY VIRTUE OF A. JUDGMENT, ORDER, DE- cree and an execution duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed, and daled the 10th (lay of July 1899, upon a Judg. nient rendered and entered in said court on the 18th day of April, 1899, in favor of 8. W. R. Jones, plaintiff, and against W. T. Bu-ney and El noraT. Burney, his wife. Charles N. Scott and Susan J. Scott, his wife, Clarence W. Simpson and Mary Simpson, his wife, Charles H. Caufield and Ella 9. Caufield, his wife, Richa-d NIxou, re ceiver of the Portland Savings Bank, T.J. Stites, F. P. Nutting, J. T. Apperson, S. S. Train and J.R. Whitney, partners under the firm name of Train A Whitney, F. A. Toepleman, Charles Risley, trustee of the estate of Henry Nass, and S. C Cra mer, defendants, for the sum of $22,010 6.1, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 ner cent per annum from the 18th day of April, 1899, and the further sum of 1500.00 as attorney's fee, md the further sum of J10.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described red prop. c-rty, situate In the ooulity of Chckimas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: I All of seotions nine '9) and fifteen (15) and the east one-half OA) of the northwest one-quarter J (.'4) and the west one-half Oil of the northeast one-quarter (V) of section two (2): tbe north one-halt 0,4), end the north onebilf OA) of the s mth one-half OA) and the southwest one quarter (Si) or the southwest one-quarter 04) of section three (3): all of the east one half (JW section four (41; the northwest one-quarter OA) and the west one-half (Mi) of I he southwest one-quarter ( H) of section ten (10); the west one-half OA) t the west one-half 04) of section eleven (111; the west one-half OA) of ihe northwest one-quarter OA) and th south one-half OA) of section twenty one (21), all In township five (5) south of ri'nge three (3) east, Willnnwte meridian; also the south one-half ('0 of the no-th one-half (' ') and anonne soutn one-half (;,;) of section thirty, live (35), township four (4) south, rango three (8) east Willamette meridian. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of paid writ, I will, on SATURDAY, THE 12ih DAY OF AUGUST, 1899, at the hour of 1 :30 o'clock p.m., at the front door of thocounty court house in Uiei py of Oregon City.ln said county and state, sell at piddle auction, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants, or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above desoribed real roperty. or any part thereof, to satisfy said ex edition. Judgment order, decree, Interest, cosIb and all accruing costs. J. J, COOKE Sheriff of Olackamaa County, Oregoa, Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 11, 809, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. WOTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TnK UN- dersigned, administratrix of the estate of Frank Spulak, deceased has Bled In the oounty court of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, her flnal account as snoh administratrix of said e tate, and that Monday, the 4th day of September, 1899, at th. hour of 11 o'clock a. m., has been Axed by the judge of said oourt as the time for the hearing of oldeolion to said report, the settlement of said estate and to the discharge of the said ad mlnlstratrlx and the release of her bondsmen. Dated this 18th day of July, 1899. KATE HI'1'I.AK, Administratrix of the Estate of Frank 8pulak, Deceased, WOOD WANTED. Sealed bids will be received at the otlice of the county clerk for furnishing the court house with 60 cords of good, sound fir wood, said wood to be made of live body timber and to be well sea soned. Bids will be opened on Wednesday, August 9th, at 2 p.m. The board reserves the rijjht to reject any or all bids. Elmsr Dixon, Clerk. By E. H. Cooper, Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. W. W. Jesse, Plaintiff, vs. Rev. L. Mathews et al, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. TJY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER DE- cree and an execution, dulv issued out of and under the seal of the above entilled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly dlrectod and dated the 12th day of July, 1899, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 27th day of April, 1899, in favor of W. W, Jesse, plaintiff, and against Martha A. Barlow, T. C. Andrews and others under the name and style of the ministry and membership of the Method ist Episcopal Church of the United States of America, and to E. B. Ramshy, William Evans and Martha A B-irlow, as trustees of and for said society, and W. W. Weed, defendants, for the sum of $130.25, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 5!7th day of April, 1899, and the further sum of $14.r:0 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me nut of tha personal property of said defendants, aud If sufficient could not he found, then out of the real property belonging to fald defendants on and after the date of said Judgment lo siitlsfy said sun of 8141,21, with Interest, and also th costs of and upon this said wiit. Now, thtreforr,' 1 y virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendants, I did on the 13th dav of July, 1899, duly levy upon the following described real property of said de fendants situate and being In the county of Claok amas and state of Oregon, to-wit; Lots 7 and 8 In block. No- S, towoslte of Bailow, together with the church building ami Contents, Including 24 seats, situated on said lots, owned and controlled I by the ministry and membership of the Method ist Eplsoopal Church