Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 05, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Oregon City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
Oregon City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
That we are the cheapest CASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by
the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number ot intelligent buyers
who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us. If you are wise and have your own inter
est at stake, you will at least see our goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even it you do not buy,
you will be POSTED as to goods and values. Remember,
lily Erggits
2nd Upward
and Upward
Sewing Machines
and Upward
Ingrain Carpets
Per Yd and Upward
New Model
Sewing Machine
10 years Guarantee
Easy Terms Given
3 Piece
Bed Boom Set
and Upward
The Only Reliable
on Earth
A Nice Tea Set
of 44 Pieces
W. L. Block's Furniture and Carpet House
Weill en (lie bicycle laths is suspend
ed on account of rain, fave three email
bridges and a few fills (be Monroe path
liae bf( n completed a dintanca of three
miles, and an additional three miles baa
ben ploughed and grubbed. The road
machine was operated ore and three
fourth days. In grubbing and plough
ing five das was expended. About $30
bae been fpent. The pa'h is costing less
than $10 pi r mile. A crew is to be put
on the Philomath pxth when the
weather settles, Corvallis Times.
Ti e city council will meet Saturday
evening to consider the drainage ques
tion. The matter of refunding not to
exceed $5,0(10 of ci:y warrants at a lower
rate of inter' st will be taken up May 8,
when a paity from Tacoma will make a
proportion to advance money for the
puipoxe. Hillsboro Argus.
Steps are being taken to organize a
cabin of Native Sons of Oregon in Jack
sonville. Quite a number of young men
have already signed the charter list.
Jackson vi lie Times.
Salem can get along very w ell without
cheap trancient auction BtoieB. The fel
low who left Salem reeintly is paying
15 a day license in Oregon City. Cap
ital Journal.
Miss Ilertha Sumner's private school
started Mondav with 27 pupils. All re
cognize the fact (hut Miss Sumner la a
good teacher and her school has started
rnt with a flattering number of pupils.
Woodburn Independent.
Chief Justice Moore of the Oregon Su
preme com t is an enthusiastic bicyclist
and ho rides with judicial dignity and
enjoys it, Mb favorite route on Sun
day afternoon is over the West Salem
boulevaid. and he ires a chainlese,
which he liken very much. Salem
A number of ranchers living in the
'ichiity of Ilallas met in Pallas last Sat
urday afternoon and formed a wood
dealers' asi-ociution. Mr. J. 8. Macoin-
ber was elected cbaiiman, and John
Miirtin, secretary, The following scale
of pi ices was agretd upon: Grub oak,
$2 50 per cord ; h.rie fir, $i,50; small tir,
$2.00 Another meeting will be held at
T. A. Fa i ley's cilice an Satuiday, May
tith, to further perfect the oiganization.
Dallas Observer.
An Eastern syndicate is negotiating
for several tracts of land in the vicinity
of rUiiyton in amounts ranging from (100
to 2000 acres. Not for many years has
the Inquiry tor Oregon real estate been
to nun ked as now. The inquiries come
from Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas
and Nebraska, principally, and the de
mand is almost wholly confined to im
proved farina with "some pasture and
timber." Salem Sentinel.
FarinorBwill not be angry to know
that stockmen are said to be offering
$15 a head for yearling steers. Cattle
will always be giod property. Eugene
Tiie American General Still Mb
fuses to Recognize the So
Called Insurgent
Manila, May 4.-3:10 P. M. There
was a conference lasting two hours today
between Major-General E. S. Otis, and
the envoys who came here from General
Antonio Luna bearing the proposal for
a cessation of hostili ies.
tieneral O is adhered to his refusal to
recognize the so-called government of
the insurgents. The Filipinos now ask
for a truce of three months to enable
Aguinaldo to summon congress and con
sult with insurgent badera on other
islands. The envoys admitted the con
tention of General Otia that Aguinaldo
has little control over affiirs oiitside of
the island of Luz n.
