Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 23, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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The Rev. P. K. Hammond will hold
service at Beaver Creek next Sunday at
3 o'clock, P.M.
The Oregonian has notified its corres
pondents to cat off about half of the
country society gush.
Arthur Schneider is suffering a lacer
ated and sprained arm, the result of an
accident in the paper mills.
Rev. G. 0. Johnson, of Vancouver,
preaches both morning and evening at
the Baptist church Sunday
One or two cases of diphtheria were
reported at Green Point during the past
week, and mumps are abroad in the
The choir of the Congregational
church will give a part of Queen Es
then cantata next Sunday evening at
the church
Rev. H. Oberg's topic at the Metho
dist church Sunday morning will be
"lung's umidren." In the evening
"The New Song."
Elaborate preparations are being
made for the grandest Fourth of July
celebration ever held at Sandy. Sena
tor George 0. Brownell will deliver the
The people of Springwater, Logan
and contiguous country will celebrate
the Fourth of July in grand style at
Union park. Colonel Robert A. Miller
will be the orator of the day.
Albert G. Grilley, the new Y. M. 0.
A. secretary, has assumed charge, and
considerable improvements are being
made. Pope & Company recently com
pleted the plumbing, and the walls of
the bathrooms are now being oiled be
fore they are put into active use.
The county clerk has issued marriage
licenses to Alminta Pollard and Burt
McArthuron the 21st, Christina Gro
shong and Benjamin F. B. Barstow on
the 21st, Laney Melisa Huggins and H.
A. Pierson on the 19th, Mary Walter
tnathe and Ed E. Roethe on the 19th.
Edward Koebei, a 15-year old Molalla
boy was committed to the reform school
ly County Judge Ryan Wednesday af
ternoon. He waa arrested for driving a
neighbor's cow into the creek and let
ting her drown, and it is said that he
cad been guilty of many like misde
meanors. He pleaded guilty in Justice
Schuebel's court, and was later brought
Wore the county judge.
jyiurK. "-r
scalded while cleaning one of the diges-
ters in the Crown paper uuo
evening. Some one nau viuj
lected to turn off the connections from
the other digester, and when he lifted
the lid received the hot steam and acid
Wnin his rieht arm and shoulder and
one side severely. Dr. Carll. the at
tending physician, however, states that
he will be out in a few days.
Waldo F. Hubbard, who has been su
perintendent of the Clackamas hatchery
for the past yea, T V"
tion of his appointment yesw.uu, j
the United States Fish Commission to
:in,W.vof the hatchery a
Nashua, N. H. Mr. Hubbrrd was first
connected with a hatchery in California
25 years ago, having carne there from
his native state, New Hampshire. 25
years ago. In 1877, when the Colum
Scannerymen established the Clack-
mas hatchery. ir. .u- -------
Ira Dickey was in from Molalla Wed
J. R. Alexander, of Salem, is visiting
mends here.
Senator George C. Brownell visited
Salem Tuesday.
Miss Laura Beatie has returned from
a visit to Eugene.
B. F. Linn has entirely recovered
from his recent Illness.
N. F. Nelson, of Clear Creek, was
visitor in town Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Leavitt were in
from Molalla Wednesday.
Miss Baird, of Portland, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. A. 8. Dresser.
Miss Helen Eastham, of Portland, was
visiting relatives here yesterday
V. Booton has returned from Eastern
Oregon with a drove of fine horses
F. Zollner, the Canby photographer,
was a caller at this office yesterday.
Postmaster J. W. Hilleary, of Damas
cub, was a visitor here Wednesday.
Miss E. 0. Adair returned Wednesday
from a visit to her parents at Noble.
J. A. Talbert, of Clackamas, was a
prominent visitor here Wednesday,
N. 0. McLoughlin has been very ill
with brain fever, but is now improving.
Air. and Mrs. Joshua Uorbett were
Oregon City visitors from Colton Wed
Miss Harriet Bray is spending the
summer vacation with her mother at
"B. 0. Gard, of Highland, and H. W.
Gard, of Clarkes, were visitors in town
Mrs. Mary Anderson, of Jefferson.
was visiting Rev. and Mrs. H. Oberg,
Mrs. W. B. Streeter nee Nellie Coal-
fleet, of Portland, is visiting Mrs. Wil
liam Andresen.
