OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY ai, 1899. jCVLand Titles and Land Ollic. Business a Specialty. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Court! of the State and tie Bureaus of the Interior Dspartment at Wash BgtOU. KOOM 8, CHABSIiH BUILDINQ, OREGON CITY. OREGON. JOHN H. WOURMS ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeutffyr SIbDoIat. Oregon ity, Oregon Office with H. E. Cross. VAN R. HYDE LAW OFFICE Will practice In all the Courts of the State and the TJ. 3. 1,1111.1 Office. Abst acts made. Land Ti tei Quieted. Conveyances and all Legal Docu ments drawn. Keal Estat9 bought and sold. Rlvor es a Specialty. Office in Caufield IIuilmno, OREGON CUT. OREGON. G. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Up 'Stairs OREGON CITY, - OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY - CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes eoV actions. Buys and sells exchange on all points n the United States and Europe and on Honj Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A M. to P. M. D.C. LAlOCRK'iTE, FRED t. MEYR, President. Cashier. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TORKEYB AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY .... OREGON Geo. C. Bbowmu J. 0. Campbiu BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufield Building Oregon City, Or W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY OREGON C. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW SJeutfdjet SIb&oM OREGON CITY OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Imscbanci Agency or Clackamas County Honey to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY. - . OREGON Jtt. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional Services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Ohronlo diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 18 a. m., 4 to B p. m. OBEQON CITY .... ORKOON DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay Building, Oregon City, Ore. Prices Mofetate. All Operations Guaranteed. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office In Caufield BUding, Main Street Oregon Oitv. Bridge and Cbowh Wobk a Bpkcialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Pbsoom City, Depot, Obbqon DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Unlvfr iity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH OB. WELCH. Willamette Block - Oppotitt Pottoffice Obegoh Citt, Obboom. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1865 j THE riONEEB EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parti of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON J. C. BRADLEY. Prop. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oitbe Street between the Bridge tad the . Oepet. TV ..V.1. .!..) ram and aaddlfl hOrSGS A ways on hand at th lowest raUsi,nd corr . . . 1 ..... -ilk k.rn Inr looflft itOCt AnytnformaUon regarding any kind of oc ar ornpUy attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLD. BATH COMFORT Is unknown unless everything connected with the nam tun IS in perieoi order. The Plumbing clone bv us is thoroughly satisfac tory because it is done right. F. C. GADKE A SINGLE RED LINE FILL taken in time will often Lead off a seri ous illness. Our pills for Biliousness, Torpid liver, Loss of appetite, Sick headache, Indi gestion, Iiyspepsia, Constipation and all kindred complaints are of the highest standard of quality, being prepared in the most careful manner from absolutely pure drugs. In Boxes at 25c. We keep all the well known makes of Fills. CHARMAN &C0., Cut Rate Druggists. Notice. All parties knowing themselves in debted to Noblitt & Co. will be expected to call and settle at once. No exceptions will be made, as we wish to pay our bills, and desire others to do likewise so that we can. Nob'mtt & Co. . EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. North. 