Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 28, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Oregon City Auction House
OppoMte Postoffice
Oregon City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
Baby Baggies Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set
Irm from lrm from Sewing Machine ' Bed Boom Set stove of 44 Pieces
A A Improved from on Earth
.00 25C 30C - $7.00 The UNIVERSAL
and Upward and Upward Second-Hand Per Yd and Upward 7 and nnward aiS0 tho.UU
tasy Terme Onen dHH UpWarU STEEL RANGES
7 1 I t I
r ui lowing in um m nil i inuio .I.".!....-
inguncalltd i t in Hie clerk'B ottice o. 8
Clackamas county for seven years end-1
ing July 1, 181)9, hiu! if not culled for in
60 days they will be cancelled.
8 W.I
Mil 2
1007 i
111 14
114 88
Mrs M L Brown
J W dishing ...
George Detker
L Dulory ..
M llurHt
Huns Krlcksou
F Fredrick . .
Mrs VI. la FHnn
Sam 'iaiues
... 2 10
. . 1 70
1 20
1 70
.... 1 20
. 1 f0
.... 1 70
a 50
2 .'.0
1 20
1. Holler
O M Howard 4 20
W 11 Jones . aw
J M .louoi 2 00
K W Jones 160
J Koeiitg 1 70
K Kochler 1 20
Fred Lehman 2 00
0 A Leg.au. 1 20
M Miucke 1 70
S.I Micklcy 2 00
Minnie McCoy 2 20
John Nlsson 1 20
11 S Newton 1 20
i4il.ini Noble 1 W
(Irant Nixon 1 60
J L I'ieklhom 1 20
Wm Fugle .1 40
J Qulnn 1 70 ,
J M Thompson 1 70
Hllas Stewart 160
W I, Hmllu 1 70
F K Wile.ox 1 00
liavid O Williams H 40
tt O Williams 1 60
liavhl Wilson ... 1 00
J W Wolfer 1 05
Dims Wilson 1 70
W 36
Stale of Oregon, )
County of Clufkaman.)"
I, Elmer Dixon, county cleik of the
above named cnumy and Ht at e , and
clerk of tlie county com t of the county
nt Clackamas and stalo of Oregon, do
hereliv wrtifv Hint tlm fiirnimino- mnv nf '
nereuy ciruiy mat Hie loroiiomij topy 01
nni 1 hiii.pi uvui eKii yenia irior tu 0 ui.v
1st, WM), mid uncalled for lias been by
me com 1 area with the original, and
that It. it) ft correct ttunsciiot therefrom
mill of the whole of tu h 01 initial as the
tame appeals of recotd in my ollice and
in my care and crsiody.
n tepiimony whereof I have hereunto
'let my hand and atlixed Ihe seal of said
court this Uth dav of June A. I). 1899.
Ki.mkh lhxiiN, Clerk.
ikai.. 15y E. II. Cooi'Kit, Deputy.
Teachers' EjramiutitUm.
Notice is here'iy vi veil llnit (or the
pui'poto of milking an exnm'miilion of all
persons who may 1 H'cr tlieiiiselveH as
ciimlidates for teachers of the schools of
this co.tnty, the county tcltoi l superiii
tt n tent theieof will hold a public exam
illation at the court house in Oregon
Uity, Oregon, on August Dili, nine o'
clock a. 111., A. D. 1S'.I9.
All applicants wi'l he present at lime
stated above, whether for state papers
or county papers.
Dated this 15 th day of JVy, A. D. 1899.
N. W. How land, Co, Supt. Schools.
Sealed bids will be received at the
ollice of the county clerk for furnishing
the court bouse with 60 cords of good,
sound 11 r wood, said wood to be made of
live body timber and to be woll sea
soned. Bids will be opened on Weduesday,
August 9th, at 2 p. in.
The board reserves the ritfli t to reject
any or all bids. Klmkk Dixon,
By E. H. Coopkh, Deputy.
A Thousand Tongues
. Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Spingler, of 1125 Howard street, Phil
adelphia, l'a., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
nays of this royal cure: "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest, and I can
now Bleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing More. I feel
like sounding its praise throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery for any trou
ble of the throat, chest or lungs. Trice,
50c and $1. Trial bottle free at George
V. llarding'a drug store. Every bottle
If you want the best price for your
farm produce, send t ) Harris grocery.
