8 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1899. BOARD OP I'OMMiSSIOSERS. Kejulur April Term or tie County Bbftrfi. S. F. Marks, chairman; J. It. Morton, TC. Scott, commissioners. Be it remembered, that at a regular session of the board of (ftjunty coniinis eibnerg for tlio county if Clackamas, grate of Oregon : Began and held in the court house of said county and state on Wednesday, th 8th ly o( March. 18119. the same be ing the regular time fixed by said board for holding a lOjulnrsesBion of said board for the transaction of county business. Present; Honorable S. j Marks,, com missioner.; Honorable J. K. Morton, coiiiiuisisiuiier; Honorable Richard .Scott, commissioner, and Elmer Dixon, cleik and J.' J. Cooke, sheriff. When the lol lowinc proceedings were bad to-wit: In the matter of the application of Ole MikkleBon for powder in road district No. !S8; now comes Ole Mikkleson before the lioaid and represents to die board that their disirict was allowed $100 in October, 1 81)7, and that they had never received the same andthat said district needi d some powder to clear out the Hood View road, and the board being fullv advised, it H ordered that said dis trict be allowed 1500 pounds of puwder with the new wary (use and caps. In the matter of the (lanugo) suit of Ernest Bo chiiian vs. Clackamas county. Now comes suid Kitiest Buei hu an by his attorm ys and offers to settle said suit for the sum of $8oil, and costs ainonnting to fl'MO, ami the boaid being fully ad vised, it is oideied that said offer be ac cepted and the cleik iH heteby instructed to issue a variant for said amount in favor ('f Ernest Hoechmaii. In the matter of Brigham for a rebate of taxes. Now comes Briglintn by his attorney W IS U'Ben, and petitions the boaid for a rebate of a portion of tho cost on certain delinquent taxes and the board not being ful'y advised, it is ordered Unit said matter be laid ov r un til the May teun of the board. In the m ilter nl building a bridge on upper Kaglo Creek or. the line between road districts 8 and. f(. Now comes Messers, Paulsen and Miller before the board and len'esent that they have about complited a road on both sides of said creek at their own expense (of HDout f 1000', when completed and in consideration of said work they ask the county to build them a bridge across said erei k and the hoaid being fully ad vised, it is oidered that when road is completed the county will build said bridge. In the mutter of the petition of Ed Graves, etal, for a countv road; this matter having been laid over from 'he March term, and the Board being fully advised, it is or dered that Chris Kocher, U W Prosser and Dave McArthur be and are hereby appointed asvieweis to meet.at place of beginning on the 20th day of A pi i 1 , 1800, and subscribe to a written oath of olhVe administered by E P Bands, a skillful surveyor, be being appointed by the boaid to gnrvi-y said road, before pro ceeding to view ami locate suid road and report in writing at the next regular term of this hoard. In the matter of the request of C F Clark of road district No 2 in regard to distribution of load money. Now comes C V Clark and VepresentB to the board that it would be for the best interests of Ids district to have the road monev of their district used on the trunk road at Clackamas, tinnnyside and Happy Hollow. Ami the hoHrd being fully satis lied, it is ordered that the road money of said district be spent on extension of tn.nk lincB where most traveled. In the matter of the petition and sub scription list from load district No 5). This matter coming on now to be beard and the hoard being fully advired, it is ordered that ($1(0) one hundred dollars be allowed said district. In the mailer of the opening of the change in the Ihiyton and Oregon City road. Now comes P A Baker and G E Hayes before the board and represent that said road should be opened at once, and the board being fully advifed, it is ordered that suid road be opened