Ex-County Judge Northrup and
daughters, of Portland, were visitors in
the city Wednesday.
H. Nemyre left Monday to take
charge of the cardiug department in the
Bandon woolen mills.
Miss Helena Barck, who resigned her
place in the Oregon City schools last
spring, is visiting here
Misses Bertha and Zeida Goldsmith
spent several days atNeedvthia vuk
Father A. Hillebrand attended the
, .Qrr,nnip of the new mon-
aeaicttuuu - -
astery at Mount Angei una we.
Mrs. J. L. Vosburar save a dulichtiul out
hia. t. , .i.... .a., i. i. en.
yamj xucouMjr Bt ltd UUlllO UU Ult3 '
Abernethy in honor of the several birth- J
days of Charles Vosburg, Carleton
Harding, Roy Kelly and William Ham
mond, which are onlv a few davs anart.
The guests spent the entire day there,
returning late in the evening. The hos
tess provided excellent entertainment,
the guests catching crawfish between
the two excellent luncheons that were
served. The following were present be
sides the four in whose honor the party
was given : Hisses Gertrude and Metta
Finley, Marie and Hattie Mary Pratt,
Laura Pope, Hazel Pilsbury, Vera Hill,
KatB Mark, Greta 8trickler, . Maggie
Goodfellow, Amy and BeBsie Kelly,
Maude Winchell. Ethel Albright. Vesta
Broughton, I mo Harding, Nannie Coch
rane. Veda Williams. Marv Convers.
Ethel Caufield, Miriam Van Waters of
Portland ; Fred Charman, Ronald John
son, Homer Hillston, Ivan Strickler.
The Ladies' Aid Societv of the Con
gregational church and a few other la
dies accepted an invitation to soend the
day on the grounds at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. G. A. Rock wool at Wulsburg,
Wednesday. Thev went down on an
early car and remained all day amid the
delightful surroundings. An excellent
picnic luncheon was served, and Mrs.
strickler had charge of the musical pn
gram. Those present were Mms. H. C
Stevens, 0. H. Caufield, N. J. Beatie,
W. McAdam. David Caufield. J. J.
Best ice cream at Kozy Kandy Kitch-
Cooke, M. M., E. E., and T. L. Char
man. N. 0. Walden. 0. D. Latourette.
R. D. Wilson, W. B. Zumwalt, Charles
Albright, J. H. Strickler, Mina Harper,
0. N. Greenman, H. P. Bestow, Lillie
Shepard, J. W. Gray, J. M. Mark,
James Wilkinson, E. E. Kellogg, F. F.
and W. A. White, John Getchie. Gab-
bert, Putrow; Mrs. L. H. Whitcomb,
Spokane; Mrs. J. G. Bonnett, of Mil
waukie: Mrs. Dr. Van Waters, of Port
land, and Mrs. Rock wood ; Misses Mer
tie Stevens, May Mark, Ella Smith and
Clarissa Zumwalt.
Miss-Clara Farr and Dr. Charles A.
Stewart were married at the residence
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Farr, last Friday night. Rev. A.
J. Montgomery officiated. Only imme
diate relatives of the .bride and groom
were present. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart
will reside at Buena Vista. The groom
is a most estimable young lady, and the
groom is a former resident of Oregon
City. Hegraduuted from the medical
department of the Willamette univer
sity last year.
At the residence of the bride's father
near Logan, Clackamas county, on
Parker, officiating. Mr. Huiekniih a
leading member of the Kavenswoou
Baptist church at Logan, anonis Dnue
of Portland, ig one of Clackamas county's best school
Miss Caroline viuiamn, ui ib one 01 via-
who has been visiting the Misses Chase teachers.-Pacific Baptist
. .... .l IidinQ ., it C K 1 nla w xoa
for the DaBt monm, reiuruou jvirs. narrj umiv
r ...... : .,. of hnr home in
HghUUl surprise poi-v - "-
of Baker City, West Oregon City last monuay u"
- r r:ada aaauifi (titi
Hon. Will
R. Kins, of Bauer uuy, West uregon uy i -
nor waa in the City weunesuny u" in uuuu. -
!l Till and the evening was pleasantly passed
Charles V. Galloway, who graduated with music, games
Unar es v. uaiio y, J . , Milwaukie pupils of
'cZIZmu pZr. J.G.-,.nl hi. ho. in
Miss Huldah Holden is attending v. D "". - - d htful and entertai,
f ovornispm at the state party, A. very oeiigi".
