6 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, i899- I NEWS OF STATE. Heppner claims to have bandied 6,000 '000 pounds of wool this year. Rogue River valley fruit crop was never better than this year. , James Lee, Washington county rapist, ipardoned by Governor Geer. Warrant issued at Oregon City for the rrest of Rev. A. J. Smith for obtaining money nnder false pretenses. Al Kessler, Portland man, said to have attempted murder of Maud Mitchel at Arlington. James Savage probably fatally gored bp a mad bull at Grant's Pass. Eleven hundred and sixty-five pa tients in state insane asylum. Binder-twine famine at Monroe. Baker City is to have free mail deliv ery in October. Cyclist nearly killed an aged deaf woman al Milwaukie, Or. Trusty who escaped from Salem peni Jt en tiary has bee n recaptured. Salem has inaugurated a movement 'to get volunteers home in a body. Boy's dog was killed iu Dallas, and the boy, a 10-year-old, refuses to eat uince. Boston capitalists bought half a dozen good mines in Bohemia district, South ern Oregon. Petroleum is said to have been discov ered near Toledo, Ore. Experiments at Astoria prove that -'bluoetone ia deadly to fish. Corvallis fruit trees are said to be dy i ng from last winter's freeze. Government agents will clear Uma tilla Indian reservation oi squatters. Hilhboro parents who sued for $50 for consent to daughter's marriage lost their vcase. 'Salem plans to have the Second Ore g on present their colors to the governor 0 n the trip home. Governor Geer suggests that Oregon volunteers be presented with medals made from Fillipino cannon. GENERAL. . Thirty casas of yellow fever discovered n soldiers' home in Virginia. Twentv novernors will attend trust conference in Chicago September 13-10. President McKinley will tender Ad' miral Dewev a reception at the White House. General Eagan announces that he ex pects to be recalled to head of commis sary department of United States army. Adjutant-General Axlin, of Ohio, would declare martial law at Cleveland C. P. Huntington, in Chicago intor view, states that in liis opinion boys be come too genteel through over-educa tion. Burns Pierce, of Boston, won 100-mile cycle race in Boston. Two thousand miners from West Vir ginia are on their way West to locate. Alleged Dewey interview about war with Germany is not credited in Wash ington. General Miles will insist on a decision from Hoot as to his standing as army commander. Bad wrock on Erie railway at Lacka wanna Saturday niglit. Mica trust organized in Ohicaoo. Coming U. A.R encampment at Phila delphia promises big. Rnar-Adiniral Sampson has sued for the Pantiauo buttle prize money. Governor of Georgia makes an appeal to the people against lynching. Whiting Paper Company, of Holyoko, Mass., burned out ; loss, $100, 000. Governmental deficit for July, f 8,518, 000, n little larger than was expected. Hundreds of people are leaving Hampton, Va., on account of the yellow fover. Smelter men reject board of arbitra tion's suggested compromise in Colora do An olllcor in tho Philippines writos Associated Press that 100,00;) men are needed there. Sixteen Filipinos, engaged for Omaha exposition, were permitod to land at San Francisco. Senator Burrows, of Michigan, asserts if the war is still in progress next year, the republicans may be defeated. Alger invites Root to lay open war de partment records to all, and challenges all faultfinders to substantial charges. The window glass trust is a go. Famous pacer, Joe Patchen, 2:01'4', sold for $20,000 in Columbus, Ohio. President Hill may extend the Great Northern to the Missouri river. To end the war by April 1, it is said, will be the aim of the administration. Smelter companies of Colorado say the board of arbitration is unreasonable and unjust. Navy department has ordered that the eight-hour law must be observed in all naval work. Attorney-General Axline, of Ohio, will THE WEEK try to smash the boycott against mer chants of Cleveland. Yellow fever is spreading in Phoebus, ' Va., near Soldiers' Home. Six cases and two deaths there Tuesday. American miners have sent a repre sentative to Washington to make claim against Oanada for $3,000,000 in Atlin district. Colonel A. L. Hawkins, of the Tenth Pennsylvania, died of cancer of the stomach on the trip from Manila to San Francisco. FORElOy. Dewey will neither affirm nor deny the "war with Germany" interview. Report of Samoan tripartite commis sion has been made public. Rebels attempted to recapture Oalam ba and were repulsed with heavy losses. English papers assert Russia has rea son to be proud of results achieved at peace conference. Automobiles beat an express train in a raca in Paris, 226 miles in 7 hours and 48 minutes. Dreyfus' defence states there is abso lutely no case against the prisoner. China-Japan