OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899. 7 TB. Land Titles and Land Ofliee Buiiaesi a Specialty. ROBERT A. MILLER, I ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1 Will practice in all the Courts of th State and Bureaus of the Interior Dsparlment at Wash gtOD. KOOM 8, CHABMAX BUIUUNO, OREGON CITY, OREGON. JOHN H. WOURMS ATTORNEY AT LAW ( eutffyt 5Ibbolot. " Oregon ity, Oregon Office with H. B. Cross. YAN R. HYDE . LAW OFFICE Will practice In all the Courts of the State and the V. 8. Land Office. Abst acts made. Land Tl tes Quieted. Conveyances and all I egnl Docu ments drawn. Real Entat9 bought and sold. Plvor ea a Specialty. Office in Cacfield Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. G. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Hp Stairs OREGON CITY, - OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK . of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100, 000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col' lections. BuyB and sells exchange on all points in tne united stales ana Kurope ana on Hong Kong. Deposits received ml Jed to check. Bank open from 8 A M. 10 4 P, M. . C. LAI 0 C Rtl 1 K, FEED J. MEYER, President. Cashier. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TORNEY8 AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY .... OREGON 6bo. C. BaowNiu 1. V. Campbiu BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5 BATH COMFORT Is unknown unless everything connected with the l.nlk ...U I. 1 I . A until luu 1, in imiievb uiuer. The Plumbing done by ub 1b thoroughly satisfac tory because it is done right. F. C. GADKE BOARD OF COHMISSIONERS Proceedings of the July Term of the County Board. A SINGLE RED LINE PILL taken in time will often head off a seri ous illriesp. Our pills for Biliousness, Torpid liver, Loss of appetite, Sick headache, Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and all kindred complaints are of the highest standard of quality, being prepared in the most careful manner from absolutely pure drugs. In Boxes at 25c. We keep all the well known makes of Pills. CHARWAN &0 ' I' Cut Rate Druggists. Wednesday, July 5th, 1809. Be it remembered that at a regular Bession of the board of county commis sioners for the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, begun and held in the court house in said county and state on Wednesday, the 6th day of July, 1809, the eaine being the regular time fixed by said board for holding a regular ses sion of said board for the transaction of county business. Present, Commission ere S. F. Marks, J. R. Morton, R. Scott; Elmer Dixon, clerk j J. J. Cooke, sheriff. Tn the mattfr of the reports of road suuervisors for the month of June, 1899 the board having examined said re ports and being fully satisfied, it is or dered that they he and the same are hereby approved and the expense ac counts of the several districts are hereby ordered paid, and the clerk iB instructed to draw warrants on (he road fund and nn th ireneral fund for the several amounts and in favor of the following named persons for road work : Road district No. 1 Vio-nrit Powder Co.. rowder. general fund Ml Orin Hfttlin. road fund 27 t0 Henry Theiseen 9 0 JohnStuckey 19 50 Philin Oatfield 12 00 Robert Richardson 8 00 Fred Woithinglon 9 00 Walton Hacenbercer 3 00 AM Hanson 13 50 Norman Richardson 4 50 Henrv Stuckev 6 00 O S Mathews 3 00 Peter Kainsli 7 no Will Hanson -.. 