commcuio - - on inr time was had.
agricultural coi.ege sue - . , Fields
almiinthatinsUtuUon -wsday evening, Rev
President Appersun. . Mont20mery officiating. The cer-
recents, accompanied by Mrs. Apper- a q the
son. arrived Monday 10 aneuu uum-
s.n a.mAi.int.fandent
operated by the state for one year and
later it passed into the control ot the
laler .K Mr. Hubbard's
U. B. nsn cornimoniuu.
appointment dates from July 1st, but
,.,, reived no orders as to when
i shall Kive up his charge here, nor
tLtssu'ccesBoristobe. The Clack-
the first hatcnery """
am as was
in Oregon
ture industries of Oregon, and h.s expe.
rience in
A meeting
. i
i- iiKi.Qrri nag Deen
n. suit.- -
tly identified with the fish cul-
. i rt.annn and his eXD6-
sines ui w'6vui
fishpropagationwillbe miseed.
,g of the ways and mean
of Meade Relief Corps Aux
t d,a wavs and means
... i
commute" ui i"- ,
iliary and delegates trom var.uus
V V ...:.n. mBt at the armory hall
nal orgauiain"""" -Saturday
night to considers matters per
. . : .... .u r.no,l receDtion to
taining to vne u F-r-
be tendered the Volunteers .-v..
return from Manila. Mrs. Oeorge A.
Hard'ng was chairman of the meeting,
and Mrs. J. 0. Bradley secretary
The chairman desires that the names of
.11 delegate elected by fraternal organ
Nations, shall be handed her by this
.h.t he can make up and
Enounce the names of the committees
.? to be held at the armory
Saturday nigbt. The follow.ng sm.e
l . re represented at the meeting:
S hoUrShts, Father IliHebr
W Ed Sheehan; Workmen, O. L.
Hayes and C. U. Dy; Sat.v. feon.,
v G Caufield ; Grand Army. B. W.
5?. a r A.Williams; Redinen,
Mld.au. -
j.C.Braa.eyanu 7
Fannie France; Maccabees, G. B.Dun
Fannie r , foresters, J
11 McKenna "u - .
u- ... . . ..:.. an ovation upon
b0ys win f"-"-;" 7, thll. n60Dle
rwimllis Times
Sam Engle, of Molalla, a pioneer o
1845, was in town yesterday on his way
i (mm Portland, tie was aixum
hv his son. Albert, and wile.
yCk w , '
1)AI. nan a. II WliUBLUUt 11WIVU
Dakota, haa been visiting her t ister, Mrs.
... . r r..n!nla . ii 1 1 1 n
c-.l..na.n kmlth. ftlTH. 17UUID1D io
weather bureau observer at W llliston
ut . Unm.nl and children
her Darents at Canemah,
hil Mr. Howard and H. S. Moody are
' . , , Vf
looking after business matters uear mu-
Mrs. Phillis Holden left Wednesday
to join Mr. Holden at Starbuck, Wash.
His condition has not improved any
since he left here. Mrs. Holden was ac
companied by his child.
Timt flrflanmiin ft 11(1 Seth Auetiu left
f,r thn nnnfir uiacaamaj naitu
emony ioo yiao -bride
in the north part of the city. Mr
ffieiUBlS liuu vaw
ington, where they will reside in the
. r 1 1. ..
luouunj iwi -rr
ery, where tho former will have charge
,,! thn season. -ir. ureeuuiau
charge of this hatchery last year.
t l i'i..n nf T?avfir Creek, was
JOI1U oim'iii v-
in town Wednesday, and reports that
in rii-pann Citv. June
UUI " I ... v- -
ii..itn..l nnA vita a crirl.
i rauK ouiii - o
Miss Daisy Lyle Lawrence, w uu tv"-
uatedatthe Uorvauis Agnuu.iu.. w.
lege this week, was tne ciass
torian. ....
