Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, May 05, 1899, Image 1

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    o.uy Ubrr
16th YEAR, NO. 4
n it j
Spray Pumps,
Spray Materials,
180 Front Street, Portland, Oregon
Spray Your Trees...
With Carbolic Compound. It kills motns, wooiy apms,
Etc., Etc. Also for Spraying Hops and Shruberyy. We
are Agents Lr this County.
f We carry the largest line of Hard ware, Stoves, btei Kanges,
t Special attention given to all kinds of job work and plumbing.
Filipinos See That Their Cause is
Manila, April 29.-Three volunteer
Americana, Lieutenant-Colonel Wallace,
of the Montana regiment, and Biigade
Surgeons Adama and Shields, who were
held hy the insurgents at Santa Talos,
' eight miles beyond Calumpit, as hosta
ges for the safe return of the insurgent
peace envoyB, have been released from
General Luna's headquarters and have
returned to Manila. They say that the
Tfihal armv is demoralized and disinte-
- "grate"3-8nd ,,lat few preparations have
been made to resist the Americans.
Luna and the other leaders are discour
aged and admit that they are beaten.
Luna cannot say enough for the prowees
of Funston and the other Americans in
crossing the Eio Grande. It is clear that
this most brilliant coup d'force was the
thing which brought the rebels up
The refusal of Otis and Dewey to ac
cept anything short of unconditional
surrender is commended in Manila by
- the best element and by all foreigners. ,
Caustic Comment on the Anglo-
Russian Agreement.
London. Mav 3. Pending detailed
information the London papers com
ment approvingly, but cautiously, upon
the news of the Aoglo-Russian agree
ment regarding spheres of influence in
The Daily Chronicle points out that
this aureement will produce eimilar ar
rangements with Germany and France,
resulting In the partition of China,
which Lord Charles Beresfoid predicts
will bring about war.
"America." says the Daily Chronicle,
"will apparently be left out in the cold,
and she realy deserves no sympathy, for
if her statesmen had been willing to
ioin us at an earlier stage in keeping
China open to the world the present sit
uation would never have arisen.'
Correct styles and popular prices in
all kinds of millinery. Miss owsmiui
That is the way all druggists sell
for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is
simply iron and quinine in a tasteless
form. Children love it. Adults prefer
to bitter, nauseating tonics. Price, 50c.
Expenditures More and Revenue
Less Than Preceedlng One.
The Shortage is
New York May 3. A special to the
Herald from Washington says : ireas
nrv rr..int.8 for Anril fell 815.4)0,000 be
low those for March, while the expend
itures were $22,800,000 more than tnose
for the month previous.
This great difference does not, how
ever, indicate either a large falling off
in the ordinary receipts or a large in
crease in the ordinary expenditures.
The receipts for March were incieaed
by the payment to the government oi
nfiRrlv 12.000.000. on account of Pacific
railway settlement, while the expend
itures for April were increased Dy me
drawing of the warrants for the payment
of $20,000,000 to Spain.
Leaving out of account these two
items, the receipts for March were only
about $3,000,000 larger than those for
April, and the expenditures for the lat
ter month were less thau $3,000,000
greater than those for March. Notwith
standing that the interest payments for
April were $5 300 000, against only
108 for March.
For Aoril the receipts were $41,611,
587, and the expenditures, including the
navment to Spain, were S0o,S04,wu,
showing a deficit for the month of $24,
242,421. The receipts from customs
were H17.645.945: from internal reveuue
$22,207,099, and from miscellaneous
scources $1,785,241.
The deficit for the fiscal year to date
amounts to $109,300,288; but the proba
bilities are that the deficit for the entire
year will not be in excess of the estimate
of $112,000,000, m ide by Secretary Gage
in his annual report. Expenditures on
account of the war department have not
... . 3
decreased as rapidly as had Deen nopeu
on account of the hostilities in the Phil
ippines, but the recent favorable reports
from General Otis have led the treasury
officials to believe that by July 1 prac
tically all of the volunteers will have
been mustered out of service, the heavy
expenditures for transportation and suD-
sistence of troops will have been materi
ally reduced , and the army expenses
generally brought down more nearly to
a normal basis.
If these expectations are realized, it
is thought that the treasury can run:
about even from the beginning of the
new fiscal year, and that the estimated
deficit of $30,000,000 for that year will
not develops. The secreta-y ' estimates
for that year are based on on expected
revenue of $610,958,112, and an estima
ted expenditure of $641,006,490.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
A-um baking powders are the greatest
meoacers to health of the present day.