4 50 Kennedv Hieainson 10 50 Harrison Imel 3 75 E Lvons 28 00 E Lyons, team 12 00 W H Counsell 4 00 Road district No. 10 Vigorit Powder Co., general fund $31 60 J P Irwin, road fund 15 00 W M Wade 12 00 J A English 12 00 T Yocum 15 00 J T English 7 50 J Falmateer 8 my. VV M Wade 1 12i J Davis 10 00 Total $109 85 Road district No. 11 L Russell, general fund. ..... $3 15 A Woolfolk 1 00 A Jones 3 06 E Smith, road fund 52 00 M Hearth 10 50 Richardson 12 00 W H Smith 7 60 Straight , 9 00 W W Smith 15 00 Oldenburg 9 75 Straight '. 2100 Pranger 19 50 Hiniler 4 50 Jewell 12 00 E Smith 34 50 Harris 25 50 Himler 15 00 H Oldenberg 19 50 8 Man 10 60 Holliness 6 00 HMactoon.. 22 60 E Bennett 12 00 Bert Mattoon 15 00 Shilto 3 00 W C Ward 15 00 G Harden 7 50 W H Mattoon 12 00 Caufleld Building Oregon City, Or Notice. . All parties knowing themselves in debted to Noblitt & Co. will be expected to call and settle at once. No exceptions will be made, as we wish to pay our bills, and desire others to do likewise so fiat we can. Noblitt & Co. V. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL J ATTORNEY AT LAW S)eutfdjer SIbbolat. OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker tiADino Insurance Aokxct or Clackamas County Honey to Loan. abstract of Title Made Drawing ol Legal Dooumeuts a Specialty Office on east aide of Main utreel Between 6th and 7th . OREGON EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express TraiiiB Leave Portland Daily. Total $185 85 Road district No. 2 J H Meyer, lumber, general fund $19 25 Allev Holcomb. road fund 3 00 Ipn Jones 10 50 PTDavis 3 00 J T Sirite 3 00 f! F Clarke 3 00 T W Johnson 7 50 Ross Parker 7 50 Fred Rvckman 7 50 GBWise 10 50 E Lyons 3 UU Walton Haeenbereer 3 00 U S Blackney 15 00 John Wolf 3 00 Anton Hanson 3 75 H Imel 3 75 Owen Ration 3 00 E Lvons 1 60 OF Street 1 Mat Rvckman 1 ou OF Clark 1 50 Kalley Holcomb 2 H Mr. Hubbard 3 75 Kennedy Higginson. 6 00 U S B acknev a uu F M Sumner 6 00 South. I North. 7:0OP.M. Lv Portland Ar 8 00 a. 7 '52 p. M. Lv Oregon City Lv 7:00a. If 7:4hA.M. Ar Ban Francisco Lv 7:00 p.n 5:00P.M Ar Ogden Ar 1:10 p.m 6.116 p.m. Ar Denver Lv 6:45 p.m 6:40 a.m. Ar Omaha Ar 8a0 a.m :15p.m. Ar Chicago Lv 6:80 A.M 7:00 a.m. Ar . Lo Angeles Ar 9:2f p.m 8:15p.m. Ar HI Paso Ar 2:5 P.M 4:15 p.m. Ar Fort Worth Ar 8:40 A.M 7:56 A.M. Ar New Orleans Ar 8:40 11 OREGON CITY, DINING CARS, OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman First class and Tourist Cars attached to all thruugn trains. ROSEBUBU MAIL DAILY 8:30a. M. . Lv Portland Ar4:80p.n 9:20a.m. Lv OregonCity LvS:8ip.v 5:20P. M. Ar Rosebiirg Lv 7:8 A M COEVALLIS MAIL DAILY (KXCKPT SUNDAY.) 7:80 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar 15:60 P.M 11:55 A.M. I Ar Corvallu Lvl:'.0P.M At Albany and Corvalila connect with train of Oregon Central & Eastern K. K. INDEPENDENCE FAFSKKGIlB DAILY (KXCF.FT SUNDAY. I JI. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offer hli professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Ohronlo disease!. Btst ol references given. Offices in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to p. m. OUtGONCITY .... OREOOH BR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay Building, Oregon Cily, Ore. Prices Moferate. All Operations Guaranteed. