Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 12, 1899, Image 1

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Gity Xouri
16th YEAR, NO. 4
Spray Pumps,
Spray Materials,
189 Front Street, Portland, Oregon
o . Tr nr
opray xuur xrees...
With Carbolic Compound. It kills moths, wooly aphis,
Etc., Etc. Also for Spraying Hops and Shruberyy. We
are Apents fi r this Countv.,
- ....... X
V We carry the lavgest line of Hardware, Stoves, Steel Ranges, J
Agricultural iwacninery, ana wagons wood stocn m tne ui.ty.
Special attention given to all kinds of job work and plumbing.
Union Men Barred.
Spokane, May 8. The mines of Sho
shone counly, Idaho, that propose to
operate during the reign of martial law
may Ho to tnly on condition that they
do rot errpby members of the Ooeur
d'Alene Miners' Union. This is the
martial law as laid down by General
Merriam and Attorney-General Ha) es,
of Idaho.
At a meeting of the mineowners in
this eily this morning Mr. Hayes pre
sented this mandate, and the owners
cheerfully promised to obey.
"We're going to clean up the Cceur
d'Alenes," said Attorney-General Hayes
prior to hit departure for Boise. "I have
teen some of the mineowners today, and
they have been inform d by the proper
authorities that they cannot employ
any one connected with a criminal or
ganization in the county. The miners'
union in Shoshone county contains many
desperadoes and criminals, who have,
under the protection of the union, per
petrated crimes and outrage". Twice
has it been necessary because of these
men and tbeir organization, to put the
country under martial law. We want
to put a stop to tbat sort of thing.
"The owners living in Spokane allow
the union to run things, and when prop
erty is threatened or riots occur as a re
sult, they wire to the governor of Idaho
to send troops to protect their property.
Some of these owners know who the
men are who left their mines to go up
to Wardner for the purpose of blowing
up the Banker Hill and Sullivan mill.
They allowed the men to go out of the
mines to destroy the property of an
other and then to return to work."
Denied Admission to the Malls.
Washington, May 9. The postnaster
gmeral has directed the postmaster at
San Francisco to tako out of the mails
for Manila three pamphlets iesued by
Edwar.i Atkinson, of Boston, vice-pres
ident of the Anti-imperialistic League.
This order does not apply to the circula
tion of pamphlets by mail in this country
but bars the dispatch to the Philippines,
discontent and even mutiny among the
soldiers being stated by the department
m being the design of these publications.
The three pamphlets are especially de
scribed, and in no circumstances are
they to be forwarded to the Philippines.
Correct styles and popular prices in
all kinds of millinery. Miss Goldsmith.
Filipino Army Nearly Plunged
Into Civil War.
Manila, May 9. The army gunboats
Lanuna de Bay and Cavadonga returned
today from an expedition up the San
Fernando river, where it was learned
that just betore the battle of San Thomas
the insurgents were almost plunged into
civil war.
'General Luna, when an engagement
with the Americans was inevitable, seut
back to Bacolor to demand of General
Mascardo reinforcements. Mascaido
said he ' would take orders only from
Aguinaldo. Luna, with a solitary regi
ment, made a forced march ' to Bacolor.
Mascardo ordered his command to form
a line of battle. Outside of the oppos
ing forces, the insurgent camp was all
cou'usion. :
Aguinaldo was terrified by the situa
tion and ordered his chiif of staff, Colt
nel Arguelles, to make peace at all haz
ards. The soldiers were waiting orders
to fight when Arguelles called a confer
ence with the rival generals. Aguinaldo
begged Luna and Mascardo not to plunge
tho Filipino forces into civil strife at
such a time.
His entreaties prevailed, Luna re
turned to the (rout with reinforcements,
and Mascardo was court-martialed for
insubordination. The battle of San
Thomas followed, and Luna received
wounds in the shoulder and groin that
will surely disable him for the rest of
the campaign and may cause his death.
Guagua was bombarded and carried
by assault. The insurgents fired the
town and abandoned a small gunboat of
their own.
It was from the civil governor of the
district, Jose Enfante, who stayed to
welcome the Americans, that tha news
about Luna was received. He said that
5000 to 8000 natives had been kilkd
since the beginning of hostilities, aid
500 insurgents retreated from Guagi a
toward Bacolor when they heard the
cannonading by the gunboats as tliev
approached up the river. In the grave-
ijard at juagua are 400 newly made)
The insurgent forces have been divid
ed, one body, under command of General
Mascardo, going west of San Fernando,,
and the other; commanded by General
Antonio Luna, moving north. Both of
these leaders claim supreme command
of the Filipino army. General Luna
will fall back to Tarlac, and from that
place move toward San Isadoro.
General Mac Arthur will make Ran
Fernando his base of operations, send
ing out detachments of troops as they
may be necessary.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
A-um baking; powders are the greatest
menacen to health of the present day.
