Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, June 09, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    , 8
Oregon City Auction lfou3e
Opposite P stoffice
Oregon City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
That we are the cheapest CASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by
the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers
who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us If you are wise and have your own inter
est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy,
you will be POSTED as to goods and values Remember,
Bab7 Baggies Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set
from from from from Sewing Machine Bed Room Set Stove of 44 Pieces
$e aa Improved from on Earth n.
$2.00 25C , , 30C '0 Vear, Guarantee " UNIVERSAL
and Upward $24 $.UU M 00
and Upward and Upward second-Hand Per Yd and Upward Eaay Zms Given and Upward STEEL RANGES Pw
Our Money System.
Written f r the Courler-Hi raid by Argui.J
But our finances are run by Wall
street, who laid down their platform, or
formulated their demands through Mc
Kinley at the manufacturers' banquet
in 1878, as follow s :
"There is another duty resting upon
the national government to coin money
and regulate the value thereof. This
duty requires that our government shall
regulate the value of its money by the
highest standard of commercial honesty
and national nonor. Nothing should
ever tempt ns, nothing ever will tempt
us to scale down the pacred debts of the
nation through a legal technicality.
Whatever may be the language of the
contract, the U. S. will discharge alt its
obligations in the currency recognized
as the best throughout the civilized
world at the time of payment &o. "
Mckinley was set up to make t'.is
declaration, but it reminds us of the
story of Esau and Jacob in tl.e old book.
It was the face of Esau but the voice of
Jacob. f?o this utterani e by McKinley
was the real voice uf Wall street cun
ningly stealing the very birthright of
the people while trying to hide its
trickery under such cant phrases as
commercial honesty, national honor,
sacred debts, &c. Take away the cant
embellishments and the plain statement
is: "That notwithstanding the law of
the land, and the very face of the bonds
provides our debts to be paid in silver,
yet this government will pay every
thing in gold."
The law enacted by large majorities
of both housed and igne'd by a former
president is sneered at as a mere legal
technicality. A contract is a sacred
thing in the eyes of an honest people
and defines the rights of both contract
ing p.irties, but it must be broken to '
satisfy the douhle demands of Wall
Mr. McKinley and It its cabinet were
sworn to protect the people's interests.
They were elected to procure bi-metal-Um,
if possible, with the consent of
liuiope, because the public wellfare de
mands it. yet, under the influence of
Wall street, they tuin traitors to their
countiy's interes's, trample on the law
of the land, and break a sohnincon racti
made in the very interests of bl-metal
ism, which they were elected to sup
port. How deplorably McKinley has
exemplified in his own experience the
power of gold as an inexorable master.
Only a few years ago he told us that
silver was the regulating medium, and
that its demonitization made gold the
master and everything else the servant,
but in the interests of the gold oligarchy
he is made to stultify himsolf.
Regulate our money by paying in the
highest or best money 1 You might as
well tell the clockmaker to regulate his
clock by raising the pendulum disc to
the highest notch,, or the engineer to
regulate the speed of his engine by
tying down the governor balls, as
talking of regulating in the highest
money. There is no highest or low est
when money is to be regulated. As the
pendulum swings an equal distance on
each side the pivot, so our values must
be equally poised on gold and silver the
two great monies of commerce to regu
late values. This is the way McKinley
pointed out a few years ago. This Is the
way the Bank of England, the most
trustworthy and conservative financiers
known, demanded the restoration of
values when they made an agreement
with the McKinley delegates for carry
a reserve in silver.
It is this neglect to regulate, or as
Wad street puts it, regulating iu the
highest values, or iu the plainest words,
la the gold standard that is playing
havoo with our people.
With hi mouluiu, or our money val
ues regulated, we should have twice the
amount of real money, about 1200 mil
lions with only about 4000 millionscred
it on it, iustead of, as claimed, about
tlOOO millions with about 1000 millions
credit money on it.
Our bonded iudebt duess, with the op
(ton used by the credtor, would be re
duced or more than one half.
