Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 21, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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legal and Official Newspaper
Of Clackamas County.
Eute.T . in Oregon City ponlofflceM 2nd-claw matter
aid In advance, per year I 60
I month! "
kree months' trial
VThe date opposite your addresi on the
taper donoles the time to whioh you hate paid.
Standing business advertisement: Per month
1 Inch 11,2 iuchei 11.60, Indies 11.75, 4 Inches
tl, 6 inches (column) fi.a, 10lnehes(Hoolnmn
H, 20 Inches (oo.nmn) yearly contracts 10 per
eent lens.
Transient advertisements: Per week 1 inch
liie, 2 Inches 75c, 8 Inches fl. 4 Inches 11.26,
inches S1.60, 10 lni:hes 12.60, 20 inches So
Legal advertlnemenU: Per in.!h first Inser
tion l, each additional Insertion 60c. Affllavits
of publication will not be furnished until pub
Hcation fees are paid.
Local notices; Five cents per line per week
per month 20o,
To Subscribers.
Listen, dear reader, and we'll tell you
who owns a part of it:
Vi'couut Scully, of England, owns
3,000.000 a -res in Illinois, Iowa and Ne
braska. An English syndicate owns
3,000.000 acres in Texas, 20,000,00 acres
in Florida and 1,800,000 in Mississippi
The British Land Com pany owns 320,00"
acres in Kansas. The Missouri Land
Company owns 300,000 acres in Mis
soul i. Lord Houghton owns 60,000 acres
in Florida. Lord Dunraven owns 60,000
acres in Colorado. The England Com
pany owns 60,000 acres in California and
60,000 acres ia Arkansas. "Alex Grant
owns 33,000 acres in Kansas. An Eng
lish syndicate owns 110,000 acres in Wis
consin. Mr. Elphenhauser, a Jew, of
Halifax, owns 60,0)0 acres in West Vir
ginia. Another syndicate has 600,000
acres in Florida. Fifty million acres uf
railroad lands have recently passed into
the hands of foreign owners. Various
ether smaller holdings by foreign syndi
cates run the grand total up to 73,220,
000 acres of firming and grazing lands,
besides the vast holdings of city real
estate. Over $5,000,000,000 worth of
national, state, municipal and corporate
bonds are held abroad, on which we are
required to pay in interest over $200,'
000,000 in gold each year.
Nw, we leave it to you, dear readers,
who owns these United States? Peo
ple's Prtss, Albany.
Th? Courier-Herald has put no ac
founts in any agent's hands tor collec
tion, but we uuderstand Mr. Fitch has
attempted to collect snmo of his back
.acounts in this way. We have nothing
to do with these. The date opposite
your name on the paper represents the
time to which you have paid. If any
errors occur we are ever ready to correct
The legislature of Missouri has cut
railroad fares down to two and a half
cents a mile.
"If you don't advertise in my paper,
you should at least subscribe. I never
roast my regular subscribers." The av
erage reform editor. Journal (semi
reform. If you subscribe for this paper with
that understanding, you'll get a double
dose, If you deserve it. We treat friends
and foes alike. If public officials were
not afraid of press censure they would
I U oftener than they do now.
In looking around for a way to raise
more revenue, the Cincinnati officials
fell upon the dumb waiters. A dumb
waiter is something like an elevator and
is used to carry such things as food,
dishes and small articles from one floor
to another. It saves trips up and down
stairs. But it's against law and order to
have conveniences without feeding the
politicians. So Cincinnati dumb waiters
must pay a tax of $2 each. Salem Sen
A trust to control the silver market,
with a capital of $63,000,000. The trust
promises an advance of 10 per cent on
the metal as the first step to be taken.
They neod not trouble themselves; a
silver trust will be organized in 1900
that will restore silver to its former
place in our monetary system. Eugene
Just think, readers, a trust has more
power than the government and can
raise the price of silver. This is enough
to spoil all the arguments of the gold
Fob every $3 turned into the charita
ble institutions in Chicago, two of them
are required to pay the expense of dis
tributing the other one. The whole
thing is merely a business run by those
inch.irge for personal profit, the same as
any other industry is carried on. High
priced managers, elegant rooms, fine
buildings. The only thing lacking Is to
iBeue stock and list the different "chari
ties" on the board of trade, We could
then get some idea of the "earnings" of
the institutions which beg for the beg
gars and keep the lion's share for themselves.