Jones Lever
j'WS lift P iff
AaM&- mm- 5,75 ii S
fflwfete w& s ? m lw
Bty'fl Porcelain ydQi .
Beab" Dinner Set Wm&mM
Is a nood claim for buyers to investigate it's a saag fEfe-fcL ' O - f -'''&iffMh
eood Idea to keep in toueh with Ihe bent to secure p.- CA lf;-Ha2 J iWfli i
the best values. Buying Wall Paper here means - tVT I.OU JSOkt . 1 IX-f&tlJ
thorough satisfaction and a selectlou of all flie . "A fTX J:-'r:.
newest and best idtaa, Handsomest walls, but : " f 7(S'Vi.v '
modest investment. .-v ' U
TUTV m (i This rSwfet?'
LJL irt Table W2m Glass
fefeEpi Asn AU Fur Rugs 10 per cent
'T1 11' CUpbard ' ' Below Cost
M 0Q Oak Front Carpets 10c to $1.25 per yard
vlfe Wardrobe If ,v , B &
wm0l lp Couch IL CWC
v S
Tbe Question of Economy
When great corporation" are expending thona
ands of dollar In devicea te nre time, labor and
material there ia evidence enough that this Is an
age et economy. We wiah to put the strooieHt
BDhosis upon the economy of the Charter Oak
a ihia atova ia tbe areateat saver of fuel.
food and of woman's strength and nerves, Ii
brlugs the cost of cooking down to the minimum
and keeps It then. Mo wonder it la turning the
cook stove bualneas upside down, because it la a
revelation In its way. Th Charts OaK U o
EiriiT-TooK YAm to tmrsot It.
There's a Well-Bcatcn Pathoee
It leads directly to our doors. Throngs of buyers traverse it day after day
Shows tbat we are strengthening the friendly business relation between tbe store
and public, without which there can be no success. Want you to keep coming.
Want yon to tell your friends and neighbors about our store. Confidence once
established between us, the rest will be easy.
Secrettiru Mjer Whitewashed,
General Egan Censured and
Mmt-Packers Exonerated.
Washington, May 8. By diieciion of
the president, who approves the find
ings, Acting Secretary of War Meikle
johu today made public the report and
findiiiKS of the military court appointed
to investigate the charges made by
Major Unnoral Miles, commanding the
army, that the beef supplied to the
army during the war with Spain was not
fit lor the use of the troops. Tbe most
Important fe.ttures of thd report are:
The finding that the general's findings
that the ref: iterated boef was treated
witli chemic.ls were not established;
that his al elation concern in.' the
cau tied fresh or canned roast beef were
sustain d as' to lis uusuitability fur food
as usvd on the irauapoits and as a long .
con. inued field ration ; censure tif Gen
eral Miles for "eiror ' in . failing to
promptly notify the secretary of war
vtln n he Ant formed the opinion that
the food was unfit; censure of the com
missi ry-general (then Cuneral Egan)
for the too extensive purchase i f the
canned beef an an untried ration ; cen
sure of Colonel Man, of General Miles'
staff; the finding thar the packers were
not at fault, and that the meats supplied
to'ttt army were of the same quality as
those Bupphed to the trade generally,
and the recoinuienda ion that no further
proceedings will ' be taken in the premi
ses. The conclusion of the court adverse to
further proceedings based upon the
charges is as follows : .
' It has been developed in the course
of the inquiry, as recited in this report,
that in some instances some individuals
failed to perform the full measure of
duty or to ob erve the proprieties which
dignified military laws command; but
the court is of tho opinion tint the me e
statement of ollicial facts develop d
mfets the end f discipline and that the
interests o:' the service ill be bst sub
served if further proctedings be not
taken.L' -
There is more or lees criticism of Gen
eral Miles in various parts of the report.
Probably the most direct instance is the
one which states that beyond the criti
cifin of officers found thewhero ia the
report :
"The court finds that against none of
the officers eommaudingcorps, divisions,
brigades and regiments and their staff
officers should a charge of guiltv be
"The court also finds that the major-
general commanding the army had not
sufficient justification for alleging that
the refrigerated beef was embalmed or
was unfit for issue to troops, ft also
finds that he committed an error in that,
having belief or knowledge, as claimed,
that the food was unfit, that it caused
sickness and distress, that some of it
was supplied under the pretense of ex
periment, that if the beef was embalmed
he did not immediately communicate
such knowledge or belief to the secre
tary of war, to the end that a proper
remedy might be promptly applied."
The censure of Colonel Maus, inspetor-
general d"h General Miles' staff, is based
upon bis failure to call attention to
charges concerning the beef at Chicka-
magua contained in a report of inspec
tion made by Dr. or Major Daly on the
26ih of October last, in which he stated
his belief that the beef was cbemicully
"Tbe silence of Colonel Maus," says
the court, "on so' important a matter as
the chemicalized beef report by Major
Daly and personally known to himself,
is most remarkable."
