Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 28, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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1 1,
"-mmmmmmmmmmmammmmm'immmmmmmmammmm '
iA-Storia revokes whiskey-scow licen-
tMedford apricots and peaches are on
'viae market.
Sadn prayed a bleseing to crops in the
'Congressman Tongue exonerated of
uuwiupi oy circuit court.
United States road fund apportioned.
fr.v.n naHlni - . timn .
&ulreshaien course established at Oor
rauwaericulturai colleee.
.William Smith killed in riding a frac-
ifcom Cascade locks to Wind river for
iTiawnery, , t ,
Spokane" has issued 1989 bicycle licen
Help scarce in Lewis county, Wash.,
, ..1.1- '
V Two sharp earthquakes felt at Los An
Grain r ports from Colfax indicate
sauuve average crop.
General Beebe reviewed and addressed
Oregon volunteers at San Francisco.
The Law and Order League, of Calfax,
i. makinsr war on Sunday saloons.
t'T.J. Bennett is under arrest at Asotin
K.?or telling liquor without license.
Tifty Japs and 250 Chinamen engaged
lis a Woody fight at Fairhaven, Wash.
Muster-out of Oregon volunteers at
-san Francisco will probably bti comple
v.4ed on August 7.
Chehalis, Wash., boy sues a boat corn
et tianyfor $20,000 in consequence of hav
i ing lost bis eyesight in their service at
failures are smallest ever known at
f llais season.
TSryanites were pleased with Chicago
.Detroit street railways have returned
cUto Eve-cent fares.
tChoynBki beRted Jack McCormack in
v;fux rounds at Ciiicago.
President Eossiter, of Brooklyn Rapid
'Cransit, arrested for libel.
Colorado smelter trust will open smel
ncrera and pay wage scale in effect before
Aa Viewed in England.
'London, July 21. The Standard this
.dooming, in an editorial article regard
ing the resignation of Secretary of War
-Alger, says; "President McKinley's
tjwompt acceptance of Secretary Alger's
Kxeaignation is equivalent to an adinis
. aion that the department has been badly
..managed. It is significant that the
-assignation followed so quickly on the
-Manila correspondents, 'round robin.
Algerisra is the blot on the McKlnley
.fMmimstration. It has given the ene
t.ies af the imperialist policy the most
nective weapon that could have been
-jorged and President McKinley can
lowest it from them only by the appoint-
isment of a successor whose past com-
- jmands confidence.
The Timet describes the resignation as
A decided victory of public opinion and
itpoblic morals over political organiza
c tions. By resigning, Secretary Aler has
i .practically allowed judgement to go
i against him by default and has relieved
tthe McKinley administration from a re
sponsibility that was assuming serious
proportions. It is the first and most
.essentiHl step toward the purification of
ftue republican party, and indeed of tl'e
v. wvhole political system of the United
virtates. It is for the citizens of the
iiUnited States to take care that the re
i wnoval of a superficial symptom does not
v. divert their attention from the root of
ttae mischief.''
The Daily News has a similar editorial
fftaays : "He might have defied public
opinion to the last, but that McKinloy
. means to stand Tor a second term and
had to be on his good behavior with the
"The papers federally regard the resig
i nation as a prelude to a vigorous policy
iia Hie Philippines and the recall of Gen
ial Otis.
Hoot Secretary.
'Wahhinhton, July .2,-Elihu Root, of
rNew York, has been tendered and has
accepted the secretaryship of war.
For Ov r Flfljt Vears
An Old and Wku.-Tkiud Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup h,iS
J "aeon need (or over fifty years bv millions
of (mothers for their children while
.teething, with perfect bucccss. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhiea. Is
, pleaeant to the taste, Sold by Drug
twists in every part of the World.
Twenfcy-3ve centH a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. 1'e sure and ask for Mrs
' Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
ler kind.
Hi niarknltlo lltarun.
iMrs. Michael Curtain, Plaiufleld, III.,
.-Tri.ikox the Btntmiiflnt. tlmr. aim .i..
c:d, which sotthd on her lungs; she
is treated for a month by her family
I jhy siciun, but grew worse, he told her
jiiG'WHS a hoelt'Bs victim ol consump.
tionand that no medicine could cure
t. i.r. Iler druiigist suggested Dr. Kiug's
"VW lliaeoverv for ('onaiimnlii.n aim
f ?!oght bottle snd to her delight found
i herself bem.lted from tirst done. She
niuHied its use and after taking six
1 iKiMies, 'found herself sound and well;
w does her own housework, and is as
t weU as she ever was. Free trial bottles
of this Grant Discovery at Geo. A. Hard
v ine l f -tons Only 80 cents ar.d 1
: t IJX), every bottle guaranteed.
