Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 07, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Oregon City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
ORegcn City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
M- t
That we are the cheapest ASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by
the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers
who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us. If you are wise and have your own inter
est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy,
you will be POSTED as to goods and values Remember,
Baby Enggies Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set
from from fm from S8wing MacWn8 Bed Koom U stove of 44 Pieces
(term Improved from on Earth
$2.00 25C P-UnU 30C -oyelee The UNIVERSAL Bly
and Upward $ 1 tXyx fcQ aa
and Upward and Upward secoud-Hand Per Yd and Upward Ea8y t;ui8 Given and Upward STEEL RANGES .UV -
Following is a list of warrants remain
ing uncalled fur in the clerk's olhVe of
Clackamas county for seven years end
ing July 1, 18119, and if not called for in
60 days they will be cancelled :
. mi
HI I '.I
lull IS
' 10073
Name Amount
Mrs M L Brown 2 10
J W Cushlng 1 70
George Deikcr 1 20
L Dulory 1 70
M Durst 1 2o
Huns Erieksoti 1 60
F Fredrick 1 70
Mrs Viola Klliin ..' ft 50
Hum Guinea 2 50
1. Holler 1 20
O M Howard 4 20
W H Jones 2 Ml
J M Jones 2 00
K W Jones 1 60
J Koenig 1 70
If Koehler 1 io
Jred Lehman
? !!f! :
0 A' Lngiand 1 20
M Mlncke 1 70
3.1 Miokley 2 00
Minnie McCoy 2 20
John Nlsson ; 1 20
11 S Newton 1 20
.1 im Noble 1 6(i
Grant Nixon
1 60
1 20
a 40
1 70
1 70
1 60
1 70
.1 I. I'ioklhnin .
Win I'ogle '
J Qulnn
J M Thompson
Silas Stewart . .
W L Smith ....
If F WillM.X
1 On
:a ') W illiams :i4o
KG Williams
David Wilson
J W Wolfcr..
Chas Wilson .
. 1 00
1 lif)
. 1 70
07 35
Slate of Oregon, )
County ff Clackamas.)
I, Elmer Dixon, county cleik of the
above named county and state, and
dork of the countv court of the county
of Clackamas ami stolo of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing copy of
warrants over seven years prior to July
1st, 189!), and uncalled for has been by
tne cotni need with the original, and
that It is a correct transciipt therefrom
and of thn whole of tich original as the
same appears of record in my office and
in my care and custody.
In tedimony whereof I have hereunto
eot my hand and allixed the seal of said
court this 9th dav of June. A. 1). 1S99.
Ki.mkk Dixon, ( lerk.
sk.vi.. lly K. II. CoocKii, Deputy.
JiW.s Duutal.
Notice is hereby given that tin hoard
of kcIiooI director of school district No.
(12 of Clackamas County, Oregon, wi I
icceivo sealed bids Ht the residence of
the Hchool clerk, on Seventh street, in
Oregon City, Oregon, up to the hour of
seven o'clock p. in., on Friday, July 14,
1890, fur the siilo and delivery to tiie
district of 120 eotds of good, sound,
four foot fir wood, which hut) been cut
from largo, live standing timber, anil
thoroughly sens ned. Said wood to he
first klice in all respi cts and suitable fur
une in the lui iuiecs i f the school build
ings. Seventy eor.Is ol 'said wood to bo
delivered at the linr. lny school building
on lJlli lre. I, nml fit) curds at the Kuat
ham school Imil li-goii "th street. Said
wood to he delivered on or liefoio Sep
leinher 1st, 1,19. The board of directors
reserve the right to nject any or all bids.
By order of the U mrd of l)i recti is.
S. At. McOown. District Clerk.
Dated at Oiegon City, Oregon, June V,
lCuhhc.l (ha Grnvo.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the
object, is narrated by him as follows:
"I wa in a moit dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
t ingite quoted, pain continually in hack
uid sides, no app 'tile gradually grow
'.ng weak. r day Icy day. Three physi
l iiiut hud given nie up. Fortunately a
Mend advitol trying Klectric Dittirs,
and to my great joy and surpi ise, the
ti'i-t bottle made a decided improve
nent. 1 continued their use fur three
Aeeks, and am now a well man. 1 know
'hey saved my life and robbed the grave
uf another victim." No one should fail
'o try them. Only 51V ts, guaran.eed, at
tieorgo A. Harding's ding store
.no ri ii;- no r.vY.
