Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 12, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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.. Publisher
legal and Official Newspaper
Cf Clackamas County.
Ento.t 1 in Oregon Oltypostofflueat 2nd-olM matter
paidln advance, peryear... ......... 1 50
j mouths 75
hreemoiilhs'lrlal ... 24
MTThe date opposite your address on the
paper denotes I lie time to wnicn you nave paid
Btand'nir builnnM lvertlwmenls: Per month
1 Inch $1,2 inches 11.50, 8 Inches 175, 4 indies
12, 6 inches Cnolnmn) 12.25, lOinehes(eoluinn)
(1, 20 inches (uo'unta) s, ieefly contracts 10 per
oent 'ess.
Transient advertisements: Per week 1 inoh
5ijo, 2 inches 75", 8 inches $1 . 4 Inches fl 25,0
inches 11.50, 10 inches t2.50, 20 inches li
Legiil a.lvertinements: Per In h flrst Inser
tion fl. each additional Insertion 60c. Affllavils
of publication will not be furnished until pub
lication tees Rre pnlci.
Local nutlces; Five oants per line per week
per month 20o,
OREGON OITY, MAY 12, 1899.
An American Internal Policy.
FmT--P.ibllc ownership ot publlti Ir.inoliises.
' the values crea'ed by tho community should be
long tn the ciimmunily.
Kecosd Destruction of crliainal trusts. No
s monopolisation of the national resources by law
less private combinations miro powerful than
"the peoplu's government,
ThiiiiA t?mduted luoometar. Every citiaon
Ki contribute to the support of the government ac
cording to his m ?ans, and not according t j his ne
cessities -
FdDTil ISIoctl n of sn.itors by the people,
the sonito, now becoming the private property
of corporations and bosses, to be made truly repre
sentative, and Ihe state legislalures lo be redeemed
Irom recurring sjandals.
Fifth National, state and municipal Impr ove
ment of the public school syslem . As the dutite
cf eltlconsliip are both general and local, every
government, both g'noral and local, should do
its share toward fitting evjry Individual to per
form them.
Sixth 'Jurroncy reform. All the nation's
money to be Issued by the nation's government,
and its supply to be regulated by the people ai.d
lint by the banks.
To Subscribers.
The Couuieb-Hkrald lias put no ac
counts in any agent' hands tor collec
tion, but we understand Mr. Fitch has
attempted to collect some of his back
ascounts in this way. We have nothing
to do with these. The date opposite
your name on the paper represents the
time to which yon hava paid. If any
ewors occur we are ever ready to correct
It is not the lobar savin machinery
that is driving mechanics out on the road
as tramps, in this country. It is the po
litical machinery that is to blame for all
our evils.
Tim issue in 1900 will he free coinage
of silver at 18 to 1, anti-imperialism
and abolish the trusts with W. J.
Bryan as the standard bearer on the
side of the people.
What kind of a 10-to-l man is Sacre
tary Alger that he should find such favor
in ex-Governor Pennoyer's eyes? Per
haps it is 10-to-l beef 16 pounds of bad
to 1 of good. Telegram.
Bomb wise sage has truly said : " When
the wicked reign, the fools carry torch
lights and follow brass bands and drink
bad whiskey." This sage must have
foreseen the prwnt reign of llanna and
Tim way some of the gold bug senators
now construe the Declaration of Inde
pendence, is that governments derive
their just powers from the consent of
"some of the governed. " This is no
doubt their honest opinion of the matter ;
but there are many millions of honest
and patriotic American citizens who beg
to differ from bucIi republican interpre
tation of our Decleration of Independ
ence. '
Sknatoii Hoar, one of the very few
brainy men of the Senate, although a
republican, says there is "no constitu
tional power to conquer foreign nations
and hold their people in subjection
against thoir will." But Senator Hoar
ought to know by this time that his par
ty, in the hands of llanna and his Can
ton ian freak care naught for constitution
al powor, justice or humanity they are
out for the long green, army contracts
and sich like things.
