Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 05, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Tone reporis a shortage of silver coin.
Potatoes sell at 2 cents 8 pound at
Tillamook bas put in 10 more fire hy
drants. Many newcomers have located at To
Ifedo this spring.
Theae is talk of building a telephone
line from Condon to lone.
. Tillamook saloon keepers have agreed
to sell no more liquors to minors.
Morrow county sheep owners say the
lamb increase this year is 75 per cent.
The winter losses of horses in Jordan
alley, Malheur county, reachei 50 per
J. E. Miller has been elected clerk of
frtayton school district, vice, W. Y.
Richard, who refused to qualify.
George S. Dwiiini?, of Salem, former-'
ly supcrmlen lent of the penitentiary, is
grintf to the Atlin gold district.
Lakeview will vote May 15 on the
proposition to cre to a bonded indebted
ness amounting to $25,0(10 to pay for a
stater system
Good horses are scarce in Josephine
3unty, nn I desirable work teams are
bringing the prices which were paid for
them several years ago.
The newl organized band at Ashland
lias co nuieiicea practicing with a mem
bership of 16, under the direction of
Professor Charles M. Anderson, an ex
perienced bandmaster.
Pendleton is to have a new telephone
Lane county fruit growers are organ
izing to light fiuit pests.
i. young farmer of Haines, Baiter
eounty, loft his young bride April 25 for
town, and has not been heard of since.
Toul play is feared.
The body of Oloutrie, the fourth of the
Kehalem timber cruisers, has been
found, but what caused the death of the
four men has not yet been definitely as
eertained. Eeal estate business is brisk in Ore
go i City.
Tho supreme court is in session at
Dewey day was generally celebrated
in Oregon towns.
The "reform," or Sunday-closing tick
et, was elected in Silverton.
An encampment of the 0. N. G. will
beheld this year, probably about July 1
Waller Hrtant. 4 years out, was
d owned Sumluv in a mill race in Marion
There is a sharp rivalry at Astoria
between cannerymen and cold-storage
men in securing tlsh.
Many Oregon farmers will try to get
along without binding twine, as the
price fixed by the cordage trust is excess
The specie imports at New York for
the week were $20,320 gold and 24,257
At Butte, Mont , Luthrop D. Wallace
aged 17, died from the effects of being
' struck by a baseball while practicing.
At Sturgls, Mich., the Hotel Thornton
Sturgis block and Allen k McLaughlin
iflock wore destroyed by fire. The loss
a f75,000.
Seventeen fanners of Temiscott cotin
ty, in southern Missouri, have been ar
rested on a federal indictment charging
them with cutting the levee. No denial
is made by the l.irmers.
L. M. Pitkin, president of the Variety
IronAVoiks Company and one of the
best known business men, of Cleveland,
Ohio, was struck and instantly killed by
a Lake Shore (Iyer at Colts, a suburb.
Tho international Sundny-fchool con
Tention decided to hold itB next meet
ing at Denver in 1902. Hon. John Wan
maker, of Philadelphia, was elected
ehairman of the executive committee of
the international organization.
Fred Foster, the horseman, who se
cured 115,000 from Millionaire A. How
ard and invested it in the horses Yellow
Tall and Sara McKeever, was held to
answer at San Francisco on a charge of
obtaining money under false pretenses.
, Bail was fixed at $20,000.
Six Japanese judges, sent by their gov
ernment tu study international law in
England and Germany, have arrived at
San rancisco. Japan expects soon to
establish national courts similar to those
in America and a code of laws to which
all foreigners must submit, instead of
being amenable only to consuls.
The president spent a busy Sunday in
New York and returned to Washington
Ex-Governor John P. Altgeld is dan
jcrously ill.
A prairie fire that joined forces with i
tornado did a great deal of damage in
northern Nebraska ou Monday,
The Nicaragua commissioners' report
will be presented soon. The cost is esti
anted at f 125,000,000, possible mini
mum, 1100,000,000.
Sdcretary Alger says he will not enter
icraruble to be elected senator, but in
timates that he is willing to be
honored by his state.