L. L. Moore, principal of the wuwau-
i.! v.i uma in town vesterday. ne
KLQ BVjIiuui) ,
is recovering from his recent operate..,
j . tr. nonrl his vacation at As-
anu caijciio w i"
Miss Fannie Porter, who is keeping at
the top in the Telegram teacner vu. ,
has agreed to turn over to me yu.u,.
teer monument committee the prize, m
the event that she is tne wim.o. .
Ueorge ivees, r
1845, now residing at waua
visiting old friends in this county
to. naa at nnn time a member
i . tmtr, fllfti-kftmas county
legisiaiuio -
Prof. Frank Rigler was re-elected city
. .. J . tV.u I'nrl and iC UUI9
SuperintenuBui ui -
All the former Clackamas county teach
ol the
in tun" " ' - an in. jwi"
hay will only be about a half crop, wfao helJ pogitions there
.. Ml 1 11.. nn in tht MH- . i .i f TTnti
were re
while grain will hardly he up to tne us
ual average. Mr. Shannon was accom
panied to town by his daughter, airs
Frans Welch and cniiuren, uu
on their way home at Portland from a
visit to Beaver UreeK
ers, v 1 1 u . f i
elected, and the names of Helena BarcH
and Clara Demmer were added to the
Citv. Tuesday,
to Literal. He has some nne .ru
mens of Klondike gold nuggets that
came from Hunker creek, where he was
mining auring me i"
ports the Clackamas county contineent
! a v...nh. nA that J. A. Fair-
clough and Thomas Sagar are on the
road to fortune. George A. Hamilton
a'to is doing wall.
list. .
Judge McBride wound ud the busi
..... r.i t, adiourned June term of the
. i inQ -rnv Tii the daraaKe
I i;tiuua -
. a.l Irnm Dawson ...it of Harry Sloper against Or
uu"' " " . ,,Dmnr nf .defendi.nt w
y, Tuesday, ana went ou. y . in to
nuBtained, anu pmiii-'" s" --'
file answer. In tne sun oi m.
vs W K. Suott, the defendant was
awarded the custody rf the child in die-
riAAaai nf riivnrce were envcu
iCVl -o vm
and Hoff crses
.1 1 T.. ...n
iq me - . . , ,a
W. Brown v aiauu
suit of A. . '- . :
the report of the referee and partition ol
real estate was confirmed.
For SaltSecond-hand orcan 0in
, ior cash. Apply at Bellomy & Busch
, For Sale A good, reliable work horse
inquire at this office.
Finest creamery butter 40c per roll at
narris grocery.
Seven per cent money to loan three
to nve years. W. S. U'Ren.
A few cheap watches for sale
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
I can loan from $500 to $1500 at 1 in
terest on No. 1 mortgage security, one
w mree years time. H. E. Cbobs .
Mason & Hamlin and Kimball
rKans ior saie at Oregon City Auction
aouse, opposite po8toffice.
Highest cash nrice naid for
uanu Household goods at Bellomy &
Money to loan at 8 percent intenwt on
mortgages. Apply to 0. D. i D. 0
ine wub tonsonal parlors, P. G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
a lull line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added to his tt ni
groceries and provisions a full line of
teed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Cornnr
. . v,vuvu
and Uenter streets
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant whom Von nan nai
- j "
tne Dest 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Wm.
Bohlander, proprietor.
For first-class handmade or marhin.
made harness eo to F. H. n. nn
Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall,
Prices reasonable and wo'k guaranteed,
45 cents round trin from Oronn n:t
to Portland and return via Southern
Pacifio trains. One wav rate iAnta
Tickets now on sale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oreeon Citv at 8:40 a m
and 3:35 p. m., and arrives from Port
land at 9 :23 a. m. and 6 :52 p. m. Save
time by using the quicker route.
Weekly Oreeonian and nnrTRTHD-
Hkrald for $2 per year.
Rambler, Victor. Stearns. IrWI nH
Golden Eagle bicycles for sale at Bnr-
meistor & Andresen.
Shoe repairing of all kinda at sv tt
Cross' harness Bhon.
Wbuildinnon the hill,
G. H. Younir, ODDOMte BnrmpiHtfir A
Andersen's, keens a full li nn nf nnw and
second-hand furniture and house fur
nishing goods. Prices verv low. fliv
him a call.
