Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 28, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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ftf Land Titles nd Lanfl
OLlice Business a Specialty.
Will practice In all the Courts of the Btate and
te Bureaus of the Interior Dsparlment at Wash
(ton. Koom 8, Chabmah Buildino,
i SDeutfdcx Stbbotat.
Oregon ity, Oregon
Office with H. E. Cross.
Will practice In all the CeurtB of the Slate and
the 0. 8. Land Office. Abst acts made. Land Ti
to Quieted. Conveyances and all Legal Docu
ments drawn. Real Estate bought and sold. Divor
es a Specialty. Office in Caufield Builmno,
Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Up Stairs
CAPITAL f 100,000
Transacts a General Banking Business
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col-
factions. Buys and sells exchange on all polnti
n the United States and Europe and on Hong
Kong. Deposits received subject to check.
Bank open from 9 A M. to 4 F. M.
President. Cashier.
Commercial, Real Estate and Probata Law
Specialties .
Office In Commercial Bank Building
Geo. C. Bbownku J. U. Campbku
Caufield Building Oregon City, Or
Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's,
2)eutfd)et SIbtoolat.
Is unknown unless everything connected with the
oain tun is in period order.
The Plumbing done bv us is thoroughly satisfac
tory because it is done right.
Proceedings of the July Term of the
County Board.
(Continued from last week.;
In ibe matter of building a small
bridge in road district No. 24 It is or
dered by the board that Supervisor
Smith, of said district, build said bridue.
In the matter of the bids for building
a bridge across North Rock creek The
time having arrived for opeuing said
bids, which were as follows: ,
A W France, Howe truss $1,200 00
Pacific Bridge Co., Pratt truss. 1,210 00
Pacific Bridge Co., Pratt truss.
steel cylinders 1,600 00
Royal k Son, Howe truss 1.200 00
Royal A Sun, tieir own plan... 1,094 00
taken in time will often head off a seri
ous illness.
Our pills for Biliousness, Torpid liver.
Loss of appetite, Sick headache, Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and all
kindred complaints are of the highest
standard of quality, being prepared in
the most careful manner from absolutely
pure drugs.
In Boxes at 25c. We keep all the well
known makes of Pills.
Cut Rate Druggists.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to Noblitt & Co. will be expected
to call and settle at once. No exceptions
will be made, as we wish to pay pur
bills, and desire others to do likewise so
that we can litt & Co,
The Shasta Route
ExpressTrains Leave Portland Daily.
South. North.
7 0OP.M. I,v Portland Ar tjOOA.y
7.52p.m. Lv OreRon t'lty Lv 7 00a.
7:4fA.M. Ar Ban Francisco Lv 7:0n p.
5:00p.m. Ar Ogden Ar 1:10 p.m
6:05 p.m. Ar Denver Lv 6:45 p.m
6:40 a.m. Ar Omulia Ar 8:60 A ll
8:15P.M. Ar Chicago Lv 6:30 A.M
7:00 a.m. Ar Los Angeles Ar 9:26 p.m
8:15 p.m. Ar Kl Paso Ar 2:35 P.M
4:15 p.m. Ar Fort Worth Ar 8:40 A.M
7:56 A.M. Ar New Orleans Ar 8:40 pm
Notary Public and Real Estate Broker
Iiadims Insurance Aoehcy of Clackamas
Monev to Loan. Abstract! of Title Made
Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty
Office on east side or main street
Between 6th and 7th
(Hospital and Private Experience.)
Offers his professional services to the people of
Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention
paid to Catarrh and Chroulo disease.
Best ol references given.
Office in Willamette Building.
Office hours: 10 to 13 a. m., 4 to i jt. m.
Barclay Building, Oregon City, Ore.
Prices Moderate . All Operations Guaranteed.
Office In Caufield Building, Main Street
Oregon Oitv.
Bridgb and Obown Wore a Specialty.
All work warranted and satisfaction
Seventh Street, near 8. P. Depot,
t . .
Graduate of the Northwestern Univer
sity Dental School, also of American Col
. lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago.
