Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 19, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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There will be practically no prune crop
111 Linn county.
' Leonard, the prisoner in The Dalles
jail who helped murder Magers to es
cape, was sentenced to seven years in
the penitentiary for an assault on the
Sheriff Bradford, of Washington coun
ty, is hopelessly ill.
: It is now denied that the Monroe col
ony has already failed.
, A telephone line in to be constructed
from Long Creek to Susanville and oth
er places.
On the Seven Devils railroad 400 men
jare employed, and 100O are wanted.
?Mrs. Martha Hammock, cf Gaston,
'the mother of the girl feloniously as
saulted by James Lie, who was sent to
the penitentiary, is violently insane.
All the right of way for the boat rail
way from The Dalles to Celilo has been
secured except a strip through 24 acres
,of the 0. R. & N. Co., hut it ia not prob
able that the boat railway will ever be
A teachers' encampment is to be held
near Olympia this summer.
'Peter Oakee, 72, w,is dr iwned near
HlaniDi kawa. It is supposjd he fainted
and fell overboard.
Returning prospector say there is no
gold along the rivers putting into Kotze
bue sound.
The Bunker Hill and Sullivan uiib
wiil be rebuilt.
Judge Mayhaw will convene a special
term of court at Wallace, Idaho, May 29,
to try tlie impe ichment casvs against
county officials and hear habeas corpus
A Uitf new lumber mill will be built at
Dryad, Chehaliscounly, Wash.
The disabled Bteamer Elihu Thomson
has reached the port of Santa Cruz,
A flouring mill will bo built at Day
ton, Oregnn.
Coyote hunters are doing well in Mor
row county.
Died, Thomas Elliot, a prominent Ba
kor City pioneer.
j romiiicnt I oiorauo mining men lire
coming into the Baker City region.
The fruit crop around Lebanon will le
light and I he grain is not looking well.
At t ho agricultural college farm is
calf 5 mnntl.s old weighing 510 pounds.
James Cunningham, of K i kit d conn
ty, has sold 1000 head of sheep at $1 50
The Scapoose ailioolhouee has d me
Berv"o since 1872, and a new one will
aooti be built.
A Umatilla county man sold 78 head
cf cattle, averaging 1574 pounds, for
$4 50 per hundredweight, $74.57 per
head, fVS16.4ii for the lot.
vvooiDuyers are again appearing in
Eastorn Oregon. Practically two clips
reon Hand, and it would be a great
benefit to every one If money for this
normoui quantity of wool was put in
A 0-year-old girl in Morrow county
g )i!iold of a package containing 25 cents
worth of gun powder and proceeded to
throw it into the stove. Tho explosion
burned her clothes, singed her hair and
oyebrows, and at first it was thought
lier visum was ruined
The result of the Hondo, Mexico, t.r
uado shows that at least 22 Mere killed
and over a hundred wounded.
The Turkish minister At Washington
does not take the Syrian revolutionary
manifesto seriously.
Admiral Kautz is still writing letters.
In one of them he says he expects soon
to return home
The British government has not yet
decided whether or not it will press its
claims for damages against the United
States for destruction ot property by the
bombardment of Ho Ilo.
It is authoritatively etated in London
that the joint commission which has
been considering the boundary and
other questions will undoubtedly agree
upon a treaty.
Oregonians Participated in the
Capture of San Ilde'onso.
Manila May 15. Two companies of
Porto Ricans Enlisting in Uncle
Sam's Service,
New Yohk, May 10. A speciul to the
Herald from Washington says: Within
a few weeks a fully organized b.utalion
of Porto Ricans wearing Uncle Sam's
uniform will be performing duty in their
niitivo island under the direction of
American otlicers. The organization of
the command will be authorized by Sec-
tetary Alger, and General Henry has
lirtcted the commanding officers of the
por'.s of ban Juan, i'once, JHayaguez,
Arecibo, Agutadilla, Cayuy, tlumaceo
Jjuiitat, Yauco, Boamo, San German,
Bayamon, Manila, Lares and Aibonito
to designate an ollicer to enlist, equip
and instruct 2') men.
Reports show that there is no lack of
volunteers, and that more than one
half of the battalion has enlisted, though
some of the towns have not yet fur-
ished their quota of men. in view of
the withdrawal of the Nineteenth in
fantry from Porto Rico, and the fact
that there remains only the Fifth cav-
lry, Eleventh infantry and three bat
teries of the Fifth artillery, the equip
ment of the 4u0 Porto Ricans as Ameri
can soldierB will be a welcome addition
to the American force, and enable the
commanding general to preserve peace
and oider on the inland.