at once, and tho clerk is directed to issue the necessary orders to Supervisor Aden of district No 81. In the matter of the resignation of Fred Sohall'or, as supei visor of road dis trict No 'Z'l, it Is ordered by the boaid that the resignation of Kred Schaffer as mipei visor in district No 22, he accepted, and that Wbert Engle be appointed to till said vacancy, In the matter of aid for Mrs. Walker an indigent person, it iB ordered by the hoard that Mrs. Walker be given an mler on I he Bed Front Trading Com pany for !r7.B0 worth of goods. n the matter of building a bridge in road district No 25, It is ordered by the noard that Supervisor Barth of said ilis trict.bo ordered to build Baid biidge. lilt. 1.8 AI.1.0WKD. In the matter of the psyment of claims tiled against Ciackamaa county, the hoard of county commissioners having examined said claims and being fully atislled, it is ordered by the board that 'he clerk shall isBiie warrants on the general fund in favor of the persons for ilie amounts hereinafter specified in oaynteut of said claim ; Hli Williams, assessor's ac $100 00 .1 G Potter " " 75 0t) 'times V Nelson " ' 72 00 N Blair . " " , . J.S 00 K 1. Pollock " " 48 00 i E Williams " " 27 00 ' G Porter bal due for March .... 22 08 Courier-Herald stationery and supplies) 32 37 Courier Herald bal on tax receipts 27 00 " " county court 15 00 Enterpriso " " 15 yo N'oblitfs stables insane no etc. . . 10 50 OTA T Co telephone ac 3 (U) T 8 Lawrence court house no. ... 48 60 V W Bowland school supt ac... 207 60 I'ress assessors blanks 12 00 IV (t Parker insane ac 5 00 ''aril A Summer Insane ac 10 00 A A Sotnmer " " 6 00 CTCo freight on scrapers.... 3 50 'ustice court district No, 4 State vs George Kirk ') Nchubel j p 10 00 4 F McCown constable 13 10 lian Stricklin witness........... 4 30 .'.latt Kandle " 5 10 'ouii Callahan " 4 30 tobert Rutherford " 4 SO Maggie Martin 3 00 frank Welsh " 1 70 Cd Harrington 3 90 Inelo Card " 3 00 William Davis juror 1 20 Daniel Williams " 1 20 W 8 Forbes " 1 20 M E Willougbby " I 20 H Kalston " 1 20 Justice court distiict No 4 State ysDavid Habb C (ehuebel j p .. 10 50 E L Shaw constable 9 00 .Morton Mortimore witness 1 70 Olive Mortimore " 1 70 Grace Williams " : I 70 Emma Thompson " 1 70 Haitie Wonder " 1 70 Stella Ramsby " 1 70 J B Preston " 1 70 George Young juror 1 20 John Young " . . . ... 1 20 Thomas Miller " 1 20 T B Hankins " 1 20 Henry Cooke " 1 20 Herbert Thome " 1 20 Justice court district No 19 State vs Charles A. Reynolds W W .less j p $ 10 75 F M Watkiiie constable 0 10 Philip Weismandel witness 2 00 Christ Weismandel " 2 00 Charley Weismendal " 2 00 Ed Kings " 3 10 i W Soamlin " 2 70 Ernest Klarr " 3 10 George Seheer " 3 10 Charles Kiaikberger " 3 10 A W Riggs jurymen 1 00 William Covey " 1 00 E H Eamsley " 1 00 G B Fox " 1 0; J O Walker " 1 00 Chris Kocher " 1 00 Justice court district No 4 State vs W Alhee and I' red Helm CSi huhel j p $ 3 65 E L Shaw constable 2 40 Justice court district No 7 Jury list W W Jesse j p $ 3 00 Groige U Fox 2 00 Charles Iloyis 2 On C E Burns account Boys and Girls Aid Societv 5 20 N W Bowland institute ac 3 00 Mrs L Winesett, pauper ac 25 00 Justice couit district No 13 State vs Renin T G Jonsrud j p $ 3 70 Gilheit Jonsi ud constable 4 10 Anton Malar witness 2 00 M Keisii-ker " 3 10 State va Christian Morelock, coroner's inquest Hiram Straight juror $ 1 20 Amos Leamann " 1 20 T M Miller . " 12) W H Young1 " .... ... 