Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 16, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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A fire at La Grande Tuesday night.
There are many applications for leases
on mate Janus.
A Massachusetts man will fish in deep
eea at ine uoiuroDia's mouth.
A capitalist offers to refund Washing
ton county's debt at 4 per cent.
Oorvallis and thn electric light com
i ftnies have settled their differences.
Governor Geer has been formally ten-
uereu a opamsn cannon lor the state.
Magew trial at Dallas cost 12560.
Woodman's monument unveiled at
jucJHinnviile Monday. . ,,
June cattle shipments will bring about
$750,000 into Eastern Oregon.
Alex. Dixon, a fisherman, was drown
ed near the jetty at Astoria.
fialoon murder at Marcus, Wash.
Burglars burgled, Monday, at Garfield,
Wash. ... .. .. ,
Spokane will have a mining exhibit at
Jier fair.
Semen's assailant is still at large in
San FranciBco.
Senator Fairbanks' party sailed for
Alaska, Wednesday.
;Salmon cannery at Vancouver, B. C.
turned, with a loss of $70,000.
John Landsman was fatally stabbed
in a San Francisco street brawl.
John D. Rockefeller and James J.Hill
held a conference at Seattle, Monday.
J. R Orr, en-route trom Cal., to Klon
dike, was robbed of $1000 in Vancouver.
The famous Wells-Fargo war tax caBe
lias been ordered back for rehearing in
the supreme court of California.
Bland's condition is encouraging.
Gunboat Marietta arrived in New York
New York's six-day walk was a failure
Bix thousand garment-makers are on
a strike in rew York.
A torpedo factory blew up at Marietta
Ohio, killing two persons
Bloodhounds will be used to trail the
Union Pacific train robbers.
T. G. SlianghnesBy is the new pretri
dent of the Canadian Pacific railway.
The supreme lodge of Workmen is in
session at Indianapolis.
Lee and Gilliland were acquitted in
the New Mexico murder trial.
Whites and Howards, planned an
attack ou troops at Lexington, Ky.
New York Manhattan railway must pay
?,7oU,uuu taxes by a late court decision
Ohio democrats have taken courage
since republicans nominated wasn.
P resident Loubet has accepted the
resignation of Ins cabinet.
Filipinos will make their next stand
at beapote river.
Havana has formally adopted Gen
eral Gomez as its son.
Dewey will not stop at plague infest
ed ports in the Mediterranean.
It 1b proposed to tunnel under the Irish
sea, connecting Ireland and England.
Spain was eranted the nrivileireof ran
som ing her prisoners in the Philippines.
Eastern press criticises the adminis
tration for not putting down the rebell
ion in the Philippines at once.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
FS Cottle to T A Atwood, 12 a
Minthorn if 500
J Shaw to II Gans, 4 a Holmes
elm 2, 2e & It 2 blk 9 Holmes ad 3600
E W Taget by sheriff to J A Bell,
ne4' & n4 of so sec 36, Is, 6e. 415
J A Bell to T T Buikhart 240 a
soc 30, Is, 6o 840
T T Burkhart to U S, 240 a sec 30,
Is, 5e Act of Congress.
C W Gardner to J Gardner, It 4
blk 15, Oswego 600
J II Albert to J James, Its 13, 14,
19, 20, 21, blk 71, Minthorn.... 2
W B Baker to L S Bakor, 40 a soc
4,3s, 4e 400
W B Bnker to 0 L Baker, 4 a sec
4, 3h, 4o 460
T Rieclml to F II Fruiht, 18 a elm
03 1200
O W Taylor to F Hogg, It 21, blk
3, Tarkplace 47
D A Coovnrt to F & A Lutz, 108.80
a Tarcy & Chase elm, 2s 3e 3000
A Veinht to 11 A Allon, 23 & 92 a
elm 59, 8s, 80 680
V Tabordon to J Feglos, 150 a Bee
Hi 2h, 5e 500
H U Lewis to R N Anxier, Its 1 ,
2, 3, 4, blk 88, Minthorn 1
A O Fairchild to E G Crawofrd 0a
sec 28, Is, 2e 550
A P Barlow to C J Quint, 3 a Bar-
lows....- 150
Teachers' Meeting.
The Clnckamas County Teachers' As
aociation will moot at Rudhmd, Ore.,
June 24, 10 a. in.
Greeting Chas. Rutherford
"The Mexican War," ,.0. H. Byland.
"Measurements," II. 8. Gibson.
Vocal solo, Robt. Ginther,
"Number in Nature," Rev. A. J.
