Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 30, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Oregon City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
ORegon City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
That we are the cheapest ASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by
the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers
who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us. If you are wise and have your own inter
est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy,
you will be POSTED as to goods and values Remember,
Baby Baggies Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set
from from from' from Sewing Machine Bed Boom Set Stove of 44 Pieces
qg (( Improved from on Earth
$2.00 25C V'yy j 30C 7 00 The UNIVERSAL
and Upward tt!4fc P .im ltd nn
and Upward and Upward fini.H.d Per Yd and Upward E, Z, ,,, upward STEEL RANGES PO.UU
Mutters of An Educational Na
ture. The regular monthly meeting of the
Clackamas County Teachers' Associa
tion, held at Redland Saturday, was ore
of the most iptt)iettfii in the history of
the orpnlaatlop, Superintendent Bow-
land presided.
Charles Rutherford cave the teachers i
a most cordial welcome on behalf of the I
, ,, , i
people 01 iteuianu.
After a eong by the Redland school,
1'rofeeior II. S. Gibson gave a vtry in
structive dissertation on "Measure
ments," and explained the difference
between an inch square, and a square
A antoiirl.l rliniDp u-aa mv.nl 1... il.ji
....... -V "pother kind,
ludles of Redland, including cakeP,
pat try, straw ben ies and eiiulue cream.
After dinner Professor 0. H. Byland
pretented tome interesting hhtory fta
tures connected with the Mexican wi r,
illustrated by drawings on the black
board. "The Old School Bell." was presented
by Redland pupils, with As ids Stone at
the organ.
"Number in Nature," by Rev. A. J.
Alontgomuy, was novel, highly instruct
ive and i ntoit lining. He eh' we 1 by a
chart that numbers and ratio entered
into the intricacies of all sciences and
into every department of life and gave
nolahlu examp'es ol number in the
Maud Stone, a graduate of the Red
land school, gave a recitation, "Three
Robert Giuther sang a solo, and re
sponded to an encore.
Resolutions in inotuo'y of II. S.
Strange, latu OJimty t-u lerinten lent,
and Mi.-s III Immiumh, a.tnlhoT late
member of the Ass c'ih i n were adoptul.
M ut-ter A I Inn' Funk brought down
the huiihe with his rvciwt mi.
Misses Maud St ine and M.ihala Gill
were elected members of the association.
Professor J. C. Zinser uses newspaper
clipping w'uh goxl results in his school
work by po-ting them on a bulletin
The Redland q'lcrtet'e, consisting of
Misses llattie and IVsie Wilcox and
Oswald and Gil nour Buhym ir, gave a
It wns voted to postpone the meetings
of the association until September, and
upon the invitation of Miss May Held it
was decided to hold the next meeting at
Springwa ter.
Several ot Mr. Rutherford's pupils
gave a very creditable exhibition of
club swinging.
The following teachers and members
of the association were in attendance :
Superintendent and Mrs. N. V, Bow
land, Fannie G. Toiler, II, S. Gibson,
0. II. Byland, J. C. Zitiser, Charles
Rutherford, V. G. Beattie, L. L. Moore,
Robert Ginther, Misses May Held, Mar
tin Massinger, Mi-s Lynan, K. 11. Gab
bert. Redland has a neat school building,
well equipped with maps, picture! and
apparatus, etc. Ti e school board is L.
Funk, J. Fullam and A. Hull urt, di
rectors, and V. M. S.oie, clerk.
On Wednesday evening the board of
directors of the Maple Laue district
held a meeting and elected 0. II. By.
land, principal for the ensuing year,
Miss Maud Salisbury completed her
term of school at Mulino last Friday.
The Tarkplace school board held a
meeting Mouday and re-elected Prof. J.
W.Gray, principal; Mrs. II. C. Salis
bury and Miss Margaret Wiiliams weie
re-elected grade teachers. Mis llul
dah Holden was also elected a teacher.
L. Block's Furniture and Carpet House
The salaries of all the old teachers were
raised $5 per mouth.