1 20 Frank Winslow " 1 20 G H Yout g " 1 1 -M George Scliwing witness 2 00 J P Gengler " 2 90 Thomas rt Mann " 2 10 ieorge Ridgeway " 2 10 J F Small! y " 1 70 Andreas Ih-ngler 3 10 M C Strickland coroner 21 80 Ed Shaw constable 11 50 M C Strickland autopsv 10 00 G B Dimick district att'y 5 20 G H Young cartage - 6 00 Oregon City Hospital pauper ac. 23 50 Inquest on the body of George Hoen, deceased R I)' Wilson jurymen $ 1 20 W H Young " '1 20 GH Young " 120 Frank Winslow " 1 20 Amos Leamann " 121 HirHin Straight " 1 20 Walter Bradley witness 1 70 Carl Church " 1 70 Don Meldrum " 1 70 Blanche B.iin 1 70 Grace Tower " 1 70 Robert Caufield " ' 1 70 W G Parker " 1 70 E A Summer " 1 70 W E Carl I " I 70 Mary Sunnier " 1 70 M C Strickland coroner 20 80 E L Shaw constable 9 70 G B Dimick dist att'y 5 20 R L Russell pauper ac 5 0,) H Straight " 10 00 Bellomy & Busch c h ac 4 50 P Nehren c h ac 3 00 Red Front Trading Co. 7 50 Justice court district No 14 State vs George Brown H i Gibsoii j p 7 80 Constable 1 00 George Foreman witness 2 10 E H Burcbard " 2 30 M Preston " 2 30 Gabrel Norris "- 2 50 Charles Bartlemay " . ... 150 Marion Henkle " 1 50 J L Newell " 8 70 Josiah Osborn " 2 50 8 J Landon " 2 50 Roy Forman " 2 10 W A Huntley sup 84 90 J J Cooke boarding prisoners. ... 24 30 W H Young sheriff ac 1 00 W L Miller " " 2 00 T B Hankins " ' 10 50 ON Greenman hauling 2 00 UOAD HKl'ORTS Al'l'ltOVKD. In the matter of the payments of claims filed agaiiiBt Clackamas county; the board of county commissioners hav ing examined said claims and being fully satisfied, it is ordered by the board that the clerk shall issue warrants on the general and road hinds in favor of the persons for the amounts hereinafter specified in payment of said claims: Road district No 1,W H Ooiinsell, super visorLabor on Milwaukio and Ba ker's Ferry road. E Lyons and team $10 50 W ll Counsel 1 5 00 W II Counsoll and team 375 W S Payne, rep plow and grader. 1 25 Total $20 50 Tools on band one grader, one plow, four Blip sermiers and one pick, Iload district No 2, U S Blakney, super visor U S Blakney and team $3 50 ltoad district No 3, A W Cooke, super visor Henry Hilleary, lumber $8 80 Uoad distiict No 6, J H Revenue, super visor Vigorit Powder Company, Towder, fuse, etc $205 20 Road district No 11, John E Smith, su pervisorLabor on Holcomb, For sythe, and Baker's Ferry roads and material on Foreythe bridge. John E Smith $12 00 W Forsythe I 60 L I) Mumpower 1 50 F Brown 75 FFurgueon.. 75 Kph iurgneon. 75 II Faubian 75 J E Witsig 3 00 R L Russell, mattock 100 J A Jones, lumber 8 IS Wilson A Cooke, spikes 50 Total. .(30 66 Road district No 13,. W H Mattoon, supervisor Labor on Viola hill. Y C Jubb $3 00 WC Ward 3 00 BO Ward... ; 3 00 W H Mattoon 4 00 Pope & Co, fuse and caps 1 75 Pope & Co, hardware 1 25 . Total $16 00 Road district No 14, A Mautz superyisor Labor on Highland road. John Dixon ?3 00 Mat Hamilton.... 75 A Mautz : 3 00 Total $6 75 Tools on hand at the end of the month three stone hammers. Road district No 15, R II Tabor, super visorLabor on the New Stringtown road. R H Tabor . .$7 00 George Broughton, lumber 1 41 Total $8 40 Road district No 10, C H Foster super visor Vigorit Powder Co, powder $53 90 Ro'd district No 18. M E London super visor Labor on Molalla road. J W Jones $3 00 M E London 4 00 T J L-wis 3 00 j J W Jones 3 00 ! M E London and team 7 00 M E London 1 00 ' Lindslev & Son, lumber 7 70 WilHon '& Cooke, nails 2 00; Total $30 70 Road district No 22 Report of volun teer work on Ramsby and Engle road not signed by road supervisor. Roail district No 23, W. J. Miller, super visor W J Miller .. $4 00 Rond district No 20, J R Shaver, super visor Labor on Molalla and Canby mail. LS'ehmanand team $0 25 L Stehman 5 25 Total.... $11 50 Road district No 27, J A Stanton, super visor Labor on Shuck Mill and Glad Tidings road. Blufard Stanton and team .. Blu'ard Stanton W M Bird Bremer Otto August Geerman. G B Pdwel! Olie Rye with team Olie Ronning John Wormdnhl Peler Wormdall P J Anderson and tearn . . . A B Anderson and team $13 50 1 50 8 25 1 1 50 50 2 4 2 3 3 25 60 25 00 00 50 4 4 2 50 A a Anierson z 20 95 Roy Phelps and tearn. 4 50 I'd ward Peterson and team 4 50 Peter Olson and team 3 00 William Jennings and team 3 00 William Jennings 3 00 W H Lenn with team 2 25 W H Lenn 3 00 Nick Rirdcher ? 