Willamette Block - OppotiU Pottoffice
Obegoh Citt, Obegon.
(Established 1865 ,
Parcels Delivered to All Partt of the City
J. C. BRADLEY. Prop.
Nofalitt Livery and Sale Stable
Oithe Street between the Bridge and the
Double and tingle rigs and laddie horses a
trays oa hand at tha lowest rate,nd a ooirj
alM eonneeted with the Urn for loose ttocj
AnYtnfonnaUon regarding any kind of sloes
Botoptli attend! to bj letter or person.
Pullman First cUss and Tourist Cars
attached to all through trains.
8:30A.M. , Lv Portland Ar4:80p.M
9:20A.M. Lv OregonClty Lv H:84f.
5:20 p.m. Ar Roseburg Lv I 7:3
7:80 A.M. I l.v Portland Ar5:60P.M
11:55 A.M. I Ar Corvailis Lv 1:10 P.M
At Albany and Oorvalils connect with train
of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R.
4:50P. M.
7.80 P.M.
8:30 P. M.
8:25 A.M
4:50 A.M
Direct connection at fun Erancifco with
Steamship Lines for Hawaii. Japan. ( hina, tin
PlilliuniueR and Australia.
For through tickets and rates call on 'or address
E. E. UOTI), Agent, Oregon City
Manager, u. F. P Ag' ni,
Portland, Or. Portland, Or.
roa From Port and. from
Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Fast
kail Ft.Wonu, Omaha, Mail.
l:Wp.m. Kansas City, 8t 6:46 p.m.
Louis, Chicago,
and East.
Spokane Walla Walla, 8po- Spokane
Flyer kane, Mlnneapo- Flyer
I4f. m. Us, St. Paul, Du- 1:80 a. m
ltith, Milwaukee,
Chicago and East
IMi.b. Oeean Steamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portlsnd.
Sail every flva days. .
8:00 p. m. Columbia River 4:00 p.m.
Ii. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday
111:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way
l;Ni.n. Wlllamstte Rlnr. 4:80 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New-
tng.Baleia A Way
7:00 a. ro. Willamette and Ytas- 1:80 p.m.
Tues., Thur. hill Rivera. Mon.. Wed.
ui Bat. end Fri.
Oregon City, Day
ton, & Way Land
ings. (:00 a.m. Willamette River. 4:80 p.m.
lues.. ThM. Tuee., Thar,
ud Sat, Portland to Corral- end Bab
lis Way Land
Ufa. -
la. BtPejrie Snake River. LvLxwlsJfcn
2:30a.m. Eiparla to Uwlston ' !
daily y r 1 1 ' :
H Ralston, Howe truss 1,333 00
Puget Sound Co., combination
cylinder piers. 130-foot span . 2.230 03
Puget found Co., combination
bent Dieib. 130-foot snan.... 1.680 00
Puget Sound Co., steel cylinder
piers. 180-foot snan 2.950 00
J W McCov. Howe truss 997 00
Moms & Olds, do . 943 0(1
W S Payne, do 970 00
and it appealing to the board that the
bid of Munia & Olds is the lowest and
best, it is ordeied that tbe contract be
awarded to Morris A Olds for $948 and
that the board will conlract with tiieiu
for the same.
In the matter of the subscription list
of donation w rk in road di-.trict No. 25
It is ordered bv the board that said
subscription list be accepted, and Super
visor Barth, of said district, be ordered
to work out same about the 17th of this
month, in accordance with said petition.
In the matt:r of the petition and sub
scription list from road district No 24
It is ordered by the board that said pe
tition be granted and the petitioners be
allowed $15 from the road, fund to aid
in said work.
In the matter of the petition of E. H.
Burghardt et al for a county road In
the matter of the petition tiled by E. J.