"The Relation of Good Newspapers to
our Public Schools," Koelerll. Gabbert.
Club swinging, by Redland pupils.
Music, by Redland Chorus Class.
N. W. Bowland,
Co. Sup't Schools.
Report of Capt. Pickens on Ex
pending of the Same for Ben
fit of Co. I Braves.
Oregon Oity, Ore.. June 5. 1899.
To the Emergency Corps, of Portland,
Oregon, the Auxilary Oorpi and
friends, Oregon Oity, Ore.,
As custodian of certain funds placed
in my hands for the benefit of Company
1, 2nd Oregon Vol's, I have the honor
to submit the following report :
1 1898 Receipts.--
May 14. The Emergency Corps,
Portland, by Mrs.Protzman.$100 00
" 15. The people of Albany. . 10 00
" 16. Funds In Oregon City.. 150 00
Oct. 4. Auxilary Uorps. O. C. . . 40 00
;.i SMiV bC.l. soooo
Expended as follows : "
May 25. . For improvement of ra-
tions at San Francisco 22 75
Sick on transport May 25 to
June 30...; 27 90
Same, month of July 2030
' " August 20 31
' Sept...... 25 70
' " Oct.... 43 10
1 " Nov 24 85
1 " Dec 34 15
1 " Jan 26 75
' " to Feb. 17 13 25
Feb. 17. Turned over to Lieut.
M.D.Phillips... 40 49
300 00
I have in my poses s ion itemized ac
counts of all money expended, which
requires too much space to print, but
are open to anyone who may desire to
see them. I will, however, give items
for one month which will give a com
prehensive understanding for all the ex
penditures, as follows:
Jan 1 Eggs 25, pchs 50, mik 40.. 1 15
" 3 Eggs 48, peaches 35, clam
juice 00 . 1 43
" 4 Eggs 52, butter 30, oranges
82 1 I
" 6 Eggs 20, milk 40, tea 50,
fruit 60, eggs 35, ext. beef 50. . . 2 55
" 7 Eggs 35, bread 13 48
" 9 Spoons 30, peaches and
pears 35 65
10 Eggs 25, bread 13 38
" 11 Eaes 25. cream 15 40
" 13 Cream 60, peaches 40, Boup
30 1 30
" 14 Cocoa 75, Coffee 16, eggs 25
spoons 35, canned chicken soup
75 2 26
" 15 Eggs 25, milk 40 65
17 Cream 25, eggs 13 38
" 20 Egirs 10, Muscatel 15 25
" 21 Eggs 6, milk 40 46
" 22 Eggs 25
" 23 Eggs 25, cream 45, mock
turtle soup 60, forks 40,cocoa 75
eggs 50 2 95
" 24 Eggs 15
" 25 Cream 1.37', spoons 15.. 1 52
"26 Eggs 25,canned fruit 1.50. 175
" 27 reaches and pears 34, soup
44 78
" 28 Eggs 25
" 29 Eggs 25, peaches & pears
34, butter 30, soup 23, clams 17, .
soup 21 1 25
" 30 Canned fruit 1.25, eggs 30,
cream 1.62, milk 20, cocoa 75. 4 12
31 Eggs 25
26 75
The above things were purchased for
the sick who were unable to eat the reg
ular army rations furnished by the
United States.
I would also state that there was
placed in the hands of Sergeant (now
Lieutenant) J. U. Campbell and Q. M.
Sergeant J. W Moffat, seventy dollars
by the employers of the pulp & paper
mills, of Oregon City. This money was
expended by them as they saw fit for
the benefit of the company, a portion of
it being used at San Francisco in con
nection with that expended by myself
to improve food. The manner in which
they expended the money at all times
met with my approval.
Sergeant Moffat was also authorized
by Mr. Pierce or Mr. Johnson, of the W.
P. & P. Co., to draw one hundred dol
lars at any time we Bhould need money.
Postage was paid upon nearly eight
hundred letters out of the funds, for
thoso who had no money. The money
was also used to buy shoes, tobacco (all
money spent for tobacco was returned)
woolen and cotton underwear for aiek,
bath soap, towels, tunka for boiling
water, large Btone tank for holding
drinking water, pillows (cotton), crutch
es, trues, dark room for Corporal Leslie
Yeerick, who waa nearly blind, Shasta
ginger ale and many other necessaries.
Money was also loaned in small sums
when needed.
Very respectfully,
Late Capt. 2nd Oregon Vol's, Com'd'g
Co. I.