That is the wav all druggists sell
rir ..wiiiiim, i nnis aim l ever, it in
"imply iron and quinine in a tasteless
l):ni. Children l .e it. Adults prefer
i.) Id tor, iiinii;i'i.i tonic , l'ncj,o.V.
Stkaykh; From the undersigned, liv
i ig six miles oast of Oregon City, a lar;';e
i ok ii cow, marked with under hack in
I dt ear. Information of her w hereabouts
will heamplv rewarded by
F. NcUon, Oregon City, Cre.
L. Block's Furniture and
Continued from 1st Page.
lows :
Honeyman, DeHart & Co $ 237 50
Less disoourit : 7 12
Total 244 62
In the matter of the bill of the
Courikr-Hkrai.d which was laid over
from the regular term Amount allowed
In the matter of the bid of Trullinger
Bros, fur plank on the Molalla road
Ordered that the matter be laid over un
til tlie July term.
In the matter of the assessment of D.
E. Long Ordered that the sheriff re
ceive the Hum of 0.50 in full for assess
ment of 1898.
That Throbbing Headache,
Would quickly leave you if you used Dr.
Kings New Life Tills, thousands of
sufferers have proved their matchless
merit, for sick anil nervous headaches.
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. Eauy to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by George A Hard
ing, druggist.
You can save money by buying your
millinery goods at MUs Celia Uo'.d-
I'mitkd Status I and Oifii e. J
OiotacN ( ity, ( roKim, June 27, 1809. )
AStTKHCU'.NT rontest affidavit, (luted liav lfi,
1800, havtnif tioen tiled in IhlsolHce by U W.
Robertson, cimteslant. against tioineslead enlry
Nil. 0705. made January 21, 1802, lor sw!:, section
14, lownshii 8 , rango 5 o, liy Oliver M. Khy, con
it,ee, In which l( is aliened (hat "the said Olivar
M iby has wholly abandoned said clalu and
Ihat he has not resided on the same for the past
three years, nor lias he made any improvements
thereon during sHid time, nor lias he euliivaled
the same during said time, or any one acting for
hi in, that his absence has not been due to his em
ployment In the miiitiuy or naval servioeofihe
United Mates In time of war," said paities are
hereby notilled to appear, respond and oiler evi
ilence tiif liiiiK said hI legation al 1 o'clock p m.
on AtiKiist 15, MO, before the resistor and raeidv
er at the United Stiitea laud ofllce la U.-cgon City,
Thcsatd conleslniit havhiK, In proper affidavit.
llled.lllllo 10, I8!i:i. set forlh filets which dhow
tlnit .fter due dilllgence personal service of this I
noi tee can not ne niiuie, it is nercny oruereii ami ,
dir. on d that such ncti e be given bv Hue and I
proper publication.
Rce. iver.
NOTICE N hereby given that, pursuant to an
execution and outer of sale issued out of the
circuit court of the stata of Oregon for i lac sainns
coiicly of date May 81, lsos, upon a judgment
anil dt creeof fori closure in favor ol Surah A.
Staver, plaintlfi, vs. Srhuylor Hue, Jr., Theodocla
Hue, Joseph Rue, T. F. T. II. llreiitano and 11.
Ilrcntnuo, defendants, duly rendered, enrolled
and docked il in said court mi May 2, lstiti, lr the
Mini of 1,215.1)0 nnd interest thereon from Febru
ary 24, 1800, at 10 per cent per annum, and dl.'ni 00
attorney's fees, and tbo turther sum of 75 25,
and lnlere.it thereon from May 2, 1800 al 0 percent
per annum, ami 21.00 costs ami diabutseme t,
i have levied upon and will on
Snturtlny.Jtbo lath Ooy of July, 10V)0,
at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said
Cay, at and in front of the court house door at
Oregon City, In snld county and slate, duly sell a(
public miction to the highest bidder lor cash ill
bund nil tlie righl. title and Interest ol said de
ft mlnnls on and niter the 21lhdayof February,
ls'.i2, lit iitiil to the southwest ipim'tur of the norlii
west i miner, the west hall of the southwest iimr,
tcr and the sou ticiist ipiartcr of the southwest
quarter of section 20, township 2 south, iangc4
east of (he W illamette ineriiliaa, in Clackamas
countv, Oregon, eonttt niug 100 acres, to satisfy
si.bl decree, i Osis and accruing coMs.
l..teit June 01 h, InjO.