But gnai dt and more than twelve house
holders of the county living in the viein
ny of the road described in the pelition
and praying viewers to be appointed to
view and locate a county road in Clacka
mas county, Oregon, described in full as
lollows: .beginning at the quarter cor
ner stone between sections 10 and In,
township 2 south, range 3 east Willam
ette meridian, following as near as prac
ticable the loliowing course and distan
ces: bouth b chains, south 40 deg. east
8 chains, south 7 deg. east 1.97 chains,
south 54 deg. east 92 links, south 36 deg.
east bo links, soul h 43 deg. east 2Mb
chains, souih 47 deg. east 52 links, south
53 deg. east 84 links, south 42 deg. east
70 links, south 31 deg. east 80 links,
south 39 deg. east 1.90 chains, south 09
deg. east 1.18 chains, south 58 deg
east 72 links, South 65 deg. east 60 links,
south Zb deg. east 1.05 chains, south b7
deg. east 2.49 chains, south 27 deg east
98 links, south 2b deg west 35 links,
south 1 deg. west 67 links, south 81
deg. west 75 links, south 40 deg. west
1.10 chains, south 86 deg. west 1.82
chains, south 58 Ji, deg. west 1.78 chains,
south 28 deg. east 2 chains, south 1h
deg. west 1 chain, south 3u deg. west
2.30 chains, south It deg. west 1.91
chains, south 83 deg. west 1.39 chains,
south 41 deg. west 2.28 chains, south 55
deg west 2.85 chains, south 15 deg west
2.55 chains, south 27,! deg. went 2.78
chains, south 5 deg. we'st 8.44 chains to
a stone marked "K. Q " and X on top
at foot of Deep Creek hill tor terminal
point, and vacate all that portion oi Ihs
present road between the beginning and
terminal points and not included in this
petition, baid petitioner hied his affi
davit of notices posted respecting said
road, showing that there bad been post
ed one on the court houte bulletin hoard
and three in three of the most public
places in the vicinity of tbe proposed
road, more than thirty days prior to the
presentation of thiB petition, lie also
filed a bond of $100 conditioned accord
ing to law. Tbe board being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that Curia Heiser,
Henry Hoffmaster and P. Judd be and
hereby are appoinled viewers, to meet
at place of beginning on Wf-dnesclay, the
26th inst., and subscribe to a written
oath of office administered by J. W.
Meldium, deputy county surveyor, he
being appointed by the board to survey
said road, before proceeding to view and
locate said road, and report in writing
at the next re gular term of this board.
In the matter ot the re-survey of the
Long read and report ol viewers thereon
This matter coming on now regularly
to he heard, and it appealing to ti e
board that only two of said viewers met,
and the board being lully advised, it is
ordered that for said reason eaid view
be declared illegal and that the expense
of said view and eurvey be paid by
Clackamas county. It is also further
fl.'T-lr nf t.Kta l,rta, ta tiaroh, nr.lara.
issue said license.
In the matter of the report of the
viewers of damages on the petition of B.
F. Linn et al for a county road The re
port of said viewers of damages coming
un now to be heard and the affidavit of
said viewers of damages having no mag
istrate's jurat attached to it to show that
said viewers had ever been sworn, and
the board being fully advised in the
matter, it is ordered that said report be
declared illegal; and it ia further or
dered that John Shannon, L. D. Mum
power and C. E. Spence, eaid viewers of
damages, be ordered to meet at the
premises of Owen Hughes, said claim
ant for damages, on the 31st inst., and
view said road the whole distance
through the lands of said Owen Hughes
and see how much less valuable, if any,
said land would become by reason of the
opening and location of said Linn road
as petitioned for an J report inii v r i g
at the next regular meeting of this
The board now adjourned to meet to
morrow, the 7th inst., ai 9:30 a. m.
chains to fir stake markel R. A., from
which a fir 8 inches in diameter bears
north 69 deg. -10 min. west 0.60 chains,
marked B. A. B. T.; south 48 deft. 22
min. west 10.28 chains to a fir stake
marked R. A. at 4 55 chains across old
road up the hill from which an oak 8
inches in diameter bears south 64 deg.
40 min. west 0.60 chains, marked R. A.
