8 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899. TfU LL Oregon City Auction House Opposite Postoffice OKegcn City Auction House Opposite Postoffice y iru IV Baly Baggies Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set from from from from Sewing Machine Bed Boom lit stove of 44 Pieces hE Improved . from 0n Earth $2.00 25c mi 30c $7.00 t ukvbml and Upward and Upward secondhand Per Yd and Upward Eaay Term8 Given and Upward STEEL RANGES $UU w. JONTKST NOTICE. PFPAIITMEKT OF THE TnTF.I'II K 1 United States I anp Office J Ohecxin ity, ( regon, June 27, 181W. ) A SUFFICIENT contest nftldnvlt, d'lted Mnv 10. IK! II, havlnp been tlleil in ll-.lsnffloe by 1) W. Robertson, ri ntestant. aimlnsl homestead entry No. H7l!,r, made Ji nuary 21, 1H'.I2, lor sw(4 section 14, township H s, tangf 5 e, by Oliver M. Kby, ron testee. In which It is aliened that "the said Oliver M, Kby has wholly abandoned said olain and that he has not resided on the same for the past three years, nor lina I e made anv improvements thereon dnrln? snlrf lime, nor lias he cnltiviitod the same during suld time, or any one acting for hiir, that his absence has not been due to his em ployment In th mllltaiy or naval service of the Ur.ltcd Flatesiu time f war," said panics are hi reby notified to nniiear, respond and offer ovl- I dence touching said allegation at 1 o'clock p m. ' on Ai""t 15, lwiu. before the reui.tor and re"' 'v-1 f r at be 'Jnlted Stales land office In Oregon City. I On Ron. The said contestsnthavlnit. In proper affidavit, filed June 111, 1H!I!I act forth f.icts which show that efter due diligence ners- nsl service of this police can not he made, It Is hen bv ordered and rilnoled "h notl he elvn bv fiP Bnd profer i nbllcatlon. CHA P. MOORKS, Register. WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver. UNCALLED TOR WARRANTS. Following in a list of wariants lenuuti iiifl micalU'd fur in the clerk's ollice it Clackamas county for seven yearB end inn July 1, 181)9. mid if not called for in 6J days they will be cancelled: No. Name Amount 7iii0 Mrs M I, llrown 2 10 . Wi!i4 J W dishing 1 70 I K410 H7ill lli;l(!7 nun 8rl(l 78.r ltl-IJ-l H72H flHtlll H770 M77 Villi 87:!H wm tr.'Ttl luSliiA. i; Kill (IN7H hill Bi'iUH HI 111 Ul'.M 8IK9 hi! 12 N7-I2 '.' Inn ill 10071 S'JJl K'nlU llfil Hill ll-INK lu:i7.1 (ion We. Deiktr 1 () L li.ilmy 1 70 1 20 1 fx I JVl IlUlSt. Mans Krlckson . F Fredrh-k Mrs Viola Kliim Sinn Haines 1. Heller O M Howard W II Jones J M Jonet R W Jones . . . . J Kocnig . . F Kocl.ler Fred Lehman . . , 0 A bi'lf raud . . . M M incite S.l Mickley . .. Minnie McCoy... 1 70 :l 60 2 .Ml 1 1!0 4 211 2 M 2 00 1 Kfl 1 70 1 20 2 1)0 1 20 1 70 2 nil 2 20 1 20 Jonn ini-sou II S Newton i n itdnin Nolilo i nn (Irant Nixon . 1 to . 1 J0 . :i 4n . 1 70 . 1 70 . 1 SO 1 70 . 1 On . :i 40 . l ro . 1 (HI 1 lift . 1 70 Jli7 !ITi .1 I. I'ickiliom .. . Wm I'.igle . . J tj'iliiii J M 'I'liolupvon , . Hlbis 8u wurt W 1, soil h K v WiI.m x .... liav il ' i illiaius It II Willi.ims . . Illivid Wilaoil , , J W Wolf, r . ... Uhas Wilson Stale of Orciton, ) County of CMiu ktimuH.) I, Klnicr fixon, lounty cleik of tlie aliove until, il v tuny anil Blale, and clerk of the county omul of tlie county of Oluckiinias mid HtiHo of Oregon, do hereby certify tliat the forenolng copy flf warrants over seven ycais prior to July 1st, 18(1!), inid uiu alled for has been by me ci ini aied with Hie original, anil that II iaac-rrei t imuHciipt therefrom and of lliP whole of i nch original as the same appearg of recoid in my ollice and in my car ai d custody. In teaiimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court this 0th day of June. A. D. 1899. I'd. Mi: k Dixon, Clerk. skai.. By K. H. Coopkii, Deputy. Hut Wonttd. Notice ia hereby given that the board of fcchool director of school district No. 62 of Clackamas County, Oregon, will receive sealed Mils l the residence of the school clerk, on Seventh street, in Oregon City, Oiegon, up to the hour of seven o'clock p. m., on Friday, July 14, 1899, for the sale and delivery to the district of 120 cords of good, sound, four foot Br wood, which has been cut from large, live standing timber, and thoroughly seasoned. Said wood to lie first class In nil respects and suitable for use in the furnaces of the school build ings. Seventy cords of said wood to be delivered at Ihe Harclay school building on 12th street, and 50 cords at the East ham school building on 7th street. Said wood to be delivered on or before Sep tember 1st, 1899. The board of dinwtors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. 