r 2 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1899. 1 CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Harmony. (Delayeil in transmission.) Several attended the Evangelical eanipmeeting at Milwaukie Sunday. Mr. Talmage, wife and child, and Mrs. Talmage's brother have moved in to our neighborhood. They are lrom Michigan. McMurray & Cox, of Damascus, who rented Mr. Hall's beiry patch are hav ing the racpberries picked. Miss Lcona Phillips and her mother, Mrs. Cathey, were visiting relatives here 1 ist week. Clay Folson has returned from a pro longed stay in Eastern Oregon. Dr. Moore, of Portland, called at Mr. Karr's Sunday. Miss Lena Milan is vieiting at her uncle's, Mr. Millard. Miss June Colson was given a very pleasant party last Friday evening in honor of her 18th birthday. Only rela tives of the family were present. A nice supper was served after which there was some music and recitations. At about 10 o'clock all adjourned wish ing Miss June many happy returns of her birthday. Lilac. July 17. Mr. Kekel is cultivating bis 20 acre patch of spuds. Richard Oldeostadt is home for a few days to haul his hav, but the rain came on and he is laying idle. Mr.Reutter is giving his new barn a coat of paint. . The cherry season is about over. Many of the apples are falling off the trees. Fall-sown oats are ripeking. Jacob Schatss and wife, of Oregon Ci'y, were visiting relatives and friends here Sunday. Meadoubrook. Stafford. Monday, 17th Weather hot every body busy In hay fields most of the Iny cut. 18th Somewhat cloudy, and although rain is badly needed we would rather not have any at present. 19th Don't look so much like rain as yesterday. Farmers over their scare and WJrking along as usual. 20th Cloudy morning and looks as if it would all blow over. At noon, just a light shower of rain then sunshine. About 3 p.m. rumbling peals of thunder eai be heard-moie rain-much hay still in the fields-haying at a standstill. 4:30 p. m. Heavy show ert some grain being lodged-wiud south west, Home fog Spring out?, potatoes and gaiden receiv ing benefits from the downpour. Saturday, 22d' The day seems like spring-clouds are clearing away. There was 60-100 of an inch of rain fell jester" day. Sunday, 23d Q li .unv.rie, 1 ke again. Mr. l'ohfka was taken seriously ill while working in the hay field last wejk. John Scbatz has quit (he carpenter b.ninisss. He will probably resume it u.'uin soon. Miss Ina Toombs, of l'or'land, has been spending a week with Mrs. M. A Gage. Jasper Trullinger is getting out lim bers to build a bridge across Milk Creek one mile east of here. Prof. Wilson, of Elwood, is painting S. H. Dix's new cottage in a truly artis tic manner. F. M. and George Robeson have re turned from a prospecting trip on the headwaters of the Molalla. Miss Mary Eagecomb is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. E. Baker, of Beaver Creek this week. Supervisor Engle and crew are this week clearing out the obstructing timber and blasting out stumps on the Greg mill road. H. W light is building a new barn on his homestead and sla shing quite an acreage of young fir. Miss Maggie Lynn, of Portland, is vis iting her brother, KoDert L,ynn, 01 Springdeli farm. Our old friend, A. J. Mayville, of Lib eral," has just completed a new ad ution for Mrs. Wright in a manner that proves him a master at his trade. Mr. A. L. Larkina is hauling lumber from Trnllinger's mill for a new house soon to be erected. Robert Snodgrass, of Harrisburg, has moved his family en to the farm of Mrs. Lai kins which he will leaBe after next October. J. C. Hall has added much to the beauty of his cottage by the addition of a handsome coat of paint. F. M Naught, who has a son serving in the Washington volunteers, is anx ious to hear of that regiment's depart ure from the Philippines. W. E Bonney, C. O. Hubbard and families passed through this burg to Tillamook. Hello! Union Mills scribe, come to the front and give the news of your vil lage. Coltou ditto. Miss Amy Hall paid her sister a fly ing visit at the metropolis Friday, re turning Saturday. Lasl Thursday B. F. Noyer, who re sides two miles lrom here, came near losing his lile in a peculiar manner as related to your reporter by F. M. Robe son. It appears that Mr. Noyer attemp ted to force a 45-70 cartridge into a 40-00 Winchester. The explosion threw the shell back into his face inflicting serious injuries. July 25. C. " Liberal. Everybody went to New Era last Sun day to the Spiritualist meeting. Lots of hay out in the rain but the rain did more good than harm. Wm. H. White will commence cutting fall wheat this week. Fall wheat is good but very thin ; large heads and fine berry. Mi s. Boss and daughter, Ella, was vis iting Mrs. Wiight. Cyrus Jones passed through here Sun day. Mr. Barnes has a fine field of corn. ' Abner Frazer is Buttering from a stroke of paralysis in his left arm, but is im proving. The young couple that have been hanging over Mr. Stetman's