B. T. ; south 3) dea. 55 min. west 4.63
we3t 16.3 feet to stak marked 0 4.30;
thence south 26 deg. 22 min. east 106 2.
feet to stake marked Sta 15x49.2 gr;ide;
thence south 59 deji. 36 min west I20.&
feet to stake marked Sta 16x75.5 grade ;
thence south 50 deg. 23 min. west 240.2
feet to stake marked Sta 19x15.70 grade;
thence south 26 deg. 55 min. west 109.3
feet to stake marked Sta 20x25 grade ;
thence south 21 deg. 2 min. west 134 feet
chains to a stone 10x10x20 inches, X on to stake marked Sta 21x59 arade ; thence-
top, irom which a large boulder marked south 10 detr. 5 min. west 123.7 feet to a
vv. K. bears north 28 deg. 40 min. west stike.marked Sta 22x82.7 grade; thence
0.56 chains ! south 57 dea. 25 min. west
2.20 chains to a stone X on top 8x8x30
inches in trees; soutu 63 deg. 20 min.
west 3.03 chains to a fir stake marked
R. B., frum which a barberry 5 inches
in diameter bears south 24 deg. 40 min.
east 0.56 chains, marked R. A. B. T.;
south 46 deg 25 min. west 2.10 chains to
a fir stake marked R. A., from which an
oak 6 inches in diameter bears south 53
deg. east 0 94 chains, marked R. A. B
Friday, July 7th, 1899.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
board and officers present as of yester
day, the 6th inst. The minutes of that
day being read aud approved, and now
on this duy the loliowing business was
In the matter of the application of G.
O. Fields for a railway franchise At
thiB time the application of G C. Fields,
of Oanemah, Clackamas county, state ot
Oregon, for a franchise to lay down and
operate a railway along and upon the
county road from the most southerly
end ot Main street in Oregon City to the
north boundary line of the town of Ua
nemah, where said county road enters
or connects with Main street in said
town of Canemah, thence along and up
on said Main street in the town of Cane
mah to the southernmost limit of said
town of Canemab, and to erect poles and
appliances and stretch wires thereon foi
the purpose of transmitting power ovtr
the same, comes on to be heard; and it
appearing from the petition and tetll
inony heard in the mttter, and alter
viewing said road, and it appearing that
it would be for the best interest of all
concerned that the prayer of said peti
tion be granted, and the said petitioner
appearing and assenting thereto, it is
therefore ordered that U. C. Fields, his
heirs and assigns, be and is hereby
granted the full privilege and tight for
and during the term ol ntiy years irom
the hi'Bt day ot July, A. V. 1899, to con
btruct, maintain and operate a tingle or
double track railroad of iron or stt-el,
with necessary turnouts, turntables and
switches, and to erect poles and stretch
wires thereon for the purpose of trans
mitting power and current1 over the
same along and upon the county road on
and near the east bank of the Willam
ette rher between Main street in Ote
gon City and Main f tieet in the town of
Canemah, Oregon, also along and upon
Main street in the town of Canemah
from the no-tli to the south boundaries
thereof, for the purpose of tiausmitting
passengers, freight and express, with
privilege to propel the cars with horses,
electricity, cable or otherwise, except
cteatn, and with privilege of collecting
fare each way not to exceed five cents
lor each passenger for one continuous
passage between the terminal points
mentioned, upon condition that at least
one track of said railway shall be com
pleled and in operation by the first day
of December, A. D. 19J0; and if for any
reason the whole line or distance de
scribed is not finished and in operation
within the time stated, the rijiht granted
herein over the unfinished part shall be
forfeited and of no effect. Cars shall run
over said railway after December 1st,
1900, at least as frequent as every thirty
minutes from 6 o'clock a. m. until 7:30
o'clock p. m. and thereafter at least once
an hour until 10 :3J o'clock p. m. of each
day (unavoidable delays and accidents
excepted); and where said street or ruad
shall be improved by graveljng or other
wise, said oner or owners of said rail
way shall at their own expense at the
same time improve 1 he same between
the rails of its track or tracks and one
foot on either side of said track or tracks
with the same material as the said
street or road shall be improved; and
t!ie said G. C. Fields, his succe-sors or
assigns, shall so lay, construct Rnd
maintain the trat ks of said railway that
the top of the rails shall be even with
the surface of said street or toad, where
permanently improved. It is furiher
ordered and understood that this fran
chise is granted upon the vundiiion that
in the event of any portion of sail rail
way being hereafter taken within the
city limits of any town, city or munici
pal" corporation, this franchise shall be
subject to enforcement by such munici
pal corporation.