7:00P.M. Lv Portland Ar 8 00A. 7:52p.m. Lv Oregon City Lv 7 (XH.S 7:4fA.H. Ar San Francisco Lv 7:00 p.k 5:00p.m. Ar Ogden Ar 1:10 r.M i!:(i5p.M. Ar Denver Lv 6:45 P.M 6:40a.m. Ar Omaha Ar Win 8:15p.m. Ar Chicago Lv 6:30 A.M 7:00A.M. Ar Los Angeles Ar 9:25 P.M 8:15p.m. Ar - M Paso Ar 2:85 P.M 4:15 p.m. Ar Fort Worth Ar 8:40 A.M 7:55 a.m. Ar New Orleans Ar 8:40 P M DINING CARS, OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman First class and Tourist Cars attached to all through trains. ROSfiBUItG MAIL DAILY , Lv Portland Ar Lv Oregon City Lv I Ar Koseburg Lv 8:30 A.M. 9:20 A. M. 5:20 p. M. 4:S0P.K 8:84 r. 7:8 A H OORVALLIS MAIL DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 7:80A.M. I Lv Portland Ar5:50P.M 11:58 A.M. I Ar Corvallis Lvl:S0P.M At Albany and Corvalils connect with train of Oregon Central & Eastern K. R. INDEPENDENCE l'APgENGXR DAILY EXCETT BUN DA Y. I 4:50 P. M. 7.30P. M. 8:30 P. M. Lv Ar Ar Portland McMinnvlUe Independence 8:25 A. J! 5:fn A.N 4:50 A.M Direct Connection at Pun Frniicitco with Steamship Lines for Hawaii, Japan, I hina, the Philippines and Australia, For through t ickets and rates call on or address E. E. 1IOVI), Aeent, Oreeon Cltj R. KOEHLKR, C. II. MAI:KHAM, Manager, (i. F. P Arnt, Portland, Or. Portland, Or, (Q) Depart fob TIME SCHEDULES From Port and. Akrivi FROM ' Fast Nail 1:00 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, Fast Mail. 8:16 p. m. Ft. Worth. Omaha, Kansas City. St Leuis, Chicago, ana nasi. Spokane flyer Walla Walla, 8po- Spokano Flyer 1:80 a. m kaa. Minneapo lis. St. Paul. Du. lnth. Milwaukee. Chicago and East 10 p.m. Ooaati Staanshlol 4:00 p.: From Portland. Sail (very Ave days 8:00 p.m. Kz. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia Rlvor tttamsrs. 4:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday To Aitorla and Way Landings, 6:90 a.m. Si. Sunday Wllliaiotto Rlvor. ..m- Sx. Sunday Oracon CltT. Now. btrg.Baiem n ay Laudiugs. 1:00 a.m. Te., Jhur sni Bat. WHIanens and Yaav 1:10 p.m. lion., Wed. and Fri. hill llor. Oregon City, Da; ton, nay au lngs. 1:00 .m. tues., Thar. smdSat. Wlilamotto Rlvor. 4:80 p.m. Tues., Thar, and Sat Portland to Corval- lis A Way Land. ings. Lor. Rlparia 2:30 a. m. dally i Inako Rlvor, l"Tlitl!lo Rlparla to Lowlston , 1. POHALDSOS, Agent, Oregon City. W. H. HURLBORT, Central Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. BOARD OF CurtMISSlONERS Proceedings of the July Term of the County Board. (Continued from last week ) Road district No. 23 Cole Bros. & Co , general fund. . Charley Reynolds, road fund. . . Wm Shptislieard $2 65 2f 00 3 75 A Peterson 11 25 D Shepsheard 19 50 Roy Parmenter -lo ou D J Parmenter.... 19 50 H Hedges j 25 O A Wilcox 7 50 J W Covey 24 00 cc Fox ; 3 00 Albert Bhubbe 33 00 JOClowser 4 60 Wm Evans Total ............$190 40 Road district No. 24-- J B Mitts, road fund : 3 00 A F Moshberger 15 75 L A Moshberger 2 50 CZweifel 10 75 A B Widdows 5 50 W A Haskins 9 90 F Evman 3 0 A L'Bigelow 7 50 FiSeiltr 3 00 OHKelle..... 3 CO F Mohr 3 00 C Bair :,. .-. 3 00 WH Cochran . 3 00 J E Mitts I B Donaldson 1 &0 Dave Miller 7 uu Sam Weirich 4 00 Chas Bessler 2 50 F Stuive . f? GAKinzer w HerbRansdell E B Miller 9 00 Sam Miller 3 00 T C Ackerson a ou Dick Garrett. . . 