OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY. JULY 7, 1899. MT-Land Titles and Land Oilica Bualaesa a Specialty, ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Court! of the state and he Bureaus of the Interior Dsparlmentat Wash fcgton. Room 8, Chabhah Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WH' iiiwi i i I,, t JOHN H. WOURMS ATTOBNEY AT LAW j cutset SIbbolat. Oregon ity, Oregon Office with H. K. Cross. VAN R. HYDE LAW OFFICE Will practice In all the Courts of the Slate and the U. S. Land Office. Abut acts made. Uriel Tl tea Quieted. Conveyances and all I egnl Docu ments drawn. Koul Estat3 tmuglit and sold. Dlvor ea & Specialty. Ofi-ioe in Cadfield Bbileino, OREGON CI1Y, OREGON. 0. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Up Stairs OREGON CITY, - OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all pqinU In the United States and Europe and on Hona Kong. Deposits received tuV-jecl to check. Bank open from S A M. to 4 P. M. D.C.LAlOURtnfS, I RED J. MEYER, President, Cashier, C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY . . - - OREGON Geo. C. BaowKiu J. U. Cahpbiu BROW NELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Hui.lley'8, OREGON CITY - - OREGON C. SCIIUEDEL ATTORNEY AT LAW S?eutfd)cr SIbbofat. OREGON CITY - - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker tiADiNO Insurance Agency or Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east sldo of Muln street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREGON 51, C. STRICKLAND, M. D. - (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to CatHnh and Chronic diseases. Rest of references given. Office in Willaini U Building. Office hours: 10 to Vi a. m., to 6 p. m. 01IKGON PITY .... ORKOON DR. L. L. PICKENS PEN'ITST Barclay Building, Oregon City, Ore, I' rices Moi'erato. All Operations Guaranteed. BATH COMFORT Is Unknown nnlpse varvil,M. -.;!. uA bath tub Is In perfeot order. The Plumbing done bv us is thoroughly satisfac tory because it is done right. F. C. GADKE A SINGLE RED LINE FILL taken in time w ill often head off a seri ous illness. Our pills for Bilioueness, Torpid liver, Loss of appetite, Sick headache, Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and all kindred complaints are of the highest standard of quality, being prepared in the most careful manner from absolutely pure drugs. In Boxes at 25c. We keep all the well known makes of Pills. CHARM AN &0 Cut Rate Druggists. City Council. There was a walk-out at the city coun cil meeting Wednesday Dight, all on ac count of the water commissioner matter. Mayor Latourette was absent, and President Koerner sat in the chair. Af ter the routine business was completed, President Koerner called Councilman Busch to the chair and read a certificate from County Recorder Randall reciiing that he had examined the index and was unable to find a record of any prop erty owned by R. D. Wilson, the newly elected water commissioner. Mr. Koer ner then moved that the council proceed to elect a water commissioner. Schue bel made a motion to adjourn; then wanted to postpone the matter. Finally it transpired that Koerner's side' of the house was in the majority by one. Metz ner said he had to go out to Fee a mili tary man, and Schucbel suddenly re membered that he had left a horse stauding outside, and was fallowed out side by Dr. Powell. Tho remaining members of the council then adjourned, as there was no quorum to do business. At this meeting the ordinance provid ing that heavy wagons use broad tires was read the first time and ordered pub lished. The water commission present ed their semi-annual report, which con tained Fome interesting information. Extracts from it will be printed nexi week. The treasurer's quarterly report showed a balance in the general fund of $3092. The recorder's report showed that three burial permits had been is sued during June. For Sale A 13-horse power steam threshing outfit in first class shape. A bargain. Herman Bros., Molalla, Ore. Shorthand Ei Three month's teim of 12 les- lis a month in the Isaac Pilman lhoriogtaphy will prepare tlie student lor nice work. Latest lext-bcoks and aids to students. Experienced teacher. Address , "Meno," tl is olhee. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THR SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO, Express Trains Leave Purtlund Daily. South. North. 7:0o P.M. I.v Portland Arj SOOa.i 7:ii2f,, I.v OroKOii City I.v 7 On a . l-Aba.M. Ar San Frnneisco I.v j T-W p. ":t.O I'.M Ar Oden Ar I 1 :1Q p.r SiuSe.ia. Ar licnver I.v I 11:45 r.M 0:40a. .M. Ar Kiniiha Ar S:dO a M M:15p.m. Ar. C'hii nr I.v 6:30 A. M 7:00 a.m. Ar Los Anueles Ar U:2. p.m S:lf)P..M. Ar F.l I'jimo Ar 2:5 P.M 4:15 P.M. Ar Fort Worth Ar S:I0 a m 7-oo a.m. Ar New Orleans Ar 8.4U pm DINING CARS, OBSERVATION CARS. rnlhenn First pbss and TimrIM tin attuched to all through truing. ROSEBCIUi MAIL DAILY S:SI1i.H. . Lv Portland Ar4:!Wp.l 9:20 A.M. I.v Oregon City l,v Mp.l V20P.M. lAr Roselmrg I.v I 7.8 A COEVAL1.W MAIL DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY 7:R0A.M. I.v Portland Ar5:fiOP.V 11:55 A.M. Ar Corvallis I.v 1 1 :'.0 P. V. At Albany mid florvalils ennnect with trail of Oregon Central & Eastern K. K. lNDF.I'HiliJXCK PAft-KNCHt DAILY (KXCT.IT GREENBACKS or Government Money. 4:M)P. M. HO P.M. 8:30 P. M. I.v Ar Ar SUNDAY.) Portland Ar McMimivlllc Lv Independence Lv S:W A. R:Mi A.V 4;;0A.M Direct connection at Sin FrniK-hco wills Steaniship Lines for Hawaii, .hii'Uti, 1 liina, the Philippines and Australia. For through t ickets aim rates cnll on or at il rest K. K. ItOYI, Afent.Oif eon Cltj a. KOF.Hl.KK. C. II. II A 1 KI'JM, MannRor, o. F. Y akcii', Portland, Or. Portland, Or. ii Mi At close of our Civil War in 18615. there appeared in the London Times the following : "If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin 111 the North American Republic during the late Livil War in that country, should be come indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its money without cost. It will have all the money that is necessary to earn on its trade and commerce. It wiL become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized nations of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America THAT GOVERNMENT MUST BE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DE STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLOBE." Tne famous Hazzard circular, to capitalists in New York, and the Buell Bank circular to United States Bank ers, both emanating from London, and the fabulous corruption fund raised in England and Germany, estimated at $1,500,000, were the agents that se cured the closing of our mints against silver. TJie "walk into my parlor" policy of England, during and since the Spanish War, is the latest evidence of English Diplomacy in shaping the destiny 01 the United States Govern ment. Notwithstanding the famine price of wheat, the Spanish W ar, and fabu lous expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased 111 value eleven per cent, and all other values decreased in the same proportion. I' or a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue the Cincinnati Enquirer lias uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be read by all classes with pleas ure ana proiit. DR. GEO. 1IOEYE, DENTIST. Office In Caufleld BHd:ng, Main