Misses Tennie and Souri .Mayfiell
closed a successful school year at Spring
water last Friday. The following class
graduated: Myrtle and Ivy Cornett,
Allie Smith, George Lewellen, Albert
Smith, Maud and Eiid Shihley, Mary
Tucker, Libbie Bard, Lena Raney, Delia
Gutl ridge.
For Over Fifty fears
An Old and Wkll-Tkied Remedy.'
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
b?en u,s.ed for over fifty years by millions
of mothers for their children . while
teething, with perfect sua ess. It
soothes the child, softei s the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug-Kii-ts
in every part of the World.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. He sure and ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
That Throbbing Headache
Would quicklv leave you if vou used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers have proved their matchless
merit, for sick and nervous headaches.
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. Easy to take.
Try 1 hem. Only 25 cents. Money Viae k
if not cured. Sold by George A Hard
ing, druggist.
Discovered by a Woman.
Another ttreat discovery bus been
, 1 .1 . 1 , i ., I
mane, aim iiihi 10u, uy u mny 111 una westllneofa tract of land heretofore sold to
country. " f)ist ase fastened its clutc hes ( 1'eemer and Huberts! thence north forty-nine
upon her and for seven years she with- d,l'r,'es ,l"n """l to the corner stake;
r , .. . . . r . 1 . , thence unrth twmtv light degrees thirty minules
-t 0(1 US severest tests, but her Vital or- east eiglit and 50-llW chains; ihence no th sixty-
gans were undermined and death seemed nined groes east f iurand w-loo chains to ihe
imminent. For three months she f,ast boundary of John Kagaide's homestead:
. ,. t1 , 11.1 tlience uorlh on said east lioiiud.iry of said home
coughed incessantly, and COUld not sleep. 8le(1 1() lhe llfiri comer tliereol; thence west
She tinallv discovered a av to recover, on the nortn boundary of said homestead to the
hv purchttsinif of us a bottle of Dr.
Kinsr'a New liscovery for Consumption
and was so much relieved after taking
riit dose, that wie slept all night; ami
with two bottles has teen absolutely
cured, ller name is Mrs. Luther Lute."
Thus writes V. C. Ilamnick & Co., of
helby, N. C. Trial bottles free at Geo.
A. Hardinu's Drutf Store. Regular size
50c and $1.00. Every bottle ijuaran-
Story of h Slave
b) hiilllld liand and f )Ot for years 1
by the chain of diseise is the worst
form of slavery. Georun D. Williams,
., ( i:.. . .1 , . ,. .
of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave whs made free, lie says: "Mv
wife has been so helpless for live years
that hhe could not turn over in bed
alone. After usina two bottles of Elec
tric Hitters, she is wonderfully improved
and able to bo her own work." This
supreme remedy for female diseases
iuiekly cures nervousness, sieopiess
ness, melancholy, headache, backache,
fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle
working medicine is a godsend to weak,
sickly, run down beople. Every bottle
guarfanteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by
Geo. A. Harding Druggist.
Has Reopentd the
Marquam Blacksmith Sbop
And will do horse shoeing and all kinds
of general work at lowest prices.
NOTICE It hereby given that, pursuant to an
execution and order of sale Issued out of the
circuit oourt ol the late of Oregon for Clackamss
countv of date May 81, lt9, upon a Judgment
and deoree of foreclosure in favor of Sarah A.
Staver, plaintiff, vs. Schuyler Hue, Jr.,Theodo,:la
Hue, Joseph Hue, T. V. T. B. Brentano and K.