15y order of the Board of Directors. S. M. McCowh, District Clerk. Dated at Ot egon City, Oregon, June 23, 1899. J. II. LOGAN . lias Reopened the Marqnam Blacksmith Shop And will do horse shoeing and all kinds of general work t lowest prices. That we are the cheapest CASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us. If you are wise and have your own inter est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy, you will be POSTED as to goods and values. Remember, A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE NOTE THE FOLLOWING L. Block's Furniture and SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, 8. W R. Jones, 1 Plaintiff, vs. W. T. Burney and Elnora T. Burney, lii wife. Charles N, Scott and 8u tan J. seott, his wile, Clarence W. Simpson and Miry Simpson, his wife. Charles H Cuiitteld anil Ella S. Caufteltl, his wlie, U chard Nixon, recoivnror the F'orlland Hav ings Rank, T. J. Stites. F. V. Nut ting. J.T. Appeion, H. S. Train and J. K. Whitney, psi'tneis nuder tne linn nameoi Tram tV. w niiney. F. A. Toepleman, Charles Risley, trustee of the estate of Henry Nass, and 8. C. Cramer, Defendants. Stale of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A .!UU(iIEST, ORDKR, I)R. cree and an execution du v issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above emitted cause, to mo duly directed, ana (iie.l the li til day of July 18'.l!l, mini a JikIk- m-nt rendered and entered in said cnuttoulhe 18lh day of April, lw.l, in favor of S. W. R Junes, plaintilf, and against V. T. B.i ney and El nora I. Bmni y, his wife, Charles N. Scott and Susan J. Semt, his ulfe, Clarence W. tlmpai.i and Mary Simpson, his lie, Charles H. Culiel(l and Kiln S. Caulield, his wife, Kichu d N x in, re ceiver nf Ihe Portland Savings B ink, T. J. Slites, K. H. Nuttinu, J. T. Appers.m, S. 8. Train and J.U. Wliituey, partners under thenrm name of i'r.in & Whitney, F. A. Toepleman, Charles Kisley, trustee of the estate of llunry Nuss, and 8. C Cra mer, defendants, for tho sum of 22.010 61, Willi interest t ereon at the rate of 8 nur cvutper an nil in from the 18th day of April, 1891), and the further sum of fftkMH) as attorney's fee. unl the further sum of 910.011 costs and dl hursemeuts, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanilin me to nuke stile of the following described retl pmp- i erty, situate in the ouuuty of Clack-tinas, state of Oreg.iu, to-wit: All of seed ins nine II) and nil cell (l,r) and the east one-half (1) of the northwest one quarter 04) and the west uiie-half (Uj) of tlie northeast one quarter (4i of seetion two (2): the north one hall ('J;, and the n .rth one h If Ol of the nth one-Half ('.i.'l and the southwest one oiiuner i l'-4)ui Hie souiiiwest one uuarier ol section Hi re lit): all of the eust one half (i3) of secllm f"tir(4:tho northwest one-quarter 1)4) and the west one-half .) of ihe southwest one-iiiarler I of section ten (10): the west one-half (') of lite west one-half (li) of secdon eleven (111; the west t ii'i-half iVa) til Ihe norihwesi one-iiuarter l ) a id the souihoiie-half 0,4) of section twenty- ( one (21), all in township tl.'el-")) south 0 re nge . lliree (3) east, Willam itie meridian; also tho , soutli one-hull (l-J) ol tiie n irih one half (),) and aunt Mia soutu one-null 01 section tnirty Bve (3."i), township four (4) a ,uth, lanije three (3) eust Willamette meridian. Now, th.vefore, by virtue of Bnid execution, I jiniguiunt order Hid decree, uiul in compliance with tlie commands of said writ, 1 will, on j SATURDAY, THE 12th DAY OK AUGUST, 18i, at tli hour of 1:30 o'clock p.m., at the front dooi ot I th county court houseln die 1 Ity of Oregon City, In ; ti connly mid slate, sell at public auction, sub- sal 1 ct to redemption, tn the hiuhest bidder, for U r. gout colli easn in iiiiihi, all liu rittii, title ami inl reel which the within u lie d ih-fe tlants, or t-l hurof tlitni, list! on trie ilat of the in irlg-ie lierein tir tint-.f liiul in or t i tile .lOove