8 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1899. Oregon City Auction House 0,poMte Postoffice TGa LL Oregon City Auction House Opposite Postoffice Baty Bcgg'es irom $2.00 end Upward Chairs from 25c and Upward vv. JONTKST KOTICE. l?l TAllTMENT OF THE TNTKUTnlt 1 I'nI'ihd States I and Okhck, Oitnai S ( ity, ( regnn , June 27, 1899. ) ABUVFlClKNT contest Affidavit, ditcd Mav lfi, IK! ti. havlni' been filed in U:Ih office by D W. Robertson, i ulcstnut. strains! home stead entry Nn. 9705, made Ji nnary 21, 1892. for sw'4 section 14, township 8 f, iaug 5 e, by Oliver M. Khy, con testee, In which It is alleged that 'thp said Oliver M.Fbyhas wholly abandoned said olnin nnd llial he ha not resided on the name for thp past inrec years, nor mis rp maoenny improvements thereon dnrlnir snM lime, nor has he cultivated Hie prtdc during ssid time, or any one acting for hin', lliat hid absence lin not been due to his am plnnn"ht in tlin military or naval service nfihp UnHed Slates In time of war." said narlles are 1 here by notilled to nnpear, respond and offer evt- I denoe touching mi M allegation at 1 o'clock p m. nn Ani"t is. 1BH9. before the revivor ami receiv er at ' ha United Stales laud offlee in Oregon City, On poii. The said rnnleslnnt having, In proper affidavit, filed June 1(1, 1899 el forth facta .width show lliat eftcr due dlll'gence ncrsnnal service or this police can not he made, It Is hereby ordered and dlrec'etl 'but sneh noli e be irlvon bv due and proper I'ubllca't'otK CIIA-i. ), MnrtttKS. Roirlstor. VM, OAlAOWAY, Receiver. CALLED FOR WAfmim. Following in a list of waf nants lemitin nig uncalled lur hi Hie lirtrk'B oHiceo! tijiitkainas county for sewn years eiioV itiK July 1, 18(11), mid if not ('tilled for t'n )J du, ihey will beicanoslk'd : No. Name 77110 Sirs M I. Mrawn Aui'WJllt ... a no . a 70 .. U2II .. 170 WiM J W Cashing W 10 H7;tl ;lo:i7 9118 Hfilll 8785 UMan 872.1 H(I 8770 1I7 HI III 8728 SIMM IU7II ao;ms 8il.- 8.i.'ll 9h7s Kill 850H mm ui2i 8INI Hiua X7.2 8720 luo.;i 1IW "22 1 85i) in 2 : ill 1 1 II IM ln;,73 George dciki r . I. Iiuiory ... M Durst Hans Krlcttsori K Krcdil.lt Mrs Viola Kllnn Sinn 'la I ties I. Heller .. () M Howard W II ,hnics J M .lone , K W Jones J Kocllig . . K Knclilcr Fred lidnrum . (I A Invalid . . , M Mlncko S.I Mlckli-y . .. Minnie MH'ey... John Nlssim .J 2o 1 f,o U 70 H 50 1 Ml 1 20 4 20 i Ml a txi' 1 rm 1 70 1 20 i IK! 1 20 1 70 2 IK) 2 '2P 1 2(1 II M Nettiim 1 20 itilim Nulilo i r,o Hranl Nixo 1 fit) I ttl II 40 1 TO 1 70 1 AO I 70 J 'ho II 411 I 50 1 -(Ml .1 I, IMckibom .. . Win J 1,1 Hun J M I'lioippwoii . Slhts SU'Tt . . W I, MiiHh K K Will-, x .... I lav d 1 1 t lllilllus It I, Williama . . 1'itvtd UiU.ui .1 W W..K, 1 1 Dim WilhOu , x ,7p fr :i5 Mule ol On'umi, ) I'liutily of Clin kuiiias.f I, KIihit Himti, 1 titi tity vloik of the almvo mum it 0"inny ttml slate, mid rlorkofile I'oiititv I'luitl nf the fowiitv of Clni'kiiiiiiis nn.) mule of Oregon, do Iwrt'liy t'l'i'iify ,liat lliu foiwcoiiig i-ufiy f warrants over ecvn ycaifl prior ti kly lat, IHill), oiitl (im alU for linn been by uw comi aicd with tnijrinal, mid Hint It is a I troi t liuiiHdiiit therefToni and of the, wliol( (,f , U(. original m tlie ,anio appeais of recoid in my office and in my care imd cimlody. In teKiiiminy whereof I have liereunto ft my hand and allixed the aeal of said tiourt this ilth dav of June, A. I), lr. F.uiku Dixon, Clerk. ,wai.. y E. 11. Ooopkii, Dopaty. ltitn Notice h hereby given that the boarJ of school directors of school district Nru 02 of Jlackanias Conntv. Oi.