That we are the cheapes t ASH or REDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by
the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers
who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us If you'are wise and have your own inter
est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy
you will be PO TED as to goods and values. Remember,
L. Block's Furniture and
111 .IIG lvlH"lv Vjulll K 'Jl bllO OItCUIVirJVIf 1UI
ii18 tountv of UlHOKumiu.
w r. Junes,
W. T. Bnrney anil Kltiora T. Biirney,
hit wife, Charles N, Scott anil Hu
nan J. rreott, his wite, Clarence W.
Simpson mid Mary Simpson, his
wife. Charles H Caulleld anil Ella
S. liaulield, his wife. Richard
Nixon, receiverof the Portland Sav
ings Hank, T. J. Stiles. F. 1'. Nut
Uii. J.T. Apperson, H. 8. Train
and J. R. Whitnev, partners under
the firm nameof Trail) id Whitney.
F. a. Tooph-uian, Charles ltisley.
trust ee of the estateof Henry Naa's,
and 8 C. Cramer,
Slate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss,
cree and an execution du y issuer! out of and
under the seal of the above emitted court, In the
above entitled cause, to me duly diiected, and
dated the loth day of July 1800, up m a judg
ment rendered antl entered In said com t on the
18lli day nf April, 1899, in favor of 8. W. K.
Jones, plaintiff, and against W. T. Bn nt-y and El
nora f. Bnrney, his wife, Charles N. Scotland
Susan J. Scott, his wife, Clarence W. eimpso.i
and Mary Simpson, his wife, Charles II. Caufield
and Klla S. Ciiulleld, his wife, Klcha d N xn. re
ceiver of Hie Portland Savings B mk , T. J. Stiles,
k. h. Nutting. J. T. Anuerson. s. . Tram and j.k.
Whitney, partners under Ihefirm name of Train
& Whitney, F. A. Toeplemnn, Charles Uisley,
trustee of the estate nf Henry Nana, and 3. 0 Cra
mer, defendants, tor the sum of 22,oio tsi, witu
Inlorest t' ereon at the rate of 8 tier Cent per annum
from the 18th day of April, 1809, and the further
sum of 500.(H) as attorney's fee, slid the further
sum of 910.00 costs and dl-bursomeuts, and ihe
costs uf and upon this writ, commanding me to
make sate of the following described real prop
erly, situate in the oounty of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to-wlt;
All of seclions nine 19) and fifteen (16) and the
eastone-hnlf (j) of the northwest one quarter
Inland the west .mo-hall () of the norlheast
one .quarter O4) of section Iwo (2i: the north
one-halt (la), and the n irlh one h If ('.,) of the
s .lit h one-half l.1) and ihe southwest one quarter
('41 of the southwest one-quarter On') of section
three (:i)t all of ihe east one half (i,) of section
f""r lh ""rlli west oiu-quarter ('-4) and Ihe
w,.t ,m.iinif (J) of ihe southwest une-quarter
( to) of section ten (10): the west one-half (W,) of
the west one-half ().) of section eleven (111; the
west ene lnilf (';) of the northwest une-quarter
Oi) and the south onc-linlf i;J) of section twenty
une (21), all In township five l." south o! renge
three oast, Willamette meridian; also the)
south one-liul f (Vj) of tlie nnrili one half (Jj) and
all of the south one-half (),,) of section Uiirty
llve ("), township (our (4) s.,ulh, lange three (8j
east Willamette meridian.
Now, thei-efore, by virtue of said execution,
Judgment order snd decree, mid In compliance
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on
al the honrof l:!!0o'olock p.m., at the front dooi of
I he oounty court house in ihecliy of Oregon City. in
said county and stale, sell at publio auction, s'uh
I cllo redemption, to the highest bidder, for U
S. gold coin cash In hand, nil Hiu right, li'le anil
hit rest which tlie within n i med defendants, or
either of them, had on tlie date of the mortgage
herein or since h.ul in or to the above describe 1
real rnperly or any purl thereof, to satisfy said ex
ecution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs
ami all accriilnir costs. J.J. CO'JKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas Cnumy, Oregon,
Hated, Oregon City, Ore., July II. IK'.itt
ilersigned, administratrix of the estate of
Frank Spulak, deceased, has tiled In the county
court of Clackamas county, suin of Oregon, her
ft li nl account as such administratrix of said es
tate, and Hint Monday, tlie 4ih day of September,
IhOU. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m.. hu hen
rlxi d by Ihe judge of said court as Ihe time for the
hearing of oldection to said report, the settlement
ot nam estate ana to tr.e itiscnsrge ol the said ail
nilulsttalrix and the release of her bondsmen.