7 50 Jans Boe 00 T E Fish 4 50 JBNoe 5 2o John Eyli 6 25 John Sthnnter " BF Smith o w TBHeim 1 00 Total f!75 85 Road district No. 25 Adkins Bros., general fund $92 55 Trullinger Bros 3 85 John Baith 2 00 Henry Baith 1 5 Will Heinze 1 50 John Baith, road fund 31 50 Henry Barth 10 50 Oharley Harnack 6 00 John Wallace 6 00 ftlmrlws Kroxherirer 3 00 LaueGribble vw Charley Morris 6 00 Will Heinze George Ruk 6 00 George Kisering 6 00 Henry Hepler w Al Penyold 3 00 Al Wing WillYoiann 2 25 Fred Yohann 1 50 H Abbott 1 10 John Barth 8 U) James Cox 2 25 James Morris. 25 Will Heinz. . Louis Heinz. Ben Lubben H Abbott... Wm Wilson. I 50 1 60 Henry Stein. . John Barth 3 50 Henrv Barth 1 50 50 00 00 00 Phil Graves 3 Cnarley Morris 3 unn vi rmui. Will White 3 00 Herman Grimm 3 00 Ed Morris 1 50 Ira Morris 1 50 D Biummer 1 50 a Look 50 Leonard Heinze 3 00 Will Yohan 4 85 Fred Yohan 5 25 Ben Lubben 3 75 John Dnm 0 75 Pter Mortv 2 25 Total . $75 90 Road district No. 26 L Stt'iiihrnaun, road fund $51 GO J A Human 12 07 W Keen 20 77 T Btiuo 20 40 S Richt 21 60 I j Look 9 4-1 11 Look 3 Oil Sum Etmla 19 50 JohnVick.. 6 01 V Case U0 John Harless 3 00 A Yenny 00 A WellB 10 50 D Ennle 7 50 F Everhart & Joe Hailcss 50 M Hungate 0 00 DWilliauis 150 C Engle 3 Oti D Austin & 60 M Cross..'...... 7 50 Chas Thomas 4 50 E Shnver 3 00 W B Broyles 30 A J Sawtelle 9 00 JR Shaver 58 00 Total 1313 74 Road district No. 27 E A Hartman, geueral fund $12 30 J S Yoder 89 87 AOYoder 4 50 Will Yoder 4 50 Ed Yoder... 4 60 TKTavlor 4 50 Willard Stanton 4 60 Bluford Stanton 4 60 . mnn nisnion w I J A Stanton, road fund 4S 00 W ard Stanton o to John Stanton 3 00 William Jennines 4 50 David Jennings A 00 Albert Thomas 6 00 Edward PeterBon 1 50 Dliomace 1 50 WHLimon 6 00 OP Black 2 25 Steve Adams 2 2,i Frank Jackson 7 Ira James 4 W A Jackson 4 P J Anderson 7 A B Anderson 3 Peter Wornidahl 1 50 Ole Rye 7 60 Bluford Stanton 6 75 Nicklcs Birtchet. C B Powell P1I Thompson... John Wormdahl . . Ole L Ros'oald. JMGroshong 9 00 Fred Haun 1 50 G F Slaughter 11 2-5 Ben Thomas 3 00 Charley Mullen 3 00 J H Graham , 2 62 James Nicholas 2 62 Len Holt 3 00 George Nicholas 3 00 James Melstead 3 00 B B Barstow 2 25 John Furgeson 3 00 George Wyland 3 00 H Wilson 1 50 George Canaan 1 50 Total $326 79 Road district No. 30 J Bickner, general fund $4 25 EK Jones & Co 22 34 J K Worthington 3 75 W Miller... , 3 00 E Davidson 2 25 J R Hays 7 00 J R Hays, road fund 49 50 J O'Brien.... 50 50 L M Davidson 51 00 M K Shipley 52 50 J A Tuft 49 50 TFox 10 00 A W Shipley.. 9 00 A Waldrof 46 75 J Headrick 27 00 W Hallan. 18 00 A Bullock 27 00 W Todd 5 85 E Smith 21 75 E Chuck 23 50 E Davidson.. 2 50 W Lee 4 00 F Davidson 27 00 J Davis..... 26 25 J Monroe 25 50 M Welch 9 00 C Childs 10 75 J Manning 9 75 H Metatal 6 75 J Haines . 22 00 M Dedzun 5 25 J H Piatt 15 00 R Ball....: 12 00 J K Kiser 12 00 E Headrick. 3 00 F Manning 2 50 J R Hays 42 00 Total $719 09 Road district No. 31 George Laum, general fund $39 92 John Gage 19 50 Fchatz 15 00 August Delker 14 50 Ch Polevka 7 50 Paul Riechle 10 50 George Biele... 7 5',)- John Aden 18 00 BenAthey 8 50 Ben Aihey 1 50 John Gage, road fund.. 3 00 Henry Schatz 1 50 John Aden 6 00 John Sager 6 00 Louis Toedemeier 13 50 Frank Gosser 6 75 Henry Toedemeier 3 31 A I erhoff 18 August Koellemeier 2 25 Louis hof llenieier 3 mo H Iderhoff 5 63 Total '00 42 Road district No. 32 Ernest Camel, road fund '. . $ 2o Albert Camel 2 25 Ira MiOonnell 1 50 John Hoffman 3 00 am "Roberts.-. 75 Jay Baker 9 00 James Bauer ow R. e fleeter 3 00 Allison Baker 3 00 Mat Baker.'. ' 5 0,) Grant Seiseneintatior 2 60 Nickels alio Henrv Wilhelm 75 AHTunian 4 00 LE Hiilman 13 Total 56 25 Road district No. 33 Wilson & Cooke, general fund. .. $5 10 F VV Liverruore 68 47 Geo Ouuninuhain 3 00 Ed ClosBner 8 00 Win Smith 3 00 vVm Tucker 3 00 Frank Millard 6 0;) John Lewellen 35 00 Eugene Lewellen 10 00 Samuel Ranev, road fund. .. .... 