(Continued nest week.)
L. Block's Furniture and
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
A E Ogilbeo to J I Henderson.
r of nw of swj sec 30, Is, 2e 500
J M Sperl to 0 Weimann, sw
of se! sec 24, 4s, le 1000
A Brix to N P Sorenson, 5a J
Wills elm 500
T T Burkhart to j. iS., wk of
ne!4 8ec 7, 4s, 9a, also Its 1, 2,
sec 6, 2s, 7e Act of Cong.
F Kiernan to T T Burkhart, nw
of sw4i & 4 of ne sec 7, 4s,
9e . 438
H A Smith to TT Burkhart, Its 1,
2, sec 6 260
W H Smith to H Laboessiere,
a H Buck elm, 2s, 2e 50
G A Schuebel to R Gunther, 20 a
sec 1, 4s, 2d 550
0 Sjhuibel to G A Schuebel, nw
of ne'sec 1,4s, 2e 400
State Board to J A Jone.4, n,' sec
16,5s, 6 1 400
L A Atkii s to F Rirer, i. of nw
)L & t of nek' sec , 4s, 5r. . . 75
A Ulark to H W Higginson, 8 a
sec 5, 2s, 2e 650
UStoMPelky, y of nw &
xi of sw) sec 34, 5s, 2e Potent
T T Burkhart to U S, ee1 sec 12,
2s, 7e Act of Congress
WmAHobbietoT T B;irkhart,
M fee 12, 2, 7e 500
G M Giltner to E U Giltner, Its
21,24, blk 58, Its 2, 3,27, 30 31,
55, blk 26, Its 1 to 21 blk 54,
Minthorn 350
Williams A England Banking Co.
to G M Giltner, blk 31 and Its 14
to 48 blk 26, and Its 1 to 21, blk
54, Minthorn 100
Wm England to G M Giltner, Its
21 to 24. blk 58, Its 7 to 48, blk
25, blks 2, 3, 27, to 30, and lots
I to 6, blk 65, and Us 1 to 13,
blk 26, Minthorn 250
M Johnson to E Shristopher, s)i
of sw1 sec 84, 5s, le 100
R Hill toT J Gary, It 2, blk 12,
Sunset City 650
G E Hargreaves to A Cliff, 24.59 a
II Baker elm. 100
P Watts to G Hargreaves, same
as above 150
S E Johnson to E L Welch, 10 a
sec 2, 2s, 2e ; 500
S A Riser to L II Porter, 100 a tec
15, 5s.le..g 1
L II Porter to S A Klser, 8WJ4 sec
14, 5s, le 1
A Bachus to E Belilke, It A tret
72, part Its 3,5, 6, tret 72, part
It 4, tret 74, Molalla 1
OA Miller to DA Coovert, 60 a
elm 44, 80 a elm 41. 10
B F Linn to A B Linn, 132 a sec
12, 2s, 3e 1000
Parsnip Complexion
A majority of the ills atllicting peopla
to -day can be traced to kidney trouble.
It pervades all classes of society, in all
climates, regardless of age, sex or con
dition. The sallow, colorless people you often
meet are afflicted with "kidney complex
ion." Their kidneys are turning a pars
nip color, so is their complexion. They
may suffer from indigestion, bloating,
sleeplessness, uric acid, gravel, dropsy,
rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, of
irregular heart. You may depend upon
it, the cause is weak, unhealthy kidneys.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble
and both need the same remedy. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root.the great kidney,
liver and bladder remedy will build 11 n
and strengthen weak and unhealthy
kidneys, purify the diseased, ki dney-poi-soned
blood, clear the complexion and
soon neip tue sutierer to better health.
The mild and the extraordinary ell'ect
of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases, such
as weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder,
gravel,' rheumatism and Bright's Dis
ease, which is the worst form of kidnev
trouble. At druggists, fifty cent and
dollar sites. You may have a sample
bottle py mail free, also pamphlet telling
all about it. Address Dr. Kilmer A
Co., Binghamtoo, N. Y.
