6 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 9 1899. I NEWS OF NORTHWEST. "Waters of the Rogue river will be dv xerted to Gold Hill and Rock Point min !xqg taaA agricultural lands. Oregon Telephone Company is build .ting a line to Prineville. MarehBeld, in Coos bay district, is said t&9 be building rapidly, and business men care in high epirite. . Ashland will try to have a fair this year. " Afitoiia men are organizing a rowing vulub. .Astoria's children are too many for ftdie school buildings and engine-houses --we being pressed into service. T5Ia6blnery is being put in Astoria's mew creamery. A mineral and botanical exhibit ia be Hog prepared in Oregon by a New York rauro for use at tlie Pan-American Expo- - aitlon in Buffalo, 1901. Tiffh eommisioner is having a hard ' i time to stop illegal fishing in Clackamas c county. Thistles bother the farmers around 1 Pendleton. Can factory at Astoria forced to close ' ' 3own on account of stench from a near liby oil lactory. vKie Dalles needs and may have a hit t mane society primarily to punish horse I. beaters. Klamath stock ranges all fenced this ryear. Snake river strawberries are in the Washington markets. W. G. Campbell is on trial at Colfax, "Wash., for the murder of James Hard wick. He claims self-defense. United States engineers are surveying fSnake river to improve it for navigation. Wayne Osborn, Annapolis cadet from lEugene, has passed all his studies with thigh grades. Work will begin at once on a railway drom Riparia to Lewiston. -J. W. Riordan, who disappeared from Oj rant's Pass a week ago, is not yet found. Seven hundred acre hydraulic placer r mine sold 31 miles west from Grant's iPass, on Illinois river. Band tournament in Albany Monday emd Tuesday. Voters of Lebanon refused to pay for ijnore school buildings by a vote ot 105 to 10. Washington sheepmen were arrested '1y the wholesale at Milton for driving '.their sheep into Ore. without inspection. Special policemen in Seattle charged -with levying tribute on fallen women and forging receipts. Port Townsend, Wash., nail works will be removed to Seattle. Three new boats building to ply be tween Seattle und Japan. It is said that Schoonmaker, a scout of If ark Hanna, will start a republican' pa per In Everett, Wash. Whatcom, Wash., street railway com jpnny must pave the streets with aephal tf.um or forfeit their charter. Sherwood men are contracting their tiops at 11j cents. Wall Walla, Wash., penitentiary zn&nufactured 700,000 grain batss this gear, and demand is not supplied. Alluiny bread man is selling 50 loaves for $1. .Former employe of II. L. Minn, Pen dleton sent him $10 conscience money tu tor A years. Aberdeen, Wash., has doubled its population in less than two years. Seattle shipped 250 cars of wheat in 'Hay. Weekly mail service will be establish- d to St. Michaels. The Dalles has raised $1000 for the evaporator and fruit dryer, Vancouver, R, O , is shipping 2,000 ions of provisions to Interior of Alaska. Live cougar came into Cottage Grove )at Tuesday. Rumor that Sumpter Valley railway ' will be extended to Harney is denied. Dr. J, M. Wilson is taking 30,000 sheep over the trail from Heppner to Huntington. Supreme court of Idaho linn upheld Governor Steunenherg in Bonding troops to Wardner. -Standard Oil Company is said to have f 75,OOO,OC0 in the copper combination in Butte City, Mont. Walla Walla will vote on the question of municipal ownership of the water supply. Boat lines to St. Michaels have all r.embluod, and cutting of rales is obvi ated. CbinmittM of 100 is dealing with the ttiunicipal ownership question in Seattle, si alive to the street railways. Skeleton of a man who was drowned e tr North Warner, one year ao, was found' last week. Albany Indian war veterans resolved not to support a congressional candidate who Is net fa vo l'n bio to their rights and rclaims. . THE WEEK 6 Forty-eight hundred cans of impure milk were seized Saturday in Vancouver, B. C, by the inspector. Sherman county stockraiser shipped 25 cars of sheep to Chicago in the last month, and has ordered 25 more cars. The projected power plant on the John Day river, to furnieh power for the mines in Baker City district, will cost $100,000. Mill men of Southern Oregon cannot run, the weather making logs too hard to get out. Marshal Carter shot Sam Appleton at Myrtle Point last week, while trying to arrest him for fast driving. San Francisco has two cases of small pox. A Skagway bank faileb for (18,000. The mystery of the $25,000, missing from the steamer Alameda, is still un solved. The letter from the Pelican declared to be genuine. Anew