Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 19, 1899, Image 1

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. jjbl
16th YEAR, NO
Spray Pumps,
Spray Materials,
130 Front Street, Portland, Oregon
Spray Your Trees...
With Caibolic Compound. It kills moths, wooly aphis,
Etc., Ei c. Also for Spraying Hops and Shruberyy. We
are Agents f r this County.
We carry the latgest line of Hardware. Sloves, Steel Ranges,
Aj:rii'uUnrl Machimry, and Wagons Wood Stock in the City. ,
Special attention given to all kinds of job work and plumbing.
Proceedings of the flay Term of the
County Board.
(Continued from last week)
Ptiwant to th-etll of the chairman
of the bow l, tlm b ard of county cim
miBsiniers nvt i i pfc'ial eet-Hiun, thin
tfiist day of M iy. 1899, fo-- ttie pm-po-ft ( f
. meeting with lue b vil of muitniH-iorera
of Multnomah ! unity. Vi fi'iiei l'-r toe
propositi i of b hiding a fctcyc e put!) in
lite two uMiiM'te. Present: Honorable
t3 F Marks and Honorable E ctt The
court then adjmrued and held a confer
ence with ihe Multnomah county com
missioners at Portland.
Be it rHitt 'onbereil, that at a regular
session of the hoirdof avium v commis
sioners for tii county .of Clackamas,
state of Oreioan :
Began ami held in the cou'-t house at
eaid county and statu n Wednesday
the 6th day of M iy. 181)9, the mtue being
the regular tone fixed bjraid board for
holding a regal ir session ot aiid board
I )r the transa-tim of wwi'y business.
Present, Honorable S F vfairks, eoimnis.
sioaer; Honorable J R. Morton, commis
sioner; Honorable Richard cott, com
mission ir, and Elinor Dixon, clerk and
J J Cooke, sheriff. When the following
proceedings were had to wit : w
In the matter of hnilding a bridge in
road district No 33, Supervisor Lewel'en
was ordered to build said bridge ; and it
was further ordered that Myer's repair
bridge near the sawmill in same dis
trict. In tne matter of the Deep Creek
hill near Burghardt'e, it was ordered by
the hoard that cownty surveyor, E P
Ratds survey the same.
In the matter f the application of
Mrs Carr for an increase in the allow
ance granted Miss Carr, as a county
charge, the board toeing fully advised,
the petition was denied.
In the matter f the subscription list of
donation work and plank from road dis
trict No. 39. Ttrfs matter corning on
regularly to be beard and the board be
ing fully advised, it is ordered that said
petition be granted and that the county
will give30,000 feet of plank for said road
in addition to the amount subscribed.
In the matter ot correcting the erro
neous assessment of Jacob Bohr, your
petitioner -asks your honorable body to
order the sheriff of said county and state
to correct an error in the assessment, as
the county has been assessing tares on
SWofSW Uof sec 8, t2s, r3of
th Will ame'te meri liiin,' bul shou d b)
N W M of 8 W of sec 8, 1 2 't 3 e 6f
Willamette meridian, as the petitioner
desires to pay taxes on his own land.
The board being fully advised, it is or
dered that said petition bo granted.
In the matter of finishing the improve
ment commenced on the Beaver Creek
hill in road district No 16, it is ordered
by the board that special Snpervi.-ioi
Foster be allowed $ 150 to finish said
road, and it is further ordered that
Supervisor Bramer be allowed $200 to
improve said road.
In'the matter of the petition of J. C
Elliott for a tax rebate on a double as
sessment. In the matter of the double
assessment of 2 110 acres in northwest
i.orner of section 9. t 2 8, r 3 e, Willam
ette meridian. Claik masc-urity, for the
years 189'j and 1898, said land having
been asNessed to J. C. Elliott for both
yeatsas above and taxes paid in full
The undivided one hah of taid lahd was
also assented to T. A. Garbade, assignee,
and sold for taxes for the year 1897,
amounting to $0 (56 us per tax sale, re
demptkm ce-tilieale hereto annexed. It
was also assessed in 1898 to said T. A
dai tiade, assignee, and taxes paid as
pr receipt annexed. - The petitioner
therefore aked for a rebate $0 00 and
$2 06 making a total of If!) 32, p.tid on
double assessment. And the board be
ing fully advised, it is ordered that said
petition te granted, and the clerk is
hereby instructed to draw a warrant on
the general fund for said amount.