The question of the release of Simnifcli
prisoners in the hands of the Filipinos
being mentioned, Major Argueleze, the
chief member of the deputation, said he
considered them as being in the same
category with Americans, the United
States being the succe sor of Spain in
dominion over the Islands and acquiring
by treaty all Spanish rights and obliga
tions. After the close of the conference
with Otis, the Filipino envoys had aeon
saltation with the United States Philip
pine commissioners,
Washington, May 4. The fallowing
has been teceived from Admiral Dewey :
"Manila. To Secretary of the Navy,
Washington : The following are the
Yorktown prisoners at the insurgent
headquarters at San Sido: Lieutenant
Gilmore, Chief Quartermaster William
Walton, Sailmaker's Mate Paul Vondoit,
Coxswain John Ellsworth, Apprentice
(third clasB) Albert Peterson, Lands
man Fylvio Bri-.olez, Limlsman Paul
Edwards and Landsman Fied Anderson.
Provisions have been sent to them by
General Otis. I urn continuing inquiries
as to the fate of the other seven "
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Peter Taylor,
H. K. Shipley, Stella E. Shipley,
Henry Galls, Ira F. Powers Mhiiu
t.,cuiring Co., a corporation, till
ton W. Smith, Pacific Vinegar
Company, a corporation, H. H.
Lone, George H Middlebrook and
Kthii- W. Shnamaker, partners,
doing business under the name of
Middlebrook and Stioemaker, Ce
llnda K. Shipley, executrix of the
estate of A. K. Shipley, deceased,
and the Willamette Iron Woiks, a
corpo; ation,
State of Oregon. County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution, duly Issued out of ami
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 26 h day of April, 1899, upon a
Judgment rendered and enterec ill said court on
lhei7ihdayoi April, 1899, in favor of Peter Tay
lor, plaintiff, and agrinst M. K Shipley, Su-lln E.
Shiplry, Henry Cans, Ira F. Powers Manufantur
Ing Co., a corporal! m. M iltoo W. Smith, Pad c
Vinegur Company, a corpi .r-t!on, H. H. Lone,
Geoige H. Mid.ilfbtook nd Frank W Shoema
ker, partners, doing Lusine under the name of
Middlebrook and shoemaker. Celinda E. Shipley,
ex cu nx of the estate of A. R. Shipley, deceased,
and the Willamette Iron Works, u corporation,
defendants, for the mm of $:t44.88, with interest
therenu at the raw of 10 per ecut per annum
from the 17th day of April, 1S99, and the further
sum of $883.15 with Interest tnereon at the rate of
8 ver cent per annum from the 17th day of April,
1899, and the further sum of 125.00 as attorney's
fee, and the further sum of S18 00 costs and
di-butsements, and the costB of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make s ile of the follow
ing described real property, situate In the County
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to wit: All that
portion of the donation land claim of Ronald C.
Crawford, Certificate 1822, which lies south of the
I orlh line of section 28, township 2 south, of
range 1 east of the Willamette meridian, and
north of that tract sold by M K. Shipley and wife
to the Oregon Iron and Steel Company, contain
ing SO seres, more or less, and situated in Clacka
mas eounly, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will. on
at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front
door of the County Court House in the City of
Oregou City, ill said County and Stale, sell at
public auction, subject to redemptl m, lo the
highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cash in hand,
all the right, title and interest wtnen tne witniu
named defendants or either of thein had on the
date ol the mortgage herein or since had in or to
the above described real properly or any part
thereof, to satisfv said execution, Judgment
rder, decree, iulerest, costs and all accruing
costs, j, j, UUUMS,
Sheriff nf Clickamas County. Oregon.
Daled Oregon City, Ore., April 2U, 18:19.
Burghardt. upon his petition duly filed in the
district court of th Uulted States for the district
of Oregon, has been adjudged bankrupt, a
meeting of his creditors to prove their debts, ap
point a trustee or trustees of his estate and to
take such further action as may be lawfully taken
at the first meeting of his creditors, will be held
before me at my office at Milwaukie, Clackamas
countv, Oregon, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday,
May 16, 1899. FL'iRKNCE OLSON,
Referee in Bankruptcy for Clac amaa County.
Dated May 5, 1899.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper your
rooms and paint your
house and
In thn Circuit Court of the Ftate of Oregon, for
the County of Oiackamaa.