de-tci-ibe I real rnperiy or anv pari lb -rcuf. to satisfy taid ol- eeiiiliin, Judtfinent order, decree, Interest, coals and all uccrniiur co-ds, J. J. CO'lKK, Sliuritf of Claekitmas (loamy, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 11. lS'.i'J NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE Is hereby given Ihat, pursuant to an execution and order of sale Issued out of Ihe Circuit court of the Main of Oregon for lackamas county of date May 31, 1SII9. upon a judgment auddtcrceof foreclosure in favor 01 Sarah A. Stuver, plaiiitifl, vs Schuyler Hue, Jr.,Theodocla Rue, Joseph Hue, T. F. T. B. Brentano and It. Urcntnuo, defendants, duly rendered, enrolled and docketed In said court on May 2, 1899, fur the sum of 1,215.90 and interest thereon from Febru ary 24, 1899, at 10 per cent per annum, aud f ISO 00 attorney's fees, and the turther sum of 75 2r, aud Interest thereon from May 2, 1S99 at C percent per annum, aud f 21.00 costs and disbuiseme t-, 1 have levied upon and will on Suturday.'.Uie lotb Day of July, laoo, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at and in front of the court house door at Oregon City, in said cnuntv and slate, duly sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand all the right, title and Interest ol aaid de ft ndnnls on and after the 24th day of February, 1S92, in aud to the southwest quarter of the north west quarter the west half of the southwest qnar. tcr and the sou heast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 211, township 2 south, range 4 east of the Willamette meridian, in Clackamas county, Oregon, conta ning 100 acres, to satisfy said decree, tests and accruing ousts. Dated June 9th, 1899. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. CONTEST NOTICE. Dkpahtmknt or thk Intehiob, I'MirKn vtath Land Office. Okeuon cut, Oregon, July 3, lssisi ASUFKlCIKXr contest allldavlt, dated June 8, 18911, having been riled in tills otlice by Peter K rails, eontcslHiit, against homestead entry No. It, 808. made November l, 1S9.", for the '4' sec tion 24 townsh p 7 s, range 2 e. bv James L. Da vis, contcstee, in which it is aliened that the said James L. Davis has whollv abandoned saitl tract and changed his residence therefrom for more than 24 mouths since making said entry and next prior to the dale named tit said tlidavit; that his absence from still claim has not been by reason of service in Ihe armv or navy of the I'. 8. In time of war, and Ihat said tract ia not settled upon ami cultivated by saitl paly as required by law, said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching saitl allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on Aug. 22, tsss.1, be 'ore Ihe register and nwelver at the United States laud olti e In Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having, In . proper affida vit, rlct July 1, 189, act forth facts which show that alter due dilllgence personal service of this notice can not bo mad-. It is heteby onlcied aud directed Ihat such notice be given by due aud proper p il 1 cation. I'll AS. B. MOORKs, Register. WM. CALLOWAY, Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ol Clackam is. J. V. W. Montague (substituted for u. s. uiarke), Plaintiff, vs. J. A. Taylor, B-nJaiulu Bender and Mary A. Uender, his wife, li. R Dedman and Clara &. Dedman, his wife, IVilliam BeutelsnachMr and Mary Heulelspaehor, his wife, An geline Kerry, Robert DeShazer and ParthiMiia DeShauer, his wife, Angeline B-rry, Defendants. Slate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. 1)Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER l)K- -D cree and an execution, dulv issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 20th day of June, lx'.i'.l, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court nn the Kith day of June, 1899, in favor of J. V. W. Montague (substituted for D. S. Claike), plaintiff, and against J.A.Taylor, Benjamin Bender and Mary A. Bender, his wife, G. R. Dedman avd- Clara 8. Dedman, Ids wife, William lleutelspaeh erand Mary Beutelf p.icher, his wife, Aimeline Berry, R ibert DjShiuwr and Parthena DeShaner, his wife. Angeline Berry, defendants, for the sum ol $1993.lKi, wiih interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 16th dav of June, 1899, and the further sum of