25 Dan Lee I 12 P H Thompson team 4 50 J A Stanton 23 00 Total $106 62 Tools on band at end of the month two slush scrapers and one plow. Road district No 29, CDF Wilson, su vervisor Lahor anil material on Stroup bridge and repairing culvert. Mat Baun $ 1 50 FredYergen 1 60 Otto Knorr 2 00 CDF Wilson 4 00 Geo Broughton, lumber 23 36 Total $33 86 Tools on hand at end of month t wo scrapers in district, but not as yet in mv possession. Can get them at any time i need them. Road district No 31 'John Aden, super visor Libor on Johnson and Sharp road, Moser grade and Bockman mountain road. John Aden $20 00 John Johnson and team 15 00 John Wilken and team 13 50 Fred Moser 3 75 Sam Moser 2 25 Chailes Thompson 4 50 Sam Gross 4 50 F Gross 4 50 Ernest Bockman 5 25 John de New 3 00 Sam Moser, 510 rails B 25 John Lewellen, rep bridge 3 00 Total $85 50 Tools on hand at end of month I road plow, 1 No 1 road scraper, 1 No 2 road scraper and 1 road grader. Road district No 35, S R Taylor, super visor Lahor 011 Silverton road. George Parelen 3 75 Paul Si vder , 4 50 Arthur Parelen 4 60 Total $12 75 Tools on hand at end of mouth three, sciapers and I road plow. Road district No 30, Fred S Baker, supervisor. Labor on Ford and Bol ton road. F Martin and tean 3 00 F S Baker $0 00 Total (Continued next week.) .$9 00 His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominont citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon dio of Consumption, w hen I beard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't tay too much in its praise." This mar velous medicine is the surest and quick est cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. Two Million! a Year. When people buy, try,nd buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Years. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All drug gists 10. 25, 60c a box, care guaranteed. REALTY TRAN5ERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. O. McCown to C. K. Lewthwaite, lot 18, blk 11, Gladstone $100 J. Sims to H. A. Vorpahl, lots 3, 4 11, blk 9, Canby, and lots 3, 4, blk 14, Sims' add 450 R. Giesy to M. Giesy, s of swj of ee sec 30, 3s, le 1 G. W. Kidder to J. L. Mattocks, 21.15 a sec 26, 3s, le... ... ..... 800 E. Shank to A. Shank, 20.06 a sec 6, '3s, 3e, also 56 a W. 11. Fere- dier claim, 8s, 3e 1,000 J. and T. Kingsbury to W. A. Ja- rius, 3.50 a B. Smith claim, 2s, 3e 87 Unitid States to J. E. Currie, nw sec 12. 3s, 5e ...patent S. M. McCown to C. McCown, lot 18, blk 11, lots 13, 16, 19, 20, blk 12. lots 6 to 10, blk 15, lots 6 to 15, blk 18, lots 1,3, 4, 9 to 16, blk 3, lots 1,2, 6 to 11, blk 6, lots 7. 8, blk 7, lots 10,11, blk 9, also tract w of car line, Gladstone. .. 1 R. J. Beutel to W. J. McClellan, lot 7, Bentel's tract 3u0 A. C. Bender to O. J. Ehret, of e4 of swj of se1- sec 4, 4s, le. - 25 W. Timkin to J. Ticken, 197 a A. Stone claim, 3s, 3e 1,250 J. Marquam to T. F. Ryan, lot 9, blk 9, lot 17, blk 12, lots 13, 14, 17, 18, blk 13, Gladstone 200 M. J. Merriam to J. Tyler, 18 a J. Magoon claim 1,500 E. C. Oliapman to W. If. Pope, 83.85 a of claim 68, 2s, 2e 1,600 sme to same, tract described in Matlock will ' 1 Same to same, tract in Matlock claim, 28, 2e 1 E. B. Quint to O. W. Quint, lot 1, blk 1, Barlow 225 J. J. Hatton to G. Hanson, 40 aof claim 53, 2s, 3e 900 E. Henry to I. F. Beals, se sec 2, 4s. 5e 500 H. Hubler to J. Bishop, 5.32 a sec 36, Is, le 1,4(10 T. Hinder to G. Bluhm, 60 a sec 10, 3s. 2e 1,000 J. O. Davidson to L. M. Davidson, tract J. A. Oullard claim, 2s, le.' 1,500 F. A. Bobna, by assignee, to J. E. Elliott, tract see 9, 2.s, 3e ,300 M. J. Nelson to F. E. Jackson, 11 a sec 29, Is, 3e 600 J. M. Groshong to J. Trullinger, 1 8 sec 17, 68, 2e 5 J. W. MilW to C. Senn, 40 a sec 28, Is, 5e 500 C. B. Williaas to J. Z. Erickson, - nej of ne4 sec 15, 3s, 2e 500 E J. Winter to E. J. Graham, sw M of eej and sej of sw) sec 26, Is, 3e 10 R. W. Hoyt to C. A. Caldwell, 81 a sec 36, Is, le 6,250 A. R. Blood to F. E. Davidson, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 11, S. Oswego. .. 