company will operate the ovate r beds on a large scale at Hood's canal. Revenue cutters will search on Aleu tian islands for the crew of the Pelican. GENERAL. Schley heartily indorsed the course of President McKinley in a speech. A nephew of General Merritt was re jected in the West Point examination because of defective eyesight. W, C. Stiles, of Warren, Ohio, com mitted suicide. Mountain View, Oklihoma, bought up a rival town. Henderson now has a majority for the speakership, and is conceeded the win ner. The United States will soon be the le'.ding coal producer of the world. The pipe trust is believed to be a fail ure. Canada denies being an obstacle to ar bitration in in the Alaska question. A tornado a mile wide occurred in Iowa. Keliogg and Thorpe buildings suffered. There was a cloud burst near Redding Cal. . Storms in the Central States continue. The thermometer was 06 in Chicago Sunday. Information disclosed in New Mex'co unearths four old murders hitherto un known. Three captures have been reported in connection with the Union Pacific train robbery. Georgia troops have been ordered out to protect the jail at Atlanta. Stage robbers have been captured in Arizona. The Nevada governorship contest is Deiore the courts. The riot cases are beinsr tried at Wal lace, Idaho. General Charles King has been hon orably discharged from the army. Wool growers of Utah have been refus ed the privilege of grazing their sheep on the Uinlah reservation. The street-car trust has fallen through. Ohio Presbyterians resolved against me seating or xtoherts in congress. Frank R. Sherwin, the noted New iork promoter, has failed, catching H S. Osgood of Portland, for $25,000. Gritlin, Ga., regulators are subdued. The Second Oreton is being brought dbck to Manila preparatory to embarka tion for home. One of General Weyler's notoiious agents was lynche I in Havana. Brooke's censorship of the Havana newspapers has been denounced. Aguinaldo has appealed to the powers lor am. The steamer Paris cannot be saved. Dreyfus' uniform and insignia of rank have been restored to him. Nat Goodwin's first night in London was a success, OKECON. The Klamath Couulv I'miik has begun business at Klamath Falls. It is the only bank in the county. Nearly all the 181)8 wool clip held in warehouse in Elgin was sold last week for 11 cents a pound. The trials of William Baor and Ric hard Hinkle for the murder of George A. Soott cost Grain county $15,000. Kenton county's delinquent tax roll will not reach $10,000. The prompt pay ment of taxes is accounted for by the fact that the enterprising and accommo dating sheriff sent notices to all the tax payers of the amount of their taxes and the time of payment. This proved to be a great accommodation to nouiesutents Two hundred head of sheep are said to have been shot by some miscreant in Grant county. This commencement week at Salem. There are 1,174 patients in the asylum at Salem. " , . Linn county Patrons of Husbandly praise Oregon-made wagons. John T. McXaiuaiti .got a year fi.r I stealing 5 at Hillsboro. I 10 l ortiatui urnmmers were hurt in a run-away near Albany. Harry Put ru, an Astoria fisherman. ' uuiiiuuiieu suiciuu. 1 kf :.. 1 -..!.! 1 'I 1 Funeral of Miss Olive A. Luelling There was a large attendance at the funeral of the late Miss Olive A. Luel ling, who died Friday, aged 27. The services were held at the Presbyterian church, Rev. A. J. Montgomery preach ing a very impressive funeral discourse. The floral offerings were elaborate and tasty. The pall-bearers were Professors J. C. Zinser, J. W. Gray, T. J. Gary, O. II. Byland, and Chester Mnir and How ard Brownell. The interment was made in the family burying lot in the Mil waukie cemetery. Miss Luelling was the daughter of Deputy Oounty Treas urer Alfred Luelling, and was one of the most capable and popular teachers in the public schools here. She was a graduate of the Monmouth state nor mal school. Miss Luelling had to give np her place in the schoolroom here a few months ago on account of her ill ness caused by the advancing stages of consumption. She was an active worker in the Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor, and was held in the highest esteem by a wide circle of friends. For some time she was deputy county recorder, daring the first year of her father's term of office. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Luelling and other members of the family, desire to express their kind appreciation for the many kindly offices performed by sym pathizing friends during the last illness of the deceased. Philomath college commencement will begin Sunday. A Lebanon youth was held np, beat en and robbed. The population of Oregon is expected to be 500,000 by next year. Preparations aie being made to begin work in Bohemia mines near Eugene. Strawberries are ripening quite fast at Roseburg. He Fooled The Surgeons. All the doctors told Runick Hammil- ton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffer in from Rectal Fistula, he would die un less a costly operation was performed ; but ne cured nimsett with nve boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. - NO CURE-NO PAY. That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is Bimply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer to bitter, ii 1 1 id at ing tonics. Price, 50c. e- t SHERIFF'S SALE. IN pursuance of a decree and order of sale reu dered In the circuitcourt of the stale of Oregon, for Clackamas county, on January 18, 1899, as ol the 26th ily of November, 18U8. In the suit of Os car P. Miller, plaintiff, vs. J. O. Pilsbury, M. 8. Pilsbury and Elmer E. Charman, Charles II. Cau fleld and George A. Harding as executors of the last will and testament of N. 0. Walden, deceased, defendants, and of an execntion duly issued out of said court in said suit on June 7, 18U9, 1 will ex- Jose for sale and sell as the law directs, at the rout door of tha court house, In Oregon City, Clackacas county, Oregon, on the Otb Day of July, 1899, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni. thereof, the real properly described In raid decree and order ol sale, to-wlt: Beginning at the south-westerly corner of lot seven (7), in block twenty-eight (28), in Oregon Oily, as shown by the maps and plats thereof on tile in the recorder's ollice of said county and state, thence in a northerly direction and following the westerly line of said lot thirty-three (xi) feet; thenoe easterly, and at right angles to said west erly boundary line o( said lot, and parallel with the side lines thereof, one hundred and five (105) feet; thenoe southerly at right angles, and parallel with Main street ill raid Oregon Gl,y, tliirty-tliree (33) feet, to the southerly line of said lot; thence westerly at right angles, and following the south erly line of said lot, to the place of beginning, situuted in Clackamas county, state of Oregon, to gether with the tenements, hereditaments and up purtenances (hereunto belonging or in any way appertaining Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, June 9, 1889. J. J. COOKE. Sheilff of Clackamas County, Oregon, Eureka Harness Oil is the best preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black en! and protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your best harness, your old har ness, anu your carriage top, anu mey will not only look better but wear loniier. Bold everywhere n enna all Suva irom nair pints to nve gallons. alkla b; STADIUM) OIL CO. F. ZOLLNER, Photographer Fine Photographs Cheap OREGON CANBY CANBY BARBER SHOP Shaving and Hair Cutting done with neatness and dispatch. 'Julius Rones, Proprietor I)R. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay Building, Oregon City, Ors). I rices iiot'crale All Operations (itiaranterd. When you visit The Pal leu stop at the Heat One Dollar a Day House in tho City THE OQARR HOTEL On Second Street one block from Depot Special rutes to families and partie smith, rrop. Job Printing at the Courier-Herald 1 2 Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. Shall we . TW1 tell you . , fi jr U why? J I 1 F. E. Donaldson, Agent Fire and Accident Insurance BANK OF OREGON CITY K.DE8T BAKKIKO HODSB IX TBI CRT HID UP CAPITAL, 100,000.00 svsplvs pojeo.00 President, Chai. H. CiUFUM Oio. A. Habdik S. O. Oaoiuu floe president Suhler, A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Beoelved Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loam Made on Available Seourltv Exchange Bought and Anld, Collections Maie Promptly. Draft! Sold Available In Any Part of tha ITorld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Baa Francisco, Chicago an 1 New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. 'Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. YAQUINA ROUTE C)iva is & Eastern Rtj Connecting at Yaquina with the YAQUINA BAI STEAMSHIP COMPANY steamer "WEEOTT," First-class In every respect. The above stoamer due to sail from Yaquina every eight days. Shortest route betweeu VALLEY POINTS AND SAN FRANCISCO Fare: Albany and points west to San Francisco Cabin H0 Hound trip 17 II. L. WALDEN. EDWIN STONE, T. J". & P. A. Manager W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th Ct. OREGON CITY. OREGON PoiilaiiiFr, Popular Purcksin Where Where Where Where You get the most goods for the least money. You are always wel come whether you come to buy or not. Make Our Store your Waiting CARS PASS THE DOOR. We give some bare hits of what 36-liu'h Unbleached Muslin, per janl Q'' Wiv Full width Unbleached Sheetings, per yard jO'fi tcrn per yard J)C .. . 