Tiikiik are those who claim that Win.
J. Bryan is a back number; that he has
lost the hold he had on the hearts of the
Amorioan people; that he is a "has
been." This is a case where the wish is
father of the thought. No better proof
of its error could be had than was pre
sented at the Olonie opera-house on
Sunday night, says the Sacramento Bee.
A rapid sketch artist made faithful pic
tures of McKinley, Bryan and Dewey.
The president was greeted with applause,
the hero of Manila was cheered to the
echo, but both demonstrations corabinod
did not equal the one given to the cham
pion of silvor.
The colored population of Oregon lias
been duly recogniised by the present ad
ministration in appointing one of their
numbers to bo cook at the reform school
on account of their fidelity to republican
principles. We do not think this was
necessary. The negro knows no better
than to vote the republican ticket on all
occasions. Even the poor follow who
was arrested in Salem a short time ago
for illegal voting, when asked why he
did so, replied: "Well, pard, I'd un
dertake big risks to vote the republican
ticket." We wonder if some old soldie r
eonld not have been found who under
stood the art of cooking. The China
man's turn should come next. Oregou
The Courier-Herald would be pleased
to receive more articles for publication
homfarmeis on any or all subjects
If you can't think -of anything else to
write about, ciiticize the paptr and tell
how you thiuk a country newspaper
should be run. Don't be afraid to write
This paper is published for the people
and we would like to hear lrom you,
dear reader.
Several of our "friends" are circulat
ing reports that the Courier-Herald
would support the democratic ticket
even if it adopted the gold standard.
Any one that has a lick sen Be should
know better than to believe such trash.
Didn't we support the Chicago platform
when we could have made money by
supporting the gold democrats, the re
publican aid society?
Republican organ headlines announc
ing increase in wages are not followed
by bits of news like the following: "The
Dnneanville nail workB will suspend
operations indefinitely in a few days,
throwing several hundred workmen out
of employment. The Duncanville nail
works were recently purchased by the
American Steel Wire and Nail Company.
The nail trust has just announced an ad
vance of 15 cents a keg. Small lots are
now quoted at $2.30 per keg, or $40 a ton
an increase of 23 a ton since Decern-ber."
"Hello, Mr. Workingmanl what are
you doing?" "Digging potatoes."
"What are you going to do with them?"
"I sort them into four piles." "What
for? "The big pile of fine potatoes you
see over there I give to the landlord as
rent for his permission to allow me to
live on earth ; next to the bicaeet pile I
give to the mortagees as interest for the
use of the implements to work with;
the third pile I give in taxes for the
privilege of living in the countv." "And
that pile of little ones, doyou eat them ?"
No; I feed them to the hoes to fatten
them, and then give the hoes to rail
roads for hauling the potatoes to the
owners. This is a great country, though.
Southern Mercury.
On every steer slaughtered at the bie
stockyards the profits on the bv-Dro-
ducis, such as hair, bones, hides, en
trails, blood, is over $50 Not a thine is
thrown away. The meat affords a profit
ot $40. Here, then, is a profit of over
$90 drawn from one average steer. But
so insatiable is the horrible insane
thirst for moie and more that rages in
the meat monopoly, not content with
that, it corners the feed market and
cattle market to the almost utter ruin of
the millions of farmers who venture to
feed and ship to Chicago or elsewhere.
If the poor devil who is not in the rinir
and gets no secret rebate gets home
trom the market where he has taken
his cattle without loss he is lucky. The
monopolists who make such awful
profit will haggle and get the last half
We are glad to say that Clackamas
county will have one good road this year.
The county has given $2,700, the city
$500, and the citizens $2,500 for the
completion of the Molalla road this
year. The road committees from Carus,
Mulino, Molalla and Oregon City are
busily at work raising the $2,600, the
country districts having raised nearly
all of their apportionment and as soon
as the Oregon Cityites wake up we
will get the money and then the road.
