OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAYJUNE 30, 1899. NEWS OF NORTHWEST. A Grant's Pass company has $20,000 invested in the pine-needle industry. bquirrels are eating farmers crops in the vicinity of St. Helens corn espe cially. Hopgrowers are now confidently ex pecting 15 cents for the '99 crop. Vancouver, B. 07 now claims 31,000 population. . , , . Puaet Sound oyster season just closed. resulted iu marketing of 150,000 baskets. Wasnington Chinese pheasants can not be killed until 1901. Newberg has a village improvement club composed of oO women. Columbia & Klikitat railway right of way to Qoldendale, Wash., is being rap idly granted. No more Hood River strawberries in car lots. Crop is being rapidly cleaned up. Frahkie Flormon is said to have dis covered a fabulously rich gold ledge near Atlin City. Hood River is the first town in East ern Oregon to have rural free delivery, President Hill, of lhe Northern Pa cific, will soon come West. Salem is wiping out her treasury de flciency, even if they do have to carry lanterns in the town to see their way home after dark. Kootenai Valley Railway Company lias borrowed $ 2,000,000 from an Eng. JJian corporation. Astoria Salvationists will sell 25 chil dren at auction. Government will spend $20,000 ou the Haines, Alaska, military reservation. Charles Mortz and Frank Kane were drowned in Lake Lindeman by the up setting of a canoe. Skagway's population turned o it en masse last week and cleaned up the town Skaguay's merchants have been so busy lately that the stores are open all night. Vihv boats were wrecked on Great Slave Lake, Edmonton trail, since year. last ORECON, State board of education will examine teachers at Salem August 9, 10 and 11. Public school savings bank has proven successful at Eugene. Coneressman Tongue has appealed from court's decision in fining him $10 for contempt. , Two thousand two hundred and thir- tv-two insurance certificates issued in Oregon. Placer mines on Burnt river are wort ing day and night. L. A. Conn, of Vancouver, "Wash., got the contract for erecting Fort Stevens barracks. Salmon catch is light. PACIFIC COAST. California may have a redwood lum ber trust. Pugilist Kennedy bested Ruhlin at San Francisco Saturday. Mine explosion at Eossland, B. C, kills three men. Thousands of penniless men are leav ing Klondike. Washington hops are doing well. Governor Smith, of Montana, gave $5 to a fund in aid of Coeur d'Alene min rs. Committee returned it because he had indorsed General Meriam's courso. Felida, Wash., baby was bitten by a black spider and died. O EN Ell AL. This is the most successful year the fish commission ever had. The North American Saongerbund Is celebrating Its silver jubilee at Cincin nati, Six-story building in Boston burned. Lobs $180,000. - Cup defender Columbia developed great speed on trial trip. Beat Defend er. Chemical works at Camden, N, J., burned. Loss $100,000. "Dutch" Neat, pugilist, died from ef fects of a contest in Ohicngo last Wed nesday, Alameda's missing money was taken ashore at Honolulu. Teddy Roosevelt presented with a handsome souvenir medal by people of New Mexico. Nonunion men are now boycotted in Cleveland. Colorado smelter strike will probably be Nettled this week. Alger will stay in the cabinet. Kentucky democrats may take up a dark horse for governor. Movement on foot among congress men to curb tho speakers' powor. Recruiting volunteers will begin on return of president to Washington. Aluor believes there are only two is sues before the people trusts and elec tion of senators by popular vote. Another tram robber gets 20 years in .Missouri. Four men killed In a gravel train wreck on Union Pacific, at Julesburg, Cal., Saturday. Five girls drowned at Lampasas, Tex as, Saturday. Joe Wolcot defeated Dan Creedon in 0 rounds in New York Friday night. FOREIGN. General Miles lavors Bonding more men to General Otis, Iluliof is becoming more general than ever that a large army is needed in the Philippines. China's great wall will be torn dow n. Hawaii will celebrate the Fourth. German peace conference represents' fives aoeit arbitration. llussin uroposes a naval standstill for three years. Transvaal buys rill m in Italy bit talks peace. THE WEEK Madam Dreyfus has permission to vis it her husband in prison. Asiatic Russia threatened with fam ine. Charter has been granted for new railway in Hawaii. Orange Free State is making prepara tions to help Kruger in event of war. Waldeck-Rousseau's French cabinet is unpopular. Colonel Whaley recommends a num ber of company promotions in his report from Manila. REALTY TRANSERS. Furnished Ever Week ' by Clacka. mas Abstract & Trust Co'. i r - r: S I Andrewi'lo 0 I Andrews, t4 of n of w&L aeo 26, Is, 4e; $ 200 E Mendenhall to W G Andrews, 170 a sec 26, ls,;4e; 1 J. Durbin to H Donley, tret in ' Fisher clffl,2s, 2e ; 300 Bolton Ld Co to O Hettman, It 5, blk 20, Bolton; . : ,. 