.1. J. COOKF,
Sheriff of Clackamas I'muity, Oregon,
lh'l' Alt'l M lNT OK TllK INTK1U"R, 1
I'M r Kl M'U'KH l.ANt) Ol'UfR J
UiiiojN I'lrv, uivut'i), July U, )
I'FKK'll'N r iMMilovl tUlltlnvit, tluh'tl .ltuit'
lutvlnu hi'tMi in litis I'tHro hv I'l'lcr
K runs, emid Mlanl, wyninM IioiihUmi.1 onlrv So.
U.tiuti. iiK(le Nov iuIht in, 1S'). f,.r ih sw1 4 s, o
llmi lownli V 7 rtuinv J hy .liittit'-s I..
vU, (Miiltlt't-, lit u h ifli ii i iilU'tu tt llutt ihc
Jillltt'S 1,. lfivit llllH Itl'JUi.liilic.i Sillil llllrt
iiii.l cli'iniii'il hi1 ri'fiilfiit p ilu'u fiom fm' ttnu
tlum inoiillis siiiot- uuikiit said iMiir. tnit
nxttl'UMio Ilio iUip )i:mhnI in saiil ultitlnN.t;
lli-U Ins ulstinct fnnu ?s fla m U;s n.it 1'(m n iy
rctistui of sorii'e in tin- it - mv or mtvy of l lie V . s.
In limo i f m mul tluit :-iiitl irun't-. nul M ill. tl
U(i n aii'i nilMMiif.l U ,iM tu ly as rctiuimi ly
lnw.M.'tt O'lvli' m Hiv ln-o')y n.ililic'l In tipii(ir,
rt-HHiii tutiloiNT i-viil'.-aci' loiu'Uin sufvl u'.t j
lion ai 10 o'l'.ot'k . in. mi L'.''',.ro
Hi rvyiM.-r Mini f.i-tvcr hi tlu I'niu d Siuu lanl
oil! in Oregon City, tiroyoti.
The sivA t'ontt'Mitnt lut iur, In a nivpir nilKU
vit. HUM July 1, 1v.r. Mt forth f.iots whifU iow
llmi miivt duo ililiitfvni-e porsoiml scivic of tliis
iioiu-o cun not bo mHl ', it i lu'tt'by onliTt'il Htul
iiiiwU'il that NMi'h notti'i to nsvi ii liyttuoniht
llMptT jmbltt'iitioiK ill AS. U. MvMKKS,
M. ('i ALLOW Yt
In the Circuit Oourt of the State of Oregon, for
the County ol Clackamas,
J, V. W. Montague (substituted foi l
jj. n. uiarire),
J. A. Taylor, Benjamin Bender and
Mary A. Bender, his wife, (4. K
Dedman and Clara S. Uedman, his
wife, William Beutelsnacher and
Mary Beutelspachor, his wife, An
geline Berry, Robert Deblinzor
and Fartheiiin DeShazer, his wifo,
Angeline B.Try,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as.
cree and an execution, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cau-te, to me duly directed and
dated the 20ib day of June, 1800, upon a
judgment rendered and jntered in said court on
the Kith day of June, 1800, in favor of J. V. W.