-o,in 11-111 receive sealed bids at the residence of the school clerk, on Seventh street, in Oregon Dity, Oreiton, up to the hour of seven o'clock p. m., on Friday, July 14, 18H9, for the sale and delivery to the district of 120 corda of Rood, sound, four foot &t wood, which has been cut from larne, live standing timber, and thoroughly seasoned. Said wood to lie llrst class in all respect and suitable fur use in the furnaa-s of the school build ings. Seenly wrds of said wood to tie delivered at the Barclay eehool building on ll'tli street, and SO corda at the East ham school building 011 7th street. Said wood to be delivered 011 or befoie Sen- (ember 1st, lStrt). The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Ity order ol the Hoard of Directors. S. M. Mt'OowN. Distiict Clerk. Pitted at Oiegon City, Oregon, June '.3, J. II. LOGAN Has Rerponed the Marquam Blacksmith Shop And will t'o horse shoo'n; and all kinds of gpreral work t lowest prices. That we are the cheapest CASH or CREDIT house d the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us If you are wise and have your own inter est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buv you will be POSTED as to goods and values Remember, y Sewisj Machines from $5.00 and Upward Second-Hand jl. J3iocKS rurmture ana SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. 8. W R. Jones, Plaintiff, vs. W. 'I'. Burney and Klnora T. Burner, his wife, (lharles N. Scott and ti san J. tcott, his wltc. t'lHrenoe W. Hiinpsun imii Miry Simpson, his wife. Charles H CuuDelU and Kiln S. Cimtlelil, his wile, It chard Nixon, receiverof the I'orlland Pav ings Hank, T. J. Stltes. K. I'. Nut ting. J. T. Apperson, S. 8. Train and J. K. Whitney, partners under tile firm niimeof Train & Whitney. F. A. Toepleman, Charles llisley, trustee of the estate of Henry Nass, and S C. Cramer, Defendants. State ot Oregon, County of Clackamas, as. BY VIKTUK 0' A JTJItUMKST, ORHKR, DE. cree and an execution du y issued out of anil under trie seal ol the uluv entitled court, in the above eniltleu ca'ise. to me fluty miecteit, ami dated Die Il'th day of July lS:ll), up in a jtitlg meut rendered and entwred In said court nu the lHlh day of April, WJil, In favor uf 8. W. R. Jones, ptalnliff, anil against V. T. Bn n-y anal K1 nora f. Biiriii y, his wife. Charles N. Scoll nd Sttaan J. Wutt, l wife, Clarence W, stmpso.l unil Mary Simpson, his wife, Cliarlea H. Cwfield unfl sua .. uauticM, his wile, men hi a x in, te wivwof Hie Portland Savings II ink, f . J. Stites, V. P. Nutting, J.T. Apperson, S. 8. Train and J.R. wrmnev, parrirera uniier i lie Uiin name ol iTnin Whitney, V. A. Toepleman, Charles Bisley, trustee of the estate of Henry Nass, and H. C Cra. mi'F, defenilants, fur the suin of $22,610 '6J, wilh 'Interest t ereon at the rate of H pur cent per annum from thedtitfti day of April, lsaa, mai iie 1' Hither sum ot wm.lK) as attorney' fee, mi the further sum of WM) costs and ilKhurseiiMiiila, auil the costs of ami upon this writ, couimaitding me to ni.'ike-sale of the lollowiug dinchbed rcl prop erty, Uiuite In the county of Cetckamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: All of secllniM nine !)) and rlfleen (15) and the east one-half ) of the norlliwest oue'irnarter C'4iann uie west one-nail t'jl of tne iiorineast oue-ipiarler C4I of section two the north one-hull (i.-jji.iiud tile 11 Till one li If ("1 of the s 'UthKine-lmli (' a) and the southwest one tuiarter (,) or the southwest one-quarter ('14) 01 section 11. r. (,. .,11 ,.f .1... i-iir 11: i ..1 ..,.,i..n . four (4):'llio northwest oiie-iiuarter (W) and llie ' . v . . ' oiii'-iiaii t,) or me souiiiwesi one-quarter ( H-) of aeetluii ten (10): tile west one-half I'jj) of tlie west one-half of siiim eleven (11); the west rue-half t1') ot llie norllnvesi one-quarter and Hie south one-half (!) ol section twenty one (21), all in inwimlitp Ave (5 south 0 range three (3) east, WiIIhiii 'lie meridian; also the south one-half (!