Oregon Cily Auction Opposite Postoffice Baby Baggies from $2.00 and Upward W. He CouBht O'Connell. Daniol O'Connell, the famous orator, when taking a ride in the neighborhood of his honue, hud occasion to ask an urchin to open a gate for him. The lit tle fellow complied with much alacrity and looked up with anch an honest pleasure at rendering the Blight service that O'Connell, by way of buying some thing anything asked : "What's your nume, my boy?" "Daniel O'Connell, sir." replied h Itontly. "And who's yonr father?" demand ed the astonished liberator. "Daniel O'Connell, sir. " O'Connell muttered a word or two below his breath and then added aloud "When I see you again. I'll give you ilxpence. " Riding briskly on, he soon forgot the Incident and fell tc thinking of graver matters, when, after traveling some miles, ho found his path obstructed by some fullen timber, which a boy was stoutly endeuvoriug to remove. On looking more closely he discovered it to be the sume boy he hud met in the morning. "WhutT cried he. "How do you come to be here now?" "Yon said, sir, the next time you seen me you'd give me sixpence," said the little fellow, wiping the perspira tion from his brow Somebody's Mother. A ragged womiin wuh crossing the cornor of a public park in a lurge city where the children of the poor are ac customed to pluy, many of them bare footed. A lmrly policeman stationed. t the corner watched the woman 0118 pk'ioilbly. Half way across sue "topped and picked tip something which she liid In her apron, In an instunt the police Jin.n was by her side. With a gruff Voice und threatening manner he de manded . "What are you currying off in your apron?" The woman somned embarrassed and refused to answer. Thereupon the offi cer of the law, thinking that she had doubtless picked np a pocketbook which she was trying to make uway with, threatened to arrest her unless she told him at once what she had in her apron At this the woman reluctantly unfold ed her apron and disclosed a handful of broken glass. In Btnpid wonder the policeman ask ed: "What do yon want with that stuff?' A Until passed over the woman's face then she answered simply. "If yon please, sir, I just thought I'd take it out of the way of the children's feet." Detroit Free Press. Ton Much For Belief, One of the brethren went to Knox ville last August and foil by the way side he got drunk down there. After several months the news of bis full reached his rnral home, and he was brought np before the church. "Brethren," he said, "I admit I got drunk in Knoxvllle lust August, but I didn't mean to do it How I have suf fered in my conscience and in my pride God alone knows, and I trust he has forgiven me. Brethren, I want you to forgive me. I didn't go to get drnuk. I took a glass or two of light wine with a friend, and later took a bottle of beer on ice, and then" "Brethren," interrupted a good old brother in the amen corner, "I would be willing to forgive the brother for his fall if he would make a clean breast of it and tell the truth. But I move we turn him out for lying. He has lied to us. Whoever heard of ice in August?" And they turned him out because he dared to say that he had seen ice in Au gust. Sweetwater (Teun.) Telephone. Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on nnrtgnges. Apply to C. D. & D. 0 Latourette, Barred Plymouth Rock e;ga for let ting. Kitten for 1. At Bunuyslope firm, 21 iniiea south of town, or leave criers at Charman & Oo.'a drug storo. Gko, Stkvkns, manager. OREGON House That we are the cheapest ASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us If you are wise and have your own inter est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy, you will be POSTED as to goods and values Remember, 9 A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE NOTE THE FOLLOWING Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model L 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set from from from Sewiag Machine Bed Room Set st0 0f 44 Pieces fljc AH Improved from on Earth 25c 'unu 30c 10 7 00 The universal 0nly and Upward p.UU mo aa and Upward Per Yd and Upward Ea8y Term8 uiven and Upward STEEL RANGES $'UU L. Block's Furniture and I". M. C. A. DEDICATION. Varied Frog rains of Appropriate . Exercises. G. H. Bestow, president. R. Freytag, treasurer. J. V. Loder, secretary. Directors, 0. Schuebel, G. W. Swope, 0. F. Olson, J. McKay. General Secretary, John L. Mead. Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. B. S. Bel lomy, president. vV. A. White was the architect of the new building, and Rasmus3en Bros., were the builders. The people of Oregon City are proud of the new structue,and they should be, for they have a proprietary interest in it. The oflicers end the members of the board hsve devoted much of their time to secure an a home for the Oregon City Young Mens' Christian Association. Mr. Mead was one of the prime movers in the enterprise, but he Baid to give the credit to Mr. Bestow. Others worked hard and gave their time. It will take more money to complete the building and put in the needed gymna sium outfit, but the people generally, realize the benefits of such an institu tion, and are disposed to give it a lib eral patronage. The dedication ceremonies and pro grains were elaborate and appropriate. The auditorium and gallery wag tastily decorated with flags, bunting and colors, and mapy rare potted plants and (low ers maile the platform a'traetive, j The exercieeB began Friday afternoon with a reception by the Womens' Aux iliary to the women of Oregon City. The reception Committee was Misses Ida Paine, Gertrude Finley, Ella Smith, Mrs P. K. Hammond, Mrs, F. S. Bol linger, Mrs. II. Olierg and Mrs. A. J. Montgomeiy. Mrs. G. W. Stafford, pre sided, as acting president. The num bers on the program were a piano silo, by Veda Williams; prayer, Mrs. D. C Latourette; addresses by Mrs. Driggs a id Mrs. Diimmitt, so!o by Miss Mamie Warner, a solo with autoharp accom paniment by Lena Nemyre, and a duet liy Mrs. James lumke and Miss Ivy Roake. Refreshments were served. The regular dedication services wore held Friday evening. The Artisans' or chestra played an overture, and Colonel Robert A. Miller was master of ceremo nies. Rev. A, J. Montgomery con ducted the devotional services. Mayor Latourette gave the address of wel come, and 0. E. Bronaugh, of Portland, made the response. Rev. Cephas Clapp, of Forest Groe, preached the dedicatory sermon, and Senator Brownell gave an address. Mrs. Charles W. Pope, Dr. J. II. Miller, E. E. Cumpston, May Case, sang solo. Saturday night an athletic exhibition was given by gymnasts from the Port land Association. A. 8. Dresser pre sided, and Rev. E. S. Bollinger con ducted the devotional services. An ad dress was made by J. A. Dummett, and a short talk was made by Rev. Mont gomery. Robert Warner gave an exhi bition of illumiunted club swinging. Waiter Little and Mits Maude Warner sang solos, and Miss Kiua Caples was piauist for the athletic exercises. The final dedication services were conducted Sunday afternoon by Presi- j dent G. H. Bestow. Rev. Harold Obcig and Secretary Mead participated in the services. Rev. Snyder, of Portland, made the address, and so'os were sang by Claude Adams and William Nevegold. Albert M. Grilley , new secretary, is vis iting his parents at Silverton, and will take charge next wees. The newly, elected othcers ot the Womens' Auxil iary are president, Mrs. G. II . Bestow ; vice-president, Gertrude Finley; secre tary, Ellen Smith; treasurer, Liwio Gantenbeim. " -v '" " '' ,1. ' CITY COURIER-HERALD, The Appetite of a Gnat Is envied by all poor dispentica whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that. Dc King's New L,ite fills, the wonderful Btnmach and Liver Remedy, uives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health anil great energy. Only 25c, at Geo. A. Harding s drug store. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I have on band funds for the payment of all county warrants endorsed prior to March 2nd, 1890. Interest will cease from and after the date of this notice. Oregon City, June 15th, 1899. Jacob Shade, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore, Discovered, by a Wjmm. Another great discovery hus been ma le, and that too, by ti lady in this country. ' Di-tease fastened its clutches upon her and for seveu ynars she with stood its severest tests, but her vital or gans were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep, She finally discovered a way to recover, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for C'on-umption and was so much relieved afier taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles has l,e'n absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. !Iamiii,:k & Cj., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and $1.00, Every bottle guaran teed., Ho Fooled The Surgeons, All tin doctors told Rtinick Hatnmil- ton, of West Jefierson, O., after sutler- in trom Rectal fistula, he would die un less a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bncklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 2") cents a box. Sold by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. GREENBACKS or Government Money. At close of our Civil War in 1865, there appeared in the London Times the following : "If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin in the North American Republic during the late Civil War in that country, should be come indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish i's money without cost. It will have rll the money