Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 21, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Semi-Annual Report of the County Clerk
Of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, showing the amount and number of claims allowel
by the County Court of said county, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and
amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st day of October
1898, to the 31st daj of March, 1899, both Inclusive.
Road and bridge
Criminal account Circuit Court
" Justice "
Court house and Jail
Clerk ami help
Sherl ff, help and board of prlsloners . .
Hcl'ool superintendent
Assessor and help
County Judse
Bailiffs Circuit Court
District attorney
Beporter Circuit Court
I inane
Jury... ,
Bounty on wild animals
Armory rent
Indigent soldier
Boys and Uirls Aid Society
Stale vs. Henderson . .
Canadian thistle commissioner
Tax Rebate
ntate vs, Atkluson
Couuly physician
Grand Jury experts
Toedtmler vs. County, Judgment
Teachers examinations
Total amount claims
Outstanding unpaid County warrants on the 31stday of March, 1898. . .
Estimated interest ocorued thereon
Total amount of unpaid County warrants with Interest. .
,s, J
County of Clackamas,
1, Elinor Dixon, County Clerk of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of
tdalms allowed by the County Court of said County for the six months ending on the list day of
March, 1899, on what account tho same wera allowed, aud the amount of warrants drawn, and
the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appears upon the records of my office
and in my official custody.
Witness mj band and the seal of the County Court of said County this 19th
(S.A4 dfty ' APfU' A' D" ELMER DIXON, County Clerk
By E. H. COOPER, Deputy
Semi-Annual Summary Statement
Of the Financial Condition of the County of Clackamas, In the State of Oregon, on the 31st day
Of March, A. D. 1899.
To war-wits drawn on the County Treasurer, and
To estimated amount of luterest aoorued thereon
Total Liabilities..
By fund In hands of County Treasurer applicable to the paymentof County warrant
Hy funds In bands of County Sheriff applicable to the payment of County warrants. .
By estimated unpaid curnM tuxes applicable to the paymentof County warrants . ..
By uncollected tax Hunt, 1897
i " ' ' 18H6
" " 1895 r
" 1HU4
Total Recourses, exclusive of County pronerty..
Total Indebtedness of County.
Total Resources.,
Net Indebtedness
Semi-Annual Statement of County Treasurer
Of Clackamas County, Oregon, for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1S99,
of money received and paid out, from whom received end what sourer,
and on what account paid out.
To amount on hand from last report In General
to amount received from all sonr.es In Ueneral
I'o amount on hand last report ,
Received since last report
ny amount paid out on County wurmnts,f8,n26.88, and other olnlms, 8778.09
Hy amount paid out an School Superintendents' warrants
Ilv balance ueneral Fund on hand
By balance Schuul Fund on hand
Of whloh thero It now due oi w trrnuta'onlleil (5,311120
state of onicnos,
County of Clackamas,
I, Jacob Shade, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct state
inent of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, In the County Treasury of said .
County for the six months emll.ig on the Hist day of March, A. D. 1S99.
Witness my hand tills 6ih day of April, A. D. 1H99.
JACOB SHADE, County Treasusar.
Semi-Annual Statement of County Sheriff
Of the amount of Money and Warrants received for taxes, and money paid the County Treasurer
by the Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, lor the six months ending on
the 31st day of March, A. D. 1899.
Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. I Mar.
In coin and ourrency ......I 6871 I 9 52 1 1 43 13 t 6 48 I u7 19 C2
In Comity warrants I 67 19
Total received 1 6871 58 I 9 52 t 43 18 $ I Jli" 1 868l6iii
C)o1, I N"v' I 1t'"' I J"' I vb- I Mftr
To County Treasurer, coin and eurronoy..t (128 12 ( 9 52 42 11 I ( 6 48 (0174 72
11 " County warrants... 67 19
Total paid Treasurer 0128 la I 9 52 ( 42 13 f ( 6 48 1(341 91
r of Clackamas, )
I, J. J, Cooko, Sheriff of
statement Is correct aud true.