250 M J Lacry to A W Pardue, tret in sec 17, 18, 5s, le; 1 P H Harley by att'y to H Ger- hardus, v sw sec 7, 2s, 3ej 1 J F Spring to F Berkeman, It 6, blk 17, Robertson ; 1 O Taylor to J Jensma, 20 a sec 2, 2, 2s, 2e; 900 S W Hardesty to H Kummer,80 a sec 5, 5s, le ; 2000 G P Meldrum to E P Rands, 5.85 a & rdwy ,Rinearson elm; 1100 H E Gribble to F Zolner, It 1, blk 11 , Its 7, 8, 4, 9, blk 12, Canby ; 150 J Garbade by sheriff to P H Mar- lay, 160 a sec 25, 5s, 4e ; 7 A Devol by sheriff to H E Noble, 160 a sec 34, 7s, 3e; 8 A Locey to school dist 24, road in Locey elm : W J Lewellen to dist 24, 2.49 a Locey elm ; 165 S W Langhorne to U S, 320 a sec 16, 5s, 6e ; Act of Congress J A Jones to S W Langhorne, ne sec 16, 5s, 6e ; 1280 A J Ringo to R L Ringo, 15 a sec 50, 4s, 3e; 300 L Zeisler to N Smith, 277 a Barg- feld elm, 3s, Se; 13 W Thompson to O S Thompson, 50 a sec 9, 5s, le ; 1 G W Weilder to R Koehler, a near Canemah ; 1 F A Hyde to U S, 3,200 a Clacka mas county ; Act of Congress. A B isaidwin to r A Hyde, same as above ; 4500 State to A S Baldwin, same as above. 4000 U S to M J DuBuisson, bw sec 12, 2s, 7e; Patent. J Elston to 0 P Church, sec 30, 3s, 6e; 400 R W Wade to II O Wade, 77 a sec 15, 2s, 2e ; 1 H C Stevens to T F Ryan, lot 1, blk 9, Oregon City 250 P II Marlay to H Mayer, eej of sej sec 16, 2s, 4e II Mayer to M Walton, sej of ne sec 16, 2s, 4e 259 C W Simons to J S Simons, 83 a sec 17, 2s, 8e T F Ryan and II O Stevens to Y M O A, lot 1, blk 9, Oregon City ' 700 E Millard to Pacific States Loan, TriiBt and Banking Association, lots 17 to 20, blk 138, Oswego... 279 II Weinhardt to F N Wolverton, lots 2, 3, e)i swj sec 30, K 6e . 600 M Kalus to M L Wolverton, se,1 nwJi, s ne'4 sec 22, Is, 6e . . . . 900 F N Wolverton to U S, lots 2, 3, e'a sw4 sec 30, Is, 6e. ,act of congress M L Wolverton to U S, se nej 8eo 82, Is, 6e act of congress IIAorpahl to R Brannon, lot 11. b k9. Canhv wr, J 11 Ilawley to T F Burghardt.sw ;i sec 12, 2s, 6e.. 600 W Druscholl to O W Druschell, 20 a sec 3, 4s, lo 300 T Caldwell to II Weinhard, lots 3, 6, blk 23, Oregon City 5,500 J N Duncan to C E Holcomb, 40 a sections 8 and 9, 28, 2e 700 T O Goodridge to E G Goodridge, 10 a sec 3, 2a, 2e will I T Goodridge to G E Goodridge, 10 a sec 3, 2s, '.'e will E and S M Kliy to S T Ehy, lot 1, blk 6, Edgwood 200 J A Thayer to E Colgor, 33 acres Walker claim, 3s, 2e 1,100 R Brannon to E Murdock, lots 1, 2, blk 13, Canby 72 S Mathews to E Murdock, lot 7, b'k 71, Canby 40 W Roots to J Roots, Marshtleld.' blk 12 60 Where Will We Spend Our Sum mer Vacation? This is the time of year to think about it, but before you decide, write for an elaborate, illustrated pamphlet showing numerous photo engraved views of the many attractions at the seashore and en route, and advantages of the Columbia river beaches as reached by the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. Three hours and thirty minutes from Union Depot, Portland, to your beach hotel, in a magnificent parlor car without change or transfer is a convenience and luxury few resorts can ..flVr. Such is the initial attraction of this favorite resoit. J. C. Mayo. l eti'l Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it- There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so de ceptive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it, heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney poison in the blood is liable to attack the vital or gans, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. Kidney trouble can be detected although it be slow and deceptive. First, by analysis of the urine ; second, by a simple test of setting the urine aside in a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, when a cloudy or brick dust set tling indicates it. . , . . ..$ . . It was for just such troubles that in His infinite power and goodness the Great Physician caused Swamp-Root ; to grow for the benefit of mankind, leaving it for His servant. Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder' specialist to dis cover it and make it known to the world, Its wonderful efficacy in promptly curing the most distressing cases is truly mar velous. You may have a sample bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, by mail free. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghampon, N. Y. When writing mention this paper. Druggists, in fifty cent or dollar sizes. Excursion to California For annual meeting of National Edu cational Association, the Southern Pac ific Company (Shasta Route) will make $35.00 round trip rate to Los Angeles, by train leaving Portland at 7 p. m. July 7th, Tickets will be good to Sep tember 4th, and permit stopover on re turn trip. On July 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, round trip tickets to Los Angeles will be sold at $40.00 rate, allowing stopover in either direction, and final limit of September 4th. Holders oi these excursion tickets may make low rate side trips to Monte rey, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite Valley, Big Trees, Riverside, Redlauds, Santa Bar bara, Catalina Island, etc. No such op portunity to visit all California points of special.intereat, at small cost, has been before afforded, Note the dates. For guides, sleeping car reservations and further information call on any Southern Pacific agent, or address Mr. C. H. Markhara, Gen'l Passenger Ag't, Portland, Or. CLICK AMIS COUNT? WAR' RANTS. We van a premium for warrants. It will be to your interest to get our price before selling. TlieBmk of Oregon City. The artist who is in search of attitudes descriptive of torture, and poses depicting suffering-, need not go to the lnristian martyrs of old. If he could only see through the walls into tens of thousands of homes all over this land, he would see women undergoing tortures in silence without complaining, utriure wnicn tne brief ordeals of the martyrs pale into nothingness. No one but a woman can tell the story of the suffering, the desnair. nnH th despondency endured by women who carry a daily burden of ill-health and pain because of disorders and derangement of the delicate and important organs that are distinctly feminine. One of the worst effects of troubles of this kind is upon the nervous system. The tortures so bravely endured completely and effectually shatter the nerves. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is an unfailing cure for all weak ness and disease of the feminine organ ism. It makes it strong and healthy. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothes pain. It checks exhausting drains and tones and builds up the nerves. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. Good medicine dealers sell it, and have nothing "just as good." " Since my last child was born, thirteen years (fo, I have suffered from uterine trouble " writes Mrs. Paul Devraine, of Jellico, Campbell Co., Tenn. "I consulted several doctors and look much medicine, but found no relief. I had ery bad health for twelve years. Kvery month I was iu bed a week before the monthly period and a week after. I was obliged to keep in bed for four months last summer. I was just like a corpsa. I lost twenty-six pounds in four months. I was couching so much I was con sidered in consumption. I suffered severely from pains in my back, bearinf? down pnins in the womb, chilts and cold sweats. After taking four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery my coughing stopped, and after six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription my periods became regular and were passed with out pain. Now I am fleshy, more so than ever before. My neighbors are surprised to see me in such good health after having seen me so low." Constipation causes and aggravates many serious diseases. It is speedily cured by Dr. Pierc' Pleasant Pellets. The Dal'es, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co's Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) botween The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, ' Vancouver and Portland luuviuuu i wv p,.ims on both tides 'or the . Columbia river. Both of the abovs stramers havo been rebuilt and are In Meellent shape the season of lsii' IteipilHtor Line will nidaavor to gie h patrons Hi. bust service possib'a. " trJ.'L'l hV'!f"r, Kr,,no"'Jr l riea.,,r. Line. y tMm" o Th.. KeB,,latur The above steamer leave rvriUnd 7 m. and Palles.t 8 a. m ,d arrive .t .lls.in.-uiou UHnple time forwiutilng trains. mnmim ht. Dock. Court Street. A. C. AII, WAY General U Yv IS, f to Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. Jul Shall we JoSON. ! ' tell you F. E. Donaldson, Agent Fire and Accident Insurance BANK OF OREGON CITY K.BBBT BlVKOfO BOCSI IX TBI COT PAID VT CAPITAL, 100,000.00 BVBPLU8 ftOJUOM President, floe-president Cvai. H. CAtrrum Oio. A. HiaDntt I. a. Oaofuu Jashier, A General Banking Business TraniaoUd Deposits Reoalved 8ubot to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Dtioonnted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Seonritv Exchange Bought and Aold. Collection! Made Promptly. Drafti Sold Available In Any Part el the world. Telegraphic Exohange Sold on Portland, Ban francisco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. BOLTON DAIRY CHA8. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon OUT, Oregea Pure Milk and Full Murar given; delivered to tBy part of the city. Ttj Bolton Dairy tmi fee CORVALLIS & EASTERN R. R. TlflE CARD. 2 For Yaqulna Train leaves Albany 12:50 p. m Train leaves Corvallls 1:45 p. m Train arrives Yaquina 6:50 p. m 1 Returning Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a, m Leaves Corvallis 11 :40 a. ra Arrives Albany 12:25 p. m 3 For Detroit Leaves Albany 7;10a. m Arrives Detroit ll;55a. m 4 Returning Leaves Detroit 12:25 p. m Arrives Albany 6:85 p. m 6 Leaves Albany 6;05 p. m Arrives Corvallls 6:55 p. m 5 Leaves Corvallis 6:40 a. m Arrives Albany 7:25 a. m One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern Paoitto trains, giving direct ser- vioe to and from Newport ana adjacent beaohes. No. 6 runs from Albany to Corvallis on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albany on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Detroit at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds ou the Breitenbush and Santlam river the same day. Edwin Bionb, Manager. H. L. Waldiu, T., P. & P. A. J. TuaNElt, Agent, Albany, Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint youi house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th strecth. When you visit The Dulles stop at the Best One Dollar a Day House in the City THE OBARR HOTEL On Seconl Streat one blook from Depot Spjcial grates t families and partie H. 8. SMITH, Trop, W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheap, st rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I have on band funds for the payment of all county w arrants endorsed prior to March 2nd, 1890. Interest will cease from and after the da'e of this notice. Oregon City, June 15th, 1S99. Jacob Shape. Trrasuier of ( lackauias County, Ore, For Catalogue Adreea, . P. L. Campbell, President t GLADSTONE GREENHOUSE i I ' ', WILKINSON BROS., PROPRIETORS .' j '' 'l " ' ' t pUT . 8, POTTED PLANTS, R09KS AND OTHER SHRUBBERY.' Funeral plecss mU "Jin " " n. Special attention given to arranging floral displays for weddings and parties.. , r ':.- . . ..... t r .. P.O. Address, Box 238, ' Greenhouse on East Sieta Oregon City, Ore. Electric Car Line On Top The top of the Shoe isn't where the most wear comes, but it's important, nevertheless. Tops are made in a great variety of styles now-a-days. All of them are good, but some more beautiful than others We have all the new styles of top s for you to selectrom. KRAUSSE BROS. A Good Thing, If you have a good thing the people want it. Their scales of living is many degrees higher than their fathers'; they want the necessities of life to be as good as possible for the money. MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at the lowest price. A penny saved is two earned A Flying Top Free! The Latest Fad H. STRKIGHT, DoaUr In Groceries and Provisions. 0 HS9 Fall line ol Mill Feed, Lime, Cement aol IM Mil OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF rionuments and Headstones Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. : : Drawings made by description. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, Silver Mi)t Awarded at Portland Mechanics' Fair I have a plant of pneumatic tools, mi li'iw iu pomuun m uo worn times in ten that is the trouble. It costs you nothing to find out, if you will go and see A. N. WRIGHT - - THE IOWA JEWELED 293 riorrlson St., Portland, Oregon Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, inchartreof the optical department, and you can consult him and have yoar e?es examined free of charge. TKY-it may be your trouble. MRS. R. r OOn Tire Ctraot 4. buv a tiiii uuvvl - - .A. Has a complete t Imported Pattern HatscUlillinerij Novelties f Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled. PRICES lODEBATE W. Orepian and CoiiricrEcrali $2- State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon Training School for Teachers, Now Buildings, New Departments, Ungraded County School Work, Graduates secure good positions, strong course, well equipped training department, Normal course quickest and best way to State Certificate. Expense for year from f 120 to $160, or board $2.50 to $3 00 per week. Tuition $6.25 per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins September 19th; Sum mer term June 27-Sept. 1st. orW. A.Wann, ' 1 ' 1 T Secretary of Faculty. I With Every 50c Purchase ct HARDING'S DRUG STORE, where all jgopds are sold at reasonable Prices. Portland, Oregon the first in the Northwest, and ueuer ana more reasonable. Oh, Mij Headaches! Well, no doubt It Is caused by Imperfect eyesight as about seven BECKER Portland, Oregon X assortment of t r?rJob Printing at tie Ccnrisr-Hcnli