Oregon Cily Auction Opposite Pcstoffice 1 1 1 " 1 " ' i ' j - - Baby Baggies Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set from from from from Sewing Machine Bed Room Set stove of 44 Piece? (HenA Improved from on Earth $2.00 25C WjOO 30c $7i0() The UNIVERSAL ' and Upward and Upward second-Hand Per Yd and Upward EaBy TermB Given and Upward mkvmr $0.00 olfcLb KANGES . BOARD OF CuHMISSlONERS Proceedings of the June Term of the ; County Board. ' (Con'.inned from laBt week ) J H Comer, Road Fund 1 50 J II Wright 150 USDix 2 00 J Dix.... 2 00 Geo Kobeeon 2 00 BCPalir.er 2 00 WE Bonney 2 00 j Dix Bros., Uen. Fund 31 75 j Total 44 7o Road District No. 23. Albert Schuhhe 12 00, D J Parmenteer 15 75 II Hedges 4 50 C O Fox 3 75 J W Covey 3 00 Wm Evans '. 4 00 Total 43 01 Road District No. 24. John Si'hneiter 1 50 BF Smith 2 00 L B Uoder 2 6U J B Hein 1 60 A G Godey 2 00 JJYoder 2 60 ErleLether 2 60 A Cleve 2 60 WHYoder 3 00 A J Yoder 6 25 Jos Schwartz 5 25 Y D Yoder ..1 5 25 Fred Watson b 26 DJKrap! 6 00 1) B Yoder 7 50 Wm Sturve 3 00 Win Thompson 3 00 8 U Damihoo 3 20 B F Smith 3 00 Total Road District No. 25. Cal. Powder Works John llai th Henry llnrih John Ileppler O Giich W Heinle G W Scranliu Buss Fry . John llarth Henry llarth Al Winn C Ileiiioik C Reyloim John Kuhotck N How en ... Geo SciHtnlin , T Si heer .! (iilhreck O Lrei'ist) Fred l.tiinuur John Wullace James Fry ner Geoi'ue Kesselrinu Willie Hunzt) Will Yohanie Fnthk Parmer Fred Pt ters 07 8i 30 60 21 00 32 00 G 00 10 fit) 1 60 4 25 2 60 30 00 22 50 u oo 4 50 10 50 3 00 6 6't 15 75 8 'Jo, 6 2i 2 60 4 10 1 60 1 60 75 4 60 3 (H) 1 50 1 50 Total Road District No. 27. Monitor '1 railing Co. . , J A Stanton W M Bird W 11 Lemon A B Anderson Ule Rounint! 224 65 2 80 38 00 20 00 3 75 4 60 75 1 en ! H t ( I ' t , 1 I I I UV Jolm Wormduh), , Wm Jennings,,, , 0 B Powell 1) Thomas Willard Stanton.. George Slaughter. J Slaughter , O Slaughter Goorge Nicholson. J M Nicholson..., J II Groshong. . . . J M ilated J M Ososhong. . . , E Blair F Blair Leslie Holt John Ferguson.., John Taylor...., J Htreklan E E Yaughan. . . . F E Taylor vl Shiveley John Stanton W Stanton Dili ford Stanton.. 2 25 4 50 13 50 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 6 62 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 25 1 50 2 25 76 29 25 1 87 7 50 10 13 1 60 15 75 9 00 18 00 Total 313 30 Road District No. 28. .1 V Nightingale 4 50 B P Boylor 4 50 It Wyland 2 25 Jeore Nickerson 3 75 V Plurad 3 75 H F l'artt OW 3 75 John liroshong 8 "5 James Nickleson . 8 00 a Wison 00 Ueo Wyland 6 00 W To House lhat we are the cheapest AbH or CRhDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us If you are wise and have your own inter est at stake, you will at least see our goods arid prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy you will be POSTED as to goods and values. Remember, A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE NOTE THE FOLLOWING L. Block's Furniture and Albert Crossan 9 00 Total 53 25 Knad District No. 29. Herman Smidt. . . . . . : 24 01 E Smidt 11 75 CDF Wilson 19 00 Total f4 75 Road District No. 30. C Uhilds 6 00 J Pitts 1.50 M K Shipley 3 75 J R Hayea 5 00 Total 16 25 Road District No. 31. James Turner 6 00 O Turner 6 00 II Turner 7 50 ROIdenstadt. 