Wituoss my hand this
jf. E. HAYES
Opposite HunUej'l Book Store, tip Stairs
Amount of
allowed and
4.9i 61
2,141 12
loo so
823 (0
698 26
879 09
1,690 00
2,097 29
760 00
316 00
601 01
1,831 92
600 00
222 40
222 87
65 OU
751 00
649 90
20) 00
75 80
934 10
104 OU
150 00
124 at
1,805 90
67 5o
10 00
7 75
15 IK.
97 50
107 00
. 637 51
96 00
allowed and drawn
22,150 M
I 137,792 27
19,191 74
f 156,94 01
outstanding and unpaid
$ 187,792 27
19,191 74
I 156,984 01
9,3.'!9 f4
m 77
89,408 90
7,636 83
4,771 14
4,181 93
1,819 91
I 67,828 02
156,914 01
67,328 02
I 89.655 99
Gn'ral F'd jBch'l Fand
t 8.197 02
10,446 66
I 9,608 50
2,380 92
1 18,64 67
I 9,304 51
9,3119 01
1 12,049 42
10,710 07
1 839,85
t X8 U3 67l
1 12,049 42
said County, do horeby certify that the foregoing
10th day of April, A. D. 1898.
1. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County
leading Photographer
The Latest Style Photos
Photo Buttons
Crayon Potraits, Etc.
The Best are the Cheapest
Consisting of 4 lott, good garden spot, running
water the year round, J room house, good cellar,
barn big enough for two cows and 100 chickens,
19 blocks from court house. Prloa SO0. 6 per
oent Interest, 176 oash down. For particulars
inquire at this office. Team and Stock taken in
Proceedings of the April Term of the
County Board.
(Continued from last week)
In (he matter of a request for powder
in road district wo. 34, it is ordered by
the board that 600 pounds of powder be
allowed for. the use of said district.
In the matter of a request for powder
in road district No. 15, it is ordered by
the board that 150 ixmnds be allowed for
the use of said road district No 15.
In the matter of the petition of George
D Eby, et al, for a county road. In the
matter of the petition Sled by Ueorge
D Eby and mure than 12 householders of
the county living in the vicinity of the
road described in the petition, and pray
ing viewers to be appointed to view and
locate a county road in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described in lull ai
tallow to wit : A 40 foot road begin
ning at the northwest corner of section
22 hi township 3 south of range 4 east ;
thence east within 20 feet of the north
snat corner corner oi lot 4, oi section 23
in said township; thence south 25 rods:
ihunce eavt 20 feet ; thence south 42 rodit
more or less to intersect the present
comity road ; also to vacate a t that por
tion of the old road between the termi
nus and not included in the new load.
Said petitioner tiled his affidavit of
notices posted respecting said road,
allowing that there had been posted;
one on the court houne bulletin board
and three in three of the must public
places in vicinity of the proposed road,
more than 30 days piiorto the presen
tation of this petition; he also tiled a
bond for $100 conditioned according to
law. The board being fully advised, it
is ordered that W H Davis, Ed Croffurd
and I C Tracy be and hereby appointed
viewers to meet at place oi beginning on
tiie26.h day of April, 1899, and sub
scribe to a written oath of office adminis
tered by E F Hands as skilllul surveyor,
he being appointed by the board to
survey said toad before proceeding to
view and locate said road and report in
writing at the regular term of this board.
In the matter of the application for aid
for Miee Oarr, an indigent person. Now
comes Miss Alice Uarr, ot Oolton, and
represents to the board that her sister-in-law,
Miss Uarr, is an incompetent
person and sick, most of the time, and
that her biother is unable to support
her and she asks the county to aid in
iter support. And the board being fully
advised, it is ordered that she be alloweu
5 per month, commencing April!, 18U9,
.nd the cleik is hereby authorized to
issue a wan ant for the same on the first
day of each mouth in tne Dame of Alias
Alice Carr.
