OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1899. OREGON CITY COURIER OREGON CITY HERALD CONSOLIDATED. A. W. CHENEY Publisher legal and Official Newspaper Gf Clackamas County. PUBLISHED " WEEKLY. Kuti-.i in Oregon City pontofflce aa 2oii-clM matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. paidln advance, perjrear .......... ... 1 50 X mourns va bree month I'lrial 26 The date ooooslte your addreaa on the paper aonoiea me time to wnicn you nave paia ADVERTISING BATES. Htandlng bului advertltamenU: Per month 1 inch 81,2 tin-nee 11.50, 3 Indies 11.75, 4 Inches 12. 6 inches CAwlumn) 2.25. lUinohenl'Xcoluiiin) 14, 20 Inches (uo.umn) 8, yearly contracts 10 per cent i0kb . Transient advertisements: Per week 1 lnoh 50c, 2 irichss 75n, 8 inches 11,4 inches SI 25, ft inches tl.60, 10 indies (2.50, 20 inches 15 Legal advertisements: Per in ;h iirst Inser tion (1, each additional Insertion 50c. Aflltevlls of publication will nut be tumished until pub ligation lues are paid. Local notices; Five cents per line per week per mouth 20c, FATR1NIZK HOME IMJUSTRT. OREGON OITY, APRIL 28, 1899. To Subscribers. Tin OouuinR-HicR vld lias put no ac counts in any agent's hand tor collec tion, but we understand Mr. Fitch lias attempted to collect suna of his back accounts ia this way. We have nothing to do with these. The dale opposite your name on the paper represents the tima lo which yon hivj paid. If any errors occur we are ever ready to correct them. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. The following is given as one of the letters of the French diplomat, Talley rand, which was not to be published for fifty year. afler his death, and shows how we were judged by Europeans and the similarity between their opinion oi us and our opinion of the Philippines: "Paris, November 25, 1872. "Drar Friend: You have doubtless heard of the arrival of Mr. John Adams, who claims to be an envoy of the Amer ican people, but is, of course, a mere txl of that ambitious soldier of fortune, Washington, 1 We are making history to day, and it will record the disgraceful policy of the novornment in completely abandoning French sovereignty in the American col onies, wrested by France from the grasp of England. You will ask why the tri umph of our army and nary, and not least of all our diplomacy, should have such a miserable result. "First, this M. Adams, who to the manners of a Cossack joins both rugged talents and 'Yankee' (shrewdness, ap peals to French honor. He claims that M. de Lafayette assured the rebels that his majesty would allow thorn to estab lish their independence, nut merely of England, hut of all governments such as are recognised among civilized nations. Such an assurance would be quite char acteristic of the Quixo'.io marquis, but he neither ullirms nor denies making it, probably following soma one's advice, (on croit qu'il suit un conseil) "Then the envoy skillfully toucheB tho chord of sentiment, especially when, among his friends the deciples of Uous- reau, he quotes from the 'Declcration of Independence' that governments 'derive their powers from the consent of the Bovernod.' "What madness to pretend to govern with abstract ideas, rhetorical generali ties, and incomplete notions of equality 1 (Quelle demence de pretender gouverner par des abstra ctions etc.) 'These sophistries are always on the lips of subverters of social order. "Caloniio says that M. de Lafayette considers chivalry a part of the law of nations, ami we all know that such the ories hold iii in posession of his wooden head. "But M. Adams reaches the climax of impudence in asserting that the ragged and half starved guerrillas under Wash' ington, armed with rusty firelocks aud pitchforks, except a small neelous equipped by our liberality, overcame the deciplined for ces of England. While it seems to be true that the English (with a view, doubtless, to render our position harder made some important surrenders to the rebels in the absence of our forces, yot all was due to the in tervention of France, and it was an act of treachery to deny her sovereignty. In fact, it has always existed, by virtue of the discoveries of Cartier. "But, in addition, the interests of hu manity required that we take posession and gu.tranteo to the ignorant and tlisorderly population, so long in a chronic state of rebellion, the blessings of a stable govemmen. They aro widely eeperated, dissimilar and discordant communities, few of which could govern themselves under any circumstances and an independent nation composed of Bitch element is an Utopian dream If left to themselves they would degen erate to the condition of the aborigines, Illint Indians, but they will doubtless full a prey to some nation not possessed of the