When writing please mention this pa
per. N, T. World an( Coarier-EeralA $1.75
Dr. Strickland lieplica to Dr.
Editor Coubikb-Herald:
A recent verdict of a jury of honorable
men of Clackamas county has again set
grinding the venomous prating machine
of our Shakespearian county doctor. In
terms of his characteristic vituperation
how has he vindicated himself against a
possible judgment of his Deers and pos
sibly the hauntings of dying patients?
Concerning that verdict and poor pau
per, let the facts be submitted to a can
did people, and let them then censure
him to whom censure is due.
During the month of February last at
Clackamas staiion a tramp became disa
bled, and out of the charity of that com
munity a purse of $3 was made up, and
with the pauper was sent by Mr. Wash
Smith to the writer, with tha request to
prescribe and buy for him necessary
medicines. The man was then in a par
oxysm of cardiac asthma, having a val
vular disease of the heart, left frpm an
attack i.f acute rheumatism when a
child. Dilation of his heart and his
swollen extremities indicated plainly
that his disease was fatal, and to make
the best of available means for the good
of the man was the only thing remain
ing to be done After paying $2.50 for
medicines, which the county doctor will
sell you for 25 cents, ih 're was little re
maining in tha purse with which to pro
vide lodging for the patient. However,
by the kindness of E. L. Shaw, city
night watch, we arranged a comfortable
spring bed in the city jtil for the unfor
tunate fellow, who thanked us cordially
for our kindness, as hitherto he had
slept under sidewalks, trees, etc. Mr.
Shaw furthermore volunteered to con
stantly visit him during the night and
administer the medicines, which were of
three different kinds, one to be given
every hour, the oilier every three hours
and the third every six hours.
Meanwhile the man improved consid
erably, but it was evident that he could
not again go on his journey. The writer
then insisted upon the county doctor
taking the man, for it was evidently a
county charge, and forthwith instructed
Chief of Police Burns to notify the
county physician to care for the patient,
but the ' proud man," in total disregard
of liis "little brief authority" as county
doctor, gave no resionse to the notice of
Chief of Police Burns, and not until
night, when the poor fellow was again
siezed with paroxysms and the city night
watch ran for the county doctor, did this
ounty doctor heed the notice of either
chief of police or night watch. The
alarming condition of the tramp finally
succeeded in touching a responsive chord
in the makeup of the county doctor,
who, as he says, then ran to the man,
threw his elastic arms around him and
kept him from dying, ordered an express
wagon and jostled him in it off to Green
Point, where the man died while being
removed from the wagon.
The writer then said, and still de
clares, that the removal of that mar. was
the immediate cause of his dying and
hastened the death of the man at least
two weeks. An investigation of the
cause of death of this man was ouly
averted by the hope that such treatment
of the dying should not occur again.
However, in a brief time thereafter, at
the inquest of Jacob Stuckey, deceased,
it was again found that the deceased,
while in the throes of death, was re
moved from a comfortable and ample
resting place to Green Point, at Oregon
City, to die within 36 hours ; and again,
shortly following this atrocity, at the re
cent inquest of Solomon Beachert, de
ceased, it was found that while the de
ceased lay at his father's house dying in
the presence of members of his own fam
ily and comfortably situated, the man
datory decree of the county doctor, play
ing "such fantastic tricks before high
heaven as makes the angels weep,"
flashed with lightning speed "Bring him
down to Green Point." The "proud
man, drest in a little brief authority,"
was promptly obeyed and the dying
man accordingly placed in a wagon,
hauled three miles to Aurora, put aboard
the cars there for Oregon City, then ex
pressed to Green Point, where within
an hour thereafter he died ; and now
that Shakespearian chimera wonders
why the jury should "recommend that
hereafter no person be removed an un
reasonable distance while in a dying
The writer insists that the dying
should rest, as well as the dead, and let
the county doctor, and all others, if any
there be. see to it that such barbarous
inhumanity never herealter occurs in
Clackamas county while the writer is
coroner, "Because, authority, tho it err
like others, hath yet a kind of medicine
in itself that skins the vice o' the top."