Besides giving $500 the city will spend
about $1,500 repairing Seventh Btreet
and Molalla avenuo to the city limits,
about half a mile outside of Ely. This
amount is to finish and complete the
road this year. As soon as this la out of
the way we would like to see some other
trunk road built this year if possible,
although we should be satisfied if we
get one good through road completed
each year and thus have something to
show for the farmer's tax money.
A National H tnxn'tem.
My country til of me.
Bo$$ man of iherty, '
Of me I $ing;
I am the nation'! pride,
for me my party diptf,
Ineverv bank'l in$ide.
My $ $ $ $ $ $ $ sing.
I own your ptainf and hill$.
I own your $tore$ and mill$,
I run the tru$t,
r want more bond$ thi$ week
Bond$ that are fat and Sleek
With inthre$t et them reek
Or I will bu$t.
My $enate join my li$t$,
And don't be anarchi$t$
For three per cent.
Ere patriotism pau$e,
Put through that bonding clau$e, .
$o that in freedom's cau$e,
My gold i$ lent.
My army, ti$ of me,
Bo$$ man of liberty,
Of me I $ing.
Ain't you a$hamed to fight,
When I am dead from fright,
Come back and with delight,
$$$$$$$ I'll fling.
James 8yme Hastings..
The Canby Independent failed to
come out last Saturday. We learn that
it will appear as usual this week. We
are fortunate we were not able to attend
the Jefferson ian banquet at Portland, if
tliat was the cause.
A man don't need to buy a $3.03 pair
of spectacles to see the United Slates to
day is an empire to all intents and pur
poses. We have the priveleged classes
with greater priveleges than those of a
monarchial country. We have a ruling
class which m.tkes the laws for all but
themselves. We have the colonial pos
sessionsa principle repudiated by the
founders of the republic over a century
ago. All we lack is the titled nobility,
and considering that the rulers of this
country desire such an aristocracy, you
may bet we will have it before many
years. We have got the empire and can
easily run in an emperor on the plea
that ' an emperor will make good times ;
an emperor will open the mills to la
bor." Appeal to Reason.
Dunn's Mercantile Agency has re
ported that the year 1898 has been the
most prosperous since 1892. The clear
ing houses show the greatest volume of
business in years, and the balance of
trade in favor of the United States due
from foreign countries amounts to $75,
000,000. Prosperity is herel Hurrah
for McKinley 1 Still the country is full
of unemployed, while families are on the
point of starvation even here in beauti
ful San Diego, and suicides are multi
plying everywhere. Strange condition
of affairs, isn't it? What is the cause?
Why, private or corporate ownership of
labor-saving machinery and concentra
tion of business, a natural result of com
petition. The fact business has been
so closely concentrated into the hands
of the great combines, trusts and rail
roads that very little of it falls into the
hands of the great mass ot the people.
The workers of this country have been
so impoverished by the labor starving
machinery that they are unable to buy,
and the products of the machines have
found a market in foreigu countries.
The few have an enormous business,
while the many stand around with their
hands in empty pockets watching the
unfair deal. Concentration is still going
on and on, and pinching poverty is
growing harder and harder to bear. We
hope the people will be educated to see
that their only chance for a peaceful so
lution of the problem is in establishing
a co-operative commonwealth. San Di
ego Justice.
Matters Concerning; Local Every
day Affairs Noticed by the
Courier-Herald Reporter.
It is said that a lot of canned beef is
being sent over to the Philippines. No
wonder the volunteers want to come
home if embalmed beef is to be a part
of their diet. The late investigation of
canned beef frauds perpetrated on the
soldiers in the Cuban war, has caused
the public to distrust canned meats.
The Home Study Circle in the Orego
nian is a valuable extension of the
Chautauqua idea, and has superior ad
vantages over the many text books used
in the reading circle. The articles are
superior to those published in many of
the magazines for literary merit. As
an educator this home circle department
cannot be excelled anywhere, taking
the cost into consideration.
