I d.i fl 6 Liberal. Liberal expects to have time on the Fourth, as the a gloricus Maccabees will celebrate here. Miss Dyer closed a very successful term of school here last week. Elmer Mavelle was out from Oregon City visiting his parents Saturday and fiunday. i Mr' and Mrs. George Ferrell, and Mr. Frank, of Salem, were visiting rela' tives here recently. L. Heinz and Arthur Wilson drove some stock into the mountains Monday, They also took their fishing tackle along and expect to spend several days there. Mrs. Wm. Lowry had the misfortune to fall and dislocate her wrist one day last week. It is getting along nicely now. Wm. Lowry has rented his hop yard to two nations of the Flowery Kingdom. His son, Charles, has gone to work at Yakima, Wash. 32. A. Wright, the traveling corres pondent of the CovKiu-HBtALD, was looking after the interest of his paper here last week and made as a pleasant call. John Lolz, Aaron Kem merer and Mr. "Yenny have been working on the Even--gelical church building between here : nd Molalla. On a recent Saturday we were in the neighborhood of Liberal when we saw a Liberalite, who is a member of the grange, coming from the direction of .Mulino, and whipping his horse to a furious speed of four or five knots an hour. We managed to attract his atten tion and stopped him to inqnire what the trouble was. Although almost choking with rage he managed after a little while to 'say: "I've been to the grange and Mr. called me a-a regular copperhead because I said it was wrong for us to murder a' few thousand of the Fils. Now I am going home to read a piece I found in the Bible or the dic tionary,! don't exactly remember where, that made me that sort of a thing. It says something about 'all men being created free and equal,' and something about 'certain inalienable rights, among which are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' Now haven't heard much about that piece lately and I am afraid in has been lost, Just think, if it makes "copperheads" of American citizens, wouldn't it just play whaley if it should fall into the hands of the Filipinos?" Just then we hap pened to think we were sent for, so we left the citizen to his own thoughts. June 19. E Damascus. Since the good weather has struck Damage us, Road Bobs A.W.Cooke and a few or his pet canaries are scratching up the road in order to make mud hole s for next winter. . At the first peep of the sun the farm ers started their mowing machines. it. M. Usborn is building a new barn. Clide White, who went to Eastern Oregon about a year ago and rented a farm, has come back home on a visit, and will return in about two weeks. Mrs. Yancy, of California, is visiung her brother, T. J. Bohna. C, Cross and wile, of Oregon City, woro visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Vinzant, last week. We understand that Miss Strange has secured the Union school. Under Road Boss A.W. Cooke, it cost this county over four hundred and sixty dollars to make a fill at linrtom and Deep creek bridge. Mr. Burghardt offered the present county court to do the same amount of work by contra ct for three hundred dollars. Perhaps we do not uuderstand these little things as we should, for we are urdor the impres sion that it is a little of the restored confidence that those confidence men are howling about. Fritz lloiser is hack in politics again, lie expects to start to (.ieimany in a few days as U. 8. Minister to that gov ernment, lie says Geo. C. promised it to him. A ten pound young Indy arrived at the home of vVillinni Bushman a few days ago. WiU'umi is not expected to live. Married. June 15, at the home of the bride's parents, Miss Ellon livers to Frank llutchins, of Logan. June 20. Spriny water. Springwater tent No. 89 celebrated the IStli anniversary of the founding of the order of Knights of Macaheos at I.ewellen's hall on Saturday evening, June nth, and was attended by over 200 persons. A musical and literary program was well rendered and highly appreciated, after which tables were spread In the hall and lunch was fur nished by the lauies ol the audience and ice cream and lemonade furnished by the "Bees-" A vu,v 80l''ftble evening was speiit, every one, with a smile on their faces, wishing the order well and that soon they will give another social. The order U growing fast and its future prospects are good. The tent will com inence workon;its new hall in a short time, the funds being in sight for its completion. W. J. I.KWki.lkm, R. K. June 20. , Clackamas. Mr. Ebodermond, who has beeu at work repairing his house, is on the sick list. Mr. Johnson has bought out Grandpa Roots and taken possession. We give them a hearty welcome. . H.Knox, who is in Eastern Oregon, win exclaim "our Dewey" when he hears of the fine eight-pound son he has at Clackamas, born June 11th. , Our Union will probably hold the last meeting, tor a time at least, at Mrs Humphrey's on Wednesday, as there are so many at work that we will each do oar part separately for a time. Mr. Bailey's son, Edward, has