Dated this lath day of July, ls','9.
Administratrix of Ihe Kstate of
Frank Spulak, Deceased,
w antkd; 50 wood choppers. Good
pay and board and lodginu. Inquire
for Schnorr's wood camp in Rue's gro
cery store, 'Willamette Falls.
I have on hand funds for the payment
oi an county warrants endorsed prior to
July 1st, 1890.
Interest will cease from and after the
date of this notice.
Oregon City, July 14th, 1899.
Jacob Suapk.
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore,
You can still get a hat below cost at
Celia Goldsmith's.
P. G. Shark is now prepared to furnish
local dealers with all kinds of cigars at
wholesale prices.
Shaving and Hair Cutting done with
neatness and dispatch.
Julius Rones, IVopricto
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor
the County of Clackamas.
Grace E. Hughes, 1
William P. Hughes,
To William P. Hughes, Defendant:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you are
hereby commanded to he and appear in the cir
cuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas
county on or before the time prescribed In the or
der for the publication of this summons, to-wit:
on or before six weeks after the nist publication
hereof, to answer the complaint in the above
entitled cause, and in default thereof judgment
whl be entered therein against you for want
thereof. The relief demanded by'plaiutifT In sa'd
complaint is for a deerue of this court dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing between
planum anuueiei dam; tnst planum oe allowed
to resume her maiden name, 0 raie E. Porter, and
for such other and further relief as may seem
just in equity and good conscience.
Thediteof the find oublicatlon of this sum
mons Is Julv 28. 18H", and this summons la pub
lished pursuant to an order made by the Hon.
Thomas V. Ryan, judge of the county court of
the cotintvof Cluckiuuas, state of Oregon, on the
21th day of July, 1SUU, and flltd herein .
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
Department or thb Intebiob,
CmrKU states Land Offiob.
Oheoom City, Oregon, July 3, 18'J9
ASUFFICIKN D contest affidavit, dated Jung 8,
18SID, having been tiled in this office by Peter
Kraus, oouteslaut, sgalnst homestead entry Ko.
11,006 . made November 19, 1896, for the v!4 sec
tion 24 townsh p 7 8, range 2 e, by James L, Da
vis, contestoe, in which it is alleged that the said
James L, Davis has wholly abandoned said tract
and changed his residence therefrom for more
than 24 months since making said eutrv and
next prior to the date named in said aliidavit;
that his absence f rom Slid claim has not been by
reason of service In the army or navy of the U, S
in time of war, and that said tract Is not settled
up li and cultivated by said pa'ty as required by
law, said parties are hereby untitled' to appear,
respond and otter evidence touching said nlleea
tlonat 10 o'o.ock a. m. on Aug. 22, 180!), bu'ore
Ihe register and receiver at tlie United States land
olll e In Oregon city, Oregon.
J The said contestant having, n a proper afft.la
' vit, lied July 1, 1899, set forth facts which show
thai alter Hue (lllllgenee personal service of this
notice can not be mad , It Is hcicby ordered and
directed that such notice be given liv due and
proper publication. CHAS. li. MOOUES,
In the circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
tlie County o! Clackamas,
W. W. Jesse,
Plalntitr, t
, vs. ).
1 lUv. L. Mathews et al,
I'eletHl, mis j
State of Oregon, Count y i f Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution, duly issued out ol and
under tlie seal of the above entitled conn, in Ihe
above entitled came, to me duly directed and
dated tlie 12 h day nf Julv, 1S99, upon a
judgment rendered and .'i.toreil In said court on
tho 27lh day of April, ls'.w, In favor of W. W.
Jesse, pliilullll', and ngain-i M irlha .V. Harlow, T.