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for set
ting. Fifteen for $1. At Sunnyslope
farm, 2i miles south of town, or leave
orders at Charman A Co.'s drug store.
Gbo, Stevkss, manager.
Interesting Events in Fraternal
Solar Circle, No. 172, Woodmen of
Woodcraft, have elected the following
new officers: Past guardian, Mrs. F,
T. Barlow ; guardian, Mrs. S. F. Scrip
ture; advisor, Eunice Walker; magi
cian, Mrs. A. R. Sprague; recorder,
Mrs. A. F. Parker; banker, S. F. Scrip
ture; captain of guard, Mrs. I.D.Tay
lor; inside guard, Mrs. Bruner; outside
guard, Mrs. Boyles.
Clackamas Lodge No. 67, A. O. U. W.,
has elected the following new officers :
Past master workman, J. B. Cramer;
master workman, E. F. Capps; fore-
Walter Wilson ; overseer, T. A. Roots;
recorder, Ed R. Dedman ; financier, A.
Mather; receiver, A.: E. Holcomb;
guide, Thomas Deakins; inside watch
man, Riphard Johnston ; outside watch
man, M. B. Webster; delegate to grand
lodge, J. A. Talbert ; alternate, J. W.
Roots. ' . ,.
The following newofficers of Stafford
Lodge No. 65, A. O.U. W., have been
elected : Past master workman, C. W.
Larson ; master workman, Theo Reiehle ;
foreman, G. W. Borland ; overseer,
George Biehle; recorder, B. F. Weddle;
financier, O. F. Polivka; receiver, John
Wauker; guide, E. P. Carpenter; in
side watchman, Leonard Schober; out
Bide watchman, Arthur Borland.
County Judge Thomas F. Ryan was
honored with an election to the posi
tion of worthy patron of the grand chap
ter of the Eastern Star at the session
held in Portland last week. This is the
highest honor that tiie women of the
order in Oregon can bestow on mortal
The United Artisans are making elab
orate preparations for their annual pic
nic at Gladstone park, June 24th. A
complete program rf field sports is be
ing arranged. There will be bicycle
races, footraces, baseball games, etc.
Ree. George W. Grannis, of Salem, su
preme director, will give the address of
the day.
The Masonic grand lodges are in ses
sion this week in Portland. Among the
delegates from here are C. J. Buchanan,
Dr. W. E. Carll and F. T. Griffith.
Who is to Blame-
Kidney trouble has become so preva
lent that it is not uncommon for a child
to be born affected with weak kidneys.
If the child urinates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the
child reaches an age when it .should be
able to control the passage, and it is yet
affected with bed-wetting, depend upon
it, the cause of the difficulty is kidney
trouble, and the first step should be to
wards the treatment of these important
organs. This unpleasant trouble is due
to a diseased condition of the kidneys
and bladder and not to a habit as most
people suppose.
If the adult has rheumatism ; pain or
dull ache in tne back ; it the water
passes in irregular quantities; or at ir
regular intervals or has a bad odor; if it
stains the linen or vessel the color o
rust ; if the feet swell ; if there are puffy
or dark circles under the eyes; your kid
neys are the cause and need doctering.
Treatment of some diseases may be de
layed without danger, not so with kid
ney diseaee.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the great
kidney, liver and bladder remedy
promptly cures the most distressing
cases. Its mild and extraordinary effect
is soon realized. Sold by druggists in
fifty-cent and dollar sizes. You may
have a sample bottle and pamphlet tel
ling all about it sent free by mail. Ad
d res Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
N. Y. When writing mention that you
read this generous offer in the Oregon
City Coukikr-IIerald.
Discovered by a Woinnn,
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. "Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years she with
stood its severest tests, but her vital or
gans were undermined and death seemed
imminent. For three months she
coughed incessantly, and could not sleep.
She finally discovered a way to recover,
by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and was so much relieved after taking
first dose, that he slept all night; and
with two bottles has been absolutely
cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz."
Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of
Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles frea at Geo.
A. Hard ing's Drug Store. Regular size
50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaran
teed. As agents for a new stump blasting,
bank blasting, and mining powder (the
California Vigorit powder) we challenge
the representatives of any powder com
pany on earth at any time and place to
test their powder against ours for
Btrength, superiority and cheapness
This powder has peen tested by Clacka
mas county and many individual citizens
and is acknowledged to be one-third
cheaper than any other powder. Its
safety is one of the chief features of
Geo. B. Rate & Co., AgentB,
184 Madison St. (west end of bridge)
Portland, Oregon.
lie Foaled The Surgeons.