Street. Orecon City. Bridge and Crows Wokk a Specialty. All work warranto.! and satisfaction guaranteed. OR. J. II. MILLER, . DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, pBEOo.s City, Obkuon t DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer llty Denial School, also of American Col lege of Denial Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DR. WJCI.CH. Willamette Block - Ojpuite Poitofict Oklqon City, UwiUON. C. N. GREEN MAN (Established lbo5 ; TUB riOXF.EIl KXl'HESSMAS AXl) pit ay: si an Prr le Delivered to All Tarts of the City ORSdOS CITY .... OKEUOS Kotlitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Strectbeiweenthe Bridge andtht Dept. Double anrl alDgle rl and aad-11 nonet wayionhaud at the loweat ratca, aud U.o connected with tha barn lor loot .fccj Aiit Information regarding uj kind ol ix" promptly attended to by letter orperton. horses notour on sold. Ckpaet TIME ICHtSUUS Anttiv roa From Foil and. ruuM Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Fat !l ail Ft. Worth, Omaha, Mail. :W)li.m. Kem-n City, St 6;4oj. m. l.ouli, Chicago, ami KaU. Spokane Walla Walla, Bpo- SpoVant Flyer kane, Ninneij'O- Flyer J:20p. m. lie, Ht. i'aul, Du- ;li0a. in Uifh. llili otiaee. Chicago aud lant 1:00p.m. Ocean SteamsM.jj 4:00p.m. Mom PortlanJ. Sail every five duys. a-.COr-m. ColeniDia Rl.or 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sun. iy t'.ear.urs. Lx. Bumlay Saturday lU.oU p. ui. To Aitunft ana ay Laiidaigs. ;00a.m. TMIIan-ette River. 4:S0p.m. Ex Suuday Suatiay Orcpron City, Ncvr hur(t Wtilfc''n a' Laudliigl. 7 00 a. ru. Willam!le mi) Yam- 8:30 p.m. Iui., Ttiur. hlllliivtrt. Mon , Wed. auiSat, , Oroson City, Day. ton, A Way Laad luga. e.OOt m. WHIamett Bhtf. 4:80p.m. and fiat. Portland to Corral- aud 8aU lis li W ay Laud lugs. Ly. Rlparia Inakt Rlnr. LTvtisttoD -:'.). m. EiparlatoLewlston ; ;l ' 1 li!y j t ' . best.! ? Are prepared from Na ture's mild laxatives and while gentle are reliable and efficient. 'They Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. I"rei)aredlj'C.I.IIood&Co.,Lovx-U,Ma3S. "STEVENS FAVORITE") 1 f It "Takes Down." r t. I. DONALDSOS, AirJtit, Oregon City. W. H. HURLBURT, Oeneral Pantengei Agent. Portland, Of. ?2-!nch barrel, weight 4i pounds. Carefully Wc.l anil tcbtcd. For .22, .25 and .33 rim-fire catlrid-ts. No. 17. Plain Open Sights, $6.00 f No. IS. f Target Sights, $3.50' Alt your dealer for the " FAVO Rli'K." If lie doesn't keep it wo wiil send, prepaid, on receipt of j:i ice. Send stamp for complete ca'a loue showint; our full line, with val uable inf rinalion repardinij riCxl and amiuunilion in genual. ( J. STEYEHS AEI53 AND TOOL CO. f f r-rV P.O.Box in- f CHICOfUG ! VJ.r.S, MASS. CHAUTAUQUA Program of Sixth Annual Assembly At Gladstone Park, July 18 to 29 OPENING DAY, TUESDAY, JULY 18th., 1890. ; 10 :C0 Music Ctiemawa Indian Band. Invocation. Address of Welcome President R. A. Miller. Response Organization of Classes and Announcements. The instructors will be presented to their classes and will outline the work for the session.- All desiring class instruction should be present at this hour. 1:30 Music Chemawa Orchestra. Solo J. W.Myers. Shakes pearian Reading "As You Like It,"Mrs. Alice Clare Wheeler. Solo Prof. J. A. Epping. Solo Miss Jean Miller. Music Chemawa Orchestra. 3:30 Athletics Baseball Chemawa vs. Oregon City. 5:00 Round Table Program by Miiu.-tarial Association presided over by Rev. A. J. Montgomery. 7 :30 Orchestral Concert. 8 :00 Lecture 'Get There and Stay There,"Rev. Sam P. Jones. SECOND DAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th., 1899. 