Ilreutauo, defendants, duly rendered, enrolled
and docketed In said court on May 2, 1S99, for Ihe
sum of 1,21&.IH) and interest thereon from Febru
ary 24, 1899, at 10 tier cent per annum, and tlAO IX)
attorney's fees, ami the lurther sum of ;." 2
and Interest thereon from May 2, 1S99 at 6 per ceut
per annum, and t2l.M) Costs aud disburseme t,
I have levied upon and will on
Saturlay,;tb lOtb Day of July. KJOO,
at the hour of 2 o'clock 111 the afternoon of said
riav. at ami In front of the court house door ai
Oregon City, in said count v and stale, duly sell at
public auction to the liddiest bidder for cash iu
hand all the right, title and Interest of tald de
fendants on ami alter tne un any ot r euruanr,
ltWA in and to the southwest onarler of the north
Wert quarter, the west half of the southwest quar.
ter and the torn heast quarter of the southwest
quarter of section KS, township x touth, range 4
east of the Willamette mcrMlau, In Clackamas
countv. Oregon, containing 100 acres, lo satisfy
said decree, toais and accruing costs.
Dated June 9th, 18V9.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County ol Clackamas.
J. V. W. Montague (substituted for )
u. n. eJiaraej,
J. A. Tiiylor, Benjamin Bender and
Mary A. Bender, his .wife, G. U
Dedman and CIilmS. Dedman, his
wife, William Bsutelsnai her and
Mary Beutelspichor, his wife, An
geline Berry, Robert DeBhaoer
and Parthenia DeShazer, his wife,
Angellue B rry.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
-D cree and an execution, dulv issued mil of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled came, to me duly dlrectod and
dated the 2ihh day of June, ts99, upon a
judgment rendered and ontered In said court on
the 16th day of June. 18911. In favor of J. V. W.
Montague (substituted for D. S. Claike), plaluliff,
and against J. A. Taylor, Benjamin Bunder and
Mary A, Bender, his wife, (J. R. Dedman ai'd
Clara S. Bed man, his wife, William Heutelsparh
erand Mary Ueutel.-p,icher, his wife, Airjellne
Berry, Robert D jShaz r and Pnrthona UeSiiacer,
his wife. Angeline Berry, defendants, for the
sum of 19'J3 On, with interest thereon at the rate
of 6 per cent per annum from the Ifith day of
June, lMtiti, and ihe further sum of $2(0.' 0, with
Interest tnereon from the 10th day of tune, UW,
and the further sum of jfluOOO as attorney's
fee, and the further sum of 11:1 75 costs and
disbursements, and the cos's of and uposi this
writ, commanding me to make sle of the follow,
lug described leal properly, situate in the Ccuuiy
of Ulnokauias, State of Oregon, to wit: And be
ginning at a point on the east boundary of the
donation land claim of N.J. Lamb, deceased,
and wife, in township i south of n iue 3 east gt
the Willamette meridian, 10 ennuis south of ilie
nonheast corner thereof; thence west 8.M) ihalns
to a stakes thence south thirty-three degrees west
forty-live chains) thence souih nineteen and
3.V100 chains to the south boundary of said do
nation land claim; iheLoe east on said south
houudaiy Line to the right bankof thcClackamus
r ver;
Ihence Willi the meandering of 81 id river
upstream four and fO-100 chains to the mouth of
'P creek; .theme up the right bunk :of Deep
creek w itn tne mea, nenngs tnereor to tne soutn
111 ruiwent oorner liinri'iii , imomch houiii oil me
west boundary two ami V 100 chains to the place
01 ucgiiinuur, containinv u;i acred more or les:
excepting therefrom one hundred acres sold by
.lolin Mall and rva Mall, his w tie, to brands II.
' Brown bv deed dated Jatin iry 8th, 1S94, recorded
, January 2lth, 1894. In the deed records of Clacka
I mas rounly, Oregon.
Now, thirefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
m ine hour or ociock p. m., attherront
door of lhe County Court House-in the City of
Oregon ity, in said County and State, sell at
public, nun Ion, gii'ji-ct to redempli m, to the
highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash ill hind,
1,11 rluht, title and interest which the within
imiuiu iirii'nuiiiiw or t'ltiior Ol ineiu oiui on liie
date ni the inorlgage herein or e ha I in or lo
the abive described real properly or any pari
thereof, lo satisfy said execution, judgment
order, decree, Interest, costs and all aoeruing
costs. J, J. COOKE,
Slu riff of CI irk,, mns Cnimly. Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., June 20, lrt fj.
