-Land Titles and Land ' Omct Business a Specialty. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0 Will pVaotlce In all the Courts of the State and lie Bureaus of the Interior Dsparlment at Wash Elgton. K0OM 8, CHABHAS BUILMNQ, OREGON CITY, OREGON. JOHW H. WOURMS ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeutffyr Stbbolat. Oregon City, Orkqon Office with H. K. Cross. .YAN R. HYDE ,x LAW OFFICE Will practice In all the Courts of the State and tfceO. S. Umd Offloe. Abstract made. Land Ti les Quieted. Conveyances and all I egnl Docu ments drawn. Real Estate bmiftht and sold. Divor t a f pec'ally. Office is Caufisld Building, OREGON CI1Y, OREGON. (JEORGE LINCOLN STORY , , LAWYER Will practice 1n all the Courts of this State and WashiDKton. Foreclosure of Mortgagee and Pro- tatte Matters a B.ecieiiy. iiiies exmninea and Abstracts made. Office, Caufiki d Building. fl. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW ODDoalte Huntley's Book Store. Ud Stain OREGON CITY, - OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK . OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all poiuu In the United Stales and Europe and on Hoiig Kong. Deposits received turjert to check. Bank open from A M.ios-P. M. D-CLAlODRt'llK, IEED J. MEYER, President. Cashier. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY . T . . OREGON Gro. C. Bbowkiu J. TJ. CAMroiu, BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caudeld BuUdlng Oregon City, Or W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Hu&tley's, J OREGON CITY OREGON C. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW 2)eutff)tt Stbbolat. OREGON CITY OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Publlo and Real Estate Broker Liadinq Insuaancb Aoehcy or CLACI1MA1 COONTY Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal fioeumeuta a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6U and 7th OREGON CITY, . OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Kxperienoe.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronlo diseases. Best of references elven. Office in Willamette Build In. Office hours: 10 to li a. m., 4 to 4 p. m. OHEGON CITY .... OREGON DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office In Caufleld Building, Main Street Oregon Citv. ' ' Bkidqi and Obown Work a Specialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, pBEQoH Our, . Obsqon t . DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. ' Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DR. VBLCH. WiUameUt Block - Oppotitt Potloffict Okjcooh Cm, Ojueoon. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1865 , THE PIONEER EXriiESSMAM AND DBAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Part of the City OREGON CITY . T - . . OREGON Hoblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oitha Street betwMi tit Bridge aidtbt Depit. DtabU and single rlrf and saddle horses i ways a kaad i the lowest rawa, and a own also eoBtMted with the bare tot loot etocj fnylBtomlUasi Maardlnf any kind of Itoet aroaipilT attain so M by latter ot peraoa. HORSES B6BT R SOLD. BATH COMFORT Ir linlf llnU'ti itnlu. ... .,1.1- . . oittn tub Is In rerleet order. ii.e riiunning oone t.y ns U thorughly entlsfae tory bwsuse il k. dunr jlglit. F. C. GADKE BOLTON DAIRY CHA8. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measuro given; delivered to any part of the dty. Try Holton Dairy ud bo OaavoeoeV Vav.a)- i "STEVENS FAVORITE"! RIFLE. I 22-Inch barrel, weight 4J pounds. Carefully bored and tested. For 22, .25 and .32 rim-fire cartridges. Nn. 1 7. Plain Open Sights, $6,00 Nn IB Target Sights, $8.50 Ask your dealer for the " FAVO. RITE." If he doesn't keep it we will send, prepaid, on receipt of price. Send stamp for complete cata logue showing our full line, with val uable information regarding rifles and ammunition in general. 1 J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO .j as P.O. BOX CHICOPEB PALLS, MASS. Ui3 EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THK SOUTH KliU PACIFIC 10. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily i It Takes Down." South. North. 