125 J. H. Roadaruiel, by sheriff, to J. T. Strite, lot 1, sec 3, 4s, 4e 350 A. M. Diaper, tax deed, to E. F. Smith, lots 7, 8, blk 2, Parkplace 3.44 J. T. Fullom to J. P. Fullom, 2-3 of 97 a claim 68, 3s, se 800 W. Weisz, by sheriff, to E. M. Shuw, w of ne and v& of sw sec 2, 5a, 3e 190 R. S. Robinson lo A. Schoenborn, 77.40afecl9, 3s, lw 65.50 O. B. Hanson to J. Erickson blk 13, S. Oswego 150 MARKET ItErOltTS. PORTLAND. (Corrected on Thursday.) Flour Best $2.903.20j graham' $2.65. Wheat Walla Walla 5859c; valley 58c; blueetone 5900c. Oats White 4546c ; gray 42 43c. Barley Feed $22; brewing $22. Millstuffs Bran $17; middlings $22; shorts $18; chop $16. Hay Timothy $S9; clear $78; Oregon wild $6. Butter Fancy creamery 50c; sec onds 4045c; dairy, 32(g42'c; store, 2027kc. Eggs 15c. Poultry Mixed chickens $44.50; hens $4 505; springs $3 504; geese, $68; ducks $7; live turkeys 12 13.c; dressed, 1416o. Che se Full cream 12)0 per pound; Young America 15c. Potatoes Burbanks $1.?51.50 ;Early Rose $1.101.25; sweets 22c per pound. Vegetables Beets 90c; turnips 75c per sack ; garlic 7c per lb ; cabbage $1 .25 160 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 75c per dozen ; parsnips 75c per sack ; celery 7075c per dozen; asparagus 67c; peas 67c per pound. Onion's 75c (S$l. Apples $1.25$1.75. Dried fruit Apples evaporated 45i sun-dried sacks or boxes 33sC ; pears sun and evaporated 56c; pitless plums 45fec; Italian prunes 3(g4c; extra silver choice 56. oregon cnr. Corrected on Thursday. Wheat, wagon, 52c. Oats, 46. Potatoes, $1.00 to $1.35. Egg" 13u to 15c per dozen. Butter, 30 to 50c per roll. Onions, 70 to 90c per sack. Dried apples, 4 to 5c per pound. Dried prunes Italians, 3ic; petite and German, l?4'c. Green apples, 85c to $1.25 per box. I M X 5? I (EhiSdre They do not complain of j te K K v , " tt ? 6' t ft? It tt V t.' f a? i K K If anything in particular. ihey -2 eat enough, but keep thin and X Eale. They appear fairly well, j ut have no strength. You j cannot say they are really st sick, and so you call them delicate. j5 Whatcanbedoneforthem? Our answer is the same that the best physicians have been j giving for a quarter of a cen- J tury. Give them ie Scefl'S EEil!Sfii of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- it phosphites. It has most re- 3 markable nourishing power, It gives color to the blood. It - brings strength to the mus- " cles. It adds power to the nerves. It means robust health and vigor. Even deli- catev infants rapidly gain in jf flesh if given a small amount J three or four times each day. 'n 50c. and $1.00 ; alt druggists. '2 SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. 2 IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper yout rooms . and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Kros. store on upper 7th streeth. SHER'FF'S SALE OM EXECUTION In tli" Circuit C mrt of the Plate of Oregon, for the Cuilnty of i.atk uimb. 8iilucy Smyth and Y. P. Randall, Plaintiff, 1 vs. Jameti W. Shaw and James Shaw, Dtifenihtnt. State of Oregon, County of Clackxraas, a. BY VIRTUS DP' AN ATTACHMKMT Exe cution and order of pale duly issutnl out of and nndor the seal of the above entitled Court, in Ihe above en til led cause, to mo duly directed and dated the 11th day of April, 189l,upon a judgment rendered and entered in aald court on the 3rd day of May, 1808, In favor of Sidney SmyihandT, P. Randall, Plaintiffs, and against Jitmea W, Shaw nnd Jamea Shaw, Defendants, for the aiim of i'WU UO, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 3rd day of May, 1S98, and the fur1 her sum of Sou as attorney 'a foe, and ihe further sura of $:lx.60 costa and disbursements, and the coata of and unou this writ, commanding me to sell the. following described real property of add defendant, being the property attached In wild action, viz: All of lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 , blk No.l ; YAn 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9, 10, U. blk 2; lotal, 2,3,4. 