Montague (substituted for D. S. Claike), plaintiff,
and against J.A.Taylor, Benjamin Builder and
Mary A. Bender, his wife, O.K. Derlinftn and
Clara S. Pedmaii, bis wife, William Heutelspaeh
erand Mary lleutelhp icher, his wife, Aiceline
Berry, R ibeit DjShaz .ir and Pnrthena DeShax-ir,
his wife. Angeline Berry, defendants, for the
sum of flOOO.OO, with interest thereon at the rale
of 6 per eeut per annum from the lfith dav of
June, lMiii, aim the turther sum of ?2U1.. u, with
interest thereon from the 10th day of June, 1800,
and the further sum of tloOOOas attorney's
fee, and the further sum of 820 75 costs aild
dtsbursments, and the cos's of and upon tills
writ, commanding me to make aile of the follow
ing described real properly, situate in the Ooiiiny
of Clackamas, Stale of Oregun, to wit: And be
ginning at a puiut on the east boundary of the
donation land claim of N.J. Lamb, deceased,
and wife, In township 2 south of range 8 east of
the Willamette meridian, 10 chains south of the
northeast corner thereof; thence west 8.50 chains
to a stake; thence south thirty-three degrees west
forty-five chains; thence south nineteen and
05-loOciialns to the south boundary of said do
nation laud claim; ihei.ee east on said south
boundary line to the right bank of the Clackamas
j; ver; thence with the meandering of sidd river
upstream four and .0-100 chains to the iniuth of
IVep creek; thence up the right bunk of Deep
creek with the meai deriiigs theieof to thesiatth
wesllineofa tract of land heretofore sold to
Ileemer and Roberta: thence north lorty iiine
degrees west on said line to the corner stake;
thence north tw. my light degrees thirty minutes
east eight and 60-100 chains; Iheuoe no th sixty
nine d groes east four and 02-100 chains to Hie
east boundary of John Fagalde's homestead;
thence north on said mst boundary of said home
steud to the north, astcortlerthereoi: thence west
on the north boundary of said hoiLeelead to the
m rthwest Corner thereof . Iheoce south mi I be
I west boundary two ami 05 loo chains to the place
"i uckiiiiiiiil', couiaiuiiiK z.:i.o.i acres more or less,
excepting therelrom ono hundred acres sold by
John Mali and Kva Mull, his w ife, lo Francis It
Brown by deed dated Junicirv 0th. 1804, n corded
January 2Mh, 18114, in ih0 deed records of Clacka
mas county, Oregon.
now, tntrelore, hy virtue of tald execution.
i.1(i, ,,,.,,, i- ,i ,irtB , ,; '
K' Tl .
at the hour of 1:",0 o'clock p. m at the front
door of the County Court. House in the Citv of
uremui . uy, hi mm ( uiinty ami Stale, sell nt
I public auction, su; j-ct to rodmnpti at, to the
highest bidder, lor U. S. gold coin cash in hand.
all the right, title and interest which the within
named defendants or either of them hud on the
dale of the mortgage herein or san e ha I in or lo
the above described real property or any part
thereof, lo satisfy suid ex. ciition, judgment
order, decree, interest, costs mid all accruing
C"sls. j. J. t:oOK K,
Slu r.ff of Cl ick iiuas County, Oregon.
Dalid Oregon City, Ore.. Junv 20, lsna.
Dki'ihtmentofthk Interim).
Uniieii Mates Land Office,
Or. gun city. Oregon, May 20, lsno.
dated (let. 8. 1K0S. Imvnic bo I1I...I l i l,i
ollice by George A. Hell. cnntiant, against home
stead entry No. Il,h7:l. made uiie 4, 1MK1, for SK'4'
siction !I2, township 2 s, range 7 e, by Minnie
l'ntloll, conteslee, in whi.lt II is alleged Unit "the
saiil Minnie I'uitnu hs wholly abandoned said
claim fur more, than one year prior hereto; Unit
for uver one year prim this date said ei.irvinan
has not resided on suid claim or visited' said
claim, or any .mo for bur; that fur over one Year
lust past homestead claimant, has not in any wav
cul ivutcd or Improved said cluini. and tier ali
sence has not been owli g or due to her emi lny
ini'iit in the luililer)' or imv,l service of the
Initial Stares in lime of war," mid partleaare
hereby notilled til ai pour, iv.spn,i umi Oo'cr cvi
deiiee toueliing said ullcgiiiioiis at lo ii'cluck, a. M.
oil July 14. before lile It -1 , f- ,,,,,1 KiKieh er
atthc I lined Klines Uiid Oti.ce in Oregon City,
1 lie said eiiiitestuiii liavlrg, in a proper affida
vits tiled Match to and May 17. lyiii.M-i imth tacts
which lo.u (hat after line .lliigei.o.. personal ser
vi'c ol il. Is notice en not In, nun le, it. is hereby
ordered im,l , In, h ,i mi, l, ,H,u,e be giyeii
by due itn.l .opei .:ibli, ation.
I'llA. il. MOOIIKS,
W l. t; A l.t .ow ,Y,
IJOTICK Is herebv eivi n that tbo ninlei'sK'ned
k Wns on the 27,ti il.ii' . r I I.l - .!......!
I ailiiiiin-initiis of the cs'.me ,.f Miotmel M. Shive
ly, ileee iscd. All i, rs,.i;s br.iu cUiiin.i against
i s.-ud estate are rcine-id t present Hum to me
I hi me home near Monitor, or, properly verb
. lied, within six mouths of the .latent tins noiiev.
oauii uil '20HI .lav of .In n,, s ,.i
SAKAll K.' SIIIViii.Y. .',Uuinbtia(r:x.
