Land Tltlei and l.anfl flic Buaineaa a Specialty. Robert a. miller, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Court! of th State and lie Bureaus of the Interior Dsparlment at Wash Mgton. Koou 8, Chakman Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. JOHN H. WOURMS ATTORNEY AT W Sfcutfdfa Slbbolat. Oregon ity, Obegon Office with H. B. CroBS. YAN R. HYDE - LAW OFFICE Will iicft'ir lr nit lit Courts of the State and the V. 8. Land Office. Abstiacts made. Land Ti- tea Quieted. Conveyances v& all I esnl Docu ments drawn. Real Estate bought and sold. Dlvor- e a Specialty. Office in Caufield Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. G.E. HAYES . ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Up Stairs OREGON CITY, - OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transact! a General Banking Business Loam made. Bills discounted. Makes col iections. Buys and sells exchange on all points n the United States and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A M. 10 4 P. M. D.C. LAlOURtHE, FRED J. MEYER, President. Cashier, C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY . . . , . OREGON Qxo. C. Blows xu 1. TJ. Camfbil BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caudeld Building Oregon City, Ort W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON t 0. SCHUEBEL . ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeutfcet Slbbofat OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Lbadimo Insurance Agency or Olaciamai County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 8tb and 7th OREGON CITY, OREGON JI. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 4 p. m. OBEGON CITY . OREGON DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay Building, Oregon City, Ore. Prices Moc" erate . All Operations Guaranteed. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office In Caufield Building, Main Street Oregon Oitv. Bridgi and Crown Wore a Specialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, puaoir Oitt, Omqon t DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Unlver ity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DR. VILCH. Willamette Block - Oppo$ite Po$toffice Oregon Citt, Oregon. ft N. GREENMAN (Established 1864 ) THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN ADD DRAYMAN Parcel! Delivered to All Parti of the City OREGON CITY OBEGON Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. OREGON, Oitbt StnetbetwMithi Brldgt dth Deptt. Double and elnfle rlxs and eaddlt horae a vaysoakaad at the liwaet rawa.yid aoerra Mm eonnMUd with the taa for loot flock Aarla'omalloB martini amy kind ol atooi ErtnailT tMtmiti taby ltUf mto. BOMBS B9VCHT R SOLD. BATH COMFORT Is unknown unless everything connected with the bath tub is in perfect order. The Plumbing done bv u Is thoroughly satisfac tory beoause it is done right. F. C. GADKE A SINGLE RED LINE PILL taken in time will often head off a seri ous illness. Our pills for Biliousness, Torpid liver, Loss of appetite, Sick headache, Indi gestion, lyspepia, Constipation and all kindred complaints are of the highest standard of quality, being prepared in the most careful manner from absolutely pure drugs. In Boxes at 25c. We keep all the well known makes of Pills. CHARMAN & CO., Cut Rate Druggists. Shorthand I Three month's term of 12 les sons a month in the Isaac Pitman Phonography will prepare tlie student for office work. Latest text-books and aids to students. Experienced teacher. Address , "bteno," this office. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route , OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. North. 70OP.K. Lv Portland Ar 8 00a. 7:62p.m. Lv Oregon City Lv 7:00a. If 7:4fiA.M. Ar San Francisco Lv 7:00 p.k 5:0Op.m Ar Ogden Ar 1:10 p.m 8:06 p.m. Ar Ueuvor Lv 6:45 p.m 6:40 a.m. Ar Omaha Ar 8:60 A. M 8:15 p.m. Ar Chicago Lv 6:30 A.M 7:00 a.m. Ar Lob Angeles Ar 9:25 p.m 8:16 p.m. Ar HI Phso Ar 2:35 P.M 4:15 p.m. Ar Fort Worth Ar 8:40 A.M 7:56 A.M. Ar Mew Orleans Ar 8:40 pm DINING CARS, OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman First eUss and Tourist Cars attached to all through tralus. ROSfiBUKG MAIL DAILY 8:80 a.m. .Lv Portland Ar4:30p. 9:20 a.m. Lv Oregon City Lv 8:84 p. 5:20 p.m. I Ar Roseburg Lv I 7:8 am COBVALLIS MAIL DAILY ( EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 7:80 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar5:50P.M 11:55 A.M. Ar Corvallls 111:10 P.M At Albany and Corvallls connect with train of Oregon Central !i Eastern R. R. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGKB DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 4:50P. M. 7 80P.M. 8:30 P. M. Lv Portland Ar 18:25 A.M Ar McMinnville Lv 6:fiOA.M Ar Independence Lv 1 4:50 A.M Direct connection at San Francisco with Steamship Lilies for Hawaii, Japan, China, the Philippines and Australia. For through t ickets ana rates call on or address E. E. 1IOY D, Agent, Oregon City R. KOEHLKR, C. II. MARKBAM, Manager, O. F. A P. Agen', Portland, Or. Portland, Or. llo Cepam TIME SCHEDULES Arrive roa From Port and. from Fast Salt Lake. Denver, Fast Mail Ft.Worth, Omaha, Mail. 1:00 p.m. Kansas City, 8t 6:45 p.m. Louis, Chicago, and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Bpo- Spokane Flyer kane, Mlnneapo- Flyer 120 p. m. Us, Bt. Paul, Da- 1:80 a. m luth, Milwaukee, Chicago and East IMi.n, OoeanStaamshlBt 4 KM p.m. from Portland. Ball every 11 v days. 8:00 p.m. Columbia River 4:00p.m. li. Sunday teaman, Ez, Sunday Saturday U;00 P. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. :O0a.m. Willamette River. 4:80 p.m. Ix.4undy Ki. Sunday Ortfon City, New. beri.Balem Way Landings. 7:00a.m. Willamette Vtn-JM p.m. Tue... Thur. kill Rivera. Hon.. Wed. Sal. , andFrL Oregon City, Day ton, A Way Land' toga. (:00 a.m. Willamette Rhrer. 4:10 p.m. tmes Thar. Tuea.. Thur. aad Sat. Portland to Corral- and Bat. Its. 4 Way Laud ing!. 1. Hlpe.rU Snake River. LTUwlaloa 2:81 a. m. Riprie to Uwliton . dally J I ' : V. B. BWAlMOV, Afent, Oregon City. W. H. HURLBURT, mm. Homier Aftal. PoKlaod, Oo. OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1899. Stafford. Winter overcoats, woolen sox and heavy underclothing have had a rest for a week. G. Eeutter's barn is fast Hearing com pletion. C. Weisaenborn says he wants to trade horses. Work is being pushed on the cistern at the school house. Wm. Pchatz is hauling cordwoodfrom the woods out to the main road and in tends taking it to market after haying is over. . J. Q. Gage and his mother were at Tualatin Sunday. They bring the news that Louis Smilb, a very affable young man of that place, has just returned from Harrisburg, bringing this time a bride. We extend our congratulations and good wishes. June 20. Needy. Ed. Coubikr-Hbrai.d : I notice in last week's issue, 'B," writinf? from Union Hall that he had the oldest newspaper he knew of. have got three older papers than B has; they are, the Oregon Argus, of October, 3, 18i7, the New York Tribune, of April, 21, 1860, and the Oregon Statesman, of January 18, 1864. If there is any one who has an older paper let us hear from him. T. H. Sconce. Liberal. J. A. Ridings, Bert Hibbard and Cliff Henderschot were callers at Liberal Sun day. Bert Perry and Ross Eramerett visited P. Wright Sunday. About 40 wheels were Tunning on the newly graded road Sunday. The Maccabees are busy clewing up the picnic grounds at Wright's Springi for the Fourth of July. They intend to have everything in first class shape and all thev have advertised to do on the Fourth will be gone through with. Fall wheat is heading and will be be yond expectation and the hay crap will be immense. Sheep are scarce and demand a good price. Spring grain looks well, especially wheat. Strawberries are ripening but only half crop. The latest fad with the. girls is to run up hill and climb over the fence ; they are tfraid of Harry and his Dyer. Miss Verdie and Angie Maville were the guests of Mrs. Wright Sunday. Elmer Maville was a pleasant caller at Liberal Sunday. ' The life of a farmer is spent, for the most part, in the fields with the horseB, cattle, sheep and birds as his only com panions. His is an isolated life and be cause of this lack of associates he is apt to become a pessimist, seeing only the somber side of life, with no one to con verse with him he develops a moody temperment and grows into the habit of hrooding over the toils, disappointments and vexations of every day life. His lot is a hard one he thinks, as he plods along behind his faithful team, and with this thought in his mind he returns from his daily work at night time to greet his family with a gloomy countenance and a fretful word. The good housewife hav ing toiled all day with aching head and heart frozen by the cheerless,' com plaining manner of her husband, also becomes fretful, and home is not a para dise of love and harmony. This is true of many farm homes; the flowers of sweet content are withered by the chill ing frosts of gloom and sadness and life is hardly worth living. 