6 00 John Mofer 4 60 Frank Weddle 7 50 Henry Backer 3 00 John Aden 6 00 O P Sharp 3 00 Frank Sharp 3 00 U I'eters 3 uu Total Road District No. 32. II Her Will Todd (! Calkins Emil Frazer F F Seeley R Seelry L Ha.lehrink F llezlehnink F F Seeley O Tooze F Stulnicker Frank Tooze It Stalnicker Rob Stalnicker C Baker U Butiso Juhn Butson Ira McConnel A McConiiell Joe Moore Ed Baker Ross L'mey Mitt Baker A Baker Melvin Baker J Roberts Sam Roberts John Roberts Geo Sneller Will (luge .1 Roberts H S Bergman II R Baker Nen I I Inter Albert Vohs O McKinnie W Mailn ws W Probes S iM KilBo Dun Stalnicker Mark Roberts Fred Roberts W F Young J Pinker .Mm Baker Neal 11 uter S E Hillman O McConnal 55 50 , 3 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 12 00 . 6 00 . 3 00 1 12 1 50 9 00 . 1 00 . 6 00 . 1 60 1 50 1 50 2 25 . 4 50 2 00 3 00 , 6 00 . 9 00 . 3 00 16 00 6 00 , 2 25 2 00 3 00 1 50 , 8 00 7 50 3 00 1 50 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 1 611 6 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 1 60 3 00 , 36 75 7 50 Total 231 37 Road District No. 31. Jonas Cline 12 50 Bert Cline 13 13 A K Andre 10 00 F B James..,.,,.. ,,,,..,, 9 75 II Cook 1 25 Hilly Smith 1 25 A Andre 10 50 " team 15 00 Total 72 38 Road District No. 35. Cal. Powder Works 30 (10 P R Taylor 18 20 A B Troyer 7 60 O Miller 7 50 M Burkholder 6 75 E L Kenagy 14 02 Q W Owings 2 25 IJW " 2 25 J 8 " 2 00 F Campau 6 75 A " 8 87 O I. Barber 20 00 T Broadwell 3 00 jKZoek 3 75 A J l.iaa 9 75 (ieo Pardew 4 50 iTKeisland 6 23 I J W Elliot 3 00 P Jacohs 4 60 O " 7 CO Total 200 54 Road District No. 36. Scripture A Beaulieu 3 70 Wilson & Cooke 3 10 , F Martin 30 00 Tom Smith 33 CO I E J Myer 14 03 . L Tucker 18 15 I A T : . ' a. 1'iivui 13 73 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, F S Baker . .. 3t GO A Wright ". 18 45 John Cregan 9 00 J Marchbank. 7 65 Chas Hill. . 75 E Parker , 3 75 Total 190 15 Road District No. 37. Dayton Hardware Co 14 75 C Desheler 10 50 A Schaler 11 25 II PUtte 13 12 F Brock 6 00 L Shafer 3 00 E Clu istensen 31 50 J W Stone 21 00 E Christetison '.. 10 50 G G Kruse 24 00 Total 151 62 Road District No. 39 Cal. Powder Works 88 50 Oregon City Iron Works 1 00 Kngene Cumins 10 00 E.I llormhiik 1 50 W Dully 1 50 0 Fisher 9 00 Total Ill 53 ''Continued next week.) That Throbbing Headache Would quickly have you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and Btroiitf nerves and build up your health. Eauy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. SJd by George A Hard ing, druggist. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I have on hand funds for the payment of all county warrants endorsed prior to March 2nd, 1890. Interest will cease from and after the date of this notice. Oregon City, June 15th, 1899. Jacob Shade, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore, Where Will We Speiul Our Sum mer Vacation? This is the time of year to think about it, but before you decide, write for an elaborate, illustrated pamphlet showing numerous photo engraved views of the many attractions at the seashore and en route, and advantages of the Columbia river beaches as reached by the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad. Three hours and thirty minutes from Union Depot, Portland, to your brach hotel, in a magnitlcent parlor car wilhout change or transfer is a convenience a1 d Inxtny few resorts can iffer. Such is ihe iniii.il attraction of this favorite resoit. J. C. Mayo, Cen'I Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. State Normal School. The State Normal School nt Mon mouth announces a new department, that of Manual Training, in addition to the deparatiients of last year. It has also added to its Training department an ungraded school, to give practice in the work of the country schools. The Training department is now perhaps the most complete in the United States. A new building offers increased facili ties for work, and the next year promis es to be the best the school has known. The catalogue shows a marked gain In attendance for the present year. The advertisement appears In this Issue. Discovered by Woiiittn. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but her vital or gans were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three mouths she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recover, bv purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved after taking tlrtt dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutx." Thus writes W. C. Hamniek A Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding a Drug More. Regular Bite wc anui.vj. .very douio guaran- teed. FRIDAY, JUNE 23 1899. LL For Over Fifty Vears An Old and Well-Timed Rembdy. Mrs. Winslnw's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Pe sure and aBk for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. CONTEST NOTICE. Department optiie Interior, Unitkd Status Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Mny 29, 18!9. A SUFFICIENT CONTES'J AFFIDAVIT, dnted Oct, 8, 1898, bavins been tiled in this office by George A. Bell, conk-slant, against hi me- steaii entry no. nmae June 4, IS'.Hi, lor St; SKJ., section 32, township 2 8, range 7 e, by Minnie, Put tun, coutestes, in which it ie alleged that "the said Minnie Patton has wholly ahahdoued said claim for more than one year prior hereto; that for over one veur nrior ibis date said en l r mom hits not resided on said claim or visited said , claim, or any u.ie for her; that for over one year I last past homestead claimant, has not in any way cut ivatea or improved sata Claim, ana uer ab sence has not been owtrg or due to her emi loy ment in the tliilUi'ry or naval service of the United States in time of war," suit! parties are hereby notitied to at pear, respond and offer evi dence touching said allegations at 10 o'clock, A. M. on July 14, INMi, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Oll.ce in Oregon City, Oregon. Ihefaid contestant having, in a proper eftliln vlU.iiled March l(i and May 17, lmi'J.set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal tor vice of tills notice cannot be made, it ib hereby ordered and directs.! lhat snih nolhe bo given by due and proper publication. CHAS. B. MOORKS, Register WM. GALLOWAY, , Receiver. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICK is hereby given that, pursuant to an execution and older of sale issued out of the circuit court of the laie of Oregon for I 'lackamas county of dste Mny 31, lwtu, upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure in favor 01 Harah A. Staver, plaiutil), vs. Schuyler Rue, Jr., Theodocla line, Joseph Rue, T. . T. 1). llrentano and R. llrentano, defendants, duly rendered, enrolled and docketed In said court on May 2, 1891), for the sum of tfl.21A.MI and interest thereon from Febru ary 21, 1WHI, at 10 per cent per annum, and tflSO 00 attorney's fees, and the further sum of 75 25, and intorest thereon from May 2, lS'.itf at 6 percent per annum, and tllM costs and disburseme ts, I have levied upon and will on Saturday, lta lattj Day of July, 1809, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said nay, at and In front of the court house door at Oregon City, in said c unity and slate, duly sell at public auction to the hiniiest bidder for cash in hand nil the right, title and interest oi said dc f nilants on and alter the 21th day of February, 1SU2. in and to the southwest quarter of the nonh