Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 23, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Union Mills and Marquam.
T. A. Olow, a former residniit of Car
sou, Xev., who, with his wife and five
Ciildreu, came to Union Mills last Nov.,
has leased the farm of G. J. Trullinger.
Mr. Clow says this coumry is all right
except bad roads.
G. J. Trulliutier, owner of the paw and
roller mills at Union Mills, came across
the plains in (he typical i'X-a!?on to
Oregon Territory in 1848, and located
his present home as a Donation Land
Claim in 18'2. He erected his sw mill
in 1858 and the grist mill in 1878 For
many years he run a wool carding ma
chine, which, some ten years since, was
purchased by parties at Milwaukie and
removed to that town.
Liberal P. 0. and store I found doing
good business. .1. A. Hannagan, the
present proprietor, came here from Bri
dal Veil, January, 1898. This store car.
ies a splendid assortment of dry goods,
staple and fmey groceries. Mr. H. does
lis own freighting and sells at Canby
At present the largest share of the
trade of Liberal and Molalla goes to
Canby because they have a level and
smooth road, but when the new plank
road from Oregon City in completed to
Mulino the wheels will roll towards the
county metropolis. A good winter and
all-the-year-'round wagon road would be
better than a motor line.
On the road to Marquam from Molalla
we found Georjie W. jackson ploughing
for potatoes. He finds the Bui bank the
best general purpnse spud. Last year
he raised 3'.0 bushels and sold the bulk
likt fall for 25 cents per bushel Mr.
Jac'ison's father, Geo W.Br, came to
this county from Illinois in 1845 and lo
cate! the present D. L. C, now owned
by George W. jr. His faiher died 6
years ago, aged 72. Thus one by one
the brave pioneers ho helped lay the
the c irner stones of this picturesque and
fertde commonwealth are passing across
the great divide.
Still farther on the Marquam road we
fame to the farm and hop fields of T. G
iarrett, who, in '52 crossed the plains
I oai Missouri per ox-waon and located
iiis present h imestead where he an I his
goo J wife raised thirteen children and
bete in times cleared up a good farm of
8)a"res. He never wore a nirknan.e
until a D. 1). gave him the title of ''Sin
bad," hut the biy- who know uncle
Tom the beBt have foresworn the nick
nam and say when becomes to town,
here comes U b lntrsol looking after
-wirTsasBf.- - sir.- cr. w naie ann
hearty nt-itTOmre-01-wryenrs;" weighs zm
u u nds a id can lit k anything of his ae
and size.
L. N. Jones is a pregres-ive hop grow
Champion Unequal for Light Draft, Easy
Handling and Durability
Highland, Ohkoon, Nov. 8, 1898.
Mitchell, Ltwii, Slaoer Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Ufntlkmkn: I desire to oftVr this as
in v testimonial in behalf of the 6-foot
Champion Binder and Bundle Carrier
purchased from you this year. For light
ness in draft and ease of operation, sim
plicity in construction and durability,
will say that no machine to my knowl
edge is lU equal, nor near it. Having cut
lM acres of grain, the machine did not
cause me live minutes' delay, conse
quently not a cent for repairs. All the
Champion machines put in my neigh
borhood have given equally good satis
faction. In fact, I want no better ma
chine than tho Champion.
Fkku Sciiafkr.
Send for
users of
Flrsf and Taylor
er, a mile and a half north of Marquam.
H s Id lag1, year'; crop at 2 cents an 1
tjieU much encouraged at the prospects
W. R. Garrett is planting several acres
in yellow dent coin for hog feed. The
late spring has delayed the seeding of
oats, hence a larger than usual acreage
of corn is being planted in the southern
portion of this county.
Mrs. E. A. Gray has one of the neatest
residences and best kept farms between
Molalla and Marquam that goes to show
that a widow woman's farm is not al
ways one of n gleet and decay.
A half mile pouth of Mrs. Gray's is the
old Bob Thompson homestead, A. H.
Logan, leasee. The fruit here is a fail
ure, but a good prospect for grain.