5,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, If), blk 3; lota 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8. blk 4; lota 1, 2, 3 4, blk (i; lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 17, IK. 19, 20, 21, 22, blk 7; lota 4,5, li. 7, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, lfl, lti, 17, 18. 19. 20, 21, 22, blk 8: lots 1, 2. 3 4, 5. 6. 7, 8. 11, 10. 11 . 12. 13, IS, l(i, blk !); lot- 1, 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7, 8. 9, blk 111. being In Slniw'a a rat addition lo Oregon City. All situ ated In the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and 1 will, ou SATURDAY, THE 18th DAY OF MAY, 1899 at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at Iho front door of the couniy court house in the (-it'' of Oregon City, lntmid county tind state, fell at public auc tion, sul jtt lo redemption, lo the highest Udder, for U. 8. sold cn.n eah in hand, all ihe right, title and ititeresl whii h the wit in named d fend antaor either of th 'tii ht 1 on the date of the at tachment herein or since had in an 1 to the above describe 1 real pr perty or any part thereof, to SHthfy said execuliou, ju lament order, decree, iuteresl, c iste and all tucruliig costs. J J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon . Da'ed Oreg in City, 0e .April 11, Mi. In the '!rcnlt Court of the State of Oregon for the County of CUcktimas. Leolie Blair, P'aintiff, vs. Johniithon It. Blair, Pefeiidanl To Johnathan B. Blair, the defendant above named: IS Tllf NAME I F THE STATE OFOKFfiON, Yon are hereby requited lo appear and answer the complaint filed ajiainst you in the above en titled cciutt in this raiise within six weeks from the date of Ihe first publication of Ihls summon, that ia to say, o.i or before the lo'h day of April, lsiej, the first publication of this summona being on tile 3d day of March, 1899, and the last on the Htn any or April, miv, ana II yon Ian to answer Pin iu1 ill will apply to the court for Iho relief prayed for iu the complaint, to-wit : That the ronils of inuirimonv heretofore and now eii&t irg between pluinl n" and defendant be dissolv ed ; that plnlutitt hae the custody and control ( f their miii'T ehiiil ; that she have her costs and disbursements herein, mid aueh other and furth er relief as shall seem meet in the premises. This summons is published pursuant to an order of Ihe Hon. Thus, F. Hyan, county Judge of i 'lucka mus county, Oregon, grunted on March 1st, 1899, prescribing and ordering publication of this aummona ouce a week for six weeks, HlilXiKS & GKltFiril. Attorneys for Plaintiff. ADMIMSTIUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appoint ed administrator of the estate of Henry Kllae, deceased, by tho Honorable Connly Court of Clackamas Bounty, Oregon. All perfons having claims Rgainat said estate are hereby notitled to present the mine to me for payment at my home near Liberal postothce.Olaekam.is county, Oregon, with proper vouehera therefor, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 22nd day of March, 1M9. WILLIAM H. HUSBAND, Administrator of the (state of Henry Kllae, deooaaed. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by thecounty court, of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, to be the executrix of the last will and teatament of James O. Wilson, deeeaatd, and that ahe has qualified as auch. All persona having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to preae ut the same to Ihe underaigned at her residence at Milwaukie in said county of Ciackamaa within six (6) mouths from Ihe first publication of this noticH. MARGARET A. WILSON, Executrix of the last Will and. Testament of Janies A. WUaon, deceased. Ftulon, Brnnangh A Mulr, Attorneys for Estate A HOME FOR $10 PER MONTH. Consisting of 4 lots, good gardes spot, running water the year round, S room house, good cellar, barn big; enough for two cows and 100 chickens, li blocks from court house. Price $800. (per cent interest. (7& cash down. For particulars inquire at this