Tub Inteligent reading public are fast
catching on to the fact that the leaders
and the ablest advocates of the free coin
age of silver at 10 to 1 of an American
system of finance for the American peo
ple, are also the foremost in the war
against the aggregated trusts of this
country, are also foremost in ttie move
ment against the criminal agression and
imperialism of the gold standard party.
In fact the bimetalisUare the only party
who are the true and loyal friends of the
Declaration of Independence and tho
Constitution of the United Srates. The
imperialism of the llanna administra
tion has already driven many of the
brnniest republican! of 1S90 into the
lanka of the bimetalists for tne .1KX)
fjampuign. I
Things are coming to a pretty piss in
this ''free country" when the utterences
of Borne drunken tailor at a private din
ner in this country, must be apologized
for by our cabinet officials to the em
bassador of some foreign sap head em
peror whose hobby it is to intuit Ameri
ca and curb free speech. .
When the Chicago platform was
adopted in 1896 there were veiy few
newspapers that had iaken a decided
stand on the 16 to 1 silver issue. Now
there are many thousands of the bright
est papers in America that thoroughly
understand the q lestion and most ably
advocate the restoration of silver.
Just as we predicted several months
ago, the embalmed beef scandal has
been sugarcoated, and the big ' packers
who chipped in so liberally to Hanna's
campaign fund in 1896, have been paid
for their rotton meat and exonerated
from all blame. Certainly, what else
could be expected after the Eagan epi
sode? It is no trouble, no, not the least bit
trouble for district, supreme or feder
judge8 to twist, dintort. iuawle or
change ''the law ;" in fact utterly ignore
tne state or federal statutes, if necessary,
in order to favor anv of the bis colora
tions who demamd a special privilege
to be granted to them or who are
brought into court for some of their
many missdeeds.
Although it is several months until
congress will meet, the patriotic con
spirators who are such lovers of the
wage earners, are busy preparing a 'bill'
to relieve the government of all labor in
the management of finances except to
pay tribute to the bond mongers and
bankers who are scheming to destroy
all government puper money and con
trol the issue themselves.
Tub republican party, through its offi
cials and their owners, has become so
accustomed to catering to the un-American
whims of Johnny Bull-child, that
no ono need be in the least surprised to
see the present adminis tration, in the
very near future, form an alliance witli
the crown of Great Britain, and not only
on the gold standard proposition, but on
the question of Imperialism, or land-
grabbing steals. It's coming sure,
just so sure as republicans are continued
in power.
Tim powerful cinch that the whiwkey
trust has on the McHanna goldized ad
ministration, is plainly shown by the
fact that even congress is powerless to
pass.any law, and h.ive it enforced, that
will lake dollars out of the maw of that
trust, The attorney-general says that
the army canteen must not be abolished.
"Canteen" means saloon; so the sol
diers can have the blessed privilege ot
oiowing in- tneir mirteen dollars a
month to enrich the whiskey trust sim
ply because the whiskey trust don ited
liberally to the boodle fund to elect
Hanna's president.
Nuw York Crrr is conceded by all
men of all parties to be the "money
center" of the United States. In fact
the Clearing House reports bear this out
In New York City there are also more
millionaires than in- any other city in
the world and more poverty and crime
also. In truth there are more evictions
of tenants in New York City alone, than
in Ireland. And yet it is the Noo Yor
rick City boodlera that want to domi
nate and dictate the politics of all the
balance of the country. Let every pro
gressive and earnest bimetalist in the
land put his kibosh on the attempts of
these Noo Yorrick City baodlers to dic
tate the national platform next year.
Somehow or another Brother Ecott is
unable to reconcile himself to the nomi
nation that will come to W. J. Brvan
next year. He sees dangers dark and
desperate to the reformer's success if that
terrible man is brought forward again.
I can hardly blame the old man for feel
ing scared. He has cause to feel veiy,
very uneasy. Should Bryan run again,
and there is no doubt about that fact at
this time, a different story will have to
be tola by bcott and the rest of the gang
after the election is over. It would most
certainly break the old man's heart to
see in turning headlines in the Oregoni
an this : "President William Jennings
Bryan Won." One peep at such ram
pant anarchy would kill him dead.