8:00 to 11 :00 Schools and Classes Physi. al Cnl ure Prof. M. M. Ringhr, of Portland Y. M. C. A Literature Prof . J. B. Homer, of Stale Agricultural College, Uerinan Prof. J. C. Zinser, of Oregon Cay. American Hi.-tory Pres. W. C. Haw ley ,of Willamette University, Philosophy Pres. C. H. Chap man, of Sta'e University. English Language Prof. Irving M. Glen, of Slate University. European History Pif. Alfred C. Schmiit, ol Albany College. Junior Bible Rev. O. B. Strey fleler, of Albany. Oregon. Art Prof. G. S. Henderson, of Holmes' Business College Botany Prof. Alfred R Sweetser, of Pacific University. Music Prof. J. A. Epping, of Portland, Oicgon. Elocution Mrs. Alice Clara Wheeler, of Oakland, Cahlornia. Biblical History Prof. B. J. Hoadley, of Portland University. 11:00 Lecture "Manhood and Mjney", Raw Sim P. Jones. 1:30 Music Chemawa Orchestra. Lecture "Sancieiy," Rev. Sam P. Jones 3:30 Basket Ball Portland vs. Oregon City. 5:00 Rou..d Table In charge of Woodmen of the World. 7:30 Orchestral Conceit. 8:00 Grand Concert- Prof J. Adrian Epping. Bass Solo II. L. Brown. Duet Miss Pittock and Mr. Epping. Chorus. Sextette from Lucia De Lamamoor Miss Pittock, Miss Hatch, Mr. J. 1). Wildman, Mr. F. Peltzer, Mr. J. Adrian Epping, Mr. H. L. Brown. THIRD DAY, THURSDAY, JULY 20th, 1899. 11:0,1 Slate Agricultural College Morning. Lecture, "Oregon Literature" Prof. J. B. Horner. 1:30 Music Orchestra Chorus. Lecture, "Our Country's Pos- sibililins and Perils".!. DeWitt Miller. 3:30 BiWnall Chemawa vs. Portland. 5:00 Round Table. Christian Endeavor Program. 7:30 Orchestral Concert Chemawa Orchestra. 8:00 Si do Prof. E. E. Oompson, Oregon City. Lecture. "Th Use of Ugliness J. DeWitt Miller. Philadelphia. FOURTH DAY. FRIDAY, JULY 21st , 1899. 8 :00 to 11 :00 Schools and C asses. 11 :00 Albany C ll ge Morning -Pres. Wallace Howe Lee. , 1:30 Music Chemawa Orchestra. Lecture, "The Wanderini Gentile"-J. DeWitt Miller. 3:30 Baseball Oregon City vs. Puitland. 5:00 Bound Table In churgi of Artisans. 7:30 Orchestral Concert. Chautauqua Chorus. Oregon City Ladies Quartet, (a) "Robin Adair" i, it anted by Dudley Buck, (b) "Last Night," arranged by Kji'iull Keen. Readn g Mrs. Alice Clara V heeler. Lec ture, "Adventures and Observations among the Turks, Aiabs and Egyptians," Dr, Camden M Cobern, Denver, Col. FIFTH DAY, SATURDAY, JULY 22nd, 1899. 8:C0 to 11:00 Sclmuls and Clas es. 11 :00 Portland Univers'ny Morning Lecture, "Heroes" Pros. Geo. Whitaker, 1;30 Music Uichestra. Chautauqua Chorus. Reading MisB Maiie Yamleraol. Li cluie, "The W.sdoin of the Ancient Egyp tians" Dr. C. M. Oobern. 3:30 Field Sports 100 Yaid Dash. Running High Jump. 2.20-Yard Dash. Pole Vault. 220-Yard' Hurdle Race. -HO Yaid Dash. Fat Men's Race. Three Mile Handicap. 5:00 Round Table In charge of O. H. Gilboit, Esq., Pie?. Willam ette Chautauqua Circle, of Portland, Oregon. Song Willam ette Glee Club. Address by Dr. II. W. Kelloiig. Vocal Solo Miss Eviline Hurley. Recitation Miss Lulu Mao Bulde:ner. Song Glee Club consisting of 5.) voices. 7:3!) Orchestral ( oucert. 8:00 Y. SI. C. A. Evening. Gymnastic Exhibition. Stereopticon, e:c. SIXTH DAY, SUNDAY, JULY, 23rd, 1899. 10:00 Sermon, "Tlie Bible, What it Is, or What il is Not" Dr, C. 51 Cobern. WOMEN'S CuNCRFISS, .MONDAY, JULY 2Hh., 1S99. 8:00 to 11 :C0 Stale University Morning. Lecture. "The Prescher, ihe D-at her and the Bankrupt" Pies. C. 11. Chapman. Solo Prof. Ii viig SI . Glen . 1:30 Music Orchestia, Woman's Congiess. Slate Grange. Tlie Emergency Corps. Native Sons. 'Nat ve Daughters SI rs. Edith Wethered." Woiking Woman's Clubs" Miss So phia Rtinhart , "The Lady Maccabeus" Dr. Annice K. Jeffreys. Local Council Jewish Women Equal Suffrage Mrs A S. Diiuiway." 