In the matter of the claim of G. II.
Perrott for a tax rebate In the matter
ordered that Robert Brown. John Dar- of the claim of G. II. Perrott for return
ling and John Dixon meet at place of
beginning of said Long road on the 14th
inst. and view and cauBe to be surveyed
the first mile of the old original Long
road and report in writing at the next
regular term of this board.
John II. Darling, 1 day, 6 miles. .
Robert J. Brown, 1 day, 8 miles. ,
John W. Meldrum, 1 day, 6 miles
, E. DONALDSOX, Agent. Oregon City.
tteserel Passenger Agent. Portland, Ot.
Total 10 20
In the matter of bids for plank on the
Molalla road Bids for plank for the
Molalla road were received and opened
as follows, to-wit:
Trullinger Bros., per m at mill $5 50
per m delivered on road 7 00
Bagsby Bros, per m delivered on
the road. 7 00
Lindsey & Son, per m delivered on
the road 7 00
Mulino Lumber Co., per in deliv
ered on the road 7 00
and the board not being fully advised,
it is ordered that said bide be laid over
until the adjourned term of this board,
which will be held on the 2-!d inst.
In tbe matter of L. Freeman, a county
charge It is ordered by the board that
L. i reeman for the pres-
of $7.28 paid on an erroneous tux sale of
b4 of neJi sec. 20, twp. 6 a, range 2 e,
for taxes ot 1889, the claim is allowed
and the clerk ordered to issue a warrant
for said amount.
G H Perrott ....... 7 28
In the matter of advertising for wood
for the court house It is ordered by the
board that the clerk advertise for fifty
cords of good, round body fir wood for
the court house.
In the matter of the individual petition
of the Portland General Electric Co fr
the relocation of a porti n of the Wil
lamette Falls road N ow comes the Port
land General Electric Co., by their sec
retary, Ohas. H. Caufield, and petitions
th i board fur a relocation of a part of the
Wfllamette Falls road where it runs
through their property, as follows, to
wit :
Part of survey of Willamette Falls
road to be vacated Beginning at the
center of the northerly end of the north
erly approach of the suspension bridge
across the Willamette river at Oregon
City, in section 31. township 2 south of
range 2 east, from which an oak 6 inches
in diameter bears south 39 deg. went
1.10 chains marked B A.R. T. Var2t
deg. ; running thence north 34 deg. 20
min. west o.ia chains to nr stage 4
t5 be granted L. Freeman
ent, he agreeing to ask no further assist
ance from the county, aud the order inches sonata marked R. A., from which
made at the June term in regard to eaid ftn oat g inches In diameter bears south
matter is hereby rescinded and an- ,iai deo. west 1.26 chains marked R. A.
B. T. ; north 79 de. 45 min. west 4.ui
L Freeman $5 00
In the matter of the application of
Carl Goodmen for a peddler's license
This matter coming on to be heard on
the application of Carl Goodmen for a
peddler's license in Clackamas county,
aud the board being fully advised, it is
ordered that said Cart Goodmen be
granted a peddler's license for two
months for tbe earn of G,65, and the
chains to fir stake 4 inches square
marked R. A., from which a far 10
inches in diameter bears north 84i deg.
west 1.15 chains marked R. A. B. T. ;
south 22 dez. 25 min. west 5.50 chains
across corner of Clubhouse property to a
fir stake marked R. A., from which a
maple 14 inches in diameter bears north
65 deg. west 0 55 chain marked R. A.
B. T. ;' south 39 deg. 10 min. west 4.30
south 61)4 deg. west 5.65 chains to
an angle oak 7 inches in diameter
marked R. A. : south 47 deg. west 18 03
chains to a fir stake in center of north
easterly end of finished grade of Willam
ette Falls road now built. Total dis
tance, 64 88 choins.