been quite sicb with pneumonia, but is some better at this writing. Our school closed with very good ex ercises and so many good thoughts one could gather for future use. We wish our teachers, Miss Rogers and Miss Charlson, success in all their undertake logs. '. J. Cook is not very well at this writ ing. Mrs. 0. T. Clark entertained her nieces, Misses Bonnie, from Tye Valley. last week. Charlie Cramer is home from Hay creek. A party was given in honor of Minnie Kulon's 15th birthday June 21. Mrs. Merrill and family were at M Jonhson's on Sunday, as Mrs. J. is not very well. Mrs. Imel is fixing over her barn. Her son and Mr. Lander are working for her. Lots of garden "sass," and about half the folks are picking peas and strawber ries. I hear we have two desirable teachers hired for our school, but am unable to recall their names. Ross Hill. June 22. Harmony. Benton Phillips and family, who have been visiting relatives here the past week, have returned to their home at Manning, Ore. J.Luther and family, of Mountain Dale, were visiting his sister, Mrs. J. Davis, last Thursday, returning home on Friday. Grandpa Luther, who accom panied them, expects to spend the sum niei here. Children's day has been postponed until the first Sunday in July. Those from here who attended the cir cus pronounced it a success. We understand that 17 new books have been added to our library. W. Hagenburger, who has been in Eastern Oregon for some months past. has returned to his home here. Tommy Lovelace, of Oregon City, is in the neighborhood visiting friends and picking strawberries. A. Clark and H. Battin were in Yam lull county last week on business Mrs H. Battin accompanied them as far as Forest Grove, where she visited with revatives. Sara Clark had the misfortune to get a small piece of steel in his thigh, but nothing serious has resulted as yet. Messrs. Lincoln, Frank and Douulas Keenan were visiting old acquaintances here Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Johnson and children, of Kock Creek, were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Karr, Sunday and Monday. Mr. Charley, of Colfax, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. A. Fankhauser. Con CamDbel and wife, of Washing ton, were visiting relatives here last week. Willie McClure and Georgie Kil ton. of 1 ortiamt, were visiting friends here S un day and Monday. it. Karr is visiting relatives in Washington county. Etta Hall is on the sick list. Jmie20. Lilac. i un DAI., miner oi two loams, one weighing 1:100, and the other 1450 lbs, Inquire of M, lluiras, two miles south' east of New Era. Slory or Slave. To be hound hand and fiiot fur by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Georne D. Williams of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a siave was made tree, lie says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in h,l alone, After using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, she is vonderfullv imnrnvn.l and able to bo her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, headache, backache, iuiiiiK mm uimj biuiu, huh miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run tlown beople. Every bottle guarranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Ueo. A. Harding Druggist. Red Front.. OREGON CITY New arrivals In Drcm Ooo;U, Klne Unnn Bhlria Skl,'t!, Wanior a Corsels, Oolf I'D to date Millinery al roaaonabl prices. Fine b lour 7.")0. liSKI Mil. Flu Japan Hire So; Hi-ann 2'jo, i-r o : 0 s'i ran tor 7.q. r tiieiwll &io fr lul lbs Sack Salt 4c ewt. ..! tl or Kaat OottVe 10 u with )0 u0 lne!Wo Twu for K). Tea Dust, 2 Ilia iw . (loss Starch .So Ann . II ,,,.,- .... .. S Hi. 0..1d (ut ami 4 good Simii ri. ,..; '""'''f1 ''. H' l". i Una plcture and Union t.la.-,v (re wllh a pound acarvh. lrade for all kluda of fruduo OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 23 SCHOOL GOSSIP. Matters of an Educational Na- ture. The state board of education has is. sued state papers to a number of teach ers, who were entitled to them under the provisions of the old law. The new regulations are very strict. Following is the list of Clackamas county teachers State certificates A. C. Stanbrough, Aurora; Victor Dickey, Molalla: Rob ert Ginther, Shubel ; Sade H. Chase, Oregon City; Millard Hyatt, Willam ette; Lawson M. Moore, Milwaukie Souri May field, Highland ; Harriett A. Cochrane, W. G. Beattie, Oregon City. State diplomas Gertrude M. Stranee. Oregon City j Emma Sturchler, Clacka- mas. Life diplamas Jennie E. Rowen, aula Strange, Oregon City. Clara Rid die, of Myrtle Creek, who lived here last winter, was granted a life diploma. I. W. Bender, nntil recently a promi nent teacher in the Salt Lake schools, has arrived here, and intends to locate in Clackamas county. He is accompan ied by his family. Shirley Buck has been re elected as principal of the Canby school. Charles Rutherford, of Highland, has been elected principal of the Molalla school, and Miss Florence Patty, of Gladstone, will teach the primary de