We found the village of Marquam
flourit-hing. Our enterprising young
merchant of this place, proprietor of the
old grange store, finds business fair.
Alvin Cameron, a first-class black
smith and horse sboer, of Eureka, Cal.,
came to Marquam last week and opened
a shop at the old stand opposite the feed
E. M. Hartman, the guaidian of Un-
e'e Sam's mail depot here reports busi
ness good. For the month of May, 1899,
receipts of the postr ffice eie nearly
double those of the same month in 1898.
From August 1893 to August 1897 this
office issued 1500 money orders, and
since August 1st, 1897, Mr. Hartman has
issued 1231 ordeis.
The M. E. church is building a neat
$000 parsonage that will be completed
about July 1st, and occupied by Kev. J.
M Shulzo.
The Butte Creek Agricultural Associa
tion wilt give a fair at the old ground
here in October under r.ew management
The officers are, S. F. Hobert, piesident ;
E M. Hartman, vice-president; J. E
Marquam, secretary; W. S. Jack, treas
urer; J. T. Ross, director. The associa
tion is perfecting plans for a grand suc
cess. We enjoyed the hospitality Thursday
noon of W, W. Dooree, who for 20 years
has lived on the Robert Alien D. L. C,
an I has a model and beautiful farm on
the hills south and overlooking Mar
quam. Mr. Doores state to the repor
ter that the hay crop in his vicinity this
reason will be nearly a tailure.
June 16. E. A. W.
S el la Kartell came out from Portland
TllHiulav t.i akjual in-iha. jnUrlttinmnt
t'tulay evening.
Herman Fischer intends erecting a
new house this fall on his ranch near
the mill.
At latt the time for the much talked
Eccentric Sprocket Wheel
on Binder attachment 16 2-3
per cent added power when bnndle is
tiedand discharged. No choking on the
CHAMPION Force Feed Elevator
Cheerfully Reccmmends the
Highland, October 23, 1898
Mitch'll, Lewi$ i(- Starer Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen: The Champion Binder
bought of you the past season has given
me good satisfaction, and am well pleas
ed with it. We can cut grain that anoth
er make of machine would not handle
All the farmers we cut for are more than
pleased with the work, and have promis
ed us their entire cutting for another
yean Can cheerfully recommend the
New Champion Binder to my friends,
acquaintances, and fellow farmers who
expect to buy Binders in ISM.
G. Wallace.
Catalogue and Book full of letters
Champion Binders and Mowers.
of entertainment has come and gone,
and despite the opposition and impor
tunings of some, has been a decided suc
cess, realizing the sum of $31.45 from
the sale of names. After deducting the
necessary expenses the balance will be
used for the purchase of a chart for the
Ed Noble was a visitor in our neigh
borhood Saturday.
Doc. Howell, of Springwater, passed
through here Saturday with his engine,
going to Gresham, where he has a con
tract hauling wood. George and Theo
dore Tellfson went with him.
J. C.Young came out from Portland
Saturday returning Monday.
Carrie and Winfred Cromer, Mrs.
Swale and children were visiting atCro
mers Sunday.
Ashby, of Eastern Oregon, was
here last week with a band of horsesout
of which James Tracy and Winfred Cro
mer provided themselves with a horse
each. ;
It would seem to a rerson of ordinary
intelligence that a county road master is
anything but a benefit to the people.
We have tried the system before and it
proved a failure. Have we not enough
taxes to pay, that the commissioners
must appoint anotherofflce to eat up the
small pittance allowed for roads? The
only benefit is to the person appointed,
it provides him with a fat salary at the
expense of others. Itwrnldseem that
we have had enouuh of such needless
expense witnout lcadirg it on us again.
June 20.
Hie sun still beams down on the peo
ple of this vicinity, and the last few
days they have been hunting shade in
the heat of the day. -
Grain is looking fine in Ill's section of
the county.
Mr. Leak raised his barn last Satur
day. There was about twenty-five men
present and the barn was standing in its
proper position when the gf ng sounded
for dinner.