7:0 P.M. l,v Ponlnnd Ar, SOfU.t Wp. m. I.v Oivittm city I t I 7 0oa.( 7:4.".M. Ar Ban Franomco T,v j 7 p j:(i0p.M Ar Onnen Arl 1:10 pm 6i5 P.M A- Denver I.v ' 6:45 P.M :l a.m. Ar - i meha Ar 8:60 a m 8:15p.m. Ar Chbato lv 6:80 A.M 7:0OA.M -Ar .( AliielfS Ar U :2rt P.M 8:15 p.m. I Ar M lJso Ar 2: p.M 4 15 km. I Ar lort Worth Ar x:40 A M 7-56 a.m. I Ar New Orleans Ar 8 40PM DINIItG CAPS, tBSEfiVATION CARS. -I'ullnan First oIjss end Tourist Curs a luelied u all tho ugh trains, ROSKBl'EG MAIL DAILY x 8:0A.M. . Lv I'urtland . Ar4:80p 9 20 A.M. Lv Orpirnn city I.v S:Sp. 5:20 P. M, I A r Rosebtirg I.v I 7.8 A COEVALLI3 MAIL DvILY tkxcKPT SUNDAY.; 7:30 A.M. I I.v Portland Ar I fl:60 P. J' 11:55 A.M. Ar Corvallif Lvl:'.0P.M At Albanv and Cnrvnlils ronnpet with train ol Oregon Oiitim A: tustprn K. K. INDKl'IKDINCE PAfSENClB DAILY (EJCEIT SUNDAY.: 4:50P. M. I Lv 7! P.M Ar 8:30 P. M. Ar Portland -McMlnnvillp lnd,ji)endenco Ar Lv Lv 8:25 A.M 5:50 .y 4:,r.0A.M Direct connectlen at Ppn Frniiclseo with Sleamslilp Lines for Hawaii. Juuuu, i Lina. the Philippluef. and Aufitraha. For thrutiKh tic lieu ano rates call on or address E. E. liOl'I), A tent, Oretton Cltj R. KOEIII KR, f. II. MARKHAM, ilanKer, o. F. S P. AKent, Portlund, Or, Portland, Or. Depabt TIME SCHEDULES Arm vi FOR From Pott and. . from Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Fast Mall Ft. Worth. Omaha, Mail. (:00p.m. Kanxas City, tit 6:45p.m. Louht, Chicago, and East. Bpokana Walla Walla, 8po- Spokane Flyar kane. Mlnneapo- Flyer 1:20 p.m. lis, St. Paul, Du- 1:80 a. m luth, Milwankee, Chicago and Kaat IMl.nl. OcoanSlaamshlpi 4:00 p.m. From Portland. , Sail every five days. 1:00 p.m. Columbia Rlvsr 4:00p.m. Iz. Sunday Iteamsrt. Ex. Sunday Saturday , iM p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. (:00 a.m. Wltlimttt dm. 4:30 p.m. Iz. Sunday Kx. Sunday Oreron City, New berg, Salem A Way Landings. 7:00 a.m. Wlllamtflo anal Yis. 1:80 p.m. Tue., Tour. kill Rlvarg. Mon., Wed. ana (at. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton, A Way Land ings. (:00a.m. WlllsmtH llvar. 4:80 p.m. IW.. Thar. Tuea., Thnr. ana Aat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lit Way Land ings. LT. BlPUia Inak Ilrw. LT.lfiwlttoa 2:11a.m. ajptirta U UwUtoa : l- dai y j ' i 1 it . I. 1 I. & DOHAXMOX, Afwi, Oragon aty. W. H. HURLBURT, eawral raatBgef Agaatt. Fortland, Ot. OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1899. BOAKD OF CO M MiSS 10S E KS. Regular Mai Term of the Conulj Board. S. F. Harks, chairman; J. B. Morton, R. Scott, commissioners. (Continued from last week) In the matter of uoiitinuinu the al lowance heretofore made to Mrs LP Clark, an indigent peruon, It is ordered that said aid be continued at. the rate ol $! per mouth from May I, 181)9. In the matter of the report of viewers ot damages on the petition of John Ferguson, et al. Now at this time conies on to be heard the report of J S Mc Vlurav, James Smith and John Kisley, heretofore appointed viewers of damage? to determine bow much less valuable, ii any, the land of John Benson would be rendered by the opening ol tne Joint Ferguson road as petitioned for. Stud report shows that ail three of said view erg me' pursuant to the order of this board and after duly qualifying the' procevd 'c to view said toad the who.e dit) anci through the land of said claimant foi damages. And it appealing that tu ooaru was in error in appointing new ppraisers or viewers ol da inn ires i 8 tin old ones had never met and pe farmed their duty as r qaiied by law. And tin ooaru b ing satnsnetl that said proceed ugs were illegal. Il is ordered that said report be declared null and void, and t hat J. T Apperson, Michael Oat field and lounTalbert be ordered to meet at the place of beginning of said road on Wed nesday May 24. and after beiim dul) sworn yiew said road the whole distance through the lands of John Benson, and repoit in writwig at the next regular term f this board how much less valuable, f any, said lands would be rendered by the location and opening ofthe Ferguson road as petitioned lor, and it is