Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 21, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    r . 2
Sprint: is with us, people
through seeding and have commenced
maku g gulden.
Mss Fdith Freeman, of Harmony,
was over visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman, last Saturday and Sun
Miss Ztlla Ttrk has gone to Willam
Falla to stay with her sister, Mrs. Eva
Maplethorp, this bummer.
Marve Park has moved over on hU
new farm near Rocky Point.
Mr. Ed Dibble and son made a trip to
Oregon City one day lust week.
Mrs. Grimh-taff Is ill.
W. T. Henderson has his garden
ploughed and a few potatoes planted.
Apr. 17. Salu V ats.
We are glad to hear that Oscar Beh
iner is improving " it
Mr. Heinz was out from Oregon City
and spent a nLiht witn L Funk and put
in some time (tailing. He had the UBual
fisherman's luck ; got a "baker 's doxen".
It is the first time in the writer's ex
perience that he h is been Hah hauled off
.i fir limb, and a fidiieruian climbing to
c itch it.
Notices are -vit f r sealed bids for con
structing a boird fence for the grave
yard. Attiie meeting held la-it week
James Ful.aui, John Richardson and
Geo. Iliuciiilixtht m were elected trus
tees, and Louis Fuuk secretary aud
Quarterly meeting of the Viola circuit
M. E. Church held its meeting in the
lledlanl church, Bro. Waters, of Salem,
presiding There was a good attendance
id it waii splendid meeting all around.
m next iu H.'ti will hi iul I .i' Vil i.
Mr. Ud'nimer is acting postmaster
until his petitio n can le acted on.
John J. Bargfeld has sold his team to
Diueiner as he had uot enough work
lor them.
Apr. 17.
Mrs. Zimmerman has heeu visiting
her daughter, Mrs R. L. Pollock.
Rev. Shnncon hag moved into Mr. S.
0. Baker's house.
Mr. Charles Pauling has moved his
family from Portion! to Oswego again.
Mr. George Johnson has improved
sufficiently to leave St. Vincent's hos
pital and return home.
A baseball game letween Oregon City
and Osweg was played here last Sun-i-y,
Orefcon City fcoring 18 and Oswego
Monday morning .Mr. Thomas Fox
was kicked in the chest by one of his
ho -sen, b it, fortunately, was not serious
ly injured.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Qua in, of Van
co v r, !!. V nr Mating Mr. and Mrs.
II, T. Evans, on tl.cir way home from
Miss Aunctu Puilit g, who hits leen
quite ill for fume time at. St. Vincent's
lios. itai, ttits tal en ut to her home in
Oswego a few d.,j'8 aO.
Su.iday nfttru on a Sunday school
w.ts itig.i:ii,'d al the Congregational
chtireli i.y ;i e Rev. D. II. Gray aud Mr.
0. K.uon, to b held ewrv. Sunday at 2
vVvK IN M Ms Laura Evens was
'- --uLoa.io!! fli.v.1 Mrs, J. u
chosen sup. "
Heninger secretary.
A very pleasant gathering was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Lond
lost Saturday, on the occasion r' ,
birthday of their da"-' . iMth
London. Tho Sarah E.
were : V f rvwr.l ou the occasion
J. ! lewis, Mrs. J. J. Guy
, Mr. Louis Gardner, Mrs. Griffith,
Mrs. J. W. Jouea. O. II. Byland, M. E.
London, M: Cora and Eva Jegger,
Clara and F.lie Guyer, Maggie, Liisie
and Mary Lewis, Winnie and Bertha
iloward, Mary and Bessie Moon, Sarah,
Sadie and Frnk Jones, Bertha Spang
ler.Ecbo ."tyoce, Vaila Fault, Jennie
Davie and tkmk Ingram, Masters Clvle
Jaeger, Eibert Bbbie Richard
son, WiUie Davis, Jennie Davis, Law
rence Gardner, Henry and Charlie Guy
er. MiM Sarah ni the recipient of
many TaluaKe preeects from parents,
friends aDd echooimatee. Alter partak
ing of an excellent dinner, tome of the
children went into the woods to gather
wild Co era, while other engaged in
tarious sports, all enjoying themselves
aj only children can.