J.C.Elliot $9 32
In the matter of a poll tax rebate for
f M Barber, the said J M Barber ap
peared befoie the board, and stated that
lie had not been a resident of Clackamaf
county for nearly two years, and exbibi
tela poll tux receipt from Washington
county, and the board being fully ad
vised, it was ordered that said rebate be
J M Barber. .$3 00
fn the matter of opening bids for the
bridge on upper Eagle Creek, the follow
ing were read:
Rovat & Son. $289. $287, $3-40, $325
Morris & Olds, 12:57.38, $248.05.
(3 H D ute.hy, $275.42.
W S Pavw,$2:10.
F S Baker, $342.
- And 1br board being ful'y advised thai
the bid fVS Payne is the lowest and
best hid, it is ordered that said bid b
accepted and the clerk is hereby ordered
to contract with sid W S Pavne for tin
building of said bridge tor said sum tf
$230. .
In the maMer of t'be resurvey of th
Killin and Cochran road in road distric
No 35, the board being billy advised, P
is ordered by the board, that E P Rands,
oannty surveyor, be directed to resurvey
said road.
. In the matter of the report of viewer!-
on the petition of Ed Graves, e' al, for a
county road: In the matter of the re
port of Christian Kocher, G W Proser
and D W Arthur, viewers appointed a'
ttie-list term of this board to view and
locate a county road, eituated in Clacka-
A Lesson in Arithmetic
You can buy a Stove made of
, poor material, hastily put together
by incompetent workmen, for very
little money. Such Stoves we sell
for $6.50. It will never give satis
faction, and will only last a few
years, with careful use.
You can buy a Charter Oak
Stove made of the best material,
by the most skilled workmen, for
a reasonable amount of money.
It will ALWAYS g've Satisfac
tion and will outlast a half-dozen
of the "cheap" kind. It also effects
Wrought steel. a saving in fuel
i All- .': 2 3 vA
Our Granite, Tin and Iron Ware is
sold at Hard Time Prices.
No advance.
Bowl and Pitcher,
plain ware, $1.00
Hammocks from
75c to $475
Baking Powder
Made from pure
V cream of tartar. ,
Safeguards the food
; against alum.
A-um bakins; powdm are the greatest
menacen to health of the present day.
mas county, Oienon, described in full on
page 21 of this journal, said viewers n;ed
their report showing that they had met
011 the 20(h day of April, a day named in
the notice served upon them, and were
duly sworn by subscribing to a writtei j
oath of office administered by E P Randi
the county survt-yor, after which the
proceeded to the designated place an
did view and cause to be surveyed b
said county surveyor, the above de
scribed toad. 'Hit y also filed thy fieli
note and pint of li e survey, and report
favorable to the establishing of said
road as viewed at d surveyed, for tht
reason that it is a good practical roun
and of public utility. They further te
commend and fuggest that the abov
road be located upon the section line ex
tending north from the NE coiner o.
sec 32, tp 6 s, r 1 e, W M, to the norll
tioundny of said township, providing
nowever, that it be within the power o
the county hoaril of cotmnissioueis t
make such change. ' The board not hay
ing power to make ruch changes, Anni
M liuiiceii, whose p optiny said changi
affects, is instructed to make her indi
vidtial tilion lor huch change. Said
report was read 011 jesterdsy and now
on this day on its ncond reading. An.
it apftearing to the board that there is t
remonstrance and 1 e ition fur damaget
died And it lurtller appearing ihii
1101 e f the ruuioitrators were present
and that there were 42 more names 01.
1 he petition th tn un the lemonstrance,
itisordeied that said remonstrance b
dented and thi petition be granted in so
tar as it relates to said temonstrance ;
and that i: funher appears that there
lias been claims for damages filed as fol -iowa
'to wit: T C Ackerson, $500; Adolf
Brockart, $400; KE KUh, $200; Joseph
ft Yodt r, $275 and Wihiam Bteme, $li)0,
in ese said report is accepted. Thete
orfefcit '.s Oidered by the boa d that
ueoi'gw Kjdm, John Daly, and -Al
Reynolds he appoin'ed viewers of
rlamages to meet at the beginning point
s iul road on the 22nd day of May.