that is necessary to carry on its trade and commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized nations of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America. THAT GOVERNMENT MUST BE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DE STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLOBE." The famous Hazzard circular, to capitalists in New York, and the Buell Bank circular to United States Bank ers, both emanating from London, and the fabulous corruption fund raised in England and Germany, estimated at $1,500,000, were the agents that se cured the closing of our mints against silver. The "walk into my parlor" policy of England, during and since the Spanish War, is the latest evidence of English Diplomacy in shaping the destiny of the United States Govern ment. Notwithstanding the famine price of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu lous expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven per cent, and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be read by all classes with pleas ure and profit. ,' FRIDAY, JUNE 16 1899. For Over Fifty Years An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. He sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. CONTEST NOTICE. Dkfa rtmknt or the Interior, United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, May 29, 18M. A SUFFICIENT CONTES'i AFFIDAVIT, dated Oct. 8. 1808. havtne been filed In this office bv George A. Bell, contestant, against heme stead entry No. ll,k"3, made June 4, WM. for SKl4 SK'.j section 82, township 2 s, range 7 e, liy Minnie Patlun, eoutestee, iu which It is alleged that "the said Minnie Patton has wholly abat'doned said elaim for more than one year prior hereto! that for over one year prior Ibis date said emryinan has not resided on said claim or visited' said claim, or any ouu for her; that for over one year last past homestead claimant, has not in any way cul ivated or Improved said claim, and her ab sence has not been owlcg or due to her emt loy ment in the mililxry or nav.il service of I he Toiled States in time of war," said parties are hereby notified to uppear, respond and offer evi dence touching said allegations at 111 o'clock, A. M. on July 14, 1SU9, before the Register and Receiver at the United Stales Land Othce in Oregon City, Oregon. 'I lie said contestant having, in a proper ifflila vlts.flled March 10 and May 17, 189'J, set forth fads which show that after due diligence personal per. v'ce of tliis notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that sncti notlte be giyeii by due and proper publication. t'HAS. B. MOORES, Register YVM. GALLOWAY, Keoelver, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE la hereby given Ihat, pursuant to an execution and order of sale issued out ol the circuit court of the Hale of Oregon for I lackamas county of date My 31, 1899, upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure in favor el Sarah A. Staver, plainlin, vs. Schuyler Rue, Jr., Theodoola Rue, Joseph Rue, T. F. T. B. Urcntano and R. Hrenta.no, defendants, duly rendered, enrolled and docketed in said court on May 2, 1899, for the sum of f 1.215.90 and interest thereon from Febru ary 24, 1899, at 10 per cent per annum, and J150 00 atiornev's fees, and the further sum of 75 2ft, and Interest thereon from May 2, 1899 at C perceut per annum, and tft.iiu costs auu aisourseme is, I have levied upon and will ou Saturday, tlie 13tl Day of July, lotie, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said nay, at and in front of the court house door at Oregon City, in said c unity and slate, duly sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand nil the right, title and interest oi said de fendant on and alter the 24th day of February, 1892, in and to the southwest quarter of the n irih west quarter lite west half of the sou'.hwest quar ter and the sou heat qinrter of the southwest quarierof section 2H, township 2 south, range east of (he Willamette ineridia i. in Clsckatnas countv. Oregon, conta ning UiO acres, to satisfy said decree, costs ami accruing costs. Dated June 9th, 1899. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. PeHWg Popular Pimkiug place Where Where Where Where Where?? Where You get the most goods for the least You are always wel come whether you come to buy or not. money. Make Our Store your Waiting Room, where you can pass the time pleasantly. OREGON CITY CARS PASS THE DOOR. We give some bare hits of what we are going to do for our Oregon City Patrons. 