Mr. J. B. Lewi hai purchased an
ergan for the use of her daughter, Mag
gie. Robert Jones and family, of Nebraska,
ere Tkiting with the family of Davy
Jones, of this place.
Lithe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Ilornschuh, has been quite ill
with pneumonia, but is now on the way
to recovery.
preparations are bein mad by the
ladies and others Interested to have a
grand time si the cloeing of school two.
weeks bene. B
April 18.
Maple Lane.
Mrs. N. W. Richards is quite poorly,
so bad that they eeDt for her daughter,
j Mrs. Jennings, of Selhvood. Friday, to
com "P- She has heart trouble and
AnJa it diflnult to keep anything on her
John Darling's daughter, I am glad to
say, is improving.
Clay Green has left us, moving onto
Mrs Green's father's place, and Mr.
Bellmore has moved into the house va
cated by Mr. Green.
Lawrence Mantx has finished his
scnooi in 1'ortland and is home cutting
wood with Myo Braytou. One after
noon last week they cut and put up four
and a quarter cords in a little over five
Messrs. Swiek and Seiver gave an en
tertainment in our school house Friday
night with a stereopticon and phono
graph. The fiist part was views of the
Cuban war. The scenes were good, but
the lecture could Le improved by boiling
d wn about three-fourth or more. The
moving scenes were good, but the pho
nograph had the asthma very badly, so
badly, indeed, that it was painful to lis
ten to it.
Myo Bray ton sold one of his horses
Saturday to Mr. Johnson, of Bolton.
Apiil 18 B.
The weather has been very favorable
for growing crops of all kinds during the
past few days.
The heavy frost last Wednesday night
did some damage to fruit buds.
The quart, rly meeting of the Clacka
mas county Pomona Grange was held at
Harding Grange hall last Wednesday
and was well attended by grangers from
difl'ereut parts of the county. Several
grangers iruiu liulinoumh vonnty were
present. The meetiug was interesting
aud profitable to a I present. The next
meeting will be held at Springwater on
the second Wednesday iu July.
P-r. J. W. Thomas of Molalla. was the
gueotof L. H. Ki.chem last Weduesday
evening. Dr. Thomas visited the Lower
Logan school ahile here and favored the
teacher and pupils with on interesting
address on dentistry.
Fred Moser intends to build a new
barn this summer.
Philip Kohl is improving his farm by
disposing of some large fir stumps and
A. Swales is setting posts for a new
p'ank fence along the road in front of
his residence.
Mrs. A. J. Johnston received a letter
last week from her husband, who is at
Fort Wrangle, Alaska, stating that he is
in excellent health.
Mrs. B. Fuller! paid the countv e:it .
business visit last Friday.
A lady from Portland is keeping house
for George Clark and son.
Mifs Emma Gill, of Oregon Citv, spent
several days with her
1 ------ v v I v 1UC b
Mrs. El Hauler, who has been under
the weather for several dajs, is improv
ing iu health.
Miss Louise Ba
Ismier is home on a
Peter Wilson has rented his form '
nis bv,;;, r''ukt nI will tak
needed rest- '
in,, for hi. ..! ' .r ' hhl, 1. work-
the latter is ' "T? 1UUet 'uile,
.. fless-W tteod t stop-', vv; jlcr
. . , t. f I. D.,' r "
"IPUir, .Mm. .narsu ri
April Twilight.
Mountain llew.
Trout seem to le rather scarce this
spring. They fad to bite, any way.
Miss Peabodv aud Retta Pierce went
fishing last Saturday afternoon.
W. II. Savage and family went to La
fayeite, Yamhill county, last Saturday
to visit their parents, and returned on
Orange Bar bur moved his family out
to his place near Wood burn last Mon
Harvey Hickman is oat again, after
an illness oi two weeks.