IIf Idea on the Philippine Qaes
lion Very Popular.
Chicago, July 21. Four thousand
people crowded into the Auditorium to
night, despite the swelterimr hat. tn t.
tend the political meeting given under
ine auspices of the Chicaim-rilif,rnrm
democrats. It was, from first to last,
a silver meeting, an Atgeld meeting, an
anti-trust and anti-expansion meeting.
All of the speakers, save ex-Governor
stone, ol Missouri, who was ill, talked
in favor of 16 to 1 and aeainst the vr
in the Philippine islands. Mr. Bryan
oegan nis speech as follows :
in speaainir in Uhicano. I am .
barrassed by the fact that the advocates
oi the Uhicago platform are divided into
two camps. It is not my business to es
ALI!t- - . . .
uuii8ii a secrete service m order to as
certain the democrats which are most
devoted to the principles set forth in the
party creed. All Clncaira platform dem
ocrats look alike to me, and instead of
trying to drive any professed believer in
that platform out of the party, my aim
is to so impress upon all democrats the
importance of the triumph of democratic
principles that all local difference will
De lost Bight of in the determination to
restore the government to the founda
tions laid by the fathers."
Talking up the money question. Mr
Bryan argued that the sendingof a mon
etary commission to Europe was an ac
knowledgment that the erold standard
was unsatisfactory; declared that bi-
metalism could be secured only throueh
independent action, and said:
'If the increased production of cold in
the Klondike and the importation of
gold from Europe have increased the
volume of money and improved times,
it is evident that more money makes
better times, and times could be still
further improved, and the improve
ment made permanent, by the restora
tion of bimetalism, which would make
silver as well as gold available for coin
age. ii it was more difficult to main
tain the parity between gold and silver
when the supply of silver was increasing
u must now be easier to maintain the
parity since the supply of gold is in
On the trust question, I suggest the
following propositions for your consider
auon: rarst, the trust is a menace to
the welfare of the people of the United
States because it creates a monopoly and
gives to the few in control of the monop
oiy almost unlimited power over the
lives and happiness of consumers, em
ployes and producers of raw material ;
second, the president appoints the at
torney-general, and can, if he desires,
secure an attorney-general who will en
force the anti-trust laws ; third, the at
torney-general can recommend sufficient
laws, if present laws are insufficient;
fourth, the attorney-general can recom
mend an amendment to the constitu
tion, if the present constitution makon
it impossible to extinguish the trusts:
fifth, the republican party is powerless
to extinguish the trusts so Ion? an
1. L . . . . .
iae trusts iurnish the money to con
tinue the republican party in power.
Jn the Philippine question, certain
fundamental principles are involved :
tirst There are but twoscources of
government force and consent. The
monarchies are founded upon force : re-
publics upon consent.
Second The Declaratiun of Inl-
pendence asserts that all fust covprn.
ments derive their powers from the con
Bent of the governed.
"Third If the Decla-ation of I.hIr-
pendence is correct, we cannot rightful
ly acquire title to the Philippine islands
Dy conquest or by purchase from an
alien monarch to whose rebellious sub
jects we ourselves furnished arms.
"Fourth If the Filipinos are and of
right ought to be free, they should be
immediately assured of our nation's in
tention to give them independence as
soon as a stable government can be es
tablished. "Fifth The Filipinos having fallen
into our hands bv accident nf n,a
should be dealt with according to Amer
ican principles and not only be given in
dependence, but protected from outBide
interference while they work out their
own destiny."
His declaration that he felt eiubar
rassed about speaking in Chie.igo be
cause of the split in the local democracy,
and that it was not his business in
ploy the secrete service to see who was
the foremost democrat, provoked a little
opposition among the staunch adher
ents of Mr, Altgeld, but his llfisrti.
that "all Chicago democrats look alike
to me," put them right again, and from
first j last the speech was m.t),
ally received.