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office in Caufleld Building, Main Street Oregon OitT. Bridgi and Cbowh Work a 6pcialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. II. MILLER, DENTIST, Eeventh Street, near S. . Depot, 'MOOIC OiTT, UBEOON 4:50P. M. 7.30 P.M. 8:30 P. M. Lv Ar Ar Portland McMlnnville Independence Ar Lv Lv 8:25 A. J) 5:fO A.M 4:50 A.M :Hroit e.niinpctinn at Pan Vrancifco with StpamshiD Lilies for Hawaii. Japan, China, the Ph i llnni n lid A tint lalill- For through tickets ana rates call on or address K. K. IJOVI, Agent, Oregon City R. KOF.IILER. C. II. MARKUAM, Manager, G. F. A P Agen', Porllund.Or. Portland, Or, $2 5 44 10 81 60 4 50 13 00 MEMulvey 22 50 A (Smith 23 zo H H Perry 24 00 PHSayer 3 00 FErickson 15 50 John Molzam 4 50 John Molzam 9 00 M Manning 21 75 E Walters 15 00 amesMallatt 15 00 WFSkeen 9 00 E A Bowman 12 00 Albert Neukirchner 24 00 W M Morey 12 00 WF Lyons 7 50 F Case 3 00 A J Maville 6 00 TSSiipp 12 00 Arthur JJougan I ou G Neukirchner 4U uu A L Pratt 6 00 Total.... $437 30 Road district No. 20 Vigorit Powder Co., general fund.. ;7 80 A Nicholas, road fund 3 00 D Myers oo Brtlet Vandon 1 50 Robeit llutherfoid 1 50 Kifchold 2 25 ....... 1 50 1 50 5 00 James Rutheiford. Curtis Kandle Stephen Hutchinson. Total $377 96 Road district No. 12 Sara Gerlier, road fund $21 00 Chas llatlan 19 60 John Spreaime 12 00 Royal spreague la ol) E Shephard 3 00 Wm Walters 10 50 Busch. 18 00 R Kerr 6 00 Wm Uumiston 6 00 N Humiston 16 50 Dan Griffin 6 00 Eli Swales 15 00 James Hattan 12 00 Frank Hutchins 30 00 W Rlebhoff 36 00 M H Riebhoff 30 00 Total $52 00 Road district No. 13 Vigorit Powder Co., general fund. $-12 20 W ilson As Uooke 3 uu Total 1 25 Road district No. 3 Wilson & Cooke, general fund. California Powder Works California Powder Works Carl Wohhagen Hniirv Bock, road fund W W Cooke 54 uO 0 Hiser 27 00 J C McMurray 3 00 M W Gardner 1 u A Newell 5 A W Cooke 40 00 H& J Chit wood 10 -! A Hall 0 7 F Hieer 5 25 Irwin Howk 4 bu Wm Buchanan 9 00 FZuhl 10 00 Dix Baring 1 50 0 Sharp 1 50 J B Morton . 2 50 Ed Otburn 1 50 Jhs Wilson 1 50 FVotnagel 6 0;) O Rodlau 7 50 R Commons 6 Ot) R.iv Lewis 1 00 W illie Ik-dtre 2 50 Total $45 2t Road District No. 17 Jabe Woffer, road fund $3 00 Andv Knmht 10 60 Olas MorraH 33 1'0 Halsev PhelDS 3 00 Harry Gilmore 19 50 K Stovsdale 16 50 Rusto Mack J 3 50 Adam Knight 19 GO Albert Knight.... 9 00 Phil Knight 10 50 blane White 13 60 Morlev Mack 12 00 Ed Sliull 11 25 JohnBanney 6 00 John Bunkey 4 50 426 05 Total Road district No. 21 California Powder Works, general fund Goibett 6 75 Emory Gottberg " 5 25 $50 95 Otis Dix 1 U S Dix ..... 7 F Countryman 4 VV E Bonnev 17 Jus Trullinger, road fund 1 .1 1-1 ( oninr i P E Bonney .... 2 50 60 fiO F M Robeson 3 00 Geo Arnold 1 50 C Hall 1 o'J D Robeson 1 &0 US Dix 175 J H Wright 20 fGorbett 5 00 D Robeson o C D Hubbard 6 00 W E Bonney o Total $138 40 Road district No. 22 Levi Robbins, general fund 75 M J Rastall, road fund 3 00 E Lundquist 5 25 Joe Ringo 9 00 B F Noyer 12 61 Andrew Johnson 2 25 A Enifle. 12 00 Geo Williams 6 00 H L Ball ouu Vick Dickey 3 00 Ira Dickey 3 00 Wm Parker 1 50 H J Rastall 15 0C A Enule K Dickev 3 00 O Krazer d " B F Harle8.... V 6U John Thomas. Berry Burns. . . Ole Anderson. . D R Diruick.i. Port Howard. . Ally Pi ilips... O Huff.. H Tineburg. . . A M Oleon. . . James Dosier., 50 7 50 2 25 20 00 Total $100 85 'Continued next week.) REALTY TRANSERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. 