Change in linn, survev of v lilamette
Falls 10 id Field notes as follows:
Beginning at the center of the north
erly end of the northerly approach of the
suspension bridge across the Willamette
river at Oregon City, in section 31, town
ship 2 souh of range 2 east, the center
line of which bridge bears north 35 deg.
3( min. west, running thence north 10
deg. 27 min west 277 feet to a fir stake ;
thence north 83 dfg. 22 miu. west 4)0.6
feet to a fir stake : thence south 20 deg.
52 min. west 429 feet to a fir stake:
thence south 42 deg. 43 min. west 287
feet to a fir stake ; thence south 49 deg.
34 min. west 549 fet to a fit stake;
thence south 25 deg. 49 min. west 337 7
leet to a fir stake; thence south 51 deg.
14 min. west. 138 3 feet to a fir staKe :
thence south 63 deit. 14 min. west 159
feet to a fir slake; thence south 52 deg.
44 min. west 785 feet to . a fir Btake:
thence Boiith 44 deg. 40 min. west 917
feet to a fir stake in center of northeast
erly end of finished grado of Willamette
VrUs road now built. Total distance.
4349.6 feet.
I 1 erehy certify that the above survey
is coirect. T. W. Sullivan.
And the board being full.v advised, it
is ordered that Henry Ralston. C. A
Miller and Hiram Straight be and are
hereby appointed viewers, to meet at
piece of beginning on the 25th inst. and
subscribe to a written oath of office ad
ministered by T. W. Sullivan, skillful
surveyor, (he being appointed by the
hoard to survey sa-.d road) before nro-
ceeding to view and locate said road and
report in writing at the next regular
term ot this board.
In the mitter of the petition of E.J
Yocum for a tax rebate and correction
of tax roll of 18;8 This mutter enmhie
on to he heard at this time up m the ap
plication of E. J. Yorum for a correc
tion of the tax roll of 1898, on which the
property of said petitioner is wrongiuliy
assessed, and it appearing to the board
that said K. J. Yokum Is now and for a
number of years has been the owner of
the east of the Wm. DeShields D. L.
C, in sec. 27, township 3 south, range 4
east, containing 160 acres; that on the
tax roll for 18U8 the assessor inadvert
ently copied the assessment of one Au
gust Yergain and entered same as
against said E.J.Yocum on said roll;
and it furiher appearing that the assess
ment of the wes't y2 of said Win. De-
Shields I). L. C, belonging to Wm.
Siubbe, for the year 1898, said west
being of same quality of laud as east
was $9 per acre for tillable and $1 25 for
non tillable land ; that petitioner owned
at lime of making said 1898 roll 50 acres
of tillable and 110 acres of non-tillable
land and that the value of petitioner's
improvements upon said lands has been
fixed by the asses-sor for 1899 at fiO.
Now, on motion of Hednes & Griffith.
a'torneys for petitioner, it is ordered
that the said tax roll for 1898 ho and the
sheriff is hereby authorized to amend
the same so that the assessment of peti
tioner, E. J. Yocum, thereon shall rend
as follows :
E J. Yocum, east of the Wm De
Shields D. L. C. in sec. 27, township 3
south, range 4 east, 60 aeres tillable,
450 ; 110 acres non-tillable, JU37.50;
improvements on lands, $50; the other
items of said assessment to remiiin the
same; and the sheriff is hereby directed
to ci llect. taxes on said amended assess
ment Hnd to collect from said K. J Yo
cum Kt ito taxes foi 1898 on the full
amount of assessment as entered on the
roll before the muking of this amend
ment. In tho matter of the petition of Ward
Lawton and more than 12 householders
of the county living in the vicinity of
the road described I "in full as follows:
Commencing at a stone 20x8x6 Inches,
marked X on top, set at the point where
the center line of Third street, In Ore
gon City, intersects the west line of the
right of way of the Oregon and Califor
nia railroad, and running thence south
17 deg. 10 min. enst 72.9 ftet to a fir
stake 4 inches in diameter marked R,
A. .across track and 45 feet distance from
cenler line of the main track ; thence
south 40 deg. 4D min. west 311.5 feet to
a fir stake 4 inches square marked B.