fantastic notions of honor which isoem to inspire M. de Vergenues. Faithfully yours, M. Dk Talleyrand. TO THE POINT. The democratic party needs no advice from KUi h renegades as Belmont, Croker, lull, Uutterson or any ot the balance of the little band of skulkers who assisted in the election of McKinley. Oh yes, no one doubts but the beef was rotten but how about the in vet li gation and the administration who ap-. pointed them ? Have you heard of any of the rich packers being prosecuted? Well hardly I Why is not a silver dollar coined by the United States as good as a piece of paper issued by the government, which compels all the people to pay interest to enrich a gang of non-Droducinz Darisites. who buy up congress to legislate for their benefit? Let some friend of the gold buzzards please answer. One of the most exacting of the many robber trusts in this country, and ore which many of the newspayers never allude to, is the typi-fouuders trust, which controls all the type founderies in the United States as regards prices. The price of type is more than double what it ought to be compared with the p ice of labor and material. So Mr. Hanna denies that he had a finger in the rotten beef contracts. We believe him. If he had had the deal to make the soldiers would not have gotten even embalmed beef. He would have swiped the whole thing. Tho appetites of the New York bank ers has grown so ravenous on g-eed that they have just "made anothur law" by which they propose to skin all the vic tims who do business with them, bv charging a "pun tdient" for paying all cheques or drafts from the corn buskers of other states. This is another of the 'laws" made by the New York bankers who aie getting moie and more raven ous. In short, it is another trust. If there yet be those folk who make a pretense to be intelligent or progressive, and still claim allegiance tothegrandf ?) old republioan party; we desire to call their attention to the fact that the bosses of the g. o. p. no longer depend on the intelligent voters for votes. The repub lican leaders cater solely to the most beastly ignorant foreigners and niggers. For proof we reprint the headlines over a column of gush and slobbers in a re cent issue of the Saint Joseph, Missouri, Herald, the lending republican newspa per of north Missouri. It has no use for the white man. H slobbers luciously over the nigger though for his vote. Here are the headlines: "A unit for the ticket negro voters in mass meeting assembled express themselves republi can victory assured Large outpouring oi Colored voters at Central Music Hall last night and enthusiastic expressions in favor of the election of the republican aldermanic candidates," etc. But the colored vote slipped a cog and democrats earned the election. It may be "just the thing" for reform orators, candidates and would be candi dates to attend and toot their bazoos at luxurious and costly banquets, while tlu y are at the same time aware of the extreme misery that prevails in this land, and of the thousands of poor peo ple who would be glad to have the crumbs that fall from the table of such political love feasts. Yes, it may be just the proper caper for the aristocracy; but we are candidly of the opinion that the honest reformer is sadly out of place at these Belshazzar feasts. Did you ever give the national bank statements, which are published semi occasionally, any attention? If not, do so in future, and you will observe that the banks in this country have about Ave or six times as much money loaned out, on which they are receiving in terest, as there is in existence in this country and this is not all; the greater part of it belongs to their depositors and tho latter get none of the interest. Oh, this banking business is a finegratt, the way it is now conducted and yet the man is called an anarchist by the gold bug press who denies the banker priv ilege of issuing and controlling the vol ume of money in circulation in the United States. A conservative estimate of the amount the railroads of this country piy to our law makers, to corporation attorneys and to judges, lobbyists and political wire-manipulators in the way of free passes amounts to more than one bun- 1. . 