6 00 Win Bard...'. 2 25 E Lacey 3 75 Willis Yonea.. 7 51) Geo (iuthritige 7 50 Geo Modish 6 00 Frank Millard 10 50 Wm Snider 0 00 Wm Tucker 10 50 Wm Smith 60 Preston Howell 9 00 Ed Clossner 13 00 Geo Cunningham , 19 00 John Lewellen 15 60 Eugene Lewellen 17 50 Tutal $270 57 Road district No. 34 Charles Anderson, road fund. $1 50 A Andre ou Total $0 00 Road district No. 3-5 Sam K Taylor, road fund $14 00 Arthur Purdue j W Eliott 3 OU A Jacobs 6 6 Levi Erb 4 00 J K Hart Geo Purdue 1 oo Paul Snyder . o Albert Elliot 1 50 Marion Sampson 8 00 Total $53 5C Road district No. 33 Pope A Co., general fund $3 55 Viiforit Powder Co 5 85 Wilnnn .V Cook ft 4 IB Scripture & lieaulieu 5 F-ed S Baker 1 F Martin, road fund 20 Tom Aimstronz 12 w John Armstrong 12 00 Chas Shannon 12 00 EdBatdorf 27 00 Tom Smith 41 00 F J Meyer 37 00 T S Baker 36 00 A Wright 17 2) Chas Hill 15 00 Tom Munson 18 50 W H Ford 7 50 E Parker 3 75 50 60 00 50 00 1 Total $278 48 Road District No. 37 H Platte, road fund $7 50 E ChristenBon 1 60 E B Ladd 6 00 (i G Kruse 3 00 Total $18 00 Uoad district No. 38 Joel Jarh, general fund $17 65 California Powder Works 152 05 Anton Wikkelson, road fund. . . . 15 09 Lewis Kaughim 15 00 Andrew Haughim 13 50 Gilbert Haughim 4 50 Fred Wagner 5 25 Thomas Dunn 4 50 Olaf Mikkelson 1 00 Oswald Rambo 2 50 Ole Mikkelson 4 50 Paul Dunn 3 00 Peter P. Heia 31 50 Total $269 95 Road districNo. 39 California Powder Works, gen eral fund $29 60 Karl Stundmen 1 75 Oosper & Cummins. , 150 00 C Fisher, road fund 21 00 Total.... $202 35 In the matter of claims filed The board having examined said claims and being fully advised, it is ordered by the board that the clerk shall issue warrants on the general fund in favor of the per sons and for the amounts hereinafter specified ia payment of said claims : Eli Williams, assessor's account. .$92 00 J G Porter, do 69 00 R L Pollock, do 24 00 J F Nelson, do 69 00 N Blair, do ou Ou Chas Toole, do 36 00 J H Smith, surveyor's account. . . 21 00 Telephone, court house do 4 40 Austin & Western Co, road and bridge account 23 50 W H Counsel, roadmaster 72 01 Noblitt s stables, road and bridge account 3 CO Geo A Harding, court house ac count 4 75 0 Schuebel, J P court, D Van Houten... 7 70 M F Metown, do 18 70 F Fieldman, do 3 Oil A K Ford, do 190 Mrs A K Ford, do 1 90 C W Ford, do 1 70 John Wankes, do 3 10 R C Grossman, do 5 50 Max Klinger, do 1 70 Mrs Chas Ford, do 170 C Schuebel, J P court, John Johu- son 9 40 M F McOown, do 12 50 W A Robinson, do : .... 3 10 Mrs M J Farnsworth, do 3 10 Philo Farnsworth, do 3 10 Chas Muller, do 3 10 Sam Wilson, do 3 10 Louis Crookshank, do o 10 C 5-chuebel, J P court, Eddie Koe- ble 7 15 F M McCown, do 7 55 Frank Mathews, J P court, C Hoover 4 40 Courier-Herald, stationery 54 00 Courier-Herald, printing 18 60 ,1 J Cooke, sheriff 28 00 InaM Chase, do 41 00 Pope & Co., court house Id 50 T B Hankins, sheriff 7 60 Pope & Co., road and bridge. ..... 9o W A Huutley, stationery 7 77 J J Cooke 7 30 Enterprise, printing 23 85 In the matter of building a standpipe ! at the watering, trough at Elyville, it is ordered by the board that permission to bui'd the same be granted. In the matter of closing the tax roll for 1898 This matter coming on now to be heard, it is ordered by the board that said tax roll for 1898 be declared delin quent on and from this date. In (he matter of the petition of E. R. Eii-ert for a poll tax rebate This matter coming on regularly to be heard and the hoard being fully satisfied that E. It. EiBert is a non-resident, it is ordered i hat said rebate be granted in the sum of $3. K R Eisert $3 00 In the matter of the double assess ment of J S. Williams, it is ordered by the board that said J. S. Williams be granted a rebate of $2.90 on said double assessment. J S Williams $2 90 In the matter of Wm. White, a county churge, it is ordered by the hoard thai the warrant is.