Portland Town Topics.
Much has been said pro and con about
the recent lynching of a man-shaped
brute in the state of Georgia but as is
usual in this degenerate day, none of the
loud mouthed spouters strike the right
trail. While it is a fact that the great
mass of the people are opposed to mob
law, the fact remains that mob law i
about the only law in which a Bern-
uianeeol justice is left. When white
men. called lawyers, can be found who
are so degraded that for a fee. thev will
defend a ravisher and murderer and by
cnicanery, jugglery and trickery cheat
justice, as they so often do, and at
enormous public expense; mob law is
tho Inevitable result. When nii.-h histi
strangling lawyers and lawyer-judges
are side-tracked, and the people know
that criminal! will be properly punched,
then lynching will eease-b it not until
The question of i uMio ownnrehip of
natural monopolies, or, in other words,
of public utilities, has' suddenly been
lifted inio the practical politics of the
country. Since ihe voters of Detroit
have authorized the purchase by the
municipality of the local street railway
tj'Blem, several other Western cities, in
cluding Chicago, have been agitating the
policy involved in this departure, and
the outlook is for a general "movement"
in the snme direction. The principle is
not new in Oregon, where for nearly fif
teen years, the , Portland- water system
has been under public ownership. Nor
is it r.ew in many other parts of the
country. In particular lines, notably in
water and lighting plants, it has been
quite generally accepted. According to
M. N. Baker, a well-known engineering
authority of New York, there are 3196
large systems of city water supply in the
United States, of which 1690, more than
one-half, are publicly owned. The ten
dency every where, is towtrd" public own
ership, that system' being, curiously
enough, most general in the m ire con
servative parts of the c untrv. In Mas
sachusetts, for example, 113 out of 151
city water plants are in public hands.
An interesting fact in conneoiion with
the water supply question is that in 180
there wtre but sixteen water systems in
the whole country.
In city lighting, as in water supply,
the tendency of the time U toward pub
licly owned plants. According to Pro
fessor John It. Commons, in 1890 the
number of municipal electric light plants
was little mire than 50 But in 18.12 it
had increased to 198, and in 1898 to
about 400. Gas, Professor Common de
clares, has been neglected in the growth
of electric lighting, but it continues to
be the cheaper illuminant There are
now twelve cities in the United States
winch maintain their own gas plants.
The interesting question in connection
with the public ownership of public util
ities lies io their administration; and
with reaped to this question, Professor
Bemie, a well-known expert, has re-
cen'ly published a book, "Municipal
Monopolies," from which the figures
above are taken. Professor Bemis de-
clares that corruption in city ownership
cannot possibly equal the corruption
growing out of the attempts of private
capital to secure from city councils and
governments the unfair and immensely
profitable position of monopoly control,
and because an extension of the func-
Hons of city government into matters so
closely touching the people will increase
rattier than deaden public inteiest in
and watchfulness over the conduct of
their government. He leans strongly to
the policy of full ownership and opera'
tion of street monopolies, such as street
railways, gas and waler plants, regard
ing them as "monopolies which cannot
justly and safely be given into the hands
of private capital." Oregonian.
The court of inquiry's report on the
beef scandal has been made public by
the president. Fiom beginning to end
it is a bold effort to whitewash the com
missary department, excuse Alger and
give the Clrcugo beef contractors a cer
tificate of character.
General Miles is sacrificed to the po
litical necessities of the McKinley ad
ministration. Although he sold no beef,
shared in no contracts and had nothing
to do with the commissary department,
he is censured by this remarkable court
of inquiry, which pronounced the beef
sound and nutritious when it was pur
chased, and charges all the decayed and
poisonous beef up to the climate of
All the whitewashing reports that the
friends of McKinley might frame from
now till doomsday could not hide the
stain on Alger or wipe out the crimes of
the commissary department, in league
with the rascally beef contractors against
our soldiers,
T he truth is tiiat the people iiave no
interest in anything the court of inquiry
may say about the beef scandal. They
have read the testimony in the newspa
pers, and they have made up their
minds as to where the responsibility
rests. Not one person out of a thousand
will agree with the court of inquiry in
its condemnation of General Miles. The
public has confidence in his integrity
and no faith whatever in the sincerity or
honesty of his accusers.