Sidney Smyth and T. P. Randall,
i Plaintiffs,
I vl- )
James W. Shaw and .lames Shaw,
I ' Defendants.
I State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
cution and order of sale duly issued out of and)
List of All Societies in tills County With
Meeting Place and Date.
Falls Cltv Lodge No. 159 of A. O. TJ. W. -Every
6aturday eveulng In A.O.U.W.hhll on Sev
enth street.
Oregon Lodge No. 8, 1. O. O.F. Every Thursday
evening at Odd Fellows' ball.
Falls Encampment No. 4. 1. O. O. F. First and
third Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' hall.
Willamette Rebekah Degree lodge No. 2-The iS,K,j!Sn7!ir.Ji,3.!5r
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices. Leave
orders at Ely Bros, store
on upper 7th streeth.
Judge . . T. F. Rvan
liters. 01 iourm junior ijiauu
Sheriff J. J. Cooke
Recorder T. P. Randall
Treasurer Jacob Shade
Assessor '.. Ell Williams
School Superintendent N. W. Bowland
Surveyor Ernest Rands
Coroner M. C. Strickland
I R.Scott.
Deputv Clerk E. H.Cooper
" ' Sheriff . J.B, lack
" Reoorder Ed. Dedman
" Superintendent Mrs. G. M. Strange
" Assessor ..J. ti. Porter
County Court meets on first Wednesday after firs
Monday of every month.
Probate Court meets on first Monday of every
Gironlt Court meets on third Monday in Aprlland
first Monday in November
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County ol UmcKumus.
Manila, May 5 Tint Second 0e((on
volunteers, with the rest of Colonel
Summers' brigade, are advancing north
wind miller his leadership in the direc
tion of Mauisin.
The Americans under General Hule
captured San Totnas today after desper-
fi'e I'njhtinir. on 1 lie part of the rebels.
The Americans entered the town after
it had been tired by the insurgents.
ticnetai iinie ana ins lorce lire now
pushing rapidly on Sun Fernando,
The advance of Mc Vrthur's troops be
Kim early this morning, with the Kan-
Has and Montana regiments marching
along the railroad tracks, and the Utah
battery, Iowa, Nebraska and South D.t
kota regiments on the right line.
A sharp battle was fought at a bridge
four miles from San Thomas, where the
rebels in great numbers made a fierce
stand. The engagement at San Thomas,
while not long, was tremendously furious.
There were 2,200 barrels of beer and
600 barrels of whiskey on the City of
Kiugston which was sunk on the tort 1
ble North coast last Sunday. That's
one of the penalties of violating the Sun
day laws. Astoria Herald.
Today Win. ltoberts, the civil engi
neer of rullman, whom the city council
has employed to engineer the proposed
sower system, lias boen at work making
Hold surveys of tho streets and alleys
where new sewers are to be laid. As
soon b the survey Is completed he will
make planB and specifications tor the
system, and everything will be In readi
ness for work. The Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
It is hinted that
waits General Miles for finding fault
with Alger and Eagan and telling the
truth about the stinking beef. It the
administration disiplines Miles the peo
ple will be pretty apt to administer at
the polls a little disipliue to the admin-ptration.-
Baker City Epigram.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E, Spingler, of 1125 Howard street, Phil
adelphia, Ta., when she found that Pr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her ot a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this royal cure: "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest, and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praise throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery for any tron
ble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price,
50c and $1. Trial bottle free at George
A. Harding's drtitt store. Everv bottle
n cvurt uiaruai muriniiu.
George J . Sloore, 1
Geo. I,. Kaylor nnd Flovlda F. A
Kaylor and P. II. Murtvy,
Slate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution ilit y Issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me du y ditected, and
ilnleil the 2tith day of A i 1 , IS'.i'.i, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court on the
Wlh day of April, lKli',1, in favor of George J.