The Oregon voluuteers are patriots,
and they enlisted in the time of need to
fight the Spanish. Peace has been de
clared, and if their services are not ac
tually needed to pepper the Filipinos,
who dodge behind the bushes, their
places should be taken by regulars.
Provided, that the volunteers desire to
come home, and the tenor of numerous
letters received from there indicate that
they do. The majority of the volun
teers are not professional soldiers lrom
choice; it is not their province to bush
whack with a lot of savages, thus neg
lecting opportunities and advancement,
when their places could be filled by men
who hold places in the army as a means
of livelihood.-
The lives of the population in the hill
district are still in more or less danger
from bicyclists, who persist in refusing
to obey the order of the mayjr to dis
mount when meeting pedestrians, and
children, women are crowded off the
sidewalk to prevent being run over.
Some day the people living on upper
Seventh street, probably, will have pro
tection like those on Main street.
Judge McBride made a move for econ
omy on the first day of this term of the
circuit court by reducing the number of
bailiffs, and incidentally cautioned the
grand jury in their investigations to
guard against incurring unnecessary
A local attorney makes light of the
fact that this paper censures the great
trusts of the country, and intimates that
it is nothing more or less than a species
of calamity howling. Yet, the leading
republican newspapers of the country
are sounding tha keynote of awful dan
ger in the gigantic combinations of
manufacturing industries, that threaten
the very foundation of the republic. A
man who advocates trusts would rob
his farmer client and turn the proceeds
into the coffers of the trusts, or at least,
he would not hesitate to do so. No man
can be a patriot, who stands up for these
mighty trusts. A prominent, Oregon re
publican paper in commenting on the
attempt of agents of the Standard Oil
'trust" to bribe the attorney-general o f
Ohio in sums ranging from $100,030 to
$150,000, says: "Comparatively, the
'trust' yet has not attained its full
growth ; its branches are spreading so as
to shut out the sun from all the minor
ministries. And, unless the govern
ment adopts heroic measures to suppress
the this aggregation of Industrial capi
tal, the prophecies in 'Caesar's Columu'
may be verified."
No Scandal Can
From the use of our
or other canned goods, because
there is no diversity of opinion as
to its quality. The unanimous
verdict is one of approval. Those
who use them freely are pleased
with the freshness, richness and
delightful, flavor of every article.
And our prices give satisfaction,
too. HEINZ 4 CO.,
Bakers and Grooeri,
Opposite Postoffice - Oregon City
A Flging Top Free!
The Latest Fad
With Every Dollar Purchase at
all goods are sold at reasonable
Look at Your Houses ?&Se.e.J ?
If you haven't got time, call on G. REDDAWAY.
He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A
full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see
him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and
Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed.
f"Sole Agent in Clackamas County for OUR NATIVE HERBS
Confectionery nnd Clear Star,
Upper Seventh St.,
The Mill of Justice Grinds Slowly,
But With Exceeding Fineness.
Circuit court, regular April terra, con
vened Monday morning; Thomas A.
McBride, judge, and other court officers
present. T. W. Fouts was appointed
court bailiff, and T. M. Miller, grand
jury bailiff.
The following grand jury was drawn
from the tegular panel in the court
room : J. Casto, foreman ; J. 0. New
bury, clerk; Thomas S. Mann, W. H.
Faubian, 0. W . Vonderahe, Ole Mikkle
son, David Penman.
The other jurymen, who responded to
their names when called were : L. D .
Mumpower. J W. Boatman, R. W. Por
ter, R. L. Ringo, J.H. Borings (excused),
Raymond Dickey (excused), J. K. Mor
ris, Will Jones. T. Huxley, James Baty,
Peter Nehren (excused), Hansen Ab
bott; Carl Howell, 0. W. Voadjrahe
W. H. Faubian, Henry Githens (ex
cused), James B. Beeson (excused),
Grant Criteser, H. C. Schmidt, R. Fan
ton, Sara. Tajlor, T. L. Turner, J. T.
Drake, J. C. Elliott, B. F. Linn (ex
cused). James F. McOonnell was una
ble to be present on account of illness.