I2c0.'0, with interest tnereon from Ihe 10th day of June, 1S99, i and the runner sum of f lot) (Hi as attorneys fee, and the further sum of il.i 75 ousts and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sile of the follow ing described real properly, eituate in the Ccunly of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to wit: And be ginning at a point on the east boundary of the donation laud claim of N. J. Lamb, deceased, and wife, In township 2 south of n.nire 8 east nf the Willamette meridian, 10 chains south of Ihe northeast corner thereof; thence west 8.S0 chains lo a slake; thence south Ihirty-lhreedegrees west forty-live chains; thence s'nuih nineteen and 31-100 chains to the south boundary of said do nation laud claim; ihei ce eust on Baid south boundary line to theriglil bank of the Clackamas piver; Ihi-nee wilt) tt e nii-auderings of si.ld river on stream four and SO-100 chains lo the mouth of Deeo creek; incur an the riuht hunk of DeeD creek witli the mea .deiings thereof to the south west line of a tract of land heretofore sold to Deenier and Roberts: thence north lorty-nine degrees west on said Hue to tlie corner stake; thence north twmly light degiees thirty minutes east eignt anu iiu-ituiciinius: tiieuce 110 th sixty nine u grees easi i-uir ami li'J-PS) chains to tlie "M boundary 01 John Fagalde'a homestead: : """" on saw east ouuuu.iry 1.1 sum noine- on the north boundary of said hou.eBlead to the m rthwest comer thereof, thence south on Ihe west boundary two ami ." 100 chains to the plnoe of begiuninc, containing 239. 03 acres nmre or less, excepting therefrom one hundred acres soltl by John Mall and hva Mull, his wife, to Francis 11 llrown by deed dated Jan 11 iry litli. 1894, n e nded January 20th, 1S94, in tlie deed records of Cluoka lnas county, Ori-gon. now, .nerctore, ny virtue of said execution Judgment order and ili-crec, and In compliance with the commands of saitl writ, I will, on SATURDAY, TIIE 22d DAY OK JULY, 1899, lit tlie hour of 1:30 o'oioek p. m at tlie front door of the Connly Court House in tlie City of Oregon. City, in said County and State, sell at public miction, sni Jeet to rcilempti 111, lo the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the withiu named defendants or either of them had on the tlute of the mortgage herein or since ha I in or lo the above' described ri al property or any part Ihereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment onler, decree, inleriwt, cosis and all accruing cosls. J, .!. COOKK, Shi riff of Cl tek ,Mins Ceiniy. Oregon. Dated Oregon City, on-,, .lime 20, I8.nl. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tiik Interior, Uniikp states Land Office, Or gon City, Oregon, May 29, 18S83. A SUFFICIENT CONTEST AFFIDAVIT, dated Oct. 3, 1898, having been tiled In this otlice by George A. Bell, contestant, against ht me stead entry No. 11,873, made June 4, lS'.Ki, for SKi SKJ-i section 82, township 2 s, range 7 c, by Minnie Pallon, contestee, In which It is alleged that "the said Minnie Paltnn has wholly abandoned said claim for more than one year prior hereto; that forever one year prior this date said einryuian has not resided on said claim or visited Baid claim, or any one for her; Ihat for over one year last past homestead claimant has not in anv way cul lvatcd or improved said claim, and her ab sence has not been owlrg or due lo her employ ment in the mlllliry or nav.l service of Ihe United States in lime ot war." said nartlciarx hereby untitled to appear, respond and offer evi dence toucning said allegations at 10 0 clock, a. m. on July 14, 1899, before th Register and Receiver at Ihe United States Und Oft.ce lu Oregon City, Oregon. lheFald contestant having. In a immer afflda- vlt tiled Mait-h lii and May 17, 1899, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal ser. vice of this nollee cannot be made, it hereby oroenai autintrefifl' mat sncn uouce De given by due and proper publication. ('HAS. B. MOORES, Register WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver, ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned was on the 27th day of June. 1S99, appointed administratrix of Ihe estate of Michael M. Shive ly, deceased. All persons having claims against saitl estate are reuuesied to present them lo me at my home near Monitor, Oregon, properly veri fied, within six months of thedateof this notice. Dated Ibis 29th day of June, 1899. SARAH K. S1I1VKLY, Administratrix. K. P. Vokcom, Woodburn.Ore,, Attorney for Administratrix. You ran (till get a 1 at below cost at Celis OoldemitL'j. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Mrs. Martha Rlngo, as guardian of the irersoiiB and estate of the mi nor heirs of H. C. Ringo, de ceased, Plaintiff, vs. Giorcre F. Blair, Tressa A. Blair, his wife, and E. C. Hansen. Defendants. J State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. , BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the tlbov- entitled court, in Ihe above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and dakd the 26th day of June, 1899, upon a judg ment rendi red and entered in said court 0:1 the 13th day of June, 189!), in favor of Mrs. Martha Ringo, as guardian of the rersons and estate of the minor heirs of H. C. Ringo, deceased, plain tiff, and against George F. Ulai Tressa A. Blair, his wife, and E. C. Hansen, di feiidnnls, for the sum of 18f).00, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 percent per annum from tlie 13th day of June, 1899, and the further stun of $ii0.00 na at torney's fee, and the fuithersum of fll.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of a d upon this writ, Commanding me 10 make sale of tlie following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, stale 1 f Oregon, to wit: Being a part of the Wm. Groshong D. L. C , In ton 11 shin 6 sou h, range I east of the Willamette meridiem, and bounded as follows; Beginning eighty (80) rods north of Ihe southeast corner of , tne wm. uromong i. l. c. 011 the eastern line i thereof, and running thence west one hundred and sixty rods (Kin); thence north forty rods (40); tnence east one hundred auu sixty rods (loU) to the said claim line; thence south forty rods (40) to the place of b ginning, containing forty acres (40), the same being the interest devised to George F.Blair by the last will and lostsment of KlioiluA utalr, deceased. Now, therefore, by virtue of said expeu ion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance wnn tne commands 01 taia writ, win, on SATURDAY, THE 2JTH DAY OF JULY, 1899, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front door of the County Conrt House in the city of Oregon City. In said county atid state, sell at pub lie auction, subject to redemption, lo the highest bitlder, for U, S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title anil interest whiih Ihe within numed defendants, or either of them, nad on the date of tlie mortgage herein, or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, Ui satisfy Bind execution judgment order, deoree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. J.COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated. Oregon City, Oie June 2?, ltOI). CAN BY BARBER Shaving and Hair Cutting done with neatness and dispatch. Julius Rones, Proprietor ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has I e -n il nlv appointed administrator Willi the will annexed of the estate of I). W Howell, deceased, by the County Court of the county of Clackamas stale of Oregon, and all pen 011s hav ing claims against said estate must present them lo tlie undersigned, duly verified, at myofhYetn O'egon City, Oregon, within six months from tlilsdate. BRl'CE C. CURRY, Administrate, with the Will annexed of the estate of W. D. Ho deceased Dated this 11th day of July, 1899. f . Mai and CnurierHerald $2- New Summer Temptation in Dry Goods Our Oregon City Patrons Find Our Store not only the one where they can have their wants supplied with greatest satisfaction but also the most convenient shopping place in Portland as Oregon City Cars Pass the Door, Widest and best Table Oilcloth, in white or 1 Cm eolors, per yard '' Full-width white Table Damask In choice k)K patterns, per yard lv Choice patterns in good-sited Lace Curtains Xflp with taped edges, per pair Heavy double-width Unbleached Sheeting JO'c per yard lu-jy Wagon or Tent Canvas, heaviest grade, per ft yard lu Heavy Cottonade Pants Goods In dark col- OA ors and neat patterns, per yard tiv V Heavy Unbleached Linen Toweling, per yd gig Extra heavy Blue Denim, per yard Jgg WE HAVE ONLY ONE STORE IN PORTLAND Carpet House CONTEST NOTICE. Pepabtmhnt or the Interior, United States Land Office, Obeoon City, Oregon, June 27, 1899. A SUFFICIENT contest affidavit., dntoil M 16. 