1 advise young farmers, both man anil wife especially, to cultivate a cheerful disposition J do not wrap up all your interests, all your thoughts and ambitions in self gain and greed. Seek to please those you associ ate with, and above all strive to lighten the burdens and hearts of those dear ones at home who call you "mama" and "papa." However great may be your disappointment do not cross the thresh old of your home with a sullen counten ance. A cbeerfull word or a smile may fill your fireside with pleasantness, re kindle the fire of love in your wile's bo som, and brighten the hopes and aspira tions of your children. June 19. K. Mountain View. Mr. Bluhtn and wife and the bride and groom spent last Sunday among rela tives in the country. Frank Curran has been Improving tbeir residence and painting the same. Mr Hall has ha I his house painted lately. F. A. Ely and sons and a few others went fishing last week and brought home quite a number of good sized fish with them. Mrs. F. D. Curran has a new range stove. Austin Nichols had the misfortune of getting some of his teeth knocked out by coming in contact with a clothes line last week. Mr. J. Nelson and wife moved out tf their farm at Liberal last week. Mr. Bluhm Is building an addition to bis house. W. H. Sayage and family spent Satnr - day evening and Sunday at Nswbeig with relatives and friends. Mr. Dougherty, of Cove, Ore., a stu dent of the li. of O., came from Eugeue on his wheel and made a pleasant call on Gilbert Beattie, a fellow student. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bill iard, Jnne 20, a daughter. Mother, child and father doing well. Mr. Moran has painted his dwelling house and wind mill, adding much to the beauty of his home. Mr.Schothas resigned his position in the pulp mill and will assist Mr Snow in filling his wood contrac t. Mrs. Bert Harrington and baby are out at Highland visiting among rela tives before returning to their home at Bandon. Miss Mertie Curran is visiting with Miss Eletha Cummins, of Beaver Creek, thiB week. Born. To the wife of Mr. O. Jeffer son, June 20, a daughter. Miss Bertha Freiderich is visiting among friends at Meadowbrook this week. Mrs. Hall is on the sick list this week with neuralgia. S. June 19. I'arkplace-Gladxtone. We all appreciate the summer weather for which we hae been looking for so long. Bert Jewel and Frank Brown returned last week from Hood river. . Mrs. Jewell and son, Merle, who have been staying at The Dalles, are home again. Mrs. Merrell gave an ice crpatn social Monday which was enjoyed by a num ber of invited gueets. Miss. Florence Patty closed a success ful term of school at Molalla last week and is now home among us again, Mrs. Bellomy, with help gave an en tertainment at the church in Parkplace laBt Saturday evening. The proceeds went to the Y. M. C. A. Eli Rivers and Frank Fredrick visited hoou river last week, but returned as there were too many pickers. The Salvation Aamy held a meeting in Parkplace last Friday evening. Llewellyn has been visiting his Bister, Mrs. Carl Brown, in Portland, the past week. Mr. Faubion has eone to La Camas, we suppose to see the wido v and not to return alone. A large number of people around here attended the circus in Portland. Dame rumor says there will be a wed ding in the near future. " June 21. M. Maple Lane. Misses Hattie Roman and Elsie Gibbe went to Oregon City to Fee the latter's uncle, T. L. Karns, as he passed through the county peat on his way from Cor vallis to Toledo, Wash. Two or three of the women of this place had a new kind of social the other day, viz. ; a gooseberry social. We ex pect they were quite sour and sarcastic. Mrs. Ware called on Mrs. Gerber Tues day. Mrs. Gibbs is still quite poorly. Mrs. Richard tabor and daughter, Edna, of Mt. Pleasant, spent the day with Mrs. E. E. Martin. Mrs. Helen Holden leaves today to join her husband at Starbuck, Wash. Mrs Harvey Bissell, o! Ounby, is vis iting at Mrs E. E. Martin's this week. Miss Mary Waltcmathe spent last week at Portland. Mrs. Ni m :in and children took dinner with Mrs. Gibbs Monday. Married. On Tuesday, June 20, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waltemathe, their oldest daughter, Mary, to Mr. Routhie, of Portland. June 21. P. B. MackHbury. We are having very fine weather at present. Our school will close next Friday ; W. E. Young, teacher. The sale of the personal effects of Laz rus Matthews, deceased, was