I see in last week's is-ue of the Couu-
iek-Hekai.d that one M. F. Moore offers
to take the road supervisorship for one
dollar per day and suggests that labor
ers' wages be cut that we might have
more money to go on the road. Now,
Mr. Ed., the trouble is that good men
can scarcely be had for two dollars per
day, and if such men as Mr. Moore keeps
up a roar it nmy be th.it waves can be
reduced still lower, but for my part I
would have m use for a man that can't
get a job without offering to work for
one dollar per day. Rut mill worse, he
wants to be boss. Well, God pity the
man that would work for him, let alone
the court that would appoint him, , .We
nam. isovnr --rTas hiij - . wHiiir goou
wages, but to cut wages is no way to get
gond roads. Let the county pay good
wages for good men, then if the people
want to volunieer and do more work,
wjII and good, we niiulit as wed volun.
Keeps the inner end of Cutter
far clean in all conditions.
teer to work the road as to be taxed for
it, as the people have the work to do in
the end. Snip.
Hurrah for El wood I . The rains have
ceased and everything is growing nicely,
even the weeds.
W. F. Henderson and eon, Bert, are
attending the U. B. annual conference,
at Oregon City, and will biing paint out
for the new church, at Elwood, which is
nearing completion.
Rupert Park, of Oregon City, is out
for a week's visit with relatives.
Lee and Lilly Oadonau were guests of
Delia Henderson Friday evening.
Perhaps if the Maple Lane correspond
ent had been at Elwood last Sunday
he would have formed an opinion as to
where the bottle of whiskey had strayed
to, for some boys from pnoiher neigh
borhood acted very much like those who
have had too much fire water. It is a
disgrace to see people who profess to be
men lying in fence corners and by road
sides just for the want of a little self re
spect. School will close in two weeks.
G. H. Kernes and wife will make a
trip to Wilhoit Monday to look at a farm
for wnich they are talking of trading.
Born. To the wife of L. Baker, on the
5th inst., a daughter.
, June 17. O. S.
Children's day last Sunday at this
place was a very enjoyable affair. The
music was excellent, the singing was
yery good and a large crowd was in at
John Barth responded to a call from
Marquam on Friday, which stated that
his father was dying.
Mrs. A. L. Mack, formerly of this
place, but now of Salem prairie, was vis
iting friends and lelatives here last
Macksburg has now a lady attorney,
who gives fiee advice to all her neighbor
F. A. Klingler has sold his old place
to F. W, Barth, of Marquam.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. F. Wiener, on
June 10th, a son.
The M. P. A. is doing some reforming
among the boys.
Mr. Barth is reported improving in
health. ' Z. Y
June 19.
Union Mills.
Already the boys are kicking about
the dry, hot weather.
The celebration at Wright's springs
on the Fourth should be a grand suc
cess, as it is a typical place for a day's
Aium, yvtiva Brnirbling-.watAr and an
abundance of shade.
We note with pleasure the work in
progress on the Molalla road. It will be
a great convenience and a source of
profit to all concerned. The citizens of
Oregon City and the country have shown
their good judgment in contributing lib
erally to the enterprise. Good roads
are indeed a blessing in the land.
N. R. Mulvaney and datighte , Eliza,
have returned from the coast to their
home here.
William Hayhurst was visiting friends
heie Sunday.
Miss Mary Huenh, of Parkplace, is
progressing nicely with her school at the
Lake Shore school house.
S. fc. Keebles was to be seen on the
hurricane deck of a new bicycle on Sun
Trulliuger Bros., the sawmill men.
are running full time and have an im
meiibe slock of lumber on hand, consist
ing of nearly hal a million feet of all
kinds of lumber, which they sell at the
old hard-times price list.
Albert Durst, of Clarkes, was visiting
friends here Sunday.
Robust tent No. 92, K. O. T. M., is
steadily gaining uienbership. The Mar
quam lodge was down in full force visit
ing them at their last meeting.
June 19. Vim.
All is excitement at Marquam now.