partment. Millard Hyatt has been re-elected principal of the Willamette Falls school, and the primary department is held open for Miss Baehlke, if she chooses to accept. W. F. Young has closed a successful term of school at Marquam. Superintendent Bowland recently visited Marmot district No. 26, and found matters in an encouraging state. A new building has been erected 22x36 with modern improvements, and the district is in a prosperous condition. He also attended the closing exercises of the Mount Pleasant school last Friday even ing. A very interesting program was presented, and one pupil, Miss Roma G. Stafford, who had completed the course, received a graduation diploma." Miss Kate Casto, the teacher, has been elected for another year. No principal has yet been S3cured for the Barclay school. Professor Worden, of Klamath county was tendered the position, but no word has been received from him as yet. Professor Gary did not agree to accept the principalship of the Barclay school unless the West Side board would release him from his non tract. He did not ask them to praise his wageB, but would have remained there anyway if the board would have insisted upon him staying by his engage ment. Great preparations are being made for the meeting of the Clackamas County Teachers' Association to be held at Red- land Saturday. An excellent program will be presented. If enough people, who desire to go can be secured, Nob iitt's stable will send a team out, leav ing here at 8:50. Miss Jennie Rowen was elected prin cipal of the Oanemah school at the board meeting held Tuesday night. Miss Ella Lavinson had been previously elected teacher of the primary depart ment. CLACKAMAS COUNTS IFAR- HANTS. We pay a premiumor warrants. It will be to your interest to get our price before selling. Theliank of Oregon City. CANBY BARBER SHOP Shaving and Hair Gutting done with neatness and dispatch. Julius Rones, Proprietor Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint youi house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leava orders at Ely Bros, store on upper ;th streeth. When you visit The ftiilles stop at the iesi une .woiiar a uay House in the City THE OOARR HOTEL On Secon 1 Street one block from Depot pacial rates ti families and S. 8. SMITH, Trop. partie W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Hub the best-looking rids and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th Ct. OREGON CITY. OREGON 1899. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. F. E. Donaldson, Agent Fire and Accident Insurance BANK OF OREGON CITY (LDEST BAHKINO BOTOX UT THX CITT PAID UP CAPITAL, 150,000,00 SURPLUS flOfilOM frealdent, rtoe president Jaahter, Chxs. H. CaCftjm Geo. a. Habdihs B, O. Oaunilb A General Banking Bnalneai Tramaottd Deposit! Received Subject to Check. Approved BUli and Notes Discounted. Countv and City Warrant! Bought. Loani Made on Available Seourltr Exchange Bought and dnld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Anillhla In An Pt of fh tTorld. Telegraphic Exohange Sold on Portland. Ban rrancisco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregaa Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to toy part of the city, X' Bolton Dairy and fee Omybm SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Stals nf V.W.Montague (substituted for , u. o. fiance;, rminuii, Vs. J. A. Taylor, Benjamin Bender and Mary A. Bender, bis wife, G. R. Pedman and Clara S. Dedman, his wife, William BeutclsDacher and MaryBeulelspacher, his wife, Au geline Berry, Robert DeShazer and Partheuia DeShazer, his wife, Angeline Barry, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. lr vibtuk OF A JUDGMENT flRnuB nit. AJ cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the cTii.ibitTu mum, tu me uuiy qireecea ana umu mo iviu uay 01 june, lmw, upon a Judgment rendered and antered In said court on Montague (substituted for D. 8. Claike), plaintiff, niciutauiti ui June. inn. in rnvnp nt .1 v w and against J. A. Taylor, Benjamin Bonder and ' V , ,luer' ."'8 u- K- Dedman and ClaraS. Dedman. his w f Willi..,,, r,..k..k er and Mary Beutelspaoher, his wife, Aneellue Berry, Robert DeShazer and Parthena DeShazer, his wife, Angeline Berry, defendants, for the v. mm nut, rem nereon at tne rate or 6 per cent per annum from the lfith day of June, 1899, and the further sum of $200.00, with .,.uubi iutn aay oi June, iHUl), and the further sum of iluo.00 as attornev'i lee and the further sum of Hi 75 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding mc to make sale of the follow. Ing described real properly, situate In the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to wit: And be- Inning at a point ou the east boundary of the onation land claim of N.J. Lamb, doceased, K. ..7, """"M eoiun oi ranare s east ot the Willamette meridian, 10 chains south of the norlheast corner thereof: thenoe ! a fi ,.i,0i. to a stake; thence south thirty-three degrees west Mirij-iive nonius; tiienoe soutn nineteen and 35-100 ohalns to the south