Mist Philips, of Portland, was visiting
with her grandmother, Mrs. Bacon, lwt
F. M. Darling is teaching out on Eagle
creek this spring.
Mrs. Elmer Cooper made a business
trip to Portland Monday.
Mr. Thompson has greatly improved
his place by building a paling fence
across the front and removing the old
fence, opening the street to its full
width. He has also erected a handsome
veranda on the front of his house.
There will be preaching at the church
next Sunday at 4 o'clock by Rev. Bo
linger, lately from Astoria, of the Con
gregational church. S.U!U.
April 19.
"Money to patent good Ideas may be
secured by oar aid, address THE PAT
EST RECORD, Baltimore; Ui!"
Xew Era.
We can boar-t of fine weather now
even if the roads are muddy.
Mine Alice McArthur and Katie New
bury visited Oregon City this week.
Miss Josie Shefchick has returned
home from Portland after vihiting her
sister for some time.
Master Wilbur Nebury made a trip to
Oregon City on his wheel Friday.
Master Antone Shefchick made a trip
to Oregon City on his bike Friday last. J
Mrs. K. Reif and Mr?. J. Reif visited
Oregon City last Saturday.
A grand ball was given in Anthony's
hall Saturday evening last. Good music
was furnished, and they all enjoyed
Mhses Anna and Julia Shefchick vis-
ited Oregon City last week
There is no need of frogs croaking for
water, for the river is rising rapidly.
k Boys, hae all your tin cans ready, for
theie is going to be a grapd wedding in
the home of . -
Mrs. Wells and her little granddaugh
ter, Bessie, went to Portland on a visit
this week.
The New Era young ladles are all get
the bike fever.
April 16.
Threb Little Gikls.
... Weh, well, the pniple have not heard
from this locality of late, and in fact not
much h8 happened of late to mention.
The fall-sown grain ie looking well.
Most of the oats are sown.
Quite a severe frost visited here last
Thursday, but did but little damage.
The Rock Creek Sunday school has a
large attendance of late and is in a pros
perous condition. A delegation attended
the county convention held at Harmony
last Thursday and reported a very in
teresting meeting.
Rev G. P. Rich, of Kelso, preached a
splendid sermon to a well filled house at
Rock Creek Sunday. He understands
his theme. Come every third Suuday
and see.
Chaa. Mull and family, of Sunnyside,
w re iu our midtt Sunday.
Several of the Sunnyside boys were
up to Sur.day school. Come again boys
and start earlier.
A. M. Lovelace and family moved to
Sunnyside, Portland, last Thursday.
John Deardorff and wife were over
from Happy Hollow to hear the preach -iug
Delia Newel is home again for a short
Albert Perry has sold his interest in
the faim to his brother and has goue to '
Portland to live. His genial oounten-1
ante will be greatly missed. 1
C. B. Hunter was seen
last Sunday.
in our midst
A. C. Newel leaves this morning to
travel in Washington for the Western
Yeast Co , of Portland.
Apr. 17. X
e are naving hue weather and cher
ries are in bloom.
There was a hard frist last
morning; ,annot tell how much damage j
ii um 10 iruti until later.
Considerable gardening is leind-
this nice weathrr.
V. B. Tapp ha
dried fruit '- -e vortland witn
. . at ....
iur. irilCliWU L.,.1 fn,ilr fr.-,m
,'. ' , 1 moved onto the Crone place
We are glad to welcome new
er to Clierrvviile, and h me that
I others ill find their way up here.
Claud JRaty is in Portland working in
a saw mill.
Arbor day was observed by the Cher-
lyvilie school by burning some of the
trash on the school grounds.
George Flynn is getting out timber for
a new picket fence around his garden.
April 15. Jack Fkost.
Mr. and Mrs. Doty gaye a party to
their many friends in Bolton last week,
Songs, recitations and games were in
dulged in by all, after which a splendid
lunch was served, consisting of coffee,
cake and ice cream.