gate had better sit on the bench as the old man's dander's up. Harvest hands are scarce. Wheat is getting lower. That is a sign of "prosperity." H. Heiple left for Ourrinsville to day after a viBit here. Steve Philippi, of Silverton, passed here with 600 head of mutton sheep for Portland. Mrs. M. Faust, of Cams, was visiting here Sunday. ' K. liedland. ter of Rev. Davis, passed through here and is now temporarily at Viola. Mrs. George Hicinbotham and Mrs. L. Funk were visiting Mrs. Wilcox and Mrs. Sprague Monday. It looks at present as though Redland is going to lose all its young maids. Say, F., better send her home. We need her down lioie. H. A. Allen and family made a trip to Macksburg visiting friends last week. Mr. Winters, father of Mrs. D. Evans, will start for his home in Wisconsin on the 26ih inst. Miss Minnie will go with him. Mrs. Sprague has been quite ill, but is improving. August and L. Funk sold Borne beef cat tle and hogs to a Portland buyer last week. Mr. Bonney has several teams on the road hauling lumber. W. S. July 25. Dover. Joseph Deshazer and family callad on Mrs. Tewis Sunday. J. Gould is working for Joseph Desha- zer. Rev, Allen preached here Sunday night. John Crawford and wife will return to their home at Newberg. Mrs. C. Pagh and family were visiting her mother, Mrs. Reimer, of George, Saturday. N. Nelson and family and J. Craw ford and wife spent a few days last week camping near the Columbia river There will be preaching at the school house here the first Sunday in August, by Rev Nutsy. Everyone come and bring your baskets full, as there will be a basket dinner. July 24 M. L, N. Smith has rented a farm from B. F. Linn at the Stricklin school house for a term of five years. He expects to move on this fall. Mr. Hickman has rented Mr. Court right's place for five years and will move on as soon as C. Sholtz vacates, which will be after threshing. Haying is about completed, and the crop is good. Mrs. May Kurtz, nee Hany, and son, Loe, are out visiting relatives. Several of our people attended the lec ture of Sam Jones. They report a pleas ant time. W. D. Beckey was out over Sunday from Portland, where he is at work. D. Mosher was at home over Sunday. King has a job on the government snag boat. Mr. Hickman is kept busy with h'i berries. Pickers seem to be scarce. Mr. Brock is looking around for a good cheap team. Rev, Allen, a friend and fellow minis- Jg- CHAMPION I JiliP BINDER KSSii Suits Oregon Farmers SPECIAL FEATURES m Eccentric Sprocket Wheel on Binder attachment 16 2-3 per cent added power when bundle is tiedand discharged. No choking on the CHAMPION Force Feed Elevator ASK FOR THE FAMOUS $1, $2, $3, $4, PANTS They are, the BEST FITTING PANTS made to-day FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS First Are Cut Extremely Long in the Crouch, and will give more EAbE and Comfort to wearers than any Pants on the market. Second Every Pair Sewed Double throughout, and Impos sible to rip. Third Our Guarantee is on the pocket of every pair of Pants, and the dealers must make our word good. For Sale By All Leading Clothiers In the United States. Try a pair and be convinced, and if they suit you, always ask iorthe FAMOUS PANTS. PRICE B"ROS. Main Street, Cor. 6th EXCLUSIVE AQENTS Oregon City. Or. Viola. As your correspondent, "B", seems to have dropped. out of the ring I will en deavor to send you a few items, as it is important that our town should be up to date with news. The recent shower did much good in this neighborhood. Miss hiina Slattoon was visiting in Portland last week. Miss Minnie Walker has gone to Port land to take lessons in painting. Almost every one is through having out here and ate preparing for grain bar vest which looks pretty well. Lorenzo Tenny just returned from trip to Washington last evening on his wheel. July 26. T Shubel. Mrs. F. Grimmer, of Albany, is visit iting her daughter, Mrs. F. W. Hoins huh. Mrs.O. B. Streyffeler and Miss Lena Homshuh, of Albany, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornshuh. Mr. and Mrs. Hornshuh, of Carus, spent Sunday with E. VV. Hornshuh, Robert Gunther went to Gladstone Saturday to run a foot race and carried off the second prize. Quite a number went to hear Sam Jones last week. The young tolks of the Congregation al church spent a pleasant evening Tuts day at the residence of Hey. Essig. A. Buol is building a new house. Mrs. Coopi-r, of Portltnd, is visitii g her parents, Mr. and MrB. Wolf. Schmidt Bros, are building a barn. Haying is over and farmers are gel ting ready for the grain harvest, with good prospects for a largo crop. Potatoes need rtin. Rev. aiid Mrs. Witrock leturued from Newberg where they were visiting for a short time. Wm. Moehnke went to the Prakplace to stay awhile. Just ask Bob how to kill skunks. July 2(5. 