ofiica. Team and stock taken in exchtnte. f Delicate DIRECTORY CHURCHES. First Co rgre (rational; coiner V a)n and Eleventh streets hev.F. 8. Bollinger, pastor, eervicea 10:80 . m. mid 70 p m. tr'umiay schoo after morni ng seiviee. Prayer meeting ever Wednes day cv enmg al 7:30 r. in. Prayer meeting Y P.S.C.E. ever -Sunday t veiling at 6:i0p.m. First Baptist, corner Main and Ninth streets Kev. paslor. Morning seivtee, 10:30; Hinday ichtol, 11:45. Iveniiig service 7:80. Regular prayer meeting Thursday evening. Monthly covenant meeting every Wednesday evening prcoediug first Sunday in the month. St. Johii's, Catholic, corner Tenth street and river Rev. A Hillebnmd. ptislor. On Pun-", day, mass at 8 and 10:80 a. m. Every Sunday ' Herman sermon after 8 o'clock muss. At ail ' other masses English sermons. Sundav school 2:30 p. m. Vespers, Apologetical subjects and benediction at 1:30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal, corner Main and Sevenlh streets Rev. H. Oberg, pastor. i oniing servlee at 10:45, Sunday school at 1010. Evening service at 7:30, Epworth League Sun day evening at 0:30, prayer meeting Thursday service88 A'" meeting after morning Firs' Freshytorlnn, corner Seventh and Jefferson vr,tltSTlli,eV A- J-W''tgcry, I ustor. Ser ylcts at 11 .. I 7:80 p.m. Sabbath school IU a. m. Y. P. b. C. E. meets every Sundnv evening at 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting ahu?s-' day ev ning nt 8:00. " El'rmMi','"l;.v''',r'lV?',m'r KM'" Madison Uriels l(ev. J. Lvleh, pastor. Pieiichinir ever Sm.d,,- a. lla.m nnU7:80p m fl b bnlh sc hi ol i vi ty Mmdnv at 10 a. m Weeklv , prajei- melting neiy Wednesday evening. I'niietl Prcthn n. cirm r Eighth ami pierce ' blrci ts. Rev. A. J.Wnre paslor. eerv ees second anil fin,, ll, Mind,,,- Jr.,,,,,.. nrt ,eeVreCed- -ing Salmdiiy m e, ch month at 11 a m and 7 !;irm:,F!;!is"v,,,",,"y "'H-Jof'.-.i -, ! , ,' .?.'-,,;n'1 7:80 p',m B'""el oo! at lO EvnngellcnM.uihernii.Zioii Congregation corner 1 tig lull and Jefferson strects-ReV R," Z ' pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m Servi, at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. . bervlees ; G7,Ti Lo'thr,;",1'01'loS "'"'.cotnerof Elshth, i end J. Q Adams slreets -Rev. Ernest J W 1 Mack, pastor. J' v- ; M. K. South Kev. T P. Hanes tui.i. . t, Sunday nt United Brethren" Church ' hlrd ' Free Mcthoi 1st Rev. J. W. Fldrldiro . ' Preach ng first and third Tnef "at l a m" ' Prayer meeting Every Thnrsdv evening Flyv He "e'd '" t'"'"Siunr ehu ohi SOCIETIES. List of All Societies in this County With Alerting; Place and Date. -OREGON CITY. Falls C'ty Lodge No. 159 of A. O. U. W. - Every tMiliiuhiy evei ing in A. o. U. V. hall on Sev enth street. . Oregon I., d No. 3, 1. o. O. F.-Eyery Thursday evening t odd f el'ows' hall. Falls Encampment No. 4, I. O. n. F First and thiril Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' hall. W Illume lie Ri In kars Degree Lodge No. 2 The- seei ml mid Inmth Frlilas In 1.0. 0, F hall Mi.lineuiiih Lodge f o. 1, A. K. A A M -Regular communications n tirst and third Saturdays. MMtle Lndee No. 21, U. of II .-Every Friday in Willamette hall. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, F. A. M.-Regular con vocation third Mondai. Court Robin Hood No. 8320, F. of A. -Willamette hall on si coud and fourth Fridays, Pioneer Chapter, No.2S, O. E. 8. Masonic Tem ple on Tuesdays. W.'l.1.a!S,yt!!.CflnipN"148 W.of W,-First and third Fridays in Willamette hall. Modern Woodmen of America, Camp No 5606 meets second and foin til Tuesdays at Willam ette hall, Falls Grove Circle No. ,12, W. W.-Wllamett hall, luesday eveulngs. Waeheno Tribe, No. 13, L o. R. M.-Tuesday eve ning nt Kedmeu's hull, Juggar building. Meade Post, No. G. A. R.-FIrst Monday of each, month at Willamette hall. Meade Relief Corps. No. 18.-Mnets at Wl Ham ette halt on the first Monday at 2 p. m , and the third Mondny at 7:t0 p m, The auxiliary meets 2 ntne armory on first and third Saturdays at MoLotighlln Cabin No 4, Native 8on of Ore gon, meets at Willamette hall on second and lotiriu Monday evenirgs. 