of the United Statej of America; also the northwest quarter and the I west half of the southwest quarterof the north east quarter and the wes1, half of the west half of thenortnwest quarterof the northeast quartor, being parts of section 8, township 4 south, range 1 t east of the Willamette meridian, containing 190 acres, moro or less, as rocorded as the property of Martha A. Harlow, one of above defendants. ' And I will, on SATURDAY, THE 20th DAY OF AUGUST, 1899, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, soli at public auction, suhject to redemptl n, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, ! a" the tlght' tltle an'1 1,ltere9t willch 1,18 withln named defendants or either of thorn had on the dute of said Judgment or since hal In or to the above described real properly or any part thereof, to satisfy said above judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Ore.. July 13, 1899. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Grace E. Hughes, 1 Plaintiff I v. William P. Hughes, Defendant. J To William P. Hughes, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to be and appear in ihe oir- cuil court of the state of Oregon for Claokamas county on or before the time prescribed in the or der for the publication of this summons, to-wlt: on or before six weeks after the first publication hereof, to answer the eomplaint In the above entitled cause, and In default thereof Judgment will be entered therein against yon for want thereof. The relief demanded by plaintiff in said complaint Is for a decree of this court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defeudanti that plaintiff be allowed to resume her maiden name, Grace E. Porter, and for such other and further relief as may seem just In equity and good oonse'enco. Tha data of the first otibllcation of this sum mons is Julv 28. 1894, and this summons is pub lished pursuant to an order made by the Hon. Thomas K. Ryan, judge of the county court of tba county of Clackam as, state of Oregon, or, the 27th day of July, 1899, and filed herein. ALEX. SWEEK, Attorney for Plaintiff. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I have on hand funds for the payment of all county warrants endorsed prior to July 1st, 1898. Interest will cease from and after the date of this notice. Oregon City, July 14th, 1899. , , Jacob Shape, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore, . Orepian an J CnurierHeraU $2- d Carpet H SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, Valentine Hoff, 1 Plaintiff, vs. Caroline Hoff, DofendantJ State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. Y VIRTUE OP A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE L cree aud an exeoution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed, and dated the 27th day of June, 1899, upon a j udg ment rendered and entered in said court on the 15th day of June, 1809, in favor of Caroline Hoff, defendant, and against Valentine Hoff, plaintiff, for the sum of 8250.00, and the further sum of 125.00 costs and disbursements, and the costaof and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property of said plaintiff, and if suffic ient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said plaintiff on and after the date of said 10th day of June, 1899, to satisfy the sum of $275.06 and also the oosts upon this said writ. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, uldgment order and decree, aud Incompliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said plaintiff, I did on the 29th day of June, 1896, duly levy upon the following described real property of said plaintiff, situate and being in the county of Clack amas and state of Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at a point 80 rods south of the northwest corner of the east half of the donation land claim of Nathaniel Bell, lu township three (3) south, range one (1) east of the Willamette meridian, in Claekfluias county, Oregon; thence south 80 rods; thenoe east ffiii rods; thenco north 80 roils; thence west 67) rods to (he place of be ginning; and I will, on Saturday, tiie 5th day of august, isoo, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the oourt house in the cily of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for C. S , gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and in terest which the within named plaintiff had on the dale of suld judgment, or since had, In or to .1,0 i,., a .n 1.1. . tile aovo described real ptoperty or any part hereof, to stisfy said execution, Judgmant order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing cosss. J. J. COOKE. Sheriff'of Clackamas County, Oregon Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July 1 , 1899. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the InterI'ib, United States Land Office. Obkoon City, Oregon, July 3, 18u9 ASUFFICIKN P contest affidavit, dated June 8, 1899, having been tiled in this office by Peter Kraus, contestant, against homestead entry No, 11.006. made November 19. 