Board of Commissioners
Continued from Pmr 1
is ordered that, iha ..., i j
. - - oniuo ub mm ru
iiereuv annrnvpn 'ria i i
lections as follows :
Clerk's office o7 75
irewmw oiiice..... 170 15
In the matter of the mileage and per
diem of tllH r.nnntv rr.rv.;0J; .
the July term, 199 It is ordered by the
board that the mileage and per diem of
mo wuuiy uummissionera tor the July
kjiui uo nuuweu hs ioiiows:
S F Marks. 3 davn. 2ft miw
S F Marks. 2 Hava 9a ;Y'' nn on
t d t'.7'' 0 .,J' ".
If lb 1MUIUJII. it I IHVH 711 nrtima
J R Morton, 3 days ex., 20 miles'..' 22 00
n oimt. .1 navH. in mi an
K Scott, 2 days ex., ll 'mHes "? 17 95
In the matter of the report on the sur-
vevnflhA nmiwuut it- ...
rauuua uriUKB Him
sovnccii umiuw nu anov This mat
ter comintr on nnv ti ha k..j ..j .i
UUKITl 11(11: nfllllV TI1MV HaioKnA I.
dered that said mnttur ha u;a ...
- . imiu vvoi nuu
the expenses of said survey be paid by
Clackamas countv. i r , '
John W Maldrnm 1 A' on nn
u iueiurum, i aay, zu miles. . . . j 2 00
In the matter inf or a vol in .n.J Ji-
triCt No. 23 It is nivtoru1 k.. i j
that KOftd Knnnrvianp Rinn. K n i
$60 for grkveling the Gribble road.
In the matter of the petition for road
workand subscription list from road
district No. 1 Tt ia nrAamA K i ,
that said matter ha o ,1 . .:i -
February, 1900, terra of this board.
The board adjourned to meet on the
22d insf
Saturday. .Inlv 9.9. ihqq
The board mat .miration j:
ment. the board and niii.. ...
of the 7th inst. The minutes of that
uay ueing reaa and approved, and now
on this dav the fnl
had, lo-wit :
th,? P,8"61, of the franchise granted
?u r,8 l?r a 'lway-Now comes
the U. K. V N. and fha knnJk.l.i c
the East Side railway by their attorneys
and Protest acuinat tha .. ( j
a " 5iublll) ui BU1C1
franchise, and the board being fully ad
vised, it is nrdarod that .A . i
laid over until Tuesday, the 8th day of
In the matf.ar nf tha n.,i:..-
i). A. Meinig for a liquor license Now
comes F , A. Meinig before this board by
Ilia a H fm rxtr f T71 tl m J
at.u.ucjr, vj. a. nayes, ana presents
a petition to tha hnuri ...:.: .
liquor license be granted him for the
next six months to sell liquors in Cas
cade Drecinct: and tha hoI k:.. i..n.
advised, it is ordered that upon said F.
... .v.u.6 uiiuS mB necessary pond the
n urlr shall ;j l: . . . , .
In the matter of the acceptance of the
fcale Ueek bridge Commissioner Mor
ton having examined said bridite and
fOUnd It hllilt flf-rnrHinn tn . . ,
said report having been accepted by the
it "'uc,cu mat tne contractor.
W. 8. Pavn. ho naid tu ......
oon j v rr ? v " price,
$230, for said bridge, less the $25 already
Miller Bros tia jn
WPayn 146 60
Jotal $205 00
In the m attar nf tha . t ,t .
hpperson for the adjustment of over as-
GOaDUICllLvi.iiuf I' , til j , l . J 1 .1
i .T" " iu i) person
and petitions the hoard tn .Hi.(..i -
Mm.nt 71.7 "J"i
neighbors' for the same kind of land,
and the board hnin. fn., a..: i . . '
- . .uitjf ouyiBBU, IE la
ordered that the clerk issue an order d -recting
the sheriff to reduce said assess
f,lro f 8-83 Per acre on improved
land to $9 per acre, that being the same
as adjacent property is assessed at.
th-M . maUer ! lie bida lor Plank for
the Mo alia road-This matte? having
been aid ovnr fmm tha r.i, . S
tha hnol KY. " '"ai-i BIla
1 j ' , o auviHCU, II 18 Or-
dered that all the bids received on said
icjccibu ana mat the contract
for 250.000 feet of nla.,v fn. l.T.i j F1
i j v, v" oa,u fou oe
aa.ucu m cumins Uosper for (i 5
per thousand feet, said plank to be de
ivered by Nov. 1, 1899, and said parties
to forfeit 25 cents for each and everv
saiTdate" P "0t deliyered
n!.a nrMmatt,?r of inc"in(t the allow
ance of Miss torrester, a county charge
-It is ordered by the board that said al
lowance be increased from $5 to $8 per
month to iat f,m r.,i.. ,,..T v .