1899, at 9 o'clock a. lu., and alter being
lu y sworn that they view said road the
whole distance through the lands of T '
Ackerson, Adolf Broi kart,' F tC FibIi,
lotepli S Yoder, ani William Sterne,
and d 'termine if any, how much lesh
valnaidc their said lands would he ren
dered by reason of the location and
opening of said road and repoit thesaui
inariiingat the next regular term ol
his bo iid, an'lit is further ordi red ilia1
die exceiiBe of said view and siuvey be
paid by Clackamas county as follows:
o'luis Kocher, 2 days, 18 inilea. .,.$5 8H
Jones Lever Binder
liniiilh'1"'" ..dliiliti-wrt''-
This Cflehrated hinder ha gained an enviable teputation in the last four
v'ears in Oregon. It represents lever power as a plied to 1 inding It will
un lighter, last longer and bind tigti'cr than nnv other bindr in the market.
The Jones Chain Drive foot lift Mower has 1:0 hack lath, ru, s l;j;hi and is very
lurable. Will cut heavy graB with ease.
I also carry a fu'l line of Hy Rake, Te lder H.iy To-, s, A Ivmme Thresh
ra and Traction Engines, John Deere Plow r, 11s well as a fi ll liiie'td AtjihulturuS
Implements and Vehicles. t;ll and sec me before buying.
Ccr.ier Front and Taylor Streets,
VV 1'iosser. 3
D V Arthur 3 "
Paul S-.hneider 2 "
Hen i'ltalher 2 "
AMSct.it 2 "
Ernest Iian ls 4 "
43 miles .
..11 nil
.. 0 20
.. 4 00
. . 4 (in
.. 4 00
. .21 d0
The Habit of Buying Carpets at Bellomy & Busch'a ia a
good habit. It is a rapidly growing habit with all Clackamas
County. It is a habit by which thousands save in their daily
monthly and yearly expenditures. It is a habit that becomes
more fixed the oftener people buy here, and the broad reason is
satisfaction. People are satisfied with our eoods. ' Peonln am
- . - cs
Total $58 00
In the matter ef the petition ot W
Jones, et al, for a county road. Io the
mailer of the petition filed by W Jones
nnd nioie than 12 householders of the
county, 1 ving in the vicinity of tile road
described in the petition, and praying
vieweis to be appointed to view ami
locate a county road in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described in full as
follows: Beginning at a point 011 the
Fisher 'road on the line between sees 25
and 30, tp 3 s, r 2 e of W M, said point
being 28 :47 chains of the corner of sees 2 )
and 2(5 and 35 and 30 of the above township
or as near as practicable to said point;
thence running east as near as practi
cable to the line between sees 25 and 30
to the intersection of the section line and
the present traveled road ; thence in a
southeasterly direction to a point in the
present traveled road at the north end of
the bridge, crossing the Beeson Mill
pond. Also to vacate all that portion of
the Fisher and Beeson Mill road between
the beginning and terminal points above
mentioned. Said petitioner filed the
affidavit of notices posted respecting said
roarj, showing that there bad been
frosted; One on the court house bulle
tin board and three in three of the most
public places in the vicinity of the pro
posed road more than 30 days prior to
the presentation of this petition lie
also filed a bond for $100 conditioned ac
cording to law. The board being fully
advised, it is ordered that Frank Jaggar,
W W May and John Shannon be and
are hereby appointed viewers to meet at
place of beginning on the 18th day of
May, and subscribe to a written oath of
office administered by E P Rands, a
skillful surveyor, before proceeding to
view and locate said road and report in
writing at the next regular term of this
In the matter of the correction of the
description of W 8 Mark's property, it
was ordered by the board that correction
of the description of the property be cor
rected as taxed.
In the matter ot the $100 promised
road district No 35 in May, 1898, it is
ordered by the board that said $100
promised said district, order being found
on page 168, county commissioner'!
journal, No 17, be now allowed aaid dis
trict, and that they now be permitted to
use the tame.
In the matter of the report of viewers
cn the petition of George D Eby et al, f t
a county road : la the matter of the re
port of William W Davis, J E Crawford
and 1 0 Tracy viewern. appointed at the
last term of this hoard to view and loc ,1
x county road hit 11 a led in Clai k tiiiin
lounty, Oregon, described in fu'l o
page 50 of ihis journal. Said vn-vten
tiled their report hhowing that, tin y lino
met 011 the 20 h day of April, 1890,. a day
named in the notice served upon then,
and were duly sworn by subscribing to a
wiitun ath ofofhVe administered hy E
P Rands, county survi yor. did view and
cause to be surveyed by said county sur
veyor, the aboye described road. They
also tiled the field notes and plat t.f the
survey, said viewers report favorably to
the establishing of said road as viewed
and surveyed, for the reasons that it is a
good, practicable route and of public
utility. And it appearing to the board
that there ia no remonstrance or petition
for damages tiled, and being Batislied
that said road will be of public utility; it
is ordered and adjudged that the lield
notes and ulat of said survey be re
corded and in all'respects approved, antl
that tho said view and survey having
been paid by the petitioners, ihe clerk
is hereby ordeied to issue the necessary
notice to the supervisor of the district or
districts in which said road lies to 0en
and work the same. All that portion of
the load heretofore described and asked
to be vacated be and the same is In all
1 expects ordeied vacated on the opeuinn
ol said road. '
In the matter of discnntinivng the u!'