-ued each nimitli to S. Uuo for the care and keeping of said Wm.' White be changed from the name of S. Rue to that of J. C. Shoemaker, who will now keep White. In the mutter of the report o viewers on the petition of 0. E. Spenceet al., for a change in the MoUlla road-In the above matter Win. Urirentliwaite, J. B bYesoo and T. B. Thomas, viewers ap-poini'-il at. the last term of this hoard to v'.ew and locate a county road situated in Clackamas county, Oregon, described in full on page 13(1 of this journal. S lid viewers filed their report, showing that th'iv had met on the 2Hth day of June and were duly sworn, after which they proceeded to the designated place and did view and cause to be surveyed by J. W. Meldrum, a deputy county surveyor, the above described road. They also filed the field notes and plat of the sur vey. Baid viewers report favorably to the establishing of said road as viewed and surveyed, for the reasons that it is a good, practical route and of public util ity, baid report was read nrst tune and laid over for second reading. ' In the matter of the erroneous assess ment of lot No. I, block 4. MarshAeld, Ore. This matter coming on now to be heard on petition of J, W. Roots, C. K. Or tmer and J. A. Talbert. owners ot said lot, and the board being fully satisfied that said petition is true as set forth tl.Anain if Id nrrlut-al tViat ttdl1 f n vea Isxm . im 1897 and 18y9 re)lucefi 1 from t50 to 125. and the clerk and sheriff re hereby authorized to receipt for them in said ainouot for said years. In the matter of the report of hicvcln 55 pHth supervisors for June work The board having examined said report and 50 being fully satisfied, it is ordered that said report be approved, and the clerk ia hereby authorized to issue warrants on the bicycle fund for the amounts and in favor of the persons hereinafter speci- ilea : Oregon City Iron Works $7 00 Wilson & Cooke 2 65 D Fancher ,.. 3 75 W O Powell 38 25 C W Robinson 72 00 E A Titus. 22 E 11 Cowing 39 II Elliott 18 Hutrh Clow 24 PB Miller 33 Emory oble 34 J L Johnson 18 CM Ellsworth.... 25 19 12 6 1 1 Chas Gallogly Orville Robertson J L Page Frank Tremhath Geo Hinder Herron... 50- Catl Robinson. 59- Jim Elliott 5,00 S Holderness 28.50 Lankins. 1 50 Total... .....$407 23 The board now adjourned, to meet on July 6th, at 9:39 a. m. Thursday, July 6th, 1899. The board met pursuant to adjourn ment, the board and officers present as of yesterday, the 5th. The minutes of that day were read and approved, and now this day the following business was to be bad : In the matter of the report of the- viewers on the petition of O. E. Spence et al , for a change in the Molalla road Report came up lor second reading, ana 'here being no remonstrance or petition for damages filed, it is ordered and ad judged that said view and surveybe es tablished ah a county road and mat me expenses of the same be paid by Claeka-. mas county, and the cler-t is heieby or dered to issue the necessary noiice to the supervisor of the district in which said road lies to open and work the same. Ai! that portion ot the road heretofore described and asked to be vacat"d be and the same is in all renpects ordered vuc.ited on the opening of said road; and it is further ordered that the award of the board of arbitration which award ed 250 dama3es to W. H. and A. L. JoneB for damages done their property by reason of the opening and location of said road, which was accepted and ap proved at the last or June term of this board, is hereby ordered paid. W H Jones, damages..... $250 00 Wm Grisenthwaite, l'day. 12 mils - 3 20 Jas B Beeson, 1 dav. 14 miles. . . 