115 60 Total $237 50 Road district No. 15 Vnr rit Powder Co , goneral fund $51 60 B H Taber, road fund 23 00 Geo Kidder 21 00 Wm McCorJ 20 40 M C McUord 18 00 S Thomas 21 00 G E Taber 9 00 AT How land 3 75 A Warner 3 00 Charley While 1 50 Henry Soelinke 3 00 DiriBt FOB Mall 1:00 p.m. Halt Lake. Denver, rt.Wortn, oinana, Kansas City. St Leuls. Chicago, and East. Spokane 1& . m. P DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Unlver ity Dental Scboel, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DB. WKIXIH. Willamette Block - Oppotitt Poiloffict Obkoom CitI, Obbooh. C. N. GREENMAN (Katabllahed 186S ; IBB PIONEER EXMIESSMAS AND DRAYMAN Parcel! Delivered to All Part of the City ORKGOS CITY . . - OBEGOH Roblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oaths Street betweMthi BrldflO dthi Deset. liOOe.m. TIRE SCHEDULES Fro Fait ana. Walla Walla, Spo kane. Minuea lia. St. rml. : luth. Milwaukee. Chicago end Kait Frea romani Ball every live dayi, Akrivi MUM Faat Mall. t.ib p.m. Spokane 1:1 a. a Total 1349 45 Vni district No. 4 R A Wilcox, road fund $24 00 A D Bennett 19 ou JJJudd 3 00 Giavil Linn I8 G Wilcox 27 00 L Hale 7 50 T O.lell 5 25 G T McArthur a uu .1 HniiUIn 1 7 R Gooney 6 1,0 H Udell 15 JW J E Bennett 22 00 Total m 12 Road ditrict No. 5 M Vetsch, road fund $4 50 O AemiseKger. J A Richey... D Hidderman O M Richey.. Total $170 75 Road district No. 18 Vigorit Powder Co., genoral fund $5 00 M Kratmer 2 11 HAVorpahl 3 80 J F BiiggH, road fuud 8 75 A F Bremer 21 00 J F Brigns 0(1 W H Bremer 12 00 Fred Bobery 3 75 John Barry 3 00 Fred Hahn 3 75 C Baumau 0 00 M Richler 4 60 O R Borrouglis 3 75 4:00 p.m. 50 60 11 60 12 75 Clyde Dick. r Bremer Bremer H Fowter Ntaehley Blancliard. . . . Wm McDonald. Wm Gardner. . . Etnil Gelbrich . Aug Bchur Double end single rle n "d,1?(,h?t",,i vara oa band at the lowMtraUn,nd " KS q" nected with the ba lof leoj. Jirinlonaatloji rn ard nf an Wnd oJ itoei SiOOp.n. Celumbl ! .4;0' ? Bxleundey ItaaiMrt. Kx.Bunday i20b"bi. T Altorla and Way m Landinga. ' Oreton City. New br,BalmWay Landinga. ;00a.j. Wlllamerle end Yaai T.Te5.Tfur. Mllll., 1 Oregon City, Day- ton, A Way Land- lDf. Lr,BlP aRler. tiU"W' 2:30a.m. Rlparia to Lewiiton ' ' :i(,' .r" daily J ' I . driliuuadail to bv letur or penoa, HORSE! BOUGHT OR SOLD, J5 75 25 4 Yl 4 i 8 2b 8 25 4 n - . . a r , B. DOKALDBOT", Afnli W. H. HURLBURT, eaeral raatenger Agent, rortland, Of. W Miller 8 50 a P". Pnrd '5 1 50 W H Boring 8 50 V "7..1.1 O w 1. .U.i. ..--------- Total 04 00 Road district No. 9 F Dt ake, general fund II Wilbern Carl Rath, road fund Hans Jepsen Herman Lius Ed Harders Uonrv .Inhnsnn John Paulsen J 25 Hans Klmker AdSteinke.. o Henry Schm-d f William Helt J Angnst Paulsen " Julius Paulsen 4 &u HansJohansn ;' Peter Helt 3 75 Geo Rath.... 8 25 Edward Harder 00 John Paulson i W Frank Dehs J Herman Lins J August Paulsen Wm Heldt Chris Klinker Fred Pint Nick Prath August Paulsen 3 00 1 50 1 50 3 00 2 50 987 2 25 6 0() 23 00 3 00 3 00 '3 00 1 50 1 60 1 60 1 50 1129 06 Total Road district No. 18 Lindsey A Son, general fund.... $10 60 Cha-lea Moran 3 95 Wilson & Cooke 5 00 Vigorit Powder Co 82 60 Oregon Citv Iron Works 75 M K London, road luna uu John Kalbfleisch 12 00 OESnence 30 00 Cha4 Spangler 16 00 BG Faust. w Will Hornsliuh 8 00 K Graham 26 00 W VV Mav 3 00 J W Jones 15 00 E A Howard 9 00 Will Guver 6 00 HalDh Howard 12 00 E A Howard " w E W Paine 9 00 Jacob Kalbfleisch 12 01) nACassedav 7 60 A Moreland uu Wm Moreland 00 F Irish 15 00 Jacob Spangler 3 75 i ord Hpangler ' C R Casper 1 50 P Hemmelgarn to F Swartz, It 5, blk 3, Mt Pleasant ; t G H Apbton to 0 Sabel, Its 1, 2, blk 28, Oswego ; IT s tn Ti flnirlies. n' of swJi enl8. 4 s. 4 el Patent it a in R Hiiirhes. sw of ne(a AseU of nwJseclS, 4 s, 4 ej Patent H H Campboll to J W Roots, 46 a, Isom Crantteld elm, 3 s, 4 e j n Ra.arit. thv hn'r) to II Swartz, ia.77 a. sec 23. 3s. 1 w: 1200 17 fiura ri tn H Swnrtz. 60 a. ?ini n nf Wiluonville: 10 r u utannvlih tn H Swart.. 