G EX E It A L.
Sash, door and blind men in Chicago
liAve combined; capital, $0,000,000.
A bicycle trust has been incorporated
in New Jersey, with a capital of $80
Ortear Gardner, the "Omaha Kid,'
nd Martin Flaherty, of Lowell, Mass
fought n 25-round draw at the New
Broadway Athletic Club. The "Kid
was the better man, but had too recently
come out of a tight to win.
Another report that Dewey's health ia
iot good is current.
The president visited the Natural
Bridge on Saturday,
Roswell V. Flower, ex-governor of
New York, is dead, ag.'d 04. Ho was
very successful business man and flnan
cier, and is supposed to have made $10
.000,000 in the last 18 montliB. He was
a, prominent democrat and had several
limes been mentioned as a prohabl
nominee for tlio presidency.
Street-car strikers became riotous in
Duluth, Minn.
President Hill, of the Ureat Northern,
.-Siyahewent to Europe for recreation,
but it is asserted that bis real object was
to organize a Pacific steamship company
nd that he secured $3,000,000 with
which to improve his property and com
jx'to with the Northern Pacific.
Many persons were injured, some fa
tally, by the falling of ft grandstand sup
porting 4000 people at Paris, Tex.
It is thought that President McKiuley
considers the return of Powey a great
stroke of policy, as he will make Dewey
Lis chief adviser in Philippine matters,
jud then all tho people wilt say amen.
Russia's Demand,
Homo Kono, May 10. The native op'
position to tho occupation by British
forces of the new territory, Kow Loon,
oppi site Hong Kong, has suddenly been
renewed. About 1)00 men of the Hong
Kong regiment, with machine guns, are
leaving heie today and tonight, w hile
the volunteers have been warned to be
n rodinesH f r any emergency.
lhe British &econd-claKS gunboat
Swift and three other gunboats are pro-
eding to sea under sealed orders
These warships have 500 men ou board.
The territory back of Minterland is als
disturbed, mid Chinese troops have been
sent there.
Pekino, May 10. The Russian de
mand for a new railroad concession con
necting Peking' with Russia's present
railroad system in Manchuria, is still
oxciting the gravest anxiety here. Ger
mans and Japanese are particularly un
easy on tho subject of the unexpected
move on the part of Russia, and it is
said there is a feeling among the prom
inent Chinese that the time has come
to make every oflbrt in the direction of
securing British sympathy and aid.
Forgery In Patent Ojice.
censauonai developments were
brought to light here, cays a Washing'
ton correspondent of the Chicago Tri
mine, in connection with the floating
in Cuba of photographic counterfeit bills
of the denomination of $1, $5, and $10
current series. The spurious money was
manufactured in the photograph gallery
of the United States natent office, bv
government employes, with governmen
apparatus and materitl, and during the
government work days. Chief Wilkie
aud several detectives are working on
the case, and are much elated at the
success. The uegatives or plates from
which the counterfeit notes were made
were discovered in a dark nook in the
sub-baseineut of the interior department
by a boy named Tucker, who is em
..i . i i . . . . ...
p;oyeu m me paium ouice as copy
Imleeision Must End.
Wasiiixuton, D. C, May 10. The
prevailing opinion here is that indecis
lou regarding Cuba must end, McKin
ley must announce either anuexation or
intention to withdraw from the island
The unsettled policy of the United
States foments trouble and delays peace
ful settlement. A plain, straightfor
ward proposition that the United States
intends to continue in possession would
gratify tho property owners and all'ord a
guarantee for the invesnnont of capital .
The time for temporising with the insur
gents has passed. It is feared the pres
ident will not take such a bold and im
portant step.
Nearly every one nieds a got d eprii g
medicine, aud Hood's Sarsaparilla ia b
all odds tho best that money can luy.
the Second Oregon Volunteeis, aud the
same number of Minnesola men, with
20 American scouts, under CapiainCase
and Berkheiuner, flanked the insurgents
t San Ildefenso this morning and cap
tured the place. : . , .
The Filipinos, in terror and panic,
fired 20,000 rounds of ammunition, but
only slightly wounded one scout. One
insurgent officer was killed and six men
The insurgents retreated and are now
at San Miguel, six miles north of San
Twenty percent of the opposing rebel
force has been killed and wounded since
Lawton began his advance May 1.
