OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1899. "St -l-TT Til TVT I 'I 'Tr -NEWS ur 1 he wnnis. .V STATE. Ashland had a BiuaU fire Sunday. llow Much Are Votes Worth? Los Dos, July 3.-Senator Hanna is .Jaker City's depot narrowly escaped , attracting much attention in the London 3k'Btruetion by fire Sunday night. papers. The "American king maker" is An unknown assailant severely beat wnat the Daily Chronicle styles him. In 3Jrg. Mary Welsh with a club, at Ontario. regarj to 'presidential prospects, the Spiritualist cainpuieetiiig at New Era Benator sai( . begins July 8. I i.jf you wait a year I shall, perhaps, Ontario cattle shipment? in the last . - m h m fc ,h next sTionth amounted to $1,000 000. ' . , t n monuia " i i I iirc'le'it- That is about all most any- A case involving $.'.;ji 13 being licaid : 1 . LvthesnpremecoTirt. i1 coM Bay' But 88 lo Adml,al 4 ,.r!n Pvntor with a capacity . J'ewey, wiiy x uu uui, supposa jhj u.e- : JttOO bushels is being built at .Si io- Mavor Buck, of Elgin, hns nnicd ' nn extended eastern trips' i',t,!imin Olcbn toss l""' ! i;'1 r ,i' il Imi:v'8 lire H:t eiiKiiicer ly to walk on the carpet." The papers publish with all serious ness a dory of Senator Ilanua's viit to Hie Jioii!-e of Commons, Tuesday, lie was taken to the House by Mr. Henry White, secretary of the United States iji. ,- n--;'.'s. taV.wit'tt" . iini.in Chan , 'nickels and dij in , . wloth Jias trades peev" wing io u fa havo (lilliciiliy scarcity been 1 i i us -laiiu ne. ... ... ...i.-.-,l ,,f tf'.'ner Tut- in ' . .,,'....11 ,.t: i ..... I ..ft,. - i:. .:, . d. ,,.., speeches of the debate, the senator is reported, to have said : "llow linieli will a vote on this bill be worth?" The St. James Gazette impertinently comments on this version of the sena tor's visit, saying he was "merely a( -plying the standard of Washington to Westminster," adding "It will be un derstood by those familiar with the scandals of congress, that he put the question quite seriously." elected 'U.;a of ijK'ty at Ashland, receiving . , -. J"! volvH ca.4. l i.i.itel fn Oar.yon City that the V 'itainrav Company has bought ' . ,.;r John lillV for a ..f IjCK.i. St. iMul. a niarte.! on the Yamhill Mtta will t A .'o ii if ;:.!! i and Z.S. l,o v at (i and shot August 'im lit ivaMis in's-ie d the .Mrs. A. Campbell. jrueroy, wane to. 1st. Wash., l-1 taikiu;; "1 crgaii- 17 a ininin,: .xcliaiige. jf,u.io aro M'vcti n-f.'s i Hi..iiliit.x nl .V.j.inv, ,I,iiie 'In comity, Wa-h. imvwnm.ml is nrraiH.'-il--! f-r the ii(-t.-.-nut at Vancouver barra-1;. five new sub-stations of Tacoma irniiii'O opened fur business Sat un!c . 'ti"e-,ib"i'ers are bei'imiing 11 uiieious ."h iI.tiov'mst vroi in eastern Wash. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it- There is a disease prevailing in this coun try most dangerous because so de ceptive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it, heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney poison in the blood is liable to attack the vital or gans, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Kidney trouble cart be detected although it be Blow and deceptive. First, by analysis of tho urine; second, by a simple test of setting the urine aside in a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, when a cloudy or brick dust set tling indicates it. It was for just such troubles that in Ilia infinite power and goodness the tireat Physician caused Swamp-Root to grow tor the neneln ol mankind, leaving it for His servant, Dr. Kilmer, the great, kidney anil bladder gp"cialUt to dis cover it and make it known t the world. Its wonderful cllieaey in promptly curing the most distressing cases is truly mar velous. You may have a sample bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, by mail free. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Himdiumpon, N. Y.. When wriiing mention this paper. Druggists, in fiftv cent or dollar sizes. On occasion of return of the 2nd regi ment of Oregon volunteers there will h.; a grand celebration at Portland, and it is probable Unit tlio Southern Pacific company will offer spe ial rates from all points on its Oregon lines. Full infor ma'.inii as to rates, date of celebration, etc., will be announced later. Further pai tVul.trs can be. obtained from any Sou! hern Pacific a;;el.t. , 'be hi h It i-t'i !'U1 JC.fciirsi'tn to California ' For annual meeting cf National Edu cational Association, tho Southern Pac ific, Company (Shasta llonto) will make $35.00 round trip rate to Lo Angeles, by train leaving Portland at 7 p. m. July 7th, Tickets will be good to Sep tember 4th, and permit stop ver on re turn trip. On July 5, 0, 7, 8 and 0, round trip tickets to Los Angeles will be sold at ,fd0 00 1 ate, allowing stopoyer in either direction, and final limit of September hh. IFdlei'S of these cxeirsion tickets may nuke low rate side trips to Monte- La 'ahon, Yosumito Vallc will 1 s niti nci s mi. i he creeds ,e f..rm!d a tine"1 (uJ will M prices. n P.amwo win be wll r.'iw e v the wining Philadelphia exp-MUon. Viola McKmII anesicd for alteinptiiiL' i b r e a Seattle policeman. A g-ntiine infernal machine wan found s liar ( ioblentlale, Wash. Senator Fairbanks' party were cuter- i'iiml at i knjrway. AnntltrT i-at D.r.M.'oii de ,'iio; zed ) i oiners' nibiii. UEXKUAL. A W,rn0 tire at Summit, N.J. Democratic, national committee r.-e.et in Chicago, July 20. Scerolarv of AMvieiiUuie Wilson n bis way west. . A mutiny on the cru'iFcr, Panther, j iv at. League Island navy yard. A Philadelphia Hlreet-car collision ided two people; mid two killed in a i i nihil' lnanner at Pittsburg. t.lovernor Pingree denies that ho is 1. slilo Lo MeKiuley,- fhrongs of teachers are 011 their way Los Angeles. OliictU'O packing-house employes will . i strike until September. fo further disturbances between un and noit-uuioii men at Carterville. lami, 111., is now free from negroes, i message asking for troops in Clay 1 o nty, Ky., is said to have been forged. ' itinage from Hoods in Texas is eati ed at 2,000,00l). amiora'l Miles highly compliments the r gon volunteers. Bst year for shipbuilding, excepting in a quarter of a century. "regon volunteers are expected to -ach San V rancisco on July 14, II. G. Otis conferred with President JiIcKinley in Washington. General Miles is the guest of John tliuriMiin at Mansfield, Oldo. Number of drownings in Texas floods as placed at 05. Santiago day was elaborately celebra ted at many places. Jluffalo socialists criticise the govern tiient. Eight women hurt in a Chicago fac lory tire. Strikers enjoined from interfering with i-ttmpiiiiy property at Carterville, 111. Prank Erne defeated Kid Lavigne in a contest for lightweight pugilistic cham liionBhip, Tuesday, General Merriani, in command of the troops at Wardner, insists that he is a xfriend to labor. l or Over rifl v V-ars A:; 0:.d am) Vki.i.-Ti:ii:i 1'kmkdv. Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has c-i'ii o :"! fi.ir over fitly years by millions 1 nf toothers for their children while j !.'! h'ly, with iieit'ei't success. 1 j .-i .ot be.s the child, Fi'iei8 the gums,! allays i.ll pain, mires wind collie, and is' the" best remedy or Dianhie.i. Is; p'.! .1 : ;i 1 ,1 to the taste, So'il by Di'm:- , eif-ts in every part of the World. Twenty-live centH a bottle. Its value is 1 incalculable. Pe sure and a:.k for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and lake no other kind. j Mis. Michael Onrtain. l'lainfield, Til., makes the statement, that nho omifjKt, cold, which selthd on her lung.-; she was treated lor a month by her family physician, hut gw worse, ho. told her she was a hopeless victim ol consump tion and that no medicine could cure her. Her dru-gist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought u bot'le. and to "her delight found herself benefited from first dost!. . She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well; P.i Ti ees, ltiverside, ltedlaods, Santa Bar bara, CailiHn.i Island, etc. Xm such op portunity to visit all California points of Bpcii.il interest, at small eo t, has been b-fore all' iil -d, Note tho dates. For guides, sleeping car resei vations and fur her inform il.mu cull on any Southern Pacific agent, or address Mr. 0. II. M irkham, Ue.Pl I'assenger Ag't, l'ertl.in.1,0.'. A 'J lioiihiind Ttniuuos Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Spinvler of 1120 Howard street, Hiil mlelplii l'a., when she found that Dr. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. Shall we tell you why ? 1 Ml 1 - 1! II F. E. Donaldson, A&oa Fire and Accidant Iiisurance ft' I: j! For Catalogue Adress, P. L. Campbell, President State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon Training School for Teachers, New Buildings, New Departments, Ungraded County School Work, Graduates secure good positions, strong course, well equipped training department, Normal course quickest and best way to State Certificate. Fxpense for year from $120 to $160, or board $2.50 to $3.00 per week. Tuition $0.25 per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins September 19th; Sum mer term June 27-Sept. 1st. or Y. A. Wann, Secretary of Faculty. Dort Purchase a Ready Made Suit Which is made and finished by machinery with hundreds of oth ers the same style and pattern. Have some individuality about your attire. We can give you perfect fitting suits and guarantee satisfaction at very low prices. Ladies' Tailoring neatly done. II. x 23 fi-rlkni Tailcr, cpp. Electric Hotel fUT GLADSTONE GREENHOUSE WILKINSON liROS., VISOPHIETOK3 S, POTTED WANTS, ROSKS AXD OTHER SHRUBBERY. Funeral pieces mad i). Sinciiil attuiition given to unmixing Horn) iliiphiys fur wcildlngs anJ paitica. P. 0. Addics?, P.ux 238, Oregon City, Ore. Greeiilionse on East Ride Electric Car Line BANK OF OREGON CITY LDE3T BANKING IIOUSR TIIK CITY PAID UP CAPITA!,, sr.0,000.00 SURPLUS f 20,810.00 'rnetilent, ae proaldont lanhier, CH1S. II. C lTTFI.IEll Geo. A. lUiimsa E. O. Caufiklb A General Ranking Business Trnnsacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Rtlls and Notes Dtsecunted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Seeuritv Exchange Bought and old. Collections Made Promptly, Prufts Sold Available in Aay F.rt of the tforld. Telssraphic Iohnnito Sold on Portland, Eao Francisco :iit.co and New York. Interest Paid on Time Dono'stii. FOIiKlGX. liel;iaii socialists are opposoil to elec ioial reform, Preyfus ia fuanKHl like a wild lieaat, .yet his composure in a wonder to all. Many people were injured in a rail Aay wicck in London. Kiotcrs attempted to burn a Jesuit jcollcge ut Valencia, Spain. lircyfus is conlldent that the second cxmrt-martial will acquit him. A Cuban general is paid to be trying do organize a monarchy, Santiago has " cases of yellow-fever. North Herman Lloyd Steamship Co., Cnut ordered three new passenger boats. President Schurman of tiie Philippine raumisbimi lias returned from his cruise .-.snKing the southern islands, lie says t'ji-.vt peace in the Philippines would fol Jo' a decisive victory in l.ux.m. Transvaal volksraad is giving in. Peace treaty is finally ratified by the Spanish senate. Cireat Uritain talks of buying Nier rompunv'B territory in Africa. JlalietoHiis and Mataatan chiefs 111 :8nuiua shook hands ami promisca 10 jycxid. ? naiu ri Mini ill I I m LTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Orceou City, Oregoa Pure Milk and Full Measurs given; delivered to any tiart of the citv. M.u s .xe,w j t-coverv or v,. nsumption . MoUon ValfJ Md fc Coursed ii,t ( i,iiiiik u ij i iir.'u ut 1 n ,1 1 tiiua 1 1 couth th 't fur many year.; had made life a burden. All other remedies and ' do. tors could give her no help, but she jsajs of this r ival cure: "It soon re I moved the pain in my cliest, and I can j now sleep soundly, something J can I scarcely lenieinhcr doing before. I feel jlike 8'indiiig its praise throughout Hie iiiiiveive." So will every one who tries' I Dr. King's Now Discovery for any trou I hie of tho thro it, chest or luii!,M. Price, : 50c and if I. Trial hottl fr-fe at George The top of the Shoe isn't where the most wear comes, but it's important, nevertheless. Tops are made in a prcat variety ok styles now-a-days. AH of them are pood, but some more beautiful than others We have all the new styles of tops for you to select from. ;e: bros. 1TM . I farilinir'rf ilt'iv ut,,re l.'i'.ir,, K,ttlt. ...... ... """" "'"n, mm gn U'lllltee.!. well us she ever was. free trial bottles 1 , . , of this Great Discovery ut tieo. A. Hard ing's Drug Store. Only 50 cents and $1.00, every bottle guarranteed. Where Will We Siend Our