1 tin lit urea muuon uouars a year, Is it any wonder that both passenger and freight rates are kept so unreasonably high And all this enormous sum. too. in ad dition to the princely salaries paid their attorneys and lobbyists in cash. The sentiment against the imperialism of the gold-grabbing administration is growing very fast, even in the ranks of the republican party. Many prominent republicans being the most outspoke against such an un-American policy. The Id to 1 issue is gaining ground every day. In his famous speech at the lopeka, Kansas banquet on the 30th of March, Hon. J. W. Bryan Baid: " fl are not only holding our own, but we' are getting back those democrats who left us without fuily understanding the nature of tho struggle." And in. addi tion to those democrats, many republi cans who were bacely deceived by the international monetary confidence game played on them by the present adminis tration, are joining the ranks of the only party that advocates an American system of finance for the American people. In all parts of t his country it is the poorer c'ass, but pre-eminently the most intelligent and loyal class of vo ters who favor the restoratian of the free coinage of silver. It is true, there are many paupers who shout Wd and long against the silver cause but they are Ignorant of what they are doing ignorant because they are partisan blind. Show them their duty, educate them in patriotism to themselves, their families and their country; and then they will Bee their error and the cause of . their poverty. Show them, that the single gold e andard is a conspiracy that bene' fiti none but the money speculators and gamblers, who are the most wolfish en emies and brutal oppressors of the hu man race, and are absolutely void of patriotism their whole aim and appe tite is greed. Most men aie honest, when once they understand the situa tion. The recent munlcip.il elections have shown encouraging and healthy demo cratic gains especially in such republi can strongholds as Ohio the earthly home of King Hanna the first and his puppet president. Surely the people are awakeniug to the fact that g ild stand ard, imperialistic, trust breeding repub licanism must be suppressed if our gove. nment is to survive . There is a law in the United t.us s tatutes which reads as follows : "Every contract, combination in the form of trusts or otherwise, or conspiracy in re straint of trade or commerce among the several states, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared illegal. Any person who shall engage in any contract or engage in any such combination or conspiracy shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean or, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both of said punishments, at the discretion of the court." But in the very face of this "law," a goldized re publican administration has been the most prolific incubator of robber trusts and combines the world has ever seen. Since the advent of the advance agent into the White House there has been more than two billion dollars of capital aggregated together into one hundred and fifty Bix combinations that now con trol most of the necessaries of life in this country. What is the matter with the United States Attorney General? Has he ever caused any of these trust pro motors to pay the fine or serve term of imprisonment? Well, not that any one has heard of. EXPANSION'S DARK SIDE. The Seattle, Wash., Argus, one of the ablest and staunchest of the republican lournals of the coast, prints the follow ing editorial : "The death of Captain George II. Fort- son, which occurred Sunday in the fight near Manila, will have the effect of mak ing Seattleites think as they never th.ou.jrht before on the subject of expansion. "One is apt to pass with a sitrh the death of a regular soldier one who un dertakes the perilous duties of defendine his country as an occupation. When one of the brightest young men in the state of Washington, a man who took uo arms in the defense of his country in the hour of need, leaving the bosom of his family to go where duty called, falls in an encounter with a horde of ignorant cattle, the matter is presented in a dif ferent light. "For what did the Washington volun teers enlist? "Did these young men sacrifice every thing, even, perchance, life itself, in or der that this country might 'expand' and give the capitalists and the trades men greater opportunities for gain? "JSo I The Stars and Strines. the flau that every true Americanloves so dearly, had been insulted, and it was to wipe out this insult that they answered their country's call. "If Uncle Sam was not sreat enough to hold the Philippines without calling on volunteers to do the fighting, then he had no business to undertake the task." Bho. Porter is crowing now because he pays more tax on his newspaper plant than the writer. His plant was assessed for $800 when it had a mortgage on it for nearly $4000' Some one either mis represented the value of the plant to the assessor or to the mortgages. There's another thing also. The Enterprise has an antiquated press that cost twice is mnch as the Courier-Herald press and will not do half the work. It has an eight-horse power motor to furnish pow er when we do more work with one. If the plant of the senator from