furthei ordered that I he expense account of said viewers of damages be paid by Clacka nas county. The attorney for petition rs tiled a written protest against the i-jtion of the board in declaring the re port of J 8 Mo Vlorray, J imea Smith and I F Rt-ley viewers llegal, null and void f C MeMurray, 1 da and 24 miles $4 4 fAines Smith 1 " 33 " 5 30 I K Rislev 1 " 28 " 4 80 In the matter of the petition filed bj B F Linn, et al, for a change in the Linn road. In the matter of the petition tiled hv B F Linn and more than 12 house Holders of the cuiiuiy living in the Vicinity of the road described in the pe tition and prayings viewers to be up pointed to view and locale a countv road in Clackamas county, Oreeon, de- suiitMid as follows: Being 40 feet in width and commencing at the intersec tion of (he Oitgun City and Cuttingsville road and the center line rutin ng east nd went of section 15, tp 3 s, of r 2 e, ol the Willamette Meridian in Clackamav count v : thence in a straight line easterly lo the quarter stake between sees 14 and 15, in taid township and range; thence eaHt on quarter section line in section 14 about V of a mile to the head of a can yon leuoimr down to Aheriiethy creek, thence in a northeat'te ly direction on the most practicable route crossing the .section line between sections IZ and 1,1 ami from Iheiice easterly and southerly a stake marked R. A. set in section line between feet ion 12 and 13; thence .-abt on said line past the quarter stake to a stako marked "K. A."; thence outheaBterly on the most practicable 'oute and terminating at the south end of Baker's Ferry road, also known on the records as the Linn road, and for the vacation of all that portion of the preseni traveled road lying between th termi nals above not occupied by the new road Said petitioner tiled his affidavit of no1 ices posted respecting said road, showing .that there bad been posted: one on court house bulletin board, and three in three moBt public places in vicinity of proposed road for more than 30 days prior to the presentation of the petition, He also filed a bond for $100 conditioned according to law. The board being fully advised, it is ordered that A J Thayer, C C Williams and Joe Myers he and are hereby appointed viewers to meet at place of beginning on the 25th day of May, and subscribe to a written oath ol cilice administered by h V Rands, a skilled surveyor, he being appointed by the board to euryey said roadt before proceeding to view and locate Paid road and report in writing at the next regular term of this board In the matter of the improvement of the change in the Dayton and Oregon City road in district No 31, it is ordered by "the board that Supervisor Aden of t-aid district be allowed 100 to complete said road. In the matter of Albeit Pick closing a countv load, it is ordered by the board that the clerk notify said Albert Pick not to close said road through bis land. In the matter of the appointment of supervisors of bicycle paths. This matter coming on to be heard at this time on the petition of J F Clark, etal, it is hereby ordered that J F Clark A J MoDtgtmeVy, W A Huntley, E II Cow ing, C H Dye, O Wissinger and T J Gary be and are hereby appointed euper viEora of bicycle paths in said county without pay of any kind from said county. Said supervisors to construct a path from Oregon City toward Port land by way of the most practicable route, expending only the money col lected from the bicycle tax or private contributions on said path, said super visors to be personally and severally liable to this board for the expenditure of any sums in excess of said bicycle tax, in excess of the said tax for the year 1899. The money to be expended only on the public roads or where the right of way is secured by written in strument unless otherwise ordered by this board. Said supervisors to employ men to build said path at not more than $1.50 per day. All bills to be paid out of the bicycle path fund in the same manner as woik on the county roads is paid for out of the road fund of said county. The work on said path to be t egnnas tvon as the