:m " " ' OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 14, i&n ff; NEWS OF PACIFIC COAST. San Francisco had an earthquake Saturday. Ten thousand teachers are expected to attend the convention at Los Angeles. Baker wanted in Boston for embezzle' ment, gave the officers the slip in San Francisco. Another strike in Last Unance mine at Wallace, Idaho. . First ship of the season from Dutch harbor, Alaska, arrived at Seattle. . Atlin miners claim $3,000,000 dam ages as a consequence of the unjust law in Atlin. Highwayman Kelly, under arrest at Walla Walla, takes down with smallpox ' Auburn, Wash., is out of debt and has money in treasury. Jacob Betz was Monday elected ma' yor of Walla Walla. A New York concert thinks of estab lishing cement works at or near Olym pian . .': A box factory will soon begin opera tions at Gray's Harbor which will em ploy 300 men. - Commissary Sergeant H. H. Allen has been ordered from Fort Canby to San Francisco. v The Tacoma Land & Investment Com pany has been incorporated at Trenton, N. J. The incorporators are all East ern people. Seattle is making an effort to have the Washington volunteers taken there from San Francisco to be mustered out. A special train with pay cars to be at tached. John D. Rockefeller has purchased ex tensive iron mines on Texado islands in Britinh Columbia. Canada is aiming to control the Klon dike outlet with the Lynn canal. E. W. Clark who has been to Bering sea to look alter the seal situation for this government, declares that seals are being destroyed each year at an alarm ing rate. GENERAL. Second Oregon may come Francisco to Portland by rail. from San Burlington train went through a treB' tie near Waldron, Mo. One killed. Coulterville, Cal., burned Saturday uenerai nenaerson says tnere 13 no cession for an extra session of congress, factory in Chicago employing 800 people burned. Castastrophe narrowly averted. Captain John McNeall dismissed from the army. Pennsylvania railway and New York Central are now practically one. Ohio valley silverites called to a ference in Chicago. Now we have a cotten yarn trust. August Beker, Chicago sausage-maker, iounu guniy 01 muruer. Pacific salmon do not thrive in At lantic waters. Experiment a failure. Eailway property damaged $0,000,000 wurm in j. ex as. New York shipped 170,000 ounces of goiu 10 Europe Tuesday. lfryan ascended Pike's Peak, Monday, iv gut iMtmm 01 Rir, The Brazos is still falling, but there in uiucn suiiering in the flood district Alger and Pingree are said to be trv .u jctuvci irom meir recent blun dors. itooievelt ignored Algei in requesting .utoni, uimutry appointments iron) ft. V Uov. btone says that Jones will not rewjrn ino democratic chairmanship, Major G. 0. Quay, son of Senator Quay, has been mustered out of the vol unteer service. Captain Watkins frankly admits that Us miscalculations caused the accident to the steamship Paris. A national forestry reserve association is Ibeing formed at Chicago, to protect -timber lands in Minnesota. Polish residents of Chicago met Mon day night and protested against the pro posed Anglo-American alliance. Omaha and Winnebago Indians of NeoraRka and the Dakotas have begun a great war-dance near Decatur, 111. A hi r pii tract of land has been secured, on lake Erie, upon which it is proposed to establish a great industrial colony. Secretary Long will present the sword voted to Admiral Dewey by congress. vT!io presentation will take place in front Of the Capitol. IVIiElGX, Ambussiulor Cho.ite and Lord Salis bury deadlocked over Alaska boundary "modus." Roltmso ot all Spaniah prisionorg lms been arranged for. Mrs. May Wright Sowall, of United States, elected president of Intermition 1 Woman's Congress. Yellow fever cannot be kept out of Havana. Grand Duke Oeorpo, brother of the czar of HiiBsia, died Monday at St. Pet ersburg. General Gilleta du Paniruisopne, the Italian otlleer recently sentenced to live vears imprisonment as a spy, lias been pardoned. Wealthy Spaniards are leaving Ha vana for Mexico, where they expect to invest then money, Twenty thousand negroea are destitute in the flooded diBtrieis of Texas, and