boundary of said do- uiuiuii mini uimiui iiieuce east on said south boundary line to therliclit bank of ihirlawm.. river: thence wilh the meanderlngs of said river un stream four and SU-luO nhniim m ih. ,.., t, t cei I'imi-uitMict iii ,,ne riant tiauk of Deep creek with the meauderlngs thereof to the south west line of a tract of land heretofore sold to Deemer and Roberta; thence north forty-nine degrees west on said line to the comer stake; thence north twenty eight degrees thirty minutes east eight and 60-100 chains: thenoe north sixtv- Niu.uiDi:. cn luumuil yi-iuu CDaillS U) the east boundary of John Fairalrln'a i,,,,,i.,oi,i. thence north on said eust b undary of said homo-' stead to the nnrlhrast corner thereof: thence west on the north boundary of said homestead to the northwest oorner thereof , ihenee south on the west boundary two auil 65 loo chains to the place of beginning, containing 2:.(M aeres more or less iC'ti.t ,1 1. ., .""""re" acres sold ny John Mall and kva Mall, his wife, to Francis H Brown bv deed dated Jantittri, mi, 111 January 26th, 18W, In the deed records 'of Clacka- uis (-otiuiy, urvgon. wow, inereiore, hy virtue of said execution, Judgment order and deoree, and in compliance win, ..id wuiuinum m Bum wrn, t wut.on SATURDAY, THE 22d DAY OF JULY, 1899, at tne hour or i:jo o'clock p, m., at the front unur oi me unumy l ourt House IntheCltvof Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cash in hnd, all the right, title and interest which the withm named defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real properly or anv part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all aarulng ,, . . , J. J.UWMi, sheriff of CUriuma Connlv, Oregon Dated Oregon City. Ore., June 20, lsio, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. I.EAVKS I'NION DKPOT. Tor Mayg.,rs. Rainier, tMatskanie, Westport, Clifton, Astoria, Vir renton, flav.l, Gear hart Park and Seaside Astoria ami Seashore Kxpresa. Daily. Astoria Kxpress. Daily. ARRIVES I'NION DEPOT. :O0A.M. 11:15 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 9M P.M. Ticket office. ?" Morrison st.and Union depot J. C. MAYO, Q mi. Pis. Agt., Astoria, lire. Shall we iwL tell you f why ? j I , V For Catalogue Adress, P. L. Campbell, President GLADSTONE GREENHOUSE WILKINSON BROS., PROPBIETOKS 8, PO ITED ; PLANTS, ROSBS AND OTHER SHRUBBERY. Funeral pled i seal Mntlon tfyeu to arranging floral dlaulava for witdit... inrt Smfi80'1 ' CUT in P. O. Address. Box 238, Oregon City, Ore. On Top The top of the Shoe isn't where the most wear comes, but it's important, nevertheless. Tods are made in a great variety of styles now-a-days. All of them are good, but some more beautiful than others We have all the new styles of tops for you to select.from. KRAUSSE BROS. A Good Thing If you have a good thing the people want it. Their scales of living is many degrees higher than their fathers'; they want the necessities of life to be as good as possible for the money. MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at the lowest price. A penny saved is two earned A Flying Top Free! The Latest Fad H. STRKIGHT, Dalr In Abo Full line of Mill Feed, OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF rionuments Estimate! fumiBhed on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. :-: Drawings made by description. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, Silver Medal Awarded at Portland Mechanics' Fair I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and am now in a position to do work better and more reasonable. times in ten that is the trouble. It you will A. N. WRIGHT - - 393 norrlson St., Who has Dr. A. A. Barr. late of Minnannolia a RMn,'A. fwi.i . the optical department, and you examined free of charge. JvrWfrWfrvHTvvWvTfH MRS. R. 220 First Street . Has a complete Imported Pattern Hats Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled. PRICES MODERATE if. Oresonian ani ConrierHe.-ali $2- State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon Training School for Teachers, New Buildings, New Departments, Ungraded County School Work, Graduates secure good positions, strong course, well equipped training department, Normal course quickest and best way to State Certificate. Expense for year from $120 to f 160, or board $2.50 to $3.00 per week. Tuition $8.25 per term of ten weeks. Fall term begins-September 19th; Sum. mer term June 27-Sept. 1st. . or W. A. Wann, Secretary of Faculty. Greenhouse on East Sifo Electric Car Lin 1 With Every 50c Purchase ct HARDING'S DRUG STORE, where all goeiU are sold at reasonable Prices. Groceries and - Provisions Lime, Cement anfl IM Plaftir. and Headstones Portland, Oreiron Oh, My Headaches! Well, no doubt it is caused by imperfect evesifrhr. no costs vou nothing t u ""t uuu vuij i go and see THF TOWA TRivprvn w V MA II "I'HII Portland, Oregon can consult him and hXe you, ye. TRY it may be your trouble. BECKER . . Portland, Oregon assortment of tUlillincry Novelties Job Printing at tie jw Coarler-Herald