5:(1C Round Table Native Sons Sol Bluraauer. 7 :30 Orchestral Concert. 8 :0C Chorus. Soprano Sido Miss Eva West. Lecture, "Chalk Talk" Fiar k Beard, Boston, Mass. EIGHTH DAY TUESDAY, JULY, 2.5th, 1899. 8:00 to 11 Si ho. Is and Classes. 11 :0 Leciuie, "0'Ullties of Caricature" F'miik Beard, 1:30 Music Chemawa Orchestra. Chorus Reading Minn Ca tharine l.aHaire. Entertainment, "Wit and Humor With Chalk" Fraud Beard. - 3:3C Basket Ball Portland vs. Oregon ( ily. 5:00- Okou Historical Society Geo II. Dimes in chaise. 7:3P Onliestial Corner t. 8;0C Giand Conceit Conducted ly Pro J. A. Epping, Chorus" with Tenor Solo Mr. J. P. WiMman. (J.inrteltu Miss Marga ret Kane, Mrs. C. Mam. Messrs. J. P. Wildman. J. A. Epping. Tiio Miss Kuno, Mr. Wildman aud Mr Epping, Chorus with Miss Kane Soloist.. Chorus, WOMEN'S DAY WEDNESDAY, JULY 2Ctli, 1899. 8:00 to II :00-Scbools and Classen. 11 :('C SlcMiunville College Morning Pres. Boardman in charge. 1 -.30 Mm-ii Orchestra. "Women's Clubs" Mrs. Cleveland Rockwell. 3 :30 Baseball Chemawa vs. Oregon City, 5 :C0 Statu Sunday School Program A. A. Morse in chaigo. 7:30 Orchestral Conceit. 8:00 Cantata, "DauuhterB of Juires" Given by Prof. J. Adrian Epping assisted by picked soloists and a chorus of (10 voices. Soloists Miss West, Sirs. Hamilton, Mr, Wildman and Mr. Ho ping. TENTH DVY, THURSDAY, JULY 27lIi, 1899. 8 :00 to 11 ;(:(! Schools ami Classes. 11:00 Willamette1 University Morning. Lecture, "The Opportunity of the United S'lites Looking Outward" Pres. W. C. Ilawley. I :,'i0 M ii -de Chemnwa Band. Graduating Exercises C. L. S. C. Grand march through Golden (into. Lecture, "Character" Dr. V.. E. White, Columbus, Ohio. Confcriing Diplomas. A'unini Reunion. 3:3!! Badet. Bull. 5:00 Found Tabic Mrs. C. II. Dyein charge of C. L. S, C. Alumni Progiam. 7 :'J0 Orchestral Concert, 8:10 W. C.T. U. Program Mrs. M. L. Drigg. ELEVENTH DAY, FRIDAY JULY 28th., 1899, 8:00 to 11 :()') Schools and Classes. II ;00 Indian School Morning, Program by Supt, Thomas Putter. I ;30 .Music Cheuiawa Orchestra. Chorus, Y. M. C. A. Program by II. M. Stone, General Secretary, Portland, Oregon. 3:30 Baseball Portland vs. Oreg on City. 5:00 G. A. R. and W. R. C. Program. 7 :30 Orchestral Concert, 8:00 Soli, Mrs. Dr. W. B Hamilton. HeadingMiss Mabel L, Carter. Lecture, "The Duly of Hie Hour" Dr. E. K. White. TWELFTH DAY, JULY 29th , 1899. 8:00 to 11 :0C Closing Work of Classes. II :CC Editor's .Morning. Col, Pat Dorian. 1 :30 Music Oiches'ra. Reading. "Revenge, A Tide of the Armada" Mrs. Alice Clara Wheeler. Patriotic Program. Recep tion of the Oregon Boys. 3:30 Bicycling. 6:1)0 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, Election of Officers. 7 :30 Orchehtral Conc-rt Chorus. 8:00 Reading, "Ginerva, a Legend of Old Florence," Mrs. Alice Clara Wheeler. Solo Prof. J. Adrian Epping. Steraopticm. Fireworks. Dewey's Victory at Manila. Grand Reception for Co. I. All citizens are requeste 1 to partici pate in the reception to be given at "Broderick'a Park" in Oregon Cily on a date to be determined when the boys arrive.whon notice will be given through county papers and sre:ial messengers. Donations of money and provissions will be very acceqtable to the committee to assist iu banqueting the volunteers. Sloney contribution to be sent to Tho?. P. Randall, county leaorder, and lists of provisions, such as hams, chickens, eggs, fruits, milk, cream, etc., can be sent to Mrs. J. C. Bradley, Oregon City. Full program furnished later. Every body invited to be present and shouid. bring well tilled baskets to have It grand, social basket picnic. Rev. P. K. Hammond, of St. Paul's1 Episcopal church, will preach at Bea ver Creek, Sunday afternoon at 3-o'clock. The following marriage licenses hav been issued during the week: Retta Butt and Frank Poyser, E. 8. Pollock and W. A. J. Phillips, Ida Woodside and E. P. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Babcoek were given a surprise pari v Monday evening in honor of their 20th we Iding anniversary. For Sle Cheap Span ol horses, cov ered wag- n, tent and complete camping outfit. For particulars call at residence of J. A. Th ryer on upper Seventh street You can sav.t money by buying yoir millinery goods at Mi-s Celin Gold smith's. Itobbeil thn Grave. A s'artling incident, of which Sir. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was iu a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yell w, eyes sunken, tongue quoted, pain cmtinually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weak r day hy day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise, the tirBt bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for three weeks, and inn now a well man I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 -ts, guaran;eed, nt George A. Harding's drugstore. NO CUKK-NO I'AV. That is the wav all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malarii, ' bills and F'evei. It, in simply iron and q linine in a tasteless form. Children I ve it. Adu'tspr-fet t) '! ;. i m i i ! ii hm, i ri.:.!, ode. That. T1iiiIiI)1ii lleiitl ii-I.e Would quiellv leavi' vou if .' m i -o 1 ''r. lving's N"W Life I'il.'s. ThofHiuls of sufferers ha vo " proved lloir matehloij merit, for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and slromjrerves and bud I up vorrr health. Easy to lake. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money bark if not cured. S 1 1 by Geoign A. Hani ing, druggist. Spring Unlocks The Flowers To T&int the Laughing Soft." And not even Nature would allow the flowers to grow and blossom to perfection without good soil. Now Nature and people are much alike; the former must have sunshine, latter must have pure blood in order to have perfect health. Hood's Sarsapurilla cures blood tron hies of nil sorts. It h to the human system what sunshine is to Nature the destroyer of disease, genua. ( never disappointa. Poor BlOOd -"The doctor said ther were not ev u drops of pood blood in my body. Hood's .Sarsnpiirilla built, mc ii and made me fltrong mid well." Sl.'siK K. KuowN, 10 Astor Hill, Lynn, Mass, Dyspepsia, etc.-" A roniplleallnn of trouliles, (1 -apepsia, chronic eai in'h and Inllainmatloii of the stomneh, rheumatism, etc., made mil mlser-riMe, ll.iil.no appetite until I took Hood's Snrs:iarllla, whlelt eted lilm mngle 1 am thoroughly cured," N. 11. Skulky. ln?l W. llth Av., I ifiivcr, Col. Rheutnattom " My bin-hand was Obliged to mve up work on account of rheu matism. No remedy helped until ho te-cd Hood's Parsitparllla, which periiianently cured him, Jt cured my daughter of ca tarrh. I give It to the children Willi uooil results." Mas. J. H, MeMAru, Stamford, Ct. -Cv' THhKwrr; - i '3 H'mmI's I'illH i!iirit tlvcr IMn. th nmt ii'tiittllnf ?"A " only i-iitli.u U- i 'rtkt with Unod SarHim t'b'i. wrKt'A1 BO YEAR!!' JZ'ZY:':'-'fs EXPERIENCE wMm Tpof Marks Designs Copyright &0. Anron miHIni ft nketrh unit Hurt ptloii mf anleklr M'ri,nin our oelnlen fr wlmrlier k lnvntlnn n prohftWf pnU-nlRblfc CViiiumiilen. tlnnmtrlctlr("i0tOTiMl. ltniiabonkon I'nlmiH (ant frno. Ol.lmt i(iir.r for iwuriuu jmloni", 1'at.iihOi tnkori throuth Muua tg. rutulvt neeiai nutiu, without clmrit, la IA Scientific American. A hn1)omlr Itliitrtf1 wwiklr. f.wrwt rtik cul.tluft of nnf ii-ientltlo Iminml. I mwt. II rnr moiHiii, u pom nft.i n,niu--iwt lPn3tBrodw.,,rvYnri Bruiuk OBta, m t Mm TYMblul0l, O. U