Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 07, 1899, Image 1

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    "Mtv Library
17th YEAR, NO. 7
ray Your Trees...
With Carbolic Compound. It kills moths, wooly aphis,
TTt. .Tit- A1orfnr Qnmvincr Hnrw anrl Rhrnhprw. We
are Agents for this County.
We carry the largest line of Hardware, Stoves, Steel Ranges, J
Agricultural Machinery, and
Proceedings of the June Term of the
County Board.
(Continued from last week.)
In the matter of the bicycle path su
pervisor's report:
Ordered that the clerk issue warrants
on the bicycle path fund for the amounts
and to the persons hereinafter named :
DFancher $. 14 25
WO Powell 12 75
HE Elliott 3 00
O'W Robinson 6 75
Wilson & Oocke 1 00
E H Cowing 75
Geo Hannegan - 3 00
Total 4150
In the matter of the report of the
viewers for damage on the petition of
Ed Graves et al for a county road. The
viewers report favorable on the follow
ing clnims for damage : T. C. Ackerson,
25.00; Adolph Brokart, $1.00; F. E.
Fish, $1.00; Joseph S. Yoder, $5.00;
Wm. Sturve, $10.0 J.
Ordered that the damages as assessed
be paid and that the road be established
as surveyed, except the change prayed
for by Annie M Hansen, widow of Nels
P. Hansen, deceased, and Wm. Morten
son, administrator of the estate of Nels
P. Hansen, deceased, as follows, to wit:
Beginning at the n e corner of sec 32,
tp 5s, r le of the Willamette meridian;
thence north on section line between ec
28 and 29 in said township, 49.14 chains
to a stake on said section line and inter
sect with the new proposed road sup-
Elied by the new road petitioned for
Ordered that expenses of viewers and
surveyor be paid : ,
T O Ackerman, damages $ 25 00
Adolf Brackart...." 1 00
FE Fish " 1 00
Joseph S Yoder...." 5 00
.111. UUlll W .... ..... w v
GWKillin.l day, 10 miles.... 3 20
How Can I Drape
My Lace Curtains?
Has been the question.
This illustration shows a Ruffled
Bobbinet Curtain with Point de
Paris Lace and Insertion, and
shows what a handsome effect can
be produced at small cost.
Ruffled curtains should be used
as Sill Curlains, not hanging over
six inches below the sill, making a
graceful, stylish, washable and in
expensive drapery.
Our Granite, Tin and Iron Ware is
sold at Hard Time Prices.
No advance.
T;ie Habit of Buying Carpets at Bellomy & Busch's is a
goal h.ibit. It Is a rapidly growing habit with all Claokaina
County. It is a habit by which thousands save in their daily
monthly and yearly expenditures. It is a habit that becomes
more fixed the oftener people buy here, and the broad reason is
satisfaction. Teople are satislied with our goods. People are
sati-fi-d with our prices. I'eple are
th st jre, its manners and methods.
3NTO AD"V - A -
Wagons Wood Sstoclt in the Uity.
& CO.,
John Dalv..l. ."..14.
A Reynolds,l.."..12 ..."
John Ritter, administering
3 40
3 20
Total 52 30
In the m vtter of the surveyor's report
on the BUi viy ot tha Deep Creek hill
Ordered that the rep irt be accepted.
In the nutter of the resurvey of the
Lang road Upon request of II. E. New
land and others, County Surveyor Rands
was ordered to resurvev the Lang road.
Robert Brown, John Darling and Ly
man Andrews were appointed viewers.
June 20, 1899. was date set for reaurvey,
viewers to report at next regular term
of commissioners court.
In the matter of the resurvey of a por
tion of the Foster and Milwaukie road,
known as the Heisen road On petition
of F. Heisen and others it is ordered
that Deputy County Surveyor J. W,
Meldrum make a resurvey of that por
tion of the road known as the Heisen
road. Frank Osburn, James Wilson
and Fred Weiso were appointed view
ers. In the matter of L. Freeman, a county
charge It is ordered that $3.00 per
month, to date from July 1, 1899, be al
lowed to L. Freeman and wife, indigent
persons. Also ttiat $5.00 be allowed
them for present needs.