1899. having been filed In th ,.fli,. l. Orville Robertson, contestant, against homestead entry No. 10642, made March 2, 1893. for the a w '4 s-ctlon 24. township 8 s, range 5 e, ty William ' N. Tatro, contcstee. In which it Is alleged that ' "the said William N. T atro has wholly abandoned said claim for more than-twn years prior hereto and that he has not resided on said claim foe more than two years last past and during said time he has not cultivated or iniproved aaid claim, nor any one acting for him; thathisab-l sence lias not been due to his employment in the mili ary or naval service of the Unit, A 8tatos In time of war," said panics are hereby notified to appear, respond and nfftr evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 15, 1899, before the reeister and receiver rf the United States land office in Orepon City, On g in. The said contestant having, in a proper affida vit, filed June 19, 1899, set forth feots which show that after due diligence personal service of this nolice can not be made. It is hereby ordered and directed Hint such notice be given by due and proper publication. CHA. B. MOORKS. Register. WM. OALROWAY, Receiver. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. In Ihe Clicull Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of C!ai knmas. Valentine Ho"". 1 Plaintiff, vs. V Caroline Ilotr. Defendant, J State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the abave entitled court, In the above entilled came, to me dulv directed, and dated the 27th dny if June, 1899, upon a judg ment rendered and entered in snid court on the loth day of June. J899, in favor of Caroline Huff, defendant, and against Valentine Ilnff, plaintiff, for tho sum of S2AO.0O, and Ihe further sum of J2S.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs nf and upon this wilt, commanding me out of the pe sonul property of aaid plaintiff, and if suffic ient could not he found then out of the real property belonging to 8 , id plaintiff on and after I he date of saH loth day of June, 189!), to saiisfy the sum of 275.1:6 and also the costs upon this said w rit. Now. therefore, bv vtrl 11(4 of lulrl tivointinn 1 Irtgment order and decree, and incompliance with the commands of said will, being unable to find any personal property rf said plaintiff. I 1 ditl on the 29th day of June, 1896, duly levy upon j the following described real nropertv of said plaintiff, situate and being In the county of Clack amas and state of Oregon, t i-w it: Commencing at a point 80 rods south of the northwest corner of the last half of the donation land claim of Nathaniel Bell, In township three (3) smith, range rne (1) east of Ihe Willamette meridian, In Claekiiinas county, Oregon: thence south 80 r- tls: thence east 07 Si feds: thence north 80 rods: thence west 07 rods to the place ol be ginning; and I will, on S VTUKDA Y, TIIE 5th DAY OF AUGUST, 1699, at the hour of t I'clock p. m., at the front door of the oouit house in the city of Oregon City, In said county and tate, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to ihe highest bidder, for U.S. g- Id coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and In terest which the within named plaintiff had on the dale nf said judgment, or since had, in or to the ahove described real pioperty or any part hereof, to s"tlsfy said execution, judgment order, decree, ink rest, costs and all accruing costs. J. J. COOKE. I Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July 1, 1899. A N, I World ani Conrier-Herald $i.wteh 8,1 kind9 SHIRT WAISTS 2ft, our win- ;25c styles In AL'i REDUCED Corded Glng- Cft- hams. Fancy wwli Piques, Madras, Percales and White Lawns 7C All sizes. Some handsomely trimmed and Iww uiameu $1.00 NEW SDMERop.8ol:50c WAT.KIWR oni Crashes, bucks or 7C naUHinu Fancy Corded Tweede, IOC SKIRTS marek",.,.0.n.T.r!m':d. $1.25 FAVORITE ill Dm.. I... t- Ladles' aud Girls' Hats JvH HE AD WEAR in varieties 01 tne nr. r-iain eauor styles or hum with Fsncv Sashes and IJutlls. Cheapest Crt,- in PortU-ndat 0UC and ate- I0G GIRLS' ?;rT.