The report, no doubt, will give great
personal satisfaction to the president
and his secretary of war. It was plan
ned to do that very thing. But it will
make no votes for McKinley, and it will
not change the verdict of the public,
which is adverse to Alger, Egan and the
beef trust.
General Miles has nothing to regret.
He has done his duty fearlessly. He
has won a moral victory that cannot be
tarnished by the report of a court organ
ized to save the administration from the
convictions of its blunders.
Thr little republican postmaster ed
itors are about the only howlers left who
favor the murder of both American sol
diers and the natives of the Fhilinrjine
Islands. Of course they ruuit beat the
tom-tom for their masters, the imperi
alists, in order to hold their j bs.
The Man Who Wields the Jloe.
(Answer to "The Man With the Hoe.")
Is there no future for the man who
- wields the hoe?
May not the heart of labor with ambi
tion glow?
Can honest toiling dim the eye or dull
.. the brain?
If genius e'er has dwelt there shall it
not remain?
Can man thus be brought down from
. noble purpose high,
To live like the ox and like the ox to die?
Is man by toil made dead to rapture or
Dead to the future, dead to hope, and
fear, and care?
Ah, not God helps the toiler who from
' ' toil would rise.
Labor, and labor only, can secure tie
God-given hope an inspiration and a
feast -
That lifts mankind above the level of the
But whence came he of clouded mind
and sloping brow?
From generations of the hammer or the
Nay verily, for honest toil ennobles man,
And brings him nearer to the Wise
Creator's plan.
But he who with the vacant face leans
on his hce
Whose nature can but sink him to a
plane more low-
Came from the Jceuturies of vice and
wasted time.
Product of ignorance, intemperance, and
No intelect to think, to plan, or to c m
mand, No brain to guide the labor of his un
skilled hand.
Whom shall we censure for this low es
tate? Can aught the world can give make this
man great?
Could wealth or power restore this mind
Make this man a peer among bis fellow
men? Thon why condemn the toiler who has
won the prize,
Because this man has not the force from
toil to ri e?
And why restrain him, who in life's
race would win,
Waiting for some fool who would not
venture in?
Dark places there may be up.m this
Where man can hardly rise fromlowly
Where brutes' in human form sometimes
may rule
And power be the birthright of a fool.
And in those lands where ignorancetri-
umphant reig is
That man indeed is fortunate who has
no brains ;
But where true merit may some voice
Toil with a purpose cannot be in vain,
And in our own free country there is
hope, we know,
For each true-hearted, manly man who
wields the hoe.
Chas. K. Burnside
Thr "trade follows the flag" crew are
not patriots they are plunderers and
oppressors, and use the flag as a cloac to
cover their crimes, as a .burglar uses a
dark lantern.
Following the last rate war of 1893 be
tween the Northern overland lines, over
the question of differentials, peace was
declared on a basis of equal rates "all
round," but the Hues between St. Paul
and Chicago were still disturbed by
local troubles, and the combination of
rates east and west of St.Panl made Chi
cago $57. 73 first class and $17.75 second
class. This last difficulty in the way
of complete restoration of Btandard fares
has at last been adjusted, and, on April
25th, through rates to Chicago and
points west were rebuilt to normal
figures by all lines, bo that it now costs
no more to travel by way of the Southern
Pacific through California than by the
Northern lines, through Vancouver,
Helena or Spokane. Pioneer Press.
RANTS. We pay a premium for warrants.
It will be to your interest to get our
price before selling.
The Bank of Oregon City.
That is the way all druggists sell
for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is
simply iron and quinine in a tasteless
form. Children love it. Adults prefer
to bitter, nauseating tonics. Price, 50c.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches.
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. EaBy to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by George A. Hard
iug, druggist.
is the leading pho
tographerof th
portion of the val
ley, and Ethel May Cheney fills her
brother's place to perfection in perfor m
in the photographic work.