Tbe remark is also made that General
Miles' failure to draw special attention
to this report is "unexplained." Com
menting upon General Miles' testimony
that he had first formed the opinion last
August that the the refrigerated beef
bad been processed.
Tbe court is of tbe opinion tbat the
canned roast beef is not suitable ass
travel ration on transports, considering
tbe absence of cooking facilities and tbe
absence from that ration of fresh vegeta
This Celebrated binder ha pi ined an enviable repntnion in the last four
years in Oregon. It represents lever power as applied to bi:!'lintf uriiiu. H will
run lighter, last longer and bind tign'er than any other b'ndt r in the market.
The Jones Chain Drive foot lift Mower has no back lash, luii light and is very
durable. , Wi 1 ut heavy grasv with ease. '
I also carry a fu'l lin of II t , R ikn, Tedder, Hay Tools, Advance Tluesh
ers and Traction Engines, John Deere Plovts, f well as a ft. 11 lire of Agricultural
Implements and Vehicles. Call and fee me before buying, :
Corner Front and Taylor Streets,
hies and condiments. For use on i-ho'-e
as a fluid ration, where companies had
their camp co king equipment ami veg
etables were available, canned roast beef
is suiuble for issue, say two days in ten,
but not for two days in succession.
E. L. Dwyer Fails.
New York, May 9. Edward L. Dwyer,
a promoter of this city, has filed a peti
tion in bankruptcy, with liabilities at
$152,055 and no assets. Of Ihe liabilities
(110,200 is nominally secured, princi
pally by Btock in the Flavel Land & De
velopment Company, of Oregon; $125,
555 is unsecured, and $17,000 ia accon.-
modation paper. Among the creditors
U the estate of Granvelle E, Ingersol, of
Chicago, $48,000, secured by two life in
surance policies of $15,000 and $35,000
stock of the Flavel Land & Development
Company, Dwyer has been interested
in various companies n 4his city, in
Maine; Portland, Or., ami Mexico. In
January, 1895, it is said, Dwver was
married to the Duchess of Castelluirra,
in Florida.
German Meat Bill.
Bkrun, May 9. It is authoritatively
stated that the committee of the relch
ttag to which was referred the meat in
spection bill which was substuri tally
agreed upon by the imperial cabinet and
United States ambassador, Andrew D.
White, has reported against the meas
ure and in favor of bills hostile to Amer
ican in'r-es's. nrd that the government
will probably refus to sancti..ii it. Th
bill, as reported back, provides for nn
examination of American meats impos
sible to enforce withou' uttnrly destroy
ing American trade with Germany.
Tul: e Requested Their Return.
Denver, May 9. 'Jovemor Tloraas
wired Adjutant-General Cot bin lat t
night as follows:
"The reported interview of mine in
the Denver News concerning the Colo
rado volunteers is false and malicious."
The governor y he told the inter
viewer he had twice requested the return
of the Colorado regiment, and would re
new the request, and that as the Span
ish war had terminated, the volunteers
should be permitted to return if they
"Beyond this," says the Governor,
"nothing was said except an expression
of a general nature concerning the power
of the government to (call upon the
militia for service in aa inoffensive
Beauty is lllixiit.
Clean Wood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarela Candy
Cathartic Clffln your blood ami keep it
clean, by stiirinti up the lazy liver and
driving all' iuinurltiea from the body.
Begin to-day to hHiiish pimples, boils,
blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious ei inplexion by taking Cascarets
beauty for ten cents. All druggists
atisfaction guaranteed, tOc, 20e, 50c
, Paint Talks
. (No. i)
Many people think it necessary to go to Port
land to get the lowest price on painting material.
But if you will give me a chance I can easily con
vence you that I not only can do AS WELL by
by you, but can even save you money. Besides I
,make it possible for you to take absolutely no
chances on the quality and quality you know is
the one important item in paint.
FIRST I guarantee to make you as low a price as any whole
sale paint house in Portland. Get their prices first if you
are in doubt.
SECOND I guarantee the quality to be the highest you can
buy no better anywhere and bettor than nine out of ten
dealers will give you.
THIRD I am here to stay, If anything is wrong I am here
to make it right, while if you buy of a stranger the chances
are he will figure on never seeing you again and tell you
quality accordingly.
Everyone knows there is more fake and skulldugcry
in the paint business than any other line a merchant
handles. It is so easy to cheapen your Linseed
Oil by the addition of a little Neutral Oil or to sell
White Lead made of one-half Whiting. You will
never know the difference until a few months after
it Is applied.
... Masury'j Paint 5 gallons or over $1.65 per gallon
Bay State " " 1.35 -