Hope of Reward Will Unite a Cu
win rmtical Pavtu.
v ,
New Yi'kk, May 3. A dispatch h
the Tribune from Havana 'vai Ti,u
decision leaclie.i by the committee of
generals representing the Cuban army
to give each dischaiged soldier or officer
a certificate fixing the compensation
equitably due him when the Cuban re
OUbliu ShH I hum Kuan ..a t 1,1 ! l. .1 !
. - . w ..ivM aiaLmemeu, IB
likely lo influence very serioui-ly the fu
ture course of Cuban politics. For one
thing, it will keep the army intact as a
political fni.fnr if an.. I.
judjjed to have a claim on the futme in
sular government for arrears at the rate
of $30 for each month's service, and each
major-general at the rate of $500. The
army will naturally endeavor to hasten
the organization of a native etnte and
will struggle to control its policy and Its
puree st ingx. Necessary delay in the
euiiBiitntion of native sovereignty for
Auie'ican military control will of course
in-pire unrest and suspicion in the
briasts of the claimants whom a com
mon interest will spur into strenuous
political activitv. Whni.l iar i.Iia non-
combatant Cubans can unite sufficiently
to chick the army's influence and com
pel it to moderate it demands is still a
problem. Bat the certificate scheme
will prove a powerful weapon in the
handu nf tho
.......... v. vli v hi "'J Of tUI V Ul J
holder of an I O U on the still unorga"-
niKPn irftHRllrv can cdhI v ho. nnrtannrlari
mar, naving uvea in the woods and
tiwampe for two years in the cause of
freedom, he is entitled to al1 the advan
tages a grateful republic can raise and
Jones Lever Binder
This celebrated binder has pained an envi.ib'e reputation i'i the last four
years in Oregon. It represents lever power as applied 10 hinoitit! uruin. II will
run lighter, last longer and bind tigh'er than any other b'tider in the market.
The Jones Chain Drive foot lift Mower has no hack lash, ru..3 lighi and is very
J U1. Will ..... V.n.... ...a. n.ttlt auQU
UUraUltt. Hill IUHICO; giaor cngv.
I also carry a full line of Hy R ik-, Te Iders'TIay Tools, Advance Thresh
ers and Traction Engines, John Deere Plows, . w 11 as a fi.ll lii e of Aijikulturul
Implements and Vehicles. Call and tee me before buying.
Corner Front and Taylor Streets,
Y V ?t f:fii;- PrUeres -3 S ip"
i Mii-"'" 5175 1 1
mvr- 100-Diece r -lwv.
ii.m,mh .UifMtion and a seleeiiou of all flie -w2r M-l-1i :.'1r.h XZ.--
newwl and bMt ideas, Handsomest walls, but U ' . ,
mrt rine .1 wwwm Giass pwm?
yUsM, Ash Table m i ' enpboard . AU Far Rugs 10 per cent '
,HpO toP24x IJiyv :wv Below Cost
$3.00 4- Oak Front Carpets 10c to $1.25 per yard
1 wfci wardrbe i I
I llip, . Couch 1
svyj I
The Question of Economy
When irreatcorponttoni are expending thotuv
trials tnrUi.vid.n enough that thi.isan
SJeVl onomy. We wuh to put the ittoneest
ropbMU Tupon fte economy of the Charter Oak
8wt. Ihiratove to tb. greatest aave r of fuel,
food and of woman's strength and nerves. It
brtuW cost of eooktng down to the minimnm
S feSeSi Titthere. Mo wonder it Is turning ths
nookse bwtn-npside down, buseitUa
w.l.tton lnUs w-y.'! CHianrn OaK is o
EirlaiUKJiT-TooK YiAnt to Pibmct It.
There's a Well-Beaten Path...
It leads directly to our doors. Throngs of buyers traverse U day after day
Showa that we are strengthening the friendly business relation between the store
and public, without which there can be no success. Want you to keep coming.
Want yon to tell yonr friends and neighbors about our store. Confidence once
established between us, the rest will be easy.
Great Russian Famine.
London. Anril 30. Letter from the
famine provinces of Russia tell a hai-
rowing tale of dintress. In the center of
the famine district, the Red Cross So
ciety a'one is feeding 132,000 people,
Tiie relief delegate in the province of
Ufa reports that peasants ran after him
and begged for food on their knees in
the snow. The St. Petersburg Skyya
Viemomosti in vivid diBcription of the
misery and disease prevalent in Kazan,
savs :
"Crime, mortality and the murder of
still-born infants have increased, and
now ecurvy and typhus are devouring
the population like a conflagration
fanned by the wind j but this is a case
not of houses and barns, but of human
lives being destroyed. '
Program Arranged bg the Mc-
MinnvUle Committees.
McMinnville. Or., April 30. The
committees arranging for the G. A. R.
encampment to be held in this city on
June 20. 21 and 22 are hard at work.