C. Andrews and others nil r ihe name and style
of the ministry and nieuinersliln of the Method
ist Kpiseopnl Church of the United Slates of
America, and to E. II. Rinisby, William Kvans
and Martha A 1) irlow as trustees of and for said
society, and W. .V. Weed, defendants, for tlie
sum oi 11.10.25, with interest thereon at the rate
ol 0 per cent per annum from the 87111 dav oi
April, mm, ami ihe turther sum of $14. 0 costs
and disbursements, aud tho costs of and upon
this writ, commanding mo out of the personal
propel ty of sa id defendants, and if sufficient
could not he fjuuil, then out of the real property
belonging to said defendants ou aud alter the
date of said judgment to satisfy said sum of
fin. m, wiui internal, ana also ihe costs or and
upon this said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, being unable to
tind any personal property of said defendants, I
did on the lUth day of July, m, duly levy upon
the foKottlug Jouiioed real pioperly oi said de
fendants situate aud being in the county nf Cluok
aulas aud slate of Oregon, to-wit: Lota 7 and S In
block No. 3. lownslte of hallow, together with
theohurch building snd contenu, Including 24
seats, situated on said lots, owned and controlled
by the ministry and membership of the Method
ist Kplsoonal Church of the United Slate, of
America; alsi the. northwest quarter and the
west half of the southwest quarter of thu north
east quarler aud the was bait of the west half of
the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter,
being parts of seotlon 8, township 4 south, range 1
east of the Willamette meildian, conla'ning 190
acres, more or less, ai recorded s ilie property of
Manila A. Barlow, one of above defendants.
And I will, on
at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p, m., at the front
door of the Oounty Court House in the City ol
Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at
public auction, siildeot to redemption, lo the
highest bidder, for V. 8. gold coin, cash ill hand,
all the right, title and interest which the within
named defendants or either of tliem hail on the
date of said judgment or since had in or lo
the above described real property or any pari
thereof, to satisfy said above judgment
order, decree, interest, costs aud all a .'.-ruing
costs. J. J, COOKE,
Sheriff of Cltekamas Countv, Oregon.
Dated Oregou City, Ore., July IS, lsiw.
Has Reopened the
Marqnam Blacksmith Shop
And will do horse shoeing and all kinds
of general work at lowest prices
In the (Mreult Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Counly of Clackamas.
Mrs. Martha Itlngo, as guardian of
tlie persons nmi estate of tlie mi
nor heirs of H. C. Kiugo, de
ceased, Plaintiff,
Gi orge F. Blair, Tressa A. Blair, his
wife, and E. C. Hansen,
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution, duly issued out of aud
under the seal of the abov- entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed aud
dated the 20th day of June. 1899. upon ajuda-
mont rendi red and entered in said court on the
Llth day of June. 1899. in favor of Mrs. Martha
Hlngo, as guardian of the persons and estate of
tne minor luursot H.c. Ktngo, deceased, plain
tiff, and against fieoree F. Dial'. Tressa A. Hlnir.
his wife, and E. C. Hansen, d. feiidants, for the
sum of S185 00. with interest thereon at the rate
of 10 pei cent per annum from the 13th dav of
June, 1899, and the lurlher sum of J.'iO.OO as at
tomey's fee, and the further sum of $11.00 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of at d upon
this writ, Commanding me lo make sale of the
follow ing described real property, situate In the
county of Clackamas, state ' I Oregon, to-wlt:
Being a part of tlie Wm. Groshong D. L. C , In
township 6 sou h, range I east of the Willamette
meridian!, an. 1 bounded as follows: Beginning
eighty (80) rods north of the southeast corner of
the Wm, Oroslmng P. L. O. on the eastern line
thereof, and running thence west one hundred
and sixty rods((tu); thence nortli forty rods (40);
, thence east one hundred aud sixty ro.ls (100) to
me sain claim line; tnence snuiii rorty roils (4Ui
to the place of b ginning, containing forty acres
(40), the same being the interest devised to
'.coral' F, Bluir by the last vill and testament of
Rlioiia A Blair, deceased.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu loii,
Judgmont order and decree, and in ocmpliatlce
with the commands of taid wrii, 1 will, on
1899, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House In the city of
Oregon City. In said county and state, sell at pub
lie auction, Bubjtct to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for tj, S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendants, or either ol them, nad on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had In or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution judgment Older, deoree,
interest, costs and all accruing costa,
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon .
Dated, Oregon City, Ote June 27, 1899,
NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned
was on the 27ih day of June. 1899, appointed
administratrix of the estate of Michael M. Shlve
ly, deceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are requested to present them lo me
at my home near Monitor, Oregon, properly veri
fied, within six months of the date of this notice.