lowance of L Freeman, it is ordered that
said allowance he discontinued after
June 1, 1899, and that Mm,UJ Parker
draw the next order, said warrant to he
for $4
In tne matter of tho peti'ion of Fred
Moshherger, et al, for a countv road In
the matter of the petition fi ed by Fred
Moshherger and more than 12 household
ers of the county living in the vicinity of
the road described in tho petition, ami
praying vieweis to be appointed to v'm
and locate a county road In Clackamas
county, Oregon, described in full as fol
lows: Commencing at a point in
the center of the Needy ami
Molalla road at the corner of s cs 3P)
and 30, tp 4 s, r 1 e, of W M, and
on the township line between said town
ships, 4 and 5 in Clackamas county,
state of Oregon, running thence due
south on the section line between "aid
set tiorn', 1 ami 2, a distance of aliout
1 fa mile 'o inte'sect which U knowu
a Ihu Gurl in 10 d us the point of termt
nation ; said rood should w a 4f)-fo"
rhmT.' Said petitioner filed' Ids allldayitl
of notices posted n specting said roaili
shoeing that theri hid "et posted, onw
tit the court house, and three in tb.ue (E
he most public place- in the- vicinity cS
the piopived road more tlian-30 day
prior to the presentation Of this petition,
lie also tiled a hond fur $l(HI conditioned
acroiding to law. The hood being fully
advised, it is ordered, LE Armstrong,.
E Klarr and Al W ng he appoinlod view
ers to meet at place of bediming on lhe
22nd day of May, 1899, and subscribe to
a written oath of office, administered hyt
E P Rands, a Bkilled smveyoir, he ap
pointed by the board to survey sui'road
and report in writing at. the next regular
term of this board.
In ihe matter of the improvement of
the Mnlalla roatl ; it is ordeied by the.
board that said matter be laid over until
Monday, the loth instr
In the matter 01 the subscription list
of Beeson and others tr im road dis
trict No 39. It U ordered by the boaroi
that said matter be laid over until tb
June term.
In Ihe mutter of aid forj.mies ltyarr,
an indigent person ; it is ordurt d by the
hoard that aid be granted said James
Ryan in the Mini of $3.
James Ryan .... ..$3 0(
In the matter nf opening the Orny'o
Mill road in road disttjet No 20. Clerk
oidered to notify Mipcivi-oi llutcliinsoi
of s.tid dislricl to open said road at once
so it could he traveled.
In 1 the math r of aid f ir Mrs Walker,
an indigent person The hoard beinjr
fully advised, it is ordered hy the boarJ
that said aid he denied.
In the matter of the petition for 3
liquor license hy Jasper Yunker of
Cascade precinct. 2Iow comes Jasper
Yunker hefoie the board by his attorney.
George 0 Browne) and presents the
petition t.f saltl Jasper Yunker mid n
majority of the legal voters in Cascailx
voting pie. inc.t ami it appearing to tin
boaid that siid petition hud been made
in a legal manner and that the necessary
fees had been raid. It is lhero(ore
ordered that said license be granted, anil
the clerk is hereby autboriz 'd to issue
(Continued on pngti 8)
Paint Talks
(No. '2)
I have in mind a house b'uilt seven or eight years
ago and painted with two coats of Masury's Liquid Paint,
about two years later a house was built on the adjoining
X lot and painted with White Lead and Oil bought in Port
land Oregon City merchants didn't have even a chance
J to give figures on this material. To-day if I were to point
3 out those two houses to you (and I would be glad to do
X so at any time) you would probably insist that the house
jj on which Masury's paint was used could not have been
painted over three or four years ago and that the Lead
and Oil house not less than ten years ago.
jj) The lead and oil man cou-ld have easily saved money
by paying me double the amount he did the Portland
merchant, but "if he hal only known" I could have sold
3 him Good material at the same price he paid for poor.
I Druggist