Edward Johnson, Jr., sold his house
and lot to Frank Doty. -Mr. Johnson
will make his home with his father-in-law
daring the summer.
The Literary Society feels proud of its
team for winning the second debate
from the Oregon Citv boys; and well
they may be, lor the boys had a hard
team to go against, and in their own
home, and yet our boys received all the
Miss Kate Hoffman is stopping with
Mrs. Block, in Oregon City, for ths pres
Claud and Clyde Hughes hare a roos
ter that they take great pleasure in
showing to their friends. They have
Utifht him many tricks. There is no
doubt bat be is a cracker jack.
Misses Lena Burner and Edith HeinU
and Mr. Henry Schink, of Oregon City,
were visiting friends in Bolton last Son-
day. Jcua.
April 18.
V. toiia ut Ctirier-Hsrali 11
i Sunshine and shower, but the ehow
eis pie vail at pieseiit.
I i bjui uj unig on as last bb me
' ci. angcaute weather will permit.
Orel arils are in full bloom, and unless
Jack Frost vitits us ti o often there will
be en al undant fruit crcp.
Porn, on April 12th, to the wife of G.
W. Johnson, a nine pound boy.
Mr. J. a. Owen, of Albanv. has been
8ts.ying with Mr. W. T. Cotty the past
Miss Clara Cotty has goue to visit her
sister, Mrs. Grace Leabo, at Astoria.
1 Mr. Karr and family, of Harmony
came up Sunday to visit their daughter,
Mrs. A. Johnson.
Frank E. Griffeth, who has been work
ing at Kelso, Wash., for some time,
made his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Gritfeth, a short visit last week.
; A fiee lecture was given at the school
house on the evening of" the 17th by
Professor Griffeth, of Portland ; subject,
"Phrenology in the school room."
Perry Hunter has bought a new bicy
cle. Everett Hubbard and Herman Oel-
schlager star ed for the Buckley, Wash.,
logging camps on the 17.
Ed Nelson is haying some of his land
Mrs. Mary Young has bought a
from J. E. Ueardorf.
Our new preacher, Rev. Mr. Lease, of
Portland, is ex peered to move into the
parsonage nest week.
Babe and his bike have been trying.to
part company the past week. Belter
have it repaired, Babe, and then you
will succeed better.
Rev. W. J. Bowerman, former pastor
oi this circuit, has moved into the house
owned by C. J. Randle, of Pana, 111.
Apr. 18. Jip.
Kamuel Hamilton Curry died on the j
morning of April 14, of catarrhal fever.
He would have been 63 the 3d of May.
He was married Nov. 1, 1882, to Susan
Rebecca Hallowell in West Virginia.
Tht-y were a very devoted couple, and
no one can tell how she will miss him.
But the has a fiiend that sticketh closer
than a brother, on whom she will de
pend. Mr. Curry was a follower of
Christ for 5 years and a member of the
Presbyterian church. His last words
were' All is well with me." He has a
sister, Mrs. Caroline Sims, and two half
I brothers, Green and Calvin Dolan, all
01 "0m re8,de la tl,e hU de WM 8
meu,b'r of the G- A. R., so the soldieig
" out' and il 80 happened that our
pastor, Rev. A. Hawley. wag sick, and
the one who took his place was Rev. B.
J. Hoadley, a G. A. R. man also. The
text waa 2 Cor., 5:1. Here is oneie
mark of Mr. Curry's af er returning to
West Virginia and spending one winter.
He said: "Susan, if we live to get back
to Oregon, you bury me there among the
dowers, instead of here in ' '
Rev. Butler '
i.i. . , , m iarw iu
, the services at the WUelerT. Jne M. B,
- ioj part in
I Ill nun'
if e tr fficilJ and all
Willi Mr. Curry,
A Fi auJ S. S. Widiams, from Hope's
Store, Va., are guests af Mrs. Curry.
They happened to got here just a few
levs More Mr. Curry's eeath. They
!vm ;o like O.crou pretty wt.ll so fir.
The W. C. T. U. re-electvd most of the
officers. President, Mrs. C. F.