In the matter of petition of petition
and subscription list from read district
No. 27 Ordered that the county give
$50 00 toward improvement.
In I lie matter of the petition of Anna
MoGlynn for tax rebate The claim of
Anna Mi Glynn a d Myra Eastman for
taxes erronously paid was allowed to the
amount of $".25.
In the matter of the collection of poll
tax by road supervisor It is ordere.l by
the board that each road supervisor col
lect from every male citizen in his dis
trict, between the ages of 21 and 50
years, who does net pay any property
tax, the sum of $3.00 poll tax or two
days work on the roads.
In the matter of the appointment of a
county road m.ister It is ordered that
tlt I
Bowl and Pitcher,
plain ware, $1.00
si 111 ill f -J.
satisfied with the ways of p0rtleres, Pair
$1.75 up.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
A.um baking powders are the greatest
mecacers to health of the present day.
W. H. Counsel, of Milwaukie, be ap
pointed road master subject to the order
of the board, to be paid at the rate of
$3.00 per day while actually employed
In the mutter of the continent fund
Ordered tuat $100 be transfered from the
general fund into the contigent fund.
In the matter of the rep rt of viewers
on the petition of Wm Jones et at for a
chanpe in the Beeson road Ordered
that the road be established as peti
tioned for and expanses of surveyor and
viewers tie paid :
Frank .Taggar, 1 day, 10 miles. .$ 3 00
W W May, 1 do 10 do 3 00
John Jhoinon, 1 do 6 do 2 60
Wm Jones 2 00
rt Hutchinson 2 4)
J B Beeson 2 40
EP Rands 9 80
Total 25 2)
1 1 the nutter of tin report of viewers
on the petition of Fred Moehbesger et al
tor a county road Ordered that the
road be established as petitioned for and
expenses of surveyor and viewers be
L E Armstrong;, 1 day, 12 miles 3 20
E Klas. 1 do 1 2 do 3 20
A Wing do 2 63
W H H Sampson 3 50
A F Moshberger 2 2i
E A Klar 3 0
E P Rands 12 00
Totil 29 90
In the nutter of th rep rt of the
iewers on the petition of B. F.Linn it
al for a county road A claim for dam
ages to the amount of $75 being filed by
Owen H. Huge, in case report is accep
ted. The f jliowing viewers of damages
were appointed : John Shannon, L. L.
Mum lower and O E. Spence, to ment
on the premises of Hughes, June 28
Expenses of surveyor and viewers or
dered paid :
J A Thayer $ 3 00
Novelty Curtains
With every purchase of at least
one pair of Lace Curtains we give
a little picture showing a simple
but very artistic style of draping
bay windows.
Price ot Novelty Curtains:
$1.50, $2.50, $275 and $4.00.
Hammocks from
;sc to $475
Extension Tables $3.75 up
Fins Ash Side Boards $10.00 up
ry V Yx
iS tit Jf
3 00
2 80
2 20
2 20
2 20
9 00
Total 24 40
In matter of bids for plank on Molalla
road Ulerk ordered to notify sawmill
men adjacent to the Molalla road to put
in bidB for plank at July term of board.
Bonds will be required.
In the matter of the report, of the
viewers of damages on the petition of
John Farguson etal for cunty road Or
that the petition be not granted and ex
pense of viewers be paid :
J TApperson $ 3 20
J A Talbert 3 80
M Oatfleld 3 HO
lotal 10 00
In the matter of the petition of C.
Spenee et at for a county road Wm
Greiiuhwaite. James Beeson and D. W
Thomas weie appointed viewers and J.
W. Meldiun, surveyor.
The proposed road beinor described in
the proposed road being described in the
pennon as u nows :
Beginning at a stone n.arked X in
center line of the Molalla road 3 44 feet
cast of corner to sections 4, 5, 8 and 8,
tp 4 s, r 2 east of the Willamette meridi
an, in Clackamas county, Oregon, thence
8 i ueg w Zdoo leet to a stone marked
X ou top of Paine Hill, thence s 38 dog
64miii west 505.5 feet to a stake marked
R A thence s 40 deg 30 niin w 4875 feet
to a stake masked R A. thence a 34 dei?