1' 'J'.'"'' Heivy Unbleacneil Linen Crash Roller ei Toweling;, per arl 54-Inch Turkey Red Table Damask, per yd. 15c le Oilcloth, white, mar-1 C ed, per yard wu Widest and best Tab bleor fancy colored Large site Towels wl'h heavy fringe, each 8-4 ready-made B'.each. d Sheets, frca from Afln dressing, each Full-eiu bleached ready made Pillow Slips 7I each 2v Pontile Summer Blanket., In good colors, OQ A per pair uwv Mail Ordeis Promptly and Curetully GLADSTONE GREENHOUSE WILKINSON BROS., PROPRIETORS CUT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS, ROSES AND OTHER SHRUBBERY. Funeral plecea mail in any desigu. Special attention given to arranging floral displays for weddings and parties. P.O. Address, Box 238, Oregon City, Ore. ALWAYS ESSSS rWicf h 1 mi S-lb. Alr-tlgM taw. MaraaWitw. On Top The top of the Shoe isn't where the most wear comes, but it's important, nevertheless. Tops are made in a great variety of styles now-a-days. All of them are good, but some more beautiful than others We have all the new styles of tops, for you to selectjfrom. KRAUSSE BROS. A Good Tiling, If you have a good thing the people want it. Their scales of living is many degrees higher than their fathers'; they want the necessities of life to be as good as possible for the money. MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at the lowest price. A penny saved is two earned OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF Hon u merits and Headstones Estimate! furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. : : Drawings made by deaoription. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, Eilver M)al Awarded at Portland Mechanics' Fair I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and am now in a position to do work better and more reasonable. times In ten that is the trouble. It costs you nothing to find out, if you will go and see A. N. WRIGHT - - THE IOWA JEWELER 393 ilorrlson St., Portland, Oregon Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, in charge ol the optical department, and you can consult him and have your eyes examined free of charge. TRY it may be your trouble. I MRS. R. BECKER 220 First Street - - - Portland, Oregon Has a complete assortment of Impo lUd attern Hats & Millinery Novelties Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled. PRICES MODERATE You can get your Money Back on Unsatisfactory Purchases. Room, where you can pass the time pleasantly. we are going to do for our Oregon City Patrons. Full-si. Comforters, fluo white bitting Of flfl j rilled, rtck J 1 Full si.e white Bed Spreads in choice pat- CCr. i tern., each 0J , W hlte or Ecru tree Curtains In desirable EEa i natterna. tier nair wvlw patterns, per pair i Tapestry Portlers In all newest colorings ) I 7C Vrp,ilr v., w 1 Ladies Light figured Hslleo Wrapners, well Oc. made, half liueil and braid trimmed, each VIJw j L,.lijes(.lsI1(;wlt)lt'GU8e Pi'tlleoa s in fancy 7Ca a . colors, made with lined fl nince, each ... 1 ! Ladlea' Pancv Colon d Lnwn Shirt Waists. iC new style self collars, eueli j,iUe flirts' Colored Perca'e Presume, atyl- lhly made, with braid and embroidery QCt trimming, eaoh JU Heavy B ned Drab Contille Corsets in all 4 1; a : ,1,,, p8r p,ir uuli Shanahan's Fi'lcu. Greenhouse on East Shite Electric Car Lino The most delicious Coffee IS THE White House Two pound cans 75c at HARRIS' GROCERY Portland, Oregon Oh, My Headaches! Well, no doubt it is caused by imperfect eyesight, as about seven I plaee Where Our customers are considered First, Last and Always. FIRST AND SALMON STREETS OREGON CITY Celebrated R. O, Corsett in all slues, black HKn or drab, per pair IOC Children's heavy ribbed blark or Inn School 1 rt Hoso, per pair IKSG Children's b'ack "leather" Hose, the 1 strongest made, per pair 130 IF. 42-Inch Fancy Two Toned Suitings In new QG and desirable colors, per yd uOC 50-Inch strictly all-wool Ladies' Cloth Suit- OCn lags in all popular shades 50c goods at 03C SKW WASH FAURICS. 18-Inch Mili-as In an endless a9orlment of Dlt new patierns, per yard DC 3fi-inch French Porcales In all latest patterns Ol. per yard oaC :12-lnch Piques in p'ain. striped, figured or che ked designs, latest novelty, fist colors 1 ftn Pr yard 1UC Cor. First & Morris )n Sts. PORTLAND, ORE. Phone Block 29