( of tue airih une half I'j) and an 01 Mia soiiin one-nan ('-,) 01 section unity uve t-i i), lowiisiiip lour () east Wiilaini'tte meriilian. uth, lange three (3) I Now, therefore, hy virtue of said execution, JielKiiiHiit ordi r and decree, and iin coui)lianee wlti the commands of said writ, I will, on SATURDAY, THE 12ia DAY ti AUdl'ST, 1809, al Hie hour of l:30o-clock p,m., at the front dooi of I Ihecuiiniy court housein iheciiy ol Oregon City. in i,n iu vim 111; tiuu Male, sen a 1 puiiuu nil, 1 11111, soo- . i et to reilrlnoliiin. In the tiinheL hhliler. fur V ' S. gold com cash In hand, nil tlie rltht, liHe and hit rest which the m iittin 11 mcft ib-fe: dants, or eliher of them, hud nn the ,lt.-i tin- 111 irlg ige lierein or ,ince hwl in nr (i the Amve de-icrilie 1 real rupeny nranv p art Ih.-n-uf In satiify faid ex ecution, jU'ltMiit'iit order, decree, intercut, costs and all lu-cmin? nu. J. J. CO'lh E, Sheriff of Ctai kamas ('miniy, Oregua. Dati-il, Oregmi City, ore., J11I7.II. Is m Teacher' I'.xomlniitiou. Notice is hereby tfiveil that for the purpose of making nn examination of all persons who may dlTer themselves as candidates for teacher of the schools of this county, the county schoul superin' tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at the court house In Oregon City, Oregon, on AugtiatMih, nine o' clock a. 111., A. I). IS',19. All applicants will be present at time stated above, whether for state papers or county papers. Dated this 15 th day of Ju'y, A. D. 1809. S. W. Bowlakd, Co. Spt. Schools. Taken Up. A heifer. Owner can iaave Sitnie by proving property and pay tug costs. Gust Johnson, Mt. Pleasant. You can still get a hat below cost at CeJia Goldsmith's. CONTEST NOTICE. Department or Tin Intkhiob, I'MirKii Status Land Otr.c, Ohxoon City, Oregon, Juiy 3, 18ti ARTrFICIKNT eontesl atlldavll, dated June 8, l'.i. having been Hied In this oiilce by Peter Kraus, oiitestimt, against homesteail entry No. U.tWtt wado November 111, 180,"), for the w'; sec tion 24 lutvnsh p 7 a, range 2 e, bv Jainet I,, Ua vis, eon(eUM 111 which li is alleged that tlie said James I. Ievt has wholly abandoned said trait and changed his residence therefrom for mora than 21 months aiuou making said eulrr and next prior to Uie dale named In l.1 .ih.Uvn- that his absenoa fmm snld claim has not been, by reason of sendee In the armv or navy of the I'. 8. Ill time of war, ami that snul tract is not settled upon ami cultivated by said party as required by law, said parties are hereby notilled to appear, respond and ort'er avidenee touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on Aug. 22, 1J, be'or lh register and receirer at the United Slates land otrl- a In Oregon City, Oregon, The said contestant having, In a proper affida vit, tied July 1, ts;i, set forth facta which show that after due dilllgeuce persona! service uf this notice can not be made. It Is heieby onleiel and dlrocUHl that such notice ho given bv due and proper imH.uaiiou. cuas. B. MOORED, Register. YM, GALLOWAY, Heglster. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A NOTE THE FOLLOWING Ingrain Carpets from 30c Per Yd and Upward SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit fiourt of the State of Oreeon. for the County oi Clackamas. i. V-, V Montague (-mbstlluted for U. n. UlarKe), Plain tiff, vs. J. A. Taylor, B mjamln Bender and Marv A. Benner. 