I'hitko Maths Land Omr.
Oregon City, Oregon, May 29, IH'.iu.
dated Oct. 3. 1898. having been tiled In Ibis
otllce by George A. Hell, contestant, against hi me
stcad entry No. 11,S73, made j line 4, IsMl, for SKJi
SK'i section 82, township 2 s, range 7 e, by Minnie
Fatton, contestee, in which it is alleged that "the
aid Minnie Palton has wholly abandoned said
claim for more than one year prior hereto; that
for aver one year prior this date said entrj man
has not resided on said claim or visited' said
claim, or any one for her; that for over one year
last past homestead ctr.'mant has not In any way
(ill ivatcd or Improved said claim, and her ab
sence naa not been owlcg or due In her employ
ment In the milili ry or uav .l service of Ihe
fulled siatet In time nf war." m d nartleiare
hereby untitled to anpear, respond and offer evi-
nence loucning sain allegations at 10 o clock, A. M.
on July 14, 1899, before the tick-inter and ltecelver
at the United Stales Land Oll.ce in Oregon City,
'1 he tald contestant having, in a nroper afflda
viu.llled March ltl aud May 17, 1899, set forth facts
wnicn imw mat alter due ciuigei.ee uersonai ser
vice of llii notice cinnot tie made, it is hereby
nrucrvu ami oirecte 1 unit sm-h nollctf D giyen
oy aua alio piopcr publication.
Keg later
NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned
was on the 27th dav of June. 199, appointed
administratrix of the estate of Michael M. Shive
ly, deceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are requested to present them to me
at my home near Monitor, Oregon, proiierly veri
fied, within six months of the date of this notice.
uateu tnie zntn dav of June. 1x99.
StAKAH K. SillVk'LY, Administratrix
E. P. Moki-om, Woodburn,Oi.,
Attorney fur Administratrix.
You can still get a hat below cost at
Celia Goldsmith's.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Mrs. Martha Itingo, as guardian of
the 1 ersons and estate of the mi
nor heirs of H. C. Rlngo, de
ceased, Plaintiff,
Oiorge F. Blair, TresBa A. Blair, his
wife, and . C. Hansen.
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
oree and an exeoution, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, and to me dulv directed and
I dated the 20th day of June, ISO!), upon ajudg-
! m.nl 1-,-nilj r.H ami nnlnwH In audi onnrf .in tl.a
13th day of June. 1899, In favor of Mrs. Martha
Ringo, ss guardian of the persons and estate of
the minor heirs of H. C. Kmgo, deceased, plain
tiff, and against George V. Blai", Tressa A. Blair,
his wife, and K. C. hai.sen, d. fendanls, for t'.e
sum of f 185 00, with interest thereon at the rale
of 10 percent per annum from the 13th day of
June, 1899, and the further sum of Srrfl.00 as at
toruey'8 fee, and the fuither sum of $11.00 cotts
ai.d disbursements, and the costs of ard upon
this writ, commanding me to make Bale of the
following depcrihed real property, situate In th
county of Clackamas, state f Oregon, to wit:
Being a part of the Wm. Groshong n. L. C , In
township 6 sou h, range I east of the Willamette
niendtain, and bounded as follows; Beginning
elghtv (80) rods north of the southeast corner of
the Wm. Urohong D. L. c. on the eastern line
thereof, and running ihence west one hundred
and silly rods (1fiO); ihence north forty rods (40);
thei.ee east one hundred and sixty rods (100) to
the said claim line; thence south forty rods (40)
to the place of b ginning, oonlaiulng forty acres
(40), the same being the interest devised to
yeo;j;; F.Blllir tjy the lat will and testament of
RhodaA nlair, dcccasid.