Ou Monday the following cases were
passed upon :
L. A. Lewis vs Margtret L. Batdorf,
et al, confirmation of slnriff's sale.
Allen & Lewis vs Margaret L. Bat
dorf ; same.
Frank and Kate Krausse va Anton
Miller, et al; decree aljudging that
plaintiffs are owners in fee simple of
contested premises and cloud of title re
Security Savings & Trust Company vs
S. V. Lewelling, et al ; confirmation.
Knapp, Burrell & Co. vs Henry Na
chand.etal; dismissal as to Nichind.
Matilda Charman vs W. T. Whitlock.
guardian, et al; plaintiff given permis
sion to file amended complaint.
Peter Taylor vs M. K.Shipley ; default
anl decree oi foreclosure.
Gambrinus Brewing Company vs John
A. Wilson; default and decree of fore
closure. John R. Hinkle vs J. A. Cox, et al ;
Gladstone Real Estate Association vs
S . W. Morgan, et al ; decree as per stip
ulation. Caroline E. Jones vs Cyrui Jones;
Henry Jewell vs Annie H. Whitlock ;
Lillian B. McFadden vs Elsie Kuapp,
et al ; decree entered,
Henry Nute vs Noblitts; motion for a
new trial denied, and plaintiff given 60
days to file bill of exceptions.
Default was entered in the following
divorce suits : W. M. Smith vs Mary C.
Smith, Zola Leigh vs Julia C. Leigh,
Sarah E. E. Davidson vs W. T. David
son, Nellie Oliver vs Joseph Oliver, Hat-
tie Marrsvs J. W. Marrs, also demur
rer withdrawn.
Decrees of divorce were entered in the
following : Tillie Lam Foo vs Lam Foo,
Viola Dimall vs M. B. Darnall and J.
A. Ballard vs Mary Ballard.
On Tuesday a motion for a new trial
in the case of Harding vs McDonough vs
Brady was overruled. The suit of An
dreas Popp against Hugo Perkel, et al,
was decided in favor the plaintiff by the
jury, who also awarded him $4.77 dam
ages. Divorces were granted the Ramel,
Farnsworth, Davidson and Smith suits.
Both the Boggs and Buckstein divorce
cases were dismissed. The grand jury
was discharged Thursday.
The suits of Leonard vs Hartman,
Rauch vs Junior and Ch irman vs Rob
inson , were dismissed.
flonuments " Headstones
Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
Work. : : Drawings made by description.
Portland, Oregon
Silver Medal Awarded at
Portland Mechanics' Fair
I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and
am now in a position to do work better and more reasonable.
Clackamas County School Officials
Tor Vtar Ending march, 1900
Elglva Mullao.
N K Graluin
W A He Igss
F S Hutcliltu
J A Hiding
S Crnoker
N F Heip'.e
S Q Kir ihein
W G Weloh
A Eiule
Mrs M E Frev
Jam?s Duncan-
F J Walk ley
Lorenzo Tenny
Henry Hu rh is
Elmer Albright
A D Burnett
J H Koehler
T O Joinrud
A H Wing
Geo 9pgpH
J W Elliott
Chas F Wa 'goner
John Stor ner
Vlotor Dickoy
F M Osburn
E M Ward
Dora 8 Thtessen
f rank Jaarear
J A Byer
8 C Young
C N Larkiua
Mrs Nora Miller
I D Taylor
Walter P Dibble
Levi Stebman
M Lome
J S Je.-irte
J P Forrester
A S Thoupwn
Frank Polivka
J W Baty
W H Lawton
8 E Card
E F Amlrd
RoM Jonsruct
(J B Hall
Geo T Howard
G B Wise
H F Ulbson
Ueorge Hett
Jacob Dethazer
Mrs I. P Williams
A M Vineyard
PC Miller
B F Bovles
J C Schmidt
K W Hammett
J F Wacluinao
I A Miley
O W Waldron
Mrs S M HcCown
George Blanohard
E P Dedman
I N Oroahong
Adnll Ashorl
H I IderhniT
J A Ingllsh
Julia J Rider
W W Myers
F H Oriflelh
WE Bmney
O H Uiuwq
C Zwellel
W M Stone
A Anderson
Henry Breithaupt
W E Myers
J J Miller
Wm Guenther
H J Phelps
Alison Baiter
Christian Pugh
E L Trullinger
Fred Bluhm
Wm Knight
8 M Cooke
8 C Hoffman
Charles Bartlemay
A Hayhuret
C E Hilton
L B Voder
0 H Wright
C W Richey
J T Grace
Niels ChrMenseo
W W Jem
1 V Trullinger
II C I'lrlch
A PTodd
Mrs Julia Mueller
E W Paine
A V Davis
C 0 Miller
Otto F Olsen
Mrs M L Wilraot
Joist Districts
C M Lake
J L Kruse
John ZOIaon
Henry A Snyder
A W Vincent
W F Young
J N Hoffman
L C Love
A H Cone
R Maycook
K Cole ,
J 8 Rorb
Orniron (Jltv
Park place
S ilimn
Heaver Crack
Eagle Creek
Oreg n City
M lnilor
Spilng water
Oregon City
Clark S8
Oregon Cl'y
Eagle Creek
Staff rr?