Hundreds of people assemble each even
ing at the fair grounds pavilion. This
vast concourse of people is occasioned
by the recent appearance of a medium
sized white dog which Jasper would de
scribe as having no particular ear mark,
but a very short tail. This dog appears
on the stage each evening having in
charge three men, one of whom is called
the "Little Doctor," an "end man," and
the third, well, he is just a man. The
dog has the "Little Doctor" so well
trained that he is taking in hands full of
money from some people who hitherto
have been so close that they would
squeeze a quarter until they made the
eagle on it squirm. That passage of
Scripture, "A fool and his money are
soon parted," gives Jasper great conso
lation. E. A. Wright, the traveling correspon
dent of the Courier-Herald, was in
town last week. We look for something
good in next week's paper.
The boys are coming home from the
various schools Loyd Marquam from
Willamette University and William and
John Shulse from Bishop Scott's Acade
my. The last two have stripes down
We disire . to announce to the People of
Clackamas County that our buyer, Mr. J. M.
Price, went to San Francisco on a special trip and
when he comes back in about a week watch out
for bargains. Look out for our "ad" in next
week's issue. Yours, Etc., ,
Masonic Building, Main St., OREGON CITY, OR.
their breeches legs and on their coats,
also soldierly looking caps with "B. S.
A." in big letterB. One of the boys said
this meant "big sour apple." Who but
a college student could advance an idea
so sublime I
If the dog with the short tail gets
away, we are expecting a big camp
meeting at Glad Tidings, commencing
June 23. There is some question as to
where Glad Tidings is, but Socrates says
L is three miles northeast of Marquam,
and Socrates, like Brutus, is an honora
ble man.
Rev. J. M. Shulse made a flying trip
to Hubbard Thursday.
It is Baid that two young men of Mar
quam contemplate boxing themselves up
and shipping as freight to Montana. If
you do, boys, leave a little air hole, for
you might smother. Jasper.
June 19.
. Mulino.
The weather, which has been very
warm the past week, was coold yery
much by a refreshing shower Monday
Hurrah for the glorious Fourth 1 We
are all going to Wright's springs, as
eyery one is very patriotic this year
Miss Blanche McCord, of Oregon City,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Mc
School will close next Friday. An
elaborate program will be rendered in
the afternoon, and Maude Salisbury wil
return to her home in Oregon City Fri
day evening.
Mrs. Gardner, of Sauvies Island, is
visiting Mrs Ge .. Force this week.
Mrs. M. Daniels, Mrs. Ed Bowman
and Mitb !iy Manning were visiting
friends at Liberal Tuesday.
A n umbel' of Mulino people were in
Canby on business Saturday. .,
- Mrs. Win. Buucbicnk, formerly of this
place, left Portland Monday evening for
Idaho, where she will join her husband,
who is working there.
M. E. Mulvey attended church at Oak
Grove Sunday.
Miss Marie Huerth, of Union Mills,
was the guest of Miss Maggie Mulvey
C. T. Howard has his new barn very
nearly completed, which improves the
looks of his farm very much.
All the men in the neighborhood are
working on the Howard hill. Never
mind ; we'll have a good road yet.
June 20. Nit.
I undt'r-tand that some of your corres
pondents in this locality stated that a
"picnic" was held Sunday, June 11th,
at this place. We winh to correct the
statement for those who might misap
prehend the facts in the case,
Sunday picnics, in the common appli
cation cf the term, we do not approve of,
but the Congregational Sunday school
obseived children's day, kindly assisted
by members cf the Lutheran church.
Sunday school was at 10 o'clock, preach
ing service at 11, then in the afternoon
the general program was rendered by
the children and choir, all deserving
special mention, but time and space will
not ptrmit full details.
Our Sunday school from now on will
be at 10 a. m., preaching every second
and fourth Sunday ot each month at 11.
Correction by request of Sunday
school. Mas. Lizzie R. Parmer.
JIowl VUw.
Hood View is still alive and flourish
The ice cream social at the Hood View
school house Friday evening was well
attended and a very pleasant time was
hid. The proceeds will be used to buy
a dictionary for the school.