Now, therefore, by virtue Of said txecu Ion,
judgment order and tlerree, and in compliance
wiih the commands of tald writ, 1 will, on
1S99, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., ot the front
door of the Comity Court House In the city of
Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at pub
lie suction, sulijt ct to redemption, to the hlgm st
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and Interest whiehthe within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
the mongage herein, or since had in or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution Judgment Older, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas couiny, Oregon,
Dated. Oregon City, Oie., June 27, 1MI9.
Shaving and Hair Cutting done with
neat in ss and dispatch.
JULIUS Roxes, Proprietor
Sew Era Flour Mills.
Jos. Sevcik. Jr.. has fully recovered
his health and togeiher with Jos. Stiejc
has leased the ew Kra H 'tiring Mills.
The mill will be greatly improved and
arrangement? nude for receiving grain
and exrhanginif for mill stuffs at sliorl
notice. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Sevcik, Sthejc & Co.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to U. J. & 1). V.
Iwm Weatk is Here Is
Bill SiiiiifflerBargaiiiii are Efii torn
The Sooner the Better So be Among the Lucky FIRST TO COME
Girls' blue or brown checked Amoskeag
Gingham Drawn, with or without sleeves, OR
each aavlv
Little Girlt' Colored Percale Dresses, styl
ishly made, with braid and embroidery OCa
trimmings, 4 to6 years, each lt
Little Girlt' Pink or Bine Lawn Dresses, fine
Valenciennes, lace and insertion trimmed RQa
each... Uww
Little ones' White or Linen wired Sun Hats AC
with embroidered or corded edges, each.. vll
filrh' French Blue or Red Chambray Sun OCa
Bonnets with deep rufltcs, each "w
Children's summer weight Under Vests, ch
Children' fine ribbed double sole Hosj In
fast black, tan, chocolate and ox blood, 1 Q
per pair lu"
BY virtue of an order of sale and execution
dlllv issued out nf tliA rtrrllk mint, tif IliA
state of Oregon for Clackamas county, to me di
rected and dated the 20th day of May, 1899, upon
a judgment jnd decree rendered anil entered In
said couit on the 20th dav of Anril. 1899. in favor i
of J H. Pomerny, plulntllT, end against D. D. Held and George A.Harding as executors of tha
Magone, H. 8. Magone, W. T. W hillock, Jacob 1 last will and testament of N O. Wslden, deceasedt
Ranch, Henry K Yemen, E. K. Jones is Co., a defendants, and of an execution duly isnued out
corpora loll, D. B. Rees and J W. Stuart, part- of said court in said suit on June 7. 1899. 1 will (X
nersss U. B. Bees & Co., and G GallnKlv, defen- pose for sale and sell as the law directs.at tha
2?,!'!ln,,or.,ho J".m.of vmM and H2!U00iid. frontdoor of the court house, in Oregon City.
820.20 costs and disbursements, I will on Clackacas county, Oregon, on lhe '
Saturday, the Is . Day of July, J800. atlj Day of July, 10O9,
at the hour of one o'clock p. m , at the front door
of the court honse in Oregon City, In said county
and slate, sell by publlo auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, all ihe right, tille and interest of the said
ueienuants In or to the two parcels of real prop
erty situated in said Clackamas oonnty. of which
one parcel Is described as the undivided seven
eighths of the two tracts of land situated respect
ively In the Tompkins and George Walling dona
tion claims, described as follows:
Commencing lit the northwest corner of the D.
D. Tompkins and wife D. L. C, in t wnship 2
south of ranges 1 and 2 e .st of the Willamette
meridian, thence south frrly-nine degrees thirty
minules enst 'weiity elght and sevenly-one one
hundredths chains (28 71 eh.) J thence east sixty
six and sevenly-five hundredths chains i60.75ch.)
to the W HlHiiU'lle river; thence along the mi an
derings of gaid liver, north thirty six degrees
vcost. hltie (0 oh ) ch.ilns; Ihence north Hweiity
two di g'ces west, eight and seventy hundredths
chains (8 70 eh.); thence north uii.e and eighty
ti;;hl hen redtns chains (9.f8 eh.) to the north
east coin rof said claim; thence west along lbs
n rtn ins of said claim eighty-four and ten hull-dredih-i
i hains (84.10 eh.) to tlie place of begin
ning, coniaii.tng one hundred and tbirty-seveu
and seventy hundredths (187 70) acres (except a
tract conveyed by said Magone and wife to shnw
and Jacobs of twenty-two and three hundredths
(22 03) acres by di ed reconled in book 83, page
91, oi the recoriis of deeds of said enmity.)