Oregon City
Powells Valley
o ut nun
Oregon City
KalA Crook
Oregon City
r irwoua
Ge rge
El wood
Oreg m City
uregon i;ity
new era
uregon Ulty
Oregon City
New Era
Red land
Union Mills
New Era
Union Mills
Willamette F.
Seotls Mills
J Q Bonnett
W F Stanton
R 0 Ganong
F Kurber
Martin D Leab
F .1 Ojila
L H lie
C N Tracy
G E Dye
Erik Lindqulst
Ueo Hofitetter
T Yocnm
8 D Hedges
Jacob Cloiner
W Orissemyalte
W Albrluht
Jamw smith
Valentine ICIohe
Joel Jrtrl
D Harm
W Spragus
O H Kobblns
Win Biobst
W H Kandle
Raymond Dickey
,i a wuson
H O Green
W Rlsley
8 peace
J Hattan
n wn.on
Fredrick Marshall
A Nioholas
Tun Gibb
Wm Hiubanls
W Wauuker
K Urlbble
M A ntlnnmn
R I Garrett
John M iser
W Harrl.
Mrs 0 Myrs
Anird Vitch
' asper JUllKjr
R L Pollock
B S Bellomy
W HCoU'isell
Harrv ftihinn
S Wheeler
James Deshazer
J H Coiner
C. W Arm.rrnn
8 L Dart
O 8 B lylei
Henry Mulnke
W H Wilson
1 W U wings
W I. WllllA
O E Reynolds
r n i in. .,i,
Andrew Grelshaberi
u laioen
John Ferguson
c.hH r.Mf
J B Eddy
N M Tracy
Mrs E C. Kaalm.n
John Ferguson
m tucker
F Vuntrvmian
J Burgoyne
n KucDat
L Funk
T J Anderson
8 N Freedoluh
O A Miller
J W Miller
Emu Onnther
Wm Railmalin
J N Wood
M H Bowman
J C Mollatt
Louis Sholis
Wm Vorfahl
J G Bleakney
John J Porter
K H lli.h..li
J T Evans
D kauflman
Jas SwarU
Fred Wehrner
Henry Balsmeier
W G Klelnsmith
Conrad Schroder
J A Alexander
D L Trullinger
CT Zinser
R Lichtenthaler
Henry Wailerd
Jamee Emmett
A B Hibbard
Maggie Millet
Thomas Howell
C W Kruse
W H New
John Aden
O P HMge
Dr W W Giesy
Geo Galbreath
W A Mosher
J T Young
W H Bramhall
Fred BenU
A Hianewat
Anton Ruchegger
Iiarid Rrodie
Lereni Welch
F B -rkmet -r
Jas Rentier
J E Hedges
Phillip Kohl
W U (Jarrntt
Jno Pinny
G B Linn
J C 8nrague
J V, Pad lock
Andrew Johnson
Chai Holman
C Sarver
W m Rnial lrv
Unas Miller
Thus Dmljls
.T T rir.ilfA
J J J ii Id
J S Dkk
A Steteuson
D Gribble
R I. I.lnn
J C Pjrdue
(Mias Schllckelsor
J A Shibley
ira iHi'Koy
W B tollman
D W Robertson
Vliitor Erlckson
.1 ft fnmnniVAr
C E Barton
Jna M:l map
Robert Rutherford
llavfrl .lanea
J R Sh iver
Wm Morey
J R Hays
C Kooher
J H irl'inaster
E B Miller
Wm Hhatz
N A ""inn
W J T IcCord
W H Joriu