General Rios, Spain's military repre
sentative here, says the inhabitants of
Zamboanga, island of Mindanao, de
manded arms from General Lontero for
defence against the landing of the
American forces but the'r request was
rdfused. Therefore, the natives at
midnight opened fire on the Spaniards
with machine guns and rifles stolen from
the former Spanish gunboats recently
sold to the United States.
The natives were repulsed with great
loss. General Montero, a major of eni
neers, and Captain Builea were gravely
wounded; Lieutenant Granado was
slightly injured; one private soldier whs
killed and three wounded. The natives
have cut off the water supply and other
resource of the Spaniards at Zamboan
Aguinaldo has nit in person tak. n
p irt in a single battle so far. Aguinaldo
chafes under the position which Gen
eral Luna occupies. Luna is the actual
head of millitary operations, and simply
uses Aguinaldo as a demi-god, whose
name is to the people an incentive to
lead them to fight. The army expects
Aguinaldo to lead them out of the wil
derness of slavery, and the feeling of the
natives on the subject has been encour
aged by cunning lies.
Aguinaldo is holding out for a money
settlement. He is getting rich as the
war progresses. The army under him is
not being paid in cash. The salaries of
Filipino soldiers come out of the booty
they are able to gather in the towns
thev enter.
It is the policy of the retreating a) my
f insurgents to notify the natives that
iloodihirsty Americans are close behind.
Immediately the natives desert their
lomea and the troops plunder with full
icense of Aguinaldo. All this is laid to
the American troops. General Luna
orders all property destroyed, and tells
the natives that the Americans, being
enormously rich, will pay all damaged.
The Spanbh prisoners held by Filipi
nos are as well treated as circumstances
will allow, for the reason that Aguina'do
is holding them for money hostage. But
in spite of the fact that no cruelties are
nfiicted on them, many are dying on
account of the poor rations and privations.
Four hundred Spani h priests who
were forced to live at La Paz suffered
terribly from malarial fever. Many i f
the Blck, by nature of their circumstan
ces, were compelled to perforin the
most degrading services for the benefit
of their more unfortunate brethren, and
it is doubtful if, out of 400, 50 will live
through the rainy Beason. Of La Paz it
is the saying here that "the population
dies every six months.
By way ot keeping up the courage of
their men, the insurgant generals have
giveu out the American loss is 90,000.
The natives believe that because of war
waged against them by the Americans,
President McKinley has been assassin
ated, and that General Mac Arthur and
other leaders of the American army
have been killed by their own troops.
The ignorant natives have been duped
by Aguinaldo into the belief that the
Ameiicans wish to make slaves of them.
The intelligent classes controlling the
wealth of the Philippines, however, are
bringing great preasure to bear upon
uenerai L.una to luaxe terms witti our
forces. Luna will claim all the credit
when the cessation of hostilities is finally
proclaimed ; but pending that, he is at
tempting to make it interesting for the
American force .
The insurgent government is making
frantic efforts get foreign ships to enter
into trade with the islands, but General
Otis has ordered all the ports closed.
Unless the insurgents can sell great
quantities of hemp and tobacco they
have accumulated, they cannot get
money for their main resource, which is
a powerful factor in making them will
ing to sue for peace. Unless they cm
get rid of their stores of supplies which
tney nave lor sale in a short time, all
will go to ruin.
WIU No Longer Act as Representa
UUiveof Culan Army.
Havana, May 16. General G'mtipz
informed General Brooke todav that he
co.ild no longer act as the representative
of the Cuban army in the distribution
of the $3,000,000 appropriated for the
payment of the Cuban troops.
General Gomez said he had arrived at
this decision with great reluctance, and
the most friendly feelings toward Gen
eral Brooke personally and officially , but
ha felt he could no longer represent the
Cuban army, because a cabal composed
of many of the subordinate commanders
existed to oppose and if possible defeat
the plans for partitioning the money.
He explained that former members of
the Cuban military assembly, led by
Mayai Rodriguez, Manuel Singnil'.y,
Juan Gualbertto and other malcontents,
had organized a majority of officers
against him apparently, and though he
(Gomez) might persist and possibly
carry the payment to a auccessliil con
clusion, he was disgusted and wished to
wash hi-t hands of the whole bu-ine-s.