It is rumored in Washington that
Piatt and Quay have combined to effect
the election of Sherman aa speaker and
a Pennsylvanian as doorkeeper.
The explosion of a shell at the Dupont
powder works, which caused the severe
injury of W. A. Brussett, occurred while
it was being loaded by a new and secret
, Now it is a peanut trust, to control the
whole product of the country.
Quay's friends are working hard to
influence senators in favor of seating
A state convention will be called in
Georgia to consider the lynching ques
tion. The price of gas in New York has
been reduced from $1.10 to 65 cents per
1000 feet.
Strikers at Cleveland were successful
obtaining more wages and shorter
The Reading, Pa., Iron Company ad
vanced wages Monday for the second
time this year.
Howel T. Morgan, who returned to
South Bend, Ind., from Alaska, where
le had lost his mind and money, com
mitted suicide.
The total of troops employed in the
war with Spain was 275,000; the total
deaths trom all causes for the year were
6190, or 2H per cent.
Congressman Dolliver thinks Sher
man will win the speakership, unless
Western men all unite against hiir.
Dolliver is booming Henderson. The
Illinois republican delegation will unan
imously support Hopkins.
Tiie 10th congress of the Sons of the
Revolution was held in Detroit Monday ;
also the National Woman'B Suffrage As
sociarion at Grand Rapids, Mich.; also.
at Buffalo, N. Y., the eighth biennial
convention of machinit-ts, representing
16.000 members; also, at St. L uis, the
sixth annual convention of street ra l-
way employes.
While Americans in Manila expect
peace soon, Otis keeps vigorously pre
paring to prosecute the war.
A large list of soldier passengers and
tha families of some arrived in San Fran-
t litis Cisco Sunday on the transports Sherman
and Grant. One fireman died of small
p.'X en route.
The leniency with which Captain
Coughlan and Admiral Kauti have been
treated, with reference to their recent
mpolite utterances is causing considera
ble comment in Washington.
The Filipino general, Arguelles, is dis
appointed in his mission, as he hoped
the Americans would quit fighting. The
immissioners try to show him the ben
efits of unconditional surrender.
Brigadier General Harrison Gray Otis,
lately in high command of the Philip
pines, has arrived home in California, fever .ores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns,
having voluntarily resumed. ., He will all skin eruptions. ' Best pile cure on
at once resume the editorship in-chief of
the Los Angeles Times.
Returning Copper river prospectors
bring horrible tales of suffering, sickness
and disappointment.
Cliilcak Indians are reported on the
warpath in Alaska and driving whites
off the White Pass trail.
For Orer Fifty Years
An Old and Well-Tried Rkiisot.-
Mrs. Winslow's Southing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teethine. with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens , the gums
Some months ago Louis Stump, of aay9 all pain, cures wind collie, and is
Chehalis county, Washington, was shot the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
by a man named McVicker, who was pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug-
quitted on the trial and then left; but gists in every part of the World.
he recently returned to his ranch and Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
the feud has been revived, McVicker iUCalculable. Pe sure and ask for Mrs.
claiming mat ne has oeen snot at sev- y nslow s Soothing Syrup, ana take no
al times.
Fred Whiteside, ex-senator from Flat
head county, has brought suit for $100,-
000 against the Butte Miner for defama
tion of character. The suit arises out of
the newspaper's charges against White
side, which claimed last winter that W.
Clark gave him $30,030 to buy votes.
The charge was refuted, and Whiteside
as expelled from the legislature.
Oscar Wilson, of Hamilton, has been
arrested on a charge of mootishiuing,
The new Balmon hatchery, on the Lit
tie Spokane will be in operation by
August 1.
The state road commissioners are sur
veying the Sans Poil road. Prepara
tions are being made for the immediate
construction of the highway from th
Columbia river to Republic.
Under the appropriation made by the
last legislature work has been resumed
at the experimental station In Puyallup
under the direction of D. A. Brodie,
graduate of the state agricultural college
at Pullman.