K. P. Mokcom, Woo, II, urn, (ire (
Attorney for AdiniiiiMncra, '
Yon caii t till cot a ltat Ik low cost at
'iit C jMjoi itli's.
In the Cirailt Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Mrs. Martha Rlngo, as guardian of
the persons and estate of the mi
nor heirs of II. C. Bingo, de
ceased, Plaintiff,
Gi orge F. Blair, Tressa A. Blair, his
wife, and E. C. Hansen
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
CS ree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the soal of the abovr entitlid court, In the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and
dattd the 26th day of June, 1800, upon a judg
ment rendi red and entered in said court on the
loth day of June. 1800, in favor of Mrs. Martha
Kingo, as guardian of the persons and estate of
the minor heirs of H. C. Kingo, deceased, plain
tiff, and against (ieorge F. Blai-, Tressa A. Blair,
his wife, and E. C. Hansen, difendanis, fur ti.e
sum of 186 00. with Interest thereon at the rate
of 10 percent per annum from the 13ih day of
June, ikih, mm me limner sum ol ?no.oo aa ill
torney's fee, and the further sum of lfll.00 costs
and disbursements, and the coMs of a d unon
this writ, commanding Pie to make sale of the
following described real property, situate In the
county of Clackamas, state i f Oregon, to wit:
Being a part of the Wm. Groshong I). L. C , In
township 6 sen h, range I east of the Willamette
meridiam, and bounded as follows; Beginning
eightv (80) rods north of the southeast corner of
tne wm. oromong o. l. c. on the eastern line
thereof, and running thence west one hundred
and sixty rods (liio); thence north forty rods (40);
I thence east one hundred and sixty rods (100) to
I the said claim line; thence south forty rods (40)
to the place of b ginning, ooiitainiiig forty acres
(40), the same being the interest devised to
(ieorge K. Blair by the last will and testament of
KhodaA Blair, deceased.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said cxecu ton,
judgment order and decree, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on
1800, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the city of
Oregon City. In said county and state, sell at pub
lie auction, subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U, . gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, nad on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had in or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satiKfy said execution judgment older, deoree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas ootinty, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oie., June 2r, U00.
Shaving and Hair Cutting done with
neatness and dispatch.
JULIUS Ronf.S, Proprietor
Xew Era Flour Mill.
Joa. Srtvctk, Jr., Inn fully recovered
his health and together with Job. Strejc
hast leased the New Era Flairinc .Mills.
The mill will he greatly improved ami
arrangements m..de for receiving grain
Hud exchanniiiif for mill-Btul'f-t at short
noiice. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Sevcik, Sthejo & Co.
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. 0. & D. 0.
ft I
A Combination of low pi ices, and exactly the goods that people want now"
Oregon City Cars Stop at Our Door
Ladies' Change ible G'nse Flounced l'ctti- 7Sf
coats, each U
Ladies' Fiini'V Wruppers of light figured Otn
calico, half lined and braid triinnie 1, en.. Uww
New Flowered Orgainlies in popular tiuts, 1 fn
per yard 1 w
Ladies' good Muslin Drawers, wcli ma-le, 1Q
trimmed witlt tin ks, per p iir . ..
For new tliinirs in Ladies' Belts, see our as- OK a
soilin, nt at "J"
Ladies' list White Washable Chamois i7Cn
iiloves', all sies, for luv
Kino t.i'atlier IVeketb.ioks m,d Cnnl teases nr
in all popular colors, endi O Ju
) rtr
Jewell .1 lte'.t Buckles in large assortment -ww
ee our iue'.tv stjics before bujiuc else- AVI)
wlK'ri ' 35c
Hoys' Figured Percale Mouses, big ritilLs, 25J
Carpet House
Departmfht of the Interiob,
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, June 27, 1800.