west quarter the west half of the southwest qmir ter nud the sou heast quarter of the southwest quarier of seclion 2ii, township 2 south, range 4 east of the Willamette merldia i, in Clackamas county, Oregon, contn tilng UK) acres, fo satisfy said decree, costs and aocrtling oots. Dated June tlih, J. J. COOKR, Kherl ff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Where Where You get the most goods for the least Fortlaiiil You are always wel come whether you come to buy or not. money. Make Our Store your Waiting Room, where you can pass the time pleasantly. OREGON CITY CA S PASS THE DOOR. We give some bare hits of what we are going to do for our Oregon City Patrons. M-lnch Unbleached. Muslin, per yard g:Q Full width Unbleached Sheetings, per yard J2'fJ White or Ecru Curtain Scrims in fancy pat term, per yard 5c He ivy Unbleached Linen Crash Roller fl Toweling, per yard W4V 54-inch Turkey Red Table Damask, per yd. J IJq Widest and best Table Oilcloth, white, mar-1 Ca bleor fanoy colored, per yard Wv Large size Towels wl'h heavy fringe, each .. gfj 84 ready-made Bleached Sheets, free from ACin dressing, ech Fult-eiM bleached ready made Pillow Slips each Double Summer Blankets, In good colors, OQa per pair Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Carpet House SHERIFF'S BALE. KY virtue of an order of sale and execution duly issued out of the circuit court nf the state of Oregon for Clackamas eonntv, lo me di- i rocted nnd dated the 2(ith day of Mav,"l8iifl, upon a Judgment and deoree rendered and entered in said coutt on the 26th day of April, 1899, in favor i of J H. Pomoroy, plaintiff, end against D. 1). I Mngone, B. 8. Mngone, W. T. Whltlock, Jacob! Kauch, Henrv v. Yergen, E.K.Jones 4 Co., a corporation, D. B. Rees and J. W. Stuart, part- ' ners as D. B. Kees & Co., and O. Galloglv, defen- ' dunts. for the sum of 89500.00 and J4231 00 and tfzu.ai costs ana disbursements, I will on Saturday, the lsl Day of July, 1809. at the hour of one o'clock p. m , at the front door of the court house in Oregon City, in said county and slate, sell by public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest of the Bald defendants In or to the two paroelsof real prop erty situated in Baid Clackamas county, of which one parcel is described as the undivided seven eighths of the two tracts of land situated respect ively in the Tompkins and Meorge Walling dona tion claims, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the D. D. Tompkins and wife I) I.. C. In t wnshin o . south ot ranges 1 and 2 e at of the Willamette 1 meridian, thence south fr rty-niue degrees thirty I minnles east 'wenty elshl and seventy-one one hundredtus chains (28 71 ch.i; thence east sixty- 1 SiX ailH KPVA Iv-flv.. h...,,lr...ll.d l, ,1... ,fil!-T..I, lo the W illametle rive r; thence along the mi an derings of said rlv r. north thirty six degrees west, nine (0 ch ) ch in : thence tiorlh tweiitv two degrees west cUhtand twenty hundredths etittlns (8.70 ch.); ih, n, e - orth nliie and eighty, eight hen redihs chains (0.88 ch.) to the north east corn rof saiii claim; tin nee west along the n rth 'in . ( ., id claim eighty-four and ten nun dred h hat. s tq.10 ch.) to the place of begin nine, civ " t ii g one hundred and thirty-seven ; and m ty hundredths (137.70) acres (except a j tract convened by said Mngone and wife to Shaw I and Jaoihs of twenty-two and three hundredths rJ o:i) acres by d, id recorded in book 3:1, page UJ, ol the recorus oi uecus oi sain county.) Also eighty (u)acriB of the south half of the George Wa Iiiik anil wife