largely at tended and everything sold well. James Foryear has gone to Canby to work for D. B. Dimtnick. Mrs. Hanson and children have ar rived from Hood river, where they went some time ago to pick strawberries. Mrs. D. Kneibe, of Los Angeles, Cat., was here this week. She expects to work for Mrs. Frank Perry, of Molalla. G. W. Scramlin intends to build a fine house this summer. When he com menced hauling lumber from Trullin ger's mill the other day he had very hard luck. One of his horses crowded the other off the bridge into the mill race and it came near drowning, but with the aid of the mill hands he got it out, and then, to finish op the day's hard luck, he broke his wagon down and had to go home without any lum ber. J. W. Smith is hauling lumber to en large his store. Ele says he is doing a rushing business. Some bay has been cut, sod if the sun continues to shine, there will be lots more cut jn , ,ew jay8 Fall wheat looks well, but spring grain . is sonall. Fred Lamore has a new bike and takes a spin through tne streets nearly every evening. 1 here will be a grand celebration at Wright's springs on the Fourth. June 21. I. Saw. Rural Dell. Weather fine. Crops are growing. Wheat aphis are green on some of the fall-sown wheat. Samuel Crocker is hauling logs to the sawmill for his new house. W. H. H. Sampson was out to his father's last week. G Knenzie was here on Monday. T. B. Donaldson and wife made a trip to Portland last week. The Bear Creek camp meeting has been announced to open on July 20. Some of the people of Rural Dell are expecting to a'tend the funeral services of Cnarles Menear at Albiquah church next Sunday. Miss Jennie Wdor, of Forest Grove who has lieen visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity lor t'O weeks, re turned home Monday. W.F.Dixon is grubbing on his farm like a pedagogue. (jr. Noe seems to be well liked as teacher, as he keeps better order than has been previously kept. June 20. Dew Ditor For Sale A 13-horse power steam threshing outfit in firBt class shape. bargain. Herman Bros., Molalla, Ore The gontlemanly agent of the N rth western Yeast Company is around again with the little yellow samples of Magic Yeast. This company ih the largest yeast manufacturers in the wotld. Magic Yeast has been on the market for over zu years without an equal as a healthful bread raiser and is extensively used in all parts of the Unitfd States Everybody is familiar w'.th the good qualities of Magic Yeast. A girl about 12 years olu- wanted at Cheney's Art Gallery. SO CURE-NO PAY. That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTKLESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer to bitter, ante itinj tonics. Price, 50c. Flags-Fireworks WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bombs, Sky Rockets, Roman Candles, Sampson and Dewey Firecrackers, Ex hibiiion Rockets, Electric Spreaders, Colored Fuisers, Parachute Rockets, Catherine and Pin Wheels, Benolias. Folden Showers, Red Heads, Triangle Wheels, Colored Star Mines, Double Headed Dutchman, Pistols and Caps, Brass and Iron Cannon. L, A, Patterson & Co., 5th & Main St. BUIh Wanted. Sealed bids will be received at the county clerk's office for the construction of a Howe trufs bridge across North Rock creek. Said bridge to be a jgg foot span with double bents. East bent to be 12 feet high, and west bent to he 14 feet high. Plans can he found in clerk's ollice or bidders can furnish plans. Bids will be .opened at 10:30 o'clock July 6, 1899. The board reserves the light to reject any or all bids. By order of Board. Elmer Dixon, Clerk. Don't Purchase a Ready Made Suit Which made and finished by machinery with hundreds of oth ers the same style and pattern. Have some individuality about your attire. We can give you perfect fitting suits and guarantee satisfaction at very low prices. SI. GILBERT, The Portland Tailor, opp. Electric Hotel Bicy cle Repair Shop Bicycles, Sewinjr Machines, Guns, Etc., Repaired and Cleaned in a first-class manner at very reasonable prices H. W. JACKSON Opposite Huntley's Drag Store Look at Your Houses W ? If you haven't got time, call on G. REDD A WAY. He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see him before buying your order. 