Marion county had been assessed at 5 of what different politicians had paid for it he would pay more taxes than hedoesnow. You'll find out sooner or later that it does not pay to missrepresent things, Bro. Porter. Which One Shall it Be? Editor Couribr-Herald. From now until November, 1900, im perialism and republicanism will wage a hotter war against each other than ever before in the world's history. The United States will be the battlefield. All the civilized nations of the earth will be interested spectators. The friends of both political elements in the old coun tries will, while watching this great struggle, give every assistance that is in their power to give. This coming cam paign will be the greatest epoch of the world's history, or the beginning of that epoch. The spirit of popular rule that has prevailed in our government up to within a few years will be restored, or hopelessly crushed during the next twenty months struggle. If the repub licans are successful in 1900, the money power will be so strongly entrenched that the common people will never have the power to rid themselves of the prin ciples of imperialism that will be in fused into our body politic. A greater crisis, a greater danger never confronted a long suffering people. How will we meet this danger? United we stand, divided we fall. The populists, the democrats, the silver republicans all struggling for, pri marily, the same economic principles, and at the same time fighting one an other. The three parties have been to some extent excusable. The republican party used to be the party of the people. The democratic party, also, use 1 to be for the people. The money power has dominated both parties in the past. While the money oligarchy was control ing both ptrties, many goo 1 mau from both old ptrties organized new parties. The new parties were ridiculed, slan dered and boycotted. When thesj methods failed to break down the re form element, traitors were paid to get among them and sell out, or to incite divisions and strife. The old greenback party was broke down by traitors. The prohibition party was taken control of by the whiskey power. The union labor party was disrupted by enemies of the reform movement. During all these years wealth was con centrating into ths hands of a few men. Poverty was spreading faster and faster. Discontent was growing in both the old parties. The populist party was organ ized. Reformers rushed into it. Broken hearted republicans, with shattered fortunes and empty purses, tore them selves away from old party associations and joined the new party of the people. Democrats, Lh swelling hearts and shrinking fortunes, with many a sad sigh, turned away from the grand old party their fathers had taught them to revere. They flocked in large nam bers to the ponulist party. The money power grasped the republican party, It was, and is entirely dominated by the imperial money power. The democral'e party was not so entirely in the hands of the money power. A mighty conflict is going on in the grand old party of the people. The new populist party is growing rapidly, being fed by heteroge neous elements from all the politica schools. Before the contending ele ments can adjust themselves to the new associations, the greedy cormorant sees his opportunity and hurries his emissa ries inlo the ranks of the new formation, and confusion immediately follows. De feat is the inevitable result of confusion . But the people have another army in the field where a m!ghty battle is raging; the grand old democratic party. While hoary headed, crimson handed imperialism is bending his energies to subdue the new populist army, the old, regular democratic army is gaining a signal victory of driving the traitorous usurpers from its ranks. A signal vic tory, not a complete one, was gained, and old glory was sesa waving once more over the bulwarks of the venerable old dtmocracy. Do our eyes deceive us ? Where is the "stuffed prophet?" Be hold, he is not there. Where is Shy lock, demanding his pound of flesh? He, too, has been driven out, but some of lr.s lieutenants have been overlooked, and they remain to breed dissensions. Reinforcements from the populist ranks are hurrying to join the forces of the re formed democracy under the general ship of the young and gallant boy orator. The great "stuffed prophet" takes up his headquarters off a little to one side of the imperial army, calls his battered cohorts around him, rends the air with his curses, claws his bald head with his wolverine nails, and sputters and splut ters until he exhausts himself in his frantic rage. The two mighty forces meet iu mortal conflict. The political and social earth reels and quakes under charge and counter charge of the con tending