Moore, piaintilf, and agaltiHt Ueo. L. Kaylor and
Flovlda F. A Kaylor cud P. II. Marlay, defend
ants, for tile sum of $1,128.74, with interest there
on at the rate of 10 cent per annum from the ltith
day of April, lKiti), and the further sum of $100.00
as attorney's fee, nnd the further sum of S'iil.00
costs and disbursements, nud llic costs of and upon
this writ, commamilg me to make sale or the
iollowing described red property, situate in the
ooitnty of Clackamas, sta'.e of Oregon, to-wit:
Tile northwest quarter of the northeast quarter
and the south halt of the northeast quarter of sec
tion 25, township 6 smuh of range i east of the
WillHiiielte merldtau, containing 120 acres of laud
and situated in Clackamas county aud atateof
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order aud decree, nud in compliance
with the commands of said writ. I will, on
at the hour of 1 :30 o'clock p. m., at the front door
oi ine court nouse in i tie env ol urenon utiy, m
said county and state, sell at publlo auction, sub
ject to redemption, to tho highest bidder, for U.
S. goiu coin cn in iiiiiki, all the rlgflt, tine ana
interest wnicn ine within named deientiants, or
either of them, had ou the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above desoribed
real property, or any part thereof, to satlsly the ex
ecution, judgment order, dacree. interest, costs
aud all aceruiuir costs. J. J. COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas Couuly, Oregoa.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., April a), 18t9.
Mayor CD. Latonretle
Recorder Bruce C. Curry
Chief of Police C. K. Burns
Treasurer H. K. Streiiilit
Oitv Altornev A. S. liresser
Street Commissioner J. C. Bradley
Sup't. of Water Works W.1I. Howell
City Engineer H. II Johnson
Councllmen R. Koerner. J. W. Powell. Frank
Bueoh and ''. 8r hueliei of First Ward; E. E.
('barman, C. O. Huntley, A. W. Millnaud Fiel
Meuuev ot second v aril.
Council meets first Wednosday o( each month.
First Congregntlonal, coiner Main nnd Eleventh
streets Kcv. K. S. Bollinger, pastor. Services
10:30 a . in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday sehno alter
morning service. Prayer meeting every Wednes
day evening at 7:H0 p. m. Prayer meeting Y
P. S. C. E. every Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m.
First Baptist, corner Main and Ninth streets
Rev. pastor. Morning service,
10:80: Sundav school. 11:45. Evening service
7:30. Regular prayer meeting Thursday
second and fourth Fridays 111 I. O.O. F hall.
Mnlmomah Lodge Vo. 1, A. F. 4 A. M Regular
communications on first and third Saturdays.
Mvrtle Lodge No. 24, D. of H. Every Friday in
Willamette ball.
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular con
vocation third Monday.
Court Bobln Hood No. 8330, F. of A.-Wlllamette
hall on second and fourth Fridays,
Pioneer Chapter, No. 28, 0. E. S. MasoniO Tem
ple on Tuesdays.
Willamette Camp No. 148, W. of W.-Flrst and
third Fridays in Willamette ball.
Modern Woodmen of America, Camp No 5nc,
meets second and fourth Tuesdays at Willam
ette hall,
Falls Grove Circle No. 32, W. W. Willamette
ball, Tuesday evenings.
Waeheno Tribe, No. 13,1.0. R. M. Tuesday eve
ning at Redmen's hall, Jaggar building.
Meade Post, No. G. A. R. First Monday of each
month at Willamette hall
Meade Relief Corps. No. 18. Meets at Willam
etle hall on the first Monday at 2 p. m ., and the
third Mnndnv at n m Thu unvillnrv moola
at the armory on first aud third Saturdays at
2 p. m.
McLouirhlln Cabin No 4. Native Sons of Ore-
?:on; meets at Willamette nan on scoond and
ourlh Monday evenings.
St. John's Branch No. 617, C. K. of A. Every
Tuesday evening at their hall.
United Artisans, No. 7 Willamette hall every
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M.-A. O. U. W. hall
upper sevenin street, on second aua lourtp
Oregon City Board of Trade At court house on
Monday in each montn.
Columbia Ilook and Ladder Co. First Friday ol
eacn montn at fountain engine nouse.
Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 Second Wednesday
In each month at Fountain engine house.
Cataract Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each
montn at l ataraci engine nouse.
Oregon City Hose Co. No. 2 -Hose house on the
hill the third Tuesday of each month.
ML View Hose Co. 4 Hose house at Elyvllle.