J. W. Boatman has purchased the
made bv Clavering. Water and 5th sts.
tu v... .nJ nhaannflt nlace in Port-
1 11C UODU OH 1-
land to buy dry goods, clothing, boots,
. . . 1 Al T1 1 I
shoes, furnishings, etc., is at tue j
Clothing Store, 214 First street, corner
Salmon. Max Barell, proprietor.
Sixteen pounds best granulated sugar
for $1 at Harris grocery.
ti . n( lailipn uold snectacles.
A.un t j 1 o .
Finder will please leave at this office.
rfiorrficted on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.803.20; graham
Wheat Walla Walla 58&acj vauey
68c; bluestone 5900c.
Oats White 4546c; gray 4JJC.
Barley Feed $22; brewing $22.
Millstuffs-Bran $17; middlings $22;
Bhorts$18; chop $16.
HayTimothy $89; clear $78;
Oreaon wild $6.
t)..u. Vannv o.reamerv ouc: sec-
onds 4045c; dairy, 3a6cj store
Vi 1 7fi
PnnHrvMixed chickens $44.50;
hens $4 505; springs $3 1 6004 ; geese.
$08; ducks $37; live turkeys 12
...1.. A ..nil 1JlAf '
Che-se Full cream ic per puuuu ,
Younu America inc.
n,irVinnUB2.00(a2.25: Gar
rUlabUGD I ' ,
net Chili $1.501.75 sweets 22c per
v.taV,lpH Beets 90c; turnips 75c
per sack; garlic 7c per lb ; cabbage $1.25
1 oa inn nniiniia cauiiuuwer iuu
iaji.uv pci v i
per dozen; parsnips 75c per sacK ; ceiery
70(37uc per uozeu, ojjaio6u
pw ir r. .... tMx,
w.a frn t. Ann es evaporaieu twoya
flivu " ' - 1 . -
... . l- flQln. nuara
sun and evaporated 56c; pitless plums
. Italian nrunes 3ffl4c; extra
1-.'J8 i i
silver choice 56.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 63c.
Oats, 40.
Potatoes, $1.25 to $2.00.
Eggs, 15c to 17c per dozen.
Butter, 20 to 30 per roll.
Onions, 90c to $1 00 per sack.
rrid annles. 8 to 6c per pound.
Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite
and German, 3c.
A Frightful Kluniler
Will often cause a horrible burn, scald,
cut or bruiBe. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptlv heal it. Cures old sores,
fever Bores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns,
ii . : ... 0 YtMt : niln cure on
BU Hiiiu n uhiuh. -' - - r
earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar-
Sold by ueorge a. naming,
The Greatest of all Sales Our!
Portland's Largest and Best Stock
Men's and Bov's
I Clothing
Hats and
Furnishings I
Must hf SnlH "R
iivyuiuicoa ui jiuui vaiue.
Tremendous Price Reductions on all lines.
Genuine Bargains in all Departments.
I'A. B. Steinbacli & Co.
o Popular One Price Hatter & Clothiers I
First and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, ORE.
j: On or about September stf 1899, we shall i:
occupy the store now beim built for tis.
I Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets fcf
Lvery Woman
Loves It
And likes to have it fn her home.
" Patent Flour " is popular with
housewives who strive to please
their husbands bv riving thrm
ni iinlfcKnrWi
No Scandal Can Arise
From the use of our
or uuici r." , j
there is no diversity of opinion as
to its quality. The unanimous
verdict is one of approval. Those
who use them freely are pleased
with the freshness, richness and
delightful flavor of every article.
And our prices give satisfaction,
too. HEINZ &. CO.,
Bakers and Grocers,
nnnoBitePostofflce - Oregon City
And all supplies for Bee Keepers.
Send for Catalogues
And everything for the Garden.
Port and Seed Co.
169 and 171 Second St., f ortlana, ur.
V'w leading Photographer
The Latest Style Photos
Photo Buttons
Crayon Potralts, Etc.
The Bestncthe Cheape
. . . .... mm nlMfl
D00R8, WINDOWS, MOUtuiwu w.....
Hkla UtrMt, Oregon City, Or.
n CnnirreimUoDal tnnron,
In the
ariteed. hoiu
Undertaker and Embdiaei
Carries a complete Hne of c"kets cofflniL
robes, etc. Superior goals, BnprM
services at most rnoueraio yrw
dim, ta
Oiieooh Cut
let thera go to the front.