36-lnch Unbleached Muslin, per yard Q3g Full width Unbleached Sheetings, per yard J2'(J White or Ecru Curtain Sorims In fancy pat- Cn terns, per yard av Heavy Unbleached Linen Crash Roller CI Toweling, per yard U4W 54-Inch Turkey Bed Table Damask, per yd. J JJg Widest and best Table Oilcloth, white, mar. Ea ble or fancy colored, per yard Large sis Towels wl'h heavy fringe, each .. (jg 8-4 ready-made Bleached Sheets, free from in dressing, each - Fnll-tiM bleached ready made Pillow Slips 7' each - ' -w Double Summer Blankets, la good colors, OQ per pair Mail Orders Promptly and Carelully Filled. Oegon Carpet House SHERIFF'S SALE. T) Y virtue of an order of sole and execution foil " du ly issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county, to me di- reetea and dated the zoth day of May, 1899, upon the 26th day of November, 1898. in the suit of Os a judgment nd decree rendered and entered in car P. Miller, plaintiff, vs. J. O. Pllsbury M S said court on the 26lh day o April, 1899 in favor , rilshur, and'ulmer E. ChRrman, Charles H . Cau of J H. Pomeroy, plaintiff, end against D. I), field and George A.Harding as executors of tb Magone, H. 8. Magnne, W. T. Whltiort, Jacob ! last will and testament oi r M.Vw5to" dSUlC Ranch. Henrv K. Yergeu, E. K.Jones Co., a defendants, and of an execution duly .sued out corpora ion, b. B. Rees and J . W. Stuart, part- ol said court In said suit on June 7. 1H99. 1 will e i- ners us U. B. Rees & Co., and G. Galloglv. ciefcMV dants. for the sum of $9fi00.00 and 4234 00 and (20.20 costs and disbursements, I will on Saturday, the la". Day of July, 1809. at the hour of one o'clock p. m at the front door of the court house In Oregon City, in said county and state, sell by public auction, subject to re- dempiion, to Hie highest bidder, for cash In hand, all the right, til le and interest oi tne said defendants In or to the two parcels of real prop erty situated in said I 'lackamas county, of which one parcel Is described as the utidivided seven eighlhs of the two tracts of land situated respect ively in the Tompkins and Ueorge Walling dona tion claims, described aB follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the D. D. Tompkins and wife 1) L. C. in t wnship 2 I south of ranges I and 2 e ist of the Willamette 1 meridian, thence south forty-nine degrees thirty mlnules east 'wenty eight and seventy-one one hundredt!i8 chains (28 71 ch.); thence east slxly- I civ ut.H uui.a,.i.fl..u l..4ru.l,l.a ,.! .I,.b ,Ati7.-.,h to the W Illninette riv i j thence along the mean derings of said riv r, north thirty-six degrees west, nine (9 ch ) ch In : Ihence north twnty two degrees wi si e., lit , mil seventy hundredths chains (8.70 ch. is ih'iice "orth nine and elgblv eight hun redihs chains (9.88ch.) to the north east corn-"- of sid claim; tlwnc.ft west along the tft'N t'l ';-' in'ou iph'T-fc ')! n it t km Sii!ll.i . Al 10 ck totU '.i:til tegu ning. coc'niniug one hundred and thirty-seven and ev tv hundredths (137.70) acres (except a I Irui-t conveyed by said Mugone and wife to Hhaw and Jacobs ot twenty-two and three hundredths i (22 03) acres bv deed recorded in book 33, page 9t,oi tiie recoros oi ueeus oi saw county,) Also eighty idu) acres of the south half of the George 'Va line end wife II. L. C, in said town ships, bounded on the south by tho south line of the George Walling claim aforesaid, on the west by the west line of said claim, on the east by the Willamette river, nd ou the north by a line drawn parallel wiili s,.kl south boundary so that the area, embraced within said lines shall contain fights' (SO acres (except a tract conveyed from this last mentioned piece by Magone and wife to L. W. Iljland, containing twenty-five and sixty hundredths (25.60) acres, by deel recorded in book 35, page 220, of the records of deeds of said counly.) And the other of said two parcels is described as "all the right, title and Interest that the said 1). D. Mngime and H. S. Magone, or either of them, had on October 4, WM, In the donation claim of Waters Carmen and Lucrctla Carmen, his wife, being notification No. 3:!S5, cerliilcte ltittl, in township two south of range on east of the wuiamtlte meridian. J.J COOKE, Flicriff of ClacVamas countv, state of Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 29, 1899. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tbal 1 have been sppolnt ed administrator of the estate or John 8. Uus&n, deceased, bv the Honorable County Court of Cla"kanias county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notlrlcd to present the snnie to me for pnyment at my home hi ivioiaua, uiacHainiB uuumy vii-k".., proper vouchers thendor, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, tins zotn ay oi MlLV. Is'.M O. W.ROBB1N8, Administrate of the estate of John 8. Dugan, ceased. de- , Y, World an! Conrier-Herall $1.15 You can get your Money Buck on Unsatisfactory Purchases. Full-site C.miforters, fine white batting Aft filled, each KU.W Full-sir white Bed Spreads in choice pat- EC terns, eaoh www W hite or Ecru Lace Curtains In desirable KKa patterns, per pair w Tapestry Portlers in all newest colorings Jl ft per pair i.lw Ladles les Light figured Calico Wrappers, well OCa ide, half lined and braid trimmed, each Www mail Ladies' changeable Glase Petticoats in fancy re colors, made wilh lined flounce, each ... ww Ladles' Fancy Colored Lawn Shirt Waists, Ca new style self collars, each .. . wv Little Girls' Colored Percale Presses, styl ishly made, with braid and embroidery 9E trimming, eaoh v Heavy Boned Drab Coutille Corsets inallQE.p siaca, per pair . .. ww Shanahans' City Auction House Opposite Postoffice SHERIFF'S SALE. TM mirsnnnr-e rt a Annraa nn.l I..