said supervisor shall report adopting a route and show ing right of way over any private property, which siid route may cross. In the matter of claim of J M Ware for damages ; it is ordered by the board that raid claim for damage which wag filed at the last term of this board be denied. In the matter of extending the tax roll it is ordered by the board that said tax roll be extended for 30 days from this date. In the matter of the petition of J J Cooke for a tax rebate for a receipt erroneously issued. The board being fully advised in said premises ft is ordered that said petition be granted in the sum of $14.4 ) and the clerk is here by authorized to istue a w trrant for same. J J Cooke. . . $14 40 in the matter ofthe Detitionof John Fichen for a tax rebate. This matter coming on now to be heard and the board being fully advised, it is crdered that said petition be denied. In the matter of petition and subscrip tion Hot from 'oad district No 38 Now comes Paul Dunn and 19 others from said district by petition presenting a subscription list of $363.75, and request inn the board to furnish olank forone mile of road and they would prepaie the road oea ana lay tne same Iree of chargn. And the board not being fully satisfied, it is ordered that said matter be referred to Commissioner Scott with power to act In the matter of the netition and sub scription list from road distiict No 30; the bjard being fully advised in the matter, it is oidered ibat said petition be granted. In the matter of the petition of Enoch Sk'uvin and nine others fur aid for C L Swan, an indigent person, it is ordered o tne board that sat J petition be de nied, In the matter of a petition of Elizabeth Ayer fur a tax rebate, it is ordered by the board that said pelitiou be laid ovai until signed by petitioner. in the matter of the petition of Join: II Withoit for a tax rebate, the saint. was denied. In the matter of ihe salaiv of tin deputy assessor, it is ordered by the board that salary remain at $3 per da is neretoiore allowed, Commissionei Matks dissenting. In the ma'ter of the reports of offinen or April, 1899 The board having ex .tunned the reports of collections ol tin lerk and recoider for the month ol A( ril, 1899, and b ling fully satistind, ii is ordered that the same be and an hereby approved. The reports siio collections as follows to wit : Clerk $278 8 . Recoider. ..... . . , 177.15 In the matter of the mileage ajul pet diem of the county commissioners foi the May 1SJ9, term it B ordered by the i)oad that the mileage and per diem o the county commissioners for the Mat term b a unwed as utiows to-wit: S F Marks r $20 20 J R M rtou.. ...25 01 R Scott ; 21 60 In the matter of bicycle paths ii Needy precinct. It is hereby ordered thiBOth day of May, 1899, that fiom and after this date, that all paths along tin public road, hereinafter mentioned on the outer edue, and nn either Bide there of, bhall be and the same are hereby declared bicycle paths, said paths to bt five fett wide. First Beinnin ai Needv, and running thence in a north' erly direction along the county road tw mles. Second Beginning at Needy and running thence in an easterly direc tion along the conLty road for a dis tance of two mile. Third Beginning at JNreriy and running thence in a fount erly direction along the coanty road foi a distance of two miles. Fourth Be ginning at Needy and running tliei.ee in neater y direction along the county road for a tliataoce ot three miles. In the matter of the appointment of a deputy county surveyor. It is ordered by the hoard that the appointment ol John W Meldrum as deputy connCy suiveyor, is hereby a proved and con firmed. In the matter of work done by road supervisors, it iB ordered by ttie board that for each dav's work reported for him; elf, each supei visor shall jeport five days foi his men. In the mailer of the petition of Fay Moody lor a tax rebate, it is ordered by Ihe board that said petition be gra ted, and a rebate on double ussessine t of $5 27 be allowed. Elnor Moody.. $5 27 AHJOUKNED SESI ), MAY 15 In the matter of eironeous assess ments, it was