'Paper Hanging and Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed. GEO. REDDAWAY Confeot,on"'rp5:;r CVSole Ageit In Clackamas County for OUR NATIVE HERBS BEFORE no AFTER CIT1I DEVK atrenffthflnaand reaUirMnrnall waalr orirana. Th reason (utTerem ar not cured by Doctor la been nan ntMty " nl ar troubled wKk Pmtamia. CUFIDKNKIa tho only known remedy to cure without an opt-raUim. Kjuoiwitllnont la. A written ruarante riven and money returned If alz boze doe not awit iMHuiaiutntcana, UX)boi,alx fs.00, bv mall. Hend for jrvinclrcular aod tvetlmontaaa AdnVeM4yCEIJICnP.aBW,BMmi!l0,Ol. JbrAteey Geo. A. Harding. 1 On Thursday evening, Juue 29, at 8 o'clock, in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasyum hall, an illustrated lecture will be given on the "Association Work in the U. 8. Army during the Spanish-American War," by Mr. Noel B. Jacks. The United Artisans of Oregon give their first annual outing and picnic Saturday June 24, at Gladstone Park. Program at 10 :30 a. m. Baseball game between the "Jolly Fellows", of Oregon City andSellwood nine in the afternoon. Bicycle and foot races for men, ladiea and children for prizjs. Admission 15 cents. Lost In this (ity, Monday evening, a photo of young lady. Finder kindly leave at this office. Strayed; From the unde siuned, liv ing six miles east of Oreprni City, a large roan cow, marked with under hack: in left ear. Information of her whereabouts) will be amply rewarded by N. F. Nelson, Oregon City, Ore. Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that th t boarl of school directors of school district No. 62 of Clackamas County, Oteoii, will receive sealed bids at the residence of the school clerk, on Seventh street, in Oregon City, Oregon, tip to the hour of seven o'clock p. m., on Friday, July 14, 1899, for the sale and delivery to the district of 120 cords of good, sound, four foot fir wood, whii'h has been cut from lare, live standing timber, ami thoroughly seasoned. Said wood to be first v-lass in all respectH and suitable for use in the furnaces of the school build ings. Seventy cords of Baid wood to be delivered at the Barclay school building on 12th street, and 60 cords at the East ham school building on 7th street. Said wood to be delivered on or befoie Sep tember 1st, 1899. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Directors. S. M. McCown, District Clerk. Dated at Oiegon City, Oregon, June 23, 1899. UNCALLED FOR WARRANTS. Following is a list of warrants remain ing uncalled for in the clerk's otlice of Clackamas county for seven years end ing July 1, 18119, and if not called for in 6 J days they will be cancelled: No. Name Amount 7730 Mr M L Brown 2 10 88r,4 J W Cushion 1 7(1 8440 Genrire Deiker 1 2i 87H1 L Dulory 1 70 103117 M Durst 1 20 H118 Hans Krlckson 1 6() 851(1 K Fredrkk 1 70 878 Mrs Viola Kllnn 80 lltt44 Sam Galnea 2 50 K723 L Heller- 1 20 1I8IK1 O M Howard 20 8770 W H Jones 2 60 0577 J M Jonei ,. . 2 00 1111(1 K W Jones 1 50 . 8728 J Koenlg 1 70 103(18 F Koehler 120 027(1 Fred Lehman 2 00 Iii3(i6 O A Lwand 1 20 8,15 M Mlnoka 1 70 8581 3 J Mlcklev 2 00 0878 Minnie McCoy 2 20 8144 John Nlnxon 1 21) 8508 II 8 Newton 1 20 0119 Mm Nohle 1 50 12l Grant Nixon 1 5(1 8189 J L Plokthnm 1 20 8(112 Wm Fugle 8 411 87(2 J Qiilnn 1 70 HTM J M Thompson 1 7!) m ',3 Silas Stewart 1 50 10071 W L Smith 1 70 F F WilTOJ 1 (HI WM lliivld O Williams 411 9123 RO Williams 1 50 9114 DhvIcI Wilson 1 (HI 9488 J W Wolfer 1 aft 10378 Olias Wilson 1 7(1 J7 33 State of Oregon, ) County of Clackamao.j' I, Elmer Dixon, county clerk of tho above named county and slate, and clerk of the county iiotut of the county of Clackamas and stulo of Oregon, do hereby certify that tho foregoing copy of i no t- uvrr p vcii yfniij riur in ,1 my lHt, 189!), and uncalled for has been by me com) ared with the original, and thai It is a c irrect Iram'ciipt therefrom ami of the whole of urh original as the suite appears of record in my ollice and in my care and custody. In testimony whereof I have hnreunto set my hand and allixed the seal of said court this 9th dav of June A. I). 1899. Elm Kit Dixon, Clerk. seal. By E. H. Coopeh, Deputy. - - Oregi t MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDENE Thin ffrMtt Via .,tall rVlbtlisr.LhnrMvrtn. tionol (amoua French physician, will quickly cur you of all orr vou or disuse ol tne gpuemtlve urfcwia. Hurt) u tost Manhood, InmimnU, I'almin tu Buck, Benilnal Boiiwilonii, Nervons Debility, rimplrn, VnfUnwM to Marry, fciliauntluK Drain. Vartcowlo and ConattDUUOn. 1 1 atOlta all Iohmm bv riav or nlirht. Pr.vMili nnk-h ntMOf diachurgfl, Klicb tfiiotchrckm Inula toHpermnurrhiand all tne horror udmpotf nry. 'UPinfcMKcleuiJUiollvet, UM kldneya and tlta urlnarv ora-ahaof all lmourltiaa.