- . i 1 Weri in tho ,.ir,.ii ,., r u' for Clackamas countv. on January lx lxou J . , pose lor sale and sell as the law dlmu i n,o frontdoor of the court house, in Oregon City,. Clackasas county, Oregon, on the atl) Day of July, 1099, at the houl. of 10 0.clock th , th j . property described In said decree and order of sale, to-wit; . Beginning at the south-westerlv corner of lot seven (7), in block twenty-eight (28), in Oregon Cily, as shown by the maps and plats thereof on file in the recorder's office of said county and state, thence in a northerly direction and following the westerly line of said lot thirty-three (33) feeti thence easterly, and at right angles to said west erly boundary line of said lot, and parallel with the side lines thereof, one hundred and five (lo5v feet; thence southerly at right angles, and parallel wilh Main street in said Oregon Cny, thirty-three (33) feet, to the southerly lineof said lot; thence westerly at right angles, and following the south erly line of said lot, to the place of beginning, situated In Clackamas county, state of Oregon, to gether with the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in any way apportalniuK Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, June 9, 1899. J. J. COOKE, Shetiff of Clackamas County, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Gambrinus Brewing C .inpany,a1 corporation, ' j, riaiuim, p vs. y John A, Nilson and John F. i Shea, Defendants. J State of Orogon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUS OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, De cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and' under the seal of the alsive entitled court, In the' above untitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 12th dny of May, 1899, upon a judgnieut rendered and entered In said court onflie l8ih day of April, 1899. in favor of Gsinbrintip'Iir' wing t tinipatiy, a) corporation, plaintiff, and ausinst Jehu A Silsori ana John K. Shea, defjmlants. for the sum of 3ii9 45, and the luither sum of .22.28 taxes and the further sum of I.HI.00 as attorney's fee, and th i fur her sum ol 114.26 costs and disbursements, and tnc costs ui.aiiu unon tins wnt, connuunatng uie to make sale of the following described real prop erty, situate In Ihe count) of Uuekliimis, state of On gon, le wit: Tbe northeast quarter of 'lie southeast quarter of section sixteen (111), township 4 south, mnge 2 east of the Willamette nieredian, coulaieing forty (40) acres, sitimu-d In 01a kamas counly, Oregon. Mow, therefore, by virtue of laid execution, judgment order and decree, and in coinpl.ance with the commands of said u lit, I will, on SATURDAY, THE 17th DAY OF JUNE, 1S99, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front door I 0f the county court house III the cltv of Oregon i iiy, in saiu couuiy auu situe, leu at puuuo auo tlon, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right. title and interest which the wit- In named defend- ants or either of them had on the date of the mort gage herein or since had In and to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all aco ruing costs. J.J.COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas oounty, Oregon . Dated. Oregon City, Ore., May 1(1, 1899. Our customers are considered First, Last and Always. FIRST AND SALMON STREETS Celebrated K, G, Corsets ill all sites, bract. 7Cai or drab, per pair 1 3v Children's heavy ribbed block or tan School IA Hose, per pair , Ivv Children's black "Leather" Hose, tbelCA. . strongest made, per pair ' iww 42-inch Fancy Two Toned Suitings in new OK a and denirahle colors, per yd tSJw 50-Inch strictly all wool Ladies' Cloth 8ult-QK tugs in all popular shades 50o goods at Www NEW WASH FABRICS. 18-Inch Madras Id an endless assortment of CIa new patterns, per yard Oil 36-tnch French Percales in all latest patterns Ol a per yard.. ... 0.jw ' 82-Inch Pique in plain, striped, figured or checked design latest novelty, fast colors 1 A a Dvf yard , 1UI Cor. First & Salmon Sis. ; PORTLAND, ORE. "' i .'. .... ..... Orkgox Phone Block 2925 si r r'. a !&!.'yV'''i.:rV'1''" 5 isff"i)i.iTwat-;