Dated Ibis 29lh dav of June, 1899.
SVRAH E.'SHIVKLY, Administratrix
E. P. Mohcom, Woodbnrn.Ove.,
Attorney for Administratrix.
NOTICE Is hereby given lha' the uuderslgncd
has been appointed administratrix of the es
tate of Adam Zimmerman, deceased, and that all
persons having claims against said estale are re
quired to present them to me at my residence,
cniiby, Oregon, within s x months from the date
of this publication.
Administratrix of Kstate of
Adam Zimmerman, Deceased.
Dated Oanby. Oregon. July 13th, 1899.
Chas. N. Wait, ".ttorney for Estate.
New Summer Temptation in Dry Goods
Our Oregon City Patrons Find Our Store not only the one where
they can have their wants supplied with greatest satisfaction
but also the most convenient shopping place in Portland
Cas regon City Cars Pass the Door
Widest am) best Table Oilcloth, in white or 1C a
colors, per yard W
Full-width white Table Damask in choice i)E
patterns, per yard iJw
Choice patterns In good-stied Lace Curtains X(t
Willi taped edges, per pair tVv
Heavy double-width Unbleached Sheeting Oli
per yard
Wagon or Tent Canvas, heaviest grade, per 1 p
Heavy Cottonade Pants Goods In dark col- Qfln
ors and neat patterns, per yard ttJt
Heavy Unbleached Linen Toweling, per yd glQ
Extra heavy Blue Denim, per yard J;a
Carpet House
Pepartmfnt op the Interior,
United States Land Office,
Ohegon City, Oregon, June 27, 1899.
A SUFFICIENT contest sffldavlt, dated May
Hi, 1899, having been tiled in this office by
Orville Robertson, contestant, against homestead
entry No. 10542, made March 2, 1893. for the n w
sction 24, township 8 s, range 5 e, ly William
N. Tatro, contestce, In which it Is alleged that
"the said William N. Tatro has wholly abandoned
said claim for more than two years prior hereto
and that he has not resided on said claim for
more than two years last past and during said
time he has not cultivated or improved said
claim, nor any one acting for him; that his ab
sence has not bf en due to his employment in the
mill ary or naval service of the Uniud States in
time nf war," said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond and offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 15. 1899,
before the register and receiver of the United
states land office in Oregon City, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affida
vit, Bled June 19, 1899, set forth facts which show
that after due diligence personal service of this
notice can not lie made, it is hereby ordered and
directed that such notice he given by due and
proper publication. CHA. B. MOORK8.
In the Circuit Court nf the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clai kamas.
Valentine Hoff,
Caroline Hoff,
Defendant, j
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
a cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of Ihe above entitled court, in the
alJoVt entitled cause, to me duly direotcd, and
dated the 27lh day if June, 1899. upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court on the
lfllh day of June. 1899, In favor of Caroline Hoff,
defendant, and against Valentine Hoff, plaintiff,
for the sum of S260.00, and the further sum of
25.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of
and upon this wtit, commanding me out of the
pe sonal property of sniti plaintiff, and If suffic
ient could not be found then out of the real
property belonging to sld plaintiff on and after
Ihedate of said Kith day of June, 1899, to satisfy
ihe sum of f275.00 and also the costs upon this
said writ.
Now. therefore, by virtue of tal.l execution,
uldgment order and decree, and Incompliance
with the commands of said writ, being unable to
And any personal property of said plaintiff. I
did on tiie 201 li day of June. 1896. dnlv lew noon
the following described real nropertv of said
plaintiff, situate and being in the county of Clack
amas and state of Oregou, to-wit:
Comtuencine at a point 80 rods south of the
northwest corner of the east half of the donation
land claim of Nathaniel Hell, In township three
13) south, range one (1) cast of the Willamette
meridian, in Clackamas county, Oregon; thence
south 80 reds: thence east 07 M rods: thence north
80 rods: thence wesl 07 j, rods to Ihe place of be
ginning; and I will, on
at the honrof 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of
the court house In the city nf Oregon City, in said
county and state, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest Wilder, for U.S.
gold coin, cash in hand, all ihe right, title and in
lorest which the within namod plaintiff had on
Hie date of said judgment, or since had, in or to
the aove described real pioperly or anv part
hereof, to g"tisfy said execution, judgment "order,
decree, interest, costs and all accruing cosss.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July 1, 1899.