I. L. C, in said town ships, boi.edrd on the south by the south line of the George Walling claim aforesaid, on the west hv the west line of said claim, on the east by the Willamette river and on the north by a line drawn parallel will) s,,id south boundary so that the area embraced wilhinsaid tinea shall contain fighty (80 acres (except a tract conveyed from tins last mentioned piece by Mngone and wife to L. W. Ilyland, containing twenty-five and sixly hundredths (2".H0 acres, by duel recorded in book 3p, page 220, of the records of deeds of said county.) And the oilier of said two parcels Is described as "all the right, title and Interest that the said I). D. Migoue mill II. S. Mngone, or either of them, had on October 4, 1M, in the donation claim of Waters Carmen and Liicretia Carmen, his wife, being uotiliciitlon No. 3:185, ccrliflcte 10U3, in township two tnuih of range one east of the Willamette meridian." J.J COOKE, iheriffof ClucVnmaB countv, state of Oregon, Dated, Origou Cily, Ore., May 20, 1899. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ' Notice is hereby givf n lhat 1 have been appoint ed administrator of (lie estate of John H. liugan, deceased, by the Honorable Connly Court of Clui kamas county, Oregon. All pertons having claims against said estate are hereby notitied to present the same lo tne for payment at my home at Molalla, Clacsiimig county Oregon, with prouer vouchers therefor, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 25th day ot May, 1899. ' O. W. ROBB1NS, Administrate.! of the estate of John S. Dugan, de ceased. N. Y. World and Courier-Herald $1.15 s Popular PureWag plaee here Where Where Where?? You can get your Money Bach on Unsatisfactory Purchases. Full-slie Comforters, fine white batting 41 Art tilled, each 1.UU Fult-alze white Bed Spreads In choice pat- CCa terns, each WWW terns, each W hlte or Ecru lace Curtains In desirable patterns, per pair 55c Tapestry Portion in all newest Colorings ! 7C per pair l.lO Ladles Light figured Calico Wrappers, well OCn made, half lined and braid trimmed, each uwv Ladies' changeable Glase Pettlcoais In fancy Cp colors, made with lined Bounce, each ... Iwv Ladles' Fancy Colored Lawn Shirt Waists, )( new style self cullara, each . ,."'" Little Girls' Colored Percale Presses, styl ishly made, with braid and embroidery OCn trimming, each- wJu Heavy B med Urab Contiile Corsets In all 05 per pair w Filled. Shanahans' ORegon City Auction House Opposite Postoffice SHERIFF'S SALE. JN pursuance of a decree nnd order of sale reu- dcred In the circuit court of Ihestule'of Oregon, for Clackamas county, on January 18, 1899, as of the 20th day of November, 1898. in the suit of Os car P. Miller, plaintiff, vs. J. G. Pilsbury, M. 8.. I'ilsbury and Elmer E. Charman, Charles H. Cau fleldanil George A.Harding as executors of the last will and testament of N. 0. Walden, deceased, defendants, and of an execntion duly Issued out of said court In said suit on June 7, 1899, 1 will x pose for sale and sell as the law directs, at the front door of the court house, in Oregou City Claekacas county, Oregon, on the Btb Day of July, 1800, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni. thereof, thereat property described in said decree and orderof sale, to-wlt; ' Beginning at the south-westerly coiner of lot seven (7), in block twenty-eight (28), in Oregon City, as shown by the maps and plats thereof on file in the recotder's office of said county and state Ihence In a northerly direction and following the westerly line of said lot thirty-three (!13I feetr