8t. John's Branch No. 617, C. K. of A. Every Tuesday evening at their hall. United Artisans, No. 7-Willamette hall every Thursday. Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M.-A. O. U. W. hall upper Seventh street, on secoud and fourth Mondays. Oregon City Board of 1 rade-At court house on Monduy in each month. Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. First Friday of each month at Fountain engine hons.-. Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 second Wednesday In each month at Fountain engine house. Catara-t Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each month at Cataraot engine house. Oregon I try Hose Co. No. 2 -Hose house on the- hill ihe third Tuesday of each month. Mt. View Hose Co. 4 Hose house at kly ville. COUNTY. Pig Iron Lodge Nn. 1;, A. O. U. W Every 1 hursday evening at Odd Fellows' hall, Oswego. Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. U. W.-FPst and third balurdava at school house, Molalla. Gavel Lodge No. Bis, A. O U. W.-8eeond and third Saturday evenings at Knight's hall, Canby. Claekumas Lodge, No. 57, A. O. V. W. First and third Mondays at Strite's hall, Clackamas. Sunrise l odge No. 43. A. O. IT. W. Second and louith Saturday at Wllsonville. MlstUttoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H.-Eve;y Tuesday evening. ' Rebekah lodge No. 71, I. O. O. F., of Oswego Thursday evenings. b Oswego Lodge No. 93, 1. O. O. F.-Odd Fellow' hall, Oswego, every Monday evening. Lone Pine Lodge No. 63, A. F. & A. M., of Logan. General Pope Post No. 52: 0. A. RFrst Satur day ol each month at llrange hall, Mulino. General Crook Post No. 22. U.A. r..-8ehool house at Needy on tirst Saturday in each month. Star Lodge No. 95, K. of P.-Every Wednesday evening in Castle hall. 3 Canby Lodge No. 504, 1. O. G. T.-Flrst and Third Saturday evenings at Knight'a Hall, Canby. Oswego Lodge No. 418, 1. O. G. T.-Every Friday evening in new hall iu old town. Cnnby Spiritualist Society-First and Third Sun days of each month. New Era W. (". T. U. First Saturday In each month at their hall iu New Era. Ppringwater No. 2t',3, P. of H.-On second Satur day after full moon. Canby Board of Trade-Knight's hall. Canby, on tirat and third Fridays. Molalla Grange No. 40, P. of II. Their hall at Wrights bridge ou the second Saturday of each month at 10 a. m. Tualatin Grange, No. Ill, p. of II. -l ast Saturday of euoh mouth at their hall in Wilsonville. Warner Grange No. 117. P. of H.-Fourth Satur- day of each month at Ihelr hall in New Era. Butte Creek Grange No. 82, P. of II. At hall in Marquaui second Saturday Iu each mouth. Oswego Grange No. 175, P. of H.-Socond Satur day in each month. Damascus Grange No. 2C0, P. of H.-Flrst Satur- day in mouth in Damascus school house. Teazel Creek No. 25 , P. of II.-Third Saturday in each month. ' Boise (Orvllle) No. 2S0, P. of H. Second Satur day in month. "month11 N' "C1, P" ' A'First Saturday in Barlow No. 262, P. of H.-FIrst aud third Satur day in month. Seirrlarie, of Smetlr, are kindly reqtirtled to nofty the eihlor oj any chanye in nfucrs or meeting date. In the Justice Court for district No. 4,Ctackamss County, Oregon. Charles Albright, Jr., plaintiff T.i'JM;r0,( l",te,der,,11 loi keteader, hi wife, defendants. To A. M. Docksteader and Dockateader, his wife, the above named defend- u.u.v-;i me oiBie oi vregon, you an each of you are hereby required to an near .i, k ,.,TP" "Kainai yon tn the above entitled action on or before May 8th 1899, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you on .. ...... . v.u ssirKnug iue aum OI S32.0S for goods sold and delivered, and for the coats and disbursements of this action. Tbisanmmons is published for six weeks by order of C Schnebel, justlcs of the peact In the above en titled court, made on the loth dav of March. 199 -T i .... ... UVUU, March I AttoratT for Plaintiff.