W, Orepian anil CoiirierHerali $2-
Piques, Madras, Percales and White Lawns 7C Girls' and Misses' Lt Knl(i. 1. -
NEW SUMMER Mga 50c cpier,repai,rPa:ent e,a,p Ume spp"'M0c
WAI.fflNfi otti Crashes, Ducks or 7K
it aUxYlllU r,u,c, corded Tweeds, 'OC
SKIRTS marked'6''0' Trimmed, jjS Mc"nUrg' 8lraw VMi Hats all sires, JQq
Ladles' slid Girls' Hats 15c I All Latest shapes and colors in Men's and OC,
nPATiVrilR in varieties of the OK a , t .
auaun baR paln Sailor Style or 3C Boys Crash or Linen Hals now on sale AND
with Fancr Sashes and Quills. Cheapest Cfln QRa
In Portland at OUC O0C
a4 7IJq
r.TnT!, Examine our Big Assortment QC 's""n wlsht Undershirts on tale JC a
UlltliO of Girls' Percale, Olngham O0Q " WV
nRPftQPQ and Cheviot Dresses, stjl- CA. ,
fi a ran fa otic' Cor Firsl Sal31 03 Sl
llCillcilICilI& PORTLAND, ORE.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,,
for the County of Clackamas.
Susan M, Williams,
William P. Williams,
Defendant, j
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
Y virtue of a judgment order, decree and arr
execution, duly issued out of and under thar
seal of the above entitled court, in the above enti
tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 27th
day of June, 1S99, upon a judgment rendered and
entered in said court on the 27th day of April,
1899, In favor of Susan M. Williams, plaintiff, and
against William P. Williams, defendant, tor tho
sum of $500, with Interest thereon at the rate of
6 per cent per ennum from the lath dav of June,.
1899. and the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make Bale of tho following de
scribed real properly, situate in the county of
Clackamas, Btate of Oregon, to wit:
Two thirds interest of the southeast quarter of
section 22, township 6 south of range 2 east of the
Willamette meridian.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturt
THE uth DAY OP AUOUST, 1899,.
at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front door"
of the county court house in Ihe city of Oregon City.
In said county and state, sell at public auction sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, forU 8.
gold coin. Oash in hand, all the right, title and in
terest which the within name! defend-
flllt. lldlt nn 111. An r.1 -
.... . .. . u, u, ,no muneage)
herein, or since had. In or to the above described'
. r..-K..,,-, . nllJ vn,v LiiBrcui, 10 saiisiy said
execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costsi
And nil aift.M(n mu.. t t mr t
.. w. '." wo,o. , j ijuenvii.
Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon..
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 8th, i899.
Depabtment of the Tntebiob.
United States I and Office '
Oiieoon City, Oregon, June 27, 1899. )
SUFFICIENT contest affidavit, dated May 16'.
1899. having been filed in this nhw h n w'
Robertson, contestant, against homestead entry
No. 97(16, made .Innuary 21, 1892. for sw section
14, township 8 s, range 5 e, by Oliver M. Eby, con
bjslee, in whiclt It is alleged that "the said Oliver
M. Kby has wholly abandoned said claln and
that he has not resided on the same for the past,
three years, nor has he made anv improvements:
(hereon during Bald time, nor has he cultivated;
Ihe same during said time, or any one acting for
him, that his absence has not been due to his em
ployment In the military or naval service of the
United Slates in time of war," said paities are
heroby notified to appear, respond and offer evi
dence touching said allegation at 1 o'clock p. m.
on August 15. 1899. before the resistor and receive
f r at he United Stales laud office in Oregon City.
Oregon. "
The said contestant having, in proper affidavit,
tiled June 19, 1899. set forth facts which show
Hint sfler due dilligence personal service of this
mil Ice fan not be made, tt is herebv ordered and
directed that such noti' e he given by due audi
proper publication. CHA-j. B. MOORKS,
MOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of D. W, Howell
deceased, by the County Court) of Ihe countv of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, and all persons hav
ing claims against said estate must present them
to the undersigned, duly verified, at mvofrleein
O-egon City, Oregon, within six months from
this date. BRITOE f! nriRnv
Adininistrat.il with the Will annexed of the estate
of W. D Howell, deceased.
Dated this 11th day of July, 1899.