The Western Canadian Press Associa
tion, 200 strong, is headed West, and
will, if the programme is unchanged
be in Tacoma about June 7. The mem
bers expect to celebrate the queen'
birthday in Victoria, take a trip to Alas
ka, and later visit Tacoma and Portland
In the Washington inter-collegiate
oratorical contest al Tacoma Friday
night the first prize was awarded to
Henry Harrlman, of Tacoma, represent
ative of the University of Washington
The second prize was given to Miss
Agnes MtttleBtadt, of Whitman college,
'Valla Walla farmers say that the
large red squirrels are becoming very
numerous, and a scource of great anoy
ance ana aamage to them, more es
pecially on foothill land. The squirrels
have multiplied very rapidly the last
year, and being very large are more de
structive than smaller squirrels.
A savings bank system is to be intro
duced in the public schools at Everett
The Spokane Retail Grocer's' Associa
tion has given its indorsement to the
pure food law.
Yakima county sheepmen are not sat
isfied with the situation at the present
time. The winter and spring were un
usually productive of loss. The losses
in some bands amounted to 5 to 10 per
cent. The increase, instead of being 05
per cent and upward, as it is usually
rtuis from 75 to 85 per cent.
Monday a big deal in electric power
and machinery, involving $105,000, and
which has been pending since lest win
ter, was closed, and the plant of the Se
attle Steam and Power Company, at Se
attle, passed out of the hands of its own
ers and into the control of a new combi
nation in power circles, with the Wash
iugton.Power Transmission Company as
the central factor.
Senator Addison G. Foster is working
hard to bring a delegation of Eastern
senators and congressmen to the coast to
visit Washington and Alaska. On their
return east the senator would h u e them
visit other points of iuterest and growing
communities about which little is known
in the East. The most influential men
of both houses, men who are on the
committees which have to deal with
affairs of the A est, and particularly of
Pugot sound, Alaska and the Pacific
islands, are the oues Senator Foster de
sires to bring to the West.
United States Land Office, Oregon
City, Oregon, April 4th, 1899.
No'ic is hereby given that the ap
proved plats of Township 7 south, range
4 east, and Township 7 south, range 5
east, have been received from the Sur
veyor Generil of Oregon, and on
MAY 15th. 1899,
at 9 o'clock a. m. of said date, said puts
will be filed in this office and the land
therein embraced will be subject to en
try on and after said date.
dug. B. Moores, Register.
Wm. Galloway, Receiver.
in any design.
Special attention given Ui arranging floral displays for weddings and parties.
P. O. Address, Box 238,
Oregon Ciiy, Ore.
Greenhouse on East Side
Electric Car Line
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn, scald,
cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures old sores,
arth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar
anteed. Sold by George A. Harding,
other kind.
To Cure Conatlpatlnu Forevei.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c
or 2oc. If C. C. C. f Jill tocure. druegists
refund money.
Weekly Oregon ian and
Oregon City CourieivHerald
Fresh Stock of
Dnpot for HAY and FEED
Willamette Block, Oregon City
On Top
Brigands have looted a Cuban village.
German papers are anxiously advising
Parsnip Complexion
A majority of the ills afflicting people
to-day can be tracad to kidney trouble.
It pervades all classes of society, in all
climates, regardless of age, sax or con
dition .
The sallow, colorlesi people you often
The top of the Shoe
Un't where the most wear comes, but
it's important, nevertheless. Tops
are made in a great variety of styles
now-a-days. All of them are good,
but some more beautiful than others
We have all the new styles of tops,
for you to select from.
President McKinley to give up the l'hil- meet are afflicted with "ki lney complex-
ppines. Jon." Their kidneys are turning a pars-
Comparative quiet prevails lately in nip color, so is their complexion. They
Samoa, no more serious fighting having may suffer from indigestion, bloating,
occurred. sleeplessness, one acid, gravel, dropsy,
Cecil Rhodes has failed to secure the rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, o
i i j. xr .1 j
aid of the British government in his 'rreguiar nean. iuu may uepena upon
Cape-to-Cairo railway scheme. the cauBe ls weak, unhealthy kidneys,
Lord Saiishusv exoresses much satis- Women as well as men are made mis.