99. houe, Sunday afternoon, by two Mor mon ministers. Quite a crowd out. Mr. and Mrs. H. Henerici visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shelly, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerber and Mrs. Niman and children took dinner with the Gibbs family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Davies were guests of A. Mautz', Sunday. Minnie Waltemathe entertained Anna Shortlege and Louisa Hess, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hyatt of Oregon City spent Friday night with the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mautz. Mrs. Flo Morris and children were guests of her mother, last week. Mas ter Gilbert intends to spend a few days on his grandfather's farm, therefore he did not return, Saturday. Lula Hankins was the guest of ber cousins, Mary and bara Davies, last week. Mr. Gibb' expect to move before long, having taken Beveral loads al ready. Hattie Roman and Elsie and Courtie Gibbs went blackberrying, Friday p. m., just in time to get the full benefit of the rain. As harvest is near at hand, Mr. Gibbs is getting his binder in trim. He cut some wheat for Geo. Lazelle, Tuesday. Jt was C. Mautz', not A. Mautz', barn that burned a couple ol weeks ago. He now has a new one under good headway, with J. Davits, A. Mautz and Mr. Blulim as carpenters. July 2G. Pansy Blossom Miss Cassady died of pneumonia Mon day evening. William Pratt and Maggie Bridge were: married a few days ago. Claude Hampton and Will Armstrong went to Oregon City Wednesday on their wheels. The young folks of Canby attended the- New Era camp meeting in full force laBt Sunday. James Evans has accepted the posi tion of captain of the speedy little stea mer Valley Queen, which is now lying at his landing receiving the finishing touches. The Valley Queen is owned by George Skinner & Co. and will ply between Newberg and Portland, making daily trios, leaving Newberg at 6:30 a. in. and returning about 7 p. m. of the same day. M. Skinner says the Valley Queen will not be in the combine or transportation trust, but will run inde pendent of trusts and combines. He has invited the Coumkk-Hkkald man to- be present on her initial trip, at which time he ill make up his time table for publication in your paper, as he believes in advertising in the best paper in the county. Charley Wait, j'., Bill Rider, Carey Cox and John Elliott, under command of Nick Birtchet, will make a run for tall timber next Satuiday. The deer and the speckled beauties of the brook will receive close attention for about four days, as this formidable force will accu py the eternal hills about the big bend of the Molalla. TJ. July 26. Champion Unequal for Light Drift, Easy Handling and Durability Highland, Ohkgok, Nov. 8, 1898. MitchtU, Lewii, A Staver Co., Portland, Oregon. OrNTt.KMKN: I dcBiro to ofl'er this as my testimonial in behalf of the 6-foot Champion Binder and Bundle Carrier purchased from you this year. For light ness in draft ana ease of operation, sim plicity in construction and durability, will say that no machine to my knowl edge is its equal, nor near it. Having cut 150 acres of grain, the machine did not cause me tive minutes' delay, conse quently not a cent for repairs. All the Champion machines put in my neigh borhood have given equally good satis faction. In fact, I want no butter uin- ' chine than the Champion. Frku Sciiapkk. READ WHAT USERS SAY Cheerfully Recommends the Champion Highland, October 25, 1S'J8 Mitchell, Lewit i(- Slaver Co., Portland, Oregon, Gkntlkmkn: The Champion Binder bought of you the past season has given me good satisfaction, and am well pleas ed with it. We can cut grain that anoth er make of machine would not handle All the farmers we out for are more than pleasod with the work, and have promis ed us their entire cutting for another year. Can cheerfully recommend the New Champion Binder to my friends, acquaintances, and fellow farmers who expect to buy Binders in 1801). O. Waixack. i r - -'A Macktiburg . The freshet last week was worth many dollars to farmers. John, Leonard and Louis Heinz left for Hot Springs on the l!)ih, for the benefit of their health. Ditd July 20th, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh. Funeral July 21. The remains were interred in Klingler cemetery. V m. Weismandel left ior the coast Saturday to engage in business. He will remain all summer. J. W.Smith is building an addition to his store. F. C. Klingler is very proud of his young soldier, who arrived on July 8th. Harvest has already begun and soon the hum of the machine will be heard threshing 50c wheat. McKinley pros perity will meet its doom in 1900. Barth & Heinz jist got their new thresher and blower home last week. Mrs. Emma Sperl, of Portland, was visiting among relatives and friends of this place the last two weeks. The German Lutheran conference ses sion has come to a close, many import ant matters being transacted. P. July 23. Mrs. James Evans and daughter, Em ma, are stopping on the ranch during harvest, and Mrs. Cassie Evans is visit ing them for a few days. Miss Ida Cantwell is visiting Miss Emma Evans. Geo. Knight is having his pro perty, now occupied by Mr. Carlton, improved. Mr. Butterfiel has bought a iiouse and lot of Mr. Mack, and will moye to Can by the first uf September. July 26. Continued i n 1st Page Wanted A good, trusty horsa and buggy at once. Must be reasonable. Ad dress, Rev. S. Copley, Oregon City, giv ing description and price. 