In the matier of the report of viewers
of damages on (he road petitioned for by
John Ferguson, et al . Now at this time
comes regularly to be heaid the report of
J T Appeieou and Michael Ualticld here
tofore viewers of damages to determine
how much less valuable if any, the land
of John Benson would be rendered by
opening ot the John Ferguson road as
petitioned for, said report shows that
said yiewera met pursuant to the order
of this board and after duly qualifying
tney proceeded to view said road the
whole distance through the land of said
claimant of damages as follows to wit:
The land of John Benson would be
rendered less valuable by reason of the
location of the John Ferguson road in
the sum of $200. And the report show
ing that only two of the viewers had met
when the law requires that all three
viewers should meet. And the board
being satisfied that said proceeding
were Illegal, it is ordered that said re
port be declared null and void and that
J 0 McMurray, James Smith and John
Risley be apiiointed to view the damages
on said John Ferguson road to meet at
place of beginning on Tuesday, the 25th
dy of April, 1899, and after being duly
sworn, view said ro,ul the whole distance
through the land of said John Benson
aud report in writing at the next regular
term of this board how mujh less valu
able, if any, the eaid lauds would be
rendered by tne location anil opening id
the Ferguson road as petitioned for It
is further ordered that the expense ac
count of J T Apperson and Micheal Out
field be paid I y Clackamas county: J T
Apperson, 1 d iy and 12 miles, $3 20;
Michael Out lit) la 1 day and 10 miles, 3 GO.
In the matter of Ueorge Lazelle for
permission to build wood chute across
Oregon Cily and New Era road. This
mutter coining on to be heard, and it
appearing to the board that said applica
tion should be grunt d. It is ordered
that said George Liizetl be and he is
hereby authorized to build and maintain
a wood chute to be built at a height
above the road sufficient to permit the
passage of all vehicles over said road
and provided further that said George
Lunelle shall be solely liable for any and
all damages that may grow out of the
building or maintaining of said chute.
In the matter of the improvement of a
portion of the Oregon City and New Era
road. This matter coming on to be
heard and it appearing to the board that
in compliance with the order of this
board made made at the March 1899
term thereof, the Willamette J? & P Co.
has about completed the improvements
set forth in said order of the March 1899
term, and that said improvement will be
completed before the sitting of the May
1899 term of said board. It is ordered
that Road Supervisor Tabor be and is
hereby authorized to accept said im
provement when completed and upon
said acceptance the said Willamette
I'ulp & Paper Co. is hereby authorized
to pay the contract price of said improve
ments. In the matter of the deed for dedica
tion of certain land for a county road by
Chauncey Ferguson, et al. Now comes
Chauneey Ferguson, et al, by their attv.
and asks the county to accept said deed
and to have it recorded by the recorder
ot deeds tor said county, and the board
being fully satisfied, it is ordered that
said deed be accepted and recorded by
said recorder oi ueeas.
In the matter of the road petitioned
for by Fred Moshberger. et al. it is
j ordered by the board that as none of the
petitioners appeared to give bond or give
prooi oi posting notices mat said petition
be laid over until said proof is made.
In the matter of increasing the allow
anco of Henry Lewis, a county charge
It is ordered by the board that said al
lowance be increased from (6 to $8 per
In the matter of the application for
2(10,000 (eet oi plank tor the Clark's and
Highland road. Now comes Ed Horn-
schuch and ethers and represent to the
board that they will grade the road bed
and lay said plank U the county will
furnish the Fame, and the board being
fully advised it is ordered that the
county furnish 150,000 feet of plank for
said road, the petitioneis to do the nec
essary work of grading road bed and
laying said plank thereon.
In the matter of leasing a grayel pil
in road district No. 11, from J T Apper
son. It is ordered by the board that the
county lease a strip of land 40x100 from
CaptJ T Apperson for a gravel pit for
the period of 10 years from this date and
for and in consideration of said lease the
county is to pay said J T Apperson the
sum of $100, and also deed him a
diagoniai strip of land adjoining said
gravel pit.
In the matter of balance of attorney
fees due Brownell & Campbell in case
of Toedetmier vs county as per contract.
Now comes George C Brownell before
the board and presents his bill for bal
ance of attorney fees in eaid case, and
the board being fully advised, it is
ordered that said bill of $105 be allowed
as per contract and the clerk is hereby
authorized to issue a warrant for the
In the matter of petition and subscrip
tion list ot road work from Road District
No 5. This matter being laid oyer from
the March term of this board and com
ing on now regularly to be heard, and
the board being fully advised, it is or
dered that said subscription list be ac
cepted and county will allow $200 addi
tional to be used on said road.