forces. They sway too and fro, fierce and wild the battle storm rages ; fiercer and wilder until, in a last effort, terrible and awful in its exhausting death throes, it becomes necessary to retire in order to recuperate the wasted energies of the exhausted forces. The man of destiny(?), the advance agent of prosperity (') has gained a temporary victory. One mighty battle has been fought. The storm clouds of another mightier and more terrible are gather ing. . What shall be the align ment of the allied forces of the people? Shall there be one, tw3, or three divis ions of this great army? Shall one gen eral, two generals, or three generals command the forces of the people? Of course only one is best. One general commander, one general headquarters, one united effort will accomplish muc h. W.C. No Scandal Can Arise IE From the use of our CANNED BEEF w other canned goods, because there is no diversity of opinion as to its quality. The unanimous verdict is one of approval. Those who use them freely are pleased with the freshness, richness and delightful flavor of every article. And our prices give satisfaction, too. HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Grocers, Opposite Postoffice . - Oregon City A Flying Top Free! With Every Dollar Purchase at HARDING'S DRUG STORE, where all goods are sold at reasonable The Latest Fad Prices., Look at Your Houses ?ffiN!el ? If you haven't got time, call on G. REDDAWAY. He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed, r4 n ! HO MHft V Confectionery and C!irr Store, G CO. REDDAWAY Upper Seventh Bt., 5TSole Agent In Clackamas County for OUR NATIVE HERBS OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OP Monuments and Headstones Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. : : Drawings made by description. No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, Silver Medal Awarded at Portland Mechanics' Fair Portland, Oregon I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and am now in a position to do work better and more reasonable. Oil, My Headaches! Well, no doubt it is caused by imperfect eyesight, as about seven times in ten that is the trouble. It costs you nothing to find out, if yoii. will go and see A. N. WRIGHT - - THE IOWA JEWELER 293 florrison St., Portland, Oregon Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, in charge oi the optical department, and you can consult him and have your eyes examined free of charge. TRY it may be your trouble. J. HElMRil KESSLER, EV1. D. Left Here, Yoii Hav TAP Your loeka Ml on you. Can keep it1 ecret a while. Before Ita too late, go ana ace or write to thia olddoo-' nr. H- da. .uA uki lor over to year and perfectly reliable. Furnlahee hit own medf- J cine ana telle no telee. 33X1.. SC2QI9iaZjZZl.f of the Old St Louia Medical end J 1 I U .....- .... . 1 1.111 Street, Port laud, Oregon, positively 3 tn env ateee without loaa of tine from buaineaa. i PrTPITMITl?!! Cur1' bran old German remedy. ThleJ f nubUulAl 10B1 remedy waa aent to Dr. Keaafer fcy i . nma m eeritn. u nee never tauea, ana we guarantee K.r I fll n dnDPO Ulcera, Cancer, etc. cured, no difference how 1 UUJ WIUIUlO !ouf effected. PBIVATP Blaeaaea. Thla doctor (unranteee to cure any 1 fill AID oaae of SypkUU, Goaorrhea, Gleet. Stricture cured, no difference bow Ion a atandtng. Spermatorrhea, Loaa of Manhood, or Nlrttly Emmiaatona, cured perauut ly. The habit of Self Abuae effectually cured in a ahort time. YfllTVIl MFW Your """ nrt '"le f yoth can be J 1 UU 11 U ItlLri remedied, and thia old dnctar will .U. -ni" whuleaome advice and cure yon make you perfectly etrene A aud healthy. Vou will be emaied at hia aucceaa in curing 1 SDermatorrhea. ft.mln.l T .u... tK. Bmmi.,inn. A I a oiaar enecxa. KIDNEY AND DRINARY COMPLAINTS. painful, dlSicult, toe freaucut, milky or bloody urine, un-1 natural diicharvaa. rar.rtillv lr..t-M .nd A.rn.,u MMj Hie, Rheuiuitiam and neuralgia tree ted by our new remedieal end curea guaranteed. J reuenta veaied In any pert of the countrv br k a home. eyatem. Writ fuU fkMieulere encloae ten ac eUuna and w wiu i.twtr you promptly nuuareae Ireete et heme wu m-j uav-t io come loaue mj, READ THIS T.Wj. . ltmmr kntll. U-J.l . . t ..I.I ... 1 Bet meide b4 1aa1 t u km th i - t r i. l. , 'A Svahle Ill'u-iui : of KIdueya. 1 look at k la tke morning. If it h) cloudy or 1 I abeuli be attended to before you get anTucna- 1 i aa hundreda bie every year from Brt'ekta Die-T leva. u Address Of Call DR. KESSLER. 2d and Yamhill C. Q. APPLCGATH, . prabii e via. im .uTTte WITH .. .IIVCR-IIL., ro.Mi.LT oi.i.nte aae -rrrcn with mrhu riato, CHicaee. APPLEGATH & PRASIL FASHIONABLE FURRIERS Sealskin Garments Specialty "Tz::r:::" 143 third street, All WORK eUAHANTCKO PORTLAND, ORE. VXWWk 4