11 is wile. (. it Dedman and Clara S. Dedman, his V wife, William Beutelsnavher and Mary Beutelspaeher, his wife, An gelina Berry, Robert DeShaier and Parthenla DeShaser, his wifo, Angellne Borry, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, a. BY VIRTUE OV A JCIMJMEKT ORDER, DE cree and an execution, duly Usaed ottI and under the seal of tire above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and liiiwd the 20th i(av of June, 1S!I:, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 16th day of June, 1S9D, in favor of J. V. W. Man tagme (substituted for D. 8. Clatke), plaiulilf, and agaiirst J. A. Taylor, Benjanrin Bendor and Mary A. Render, his wife, (J, R. Dedman aed Clara 8. Deri man, his wife, William Heutcispai h er and Mary Beutelsp.icher, his wife, Aiieline Berry, RiVbert UeShaz-r and PaTthena DeShazcr, his wife. Anuellne Berry, aofendants, for the sum of fltwa.txi, with m(Test thereon at the rate of S per cent per a mm 111 from the 10th day of June, MOD, and the further sum of J2u0.ro, with iirteresttnereon from the -le'th day of June, and the further sum of $ln0 00 as attorney's fee. and the further sum of ti3 75 costs and (risbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sile of the follow lng described real pioperly, situate ill the Couniy of Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, to wit: And be ginning at a point im ithe east boundary of the donation landalm ff N. J, Lamb, deceased, and wife, in towimhip 2 south of range 3 east ot the Willamette meridian, 10 chains south of the northeast corner thereof; Ihetice west 8.50 chains to a stake; thcflioe south Ihirty-threedegrees west forty-five chains; thence south nineteen and 35-100 chains to the south boundary of said do nation laud 'Claim; ihence east on said south boundary line to the right bank of the Clackamas river; thence with ttte meandering of si id river up stream four and 50-100 chains to the mouth of Deep creek; lliem e up the riKht hank of Deep creeK wuii me meaiiOerinas tneieoi to tne soihb- west line of a tract of land heretofore sold to lluiimuv anil Ifi.llarla. honna unrtlt frptu.t,l,u Deemer and Roberts: thence north lortv-niiw degrees west 011 said line to the comer stake; thence worth tw, niy elclit degrees thirlv minutes east eight and 50-10:1 chains; Ihence no th sixty nine degrees east four and Sl'2-100 chains to ite east boundary of John Fagalde's homestead; thence north on said east boundary of said home steadto the-norlhi asl corner thereof; thence west on the nortii houndary of said liou,estead to the n' r"'west corner thereof , the ice south on Hie of beginnintr, contaitiimr 2:.03 acres more or less, excepting therefrom one hundred acres sold by John Mull and rva Mall, his wife, to Francis H. Brirwu by deed dated Jaun try 6th, I;i4, ri c-irded January 2iith, 18U4, In tlie deed records of Clacka mas county, Oregon. Now, tlnrefore, by virtue of said execution, jinlement order and decree, and In compliance Hi the commands of said writ, I will. SATURDAY, THE 22d DAY OF JULY, 1k!Ki. irt the hour of 1:30 o'olock1 p. m., at the front door of tlie County Court House in the Citv ol Oregon ( Ity, iu said t 'utility and State, soil at pOWlie. auction, sin ji-ct to redempti 111, lo the highest biiliier, for U. H. gold coin casli in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the witlnu named detcinlauts or cither of them hail on the dote ot the mortgage herein or since ha I in or lo tlie above described real properly or any ri thereof, to satisfy aaid execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing eosl. J. J. COOKE, Shi riff nf o k .mas Cniiiiy. Oregon. Baled Oregon city. Ore.. June 2(1, is,;rj. ADMIXISTUA'I MIX NOT I V E. N'JTICK Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appoiiutd administratrix of the es tate of Adam Zimmerman, deceased, and that all person having claims against said estate are re quired to present them to me at my rtsldence. ChuIht, Oregon, within s x mouths from the dale of this publication. KL1ZABETH ZIMMERMAN, Administratrix of Estate of Adam Zimmerman. Deceased. Dated Canbv, Oregon, July 13th, lHlltf. Cha. N. Wait, attorney for Estate. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY (I1VKN THAT TUB UN derstgned, administratrix of the estate of Frank Spulak, deceased has Sled in the oounty court of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, her final account aa auoh administratrix of said el late, and that Monday, t)t 4th day of September, ls99, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m , has bees fix d by llie judge of said court as the time for the hearing uf olrjcCiloti t said report, (he settlement of said estate and to the discharge nf the said ad mintstiairtx and thpreieaee of her bondsmen. Dated this 13th day of Jalv, 1899. KAI'K SPI I.AK, Adiul' ltratris uf the Estate of Frank aUmlak, Deceased, ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 27th day of June. 1899, appointed administratrix of the estate of Michael il. Hhive ly, deceased. All persona having claims against said estate are reouested to present Ihem lo me at my home near Monitor, Oregon, properly veri fied, within six months of the date of this uotiee. Dated Ibis 29th day nf June, 1899. SARAH E. SHIYKLY, Administratrix. E. P. Uokcoh, Wimdbtirn, Ore., Attorney for Administratrix. Wantbd: 50 wood choppers. Good pay aud board and lodging. Inquire for Schnorr's wood camp in Kue's gro cery store, Willamette Falls. New Model Sewing Machine Improved JO years Guarantee $24 . Easy Terms Giveri SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Slate bf Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, Mrs. Martha Rlngo, guardian of the i-ertMAs and elale of the mi nor heirs ot It. C, Kingo, de ceased, Plaintiff, vs. G(orge F, tilalr, Tressa A. Blair, his wife, end E. C. Hansen, Defendants, J 8lateof Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE cree and an excoution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the abovr entitled court, 111 the above entitled cause, and to me duly directed aud dated the 2Gth day of June, 1899, upon a judg ment remit red and entered In suid court on the 13th day of June. 1899, in favor of Mrs. Martha Bingo, as guaidian of the persons and estate of the minor heirs of H.C. Riugo, deceased, plain tiff, and against Oeorge F. Ulai Tressa A. Blair, his wife, and K. O. Hansen, di fendiints, for the sum of 185 00. with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 percent per annum from the 13lh day of June. 18U9. and the lurihersum of 850.00 lis at tornpy's fee, and the further sum of $11.00 costs and disbursements, and the coals of a d upon this writ, comniftudiiig me 10 make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, stale f Oregon, to wit: Being a part of the Win. Groshong D. L. C , In tow nship6 sou h, range I east of the Willamette mendiam, and bounded as follows; Beginning eightv (80) rods north of llie southeast comer of tlie Wm. (jroshong D, L. C. 011 the eastern line thereof, and running thence west one hundred and sixty rods (Kin); Ihence north lorly rods (40); thence east one hundred and sixty rods (100) lo the said claim line; thence soutn forty rods (40) to the place of b. ginning, containing forty acres (40, the same being tlie interest devised to Opora-e P. Rlnir by the last will and testament of KhndaA Blair, deceasid. New, therefore, by vlrlue of said (xecu lon, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on 8ATCRDAY, THE 29th DAY OF JULY, I SMI, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the city of Oregon City. In said county and state, sell at pub He auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. b. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and interest u hich the witiiin named defendants, or either of Ihem, nad on the date of the mortgage herein, or since had in or to the alaive described real property or any part thereof, tosatisfy said execution judgment Older, decree, interest, costs and all acciuing costs. J.J.COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated. Oregon Citv, Ore., June 27, 1809. CAN BY BARBER SHOP Shaving and Hair Cutting done with neatness and dispatch. Julius Rones, Proprietor ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE la hereby givi n that the undersigned has leeudttlv appointed administrator with the w ill annexed of the estate of D. W Hnticll. deceased, by the County Courtj or the couniy of CIackainaG, slate of Oregon, nnd all pen 011s hav ing claims against said estate must present them lo the undersigned, duly verified, at my office iu Oregon City, Oregon, within six month" from till. date. BRUCE 0. CTRHY, Administrate with the Will annexed of the estate of W. D Howell, deceased Dated this 11th day of July, 1899. W. Orepian anfl CnurierHerali $2- New Summer Temptation in Dry Goods Our Oregon City Patrons Find Our Store not only the one where they can have their wants supplied with greatest satisfaction but also the most convenient shopping place in Portland Cas regon City Cars Pass the Door Wldot and best Table Oilcloth, In white or ICp colors, per yard a" Full-width white Table Damask In choice ORa patterns, per yard Choice patterns in good-slied Lace Curtains ft a with taped edges, per pair " Heavy double width Unbleached Sheeting AI per yard Aujv Wagon or Tent Canvas, heaviest grade, per J Qq Heavy Cottonade PanU Goods In dark ool- Ortf or and neat patterns, per yard bJv Heavy Unbleached Linen Toweling, per yd Q1q Extra heavy Blue Denim, par yard JRq WE HAVE ONLY ONE Ql t Cor. First & Sainton St STORE IN PORTLAND Olid, llclllxill 3 PORTLAND. ORE. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, WE MAIL IT FREE; DOLLAR MADE 3 Piece Bed Room Set from $7.00 and Upward The Only Reliable Stove on Earth The UNIVERSAL also STEEL RANGES carpet House CONTEST NOTICE. De'pabtmfnt of the InikMob, United States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon, June 27, 1899. A SUFFICIENT contest affidavit, dated May IS, 1S9D, having been filed in this office by Orvllle Robertson, contestant, against homestead entry No. 10642, made March 2, 1893. lor the a w 14 section 24, township 8 s, range 5 e, y William N. Tatro, enntestee. In which It is alleged that "the said William N. Tatro has wholly abandoned said claim for more than two years prior hereto and lliat he has rot resided on said claim for more than two years last past and dnring said time he has not cultivated or Improved said olaim. nor any one acting for him; thathisab sence has not been due to his employment in the mill nry nr naval service of the Unit, d States In time of war," said parties are hereby notified In appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 15, 18119, before the reelster mid receiver cf the United States land office In Oregon City, Origin. The said contestanl having. In a proper affida vit, filed June 1(1, 1899, set forth faots which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not hp made. It is hereby ordered and directed that 'such notice he given hy duo and proper publication. CHA. U. MOORFS. Register. WM. OA BOWAY, Receiver. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. In the Clicult Court nf the State of Oreornn. for the County of C'ai kiinias, Valentine Ho. 1 Plaintiff, vs. Caroline Huff. Defendant, j State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMFNT ORDER, BE oree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me dutv directed, and dated the 271 b day if June, 1899, upon a judg ment rendered and entered in said court on the l.'ilh day nf June. 1899, in favor of Caroline HnrT, defendant, and against Valentine Ilnff, plaintiff, lor ine sum 01 eaiu.uii, and llie runner sum of 25.00 rosts and disbursement, and the costa of and upon this writ, onmmandine me out of Hie pe soniil property of said plaintiff, and if suffic ient could not be found. Ihen out of the real property belonging to a-id plaintiff on and after Ihc date of sab' Kith day of June, 1899, to sailsfy the sum of $275.00 and also the costs upon this said writ. Now. therefore, by virtue of faid execution. Idgment order and decree, and incompliance wilh the commands of said wilt, being unable to find any. personal proierty nf said plaintiff. I did on the 2'.lih day of June, 18(10, duly levy upon the following described real property of said plaintiff, situate and being in the county of Clack amas and state of Oregon, ti-wit; Commencing at a point 80 rods south of the northwest corner of the ( ast half of the donation land claim of Nathaniel Hell, in township three (3) smith, range ne (1) east of Ihe Willamette meridian, in I Incki-mas ci unty, Oregon; thence sniilh 80 r ds; thence cast tu rods: thence north 80 roils; thence wi st 07' i rods to the Dlace of be ginning; and I will, on 8 VTURDA Y, THE 8th DAY OF AUGUST, 1899. at ti e hour of 1 'clock p. m., at the front door of (lie court house In the city nf Oregon City, in said couniy and Male, sell at public auction, subject lo redemption, to the highest bidder; for U.S. g Id coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and I11 Icrest which the within named plaintiff had on the date of sold judgment, or since had, In or to the a'aive ib'scrlbetl real pioperty or any part hereof, to S' tlsfy said execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing cosss, J. J. COOKE. I Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July 1, 1899. N, Y. World and Courier-Herald $1.75 SHIRT WAISTS ntnIe9wlrn 25c AL REDUCED F'n"?;50c Piqiios, Madras, Percales and White Lawns 7C All sizes. Some handsomely trimmed and 'vv m"M ; $1.00 NEW SUMMER JSJS, 50c WAMTTNn ored Crashes, Ducks or 7K HfUiJUnU Fancy Corded Tweeds, lOC SKIRTS LTked5'".':'"!:!""! $1.25 FAVORITE Li'dWofrHa'ts 15c HE AD WEAR l!!a,,rsr.?Me.,ho1 25c with Fancr Sashes and I) nil Is. Cheapest Efl. In Portland at 0UC a"d 75c flTRT.1' Examine our Big Assortment OC UinilO 0f Uirl' Percale, Gingham iOQ nRPCCPC and Cheviot Dresses, stj I- EA. UniiOOIiO Ishly made and trimmed OUC with Lace, Embroideiy or Flounces, and 7C priced I wv A Nice Tea Set of 44 Pieces. Only $3.00 SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. , for the Couniy of Clackamas. Susan M, Williams, p Afiitifr. .' . i William P. Williams, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss." TIY virtue of a judgment order, decree and an " exeontion, duly isfued out of' and- under Ilia seal of the above entitled court, in the abbve enti tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 27th day of June, 1899, open a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 27th dayof April 1899, in favor of Susan M. Williams, plaintiff, and against William P. Williams- defendant, tne iu sum nf 500, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per ennmin from the 10th day of June,. ,005. au me ni6iB 01 ana upon 1111s writ, com manding me to make sale of the following de scribed real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to wit: Two th'rds interest of the southeast quarter of section 22, township 6 south of range 2 cast of the Willamette meridian. Now, therefore, hy virtue of said execution,, jndgmtnt order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Same day, THE lath DAY OP AUGUST, 1899,. at the hour of one o'clock p. m.,st the front door of the county court house in t he city of Oregon City. in said county and state, sell at public auelion.sub' jtol to redemption, to the highest bidde. forU. 8.. gold coin, cash in hand', all the right, title and In terest which the within nainel delend' ant hid on the date of the mortgage1 herein, or since had, in or to the above described! real propertv, or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, dceiee, inlerest, costs and all accruing costs. J. J COOKE. Sheriff of Claokamas Cuunt.v. Oregon Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 8th, 1899. MOTICE is hereby given that I will make appH- , ,u .c iniiuiiuoie uoara or county com missioners for Clackiimas county, Oregon, on the 22nd day of July, 1899, for a license to sell malt I liquors in less quantities than one gallon in Cas cade prcoini t, Clackamas county, Oregon, a copy nf U tilf-h m.lillnn Id l.nln-. J . frv.,.11,,,, UCHIW IIUUIIMICU. F. A. MEIMG. To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for Clackamas county, Oregon ; 'We, the undersigned. nun irgru viuvrs or inscanft precinct Ola. knmas bounty, Oregon, respectfully petition and prsy that you grant to F. A. Melnig a license: to sell noilt liquors in Cascade precinct, Clacka- , mas enmity. Oregon, In less quantities than one j gn Inn forthe period of six months. 8 I) Coalman, ('has Pfyffer, J B Maronev. E Knp ?,",', Ty"1"' Tnark. McAdams, G W Woods. M V rhomas, (too Thomas, F Thomas, J M Thorn' las, AC Thomas, WS Smith, John Urnmhall. 1 John Marcney, J A Kidman. G. (. Gibons, K C Inbow, J J Eisner, C K Bramhall, J RramhaH, J F Andre, B Wakefield, II Ridderbiiseh, Henrr Ridderbiifch, Fred VVaespe. Wm Waespe, W Weber, Wm radian, John Haltv, John 8 Gib- oons, erltz Micknw, John Epperson, George Ipperson, John Ilofi'meistcr, E s Pnvn. J R Dun can. .1 A Thlv n T,,l...l tr n c-....i.-t . ii- , - V- .'. '""" 'i 1 '-LiuwiirmHC, n .Wendland, J Wendland, M Keisecker. Irol Keisccaer. John Keisecker, C Mcng, Heiruau Vlscher, Hermann Brims, Jnines Phelan, Cospjr Junker, E Klige), John Tavel l, Gluescppl fra vel I Dennis Jercer, T G Jolisrud, Paul Dunn, II Rldderbnsch, John McDonald, Sllllman An drews. Peter PHeia, lewis Ilaiighlnin, Geo A Leslie, J A Shettirly, Thomas Phelan. O Ram bow S O Mitchell, Robert Bartscb, J Krlstenson, Fred Riem, Wilhelm 8panel, Jrhn Ulrlch, Golt fried Ftuckl, Anton Mnhar. J II Wewer, HenrV Koch, J 0 1 Deshazer, E E Wendland, Joseph Wit llg. T H Fischer, A Kllgel, M Kllgel, B Kligel. John D Erl. D Moynlban, F W Canning, S Bacon, J H L Mnybee, E A Revenue, T H Anderson, Jos Figles, Charles Peshall. P, G. Shark is now Drenarnd tn fnrnlab 1 S'lTr-i8h aU kinds of cigar8 at Gi-i!h 5nd J11"? ' Flne Black Ll8'e HoselKA with double soles, per pair IOC Gix,l' aJJ'1nMI'!8e.8' Late Nveltie In Fancy IRa Striped Hose, fast colors, per pair 10C Children; Patent Clasp Hosa Supporters, 10c Men's Large Straw Tield Hats, In alt slies, 10c All Latest shapes and colors In Men's and 25c trawior unen Hala now on sale AND' 35a Men's Summer-weight Undershirts on sale 15c AJl Leading Colors in Good Silk Plush, per yard... 16c