3 40 I' B Thomas. 1 day, 12 miles.... 3 20 Sinlon Paine, 1 day 2 00 Wm Moreland, 1 (lav. 2 W 2 00 9 80 Archie Moreland, 1 day John W Meldium, 1 days, miles 18 Total $275 60 'Continued next week.) SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ot the State of Orogun, tor the County of CiaUamns. Oraoe E. Hughes, 1 flaintin William P. Huulies. Uefendunt. J To William P. HnRhes, Dcf,1mt: In the name or the stale ot Oregon, you huruhv iijimmnnilHl to he and at'ocar in the oir cuit court of the state ol Oregon tor Olaokamas county on or before the limo prescribed in uie ar dor for the publication of this summons, to-wltt nn or Delore six vvccks nuer me in juuuiuuu hereof, to answer the complaint in the above entitled cause, and In default thereof judgment will be entered therein against y.m for want thereo'. The relief demanded uyfrlaintlff In saul complaint is tor a decree of this oourt dissolving the bonds of matrimony now enisling between plaintiff ami defe' (lout: thst plainllll be allowed to resume her maiden name, Orai E. Porter, and for auch oilier and further r.lief as may seem just In iqultv and good conscience. Thadateof the nut nnlii"atlnn of this 8lli mons is. lulv 21. 18!, and thle summons is pub- liuhu miraiikiil In nn nrrler made hV tha noil.' Thomas V. Byan, judge of the enmity court of the county ot iMacaamaa, siaw m uKuu, u ruth day of July, lbiiu, and nuu nerer ALIlX. hWRliK, Attorney lor Plaintiff, COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICg.. I have on hand funds for the payment", of all countv warrnnls endorsed prior to July 1st. 1896. Interest will cease from and after the date of this notice. Oregon City, July 14th, 1899. Jacob Shapk. Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore, When you visit The Dalles stop at the Best One Dollar a Day House in the City THE 03ARR HOTEL On Second Street one block from Depot Special rates t families and partie H. S. MITII, Prop. IV. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Hhs the bent looking rigs and chcapi st rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th Gt. OREGON CITY. OREGON BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City. Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measurt given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Moltoa llr asd b. Cobtmsu BANK OF OREGON CITY LDEIT BABKIHO HOTJBI II THE CRT fAID VV CAPITAL, 150,000.00 President, Ho. president Chas. H. CAvnnm Gio. a. Haibu I. Q. Cackm Jashler, A Qen.nl Bsnklnf Business TrsnssoUd Deposits Reoelved Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County snd City Warrants Bought. . Loans Mad. on Available Beonrltv 1 Exohange Bought and Anld, Collections If sds Promptly. Drafts Bold Available In Anv Part Ol U ITorld. Telegraphlo Exchange Bold on Portland, la franclsco Ohloaa-o an1 New Tors. Interest Paid on Tim. Deposits. Eureka Harness Oil Is the heat preservative of new leather and the bet renovator of old leather. It oils, softons, black ens uud protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your beat harness, your old har ness, and your carrlaantop, and they 50 00 00 75 75 50 00 50 50 75 00 50 60 will not only look better but wear longer. Bold everywhere In cans all sues from liuir pint to llvenuiioui. iii tr sunu.au uti to.