In the matter ol the claim of J M
Ware for damages on account of an acci
dent on the county road. Now comes
J M Ware by hie attorney, W S U'Ren
and 0 Schuehel, and files said claim
belore this board, and the board not
being fully advised, it is ordered that
said matter be laid over until the May
term of the board.
In the mattet of the report of viewers
on the petition of J L Vosberg, et al,
for a county road. The report being laid
over from the March term of this board
and now coming on regularly to be heard
the petitioners being represented by
their attorney and the remonstrator and
claimant for damages, by his at
torney and the motion to dismiss
and annul said petition on ac
count of the deflciant jurat of county
surveyor to oath gf viewers being over
ruled, and the motion or attorney for
petitioners being allowed as follows to
wit : It appearing to the board by satis
factory evidence that the county surveyor,
b f Hands, duly and legally adminis
tered the oath in the above entitled
matter, but that the said county surveyor
failed to state in the report the title of
his otti e and the capacity in which tin
adminis'ered said oaths, and that said
error having been made, the record does
not state the facts and makes the record
in said matter incomplete and not ac
cording to the facts, and it is further
satisfactorily appealing to the board that
the said omisM"H was merely a clerical
error, and the boaid being fully advised
in the premises. It is now therefore
ordered that the said county surveyor.
b P Bands, forthwith correct said clerical
error and amend said record to agree
with the facta by adding thereto the
title of said office and the official capacity
in which he administered said oaths to
said viewers; also the following motion
by remonBtrator's attorney was duly al
lowed: Comes now the remonstrators
in the above entitled matter by A Berry
and moves the board to dismiss the re
monstrance herein ; and the boaid being
fully advised, it is ordered that said re
monstrance be dismissed ; and it is fur
ther ordered that A Berry be allowed
the sum of $187 50 as damages for the
opening and location of the Vosburg or
change In the Abernethy road across
said premises, said A Berry agreeing to
relinquish an urn right, title and claim
for damages herein for said sum of
It is further ordered and adiudged that
that the field notes and plat of said sur
vey be recorded and in all resoticts a im
proved, and Hut the Piiid view and Bur
vey be established as a county road, and
that the expense of eaid view and survey
be paid by Clackamas county, and the
clerk is hereby ordered to issue tliH nt'c
essary notice to the supervisor of the
district or districts in which said road
lies, to open and work said road by the
petitioners and volunteer work. All
that portion of the road heretofore de
scribed and asked to be vacated, be and
the same is hereby in all respects or
dered vacated on the opening of said
road :
J S Risley y days and 8 miles $1 80
T W Sumner i " " 10 " 2 00
W W Myers " 1 00
W J Whiteman " 1 00
John Furguson 2' " 1 00
E P Rands 1 day and 5 miles 4 50
W II Counsell, da and 12 miles 2 20
Total $13 50
In the matter of repairing the Fields
bridge, it was ordered that Mr, Ralston
repair said bridge at once.
In the matter of advertising for bids
for county physician. It is ordered by
the board that the clerk advertise for
sealed bids for a county physician, who
will furnish all medicine, medical at
tendance, appliances, and perform all
surgical operations for the county poor
and inmates of the countv jail from Mav
0, 1899, to July 2, 1900. Bide to be
opened May 4, at 2 p. m. The board
reserving the right to reject any or all
In the matter of L Matheson, an in
digent person. It is ordered by the
board that L Matheson, an indigent
person, be made an allowance of $7 per
month to date from April 1, and the
clerk is hereby ordered to issue a war
rant on the 1st day of May iu favor of
said L Matheson for $7 and on the first
day of each month thereafter until fur
ther orders.
In the matter of road supervisors re
porting the tools on hand with their
monthly report. It is ordered by the
board that each supervisor must report
the tools of all kinds he has on hand
with each monthly report of work done.
Each supervisor failing to include said
articles, the reports will be laid over
until such omission is corrected.
In the matter of the illegal assess
ment of George Brown, Now comes
George Brown before the board and re
presents to the board that be was wrong
fully assessed in the sum of $0.60 for the
year, 1897; and the board being fully
advised ; it is ordered that George Brown
bo granted a rebate of taxes in the
amount ot $6.60, and the clerk la hereby
authorised to issue a warrant in favor of
George Brown in the sum of $6.60.