60 a. tnnun as Swart?, farm i Love and aff a Kl.oo r F. niiase. neli" of 8W?k A, tAM. see 29. 1 s. 4 e; 400 L L Porter to R D VV ilson, It 13, blk 18, Holmes addition ; E 1) Brooks bv sbur to J W Roots, 5-Othsof w.-i, It 1, blk 4, Marsh-field: U S to. I G Blet-.kney. of se.U, nw'-i of & n of sw, set-14, Is. 2e; Patent J Bn'y by hr to II Grimm, nej see 22. 5 8, He; 640.40 W E Mortis to J Schniedor, 12.26 a, 11 Johnson dm, 2 s, 2 e; J L Stone to 9 A Campbell, It 3, blk 06, Oregon City ; VV n Wnlverton to U S. "wj sec 12, 2 s, 7e; Act of congress M G DuBnlssonto W D Wolver ton. sw'-i sec 12, 2 s, 7 ej H O Clements to J Marks, 3-5th a, Canby depot grounus ; A E Wolverton to U 8, no sec 8, 2g 7 e : Act of congress John Grady to A. E Wolverton, ne X sec 8, 2 i, 7 e ; II L Stratton to J O Pierce, It 9, blk 2, Falls View; W H Douglass B M Horner, n of neJseclO, 3 s, 4 e: R Gillan to M J Albright, Z a, li Thompson elm, 6 , 1 e; n m Mnrnnam tn M J Albriuht. ".""i " ri.. nn Z a. K Thompson ctm, o s, c, O O Wetzler to E O Wetzler, 40 a. Crow elm, 6 n, a e ; G II Ashton to M V Piatt, It 2, blk 26, Osweao; O P Church to A Neppach, see 36, 3s, 5e; H C Breeden to O P Church, sec 30, 3 s, 5 e; B F Linn to W M Wilson, eof nej sec 35, 2 s, 2 e ; M J LewelhmtoN J Riel, 80 a, J Stephenson elm, 3 s, 4 e; To Ul $129 37KMMulvey. Total .$395 40 Road district No. 19 Wilson & Cooke, general fund. Preston Pendleton O Daniels J J Mallatt J J Mallatt M Mulvey. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you ifvou use 1 Dr. u-:... -u t.if l'ills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless tr,rir. for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves nd build uo vour health. Easy to take. i.m Onio 25 r.nts. Monev back ;i nntmirri. Sold by George A. Hard ing, druggist. You can save money by buying your ...llllnurv irnods at MISS Ueiia UOiu J B On The Trail. A trip across the W. V. & C. M. W. road better known as t he Lebanon route, is a jaunt long to be remembered. ' One leaves the last settlement coining1 west at Sisters postoflce, a drive over a smooth good track mostly down a Bee tle incline brought us to the toll gate and btation uuder charge of VV. R. Booth where one recieves a cordial hos pitality that cheers the weary traveler?. Only two or three wagons had crossed the mountains at that time (July lj. Six droves of loo e horses had crossed westward and here we met John Todd, a pioneer cuttle king of Cook county, en route home from Stayton, having " brought 42 hoad of Hereford cattla through the snow. Mr. T. says that in his 44 years of cattle trade the highest price received for cuttle was $83.00 per head for four yi'ur old steers and the cheapest purchased by htm was 28 head of mixed cattle lrom yearlings to four year old steers and cows at $9.50 each. A Mr, Miller, wife and five child ren en reute from Pe. dleton to Eugene and Andrew Noble, wife and three children of Crook county, en route to Sweet Home, were camped here and we went into executive meeting of the waya and means committee to canvass the probability of getting through the snow a unanimous resolution was passwl t make the start at fottru'clock next morn ing, a climb of four miles brought us to the snow line. We found the first three miles fiom one to six feet deep but hard and firm ami our horses scarcely left a foot print or our wagons a track on ita white bosoms, the rays of the morning; sun soon softened it through and the hori-es begin to sink deeper in the snow with every rod traversed. 