Also eighty (6o) acres of the south half of the
George Wa'litiK and wife 1. I.. C, In said town
ships, OOr.lHliO on me souin uy me huuui nc "
the Ueorge Walling olnlm aforesaid, on the west
bv the west line of said claim, on the east by the
Willamette river and on the norlli by a line
drawn parallel wiih s.'.id south boundary so that
the area embraced within said lines shall contain
f igrttv (80 acres (except a tract oonveyed from
this last mentioned piece by Magone and wife to
L. W. Iljland, containing twenty-live and sixty
hundredths (25.00) acres, by dee l recorded in
book 35, page 2i0, of the records of deeds of said
county ) ... ,t j
And the other of said two parcels is described
as "all the right, title and interest that the said
1). D. Magone and II. S. Msgone, or- either of
them, hud on October 4, 1S9J, in the donation
c'aim of Waters Carmen and Lum'lla Carmen,
his wife, being noiilioatlou No. 3:!8S, certificate
100:t, In township two routh of range one east of
the Willamette meridian."
(heriff of Claol amas countv, state of Oregon.
. Datid, Oregon City, Ore., May 29, 1899.
Nollce Is herebv givm that I have been appoint'
ed administrator of lhe estate of John S. Utigan,
deceased, by tho Honorable County Court of
Ctai kamas couniy, Oregon
ias countv, Oregon. All penons nuving
elninis against said estate are hereby notincd to
present the sitine to me for payment at my home
at Molalla, Clac.kam is county Oregon, with
proner vouchers theretor, within tix months
from lhe dale of this notice.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 25th day of
Mav, 1899.
Admlnistratoi of the estate of John 8. Dugan, de
ceased. '
N. Y, f orli and Courier-Herald $1.15
Lad lot' Dark Tan Bicycle Tweed tailor- JO Cft
mad Walking Suits, each...... . . .
Ladles' Crash Linen Skirts In new styles on cni
ale at 0U'
Ladles' fine Linen Crash or Whltn PiqueHCft
Skirts, new cut, each
Ladles' Ecru Egyptian Ribbed Sleeveless Ca
Vests, ech
Ladies' Summer Weight Long-sleeve Vests f En
Extra large site In ladles' One Ribbed Long ) C
Sleeve Summer Vests, each mlv
Big assortment Indies' Striped, Cheeked
and Kancy Figured French Percale Sbirt
Waists, this summer's best styles, on CA
sale at HJt
TN pursuance of a decree and order of falereu-
dered in the circuitcourt of the state of Oregon
for Clackamas county, on January IS, lbOU. as ot
the 20th dny of November, 1MI8. in the suit of Os-
er P. Mitlf.r nlulntiir n T 1 D1U1.. c
Pllulmrv .nri Elm. it !'..'.ml rs. ti .'.
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. thereof, the real
properiy aescnoeu in saiu decree and order ol sale,.
Beginning at the south-westerly corner of lot
seven (7), in block twenty-eight (28), in Oregon
aiy, as shown by the maps and plats thereof on
file in the recorder' office of said county and state
Ihence in a northerly direction and following tha
westerly line of said lot thlrtv-three feetr
thence easterly, and at right angles to said west
erly boundary line of said lot, and parallel wit.lv
the side lines thereof, one hundred and five (105)
feet; thence southerly at right anglea, and parallel
w ith Main slreot in said Oregon Cnv, thirty-three
(S3) feet, to the southerly line of said tott lbec
westerly at right angles, and following the south
erly line of said lot, to tha place of beginning,
situated in Clackamas county, state of Oregon, to
gtther with the tenements, hereditaments and ap
purterauces thereunto belonging or In any way
appertaining. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, June . It)!)!