In the matter of the petition and sub
scription list from Cascades, George,
Cherryville and Marmot precincts.
This matter coming on to be heard it
haying been laid over from the March
term of this board, the petitioners being
representen hy J H Revenue, supervisor
of road district No 6, they asking the
board for the appropriation of $2,500 for
plank. and agreeing to do all the work and
not ask the county for any farther ap
propriations of road money, each district
to share in the tini'iintif Mad funds,
and the board Wwt fully advised; it I
ordered that Sitid petitioners be allowed
the sum of $1000 for plank ou said road,
which was started last year.
In the matter of increasing the allow
ance of Mrs Sumner, a county charge.
Now comes D C Latourette and petitions
the board to increase the allowance of
Mrs Sumner from $12 to $20 per month,
as she is sick and not able to work ; and
the board being fully advised, it is
ordered that said increase be made to
date trorn April 1st, 1899.
It the matter of the petition and sub
scription list from road district No 1, il
is ordered by the board that said petition
and subscription list be accepted, and
$100 be allowed for the improvement of
said road.
In the matter of Gus Perkle, a county
charge. Said Gus Perkle having been
ordered to come to Oregon City for treat
ment, and he having sent in word that
he has noway of coming; it is ordered
by the board that said Perkl get some
one to bring him to Oregon City at the
county's expense.
In the matter of drawing the county
superintendent's warrant. At the re
quest of County Superintendent Bowland
it is ordered by the board that said
superintendent's monthly warrant be
drawn in the name of the deputy super
intendent, Mrs G M Strange.
In the matter of the request for mimeo
graph and supplies for county superin
tendent, it is ordered that said matter be
laid over.
In the matter of petition and subscrtp
tion list from district No. 3, it -ia ordered
by the board that $150 be allowed to
ward planking said road, and that said
subscription list be accepted. ...
In the matter of the deaf mute in
school district No 95, it is orderdd hy
the hoard that said matter be referred to
the school superintendent for explana
In the matter of the reports of the
officers for the month of March, 1899
The board having examined the reports
of collection of the clerk and recorder for
the month of March, 1899, and being
fully satisfied, it is ordered that the
same be and are hereby approved. . The
reports show collections as follows to wit :
clerk, $295.00; recorder, $182 65
In the matter of the application of the
county treasurer for an allowance of $25
per month for deputy's salary. It is
ordered hy the board tbat the treasurer
he allowed $25 per month for deputy hire
to date from April 1, 1899.
In the matter of an allowance for re
corder's deputy. This matter being laid
over from the March term of this board,
and coming on now regularly to be heard
and the board being fully advised, it is
ordered that said application he granted
as entered on page 40 of this journal ex
cept as to amount which is placed at
$45 per month.
E P Dedman $45 00
In tne matter of increasing the salary
of the janitor of the court house. It is
ordered by the board that the salary of
the janitor be increased from $40 to $50
per month.
In the matter of mileage and per diem
of the county commissioners for the April
term. It is ordered by the board that
the mileage and per diem be allowed as
follows for the April term :
8 T Marks, 4 days and 26 miles, $15 60
J R Morton, 6 " 20 " 20 00
R Scott 4 ' 18 " 13 00
The board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, the board and officers present as
of Saturday, the 8th inst. And the pro
ceedings of that day having been read
and approved, now on this day the fol
lowing business was transacted.
In the matter of the payment of E. W.
Bingham's taxes in the town of Atkin
son. It is hereby ordered that the whole
of the taxes against the above named lot
duo Clackartas county, be settle for the
sum of and the cleik and sheriff are
hereby ordered to accept the same and
receipt in full therefor, when paid
In the matter of the improvement ot
Molalla and Oregon City road from Cams
10 Howard's mill. Upon the petition of
citizens of Beaver Creek, Mulino, Mol
alla and Oregon City, asking for an ap
propriation from the county road fund to
complete that portion of the Molalla
road lving between the southerly termi
nus of the plank road and Howard's mill.