ordered tl at the sheriff be allowed to accept affidavits in correcting erroneous ateestments. In the matter of the improvement of the Molalla road. Said matter having been laid over from the regular session of the board, and it appealing to the t board that over zol)0 has been subscribed jtowaid the Improvement of said road, i.n.i i.,,t ')-.nn K. ,i, ,.,,,.,.,t by the board, and the board being fully satisfied, it is ordered that said subscrip tion list be accepted, and the road ordered improved according lo plans and specifications of J Heniy Smith, sur veyor. lit the matter of laying corduroy in road dittrict No 15. Now comes j W Powell before Ihe hoard and represents that a certain piece of road in district No 15 is almost impassable, and offers to furnish corduroy delivered on said road if the county will lay same and make n cessary culverts, and the board being fully advised, it is ordered that the clerk notify Road Supervisor Tabor of said district to lay said corduroy and make necessary culverts when Dr Powell had delivered eaid corduroy on the road. In the matter of the survey in the change in the Molalla road petitioned for by U Milo Cooper. Said R Milo Cooper having offered to pay the ex pense of said survey, it is ordered by the board that the county surveyor be ordered to make said survey. -.In the matter of the purchase of blank deeds and two blank book covers for recorder. The board being fully satis fled in the matter, it is ordered that the recorder order from the county purchas ing agent, A W Cheney, 1000 blank deeds- and two blank book covers, said deeds to be sold at a Blight advance on cost prices. In the matter of the petition of John Myers for quit claim deed frotnxounty. The board being fully advise! in the matter, it is ordered that the clerk exe cute said quit claim to said John Myers in the name of Clackamas county. In the matter of the petition of A Mather for a tax rebate of $14 92 The bjard not being satisfied, it is ordered that said petition lie laid over until the June term of this board. In the matter of the petition for a tax rebate for L J Will Bug on the O C Dean estate, it is ordered by the board that (aid petition be ranted, as it is a plain case of double assessment, and the clerk is hereby ordered to cancel said assess ment on the delinquent tax roll of 1897 In the matter of the bicycle path fund. This matter coming on to be heard on motion of J F Clark for the wheelmen of said county, and the court being fully advised, it was ordered that the super visors heretofore appointed, selected by tbem between Oregon City and the county line, and that they purchase such material and tools as are necessary to constr ict said pa'h am) employ men and teams to work on said paths. A'so that the mint y collected fro.n and art mid Damascus be expended on paths in that vicinity to be selecti-d in said precinct by the wheelmen, that all rums ol way must be granted by written instrument to the county where the said paihs are built, or built along the highway or dedicated strsets. In the matt'-r of erroneous assess ment. J. T. Apmipion and Mis Barlow were allowed a rebate of $17 65 each on account of double assessment. In the mailer of the report of J H Ralston oti repairing the Field's bridge. It is oidered by the board that said re port be accepted and account paid as follows to wit: J H Ralston ....$59 50 Charles Gallogly .33 25 Eugene Shep.trd 2 00 George Beihle 7 50 SBatdorf 5 00 A.E Buckles 5 00 Tualatin Mill Co , 30 00 Popa&Co 5 10 In the maUnr of improving roads in district No 36, it i ordered by the board that said pant ions be laid over until June term. Board ndj 'timed to meet with Mult nomah countv c miiuistt oneis in refer euce to bicycle path Pont Order for Decoration and Decoration Day. ' Headqmtiters' Meade Post, No 2, G. V.. R., May 16. Members of Meade post tnd all o'd col liers who ileMre to partici pate, in ihe parade on Decoration day -till assemble at ti-e poet room at 9 o'clock a in. on Tuesday, May HO, pre paratory to marching to the cemetery to tecorati the graves of fallen comrades Baige8 and uniforms