Therefore he thought if he left General
Brooke free, the latter would be able to
act with equal effectiveness alone. Gen
eral Gomi z communicated this view to
General Brooke at an interview, which
continued for an hour and a half. Geo-
e id Brooke expressed sympathy with
(Jomez, and said be regretted the posi
tion he had taken, but the American
commander added that if his decision
was unchangeable he would proieid to
deal with the question alone.
It was then mutually agreed that Go
mez will issue tomorrow a manifesto to
the Cuban armv. This document will
be prepired this afternoon and sub nit
tad to General Brooke. After it h.is
been issued General Brooke may make
a declaration concerning the manner in
which he will proceed. He is deter
mined not to be trifled with. lie has
rolls of privates and nou-commissioned
officers who are willing to accept $75
each, and this amount will be off -red on
onditions previously laid down.
in niiy 'c:i':Kii.
e iiil KUontioM iiivell to urr.ingiug floral displays for wslidit'gs and pintle..
P. O. Addus-". Ii"x :
Oregon t'iiy, Ore.
Greenhouse n East Side
Electric Car LiDe
Fresh Stock of
Depot for HAT and FEED
Willamette Block, Oregon City
On Top
The top of the Shoe
isn't where the most wear comes, but
it's important, nevertheless. Tops
are made in a great variety of styles
now-a-days. All of them are good,
but some more beautiful than others
We have all the new styles of tops,
for you to select from.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a honib'e I urn, ec. Id,
cut or bruise. Bucklcn'j Arnica Salve,
the beet in the world, will ki I the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures old sores,
fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns,
all pkin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Only 'o cts. a box. (Jure guar.
unteed. Sold by Ge . A. Harding, drug
gist. Tl at Throbb.DB Heln;lie
Would quickly leave you if you use J Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick aud nervous bead icbes,
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. Easy to take
Try them. Only 25 cents. Mo iey back
if not cured. Sold by Geo. A. Harding
Slixiii's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Oiivia, of Barcelona, Spiin,
spends bis winters at Aiken, S. C. eak
nerves had caused severe pains in the
back of his bead. On using Electric Bit
ters, America's greatest blood and nerve
remedy, all pain soon left him. lie
says this grand medicine ia what his
country needs. All America knows that
it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri
fies the blood, tones up the stomach
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired
or ailing, you need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only 50c. For sale by Geo
A. Harding, drngiat.
An Enterprlslug Firm.
There are few men more wide awake
and enterprising than Geo. A. Harding
who spares no pains to secure the be
of everything in his line for his many
customers. He now has the agency for
Dr, King's New Discovery, which surely
cures constipation, cougtiB and colds
This is the wonderful remedy that is
now producing bo much excitement all
over the country, by its many startling
cures. It absolutely cures asthma, bron
chitis, nausea and all affections of the
throat, chest and lungs. You can test it
before buying by calling at the above
drug store and get a trial bottle free, or
regular size for 50c and $1. Guaranteed
to cure, or price refunded.
ents ani Headstones
li-tim ites fnrtiihel on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
Vork. : : Drawings made by description.
Portland, Oregon
Silver Me al Awarded at
Portland Mechanics' Fair
I h.ive a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and
am n"v in a position to do work better and wore reasonable.
Oh, Mij Headaches!
tunes in ten that is the trouble.
Well, no doubt it is caused by
imperfect eyesight, as about seven
It costs you nothing to find out, if
you will go and see
293 norrlson St., Portland, Oregon
Who bus Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, in charge of
the opt cal depuri merit, and you can consult b:m and have your eyes
i-X' mined free of charge. TRY it may be your trouble
220 First Street - - - Portland, Oiegon
Has a complete assortment of
Imported Pattern Hats&Millincri Novelties
Mats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled.
vous or diseases of the generative organs, 8ucb a Lost Manhood,
' Vitalize i-.ihe prescrip
tion of a famous French physician, will quickly cure von of all ner-
Insomiila, l'ulnsln the Buck, Seminal Emissions, Nervous Uebllltv,
.Pimples, unfitness to Marry, Kzhaustini; Drains, Vnrkmrele i"l
Constipation. It stops all losses by day cr nlfrht Pi-events quick.
B6ss of discharge, which if not checked leadB to tSpermutorrhwa and
BtrORt AND r I iM klilneva and the n-inarvorrans of 11U impurities.
rvrminXT! strengthens ami restores small weak organs.