Miss Alice McKinney, of Bolton, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
The new store at Wilsonville is going
up very rapiuly.
A number of Hood View people went
to Portland Monday and Tuesday to see
the circus, and all pronounced it a grand
Wm. Harris, of Aurora, is a visitor at
A large crowd attended the children's
day exercises last Sunday at the church.
The program was well rendered and the
church was beautifully decorated.
Mr. Hanson, of Wilsonville, closed a I
very successful term of school in district
No. 82 with a picnic and program, w Inch
was well attended.
Rev. A. Brady, pastor of Hood View
church, will preach a farewell sermon.
to the people of Hood View next Sun
day. There wbl be a basket social at the-
church Friday evening. All are invited.
It is circulated that the Fourth will
be celebrated at Wilsonville. The orator
of the day will be Judge G. E. Hayes.
The amusements will include races, cake
walk, dance, fire works,. etc.
Dan Stehlnecker and Clyde Baker at
tended the picnic last Sunday at Salem
on their bikes. They report a good
time. Joeann. -
June 20.
M. J. Lee, of Portland, and A rthur
Knight, of this city, went to Marquam
on their wheels Sunday.
Miss Emma Evans came home f om
Portland Sunday.
M. H. G. Bestow, of Oregon City, visit
ed Wm. Bissel Saturday.
Mr. Kirk was given a birthday party
Saturday night. It was a surprise to
him. There were about 25 persons pres
ent and a very pleasant time was spent.
He was 74 years of age.
Charles Frost was up from Oregon.
City Sunday on his wheel.
A very sad affair occurred here Thurs
day morning in the death of Mr. J.
Roth. He bad a stroke of paralysis
Wednesday, at 3 p. m., and died the
next morning at 8 a. m. He leaves a
wife and several children, all grown.
The community extend their sympathy
to the family.
H. L. Rogers and wife returned from
a very pleasant visit in Oregon City
- Mr a. Lemons, of Portland, is visling
h jr parents for a lew days.
Miss Ella Lamb celebrated her 12th
birthday Saturday by inviting 16 of her
little girl friends. They all enjoyed
themselves swinging and playing games.
Ralph Knight was home from Wood
burn Saturday and Suuday.
Charles Armstrong is getting a wind
mill put up i n his larni.
Mrs. John Bramhull and family, of
Bullrun, and Mrs. Tabko and son, of
Po lUnd, were the g lesis of Mr. and
Mrs. KirK Sunday.
Jui,e 20.
Seiv Era.
The weather has been fine for the
past few daysand many farmers are now
busy making hay.
The picnic given by the New Era lit
terary society last Saturday at the Spir
itualist's camp ground was quite a suc
cess, being well attended.
Joseph Parrott, now of Glenwood,
Wash., formally of New Era, was calling
on friends here Sunday.
Mrs. Newburry and daughter, Katie,
were in Oregon City Wednesday on busi
ness. Frank McArthur, a member of Com
pany F, O. N. G., went to Oregon City
Monday evening to attend company
Born. To the wife of John Haminel
man, on Sunday, June 11, a daughter.
Mrs. L. Ferguson, who has been quite
ill of late, we are pleased to learu is in a
fair war to recover.
Go ahead Sara, dont be afraid, you are
doing well my boy.
Wilbur Newbury went to Oregon
City Thursday on business.
Miss Minta Pollard is a guest at the
home of Mrs. D. McArthur.
Mrs. G. McArthur, of Eagle Creek, is
visiting her parents at this place.
William Young and Miss Lena Engle
were doing business in New Era Satur
day. Jacob Sager and Mist Linra Enoln. of
Oregon City, were in New Era Satur
3Mrs. A. H. Wells intends moving to
Portland one day this week.
June 20. j.
Additional County News on auiTd 7th Ptget.
Red Front House
Good Square Meal 15c; Lodging 15c
W-w Per weefc
Table Board $2.25 per week
Over Rel Kront Stor; Kulr.no Hide Street
! ADAMS, Huntr