&?Zr 35c DRESSES a?3?Sa 50c with Lace, Embroideiy or Flouuoes, and 7C priced IOC Shanahans' SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon -for the County of Clackamas. Susan M, Williams, 1 Plaintiff, vs. William P. Williams, Defendant.) State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. T)Y virtue of 11 judgment order, decree and an a execution, duly issued cut of and under the Real of the above entitlt d court, in the above enti lled cause, to me duly directed and dated Ihe 27th day of June, 189(1, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 27th day of April 1899, in favor of Susan M. Williams, plaintiff and against William P. Williams, defendant, for the sum of JoOO, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per sniium from the 16th dav of June, 1899. and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the following de scribed real property, situate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to wit: Two th'rds interest of the southeast quarter of section 22, township 6 south ot range 2 east of the Willamette meridian. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with ihe commands of said writ, I will, on Satur day, THE 12th DAY OF AUfJUST, 1899, at thehourof one o'clock p. m.,8t thefront door of the county court house in 1 heclty of Oregon City in Bald county and state, sell at public aucliou sub' Jtcl to redemption, to the highest blddee for U. 8 gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and in terest which the within name 1 defend ant hid on the date of H,a mnr.A. herein, or since had, in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, lo satisfy said execution, judgment order, deciee, interest, costs and all aocru Ina costs. J. J COOKE. Sheriff of Clnokamas County, Oregon Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 8th, i899. ' VOTICE Is hereby Siven that I will make appli " cation to the honorable board of county com missioners for Clackamas county, Oregon, on the 2-'nddayof July, 1899, for a license to sell malt liquors in less quantities than one gallon In Cas cade precliu t, Clackamas county, Oregon, a codv of which petition is below published. E. A. MEIMG. To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for Clackamas county, Oregon; We, the undersigned' citizens and legal voters of Cascade preoinctl Cla'-knmas bounty, Oregon, resp 'ctfully petition and prsy that you grant to F. A. Meinig a license to sell nialt liquors in Cascade precinct Clacka mas enmity, Oregon, In less quantities than one ga!lon fcrthe period of six months, S n Coalman, Chas Pfyft'er, J R Maroney, E Hop per. L Varrettl, T Clark, P McAdams, G W Woods ... . immin, un i iminas, r 1 nomas, J ai Thom as, AO Thomas, W 8 Smith, John Kramhall, John Maroney, J A Hick-man. (1, G. (linens H C Inbow, J ,1 E'sner, C K Urnmhall, J Rramhall J P Andre, R Wakefield, II Ridderbwh, Heurv Rldderbusch, Fred Waespe. Win Waespe, W Weber, Wm Uadian, John Halty, John 8 Gib bons, Frit. Suckow, John Epperson, George t pperson, John Iloffincister, E 8 Pnvn, J R Dun can, J A Tit ty, C Trubcl, E C Strowbrldge, H Wendland, J Wenrtland, M Kelseckce Tret Keisecker, John Kelsecker, C Jleng, He man Hscner, Hermann Brans, James Phelan, Casuir Junker, E Kligel, John Tnvel l, Oiuesepni fa velli, Iietinls Jerger, T (i Johsrud, Paul Dunn, H Rldderbusch, John McDonald, Stillman An- 1 V , ' ,, ,r " ewis iiiniRnium, Geo A I heMeJ i .MVlt r,v Thomas Phelan, O Ram I bow S O Mitchell, Robert Uartseh, J Kristenson Fred Riem, Wllhelm Ppanel, Jchn Ulrich, Gottl fried ftuckl, Anton Disbar. J H Wewer, Henrv Koch, J G Deshazer, E E Wendland, Joseph Wil lis. T H Fischer, A Kligel, M Kligel, B KlIgeL ,'nn, LErii D SiYni,,aa' F w Canning, S Bacon, F,gleVcn'a?,;sEPeAshRaTUUe' T H J P. G. Shark is now prepared tofnrnlah G!?fi. 5nd8Sts' Flne BUck Lls'e HosecA with double soles, per pair lOv Gs!,!,?.!idnMl88e.s' ,U,e Novelties In Fancy CA Striped Hose, fast colors, per pair IOC CprwIrPlent Cla'P H0M PPotenvlOC "each'86 S'raW Fild ""k ln aU elies,I0C AH Latest shapes and colors In Men's and 2JJQ Boys' Crash or Linen Hals now on sale AMD- 35c Men's Summer-weight Undershirts on saleJQ All Leading Colors in Good Silk 1H Plush, per yard IOC Cor. First & Salmon Sis PORTLAND, ORE. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, WE MAIL IT FREE