A., set 45 feet distance from center line
of main track of O. & 0. railway j thence
south 42 deg. 40 min. west 417 feet to a
stone 3x3x3 inches marked X on top;
thence south 30 deg. west 92 feet to a
stone marked X on top; thence south 9
deg. east 316.5 feet to a Btono 3x2x3
inches marked X on top; thence south
31 deg 24 min. west 219.d feet to an oak
stake 2 inches square marked F 0 7 on
southeast; thence south 56 deg east
along center line
165 feet to a stake
center line of Seventeenth and High
streets ; thence south 34 deg. west along
cenler line of High street 103.6 feet to a
stake marked C 1.4; thence south 44 deg.
19 min. west 84 3 feet to a stake marked
Sta 3x58 grade ; thence south 33 deg. 9
min west 110.2 feet to a stake marked
Sta 4x02.5, 0 1.70 ; thence south 03 deg,
8 min. west 113.8 feet to a stake marked
Sta 5x77 J3 grade ; thence south 58 deg.
37 min. west 69.3 feet to a stake marked
Sta 6x46.6 grade; thence south 41 deg.
12 min. west 219.8 feet to a slake marked
C5.75; thence south 31 deg. 34 min.
west.'123.2 feet to a stake marked Sta
9x89.2 grade ; thence south 16 deg. 42
min. west',167.6 feet to a stake marked
Sta 11x56.8 grade; thence south 38 deg.
49 min west 100 feet to a stake marked
Sta 12x57.8 grade; thence south 47 deg.
20 min. west 117.7 feet to stake marked
Sta 13x74.5 grade; thence south 37 dog.
29 min. west to stake marked Sta 14s
27.7 grade; thence south 1 deg. 8 min.
south 21 deg. 30 min. east 107.4 feet to a
stake marked Sta 23x9J,10 grade; thence-
soutn l deg 11 mm. west 110.7 feet to a
stake marked Sta 25x0,80 grade ; theuce
south 16 deg. 18 min. west 71.1 feet to a
stake marked Sta 25x80.90 grade ; thence
south 8 deg. 43 min. east 50.3 feet to
stake marked Sta 26x31.20 grade ; thence
south 36 deg. 28 min. west 70 feet to a
stake marked Sta 27x1 20 grade ; thence
south 2 deg 43 min. west 52.2 feet to a
stake marked Sta 27x51.4 grade ; thence
south 9 deg. 37 min. west 136.6 feet to a
stake marked Sta 28x90 grade; thence
south 20 deg. fl4 min. west 78 7 feet to a
stake marked Sta 29x78 7 grade ; thence
south 10 deg. 5 min wet 65 3 feet to a
stake marked Sta 30x24 grade; thence
south 26 deg. 32 min. west 82 feet to a
stake marked Sta 31x6 grade; there
south 84 deg. 10 min west 198 feet to a
stake marked sta 33x4 grade; thence
south 63 deg. 10 min. west 146 feet to a
stake marked Sta 34x59 30 grade ; thence
south 66 deg. 8 min. west 301.7 feet to a
stake marked Sta 37x54 8 grade; thence
south 51 deg. 40 min. west 187 feet to a
stake marked Sta 39x41.8 grade; thence
south 68 deif. 15 min. west 97.9 feet to a
stake marked Sta 40x39.8 grade; thence
south 66 deg. 30 min west 130 9 feet to a
stike mirknd Sta 41x69,8 grade; thence
8outh59 dg. 15 min. west 767 feet to a
stake marked Sta 49x28.6 grade; thence
south 3 deg west 35 feet to stake marked
Sta 49x63.6 grade; thence south 64 deg.
50 min. east 300 feet to a basalt stones
8x9xl inches out of ground urirko I X.
on top, the same being the southeast
corner of Lizzie Telford's land conveyed
to her by deed from David Chalmers
bearing date the 17ih day of September,
1895, which stone a'so marks a p iini iit
the cenler linn of the L twtou rond for
terminus of this road. Said petitioner
filed his affidavit of notices posted re
soecting said road, showing that there
hud been posted one on the court house
bulletin board and three in three of the
most public places in the vicinity of the
proposed road, more than thirty days
prior to the presentation of this petition.