" ' i . , i i i a i i i i i
f,.f..linn t the Anelo-Russian agreement. eraDle wlcn a,ul oimqut irouoie
.i p,,.i n.;ii ,.r,no..T,t tn it and both need the same remedy. Dr.
It is reported that Great Britain has
moved toward taking posession of the
mouths of the Enphrates and Tigris
rivers, in opposition t j Russia.
The opinion is expressed in Wash
ington that the Anglo-Russian agree
ment regarding spheres of innuence in
China makes the retention of tho Philip
pines by the United States more import
ant and imperative than ever.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney,
liver and bladder remedy will build up
and strengthen weak and unhealthy
kidneys, purify the diseased, kidney-poisoned
blood, clear the complexion and
soon help the sufferer to better health.
The mild and the extraordinary effect
of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases, such
as weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder,
gravel, rheumatism and Bright's Pis
ease, which is the worst form of kidney
trouble. At druggists, fifty cent and
dollar sizes. You may have a sample
220 First Street - - - Portland, Oregon
Has just returned from San Francisco with
a complete assortment of
Imported Pattern Hats & Millinery Novelties
Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled.
The Art Amateur.
The May issue of the Art Amateur is
at hand, full of charming suggestions bottle py mail free, also pamphlet telling
and information for beautifying the all about it. Address Dr. Kilmer &
home. The color plate by E. M. Scott Co., Binghamton, N. Y,
shows several beehives in a quaint coun
try garden, with a tinv child standing
hesitatingly at the half-open gate. The
number begins with a charming frontis
piece, "Coquetry," by GeorgeB Roussin.
This is followed by The Note Book, The
Collector, Exhibitions of the Month; an
article by George F. Scotson-Olark on
Byain Shaw, the noted English painter
with numerous illustrations; Drawing
for Renroduction and Elementary Draw
ing, by Ernest Knaufft; Landscape
Painting, by Rhoda Holmes Nicholls;
Flower Painting, by Francis Walker ;
Grecian Figures for China Decoration,
by Fanny Rowell Priestman, with a col.
or plate as illustration, together with
some exquisite drawings of Lady Ham
ilton in classic poses by Frederic Reh-
berg; Figure Painting, by Cecilia Ben
nett; The Art of Mineral Painting, by
E. C. Darby; four charming interiors
When writing please mention this paper.
The New York World
Practically a
Daily at the
Price of a
The striking and important events of
the last year have established the over
whelming value of the Thrice-aWeek
World to every reader. For an almost
nominal sum it has kept its subscribers
informed of the progresj of all the wars,
and, moreover, has reported them as
promptly and fully as if it were a daily.
With our interests still extending
throughout the world, with our troops
arawmg room, aining room.uouaoir ana 0,Mratin in the Philinoines. and tha
corner of a music room; a talk on Floors great pre8idential campaign, loo, at
anu now 10 iveep mem m vraer, oy . han(i it8 vaiue is furtlier icrea8ed.
uiernoia, ana regressive wood uarv The motto of the Thrice-a Week World
mg, oy Kan von ivyaingsvara. in aa-1 ig imDroveinent Tt strives each vear to
pages of ke better than it was the vear before.
tion of a famous French physiclun.wlll quickly euro yon of all ner
vouh or diseases of toe generative organs, Bucn an Lost Manhood.
Insomnuvl'uins In the Buck, Seminal JOmlsslnns, Nervous Debility.
Pimples. Unfitness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele and
Constipation, it oi'M'i w iwsi'i uy my or nigui i-ivnm hu":b-
ness of discharge, which If not checked loads to Spermatorrhoea and
all tho horrors of Impoteney. C'lIPinKHE cleanses tho liver, (he
kidnevs and the urinary oreransof all Impurities.
rrPIDEMR strengthensand restores we;k2n ,net . ,. tronh, wIeh
lHwitHI iCUl'IDEN Els the only known remert v to cure without an operation. 6UO0 lestlmnnl
A writ x maranie glvenand money returned six boxes does not elTect a permanent cur.