alliance is denied in China. German paper asserts that it was the hardest work in the world for mem ben of peace conference to keep from laugh ing at each other's insincerity. Alaska boundary question may be solved by leasing of a harbor by Canada. General Gomez will be invited to be come president of San Domingo. Colonel du Paty de Clam liberated in France. German cruiser Falka ordered home from Samoa. Party of Americans all killed by Bra zilian Indians. Great loss of life is reported in storms in China and Japan. English correspondents at Manila complain of management of the war. Four hundred men are said to be pur suing Heureaux's assassin in San Do mingo. PACIFIC COAST. James A. Doyle, company D, Oregon volunteers, died at Presidio hospital of dysentery. Harriman scientific expedition has re turned from Alaska. Oregon volunteers acted as an escort for the Nebraska boys, who landed at 'Frisco Monday. Pennsylvania volunteers will be paid and discharged en route home. Seattle saloons must close on Sun days. Walla Walla farmers fear a shortage of grain sacks. Nebraskans have arrived at San Fran cisco. Battle-ship Iowa may be at head of a Pacific coast fleet soon to be established. The new Oregon captains have been mustered out and are now on their way to Vancouver barracks to report for new duty. Walla Walla wheat is better than was expected. Big gold discovery mado in Boise wheat basin, Idaho. Party who went in over Edmonton trail has finally arrived at Dawson. Snoqualamie Falls .power plant in Washington was formally started Mon day niglit. Cablegram received at San Francisco that three Oregon volunteers, missing since April 28, are alive, but prisoners wiih the Filipinos. Idaho's gambling law is defied at Lew- iston. Government has leased Eisonbei's ho tel, near Port Townsend, supposedly for a hospital. Senator Clark will build a sugar fac tory in Southern California having a ca pacity of 1000 barrels a day. Important Xotive. To all societies and other bodies : The volunteer reception committee having decided to hold the parade in honor of the returning volunteers on August 16th, 1899, you are hereby re quested to participate in said parade and to notify the chairman of the parade committee, T. W. Sullivan, at once that you will do so, sending him at the same time the name of one member who will act as mounted aid to represent the so ciety on the general staff. See the city papers of next week for general orders for the parade by the grand marshal. By order of the committee on parade, T. V. Sullivan, Chairman. Aug. 2, 1899. NO Cl UK-NO PAY. That is the way all drm?i?iat roll GROVE'S TA8TKLESS CHILL TONIC iui Kiiunriu, villus ana rfivnr. If ia simply iron ami quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefei t ) bitter, u t ue.uiu toniui, t'rioe, 5 Jc. Premium on Gold. New York, July 31 A few years ago had it been reported that there was a premium on gold we should have seen much anxiety, some paralysis of busi ness and all sorts of confusion in the market. Yesterday gold commanded a premium in this city, and, although only in the inner circles is this fact known, yet it was not because of any apprehension of trouble if the fact be came public, but out of courtesy to those who have been willing to pay the premium that no announcement of it was made. It is learned on high au thority that the Bank of England ob tained in this city 190,000 or approxi mately $950,000 worth of gold, and got it by paying a premium for it. It bought the gold as it would buy any commodity, as Liverpool factors would buy wheat, and it undoubtedly bought this gold in the United States because it found that it could get it cheaper here than elsewhere. In by gone days, when conditions were differ ent, if the Bank of England looked to ward the United States for gold it got it by familiar methods. It is said in Wall street to-day that this outright purchase of American gold by the Bank of Eng land is unprecedented, although some qualify this statement by saying that it certainly has not happened in recent years. There is something of exultation here that we are able to sell gold as a commodity, that we have enough of it to supply any probable demand and that the course of affairs makes it ex" tremely improbable that gold will go out of this country this year in any other way than as a loan or as a pur chase. Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at the court house in Oregon City, Oregon, on August 9 th, nine o' clock a. m., A, D. 1899. All applicants will be present at time stated above, whether for state papers or county papers. FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, August 9, at 9 a. in., and continuing until Saturday, August 12, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theo ry of teaching, grammar, bookkeping, physics. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical ge oeraphy. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psy chology. FOR COUNTY PAPERS, Commencing Wednesday, August 9, at 9 a. m. and continuing until Friday, Au gust 11, at 4 p. in. Wednesday Penmanship, history, or thography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar. Friday Geography, mental arithme tic, physiology. Dated this 15 th day of Ju'y, A. D. 18119. N. W. Bowlasd, Co. Supt. Schools. For Over Fifty Years As Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for ovor fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. He sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Ptainfield, 111., makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse, he told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her. Her driugist snugested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefited from rirst dose. She continued its uss and after taking bix bottloB, found herself sound and well; new does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Geo. A. Hard inn's Drug Store. Only 50 cents and $1.00, every bottle guarranteed. A PERFECT BATH ROOM essential to perfect eomlort ami health. Our estimates on pulling in I'lumuinf Work anil nttitiKS for larite and small bouses will he found surpassingly, low wht-11 nuaiiiy of w.irk auil tnsH'rUl ns-il Uoo aidermi V wmll 1,0 ple.i.vl to h ivi! a;i opji iriunliy to submit titan's. F. C. GADKE The descent is certain from weak lungs, lingering coughs, throat troubles or bronchial affections through bleed ing lungs, to consumption, if the first c stages are neg lected. THOU- pie who are now in their graves would be alive and well to-day if they had heeded the first warnings of those troubles which lead to consumption and death. Tht hacking cough, spitting of Mood, weak lungs, and all similar troubles of the organs of breathing, will surely lead to consumption, if they are not already the signs of it Then there are the other indi cations of the approach of consumption, such as night-sweats, emaciation, or wast ing away of flesh from bad nutrition, which, if neglected, lead to certain death. Ninety-eight per cent of all the cases of weak lungs, bleeding lungs, lingering and obstinate coughs, and other bronchial and throat diseases, which hart bean treated with Dr. Fierce ' Golden Medical Discov ery, have been cured by it Do not wait until your throat trouble becomes serious. All bronchial and throat troubles art seri ous. The time to take the " Golden Medi cal DiscoTery" U right at the start. Even if your throat trouble has been neglected until it has been pronounced Sulmonary disease or consumption, do not esitate to use the "Golden Medical Dis covery," for thousands of letters from the sufferers themselves, who are now well, bear evidence that the "Golden Medical Discovery " will cure, even after good phy sicians have pronounced the disease pul monary consumption. " I had been troubled with bronchitis for sev eral years," writes Mrs. Orlin O'Hara, Box 114, Fergus Falls, Ottertail Co. , Minn. " In the first place, I had sore throat. I doctored with differ ent physicians and took various medicines, but got no relief. I raised from my throat a sticky substance like the white of an egg. Could not sleep, and had made up my mind that I would not live through the winter. I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Favorite Pre scription ' alternately, and iu a few days began to see that I was better. I took eight bottles. I have not felt as well in years as since using these medicines." TJnfailable Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for constipation and biliousness. GLORIOUS HAIR Is a matter of choice. Any woman may have it if she ' takes the trouble. HERE'S PROOF Miss Carrie Sparr, 2780 r.hprrv Street. Kansas City, Mo writes: " Six weeks ago I began using the Seven Sutherland Sisters Scalp Cleaner and Hair Grower. My hair was very thin, having fallen out from scarlet fever. Thick, glossy hair Is now coming in, and I am positive the remedies have greatly helped me. I advise everyone to use them." They CURE where others fall. SOLD B7 DBUGOISTS Preserves m (-fruits, Jellies, pickles or catsup ar IIUHIHliuii v ocnicu w 1 tmn w thctn hv nnr other SffJ method. Dozens of other uses will be X Refined 19 Paraffins Wax 8a Bvprv household. It Is clean, rcol t,int0ieMn And odorless air. water Yy and acid proof. Get a pound cake of X It with a list of Its many use I A from ynr drusg'M or grocer. I VI Hold everywhere. Made by V 4 ST AH DABO OIL CO, A SINGLE RED LINE PILL taken in time will often head off a seri ous illness. Our pills for Biliousness, Torpid liver, Loss of appetite, Sick headache, Indi gestion, Jiyspepsia, Constipation and all kindred complaints are of the highest standard of quality, being prepared in the most careful manner from absolutely pure drugs. In Boxes at 25c. We keep all the well known makes of Fills. CHARMAN &C0., Cut Rate Druggists. Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper yout rooms and paint your house and , Murrow IS THE MAN to da the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leavt orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. Job Printing at the Courier-Berald j Brunswick x Under new Only First-Class Restaurant IN THE CITY L. RUCONICH, Prop. OREGON CITY, : - - i OREGON f Land. TltlM and Lead Galea Business Specialty, ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Court ( the Stat and w Bureaus of th InUrlor Department at Wash (tea. Jtooit t, Ohabmab Buiidino, 9KB00N CITY, OREGON. JOHN H. WOURMS ATTORNEY AT LAW 2)eutf fyt SCbboIot Oregon ity, Oregon Office with H. E. Cross. G. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Boole Store, Up Stain OREGON CITY". - OREGON Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. F. E. Donaldson, Agent Fire and Accident Insurance BANK OF OREGON CITY H.DE8T BANKING HODSB U THE CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS ftO&O.OO President, floe president Chas. H. cmruil 610. A. Haedik B. O, Cacfiblp ashler, i Oeneral Banking Business Transact' Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Note Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Hade on Available Becuritv Exchange Bought and 4nld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Anv Part of th rt onu. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Sao franclsco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit. When you visit The Dalles stop at the Best One Dollar a Day House in the City THE OBARR HOTEL On Second Street one block from Depot 3p j ji.vl rate t) families and partie H. S. SMITH, Prop. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon. Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city, Try Bolton Dairy aad b CoJivsaO W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Hag the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the eity. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON OREGON CITY, OREOON Leading Photographer M6S The Latest Style Photos Photo Buttons Crayoa Potraits, Etc. The Best are the Cheapest Shall we tell you J E why ? ( f V Restaurant Management VAN R. HYDE ' LAW OFFIOE Will practice In all the Coarts of th Stat and the TJ. 8. Land Offio. Abstract mad. Land Ti ls Quieted. Conveyance and all Legal Doou njsnts drawn. Real Estats bought and sold. Divor- a Specialty.: Omen in Ounm Bumma, OREGON CUT, OREGON. COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY ? CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business . Loan mad. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all point In the United States and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A M. to P. M. D.CLAlOURiTTE, FRED t. MEYER, President Cuhlar. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TOBMET8 AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY - . OREGON 810. C. Bsowniu J. TJ. Cahpbiu BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oaufleld Building Oregon City, Or W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeuifdjet SIb&ofat. OREGON CITY - - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker lladlng inscranci agency op clackama County Honey to Loan. A bslracts of Title Hade Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offer hi professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic disease. uesi 01 reieronces kivwi. Office in Willamette Building, je hours: 10 to U a. m., 4 to p. m. Office hours OtEOON CITY OREGON DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay Building, Oregon City, Ore. Prices Moderate. All Operations Guaranteed. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST, Office In Caufleld BUdlng, Main Street. Oregon Oitv. Bridqb and Grown Work a Spkcialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, Pbkqon City, ... Oregon DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Unlvr nty Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. with dr. wjclch. Willamette Block - Oppoiitt Potloffics Oregon Citt, Obsqon. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1865 ; tHK PIONEER EXFUESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Farts of the City OREGON CITY . "T . . OREGON J. C. BRADLEY, Prop. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oath Street between thi Bridge aidtk Depot. DonbU and single rig and saddle horse a ways oa hand at the lowest ratesgmnd a oorra also eonnectad with the tarn lor loose stork Anylntormallon retarding any kind oi (took proapUr attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOf GUT OR SOLD,