OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 19 1899. ud Titles and 1-and uaiBtssa Bpcotalty. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WiH practice In all the Courts of the State and tie Bareaua of the Ulterior Department at Wash Won. Koou 3, CHABMiH Building, OREGON CITY. OREO ON. I, .., IIJWOURMS ATTORNEY AT LAW 2eutf(et Slb&olat. a Office with H. B. fross YAM R. HYDE LAW OFFIOE Will practice in all the C ourts' of Hie State and tfae U. 8. Irfd Office. Abal-arUmade. Land Ti les Quieted. Conveyance" and all I egnl Docu ments drawn. Real Krtat b nplit and sold. Dlvor- u a Specialty. Owica in Cadfikld Building, OREGON CI1Y, OREGON. GEORGE LINCOLN LAWYER S 10RY Will prartice in all the Courts of this State and Washington. Foreclosure of Mortgages and Pro bate Matter a 8. trinity. Titles t'Xniinel and Abstracts made. Office, Caufiei s Building. G. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Up Stairs OREGON CITY. - OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States aud Kurop and on Hong Kong. Deposits received tuljert to check. Bank open from A is. to 4 P. M. O.C. LAI OV RL'l 1 K, FRED J. MEYER, President. . Cashier. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probata Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY ..... OREGON Gko. 0. BaowNiu i. V. Campbiu BROVVNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Or W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, , Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON (J. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW eutfdrjer Slbbolat. OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance Aokncy or Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6U and 7th OREGON CITV, OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office iu Willamette BulUllntr. Office hours: 10 la 18 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m,. OIEGON CITY .... OREGON DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office In Caufleld Building, Main Street Oreeon Oitv. Bbiogb and Crown Work a Bphcialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near 8. P. Depot, Pbkgok City, Oregon DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DR. WELCH. Willamette Block - Oppoit'ta Poitoffice Oregon City, Oregon. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1863 THE PIONEER EXPKESSMAS AND DBAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY OREGON Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OBEGOH, Oitm Stnet betwatithi Bridge aidthi ;.,:.(.,...; Depot. Rouble aadeintle rlrt and saddle hortM AmM4 with lie ton for Ioom iraitUa fwardlnc any kind of WSI BOfUEl BOVGHT OR IOLD. 1.1 l.jMAl..-J V 'tfL 1 , " i . BATH COMFORT Is unknown nnlwut tvprvtiiitxr (wmAct-Rii with tVio uam i uu is in i:erici ort.ttr. The Hum bin r done bv us li thoroughly Mltefac- iorj uecauee u done ngui. F. C. GADKE BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. 6ATTA, Proprietor Oregoa OUt. OrstyM Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the oity. Try Molton Hairy ad be CunM I "STEVENS FAVORITE, ,i RIFLE. - It "Takes Down.' 22-inch barrel, weight 4 pounds. Carefully bored and tested. For A2, .25 and .32 rim-fire cartridges. No. 17. Plain Open Sights, $6.00 I No. 18. Target Sights. $8.50 Ask your dealer for the " FA VO RITE." If he doesn't keep it we will send, prepaid, on receipt of price. Send stamp for complete cata logue showing our full line, with val uable information regarding rifles and ammunition in general. I stems AB8AunTnnT.nn. Wl " " MAIM A V W 4 V VI v aT, P.O. BOX CHICOPEB FALLS, MASS. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. 