1 1 Woria ani Conner-Herald $1.15 RELIEF RAKE Keeps the inner end of Cutter far clean in all conditions. Send for Catalogue and Book full of letters from users of Champion Binders and Mowers. Mountain Vieto. Mr. Francis, sr., of Stafford is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wohler, of this place. J. 0. Dixon of Maple Lane has re turned from his California trip. He was at 'Frisco in time to welcome the return ing volunteers as they landed. A number of citizens walked to New Era, Sunday, and attended campmeet- ing. They were highly pleased with the dinner. Rev. Lease (no relation of Mary Ellen) preached in Mountain View church, last Sunday. Rev. Cocking of Oregou City will preach here next Sunday at 4 p. m. Rev, Sumner will preach here the first Sunday in August at 4 p. m. Rev. Lease will occupy the pulpit the second Sunday in August. Pko Tem. Mitchell, Lewis & St aver Co. Mrs, First and Taylor Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON Maple Lane. Mrs. Gibbs spent Tuesday with Niuian and family. Our boys were defeated by the Oswego boy) in a game of baseball, Sunday. L. Mautz' buggy -horse died Wednes day night. There was preaching at the school Canby. A large number of people from here took in tne camp meeting at New Era Sunday. George W. Knight, of Hubbard, was in town Sunday. Mr. Carlton is having a new fence built around his house. That shower Friday was a good thing for the crops. People around here are talking of go ing to the coast or the mountains. airs, joe Kmgnt is improving very slowly. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eckerson and familv were at the Chautauqua Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlton are camping at Gladstone park this week. Marion White, a resident of Marquam, was in town Tuesday. Captain Woods, of the steamer Salem, was in the city Sunday. Canby may have another newspaper in the near future. Mrs. F. A. Sleight visited the Chau tauqua Tuesday. Mrs. Lee Rogers is very sick with ton silitis. Y July 26. Pete Horning, with the assistance of Frank Pittman, Jeff Woods, Claude Hampton and Will Armstrong, is con structing a raft of cottonwood logs for the Crown paper mill. The boya got several accidental but pleasant baths. Mrs. Oren Adkins died last Tuesday. 1 . w Every woman should know I that there is a great home mcuiuui Moult inac leas all about the repro ductive physiology women, and all about the home- treatment of diseases pecu liar to the sex. This boolc con tains 1008 pages and over 700 il lustrations. It is called Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Ad- to cost $1.50. Over seven hundred thou sand people purchased it at that price and over 1,200,000 people now own copies of it. For a limited time copies will be given away free. Thi9 great book contains the names, ad dresses, photographs and experiences of hundreds of women who were once hope less invalids, but who have been restored to robust womanly health by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This mar velous medicine acts directly on the deli cate organs distinctly feminine. It makes them strong, healthy, vigorous, virile and elastic. It fits for wifehood and mother hood. It banishes the usual suffering of the expectant months, and makes baby' advent easy and almost painless. It roba motherhood of its perils. It insures the robust health of the little new-comer and a bountiful supply of nature's nourishment t transforms weak, sickly, nervous inva lids into healthy, happy wives and mothers. For a paper-covered copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, send 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, to World's Dispensary Medical Asso nation, Buffalo, N. V. For elegant French cloth binding, 31 stamps. Miss Edith Cain, of Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pa., writes : " After two years of suiTenng, I besran taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 1 m now entirely cured. 1 had been troubled with female weakness for some time and also with a troublesome drain on the system, but now I am happy and -veil." In cases of constipation and torpid liver, no remedv is equal to Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate and invigorate the stomach, liver and bowels. They never fail One little " Pellet " is a gentle laxative and two a mild cathartic. They never gripe. An honest dealer will not urge a substitute upon you. When you visit The Dalles stop at the Best One Dollar a Day House in the City THE OBARR HOTEL On Secon 1 Kr ;t one block from Depot p.irtie Special ra'en f. s to families and H1TII, Prop.