Clarke; vice-president, Mrs. Prettymau ;
,eoetarv, Miss S. F. Moht; treasurer,
Mrs. Harmon; evangeliet, Mrs. Kick
man; sunday-setiool aorii, .nrs. jouu-
son; mothers' depa'tuient. Mrs. Hum-
phrey; narcotics, Mrs. Longcoy ; parlor
meetiug, Mrs. Woodmansee; scietiiuic
instructor, Mrs. Hartnell; superintend
ent flower mission, Mrs. Prettymau ; as
sistant, Mrs. Humphrey ; superintend
ent literature, Mrs, Deacons; assistant,
Mrs. Woodmaneee; press work, Mrs.
Roadarmel. Ross Hiix.
April IS.
Rain, rain, rain I Farmers are begin
ning to wonder if it is always going to
The measles epidemic has about abat
ed and the quarantine bas been raised.
Miss Blanche Dyer is getting along
very successfully with tlie school a,t this
place. -
Mr. Baker and family left yesterday
for Pasadena, Cel., intending to make
the entire trip with team and wagon.
A. J.Maville is improving the appear
ance of his place very much by building
an addition to his house. He will com
mence building a house for Mrs. G. J.
TraUinger as soon as the weather is fa
vorable. Leslie Look intends to move from
Meadowbrook to Liberal soon. Ha will
move onto J. B. Jackson's place.
A petition is being signed to get the
road from the bridge to Silas Wright's
graded and graveled this spring.
Jim Hannegan was sowing a field to
fence rails last week. Says e will har
vest the crop when right sue for broom
handles, K, X. T.
April 13.
We desire to an r.ouiue to the people of Oregon
City and Clackamas County that we will re-"
move to the Masonic Building on Main Street
next to Oregon City Bank on or about , r
With a Complete Stock of
Dry G oods, Clothing,
Gents Furnishings,
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Trunks, Valises, Etc.
Main Street, Next to
fl I1T ...
. ... v., u. .ut.i.i.v, .a av vviuiii-
b:a Slough this week settling up his
father's estate.
Mrs. Manning and daughter, Katie,
were visiting in Highland the past few
The latest report is that there has ar
rived a fine violinist who has settled in
Clarke district. He is a near relative to
J. L. Gard and wife.
Jimmy Lyons, from Albany, was vis-
iting here last week
Bessie Lyons will return to Linn
county this week.
Over $1000 raised in Carus precinct
for the Mc lalla road. Molalla is yet to
hear from. Mulino is subscribing liber
ally. Charles Holinan says he will give
as much ab any man in Molalla to im
prove the road.
McCord has a new cook. The last one,
we understand, will open a boarding
house of her own.
JackCritzer goes to Eastern 0 regon
this week to work in a mill
The Daniels boys leave for the fibbing
grounds April 24.
April 17,
William Baker and family moved last
Tuesday from here to Beaver
where he has a wood cut '
-.ng contract.
Mrs. M. E " . . ... v
dan ' ' "ot)eEOn " visiting her
.iter, Mrs, Jennings, of Monitor,
this Week.
Rev, John May, of Oreson City,
ffe'jhed at the Salvation Army bar
racks here !a-t Sundav.
Mrs. P. E. B.mnev hns been OCtifSned
v . . 1 ... . 1
I to her room wr.h a tevere ilinesa hr
some time, but is slowly improving at
this writing.
; There was a socul dance at the Alli-
ame hall last Wednesday night, which
, would have pat-sod o!F pleasantly had it
not en for that jug of hard cider.
April 19. An Ms.
; Grange Meeting,
I Wednesday, April 12, was a red letter
jay or tie grangers ol Clackamas couu-
ty, fliey naj xeT reguiur quarterly
i meeticg at Lcgan, with Hurding grange
Harding grange is the best equipped
and attended grange in the couuty,
which helped to make the county meet
ing all the more a success in all ways.
Owing to the bad condition of the
roads, and long distance some had to
come, many were late in arriving.