A SUFFICIENT contest affldavtt. dated May
10, 1J.09, having been filed ill this office by
Orville Robertson, contestant, against homestead
enlry No. 10542, made March 2, 1803. for (he b w
S'Ctlon 24, townships s, range 5 e, ly William
N. Tatro. enntestee, in which it Is alleged that
"the paid William N. Tatro has wholly abandoned
said claim for more than two years prior hereto
and that he lias not resided on said claim for
more than two years last past and during said
in... no i.a noi cumvaien or lniprovea, said
ie uas noi cumvaien or lniprovea said
nor any one acting for him; that hisab-
ios not been due to his employment in the
sence has
mili ary or naval service of the Unit, d States In
time of war," said parties are hereby notified lo
appear, respond and off. r evidence touching snid
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on August 15, 1800,
before the reelster and receiver 'f the United
States land office In Oregon City, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affida
vit, filed June 19, 1800, sot forth fuels which show
that after duo diligence personal service of this
notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and
directed Ihut such notice be given bv due and
proper publication. CHA. B. MOORF.g.
In the Client! Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of C'ai kamas.
Valentine HofT, Y
Caroline Hon". I
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of Ihe abave entitled court, in the
alwve entitled cause, to me dulv dlreoted. and
dated the 27lh day i f June, lKOO. npon a jndg-
ment rendered and entered In said court on the
15th ilny i f June. 1890, in favor of Caroline Huff,
defendant, and against Valentine Huff, plaintiff,
for the sum of S2.50.00, and the further sum of
25. 00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of
and upon this wilt, command n ; me out of the
pe' sonal property of snid plain' ilf, and if suffic
ient could not he found then cut of the real
property belonging to s . id plaintiff on and after
ihedate of snld liith day of June, 1800, to satisfy
the sum of 1(275. 00 and also the costs upon this
said wilt.
Now. therefore, bv virtue of saiil execution,
Juidgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said wilt, beintr tinsble to
find any personal property of snld plaintiff. I
did on Ihe 20lli dsy of June, 1800. duly levy upon
the following described real nropeftv of said
plaintiff, situate ond heing in tbo county of Clack
amas and stale of Oregon, tn-wlt:
Commencing at a point 80 roil south of the
northwest corner of the east half of the donation
land claim of Nathaniel Bell, in township three
(3) south, range one (1) east of Ihe Willamette
meridian, in t lHekHiiias oi unty, Oregon; thence
8.iutli 80 r- ds: thence ensl 117 H' ri ds: thence north
80 rods: thence wi st l"1 rods to the place of be
ginning; and I will, on
al tl'0 bonrof I o'clock p. m., at the front door of
the court house In the city of Oregon City, in said
ooiintvnnd state, sell at public miction, subject
to redemption, to Ihe highest bidder, for U.S.
g ild coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and in
terest which the within named plaintiff had on
the dale of said judgment, or since bad, in or to
the ttove d-'scribeil real p.operty or any part
hereof, to sMlsfy said ex-i-utlon. judgment order,
decree, interest, costs and all accruing coshs.
She riff of Clackamas Cotintv. Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July 1, 1800.
N. Y. World aufl Conrier-Hcrall $1.15
Boys' "ilrownie" Ovetalls, per pair lC
Hoys' blicj or br ,yn Cr.-wh S.iilor Suits for
Hoys' Crash, Limn or Straw Hats, new 00
shapes, for uwb
Hoys' xtra heavy "Leather'' Stockings. 1 C a
heaviest uncle, per pair liJu
All sizes Iii Ln.lies' White Netting Summer OSa
Corsets, per pair ujsl
All sizes In Heavy Iljtiid Drab Coutille Cor- 0n
sets, per pair lb
j Styles to suit every figure In Heavy HUck CAa
S.itein or Drub Contilic Corets.per pair..
Ill sizes in the celebrate ! R. A G. Corsets '
in black salecu or drab coiuiilu, per pair, t
i -a -
TN pursuance of a decree and order of sale reu-
dered tn the circuit court of the stale of Orecon
for Clackamas cOunlv. on .Iniomrv in iu i
the 20th day of November, 1808. In the suit of Os-
oar P. Miller, plaintiff, vs. J. G. Pilsburv, M.S.