7:0op.m. Lv Portland 7:fi2p. M. Lv Oreeon City 7:4hA.M. Ar Ban Francisco 5:00 P.M Ar Ogdeu 0.-06 p.m. r Dmivor 6:40 a.m. Ar c mliu 8:15 p.m. jAr Chi(aiio 7:00 a.m. Ar Los Angeles 8:15 p.m. lAr I'.l Paso 4:15 p.m. I Ar VnrtWnrlh 7:55 A.M. I Ar New Orleans North. Ar 80iA. Lv Lv Arl l.vl Ar 1 00 a . a 7:(H p. I 1:10 P.M e:4 P.M 8:oO a m 6:80 A.M U:2A P.M 2:H5 P.M :40 A M 8:40 w H i.v Ar Ar Ar Ar DINING CARS, OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman First class slid Tourist Cars Attached to nil through trains. KOSEBURG MAIL DAILY 8:30a.m. .Lv Portland Ar4:Snp.i 9.20 A.M. Lv Oregon City I.v S:8tp. 5:'OP. M. I Ar Kosibnrg I.v 1 7 8 am OOItVALLIS MAIL DULY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 7:80 A.M. I I V Portland ArlVSOPM 11:55 A.M. Ar Corvallii- Lvl:'.0P.M At Albany and Cnrvalils ennnpet with train of On eon Ctntiul & Knstern R. K. lNUEI'lNDlNCK 1'AMT.tiUlB DAILY (XXCE1T SUNUAY.I 1:50 P. M. 7 KO P. M 8:30 P. M. Lv Ar Ar Portland McMhnivilk Inilependtiice Ar Lv Lv 8:25 A.M :i:NI A.M 4:60 A.M direct connection at fun Frnticlspo with Slenmshlp Lines for Haw nil, Japun, lliina, the I llllippllirfc Hliil Ailfiraila. fur inmugh t lcKets ana rates can on or aauress K. K. ItOil), Agent, Ortxon City R. KOEI1LKR. C. II. MAKKt AM, Manager, U. r. s r. rtgeni, Portland, Or. Portlund, Or. Depabt TOR TIME SCHEDULES From Port and. Arrivi fboh Fast Mail 1:00 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, Fast Mall. 6:45 p. m. rt.vvortn, umana, Kansas City. Kt Louis, Chicago, ana tast. Bpokane Flyer S -.20 p. m. Walla Walla, Spo Spokane Flyer t-M a. m kane, Minneapo lis, St. I'anl, Du- luth. MUwankee. Chicago and itast 1:00 p.m. Ocean tleamshlpt 4 :00 p. m. From Portland. Sail every nve daya. 8:00 p.m. tx. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia River tttamsrs. 4:COD.m. Ex. Sunday To Astoria and Way Lanauigs. 6:00 a.m. Ex. Sunday Wlllanerlo River, 4:80 p. B. Ex. Sunday Oreeon Cly, New- perg .musui m n mj lAUaiBKB. 7:00 a.m. Tne., Thur ana Sat. Willamette and Yam S:0 p.m. Uon., Wed. and Fri. hill Rtnre. Oregon City, Day ton,) nay iMu- lnft. (:00 a. m. Wlllaatttt liver. 4:80 P.m. taea., Thai. Tuet., Thar. and Bat. Pqrtlaal to Corral- and BaU lis nay una- lar. la, Blpajia . 2:S0a.m. ' daily ; fiat liver. LTJ.lX'So IJtj.ir. .' Kiparia to Lewlrtoa 1. BOVALMOH, Aent, Oregoa City. W.H.HUItLBURT, Itaaral faaaemer Af ant. Portland, Of, inasaBaaHBBtisaaeBnfaBaaa THE MO L ALL A ROAD. Money Subscribed una Work Be gun. . On Wtdnesday Road Supuviror M. E. London hfgan blf-sting stumps on the proposed improved Mt.lalla road. Peo ple living aloi g the line of the road have subscribed $1300 or mote, the munici pality of Oregon Oity has donati d $500 and citizens of Oregon Cily have sub scribed about $G05. The board of county commissioners will see that the road is completed, and have ordered operations begun.. H. E. Cross, C. H. Dye, ex- Mayor C. H. Caufleld, C. O.T. Williamf and H. H. Johnson, of the Oiegon City committee, laboied faithfully to secure the required subscription. Following are ti e subscriptions: I. Selling. ........... 25 Poi tland General Electric Co., by : H. W. Goode, general manager. . . 100 Oregon City Mfg. Co ... 10 Aanlt of Oreeon City. 26 Charles H. & E G. Caufleld 2 Huntley Bros 26 Bellomy & Busch 25 Geo. A. Hardiic... 26 Wilson & Cooke ... ............... 25 Bunheister & Andersen 2-" R L. Holman f W. S. D'Keu 5 J. G. Porter 5 Eli Williams 2 f. A. Thayer,.;,.. 6 0. N. Greenman 5 G. F. Horton 6 0. S. Seaman 6 M. C. Strickland 6 G. 1J. Dimick 5 G. E. Hayes. . . Powell tie Javne Robert A. Miller. , 6 John Duffy 6 0. H.Dye.... B. V, & G. W. Swope Geo. C. Brownell 10 Elmer Dixon....... 