The program committee, J. C. Cooper,
Professor E.Northup and Mrs. wyatt
Hairis, has prepared the following pro
gram :
June 20 Forenoon, receiving and lo
eating delegates; afternoon, preliminary
convention work: evening, reception,
music, address of welcome on behalf of
the city by Mayor McPhillips, on behalf
of the G. A. R. by Professor U. A. mn
tiss. on behalf of the W. R. C. by Mrs.
Emma Galloway, on behalf of the Sons
of Veterans by E. V. Littlefield i music ;
resrjonses bv C. P. Galloway, Mrs. fra
zier and the commander of the bons ot
Mav 21 Forenoon, parade at 9 o'clock,
session work ; afternoon, session work,
competitive drill of school cadets ; even
ing, campfire.
June 22 Forenoon, competitive drill
by the Manila Guards at 9 o'clock, ses
sion work; afternoon, distribution of
drill prizes, final session work.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills, thousands of
sufferers have Droved their matchless
merit for sick and nervous headaches.
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build no your health. Easy to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by oeorge A. ward
ing, druggist.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
J. B. Eddy to J. pTCoulter, 25.(i4
a sec 21, 3s, le
J. B. Eddy to J. P. Coulter, 66.5)
a Coulter elm
D. D. Miller to A. M. Church 1
chain In t4, 5a, wU
J. M. Hagar to U. S., 160 a ceo 36
5s. 6e Act of Cong
I. A. Jones to J. M. Hager, sw?4
eec 36, 5s, 6e.....
State to J. A. Jones, swJi Bee 36,
s5, 6e..
L. 0. Bushy to 0. O. Williams, Its -
19,20, blk 13, Gladstone.
0. T. Brown to J. J .Tingle, Its 9,,:
10, blk 51, Gladstone
O. Bock to M. A. Jarvis, 13K a
s end of $M wM eec 31, 6 a s
end of v14 of sw)i sec 32, 1, 3e.
A. A. Fisher to H. A. Elkins, Its 4
&9;blk 13,Windsor, se, sec 28,
4, 3e
8. M. McOown to L. C. Bushy, i:s
10, 20, blk 13, Gladstone
I. M. Robertson to 0. F. & A. Bur
ling, Its 2, 3, 860 17, 2s, 3e......
O. 0. Howard to F, D. Kindsey,
20.14 a I. Farrclm, 3s, 2e
H. Pflster to K. Pflsttr Its 2, 3,
tret 6, O. Grove.
R. Lnndy to B. F. Linn, tic', in 0.
C. near Llk 3f, 0. C F-
E. A. So im era (guardian) to II.
Meldrum.SOa, eec 5.5) lw..,. 500'
W. A.Jarvi t0. Bok a B.
Smith elm, fs3e..,. 87
Teachers' Notice.
Notice U hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination ot all
persons who m ty offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools ol
thin county, the county sohool super-
intendent thereof will hold a public ex
amination ac the court house, Oregon-
. .. ...
City, Oregon, WedneB lay, May 10th,
comioencing at I o'eloik'.P. M. Applies-,
turns for state paper will be received
Thursday. May .l,;4S8fUt-rt o'clocL
A. M. "
The following pi ogram will be followed;
during the May examination of appli
cants for county and state papers : Wed
nesday penmanship, history, spelling.
Thursday written arithmetic, theory of
teaching, grammar. Friday- -googra
nhv. mental arithmetic, readintr. p!iV6i-
- . - -
ology, composition, English literature,..
nhvsical ireoiiraDhv. 'Oregon school law.
general history, algo'lra, book-keeping.
Dated this lih day of April 18! "J.
N, VV.Bowb.YNU,
County School Superintendent, Clack
amas County, Oregon.
Special Sale of
Chamois Skins.....
In order to take advantage of an extra
discount offered on a lartre lot of very fine
Chamois Skins we bought about twice as
m'anv as we oueht to have bought. In order
to reduce this stock to proper quantity we
are sh'jwrg thess Skins in the window at a
discount ( f 1-5 to 1-3 irom regul tr prices.
5c Size for 4c
10c " 8c
25c " 17c
40c " " 25c
75c " " 50c
$1.00 " " 75c
Cash's Rough
Bath Towels:
Highly recommended as a valuable adjunct
fnr Vio Kat-Vi cnriallv Hpsirahlp fnr nennlp
who find it difficult to get the glow and
... . . . . ft . it. . t , i . . i.
exniiaratton so necessary auer uie goia oam.
Ask to see tnem.
Cut-Rate Druggist
s.- We put up any Prescription
' by any Doctor on any Blank.