Pig Iron Lodge No. 135, A. O. U. W. Every
inursuay evening at una renows nan, uswego.
Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. U. W.-Flrst and
third Saturdays at school house, Molalla,
Gavel Lodge No. 55. A.O 17. W. Second and
third Saturday evenings at Knight's hall,Cauby.
Clackamas Lodge, No. 57, A. O. U. W. First and
third Monds)s at Strlle's hall, Clackamas,
Sunrise 1 odge No. 43. A. O. U. W. Second and
lourth Saturday at Wilsonville.
Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of U. Eve; y Tuesday
Rebekah lodge N'o. 71, I. O. O. F., of Oswego
Thursday evenings.
Oswego Lodge No. 03, 1. 0. O. F. Odd Fellow's
hall, Oswego, every Monday evening. I
Lone Pine Lodge No. 63. A. F. & A. M., of Logan.
General Pope Post No. 62; G. A. R First Satur
day of each month at Grange hall, Mulino.
General Crook P st No. 22, O. A. F.. School house
at Needy on First suturday in each month.
Slur Lodge No. 95, K. of P. Every Wednesday
evening in Caslle ball.
Cnnby Lodge No. 50-1, 1. O.G.T.-Flrst and Third
Saturday evenings ot Knight's hall, Canby.
Oswego Lodge No. 448, 1. O. G. T. Every Friday
evening 111 new hall in old town.
Cnnby Spiritualist Society First and Third Sun
days of each month.
New Fra W. C. T. lT. First Saturday In each
mouth at their hall in New Era.
Sprlngwntcr No, 2t;3, P, of H.- On second Satur
day ufter full moon.
Canby Board of Trade Knight's hall.'Canby, on
first and third Fridays.
Molalla Grange No. 40, P. of H. Their hall at
Wright's bridge on the second Saturday of
each mouth at 10 a. m.
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated
the lltb day of April, 1899, upon a judgment rendered:
and entered in said court on the 3rd day of May,.
1898, in favor of Sidney Smyth and T. P. Randall,
Plaintiffs, and against James W. Shaw and .lame
Shaw, Defendants, for the sum of 91189 00, with
Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per
annum from the 3rd day of May, 1898, and th
fur her sum nf S50 as attorney's foe, and the further
sum of S38.60 costs and disbursements, and the
costs of and uoon this writ, commanding me to.
sell the following deacrlhed real property of said
defendant, being the property attached in laid;
iio'lon. viz:
All of I..til.2.3,4nd5.blk No.l;iot 1,2,3,4,5,6,
7, s,6, 10, 11. blk 2; tou 1, 2, 3. 4. 5,8, 9. 10, U, 12,
13. 14, 15, blk 3; lots 3, 4,5.6 7,8. blk 4; lots 1, 2,3,
4, blk 6: lots 3, 4, 5, 8, 7. 8 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. blk
7: lots 4.5. 6, 7, , 10. 11, 12. 13. 14, 15, 16. 17, 18. 19, 20,
21.22. blk 8: lots 1, 2. 3 4,5. 6. 7. 8. fl, 10, 11. 12. 13,
15, HI, blk 9; lot 1. 2, 8 4, 5 6. 7, 8. 9, blk 10. being
in Shaw's first addition to regon City. All situ
ted In the county of Clackamas, Slate of Oregon,
and I will, on
Consisting of 4 lotl, good garden spot, running
water the year round, S room house. ood cli.r
rn big enough for two cowa and 100 chickens,
It blocks from court house. Price tSOO. per
cent Interest. 175 cash down. For narticubu
tnuulraat thla ofttce. Team ami iiuk ,.iun (
Corvallis & Eastern Ry
Connecting at Yaoiilna with the
First-class In every respect. The above steamer Is
due to sail from Yaquina every eight days.
Shortest route between
Albany and points west to San Francisco
Oaliln ........10
Rouud trip..... 17
T. '. & P. A. Manager
Educate) Yourllovrl With CascarcU.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
orever. 10c, 25c. It C.C.C. fail, drug
fits refund money.
evening. Monthly covenant meeting everv
Wednesday evening preceding tirst Sunday in
the month.