10 Thomas F. Ryan..... 10 Olua. B. Moores ...10 Hiram Straight 15 W. Yakeda 10 Drs. Caill & Sommer 10 Hedges & Griffith 10 J.W.Cole 10 0. Willy 10 Clms. Albright, Jr 10 E J. McKittrick 15 James lioake 10 H. E.Cross 10 E 0. Maddock .". 10 K. Mattliiea 10 Red Front Trading Co 25 Daniel "Williams 10 Andrew Robertson 10 Ely Bros. H Marr&Muir 10 , L, L.Porter 10 Oharman Bros 25 Pope & Co.. 15 Following are the subscriptions in la bjr and money from the people of Mol alia, Mulino, Cams and Beaver Creek livit g along and beyond the road, to be benefitted by the improvement. The following committees did excellent wor in raising the subscriptions for the road Mo'.Hlla J. H. Shaver, J. R. Cole, 11. S Ratutby, O. W , Robbins and Sam En gel.. Mulinr J. J. Mallatt. 0. T. How ard, M. Mulvey, Dr. C. Goucher, W Wuodside and F. M. Manning. Cams- Frank Jayger, E. A. Ho ard, M. London, Ed Payne and R, Sheonborn H 8 Rameby $25 00 O Robbins. 25 00 H Shaver 25 00 R Cole 25 00 L Moshberger 5 00 A F Moshberger 5 00 W II Engle 5 00 OW Robbins 5 00 WD Adams 5 00 Ham Enjtle 10 00 J M Austin 5-00 W P Kaylor 2 50 P M Boylen, Jr 2 50 W P Dibble.... 2 50 PLSbamal.. 2 60 H F Kaylor 10 00 John Harless 2 00 William Loveridee 5 00 JohnHVick :. 5 00 Jacob K Elmer 5 00 SturgisBros 2 50 Levi Robbins... 25 00 J W Thomas 2 50 Merman Bro 5 00 L Schultheis 5 00 TM Cross 5 00 H Everhart 5 00 M Meyers 1 00 RT Dibble 5 00 w h Vaughan 3 ou . Tfflrnfirp, 1Q 00 John Lotz 1 CO IILVaughan 5 W A Shaver 15 00 James Dickey 20 00 Ira Dickey 6 00 H J Rastall 2 50 Philip Leichtweis 2 50 R J Moore 5 00 M 8 H ungate 10 00 B F Harless 2 50 John Stulibs.; 2 60 A L Sanders 2 50 8 M Ramsby ..: 10 00 A J Sawtell 25 00 C W Austin 2 00 Cbas Holman 50 00 Jesse Bagby 5 00 Bagley Bros S CO Frank Sawtell.. 2 50 WO Sawtell.'...... 20 00 2 H Sawtell 10 00 J N Stewart 10 00 JLTubbs 5 00 Kaylnr... " 5 00 G V Adims 10 00 A E Msy .. 5 (K Doniiherty 5 00 A Kaylor 10 00 J Leavitt 5 00 Dougherty 5 00 P Carter 5 00 PC Miller 2 50 I- Dart 2 00 E Jud.l 2 50 W Dutt 2 50 OH Purl : 5 00 ER)rt 2 00 Geo Ogle 5 00 A Shaver. 10 00 E M Hartman 2 00 0 D Eln .. 3 00 PDLarkins..... 100 Joe Juckeon 2 50 H Logan 2 00 JTDrske 2 50 J P Ridings & Son 2 50 J W Doors....: 2 00 E rkirvin 5 00 0 K Quinn 1 0i' M Grohong 1 00 R Garrett..... 160 Ti Garrett .... 5 0 Lvdia Wright.... 5 00 O'm Everhart 5 0v) G W Force 50 00 frill linger Bros 25 O E Keables..... 6 00 R Goucher .... 5 0 A L Trait , 5 (H James Mallatt 10 00 E L Trullinger 5 00 A Aui'.in... 12 0 H M Timmer 25 00 T ri Stipp 9 00 W FCace..., : ... 9 00 P M Giaves 5 ON H Grimm.. 5 00 Wm H White... . 10 00 Lwi Stehmnn 10 00 TL Bares 5 00 Gorbelt ; 5 00 0 0 Boynton 6 00 Z Neukirchner. 15 00 F M Manning... 17 0 Geo M Cord 10 00 Preston Pi ndleton , . . 10 00 1 E Bowman 3 00 P Sajrar 5 00 0 Daniels 15 00 C Spannl-r 30 CO E II Cooper ..... 6 00 H Jones...' 10 0' K Griffiths 10 00 OE r pence 21 00 Fred Spangler 5 (H E A Howard 10 00 Ralph Howard 5 00 Norman Howaid 5 00 Jacob Kalbfleisch 4 50 John Kslbfleisch 10 00 Wm Dayis 6 On James Einmott. 6 00 J W Jones 3 00 Wm Gerhauser , 5 00 M E London 15 00 J H Eaton 5 00 Put Duffy 8 00 A O Hay ward 5 00 Frank Jagger 15 00 C F Vonderahe ,: 10 00 F D Gundslev 10 On T II Lintlsley 3 0 HLind-ley 2 00 David Jones 3 00 B G Faust 5 00 LHornfhuh 5 00 H Hotnshuh 3(0 W W May 5 00 Rich Schoenborn 20 00 O A Cucedny 3 00 HOInskeep... 1 60 A HayhurBt 3 00 RMCoopor 6 00 A L Jones 5 90 Sihtoa l'a'me 2 00 E W Puiue 20 1)0 II Paine 5 00 T Woodward 3 00 FLish 15 00 RSohuebel 5 00 M Irish 3 00 A Neukirchner 8 00 C Smith , 3 00 F M Manning 3 00 Mulino Lumber Co 10 00 W P 0 Closner 5 00 , Wm Moris 10 00 Mrs Ed Austin 3 00 J J Mallatt 20 00 W A Woodeide 30 00 M Mulvey 80 00 FEuierBon 6 00 AErickson 5 00 R Goucher ; 5 00 W II Seltzer 3 00 II Had Perry..... 