No Scandal Can Arise
A Good Thing
If you have a good thing the people want it.
Their scales of living is many degrees higher
than their fathers'; they want the necessities of
life to be as good as possible for the money.
MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at
the lowest price. A penny saved is two earned.
A Flying Top Free !
The Latest Fad
Look at Your Houses W.1??.4 ?
If you haven't got time, call on G. REDDAWAY.
He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A
full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see
him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and
Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed.
GEO. RED DA WAY Confect,one" s'cit.
$Sole Agent In Clackamas
times in ten that is the trouble. It costs you nothing to find out, if
you will go and see
393 florrlson St., Portland, Oregon
Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, in charge ol
the optical department, and you can consult him and have your eyes
examined free of charge. TRY it may be your trouble.
ta aav elaa-e without
ByrTTMi,HCy CudbynoldGrm&a remedy. Thie
n Gil fll Alio A remedy was lent to Dr. Keitfer by a
ft Send ia B.rlla. It haa never failed, and we guarantee it.
i fl? Tl OfiPPQ Canaer, etc. cured, no difference how 1
r vuu uuuuu long aneciea.
kPUlVlTP Olieasea, Thia doctor guaranteeato cure any
'llUlfllD eae of Syphilis, Gonorrhea. Gleet. StrictaieV
cured, no difference Low long itancilng. Spermatorrhea, J
Loaa of Manhood, or Nightly Kmmiaalona, cured pennant-H
ly. The habit of Self &puac effectually cured In a short fl
YflTTM VTKT Y,ur crrora n1 ,ol,l of yxi can tei
lUUllU fllfifl remedied, and thia old doctor will give youl
k wholesome advice and cure yon-make you perfectly atrong J
ano kealtbv. You will
i Spermatorrhea. Seminal
' other effecta.
inrmFY km njM.pv prnifPnTW! 4
r painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, nn-
LJ!""1 discharges, carefully treated and permantly cured. J
Y Pilea, Rheumatism and neuralgia treated by our new remedies
r Fatienta treated In an
. -j .... .u.i lailKUIBH flCIW ICQ K lUmpi IDQ
w"' "'wer you promptly, hundreds treated at home
y w , . W
Take a clear bottle at
act aside and look at It in
naS a OlOUdV aattlina in tl.
iUdi'ie"?e' "hon'a be attended to before you get an incur. T
able lUsrese as hundred Die every year from Bright Dts-d
Address or Call DR. KESSLER. 2d and Yamhill
rionuments and Headstones
Estimate! furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
Work. : Drawings made by description.
Silver Msdal Awarded at
Portland Mechanics' Fair
I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and
am now m a position to do work better and more reasonable.
From the use of our
or other . canned goods, because
there is no diversity of opinion as
to its quality. The unanimous
verdict is one of approval. Those
who usd them freely are pleased
with the freshness,' richness and
delightful flavor of every article.
And our prices give satisfaction,
too. HEINZ A. CO.,
Bakers and Grocers,
Opposite Postofflee - Oregon City
With Every Dollar Purchase at
all goods are sold at reasonable
Oh, My Headaches!
Well, no doubt it is caused by
imperfect eyesight, as about seven
Loci Here. Yon Man
looks tell on you. Can keep it
ecret a while. Before its to late.
f;o and ttt or write to thla old doc
or. Hf ham hfi trMlIn auh
for over ao yeara and perfectly
reiiaoie. purmanea oia own meai
cine and tclla no talea.
33 IX. XX2Qj9iaXj321Xl.
of the Old St. Louis Medical and J
c ; .,-1 1 1. . it 1.
Street, Portland, Oiegon, positively
guarantee! to remove
lou of tlm from hualnau.
be aiuased at hia aucceas in curing 1
T.nara. Niohllv Hmmlulnni m3 M
nart nf ih mnnlr. t hla t,nm
MIC t-tL J ,
hrdllma aad mlnat In wiU .
the morning. If it ta cloudy or
vnti n.a anm b Ma.,, a It. AAm A
Portland, Oregon