Piibury and Elmer E. Charman, Charles H. Cou-
J16"1 Gcorge A. Harding as executors of the-
lt will and testament of N. 0. Walden, deceased,
defendants, and of an execution duly Issued out
. of said court in said suit on June 7, 1809, 1 will fx-
P0Re f?r 8tt,e Rni 8e" 8 "e law directs, at the-
frontdoor of the court house, in Oregon City,
Claekacas county, Oregon, on Hie
. etb Dav of ,, 1nQ
the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni. thereof. th roV
properly described in said decree and order ol sale-to-wlt:
Beginning at the south-westerly corner of lot
seven (7), in block twenty-eight (28), in Oregon
City, as shown by the maps and plats thereof on
file In the recoider's office of said county and state,
thence In a northerly direction and following the
westerly line of said lot thirtv-three (.13 j feet:
thence easterly, and alright angles to said west
erly boundary line of said lot, ami paral el with
the tide lines thereof, one hundred and five (105):
feet; thenoe southerly at right angles, anri parallel
with Main street in said Oregon Cbv, thirty-three
(33) feet, to the southerly Pneof said lot: thence
westerly at right angles, and following the south
erly Hue of said lot, to the place of beginning,
situated in Clackamas countv, slate of Oregon, to
gf ther with the tenements, hereditaments and Hp
piirlenanees thereunto belonging or in any way
appertaining Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, June 9, 1899.
Sheilff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon.
MOTICE It hereby given that I will make appll
" cation to the honorable board of county com
missioners for niaeknmas county, Oregon, on the
22nd day of July, 1800, for a license to sell malt
liquors In less quantities than one gallon in Cas
cade nree'ni t, Clackamas county, Oregon, a copy
of which petition is below published.
To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for
Clackamas county, Oregon; We, the undersigned
. cilizetn and legal voters of Casoade preoinctv
v.te Kiiiutin uniting. ureKou, respctiuity petition
and pray that you Kraut to F. A. Melniir a IteonM.
to sell malt Honors in Cascade precinct. Clacka
mas county. Orciron, in less quantities than one
gadon fertile period of six months.
S I) Coalman, Chas Pfjffer, J R Muroney, E Kop
per, L Varretti. T Clark, F MMdama, G W Woods,,
M V Thomas. Geo Thomas. F Thomas, J M Thom
as, AC Thomas, W8 Smith, John Brnmhall,
John Mnrcuey. J A Hictman. (i. O. (ilbons H
C In bow, i .1 K'sner, C V Brnmhall, 1 Bramhall,
.1 F Andre. B Wakefield, II Klddorbuseh, Henry
Ridderhmch, Fred Wnospe. Wm Waespe, VV
Weber, Wm Dndinn, John Haley, John S Gib
bnns, Fritz Suckow, John Epperson, George
Fpperson, John lloffmeister, E H Pnvn, J R Dun
can, ,1 A Titty, U Trubid, KC Strowbridge. Hf
Wcndlnnd, J Wenrtland, M Kelsecker. rel
Keisceker. John Koisecker, C Meng, He man
Hscner, Hermann Brims, James Phelen, CtispT
Junker, E Kllgel, John Tavel ', Glueseppi TH
velll, Dentils Jerirer, T G Johsrtid, Pant Dunn, H
Ridderbnsch, John McDonald, Stillman An
drews, P. ter P Hela, I ewis HiiiibIiIuiii, Geo A
Leslie, .1 A Shell., rly, Thomas rhelnn. O Ram
bow, S O Mitchell. Robert Harlseh, J Krlstenson
Fred Rlem, Wilhelm Spanel, John I'lrieh, Gott
fried Muckl, Anton Jlnhar. J II Wcwer, Henrir
Koch, J (I Deshazer, E E Wcndlnnd, Joseph Wit
lig. T II Fischer, A Kllgel. M Kllgel, B Kllgel
John h Erl, I) Moynihan.F W Cunning, S Bacon'
JUL lunybeo, E A Revenue, T H Anderson, Jas
Figles, Charles Peshall.
Has Reopened the
Ithrquam Blacksmith Sbop
And will do horsn shoeing and all kinds
of general work at lowest prices.
Men's Working Shirts for
ment lmmCr"WC u"d,'twer, per gar- Jgg
Men's Crash Hats, In different styles, each gQ
Men's Fancy Co'ored Silk Tei k Tics, each J Qq
Men's Heavy Blue Denim copper-rivetc.i OK a
Overalls, per pair &QQ
-Hen s goisl Skin Working Gloves, per pair QEa
Men's Fum-y Ovevshirts ent?h..
W o niv ttj.iit's for the (Vl.'nniO'l ;Mr.
oc i. mi Ki.s, made ritjlit here l
luiiiattu, uv i-iirl in, .. r . oir
uoori siurt, re the ,.,i u,v !u tu.A, nft
olher .
.ry one. loull wear noW4.Ua
Ccr. First &Salran Slj