are being fed. The national committee of deaf mutes met at St. ram, luesutiy. A pretty 10-year-old girl was kidnap, ped ne.tr Atlanta, Ga. London, Ontario, has been placed uiv der martial law on account of the street car strike. Kentucky republicans met at Lexing tun Wednesday to nominate a candidite for governor. Attorney-General Taylor ilaiuis to have enough pie.iges to win. William J. Fryan spoke at Colorado Springs Monday ntji ht. Constant raim have cans til an over How of the 1'axig river and many streets in Manila are under water. Bridges are vta h il away aud rice fields submerged. THE WEEK President Schurman, of the Philip pine peace commission, is expected at ban Francisco July 15. Cubans in great numbers are applying ior a snare 01 uncle Barn's gratuitous uistriuuuon. several priests have been arrested, charged with complicity in the recent attempt to kill ex-King Milan. More than 500 new army officers are to be appointed to take charge of the new companies formed for service in the I'liiiippmes. ; 1 ' The governor of the Isle du Diablo has been removed from office because h punished Dreyfus In an attempt to make mm contest. ,. Friendly FiliDinoa in Manila am nn- deavoring to induce one of the leading insurgent generals and his followers to lay down their arms. ;'; s, . STATE. ; Angry fishermen fired at the tno Sampson for cutting their nets at As toria. - - - - James Black found dead at Astoria.' Levi Kent, of Drain, attacked bv a. stallion and painfully injured. Astoria is improving her streets. Oregon's hop cron astimated at 70.000 bales this year. , ' diMri! Eliza Orosley, of Forest Grove, J rr 1 eu xuesuay. Wheat harvesting in the Willamot.tB valley will begin next week. John Bolt, an Oregon Dioneer. died near Jacksonville, yesterday, aged 65. Gold Hill has issued bonds to the amount of $2500 to pay for waterworks. A telephone line is soon to ha eatnV.. lished from Cottage Grove to the Bohe mia mines. Captain H. H. Sarcent. who Wflfl an. pointed lieutenant-colonel of volunteers. is visiting relatives in Ashland. Two fishermen came near drnwninf Saturday near the mouth of the Colura- uia. 1 lie mesaving crew at Fort Canbv an.irl ...1 LI. - i L . Davcu liisu mien meir Doai was upset. When the daily toil is over, and the sun is going down, you are ready, now, to read the the news, what's going on in town. If you miss the evening paper, here's a hint; t'will make you smile, p'rhaps you'll find it on your daughter, for the bustle's back in style. When you wash your face in soap subs, an you're looking for a towel, while the soap is getting in your eyes, you start to swear and growl, wipe your eyas upon sleeves, and remember a.l the while, that the towels are hard to locate, since the bustle's back in style. Now there's no use getting angry, and it does no good to swear, if your Sunday shirt is missing, and you've nothing clean to wear, try your hardest to look pleasant, do your best to wear a smile, and re member when you miss things, that the bustle's back in style. For Smz Cheap Span of horses, cov ered wagon, tent and complote camping outfit. For particulars call at residence of J. A. Thayer on upper Seventh street Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. O. Latourette . For Over Fifty Veai A.V Ol.D AND VVnr.r..TiiiiT. IJ, rs. Winsbw'a Knnrliln... ..., u , , -"-"8 'J lull UttH neen nsod far nu. Kit., .,.. i... r. " jcom uy millions of mothers for their children while teething, with rmrfnnl soothes the child. Rnfteua tha .!.,.., allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold bv Orno. gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. He sure and ask for Mrs. Wiimlow's Soothinor Svrun. ami tuim other kind. RemitrkHblo iteioue Mrs. Michael Curtain, riainfinld. Ill makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse, he told her she was a hopeless victim ot consump tion ami that no medicine could cure her. Her druugist suggested Dr. King's New hifleoVHrv fur IV,nnn..ni!n. l... ... j .... vu.IUIIIIIUUUII , OIIU bought a bottle and to her delight found nerseu uenenteu irom tirst dose. She continued its use and after takimr si