44 min w 100 feet to a stake marked R
A, thence s 19 deg 45 min w 100 feet to a
slake marked R A, thence s 13 deg 15
min east mo teet to a stake mamed K A,
ttience 8 it de? 15 min east 777 feet to a
stone marked X at the foot of Paine hill,
thence a 13 di g 45 min west 1224 feet to
a point 60 feet n 13 deg 45 min east of a
stone marked X, thence s 55 deg 16 min
98 8 feet to a point 66 leet n 83 deg 12
min west to a stone marked X, thence n
83-ileg 12 min w 319 feet, I hence 11 74 deg
03 min w 50 feet, thence 42 deg e 54 fet
to a slake, thence south 28 deg 27 min e
193 feet, thence s 47 deg 57 min e 71 feet,
thence 8 61 deg 57 min e 141 feet, thence
s 38 deg 57 min e 96.4 feet, thence 8 45
deg 57 niiii e 130.6 feet, thence s 63 deg
27 min e 231. 7 feet, thence s 449 feet to
a stone marked X on lop in 'he center of
the present traveled road from wli ch a
willow live inches in diameter b ars
north 70 deg e 50 links distant for a ter
mination point.
In matter of the remonstrance of C.
Spranuler et al against a change in ttie
Molal'a ro.id-OMered that remonstrance
be allowed and survey be declared null
and void.
In the matter of tl.e petition of R. M.
Cooper for a change in ttie Molalla roa 1
OJderc that petition be gradted and E.
Honihhuh, A. Hayhurst and R. Fautou
be appointed viewers a. id K. P. K inds
In the matter of the report of the
viewers 01 the petition of R. M Cooper
et al for a change in ttie Molalla 10. id
Viewers reported favorbly but petition
was rejected on account of not being
proberly signed Expenses of vieweis
and surveyor ordered paid :
E Hornshuh 2 0.)
A Hayhurst 2 00
R Fa.ton 2 OJ
E P Hands 4 00
Total 10 0 )
In the mutter of an allowance for U.
Pikel and wife Ordered that an allow
ance of $15 per month he granted them
to commence June 1, 1899.
In the matter of the subscription list
and petition from Damascus precinct
Ordered that subscription lis.t he accept,
ed and petition be granted and 130,000
teet of plunk be allowed on the peti
In the matter of the claims for county
on scalps Ordered that the following
claims he allowed ;
J A Udell
J Cox
22 00
8 DO
4 0i
2 00
4 00
18 00
F J Woekley
V Adams
J Maytield
A Ashi.ff
O Klinker
Total 00 00
In the matter of the report in the
phiingH in lh Molalla road -A. W.
Cook, S. Paine and John Everhart
hoard of arbl ration estimate the
damages sustained by W. H. and A. L.
JoneB to he $250. Report accepted and
the amount ordered paid upon the loca
tion of the road. Expenses of the arbi
trators ordered paid as follows :
A W Cook $ 3 8:)
8 Paine 2 00
John. Everhart 3 00
Total 9 40
In the matter of cancelling county
warrants over seven years old Ordered
that a list of the warrants lie made by
the clerk and advertised for 00 days and
then all that are uncalled for to Ijj can
celed. In iho matter of advertising for a
bridge across North Rock creek-Ordered
that the clerk advertise for a bridge
across North Roek creek. Bridge to lie
a Howe Truss 130 fuel long and double
bents. East bent to be 12 feet high and
wei-t bent to be 14 feet high, bids to be
opened July 0 1891). The right is re
served to reject uny or all bids.
In the mutter of the bill of Eindeley &
son for plank ou the Molalla road as per
order No. 26 Ordered that the bili be
paid in full :
t2,712 feet of plank at $.3.10 per thous
and $1:' 08
In the matter of the petition of R. W.
Gilbert for rebate of tax Ordered that
the petition lie grunted and petitioner to
pay his pro rata of the penalty.
In the matter of the request from
road distiiotict No. 38 fur spikoa Or
dered that request be gianted.
In the matter of the petition of A.
Mather fur a tax rebate Ordered that
p tuition ba granted and $11.97 rebate
be paid to petitioner.
In the matter of the petition of the
Magdalene Home for tax Ordered that
petition be not granted.