5(0 J A Ilannan 10 00 WF Strum 5 00 LWDeeth... 3 CO Levi Slehman 6 00 Thomas J Lewis 12 00 00 Davie D Thomas. ...... ". 300 DF Paine 4 60 0 T Howard 50 00 Silas Wright 3 00 T A Stipp 6 00 Jacob Harless 25 00 FC Perry 6 00 O Cutting 8 00 W II Vaughan 6 00 H M Timmer.... 10 00 Jesse Bagby. 5 00 J B Jackson 3 00 J Knotts 2 50 A J Maville 3 00 C R Noblett 3 90 CE Young , 2 50 ME London 15 00 CESpence.. 25 00 C Spanglei.: . 34 00 Jacob Spangler 15 00 Thomas J Lewis 15 00 Evan I -ear is 9 00 J II Eaton WOO JWJonss 6 00 E A Howard 20 00 John Kalhfleisch 10 00 William DavW 9 00 William and C A Mouland. 20 00 E W Paine .... 25 0 J H Paine, 15 00 O Smith .. 10 01 Richard Schoenborn . 20 00 Frank Irish.......... 10 OOM J Maxson 6 00 O ACaseday 3 00 A Hayhurst 3 00 Wm Hayhurst 3 00 Robert Casaaday 3 00 DD Thomas 5 00 R M Cooper... 5 00 fH Linsley.,. .. 5 iO Frank Jagger.',.-.., 70 (0 C F Vanderahe... 10 00 H Jones 5 00 F I) Lindsley 5 00 J K Graham 10 00 H nry H rnshuli 3 00 BJHelvey 5 CO RSchuulel 5 00 E an 'Jones. 4 50 R Faxton , W (M WW May. 5 0 L E Gardner 3 00 Julius Beherndt.; 6 00 D F Paine , 4 60 I H Griffiths, Sr 10 00 USPUBLISUED IXCIDEM'S Of the Filipino War, Related a Returned Regular. by First Se rgeant Lee Rogers, of the 14th infantry, relates many amusing inci lents that happened during bis s'ay in lie ruiiippiues. Mr, Kogeis was re- emtly discharged and returned !o his home at Cunby about two w eks ago He was wounded in the head by a huV let, but ha completely recovered. While his company and a Tennessee company were at the front hhooting "niggers," as they are called ther, they Otptured 150 prisoners, and a squid of t e Tenneaseenna were ordered to take i em Dick to headquarters, with in struction to shoot any that might a einpt to run away. I he equa.l soon uine l, nnl was asked by the cnptaii w'ia' they did with the niggers. The officer of the squad said the niititers started to run and llvv shot them. It was aiterward learned that a solinet would give a prisoner a kick and tell him to "git," and then shoot him on the run, and thus they disposed of the en tire 150 in a short time. The Souihern ers ''didn't have no use for a nintter no how." The natives tlure work for from 30 to 50 cents in their monev.or 15 to 25 cents in United States coin, a day. They are an indoleutset and were brought up to figiit and c.tre about nothing else. They own but verv little properly and their habits are similar to the Amerinan lo an's. The females are diseased, as a re sult of the influx of a "civilized" people from Spain and the United States. In Btature they a-e short and chunky an d are very strong and able to carry im mense loads on th-ir backs. They seem to have no fear and will rush ri.ht up J t the muzzle of a gun or sit up in a tree above the soldiers and shoot at them until they themselves are shot down. The native buffalo is the draft animal used, and it travel about two miles an hour. The country where the fluhting is go ing on is mostly swampy and composed principally of ric fields, through which the soldiers are compelled to wa !e, and almost impenetrable fences of bimlno, through which they are compelled to crawl. In thesi low fields and in the trenches the soldiers were compelled to s'and in water for days, not taking of!' their clothes for months at a time. While on the tranpports going over the soldiers were fed on canned horse, and very poor horse meat at that. It was conwe and very stringy and had no taste, but the bovs had