Many would have done better had they
did asthe master; come theday before.
Nevertheless a good time waa had by all.
The beet of attention and interest was
shown. The leading feature of the meet
ing was the life insurance, which is be
ing started in this state. Nearly all are
taking out policies, and it is sure to be a
success. As to the cheapness andfra
ternal plan, it has no equal.
As is always the case, a large number
were let into the secrets of the order,
which was followed by a fine banquet
which fairly made the table groan under
its many delicious things so appeasing
to the appetites of the hungry hayseeds.
A. F. Miller, of Sell wood, was in at
tendance in the interests of the life in
surance. Mrs. Sbattack and son were
over from Greeham, and were much
pleased to see the interest manifested in
grange work in this county.
Apr. 17. Oca,
Tn MlUtoat Tear.
When people bay, try nd boy again,
it means they're satisfied. The people
of the United States are now baying
Cascsrets Candy Oathartie at the rata of
two million boxes a year and it will be
three million before New Years. It
. k moll de,hUui .,0, for
evervbodv the year round. All drna
gists 10. 25, 50e a box, core goamteed.
Harding's Drug Store
MilS Mai V JrneR Vina rainrnorl tVn
Mrs. Looney's little daughter arrived
yesterday to isit with her grandma,
Mrs. J. A. Jones.
Miss Cora Waldron left Wednesday
for a month's stay with her aunt, Mrs,
Hicken, of Liberal. :
Miss Adella Kraeft leftTuesday morn
ing to remain a week or two with her
aunt, Mrs. Minnie Pittinger, of Port,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strow bridge will
leave Thursday evening for Sherman
county. They will remain at the saw
mill where Mr. Strowbridge hag his po
sition until harvest, when they will as
sist in harvesting. They are accompa
nied by their eon, George, and little
daughter. Wednesday noon they ap
peared at the school house with cakes
and baskets of popcorn and grapes with
which to treat the school children in
uonor oi waster George's last day. It
wil1 1,6 remembered as a very bright and
pleasant day by the children, thongjx.
all were sorry to tell George good. 'DTft
A number of ;ung men f.ou Oregon
City passed through yesterday on a fish
ing excursion. ot
April 20,
Sealed HUl4.
Sealed bids will bo received by the
board of county commissioners of Clack
amas county for the construction of a
queen truss bridge on Upper Eagle
creek, about ten miles above Eagle
Creek postoffice, said bridge to be a 72
foot span, I; h a lent 10 feet high ort
tha south end and one 8 feet high on
the north end. Said bridge to be built
of good, sound material and in a work-,
manlike manner.
Bids to bo op-ned May 3.1, 1S09, at 2
o'clock p m.
The hoard reserves the right to reject,
a iy or all bids.
By order of the hoard of comtHiosiou
ers. ELMER DIXON, Clerk.
By E. H. CoopKR, Deputy-
Sealed Bids.
Sealed bids will be received by the
board of county commissioners of Clack
amas county for a physician who will
furnish all medicines, medical attend
ance, appliances, and perform all surgi
cal operations for the county poor and
inmates of the county jail form May 6th,.
1899, until July 2d, 1900. Bids to be
opened May 4th, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m.
The board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
By order oi the board of commission
ers. ELMER DIXON, Clerk.
By E. II. Cooper, Deputy.
Teachers' Xotice.
Notice la hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of all
persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, ths county sohool super
intendent thereof will hold a public ex
amination at the court house, Oregon
City, Oregon, Wednesday, May 10th,
commencing at 1 o'clock P. M. Applica
tions for state papers will be received
Thursday, May 11, 1899, at 9 o'clock
A. M.
Dated this 17th day of April 1899.
N. W.Bowlasd,
County School Snperintendent, Clack
amas County, Oregon.
I have now in my hands funds appli
cable to the payment of road warrants
endorsed prior to April 13th, 1S99.
Interest will cease on same from the
date el this notice,
Jacob Shads,
Countv Treasnm
Clackamas County, Or,