- J. J cooke:
Sheilff ot Clackamas County, Oregon...
NOTICE is hereby Siren that I wilt make appli
cation to the liooorable board of county com
missioners for Clackamas county, Oregon, on the
22nd day of July.1899, for a license to sell malt
liquors In l8 quantities than one gallon in Cas
cade pre nfl . Clackamas county, Oregon, a copy
of which . eti .on is below published.
F. A. MEIMff..
To the Hon. Board of Commissioner! for
Clackamas county, Oregon ; We, the undersigned,
citizens and legnl voters of Cascade precinct
Cla kamas bounty, Oregon, respectfully petition
and prsy that you grant to r. A. Meung a license:
to sell malt liquors In Cascade precinct, Clacka
mas county, Oregon, In less quantities than one
gadon fertile period of six months.
8 I) Coalman, Chas Pfvfler, J B MaronoT, E Kop.
per, L Vurrettl, T Clark, P McAdams, G W Woods,
M V 1'homss. Geo Thomas, K Thomas, J M Thom
as, A c Thomas, W 8 Smith, John Bramhall.
John Maroney, J A Hiclmao, ti. G. (ilbons, H
C lubow, J J Klsner, C s Bramhall, J Bramhall,
J F Andre, B Wakefield, 11 Ridderbnseh, Henry
Kidderlnifoh, Fred Wepe. Wm Wa'spe, w
Weber, Wm Padiun, John Unity, John 8 Gib
bons, Fritz Suckow, John Epperson, George
1 pperson,',lohn Holl'ineister, E Pi Pavn, J R Dun
can, J A Titty, U Trubel, KC Strfiwbrldge, H
Wendlnnd, J Wendland, M Keisecker, I'rel
Keiseescr, John Kolsecker, C Meng, He ma t
Hscner, Hermann Brims, James Hhelan, Caspjr
Junker, K Kligel, John Tavel ', Olueseppi Xa
velll, Di-nnis Jcrger, T O Johsrud, Paul Dunn, H
Ridderbnseh, John McDonald, Stillman An
drews, Pt ter P Hela, t ewls Himghlum, Geo A
Leslie, J A shettirly, Thomiis Phclan, O Ram
bow, 8 O Mitchell, Kohert llartsch, J Krintenson,
Fred Riem, Wilhelm Ppanel, Jehn Ulrleh, Gott
fried ttuckl, Anton Mahar. J II Wewer, Henry
Koch, J O Deshazer, E E Wendland, Joseph Wif
lig. T H Fischer, A Kligel, M Kligel, B Kllgol,
John L Erl, D Moynihan.F W Canning, 8 Baoon,
JUL Maybee, E A Revenue, T H Anderson, Jas
Figles, diaries I'eshall.
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for set
ting. Fifteen for $1. At Sunnyalope
farm, 2 miles south of town, or leave
orders at Charman & Oo.'s drug ttore.
Ladies' Plain White Lawn Shirt Waists,
made full, with lanudrled collars and COn
cuffs, each OOv
Ladles' good Muslin Drawers, well made, 1Q
trimmed with tucks, per pair iww
Ladies' lace-trlmmed Corset Covers of good IRa
material, on sale at 1U
Ladles' Silk Club Ties, In all colors, each . JQq
While Washable Chamois Gloves on sal at JjQ
All new things in Neckwear, Fancy Collars, OC
Ties, etc , each twit
Fancy-mesh Veilings in all colon, with or QE.
williout dots, per yard Wu
No. 30 All-silk Ribbons In all latest shades 1 C n
for collars r sashes, per yard iOw
Large assortment of rolled (old Beauty Fins O a
on sale at v
Cor. First & Salmon Sis.