He also filed a bond for $100 conditioned
arcording to law. The board being fully
advised, it is ordered that J. S. Risley,
A. vV, Cooke and R. 8. McLaughlin be
and are hereby appointed viewers, to
meet at place of beginning on the 28tt
inst. and subscribe to a written oath of
office administered by J. W. Meldrum, a
skilled surveyor, he being appoinled by
the board to survey said road, and re
port in writing at the next regular term
of this board.
In the matter if the petition of Wil
liam McDonald for a change on Beaver
O'eek hill Now conies said William
McDonald and petitions the board for a
chunge in (he grade at the Beaver Creek,
hill on the C, H. Fo-ter ro.td, and the
board b-ing fully advise 1, it is ordered
that, said petition be grunted and that
0. H. Phelps, 0. H. Foster and George-.
Randall be appointed and they are here
by appointed viewers, to meet at plavei
of beginning on the 31st inst. and sub--scribe
to a written oath of office adnrn--istered
by J. W. Meldrum, a skilled sur
veyor, (he being appointed by the hoard'
to survey said road) b 'fore proceeding
to view and locate said road, and report
in writing at the next regular term of.
this board.
Iu the matter of rotten bridges in road
district No. 21 It Is ordered by the
b 'urd that the supervisor repair said
bridges at once.
Iu the matter of bids for spikes Bids
were received as follows, to-wit:
Wilson & Cooke, per ton , $77 53
Hellomy & Bu.-ch, per 100 pounds. - 3 75.
and the bid of Bollomy A Busch being
the lowest and best, the contract for a
ton of nails was awarded to Bulloiny A
Busch at the rale of $3 75 per hundred
In the matter of the petition of D. C.
Rones for a poll tax rotnte it appear
ing to the board that laid assessment of
D. C. Rones is erroneous, i'S he is over
50 years of anv, and being fully advised,
It is ordered that said D. C. U mes be
granted a rebate of said poll tax in the.
sum of 3.
DC Rones.. ..$3 0(f
In the matter of tho report of Frank
Osborne, James Wilson and Fred vVeise,
viewers appointed at the last ttrm of
this board to view and re-locate a county
road in Clackamas county, Oregon, be
ing a part of tho Foster and Milwankie
road known as the Heiser road Said
viewers filed their report showing that
they had met on the 30th day of June,.
1899, a day named in the notice served
upon them, and were duly sworn, after
which they proceeded to the designated
pUce and did view and cause to be sur
veyed by eaid deputy county surveyor
the above described road. Bald viewers
report favorably to the re-location of
said road as viewed and surveyed, for
the reaaona that it is a good, practical'
route and of public utility; and it ap
pearing to the board that there is no re
monstrance or petition for damages filed,,
and being satisfied that said route will
be of practical utility, it is ordered and.
adju Iged that the field notes and plat of
aaid survey be received and in all re
spects approved and that said view and
survey be established as a county rotd
and that the expenses of said view ami
survey be paid by Clackamas county.
of Seventeenthte f ra"k " fe
. marked C 5.60 at the iul,e!irWlll"0?'11 dtt?' 4 f"le 2 4
9venteenth and High af,1?' 4 m,le 2 40
Fritz Heiser, 1 day 2 00
Otto Heiser, 1 day 2 00
John W Meldrum, 1 day, 22 miles 6 20
Total ..$19 oo
In the matter of petition Irom Carus
Oswego and New Era for the purchase
of a rock crusher Now comes G. E.
Hayes belore the board and presents
petitions from Carus, Oswego and New
Era asking the board to purchase a rock
crusher for the use of the county, and
the board being fully advised, it is or
dered that said purchase be made at
In the matter of the reports of collec
tions oy tne clerk and recorder for thtt
month of June, 1899 The board having:
examined the reports of collections of
clerk and recorder for the month ol
June, 1899, and being fully satisfied, it'
Continued on Page 6