S..... r ....v,. . .,t n,rui hu iinctnr is because ntnetv tier cent are troubled with
1roMuf It I. CCPI DKX Els tho only known remedy to cure without an operation. WOtestlmnni
Iii A written itunrantee Riven and money returned if six boxes does not ell'ect a permanent oucei.
IUO a box, sis f.ir f vor., hv mull. Knnd for jmKuciruular and testimonials.
AddrmVOIjMKDIINi:CftP.O.BxafSMFniiioisa),Cal. IbrSnle'
Geo. A. Harding.
Destroy Filipinos.
Sw Yohk, May 14. The World bra
a special from Hot Springs, Va., which
says that the oresident today wired Gtn
eral Otis at Manila as follows:
"Force tho fighting. Penetrate far
into the interior and capture or dt s'.roy
every warring Filipino."
You know what that tired fce'inj 1b,
and you may know wh,,t v,ill cure it by
Riviiii llocd'e Saraparilla a fair tr'.al.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it-
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so de
ceptive. Many sudden deaths are caused
by it, Heart disease, pneumonia, nean
failure or apoplexy are oiten me result,
of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is
allowed to advance the kidney poison in
the blood is liable to attack the vital or
gans, or the kidneys themselves break
down and waste away ceil oy ceil, men
the richness of the blood the albumen
leaks out and the sufferer has Bright's
Disease, the worst form of kidney
trouble. Kidney trouble can be detected
although it be slow and deceptive.
First, by analysis of the urine; second,
by a simple test of setting the urine
aside in a glass or bottle for twenty-four
hours, wheu a cloudy or brick dust set
tling indicates it.
It was for 111st such troubles that in
His infinite power and goodness the
Great Physician caused Swamp-Root to
crow for the benefit of mankind, leaving
B . ... 1 . .
It tor tils servant, ir. rvntuer, me K'v"
kidnev and bladder specialist to dis
pnvr"it and make it known to the world.
Its wonderful efficacy in promptly curing
the most distressing cases is truly mar
velous. You may have a sample bottle
of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the great
kidney, liver and bladder remedy, by
mail free. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Bintthampon, N. Y. When wruing
mmti-jii tiiis paper. Dru:t:isu3i in fiftv
cent or dollar sizes.
Bryan's New Book
With Supplementary
Chapters tram
Rom. W. J. Bryan.
Bon. Axdrxw Cabnioic
Hon, Andrew Carnepi. Senator
Hoar, Vest, Allen, While, Gor
man, bacon, fid anon, Daniel,
Chilton, Butler, MoLaurin, Till
man. Money. Turner. Teller.
Idmnnda. Clay; Bon. H. C. Johnson, Hon. Chaa. A. Towae, Hon. Adlat E. Sterenaon, Ex-Secretary Oafc
liele, Kef, Dr. Van Dyke, Hon. Chaa. Francis Adams, Prof. David Starr Jordan, Oen'l Wearer. Hon.
wi rjvuuia, cniu uuiupwr imh am, r ou. 01 Xtaoor, ana omen.
Territorial Expansion denominated, "THK POOR MA.V8 LOAD," and opposed to the Constitution
of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, and all the most sacred doctrines of ou
Republic as handed down to us or our Father.
It I, proftMly lllmtrtd, (tiring bMotiful h.lf.ton. portrait, of Mr. Br7.11 mni th. othm con
tributor.; 1m KtM ot thrilling intermit, allowing the ei.ct condition, and custom. In th
FhillppinM. Nothing like it before attempted in book-pnbli.hing. A rerjr bonani. for agenta.
It cannot be bought at book-More.; it cannot be farnlahed by an other bouts. W an th. tola
OBcial Publinhara.
Th. Brat Edition. 100,000 ooptea. A large oct.ro book, beautiful new trpe.
WE PAY FBEIGHT oa each order amounting to 60 book, at on time, when Mafc
aooompenle. order.
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Outfit, with blanka, etc., but a. each Outfit coat. u. a lot of money, in order to protect ounelrea
again.! many who would impoe. upon tu by .ending for Outfit with no intention ot working, but
merely out of idle eurioaity, we require the applicant, a a guarantee ef geed faith on hi. part,
to eend tu Ko to corer portage and wrapping, tnl. ajaenat te ee refaade4 te agent apen
receipt ef Irat order far It eeeka.
Beet Cloth Binding $1 SO
Host Half Russia Binding, with marbled edgea ...w.. . . . -
Best r ail Russia Binding, with gold edge ...... I .1.'. 3,H
Write far ear Faparalleled Terms te Ageats. Address