1895, for Ih? sw seo tion 24, township 7 s, range 2 e, by James L. Da vis, contestee, in which it is alleged that the sal t James L. Davis has wholly abandoned said tract and changed his residence therefrom for more than 24 months sinoe making said entry and next prior to the dale named In said affidavit; that his aosence from siid claim has not been by reason of service In the army or navy of the U. 8. in time of war, and that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law. said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on Aug. 22, 1899, before the register and receiver at the United States land otnne in Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affida vit, fled July 1, 1899, set forth facta which show that after due dllllgence personal service of this notice can not be made, tt is heieby ordered and directed that 'ioh notice be given by due and proper publication. CHAS. B. MOORSS, Register, WM. GALLOWAY, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NbbUs dhui?b.ypM x hM not T du: 10 l emp,oent in th the will annexed of the estate of D. W. HMell. ' n e"'f ' U td States in leased, by the County Court of th.conntvof lmeof M Parties are hereby noUfled to Clatkamas, state of Oregon, and all peraons hav- aPpe"' n,d eTidence '""ing said fng claims against said estate must present them tlon at 10 o clock a. m. on August 15, 1899, to the underetgned, duly verified, at my office In T , 2 V ' the Vuit,A O-egon City, Oregon, within six month, from "d 0m n " thisdate. BRUCE C. CURRY, I f d "'l having, in a proper afflda- Administrate with the Will annexed of the estate of W. D. Howell, deceased. Dated, this 11th day of July, 1899. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the es tate of Adam Zimmerman, deceased, and that all persona having claims against said estate are re quired to present them to me at my residence, Canby, Oregon, within six months from the date Of this publication. ELIZABETH ZIMMERMAN, Administratrix of Estate of Adam Zimmerman, Deceased. Daled Canby, Oregon, July 13th, 1899, Cha. N. Wait. Vtlorney for Estate. ouse SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Susan M, Williams, 1 Plaintiff, vs. I William P. Williams, j Defendant. ) . State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss, BY virtue of a judgment order, decree and an exeoution, duly ismed out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above enti tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 27th dnyof June, 1899, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 27th day of April 1899, in favor of Susan fcl. Williams, plaintiff, and against William P. Williams, defendant, for the sum of $500, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the loth day of June, 1899, and the costs of, and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the following de scribed real property, situate in the county of t'lackamas, state of Oregon, to wit: Two thirds interest of Ihe southeast quarter oj section 22, township 6 south of range 2 east of the Willamette meridian. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Satur day, THE 12th DAY OP AUGUST, 1899, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., a t the front door of the county court house in the city of Oregon City in said county and state, sell at public auctiou.sub Jtct to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and in- terest which the within namel deiend ant had on the date of the mortgagee herein, or since had, in or to the above described real propertv, or any part thereof, to satisfy said, execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. J COOKE. Sheriff of Claokam ts County, Oregon, rated, Oregon City, Crc, July 8th, 1899. JON TEST NOTICE. IlFPAtlTMENT Or THE JNTEKIOB, f United State9 Land Office, J UKEGON l ITY, I rCgOH , Jlllie 27, 1899. ) SUFFICIENT contest affidavit, dated May 10, A uw, having been Hied in this office by D.W. Robertson, contestant, against homestead entry No. 9765, made January 21, 1892, for sw! section 14, township 3 s, range 5 e, by Oliver M, Eby, con testee, In which it is alleged that "the said Oliver M. Eby has wholly abandoned said olain and. that he has not resided on the same for the past three years, nor has he made any improvements Ihereon during sul i time, nor has ho cultivated Ihe same during said time, or any one acting for him, that his absence has not been due to his em ployment In the military or naval service of the United States in time of war," said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evi dence touching said allegation at 1 o'clock p. m. on August 15, 1899, before the register and receive er at the United 3Ut es laud office in Oregon City. Oregon. Thesaid contestant having, in proper affidavit, filed June 19, 1899, set forth facts which show- that after due dllllgence personal service of this police can not be made, it is hereby ordered and direoted that suoh notice be given by due and proper publication. . CHAS. B. MOORES, i Register. WM. GALLOWAY. Receiver. CONTEST NOTICE. Depabtment or thb Interiob, 1 United States Land Office, Obkoon City, Oregon, June 27, 1899. ) SUFFICIENT oontest affidavit, dated May 16, 1899, having been filed in this office by Orville Robertson, contestant, against homestead entry No. 10542, made March 2, 1893, for the a w M section 24, township 3 s, range S e, by William N. Tatro, contestee, in which it is alleged that "the said William N. Tatro haa wholly abandoned said claim for more than two years prior hereto and that ha haa not resided on said claim for more than two years last past and during said time he hag not cultivated or Improved aald olaim. nnrtnTAnniMtn. t Kl. li. , ' ' 7 """" '"' " lurul ,a0IS wn'cn show t that after due diligence personal service or this, notice can not be made, It is hereby ordered and , directed that such notice be given by due and proper puDtication. CHA, B. MOORES, Register. WM. GALBOWAY, Receiver. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you ifvou used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take.. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by George A. Hard ing, druggist.