to ent it or starve. The potatoes were dessicated and were tanteless and unpalaleablo and they were called "dedicated" potatoes and thrown overboard. After arriving at Map-.la they were fed on Australian beef, which is superior to the American beef. In regard to Dewey, he says that Dewey was lucky, and any officer could knock out a few old rotten hulks when he had nearly twice as many good boats well manned. Nearly all the Spanish officers were r.shore when their fleet was blown up, The poorest boat of the United States fleet was a match for the best Spanish boat. The Spanish gunners point their guns up in the air and fire, hoping that a stray shot might hit something. The regular army In the field i equipped with Kreg rifles, that will shoot 1500 yards, while the volunteers have old Springfield riflos, which will shoot 600 to 600 yards. The natives had Mauser rifles, and the Washington sol diers would no out an kill a rebel and take his gun, and were thus equipped without expense to Uncle Sam, although hefurniBhed the mipinos we guns I the first place to fight the Spanish with The natives use large copper-pointed bnlleta that are deadly poison and make considerable noise as they come whiz zing by end over end. The United btates boys use steel-pointed bullets of small caliber. " The commissioned officers, especially of the volunteers, seemed to spend good share of their time with the Span ish senoritas at Manila and were con ttantly on parade in the streets of that city. The common soldiers were not noticed by the Spanish ladies. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class ccmpartie With an experenced agent F. E. Donaldson, Aent fire and Accident Insurance BANK OF OREGON CITY sldkt basking house in tex citt MID UP CAPITAL, 160,000.00 SURPLUS $0&0.0t TetUent, floe president lejhier, Chas. H. Okvrtm Gao. A. BAiDUrO E. O. OAOirjil ' k General Banking Business Transacted Deposits tteoelved Bubjeot to Cheok. Approved Bills aud Notes Discounted. ( - County and City Warrant! Bought, I , Loam Made on Available Beourttv ' (' Exohange Bought and 4nld. i i Collections Hade Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of tb vorld. TelraphlrKxehanwoldon Portland, lae ''raniisi o '"hlcaio sn1 New York. Interest Paid on Time Dennslia. Notice to Farmers I have erected on south side of Main St., near Wiolen Mills. Oirgon City, a feed yard for the benefit ot the puolie with flrst-cluss toilet mihI waiting room for the ladies. My prices are as follows : Stall room , for team 10c, single rig 10c, saddle horse 5c. Also horses kept, by the day, wiC or month. Bam room to rent by hi month, also ctrral for loose stock. Fee I always on hand. MARK L. BUSSARD. Proo. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheape st rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th Ct. OREGON CITY. OREGON f For Firat-l'lasi PRPfin and DACTPV uiiurou Giii rw 1 11 1 Go to F. HENNINOS Seventh St. Bakery or stop bis wagon as it goes by. Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and house and , Murrow paint your IS THE MAN to dd the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Lcav orders at Ely Bros. storJ on upper 7th streeth. YAQUINA ROUTE Corvallis 6c Eastern Connecting at Yanulne with the YAQl'lNA BAY 6TKAMNII1P COMPANY steamer "WEEOTT," first-class In fiery rupect. The above stnamcrli due to sail from Yaqulna evrry eight days, Shortest route bstwesn VALLEY POINTS AND SAN FRANCISCO Fare Albany and points west to San Francisco Oabln......M MM. M..I10 Round trip..... .m 17 L. WAIPBN, EDWIN STONE; T. F.K A. Managor Job Printing at tin Conrler-Herald Shall wo fvr3w tell you T why 7 , V