St. John's, Catholic, corner Tenth street and
river Rev. A. Hlllchraiid. pastor. On Sun
day, mass at s and 10:3o a. m. Kvery Sunday
German sermon after 8 o'clock mass. At all
other masses F.nglish sermons. Sunday school
2:30 p. in. Vespers, Apologctical subjects and
benediction at 7:30 p. m.
Methodist Kplsconal, corner Main and Seventh
streets Bev. H. Obcrg, pastor. Morning
service at 10:46, Sunday school at 10:00,
Evening service at 7:30, Epworth League Sun
day evening at 6:30, prayer meeting Thursday
evening at 7.'30. ClasB meeting after morning
Firs Presbyterian, corner Seventh and Jefferson
streets Rev, A. J. Montgomery, pastor. Ser
vices at 11 a.m. end 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school
10 a. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. meets every Sunday
evening at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening at 8:00.
Evangelical, German, corner Eight and Madison
streets Kev. J. Evich, pastor. Preaching
every Sunday at 11 a. m and 7 SO p. m. Sab
bath school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Weekly
prayer meeting every vt eanesoay evening.
United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce
streets, Rev. A. J.Ware pastor, services second
and fourth Sunday mornings and the preced
ing Saturday In eaoh month at 11. a. m nrtd 7
p. m.. and the first Sunday afternoon ot each
month at Falls View.
St. Paul's Episcopal, corner Ninth and river
Rev. P. K. Hammond, pastor. Services, Sunday
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Fridays, evening prayer with address,
at 7:80.
Evanrellcal-Lutheran.Zlon Congregation, corner
Elghthand Jefl'erson streets Rev. W. Brenner
pastor. Sunday school at t:80 a. m Services
at 10:80 a. m. and 7:S0 p. m.
Germ an Lutheran, Ohio Svnod, corner of Eighth
and J. Q. Adams streets -Rev. Ernest J. W.
Mack, pastor.
M. K. South Rev. T. P. Havnes, pastor, bird
Sunday at United Brethren Church.
Free Methodist Rev. J. W. Eldridge, pastor.
Preaching first and third Tuesdays at 11 a. m.
Prayer meeting Every Thursday evening.
Services held in Congregational church at
Tualatin Grange, No. Ill, P. of II. Last Saturday
of each month at their hall in Wllsonvllle.
Warner Orange No. 117, P. of H. Fourth Satur
day of each mouth at their hall in New Era.
Bntle Creek Grange No. 82, P. ol H. At hall In
Marqiiain second Saturday in each month.
Oswego Grange No. 175, P. of H. Second tja.lur
day in each mouth.
Damascus Grange No. 260, P. of H. First Satur
day in month In Damascus school house.
Teazel Creek No. 255, P. of H, Third Saturday in
eacn monin.
Boise (Orvilie) No. 256, P. of H.-Second Satur.
day in montn.
Highland No. 261, P. of A. First Saturday In
Barlow No. 262, P. of H.-First aud third Satur
day in month.
Sterrtaric of Sncietiei an kindly reauetled
nolifi the editor oj any change in placet or
at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at Ihe front door
of the county court house in the citv of Oregon
City, In said county and state, sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder
for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right.
title and interest which the wit In named defend
ants or either of them had on the date of the at
tachment herein or since had iu an 1 to the above
described real pn.perty or any part thereof, to
satlffy said execution, Judgment order, decree.
Interest, costs and all at orulug costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon.
Bated. Oregon City, Ore , April 11, 1899.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
James Cook, 1
Plaintiff, (
vs. I
M.K.ShlDlev.S E.Shlnley,
his wife; and Celinda E.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
eree and an execution, duly issued out of and)
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and
dated the 19th day of April, IH, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court on Hie
ISthdnvof Aptii. 1899, in favor of James Cocker
Plnlnlitf, and against M. K. Shipley, 8 K. Ship
lev, his wife, and Celinda K. Shipley, d fendants,
for the sum of 11171.90, with interest thereon at
the rule of 10 per cunt per annum from
the 18ih dav of April, 18iw, and the fnrther
sum of $100.00, ss attorney's fee, and the
further sum o $15.00, costs and disbursements
and the costs of a d upon this writ, Commanding
me lo make aale of the following described real
property, situ ile in the county of Clackamas,
state f Oregon, to-wit:
All that portion ol tne u. u i;. oi rtoinna craw
fold and wife, certificate No. 4i27,notilkation No.