As to the county doctor's criticism on
frequent inquests, the law prescribes
that the coroner has power to inquire
into the cause of death or injury of a
person, when the peisonhas been killed,
dangerously wounded, has suddenly
died under suspicious criminal circum
stances, or suicide, and, strange to say,
the kind legislature declares that the
county doctor has not a word to say
about w hether the inquest was or was
not useless, nor does it orovide for the
county doctor to "spit venom" at an offi
cer whi'e the officer is discharging his
duty, and the writer has only to say
that probably this "proud man," too,
is "most ignorant of what he's most as
sured," and the facts hereinbefor a stated
are ample provocation for the unwar
ranted criticism.
And, again, what satisfaction to the
paupers generally does this county doc
tor give? When his pauper patients ap
ply for relief he avoids them and often
makes it so embarrassing that the poor
people frequently come to the other
doctors of the town with plaintive de
scriptions of how the county doctor
treated them. They say he curses and
swears at them and doesn't even pro
vide them with the comfortable quarters
of the city or county jail or with treat
ment or other quarters fit for a dog, as
he agrees the writer did.
Again, the writer was elected to the
office of corouer of Clackamas countv bv
a complimentary vote of his constitu
ency; but what about the appointment
of the county doctor? How dare we
mention that the county doctor's bid
was $180 higher than any other bid for
the position of county phvsician, and he
"got there just the same"? How about
the caucus composed of the county doc
tor, a county commissioner and a sena
tor, called to arrange a "pull" for the
petty appointment? and by what myste
rious contortion of reason and fairness
do the "highest bidder," the "best
friend" and the "county doctor" all co
incide so harmoniously? A man who
would be guilty of such "fantastic
tricks" the writer cannot compare with
an ape and do the ape justice. Better
call him plainly a fraudulent hog, and
in general might describe him as the
On the road, the lonely road,
Under the cold, white moon,
Under the rugged trees he stands,
Whistled and shifted his heavy load,
Whistled a foolish tune.
There was a step timed with his own,
A figure that stooped and bowed,
A long white bludget that flashed and
Like a splinter of daylight downward
And the moon went behind a cloud.
But the moon came out as broad and
The barn fowl woks and rowed,
Then ruffled his feathers in weary mood,
And the barn owl called to his mate in
the wood
There's a roan lying dead in the road.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. M, C. Strickland,
Several days labor wanted at Coram
Huald office on account.
Carpet House
BY virtue cf an order of sale and execution
duly Issued out of the circuit court of the i
state of Oregon for Clackamas county, lo me di
rected and dated the 2uth day of May, 1899, upon
a judgment nd deoree rendered and entered in
said court on the 26th day of April, 1899, in favor
of J II. Pomeroy, plaintiff, and against D. P.
Magone, 11. 8. Magone, W. T. Whitlock, Jacob
hauch, Henry K. Yergen, E. K. Jones & Co., A
corporation, D. B. Dees and J . W. Stuart, part
ners as D. R. Kees & Co., und O, Galloglv, defen
dants, lor the sum of 89500.00 and $42.14 00 and
920.20 costs and disbursements, I will on
Saturday, the Is. Day of July, 1809.
at the hour of one o'clock p. m, at the front door
of the court house iu Oregon City, in said county
and state, sell by public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for cash in
hand, all ihe right, title and interest of the said
defendants in or to the two paroels of real prop
erty situated in ai I Clackamas county, of which
one parcel is described as the undivided seven
eighths of the two tracts of land situated respect
ively iu the Tompkins and lieorge Walling dona
tion claims, described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest corner of the D.