that on and fm T a L t! aaa
la the inattar nf A
man and wile and Mr. SI.eehan for Kock
creek bridge site and report of surveyor
on survey-It is ordered by the board
that said defii Is hB i' . "ui',(
survey o T.U Ihri If 7 on 'h?
expeiiBe accJunt bTViS
John W Mcldrum,2davs,12mileB $9 '0
Charles E AJeldrum, 2'days i ,
DSMeldrum,2 days...!J
J M Groehong. , ,,
U F lUackney ,,,
J F Sherman
James Russell
Kaymond Wylami
Alexander Pluard
Albert Crossen
C F Blackney, road fund.
J G Blacknev
J F Sherman
L B Trnllinimr
James Russell ', ,
Wm Mazinvn
George Wyland
Raymond Wyland
H Wilson....
James Nickleson
Georora Nii'klpann
James Milstead..
Alexander Pluard...
Omer Williams
Albert Crossen
2 40
I 50
3 00
1 50
15 00
2 00
2 25
2 00
2 00
3 00
2 25
1 50
2 15
3 90
2 40
1 50
. 2 25
2 25
2 25
1 25
14 00
Total. ..$101 61
ltnad district TJn Si iiwIdIi '
Charles Ryler, road fund. $6 00
aaoipn a son on o 00
A.. . i et
John MCAdams , 6 00
Charles Leaf. "6 00
Curtiss Hoffman 6 00
Pat McAdama a nn
Sharp Hoffman 5 00
l -! . fn . i i .. .
vuiior xauoraen a 00
James Fegala, '. 2 50
Total '.$56 50
In the matter of thn flnnninfmont nf
i ---- "l-1 ......... u v.
blcvcle oath aunprvianr in DimiD
precinct It is ordered by the board that
Wm. Johnson be bicycle path supervisor
in Damascus precinct.
The board now adinnmnd tn moot nn
Tuesday, August 8th, 1899, at 9:80
o clock a. m.
That is the way all druggists sell
for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is
simply iron and quinine in a tasteless
form. Children love it. Adults prefei
to bitter, naine.itin,tmies, Price, 53c.
I Baldness !
Can be
i Cured
35 just so long as there Is a particle
oi vitality leti in tne nair roots.
The fact that the head is smooth
and shining- is no positive proof
that the roots beneath are dead.
' Deep down beneath the skin, hair
roots may yet exist, filled with
latent vitality, and all that is re
quired to develop them into a
beautiful head of hair is the faith
ful application of the proper agents.
Seven .
Sutherland Sisters'
preparations furnish the easiest,
surest and quickest way to ascer
tain if there is or is not latent life
beneath a head bare of hair. Why
not try them?
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenced agent.
PAID UP CAPITAL, 190,000.00
Shall we ; .
tell you r h Nr?K
why? r I V
F. E. Donaldson, Agent
, Fire and Accident Insurance
Chas. H. cxvnm
Oko. A. HabdiM
X. 0. OAonata
A General Banking Bnslness Transacted
Deposits Bsoelved Subjeot to Check.
Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. .
County and City Warrants Bought.
Leant Hade oa Available Seourttv
Ixohange Bouf ht and Ml
Collections Made Promptly.
m 1??M Bold Available In Any Part f the
Wetrapbic Exchange Sold on Portland, laa
rranoisco. Ohloace and New York.
I 'Jlaterett Paid on Time Deposits. t
Job Printing at the
. Conrier-Herald
Livery & Feed Stable
Has the best-looking rigs
fend cheapest rates in the
' 1 Cor. Main and ith St
Don't Purchase a Ready Made Suit
XI71. I . ...... '
vvnicn is maae and finished by machinery with hundreds of oth
ers the same style and pattern. . Have some individuality about
your attire. We can give you perfect fitting suits and guarantee
satisfaction at very low prices. Ladies Tailoring neatlv done
M. GILBERT, The Portland Tailor, opp. Electric Hotel
Also M lfie o! Bill Feed, Lime, Cement M ffi flm
' TXaf IS siiortens i
helps the team. Saves wear and J
L expense. Sold every where.