SwO a box six fur 5.00, by mail. Send for fhkk circular and testimonials.
Address D4VOI. MEDICINE CO., P. O.BM W76, San Francisco, Cat IbrBnUtia
Geo. A. Harding.
...The Most Desirable Suburb...
IT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con
nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine
view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class
public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city
and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this
a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in
Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on
easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build
ers. Call on or address.
T. L. CIIAUMAN, Trustee,
Charman Bros.' Block
dition to this there are four
working designs for china painting, em
broidery and wood carving.
Kobued the Grave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as follows :
"I was in a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue quoted, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately a
friend advised trying Electric Bitters,
and to my great joy and surprise, the
nrsi uome niaae a aecideu improve
ment. I continued their use for three
weeks, and am now a woll man. I know
they saved my life and robbed the grave
of another victim." No one should fail
to try them. Only 50cts, guaraiUeed, at
George A. Harding's drugstore.
Kdnrate YourHuwl. with Casrai-ct.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
orever. iuc,zoe. u u.i;. J. rail, drug
ists rotu ud niouev.
and public confidence in it is shown by
the fact that it now circulates more than
twice as many papers every week as any
other newspaper, not a daily, published
in America.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
and the Courier-Herald together one
year for $1.75.
The regular subscription price of the
two papers is $3.50.
Hood's Pillo
Are prepared from Na
ture's mild laxatives, and
while gentle are reliable
and efficient. They
Rouse the Liver
Cure Sick Headache, Bil
iousness, Sour Stomach,
and Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c. per box.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co.,LoweU,H&s$.
Bryan's New Book
With Supplementary
Chapter! from
Hon. W. J. Bryan.
Hon. Andrew Carnegie, Senators
Hoar, Vest, Allen, White, Uor
man, Baoon, Mason, Daniel,
Chilton. Butler, MoLaurin, Till
man. MoneT. Turner. Teller.
Edmunds. Clay; Hon. H. 17. Johnson, Hon. Chaa. A. Towns, Hon. Adlat B, Sterenson, Ex-Seoretarr Oar.
lisle. Her. Dr. Van Dyke, Hon. Ohas. Francis Adams, Prof. David Starr Jordan, Oen'l Weaver, Hon.
Oarl Schun, Sam'l Uompers, Prost. Am. Fed. ol Labor, and others. . -
Territorial Eiptiuton denominated, "THE POOR Af.H.VS LOAD," and opposed to the Constitution
of the United Bute, the Declaration of Independence, and all the moet sacred dootrinee of oar
Republic a handed down to oa by our Father.
It Is profusely Illustrated. (Tiring beantifnl half-tone portraits of Mr. Bryan and the other con
tributors; also scenes of thrilling interest, showing the eiaet conditions and oustoms in the
Philippines. Nothing like it before attempted in book-publishing. A nrj bonanta for agenta.
It cannot be bought at book-stores; it cannot be furnished bj u; other house. Vi a arc tha cola
Official Publishers.
The first Edition, 100.000 oopiaa. A large octaro book, beautiful new type.
WE PAV FK EIGHT on each order amounting to M book at on tlma, whan caah
aocompaaiea order.
TIIR Ot'TFIT 18 FRF.F.. We make bo eharg (or tha elegant, complete Prospectna
Outfit, with blanka, etc., but as each Outfit costs us a lot of money, In order to protect ounwl.es
against many who would impose upon ns by sending for Oulflt with no intention of working, but
'"""J w. iv . j , ..v .otju.i .1.. t r "-, , ..r..n. v, g,OTn laiin on DIS port,
to send ns 2Se to corar postage and wrapping, this aaieant te be refaadcel te agent epoa oar
receipt ef Irst order Ur 10 beaks.
rteet Cloth Binding
lioot Hiilf Kuraia Binding,
ith marbled alses
Best Full Russia Binding, with gold edges .. , , """"
Write far aar faaerallelca Teraaa te Areata. Addreee-.