Sum mer Vacation? This is the time of year to think about it, but before you decide, write for an elaborate, illustrated pamphlet showing numerous photo engraved views of the niHiiy attractions at tho seashore and en route, and advantages of t lie Columbia river beaches as reached by the Astoria and Columbia River Kail road. Tlireo hours and thirty minutes from Union Depot, Portland, to your beach hotel, in a magnificent parlor car without change or transfer is a convenience and luxury few resorts can offer. Such is the initial attraction of this favorite resoit. J. C. Mayo, Cen'l Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. Started E!cv; lair Hon. John II. Gardner, member Wvom iiiK Slate l.cRisl.-ume from lleulah, Crook Co., in letter dated February 20, 1S99, to the iff) Sutherland Sisters says: "According to agreement made in Salt Lake City, if your preparations proved a benefit to my bald head, I was to send you a testimonial. . . There is a fine growth of new hair started. Am not troubled any more with dandruff and that amioyniK itching of the scalp. I had tried everything 1 could hear of before I saw you but received no benefit. You can use this If you wish. Please send me half-dozeti bottles." We have thousands of testimonials equally as strong. All hair and scalp troubles readily succumb to these meritori ous preparations. Sold by dealers everywhere. GO RVALLIS & EASTERN R. P. .12:50 p. m . 1:15 p. .111 . 5;"0 p. m . 7:00 a. m .11 : III a, m l'J;-" p. 111 . 7: 10 a. m AY It's easy to haul a big load up aj Dig lull, if you crease the watrou wheels with MICA Axle Greasa OPtnhox and tonrn wliv II' lii'Bt grtw ever put on an aile. Hold everywhere. Made bv STANDARD Oil, CO. The artist who is in search of attitudes descriptive of torture, and poses depicting Buffering, need not go to the t-iinsimn martvrs of old. If he could only see through the walls into tens of thousands of homes all over tins land, he would see women undergoing tortures in silence without complaining, "i-umc wnicti me brief ordeals of the martyrs pale into nothingness. No one but a woman can tell the story of the suffering, the fletinnir n,,H tl, despondency endured bv women who carry a daily burden of ill "health and pain because of disorders and derangement of Hie delicate and important organs that are distinctly feminine. One of the worst effects of troubles of this kind is upon the nervous system. The tortures so bravely endured completely and effectually shatter the nerves. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre teription is an unfailing cure for all weak ness and disease of the feminine organ ism. It makes it strong and healthy. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain. It checks exhausting drains and toues and builds up the nerves. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. Good medicine dealers sell it, nd have nothing just as good." " Since my Inst child wni born, thirteen vears go, I have su.'Tered front uterine trouble " WTites Mrs. Paul lVvraiue, of Jeltico, Campbell Co., Tenn. " 1 consulted several doctors and look much medicine, but found no relief. I had fery bud health for twelve vears. Kverv mouth I was ui bed a week before" the monthly period and a week after. I was obliged to keep In bed lor four mouths Inst summer. I was just like a corpse. I lost twentv-six pounds in four months. I was coughing so much 1 was con sidered in eowvuinption. I surl'ercd severety from pains in my back, beating down pains in the womb, chills and old sweats. After taking four bottles of Dr. pierce s ('.olden Medical Dis covery my coughing stopped, and after six Dottles of Dr. Pierce's Kavoriin Iv. ri, m pcruxN became regular and were passed with- I f"1 above steamers leave TVrtWnd 7 m. and out num. Now 1 am fleshy, more so than I lUest . m., and arrive 1 dinimtiou lu ample ever itelore. My nctshUin are surprised to see I fur mitiiitng trains. ut .ui guou nea.m alter having seen me rortumt tun, e. villi 1 MH K, Ttie Dal es, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co 's Strs. Regulator & Dalies City Dally (exoi-pt Sitml iy) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at wav points on both sides 'of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are In excellent ahape f r the season of lsiol The. H.'KiilHlor I I oc will eude.iwr to rive is. IMtrons lh best service possib e. For Ci.iivrort. r eonoiny nnil Pleasure, travel bj lli steamers of Tim Kegnlutor so tow. Constipation causes and aggravates many 11 is spceuuy cured by ut Pellets. serious disease. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant The nail.- O.Hen, CurlStriTt. A. r. ii .WAY General Attenl, Ti.nn card. 2 Kor Vaiiiina Train leaves Albany Train leaves CorvallU Train arrives Yaquina 1 li'.'tuniins Leaves Vaiiilna Li.-avesCorvallls Arrives Albany S for Detroit l.enves Alhanv Arrives Iii'Uoit 11;.')) a. 111 4 U turning I, aves Dt'lroit l-':.:o p. in Ariivi s Albany 0:110 p. m ll heaves Albany f;(3 p. m Arrives Corvullis ;.Vi p. m o Leaves Corvallis i:40 a. in Arrives Albany 7: a. m One and two connoet at Albany and Corvallls with Southern Pacillc trains, giving diroet ser vice to and from Newport an 1 adjacent benches. No. a runs from Albany to Corvallis on Mon davs, Wednesdays and Fridays only. .No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albany on Tues davs, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Detroit at noon, giving ample time to reeh camping grounds on tho U"eiteu bush and Santiam river the ftuiie day. EnwiN Stone, Manager. II L. Walden, T , F. & P. A. J. Turner, Agent, Albany, Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper yout rooms and paint youi house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. When yon visit The Dalles stop at the sliest Une Dollar a Day House in the City THE OBARR HOTEL SSfiOn Seeonl Street one block from Depot Specinl Jr.itu jti fivniliea and partie 8. S. SMITH, Prop. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in tho city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I have on hand funds for the payment of all co'inty warrants endorsed prior to March 2nd. tS9rt. Interest will cease from and after the date of this notice. O -euon City, June 15th, ISM. Jacob Shape. Tre:siirer of Clackamas County, Ore, A Good ; Mod tliii : the people want it. If you have ; Their .scales of livitv.r is man v. decrees hirrher than their fathers'; they want the necessities of life to be as rrood as iossil;le for the money. MAR 11 & MUItt o-ives the best groceries at the lowest price. A penny saved is two earned f 1 I. Doalar In Jh GH Groceries end ' Provisions. Also Fall line cl Mill Feci Lime, Cement and Land Piaster, OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF nonuments nd Headstones Edtimateg fumiBhed on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. : : Drawings made by description. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, Portland, Oregon fiilver Mei'al Awarded at Portland Mechanics' Fair I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and am now in a position to do work better and more reasonable. Oh, My Headaches! Well, no doubt it is caused by imperfect eyesight, as about seven times in ten that is the trouble. It costs you nothing to find out, If you will go and see A. N. WRIGHT - - TIIE IOWA JEWELEB 293 riorrlson St., Portland, Oregon Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, In chame ol the optical department, and you can consult him and have your eye examined free of charge. TRY it may be your trouble j MRS. R. BECKER j t 220 First Street ... Portland, Oregon ; t Has a complete assortment of 2 t Imported Pattern Hats&Millincnj Novelties f Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled. ; PRICES MODERATE ! .til i MANHOOD RESTG CUPIDCJfS- l1 Urflk.1 LTa.' AfssKlss. V UiiiMT.theDrMi r.ite "ui run' vn of alt Dtr 2-f ? .1 ;- hMHatMj ov a lion 01 a iftmousi-rencD !iys: vin. - m vou8 or ai'iiss 01 ue v :.wt mw ur:-h. BEFORE and AFT'iR '),'!it"rrv. Ttm reiiMjn suttinir,( sro not oiwl bv lt'r.- h- rtfottt. .'!ntv tw.- pnt nir tronH4 w!tb Proniutliu. crPIPKXBU thoouir kntrjv- ' i rir . .Imm to r -v. 1 llttmm Is. A writU'D (rnnnintfo (rivon !"! mrneKl-.r!.oil 11 s:x tisn ,t, ii net t'toi.l V pouuuit.'iitcura. l.i)0arM)X,six fra;.by m:iil. Ktnil tnpt.. a circular ami K(iu onmLi AJ.Irtaa ITLEDlcI rl..,i-.O.rH.X7618Ftl.ciscu,CjiL S Gf'V'A. Harding. S