In the nutter of the report of county
physician for May Ordered that report
be accepted atid placed on file.
CO Williams..
Joe Meyers. . . .
A B Linn
Fred Henrice..
W F Hann....
J W Meldrum.
Jones Lever Binder
This celebrated binder has gained an enviable reputation in the last four
years in Oregon. It represents lever power as a: plied to binding grain. It wil
run lighter, last longer and bind tighter than any other binder in the market.
The Jones Chain Drive foot lift Mower has no back hiBh, mns light and is very
durable. Will t ut heavy grass with ease. "
I also Carry a full line of Hay Rakes, Tedders, Hay Tools, Advau:e Thresh
ers and Traction Engines, John Deere Plows, as well as a full iine of Agricultural
implements ana v enicies. Uaii ana see
Corner Front and Taylor Streets,
In the matter of the petition for co m
ty aid for W. L. Tinsley an indigent per
sonOrdered that the petition be grant
ed and TiiiBley be allowed $4 00 per
month to commence June 1.
In the matter of J. S. Owings for a du
plicate of road warrant No. 84'i4 for $150
which he lost Ordered that the petition
be granted if Owings will give bond in
double the amount of the warrant.
In the matter of the request from the
state board of i 111 migration for aid from
this county Ordered that the petition
be denied.
In the mutter of the resignation of R.
Rutherford, justice of ttie peace in dis
iict No. 10 Ordered that resignation be
In the mat'er of the petition of A. M.
fihiveley, of Spiingwater, and 39 other
for the purchase of a sawmill by the
county Denied.
In the matter of the petition of Win.
Barlow and 190 others for the building
of a new bridge across the Molalla river
between Canby and Barlow Ordered
the deputy county surveyor make a sur
vey of the proposed she "and report at
next regular meeting of the board of
In the matter of the request for change
of grade on the O. II. Foster road on the
south side of Beaver creek Ordered
that the matter be laid over until the
July term of the board.
In the matter of the petition and sub
sciiption list for road work and corduroy
from road district No. 39 Ordered that
petition be granted.
In the matters of the surveyor' srerort
on the resurvev of the Cochran mid 1
Killin road Ordered that the report be
not accepted, ttie road to remain where
itis now. The expenses of the survey
be paid as follows:
K. P. Bands t 13 00
tieo Killin 2 00
How is
Tooth Brush
When your Tooth Brush wears out we want you to
think ol those number 624 1 English Brushes at
We want you to know that this 25 cent Brush
at Huntley's is as good as any Brush in Oregon
City, no matter if the price is 75 cents. We guaran
tee the bristles to stay in We will give you a new
brush if it does not satisfy you in every particular.
Every one knows now that Huntley's guarantee
means .something.
One of these Brushes and a bottle of our Antiseptic
Tooth Wash or Powder for 40 cents during the next
two weeks.
I 4b
me beiore buying.
John Farmer, ... 2 99
Total.', i.,;., 17 0t
In the matter ol the Hock creek bridgs
site Ordered that dep'ity county sur
veyor make a survey of the site and re
port at next regular meeting of the
In the matter of the collections of the
ciprk and recorder for 'lie month of May
1809 Oidered that the repoits be accep
ted :
Cleik $217 75
Recorder 170 15
Total 387 f
In the matt'T of the mileage and per
diem ol the county con niissioncrs for
the June term (Wjri d that the mile
age and per diem allowed as follows
to wit ;
FS Marks . 3t 80
J R Morton 31 0O
R Scott 27 20
Total 90 00
In the matter of the survey of tliei
Lawton hill for tin Oreg n City a nil
New Era road Ordered that the repirt
he laid over until the July term of tha
board and then the expense of the survey
he paid, ss follows :
J W Meldrum $ 40 00
HP Rands 10 00
Total 50 0O
In the matter of the toad woik it
disirict No. 31 Ordered thut $00 be al
lowed. In llm mn ttr .if I, nil. I
gle creek bridge Ordered that $25 lie
allowed Contractor Payne for expens ac
count on bridg".
In the matter of the bill of Iloneyimn,
Dellarf & Co., for road tmpltments
Ordered that the till he allowid as fol
ConUi.ucil on 81 li P io.