Tan Shoes
We are selling Tan Shoes away
down. See display in window. Tops
are made in a great variety of styles
now-a-days. All of them are good,
but some more beautiful than othprs
We have all the new styles of tops
for you to select from.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper youi
rooms and paint your
house and
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices. Leave
orders at Ely Bros, store
on upper ;th streeth.
In Volunteer Army.
Washington, July 21.-Tho president
has appointed tha follow ing from the
rwim uregon roBimant to bo captains
ui the volunteer army:
A. F. Presoott, formerly captain.
A. J. Brs, formally first lieutenant
h.P.Crowue, lonnUly adjutant of
the regiment.
W, Oitmsiu aii CwicrHcrali $2-
ni en t of M VV I! i T enTm
f. . y?i i M1"''114"1 Th board be
ing, fully advised, it is ordered tha T..?i I
petition be grar.ted, and the le iff is
hereby ordered to make tne nece aarv
correction on the tax roll of 1898
V Sn if. T'terof the etiti0'' f Henry
b. Plinth for a piirro..ti ,.t ,.. D1"'
ment fur io tl" ' U1 "is assess
ment lor 1S98--ihis mutter couiiua on
now to be heard and the board bem
fully advised it is ordered tlut said ne
tition be den ec . 1 Bttw P6
In the nintter of supervisors' reports
uiniriew i and 34 cominiz
of .8 having been sent back for supervi
sor to cert ih- to, and now beinXfore
Zll?u,d5 U ",or,1,ered tllat i I repor ts
be a owed.anc the clerk is hereby or-
for the following amountsand in favor of
(,r,.u8 nerrinaiter specified:
Koad district No. 7
James Fegel, road fund 8 00
Charles Leaf 'iO0
Shays lloll'man. . , o n,
;rtis Hoffman jj oo
Victor Taborcen. . . o nn
John Ryler g
harles Ryler ,', "' 3 go
.24 00
Road distrii-l N
A H Jjicli Co., neneral fund. . . 19 81
Levi RohhiiiH f i
Henry Thorns " Z
'OhnGroslon 2 41
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor
'Oregon Cltr, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
part of the city.
Try Bolton Dairy amd be f nTceT
A Good Thing.
If you have a good thing the people want it.
1 heir scales of living is many degrees higher
than their fathers'; they want the necessities of
life to be as good as possible for the money.
MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at
the lowest price. A penny saved is two ea rned
flonuments and Headstones
Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Buildin.
Work. :: Drawings made by description.
liver Madal Awarded at r jl 1
ortland Mechanics' Fair "Ortland, OreCTOIl
I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest and
am now in a position to do work better and more rwsorTable.
T. B. Hiinkins is authority for the
statement that he is still sawing wood
this year as usual notwithstanding the
statement of others to the contrary. As
he has had six years experience in the
business it might be to the advantage
of our Oregon Oity readrtrs to see him.
Will also sell flrst-class family wood for
$2.60 per cord.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. 0.
Red Front...
PCW Miri'Kia m ...", mc ..limits,
Whit tioodn. Skirts, Wuruor's Corsets, Uolf
l'p-lo nate Millinery at reasonsois prices.
rut Flour 7So. W.SH) Mil.
Kill Jupan niev o; Beans Jic,
a al. Heitrl Oil 75ni rill 5 gulloa can for T5c.
I'lim Full ! (or MO Int.; sack Suit 4(W cwt.
imc Orwn or Roust Coff 'e lc; with spoon llo.
Fine 50o T"H or 40n. Tea Dut, 2 lbs 2"o
;lis Stiirch So. Arm A H immer Soda 4c.
8 ll Oulil lt snd 4 roo1 nt.
Klsalic Starch loo, lh b-t. 3 Sua pictures and
13-inch nlaoqite tree with '.'pouuils siarch.
...Colored Glasses...
All Tests FREE
293 Morrison St. Portland,
Should not be worn without intelligent
adVIre. I a bright light irritates the eyes
proves that something is going wronln
the inteiior of the eyeg Seek advice-the
kind that we can givc-the kind that can
only be given after a thorough and in telH
gentexp.mination. "neui-
Tr. PhiMing o rar1..A.A 1; . .. .
has charge of w'SgSZ''
A. N.
The Iowa Jeweler
220 first Street - . . Portland, Oiegon J
Has a complete assortment of
Imported Pattern Hatsft Millinery Novelties I
Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled.
TriMlv for itU KInU o produce
1 '"ah