will he worn where possible. A stop vt ill be made at Shive r's hall, where an address will be made by Rev. P. K, Haniun ml. Mi rnbers ol the P' tst will also vei e in their post room al 9:3J a. m. sharp on Sunday, May 28, to march to the M. E. church to attend divine service in memory of our fallen comrales. E W. MlDLAM, Chairman Con mittee. N. Y, Worli alii Courier-Herali $1.15 It's easy to haul a big load up aj big bill if you crease the wagon wnceis witn MICA Axle Greass Oet a box and learn why It's tha liPHt irrflW vir nntnn an ktIa Sold evervwhftrM. M,ila hv STANDARD OIL, CO. P. ZOLLNER, Photographer Fine Photographs CI eap OIEG)N CAN BY CANBY BARBER SHOP SI aving and Hair Cutting done with neatness an 1 dicpatch. Julius Rones, Pro ricto Job Printing at the Courier-He r ild ADMIN iSTKATOR'3 NOTICE. Notice Is hen-lay arl v n that t havelwen appoint ed 'l n i In 1st i at, r of the esUlo of Julm a Hunan, dewuied, lV tho H'liioralile Kmitiiy Court of (Jlai kanias cr.nnty, Orfiron. All peri ons having claims airalnst'sald ci-tate are Imroliy niitlllwl tu present the mime lo m fur payment at iny noma at MolallH, iJ ac'kuni a countv On-Rm-, Willi prnuor vouchers Iherolor, wi'tlilu six months in. in the dute of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 2,'rth dny of May, I8W. O. W. ROHBINS, Ailni!nltrotorof Uiefsute of John B. Dugan, do ceased. THLA.-UitER'S NOTICE. Notici: H IirtU.UY oiven that ocnty WarMii t h dorsed prior lo Incumber li,18li' are now h lei,. And Intanwt wl.l cuase on tin sanit on die dale of ilii notice. JACOB BlltDF, Treasurer of Clackamas County. Oregon City, M.y Ittth, lsw. Bryan's New Book REPUBLIC ox EMPIRE? THE PHILIPPINE QUESTION HON. WILLIAM J.BRYAN With Supplementary Chapters from Hah. Anil Hoar, Veat, Allen, White, Uor. nan, baoon, Mon, Ilanlel, .,.. . " , . man. Money, Turner, Teller, Host. AUDarw CUaMiata. the iEATio or IMPERIALISM AND ABSOLUTISM DENOUNCED. MS3XDto!?it"li T "K L0,fDL "doppoaadtotteCaMltatio. THE COSPEL OF A , HIGHER CIVILIZATION AND BROADER LIBERTY, TUB ONLY BOOK ON TUB ilTBJCCT. ... ACENT8 WANTED. 0a2fa & & -""a. sola Tt.flrMWiUolM.OM.opUe. A large octavo book, baaotlfn) aww type. JSpfall. L.r,li:1GHT " b . wtal ee to moA u Mo ta f PP'I". r;U. .r(M4 r.ltk o. his pari, Bert Cloth Blndln ... goat Half EuesuftndKi wlil MrHtffim ,H? Bmt Fall finssta BmdtnwlUi oU edVaT.. . Hi Write fWe Mr ra.r.lleUA Tor., u A...U. i'dd'riT """ THS INDEPENDENCE COMPANY. Publishers, FRANKLIN BUILDING, CHICAGO. Una W .t umiwe, jinuw, Progressive Business Men Injure in a fi rst-class compatiia' With an experenced agent. F. E. DonalJson, A&ent fire and Accident insurants BANK OF OREGON CITY LDE8T BANKING UOCSB IN THB CIT IAID TJP CAPITAL, 15000.00 SVJtPLUS flO,S50.00 -resident, 'toe president ashler, Cais. B. CAVrutK Gto. A. BABDIlS B. 0. Cadhih General Banking Business Transacts! Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills aud Notes Dlaoountod. County and City W-arrants Bought. Loans Made on Available SeourUv Exchange Bought and nld. Collection Made Promptly. Drafts flold Available In Any Part oil forld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, I frai-iuro ''htrato p1 Kew York. Interest Paid on Time Deponlla. IS THE TIME to clcs house and repaper yoi rooms and paint youc house and Murrow IS THE MAN to da the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leavi orders at Ely Bros, stcra on upper 7th streeth. YAQUINA ROUTE Corvallis & Eastern Rg C.-nnectlng at Yannlra with the AQWN'A HAY 8T JO A MSI I IP COMPANY sto iiuur "VVEEOTT," KIrt-clnS 111 tvury respret. The above toami due to mil fiom Viiiiilna every olglit days. Shortest route between VALLEY POINTS AND SAN FRANCISCI Furs: Alhuny and points went to San Franclso 'bin no Koninl trip...,....,. 17 H. I. W.U.ru-.N. EDW TN HTONH ' T. K P. A. Mausuar W. H. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stabfa Una the best-look ing riga - and cheapi st rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGOM Q Shall we -W-v tell you fi why ? j, I V Now m Carnrl, Hanatora Hi,.. HaLaarln, Till in. Till. Bon. Amdbew CUaMiata.