'At length Mr. Miller's wagon sank to the bed in the snow we had t double up our horsa power and pull him out. After eight miles of snow (and I ant ceitain if James W. Watson had ever previously wallowed through that last four miles he would never have written his famous pot-m "Beautiful (?) Snow"). We came to the summit of Sand moun tain and there was no moro snow down to risn Lane n au n lour nines, out we had to cross a swift mountain stream In the lava beds that came up over our buggy bed, ran over the dash board and nearly swamped us. It looked like bad medicine to take. Ahead was the roar ing river, behind w;s the walls of t.now. We air'.ved at Fish Lake, a famous summer resort where fish abound iralore. We sampled thee lake trout and pro nounced them fit for an epicure. Mr. Miller's team was worn out bo he stopped here for a day or two to recuperate while Mr, Noble, a veteran mountaineer and your reporter in company with R. D. Wright hit the trail. Thwe is two summits on the W. V. & C. M. W. na I between Lst prairie and the Western summit. We had three miles of rotten snow that was very dilflcnlt, around the pine trees the snow had melted away leaving a perpendicular circular wall of snow often ten fret deep, every moment we expected our equine friends to dron nut of sight. As wo toiled through the snow a faint blue fringe of smoke greet ed our vhion and as we emerged from the green forest into vast helt of dead timber we ran up pgalnst a typical inountiiin fire on a south hill side, th road here was graded and a fierce wind caused the hungry flames to leap clear across our roadway, fragments of burn ing bark were dropping all around us. The committee on highways and byways then went into speci il session and de cided that discretion was the tiettef part of valor so v.e executed a flank movement and beat a retreat. Later in the evening the wind died down and afier throughly saturating our clothing and throwing wet robes ovet our horses we made a rush for the west through fire and smoke, in a swift gallop we dashed safely throuich and soon bade adieu to snow drifts at the summit of Seven Mile Hill d jwn which we gaily flew with smoking brakes. At the foot of the mountain and sixteen miles frou Fish lake arose the vine clad rustic walls of the renowned "Mountain House" presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Kelso, ideal host and hostess. Four miles futher down the Santiam we came to Upper Soda springs and Garrison P. O. People from all over the Willamette valley and the sage brush empire flock here to spend the sultry summer weeks of dog days. It would be hard to find n more desirable haven, for here is that lodge in a vast wilderness that boundless coutinuity of shade where rumors of oppression and. deceit of successful or unsuccessful ware might never reach us more, and best news of all to the sportive minded waters of the Santiam fairly sparkle with the abundance of that prince of the finny tribe, the mountain trout. Twenty-seven miles more brings ue to Sweet House where we met a number of Ex-Oregon City citizens amongst whom we can mentioji Mr. and Mrs. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rands well known in Oregon City and where we helped uphold the old eagle's weary pinions. E. A. 400 300 720 885 720 90 600 300 2000 75 400 1 1000 825 MO FAY. $10 30 28 00 22 50 25 50 18 03 10 Kill , 30 00.imith' CURE-NO That is the wav all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIO for Malaria, Chills and lever. It ie simply iron and quinine in a tastel lorm. umiuren love it. ah una preier ti bittar, n I ne I'll i tonus, Prim, &!a.