All the doctors told Runick Hi mmil
ton, of West Jefierson, O., after suffer
in from Rectal Fistula, he would die un
less a costly operation was performed ;
but he cured himself with five boxes of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile
cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the
World. 2) cents a box, Sold by Geo.
A. Harding, Druggist.
For Rknt Three housekeeping rooms.
Inquire of Mrs. A. R. Doolittle, Green
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenced agent.
Shall we 'IWKV
tell you fl , r
why T J ' V
F. E. Donaldson; Agent
Fire and Accident Insurance
ais try CAPITAl, M0.MO.M
floe preildsnt
Chai, H. c initial
Quo. A. Habdm
K. O. OAVtut
A General Banking Basinets Transacted
Deposits Received Snbjeot to Check.
Approved BlUi and Motes Discounted.
County and City Warrants Bought.
Loans Hade on Available SeenritT
Exchange Bought and -fold.
Collections Made Promptly.
Drafts Sold Available in An Part ef the
TelegraphloEzohangeSoldon Portland, Baa
Francisco. Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper yout
rooms and paint youi
house and
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices. Leavt
orders at Ely Bros, storq
on upper 7th streeth.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprletdr
Oregon Oity, Orcgsa
Pure Milk and Full Measurt
given; delivered to ly
part of the city,
Try Bolton Dairy and be C Tea
Livery & Feed Stable
Has the best-looking riga
and cheapest rates in the
Cor. Main and 4th St.
Fine Photographs Cheap
Shaving and Hair Cutting done with
neatness and dispatch.
Julius Rones, Proprietor
Barclay Building, Oregon City, Ore.
Prices MoCetate . All Operations Guaranteed.
When you visit The Dalles stop at the
Best One Dollar a Day House
in the City
On Second Street one block from Depot
Special rates to families and partie
8. 8. SMITH, l'rop.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
ForMaygera. Rainier,
Clatskanie, Weitport,
Cliftou, Astoria, War
renton, navel, Oear
hart Park, and eniile
Astoria and Seashore
Astoria Kipress.
8:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
11:15 A.M.
:40 P.M
Ticket offto. 285 Morrlaon St. end Union depot.
J. C. MAYO, Uen. Pa. Agt., Astoria, Ore.
Remember that the
Seventh Street Meat Market
One door east of Shively's Hall is owned by
And that ther sen First-Class Meats at Reasonable Prices
Don't Purchase a Ready Made Suit
Which is made and finished by machinery with hundreds of oth
ers the same style and pattern. Have some individuality about
your attire. We can give you perfect fitting suits and guarantee
satisfaction at very low prices. rV:J:.;! j!.-, .
M. GILBERT, The Portland Tailor, opp. Electric Hotei
... , ,. r v, , WILKINSON BROS., PROPRIETORS , vi , 9
n. 8pecliil attention given to arranging floral displays for weddings and parties. ...
P.O. Address. Box 238.'
Oregon City, Ore.
On Top
:The top of the Shoe
isn't where the most wear comes, but
it's important, nevertheless. Tops
are made in a great variety of styles
now-a-days. All of them are good,
but some more beautiful than others
We have all the new styles of tops,
for you to selectjfrom.
A Good Thing,
If you have a good thing the people want it.
Their scales of living is many degrees higher
than their fathers'; they want the necessities of
life to be as good as possible for the money.
MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at
the lowest price. A penny saved is two earned
A Flying Top Free!
The Latest Fad
Also Fall line of MID Feed,
fionuments and Headstones
Estimate! furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
Work. :: Drawings made by description.
Bilvcr Medal Awarded at
Portland Mechanics' Fair
I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and
am now m a position to do work better and more reasonable.
timet in ten that is the trouble. It costs you nothing to find out, if
you will go and see
393 riorrlson St., Portland, Oregon
Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, in charge ol
the optical department, and you can consult him and have your eyes
examined free of charge. TEY it may be your trouble.
t 220 First Street
Has a complete
Imported Pattern Hats& Millinery Novelties
T ii.i. ; 1 J
iiais uunmcu iu uiucr. x cdtiitrs uycu anu cuneu.
Greenhouse on East SWe
Electric Car Line
With Every 5oc Purchase ct
all goods are sold at reasonable
Dtlr ln ii '
And ' s r"V5
Lime, Cement anil lU Plate
Portland, Oregon
Oh, My Headaches!
Well, no doubt it is caused by
imperfect eyesight, as about seven
Portland, Oregon ;
assortment of X
.1 , j I j i.j