1822, whioh lies south of the middle line of the D.
0. ol E. A. Wilson and wile, cast ol the County
Road leadiug from Oswego to Aurora, and that
tract of land sold by M. K. Shipley and wife to
the Oregon Iron 6 st el company, ami norm ot
that tract of bind sold by M. K. Shipley and wifo
to Peter Taylor (nonh line of section 28) town
ship 2 south, range 1 east of Willamette meridian
nnd west of the west line of the I). L. 0. of B A.
Wilson and wife, said land being in section 21,
township 2 south, range 1 east of the Willamette)
meridian, and conlaining iou acres, more or less.
Now, therefore, uy virtue ol said execution.
judgment order and decree, and ill compliance
with the commands oi saia wni, i win, on
1899, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House In the city of
Oregon City, In said county aud state, sell at pub
lic auction, sui'jvct to redemption, to tne mgnest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all Ihe
riitht. title and Interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage Herein, or since naa in or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution, judgment older, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
J. J. tuuu,
Sbeiiff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon,
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, April 1'Jtn. 1899.
In the Justice Court for district No. 4, Clackamas
County, Oregon, Charles Albright, Jr., plaintiff.
vs. A. M. Docksteader and Docksteader, his
wile, delendants. i o A. M, Docksteader and
Docksteader, his wife, the above named defend
ants: In the name of the State of Oregon, vou
aud each of you are hereby required to appear
ana answer tne complaint nuea against you in
ine auove entitled action on or beiore May 8th,
1899, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof
the plaintiff will take judgment against von on
four oauses of action aggregating the sum of 32.06
for goods sold and delivered, and for the costs
and disbursements of this action. This summons
is published for six weeks by order of C.
ecnueoei, justice oi ine peace in tne aoove en
titled court, made on the lttih dav of March, 1899.
nrai puoucation I duo. w. Louia,
March 24, I Altornev for Plaintiff.
ben appointed executrix of the last will
and testament of the estate of John Uiggint,
deceased, by the Hon. county court of Clackamas
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to present
the same lo me for payment, at my home at
Redland, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within
ix months from tne date of this notice, April 21,
uw. BAKAll AMI UlWiiAt, IXeCUiriX.
tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas, Uuentherina lieutler,
t'laintin, vs. jonn neutier, ucienuant. in tne
name of the State of Oregon you are hereby re
quired to appear in the hove entitled court In this
cause within six weeks Irom the date of the first
Eublicalion of this summons, that is tn say on or
elore the 5tb day of June, 1899. and if von fail to
answer plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relict prayed lor in tne complaint, to-wit: That
the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and
defendant bejdisnolved, for plaintiffs costs and
disbursements herein and for such other and
further relief as shall seem meet in the premises.
This summons is published pursuant to an ordor
of the Hon. Thomas A. McBride, circuit judge of
the 6th Judicial district, of the state of Oregon, for
the county of Clackamas. Granted on April 19th,
1899, prescribing and ordering publication of
summons once a week for six consecutive weeks.
C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Plaintiff.
dersigncd, as administratrix of the estate of
Peter Taylor, deceased, has filed her final account
of her ad ministration upon said estate in the
comity court of the county of Clackamas, stale of
Oregon, and said court has set the 6th day of June,
A. D. 1899. at the hour of 11 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, as the time, and the county court
room at the county court bouse at Oregon City,
Oregon, as the place for the final hearing of said
final account, aud any and all objection thereto,
if any there be.
Now, therefore, all persons Interested In said
estate an hereby notified and required to appear
at said time and place and show cause, If any
there be, why said account should not be allowed
and approved, said estate Anally settled and said
administratrix discharged and her bondsmea ex
onerated. Dated this May 2nd. A B. 189(1
Administratrix of said Estate.
Bamsst A FayroH, Attorneys for Estate.