D. Tompkins and wife D. L. C.,in t"wnship 2
south of ranges I and 2 east of the Willamette
meridian, thence south forty-nine degrees thirty
minutes east twenty-eight and seventy-one one
hundredths chains (2S 71 ch.); thence east sixty
six and seventy-live hundredths chains (66.76ch.)
to the Vt lllamette river; thence along the mean
derings of said rlv r, north thirty six degrees
west, nine (9 ch.) chains; thence north twenty
two degrees west elf lit and seventy l un iredins
cnains (H.7U cn.); tneuee norm nine ana eigiuy
eight hun redths chains (9.88 ch.) to the north
east corner of said claim; th -nee west along the
north line of said claim eighty four and ten hun
dredths chains (84.10 ch.) to the place of begin
ning, couiaiuing one hundred and thirty-seven
and seventy hundredths (137 70) acres (except a
tract conveyed by said Magone and wife to Shaw
and Jacobs of twenty-two and three hundredths
(22 03) acres by deed recorded in book 83, page
1)1, of the records of deeds of said county,)
Also eighty (80) acres of the soulh liulf of the
George Walling and wife I). L. C, in said town
ships, bounded on the Bouth by the south line of
the tieorge Walling claim aforesaid, oa the west
by the west line of aaid claim, on the east by the
Willamette river and on the north bv a line
drawn parallel wilh Suld south boundary so that
the area embraced within said lines shall contain
ughty (80; acres (except a tract conveyed from
this lat mentioned piece by Magone and wife to
L. W. Ilyland, containing twenty-five and sixty
hundredths (25.00 acres, by deed recorded iu
book 35, page 220, of the records of deeds of said
county )
And the oilier of said two parcels is described
as "all the right, title and Interest that the said
I). D. Mgone and H. S. Magone, or either of
them, had on October 4, 1-.I4, iu the donation
claim ol Waters Cnrmeu and L'icretta Carmen,
his wife, being notification No. 3:18.',, certificate
1063, iu township two roulh of range one east of
Hie Willamette meridian."
Pherlff of Claoliamas countv, slate of Oregon.
Dated, Oregon Cily, Ore., May 29, 1899.
Notice Is hereby given that 1 have heen appoint
A .1.i..;a.rul,. ..f If.. ....nf Inhn .1 111,..,,
deceased, by tho Honorable County Court ol
Clackamas county, Oregon. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby notilied to
present the same to me for payment at my home
at Molalla, ClacsaniHg county. Oregon, wilh
proper vouchers therclor, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 25th day of
May, 1899.
Admluistratoi of the estate of John 8. Dugan, de
Wairants endorsed prior to December lsl.1895
are now called. And interest will' cease on the
same on the date of this notice.
Treasurer of Clackamas County.
Oregon City, May 25th, 1899.
Depjrtvkntoftue Interior,
United States Laud Okkice,
Oregon City, Oregon, May 29, 1899.
dated Oct. 3. 1898, having been filed in this
office by George A. Bell, contestant, against home
stead entry no. 11,873, mane j una 4, i90, ior Bt.
SK'i section 32, township 2 s, range 7 e, by Minnie
Palton, contestee, In which it is alleged that "the
said Minnie Palton has wholly abandoned said
claim for more than one year prior hereto; that
for over one year prior this date said entry-man
has not resided on said claim or visited said
claim, or any one for her; that for over one year
last past homestead claimant has not in any way
cultivated or improved said claim, and her ab
sence has not been owing or due to her employ
ment in the military or naval serviee of the
United States in Unit of war," laid parties are
hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evi
dence toucmng saia allegations at iu o clock. A. II,
on July 14, 1899, before the Register and Receiver
at the United States Land Office in Oregon City,
The said contestant having, In proper amda
vlti.Hled March 16 and May 17, 1899, set forth facts
whlon snow thai alter due diligence personal ser.
vice of this notice cannot be made, it is hereby
ordered ana airectea inai snca notice oe given
by due and proper publication,
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
ForMaygers. Rainier,
Clatskauie, West port,
Clifton, Astoria, War
renton, Flavel, Gear
hart Park and Beaeid
Astoria and Seashore
Astoria Express.
8:00 A.M.
70 P.M.
11:16 A.M.
8:40 P.M.