A Andre
3 D Colomm
P H Jarrish
.T T Ann.rann
T Ilaggenberger
j w uassiny
O Shuholin
r Mcabe
H K Carr
F A Sleight
Frank Rawtell
J N Nightingale
rrana wens
W 8 Henderson
I 8 Miller
C Schmidt
T E Kraelt
E E charman
R Dundar
H Longcoy
J M Groehonz
Victor Tahonlnn
8 Toedemeier
F Rhodee
Enos Cabil
John Potter
Chas Moll
Peter Lafferty
J Rief
W H Cochran
J Fullem
O W Grlfflu
W W Taylor
D McDonald
Michael MoMhnlrA
J F Brlggs
E L Maker
A J Kittznilllar
M Mulvey
G Bluhru
n m Riasell
J F Sherman
H H Anders
J Osburn
W T llaker
A Wigand
jonn Taylor
Jas M Coa
I L Clarke
J P Olson
B F Parker
J B Mollett
FT Howard
J B Dearduff
T P 8tatchnecker
W F Mueller
John Paine
S F Rlair
R S Coop
C A Miller
James Cook
D D J'k
Fred Elligson
C Iiahlguist
H Becke
J E Hedges
B F Webster
J Baker
John Taylor
J Murray
O H Lance
C Heltiel
Peter Landon
X i
B Klllen
M Toole
W P Kirchem
F Jankaon
Fred Eyeman
W J C.'urriu
8 Oil
Giutave Haberlach
Isom Vaughn
Jno Denulsou
Wm Davis
Wm Weloh
J acob Gerber
Karl Studoman
O F Myers
Jacob Mnndorf
Anton Katzer
J D Smith
A B Linn
5 R Taylor
n l seeir
W T Smith
H J Rwtall
C We ldeier
A Mantz
H Thlossen
M K Loudon
Jos Bachman
J N Tong
J uospor
R J Shockley
H T Shipley
G V Adams
Wm Gerhauser .
C C Borland
G W Kesserling
J 8 Gibbous
F E Fish
F P Larson
G T Bebe
C P Andrews
Peter Utlger
F MoQugin
H Riderhush
Henry Gnu
W H Smith
U S Blakeuey
J P Woo He
L D Mumpower
F koi in
L P Williams
J F Eckerson
Chas Daugherty
Scott Carter
N Rath
J A Stromgreen
C C Smucker
Jacob Mlley
C R Llvesay
C H Caufleld
A 8t tepley
A E Holcomb
J F Han n
K A TenEyck
Henry Platts,
D M Marshall
W 8 Rider
J C Bites
T Wiles
Joha Carlson
J C Newbury
F M Mathews
A Hulbert
C Johnson
J C McMurray
O W Bodlsh
W Bachert
8 Hudchinson
J Perlnger
8 J Hlllman
R J Thorp
W A Woodilde
David Harris
Herman Lee
A Hardy
Karl Halierleln
Geo Brown
H O Inskeop
E Hilton
F E Taylor
E Armstrong
P Wilson
P Sch lews
Andrew Hodge
Wm Evans
G J Trullinger
R A Gay
Wm Murray .
E B Starke
B J Helvy
C K Qiilnn
Asa Hawkins
J 11 Ralston
C G Kruse
P H Boork
T L Turner
A Johnson
J H Miller
EA Eddy
W D Mathews
R Parrett
F 8 White
H I. Bents
J Parrolt
Capt Schuyler
C D Hartman
J W Llngale