And the board being fully advised it is
ordered and adjudged that the suinof$2700
is hereby appropriated toward the comple
tion of said road as indicated to be only
used tor that purpose provided the citi
zens of Oregon City, Beaver Creek,
Mulino and Molalla, with the munici
pality of Oregon City raise an additional
sum in work and material aggregating
$3,000 When said sum is secured by
saiil parties, and that fact is secured to
the board hy the committees haying that
matter in charge, then the appropriation
herein made shall be operative and the
board will at once undertake under its
owe management to complete said por
tion of said road in way and manner
and substantially upon the grades, lines
and profiles made by J. Henry Smith,
In the matter of the petition to im
prove the road from west end of suspen
sion bridge to Willamette Falls. Now
comes G. E. Hayes before the board and
represents to the board the petitioner of
himself and 66 others praying for the
opening of the balance of the road the
west end of the suspension bridge and
Willamette Falls. And the court not be
ing fully satisfied, it is ordered tbat said
petition be laid over.
In the matter of improving the Dear
dorff road in district No. 2. Now comes
Mr. Deardorff and three others before
the board and represent to the board
that it is necessary that the Deardorff
road should be repaired, and the board
not being fully advised, it is ordered that
the board will go and Bee the condition
of said road.
The board now adjourned to meet at
call of chairman.
Iws Millions a Tamr.
When people bay, try, nd bay &f aln,
it means they're satisfied. Th peepla
ot the United States are now buying
Cascarets Candy Oathartic at the rate ol
two million boxes a year and it will be
three million before New Yean. It
means merit proved, that Cascarets are
the moat delightfal bowel regulator for
everybody the year roand. All draff
gists 10. 2S, 50c a box, tare gaaraiteea.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper youi
rooms and paint your
house and ,
IS THE MAN to da
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low pricei. Leavt
orders at Ely Bros, storft
on upper 7th streeth.
In tho Circuit Court of the Plata of Oregon, for
the County of Olackamaa.
Sidney Smyth and T. P. Randall, I
James W. Shew and Jam Shaw, 1
Defendant!. J
fta nf Orrgnn. County of Clot-kerna, an.
cution and ord-r of rale duly ieeued out of antf
unilop ihc leal of the abore entitled Court, in the
above cntiiled catlap, to me duly directed and datetl
tho 11th Any of April, 18(19. upon a Judgment rendered
and t ntervd In eaid court on the 3rd day nf May
189S. In fiinr of Mdney Smyth and T. P. Randall
IMalntlffe, and a:ainei jamra W. Shaw andJanteo.
Shaw, lJef indents, for the auin of IBID 00, with
Intertill tlinreon at thn rate or 10 per cent, per
annum from thn Hrd day of Hay, 1898, and the
fun her lum of tht) an attorney a fee, and the further
aura of f..60 coata and dinburKonieiita, and the
eoete of and unon this writ, commanding me to
tell the following deeerltied real property of said
defendant, being the property attached In said
ao'lon. vis: "
All of low 1, 2, S, 4 a nd , blk No.l ; lota 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, L
7, , 9, 10, 11. blk t; Iota 1, 2, 3, 4. 6, 8, 9. 111. 11, 12.
13, 14, 15, blk 3; lott 3, 4, 5. 6 T, 8, blk 4; lota 1, 2, 3.
4, blk 6; lots 8, 4, S, 6, 7, 8. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, blk
7; lota 4,5, , 7,9, 10. 11, 12, 18. 14, 15, 16. 17, 18. 19, 20.
21, 22. blk 8: lota 1, 2. 3. 4, 6. , 7, 8. 9, 10, It . 12. 13,
15, 111, blk 9; lot 1, 2, S 1.5 6, 7, 8. 9, blk 10. heltlg
In Shaw's S rat addition to Oregon City. All situ
ated in the couuty of Clackamas, State of Oregon,
and I will, on
al the hour of one o'clock p. m., at Ihe front door
of the county court house ill the clt of Oregon
City, In .aid county and state, veil at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the uiyhest bidder
for O. 8. gold com. canh in hand, all the right
title anil Interest which the wit in named defend
ante or either of them bad oa the date of the at
tachment berelu orainoe had in an t to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
satlffy said execution, judgment order, decree
Interest, costs and all arorning costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas county. Oregon.
Dated. Oregon City, Or , April 11. 1S99.