Ticket office, 255 Morrison it. and union depot. I
J. C.MAYO, Oea.Pm. Aft., Atrto.Or. I
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,,
for the County of Clackamas.
J. N. Harrlnglon, executor of the will 1
and estate of Joseph Walton, de
John B. Jackson. Ova Jackson, his
wife, H. a. Jackson, David Turney, I
and McMinuville College,
Defendants. J
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as.
BY virtue of a judgment order, decree and an
execution, duly issued out of and under the
seal of the above entitled court, in the above enti
tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 3rd
day of May, 1899, upon a judgment rendered and
entered In said court on the 22nd day of April,
1899, in favor of J. N. Harrington, exeeutor Of ths
will and esutte of Joseph Walton, deceased, plain
till, and against John B.Jackson, Ova Jackson,
his wife. H. M. Jackson, David Turney and Mo.
Minnville College, defendants, for the sum of
(998, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the 22nd day of April, 1899,
and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding
me to make sale of the following described real
property, situate in the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, to wit:
Being a part of the donation land claim of Wil
liam Holmes and Samuel Vance in township $
south, range 2 east of Ihe Willamette meridian,
and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at tha
center of the Molalla and Oregon City oounty
road at the northwest corner of a tract of land
deeded to Gustav Schnoer, by deed reconled on
page , book , records of deeds for Clacka
mas oounty, and running thence north 76 deg, 4!
min. east 1068 ft. to an iron pin; (hence north 21
deg. 45 min. west 463.7 ft. to a stake; thence toulh
63 deg. 16 min west 1061.45 ft to the center of the
countv roaii; thence south 28 deg. 09 min east 223
ft. to lite place of beginning, containing 8!, acres,
more or less, all in Clackamas county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
at ihe hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m., 8t the front door
of the court house in Ihe city of Oregon City, in
snid county and state, sell at public auction, sub
jeci ui reuempuon, to me nignest Didder, tor u. ts.
gold coin, cash iu hand, all the right, title and In
terest which tho within named delendants. or
either of them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had, iu or to the above described
real propertv, or any part thereof, to satiBfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs. J.J COOKE.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 9, 1899.
In the Circuit Cunt of theftateof Oregou, for
the County of Ciack in.as.
Gambilnns Brewing Company, al
corporation, ' I
Plaintiff, I
vs. ).
John A. Nilson and John F. i
State of Oregon, County of Clacki nus, is,
ereeand an execution, duly isiued out of and
under Ihe seal of the aboe entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 12th day 01 Muy,18U'.l,upi.iia judgment rendered
and entered In said court 011 1'ie 1K b day of April,
1899, in favor of (Jambrluus Brewing Company a
corporation, plaintiff, and against John A. Nilson
and John . Shea, defjndants, for the sum of
309 45, and the further sum of 22.28 taxes and
the further sum of 550.00 as attorney's fee, and the
further sum ol 814.25 costs and disbursements, and
the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me
to make sale of the following described real prop
erty, situate In the county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to wit:
iTlie nbrtheast quarter of the southeast quarter of
section sixteen (16), township 4 south, range 2 east
of the Willamette meredian, containing forty (40)
acres, situated In Clackamas county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
at the hour of one o'clock p. m at the front door
of the county court house iu the cltv of Oregon
City, in said county and state, sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. 8. gold ooin, cash in hand, all the right
title and interest which the witbin named defend
ants or either of them had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in and to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree,
interest, costs and all acorulng costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas oounty, Oregon
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 16, 1899. "
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at way points on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the abova steamers have been rebuilt
ftnn r in .T.alh.nl V,... I .u- . '" '
Tt.- d --".v-. c r .ui season 01 1898.
HZ??L . "J fnd""or 'o iu
travel by the steamer, of Th. BeuUtor
r. .. -"--""- iwe i uruauu a . m. and
tt ( " m-,'nQ rrlT dlatination In ample
Portland Office. ' The Dalle. OM
oa St. Dock. CourtStreei. '
Aneral AgenU.