bottles, found herself sound and well; new does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. free trial bottles of this Groat Discovery at Geo. A. Hard ing's Drug Store. Only 50 cents and (1.00, every bottle guaranteed. Where Will We Spend On Sum mer Vacation? This is the time of year to think about it, but before you decide, write for an elaborate, illustrated pamphlet showing numerous photo engraved views of tiie many attractions at the seashore and en route, and advantages of the Columbia river beaches as reached by the Astoria and Columbia River Kailroad. Three hours and thirty minutes from Union Depot, Portland, to your beach hotel, in a magnificent parlor car without change or transfer is a convenience aud luxury few resorts can nffer. Such is the initial attraction of this favorite resort. J. C. Mayo. Cen'l Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. Red Front.... OREGON CITY Now arrivals In Prw ()ood, Fine Llnluirs, White liouit, Skirts, Warner Corsets, liolf Shirts. I'p to date Millinery at rvusotiable prices. Km Flour 7jo. U M l.l.l. Kin Jonan Hloefa; Heanal'e, ft mil. IWl till 75.'; till 3 gallou can tor 75c, Kill SU 5.V for li0 Us; Sack ShH UH) cwt . (iool Oreon or Roast CnftVv UV; with srxvin Ito Fine 60o T.uu for T Hunt, 2 lbs iai tlloss Starch .'. rm A II miner Sod lo. 3 llu (KiUI Oust aiul 4 jttMKt Siwp i h'. Maaile S arch lita, the host. An pictures and M lllt'h plwqiie fiee with 1 pomuls starrh. Trade fur all khula of t'roiluea Thousands Have Kidney Troube and Don t Know it- 1 here is & disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so de ceptive. Many sudden deaths are caused oy it, neart disease, pneumonia, heart laiiure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is mioweu to advance ine Kidney poison in the blood is liable to attack the vital or gans, or the kidneys themselves hri.uk down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the alhn men leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's disease, tne worst torm of kidney trouble. Kidney trouble can be detected although it be alow and deceptive. t irst, py analysis or. the urine ; second, ova simple test ot setting the urine aside in a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, when a cloudy or brick dust set tling indicates it. i .: It was for just such troubles that In His infinite power and goodness the Great Physician caused Swamo-Root to grow for the benefit of mankind, leaving it for His servant. Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialist to dis cover it and make it known to the world. Its wonderful efficacy in promptly curing the most distressing cases 11 truly .mar velous. You may have a sample bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the great kidney, liver ahd bladder remedy, by mail free.. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co:. Bingham pon,: N. Y. ... When., writing mention this paper; Druggists, in fifty cent or dollar sizes. ' " , Bobbed the Grave. A Btartling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "1 was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue quoted, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite--graduatly grow- ng weaKer aay oy day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50cts, guaranteed, at George A. Harding's drugstore. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Spingler, of 1125 Howard street, Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this royal cure: "It soon re moved the pain in my chest, and I can now Bleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praise throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trou ble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price, 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at George A. Harding's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. Sew Era Flour Mills. job. bevcik, Jr., has fully recovered nis health and together with Jos. Strejc has leased the New Era Flouring Milk. The mill will be greatly improved and arrangements made for receiving grain and exchanging for mill stuff at short notice, batisiaction guaranteed. SuvciK, Stkejc & Co. : infrequent and : improper : Shampooing are responsible tor dry, scrawny and variable colored hair. Many people have a goodly supply of hair, and It would be beautiful were It not that dandruff had destroyed its life and made it lustreless. Everyone's head should bo shampooed once a week with some non-injurious and health-giving wash. ZJ Sutherland Sisters' U Scalp Cleaner does not rot and bleach the hair, like s soda, ammonia, etc. Aid the scalp J S cleaner with the " Hair Grower." Z They contain jnothlng but what Is good ior the hair and scalp. S) SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. J Preserves 0 f-frulr", Jellies, pickles or catsup are sA uiura c-uauy, tuure quietly, more g) healthfully sealed with He lined y Paradlne wax than by any other vml method. Doiensof otheruseswlUbe X,0ttna,orReflned Paraffine Wax In Tery bouehold. It Is clenn, UvatclcKB tnd odorless at r, water and actd proof. Uet ft pound cake of It with a Hat of its many um from your dniffRistor grocer, bold everywhere. Wade hy i ftTA1141tIl Mil. rl. The Das s.Portland and Astoria Navigation Co's Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (exoopt Sund iy) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Loeks, Vancouver nnd Portland Touching at wav p,.m om hmli Columbia river. ides 'of the twin or the thrive stovnrs har bon rehu'lt and are In excellent .hai f r the seaum of lw The llfBuUtor l.lae will on le.ivor to uive i iwirous the bust service possib e. K For r.imfort, Kranomy and rie.lr travel by the steamer. f The Keirul.tor line, Th ahnve .faer li'.-ive TVillatilTa m and Pallesat a a. m .and arrive at dlMln itlou In ample time fornnteiiing trains. ,.:r''""l, V'"r- n''11-' om-e. Oak St lhick. Coimstrect. A. r. A I l.AM'A V Oetieral Ajjeut. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. F. E. Donaldson, Agent Fire and Accident Insurance BANK OF OREGON CITY LDEBT BAH KINO H0U8K IX TEX CITT PAID VP CAPITAL, W0,000.00 SURPLUS ttOfilO.OO Prealdent, floe-president Chas. H. CkVTim Oio. A. HiiDim X. Q. Oauiuls huhier, A General Banklnc Bmlneit Traniacttd Depoilti ReoelTed Subject to Check. Approved Btlli and Hotea Dlaoounted, Countr and City WrranU Bought. Loni Made on Aratlahle SeouritT Exchange Bought and Mi, Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In 1m Pt of tfc (Torld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland. Ban Cranclsco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregea Pure Milk and Full Measure) given; delivered td ttj prt of the city, . Try Bolton Dairy and fca C CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. P. TiriE CARD. 2,For Yaqulna Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. m Train leaves Corvallis 1:45 p. in Train arrives Yaqulna . 6i50p. in 1 Returning Leaves Yaqulna 7:00 a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:40 a. m Arrives Albany 12;25 p. m 3 For Detroit Leaves Albany 7:40 a. m Arrives Detroit 11:65 a. m i Beturning Leaves Detroit ...12:25 p. m Arrives Albany 5:35 p. m 6 Leaves Albany 6:05 p. m Arrives Corvallis 6:55 p, m o weaves uorvams u:4ua. m Arrives Albany 7:25 a. m One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis Willi soiitnern rsciuo trains, giving direct ser vice to ana Irom Newport and adjacent beaehes. No. 6 runs from Albany to Corvallis on Mon. days, Wednesdays and Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albany on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays only. trains ior tne mountains arrive at Detroit al noon. elvinK ample time to reach eamnlna1 grounds on the Breltenbush and rJantlam river the same aay. f.Dww rjTONE, Manager, H L. WAt-nKN, T , F.AP. A. J. Turner, Agent, Albany, Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint youi house and Murrow IS THE MAN to d the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. When you visit The Dalles stoD at the Best One Dollar a Day House in the City THE OBARR HOTEL On Second Street one block from Depot Special rates to families and partie 8. 8. SMITH, Prop. W. H. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable 11ns the best-looking riga and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I have on hand funds for the payment of all county warrants endorsed prior to July 1st. 189(1. interest will ceaee from and after the diito of this notice. Oregon City, July 14th, 1809. Jacob SiurR. Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore, Shall we f tell you h Jv why ? l , f For Catalogue Adress, P. L. Campbell, President Don't Purchase a Which is made and finished by machinery with hundreds of oth ers the same style and pattern. Have some individuality about your attire. We can give you perfect fitting suits and guarantee satisfaction at very low prices. , Ladies' Tailoring neatly done. M. GILBERT, The Portland Tailor, opp. Electric Hotel GLADSTONE CUT In 8, f.I7'?:DPI:NT?' R08ES AND OTHER SHRUBBERY. Funeral pieces 1 n. Special attention riven to rrnin fir.i . .j P. O. Address. Box 238, Oregon City, Ore. On Top The top of the Shoe isn't where the most wear comes, but it's important, nevertheless. Tops are made in a great variety of styles now-a-days. All of them are good, but some more beautiful than others We have all the new styles of tops for you to select from. KRAUSSE BROS. A Good Thing. If you have a good thing the people want it. Their scales of living is many degrees higher than their fathers'; they want the necessities of life to be as good as possible for the money. MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at the lowest price. A penny saved is two ea rned Hi. DoaUr In. Groceries an Provisions. ito Fill line 0! Hill Feed, OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF Honuments and Headstones Estimate! furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. : : Drawings made by description. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, fillrer M1l Awarded at Portland Mechanics' Fair I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and am now in a position to do work better and more reasonable. Foresight Means Goodsight If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the above headlines. Lack of foresight in attending to the eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employe the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes, and charge nothing for examination. Dr. Phillips, a grad uate oculist-optician, has charge of our optical depart ment. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 293 Morrison Street - - TIT "DC T ITXXVO, XV. 220 First Street - - - Portland, Oregon Has a complete assortment of Imported Pattern Hats & Millinery Novelties Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled. ; PRICES MODERATE MANHOOD RESTORED w. ell tue horror (( CFPIDEt'R etirnirtlieiiBand reHtorsniall l BEFORE and AFT'iR ntsol aiwhAre". w:.caii notohprk-rt Mnriat Ttie reiwwn nnvrrs nr not cured by iinriors I- oeeituse n!ntv twr ent nre troahlwl with Proatmtltl. cri'IDENE Is the only known reti! to enrewliliou't u opt-rtiun. MvoiMtilmnnl. Is. A wrltlpo minrnmcoBiveo and money rfiunita l( Biz box dope no. eiTect ueiuutuGU(eur. 1.00a ti,ii fiirfVOC. by nialL Bnd lor mm circular and tretlmonlai. AiVlrena P4YOI. U.KDICIAE CO., P.O. BJ 37T8, 8ao Frai iclaco, Cal. Ibr&U Geo. A. Harding. State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon Training School for Teachers, New Buildings, New Departments, Ungraded County School Work, Graduates secure good positions, strong course, well equipped training department, Normal course quickest and best way to State Certificate. Expense for year from $120 to $100, or board $2.50 to $3.00 per week. Tuition $0.25 per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins September 19th; Sum mer term June 27-Sept. 1st. or W. A. Wank, Secretary of Faculty. ' Readv Ma GREENHOUSE BROS.,. PKUr!ETOlt S i Greenhouse on East Sitfe Electric Car Lin Lime, Cemeat til IJM Plate.1 Portland, Oregon - PORTLAND, OREGON DTT-OTTTi XJAIYJQIV 'CUPIDENE" Thin rit v .,tl ,V. 1 . wi q uiu. cure ImiwWnrr. I' PI lt:VErl eauwu the liver. tb wenk nrcaus. STRAIGHT, ou 01 ui Der J 1 ,.Ti .iTn" i . Vrf tuca M Manhood, rinip.e, cu-;aj ti iuirry, hxliniMii Urnhis, Varlcowle .id Coiistlnatlon. 1 1 6io a 1 losses by d7 r nlKl.t. t'revenm onk-b.