Notice Is hereby given that t have been appoint
ed administrator of the estate of Henrv Kllse,
deceased, by tho Honorable County Court of
Clackamas county, Oregon. All penons having
claims against aald estate are hereby notlfiod to
present the same to me (or payment at my home
near Liberal postofflce, Clackani t s county .Oregon ,
with proper vouchers theretor, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 22nd day of
March, 1899.
Administrator of the estate of Uenry K I Ise, deceased.
In the Justice Court fordlatifctNo.4,Clackamsi
County, Oregon. Charles Albright, Jr., plaintiff.
vs. A. M. Dcx-kxteader and Doi ksteadcr. his
wife, defendants. To A M. Docksteader and
Docksleader, hi wife, the above named defend
ants: In the name of the State nf Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filled against you in
the above entitled action on or before May 8th.
1899, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof
the plaintIS will take Judgment against you on
four eatiFea of action aggregating the sum of 32.05.
tnr Dnnil, ar.1,1 mut .llva.a anA ..,
and disbursements of thla action. This summons
la published lor six weeks by order of 0
ttchuebe), justice of the peace In the above en
titled court, mad on the l'h dav nf Marr-h, 1899.
rirai publication I JXO. w. LODim,
March 24.
Attorney for rututlff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, frr
the County of Clackamai-.
James Cooke, 1
Plaintiff. I
vs. I
M. K. xnipiey, 8 e. fnioiey.
his wife; and Cvliuda K.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, sa.
oree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and
dated the lilt h day of April, 1K9A, upon a Judg
ment rendered and entered In said court on the
IKthdavcif April, 1899, in favor of James Cooke
Plaintiff, and against M. K. Shipley, 8 G. Ship
ley, his wife, and Cellnda K. Shipley, d fendants,
for tne sum of f 1071 90, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum from
tho 18th day of April, 1809, and the iurther
sum of 8100.00, n attorney's fee, and the
further aura of $15.09, costs and disbursements
and the costs of and upon this writ, com mnnding
me to make sale of the following described real
property, sltunte in the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, to-wit:
All that portion of the D. L. C. of Roland Craw
ford and wife, certificate No. 4627, notification No.
1822, which lies south of the middle line of the D.
h. C. of E. A. Wilson and wife, east of the County
Road leading from OBWego to Aurora, and that
tract of land sold by M. K. Shlplev and wife to
the Oregon Iron & Stel Company, and north of
Hint tract of land sold by M. K. Shipley and wife
to Peter Taylor (north line of section 28) town
ship 2 south, range 1 cast, or Willamette meridian
and west of the west Hue of the D. L. C. of E A.
Wilson and wife, said land being In section 21,
township 2 south, range 1 east, of the Willamette
meridian, and conlaiuina 1(0 acres, more or less.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
Judgment order and decree, and in oompllanoe
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on
1899, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the city of
Oregon City, In said county and state, sell at pub
lie anctlon, subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had in or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution. Judgment order, deoree,
Interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon,
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, April 1Mb, 1899,
' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas, Guenthertna Beutler,
Plaintiff, vs. John Beutler, defendant. In the
nam of the State of Oregon you are hereby re
quired to appear in the above entitled court in this
cause within six weeks Irom the dat of the first
publication of this summons, that is to say on or
befora the 5th day of June, 1899, and if you fail to
answer plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wlt: That
the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and
defendaut bodiB8olvd, for plaintiffs costs and
disbursements herein and for such other and
further relief as shall seem meet in the premises.
This summons is published pursuant to an order
of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcilride, cirouit Judge of
the 5th judicial district, of the state of Oregon, for
the oounty of Clackamas. Granted on April 19th,
1899, prescribing and ordering publication of
ummona once a week for six consecutive weeks.
C. SCHCEBEL, Attorney for Plaintiff.
htVn Knnt'ilnttxl aiMntrlr nt tha I , ,ui
-rr - va nv iani twill
nd testament of the estate of John Higgins.
eoanty, Oregon. All persons having claims
ogoinat soia estate are hereby notified to present
the same to m for payment, at my home at
Bedland. Oregon, with proper vouchers, within
six months from the date of this notice. April 31.
V. Oretoiiai ui Ciiri&r-Hcrild $2