thence easterly, and at right angles to said west erly boundary line ot said lot, and parallel with the side lines thereof, one hundred and five (105) feet; thence somberly at right angles, and parallel with Mailt street in said Oregon Cuy, thirty-three (33) feet, to the somberly line of said lot; thence westerly at right angles, and following the south erly line of said lot, to the place of beginning, situated In Clackamas countv, slate of Oregon, to gc titer with the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining Doted at Oregon City, Oregon. June 9, 1899. .1. J cnnk'i Sheilff of Clackamas County, Oregon. WOTICE is hereby 3iven that I will make apnli 41 cation to the honorable board of county c m missioners for Clackamas County. Oregon, on h 22nd day of July, 1899, for a license to sell mait liquors in less quantities than one gallon in Cas cade precinct, Clackamas county, Oregon, a copy of which petition Is below published. F. A. MEIMG. To the Hon. Board of Commissioners for Clackamas county, Oregon; We, the undersigned, citizens and legal voters of Cascade precinct, Cla kamas bounty, Oregon, respectfully petitlwi and prsy that you grant to F. A. Melnig a license to sell malt liquors ill Cascade precinct, Clacka mas county, Oregon, In less quantities than one gallon forthe period of six month'. 8 D Coalman. Olias PivftVr, J R Maronev, E Kop- Ser, L Varrelti, T CUrk, P MeAilams, G W Woods, i V Thotins, Goo Thmnas, F J liomns, J M Thom as, A I! 'ihoinas, WS Smith, John Bramhall, John Marniicy, JAHicimac, G. G. (iibons, H C Inbi w, ,1 J K sner, O 1' Bramhall. J Bramhall, J P Andre, B Wakeileld, II Ridilertuiseh, Hourv Ridderliii-ch, ired Woespe. Wm VVa'spe, W Weber, in Ditdlan, Joint Hah v, John S Gib bons, Kritt Suckow, John Kpperson, George Epperson, John lioffnielster, E Havn, J K Dun can, J A Tiiiy. U Trubel, kC Strdwbridgc, H Wetidiiiiid, J Wenilland, M KWker, Irel Keiseeitcr, John Kelsecker, C Mens-, He ma t 1 isciie', Hermann Uruus, James i'helnii, Ci.ap;r Junker, E Kligc.l, John Tuvel", Oiuyscppi ia velll, liiniH Jenrer, T n .lohsi ud, Paul Dunn, H Ridderbusch, John McPonuld, Htiiltnan An drews, Peter V Ueia, i els Hiiiithlum, Geo A Leslie, J A t-h- u, rly, Thoniss 1'helsn, O Ram bow, S O Mitchell, Robert H.irtsc ii, J Kristenson, Fred Riem, Wilh.-lm Spunel, John Ulrlch, Gott fried Mnckl, Anton Mahar. J H Wewer, Henry Koch, J G Deshazcr, E K Wendland, Joseph Wif lig. T H Fischer, A Kllgel, M Kligel, B Kllgel, Ji bn L Erl, D Moynihan, F W Canning, 8 B icon, JUL Maybee, E A Reveuue, T H Anderson, Jas Figles, Cnarles Peshall. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for set ting. Fifteen for (1. At Sunnyslope farm, 2)4 miles south of town, or leave orders at Charman &Oo.'s drug store. gko. wens, manager. Where?? Our customers are considered First, Last and Always. FIRST AND SALMON STREETS Celebrated R. G, Corsets In all sizes, black iJKa, or drab, per pair OC Children's heavy ribbed black or tan School 1 An Hose, per pair 1UC Children's black "Leather" Hose, (helCn strongest made, per pair IOC 42-Inch Fancy Two Toned Suitings in new ncA and desirable colors, per yd uiv 50-Inch strictly all-wool Ladies' Cloth Suit- OCa ings in all popular shades 50c goods at www NEW WASH FABRICS. 18-Inch Madras In an endless assortment of filw new patterns, per yard D4C 36-lnch French Percales In all latest patterns Olv Per yard 1. OjC 32-Inch Plnues In plain, striped, ngured or checked designs, latest novelty, fast colors 1 Pr yard 1UC Cor. First & Salmon Sts. PORTLAND, ORE. Oregon Phone Block 2925; ""WHS, p-w