Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 14, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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.". P&f&
-legal and r Official Newspaper
orciackamai'Coun.- I
gtuWe 1 In Oregon Cltypontofflceas 2nd-claM matter
'Wfc jw
Idln .avanee per year..
' ii month. . . . .
Three mouths' trial .VVi'
atlsFThe date opposite; ' jfo'lfr ttddrenl OB the
WW uonoies me iijnuio waicn. yon nave pua.
t. iADVERrmMtilATES,. if
Standing business aWertiserrlenW: "Per month
1 inch II , 2 inches 1.50,'8 Inches $175, 4 Indies
42, 6 Indies (column) i'l.'li. 10 inchest 'Xcolumn)
1, 20 Inches (euiiimn) $, jea'ly contracts lO.per
eill 16KB. : ' . ' i V
Transient advertisements: Per week 1 Inch
50o, i Inches 76c, Inches f L, 4 inches 1 25,0
Jnches 91.60, 10 Inches WMi, 2Q inches 5 .. ..
Legal advenisemunts: Pei'lnoii first Inser
tion fl, esch additional insertion 50c. Aflllavlls
of publication will not ho furnished until pub
lication fees are paid.
uiciu nonces; five cents per line per wcck
per month 20o,
1 1
To Suliscrilters.
The Cor it t e r- H e r a i. d lias put no ac
counts in any agent's hands tor collec
tion, but we uuderstaud Mr. Fitch lias
attempted to collect some of his back
accounts in this way.' We have nothing
to do with theee. The dale opposite
your name on the paper represents the
time to which you have paid. If any
rrora occur we are ever ready to correct
Is 1894 the democratic party paid the
penalty of Olevelandism, by being over
whelmingly defeated in the elections of
ttbat year, but the Chicago platform so
vitalized the party in 1896 that it took a
campaign fund believed to approximate
twenty millions to pull the Hannu-Olevej
t Jand-Belmont- McKinlev crowd through.
'- ' W. J. Bhvan is the most popular man
..in politics iuthe-United States today,
and, next to Dewey, the most popular
American; Mr,; Bryan is entirely too
sly to be caught napping by Terry Bel-
mont nnd the balance, of the gaiigof
Wall-street "promoters." Water and
grease won't mix, you know. North
Yamhill Record.
A subscriber writes Irom California:
"It has ruined and I will pay my sub
scription", which is very suggestive and
we congratulate our California friends
on their good fortune in having it rain
in time to save their crops. It Oregon
subscribers were to come in and pay up
revery time it rained the Oregon editor
would be continually in cloyer.- Albany
The Orcgonian asserts that Carter
, IlarriHou's re-election sounds the death
knell of free silver, nnd yet Harrison
is one of tho shinnclit'Nt silver men in
tho country. . Whenever a man is elect
ed to ollice the big' gold trust papers and
associated prees pronounce him a sound
money man, If defeated a "free silver
anarchist." Their only argumont is
Tho Democrats of Michigan in con
vention assembled gave a strong person
fat endorsement to Mr. Bryan but bettor
still, llie-y declined their full faith and
belief in the Chicago platform' and es
pecially in its most contested paragraph!'
These are but straws which point Hie
.wajr to Ihii presidential contest of next
year when Americans will seek to ro
. coyer their ooiml itn tional rlgtit. Atlan
ta Constitution,
Tlmwia a ehlHs of metropolitan sub-
pkliwd papers) churning to be democrat
ic, which aie just now more energetic
than tver before in deniiinding an in
come lax, in crying out agaiust the groat
trust combinations, in decrying the im
peralistic policy of t ho present adminis
tration, iu condouiujug the present rot
ten tariff measure in all of, which is
very commendable. Thoy are braying
that 'silver is a dead issue" and are.try
ing awfully hard to bury the cold white
. corpse with these otfier questions. Be
ware of such newspapers; they are not
democratic; they are not honest, they
are not truthful, itliey are not even
' ' American they bear the brand and the
. umell of. tho ghouls, who infest WU
" "fltfeet. TacoinVSunr1-'
"Th Ooi'iEB'tfKHD believes 11iatva
lie well told and stuck to will, get some
believf rs, so it Ulks large about its busi
nessand suliseription list. It is doing
in printing its paper at home just what
the Lntorprise has always done. The
electric motor attached, td a '.hand press
may go, but why don't you get a modem
.' press, as the Enternrise has? As to tlm
, ,: , -circulation question, we stand ready to
. .count circulation any time This is the
jprooi. laik does not go. Enterprise,
, . , "TaJk.dos uot go.!' ,SUU Bro,rorler
. t;(K'8 on to talk, and through his hat, too.
.Anyone that doubts the fact that w
are doing more business than both the
g, o. p. organs combined and have more
bona fide subscriptions than the two
combined aro urgently requested to call
AtA see for themsolves. The Covrikr
JIkralo's press was built several years
after the Kuterpriso's and runs twice as
.fast. Who talks'
it in caoy uyiuprciipiiaiuii wnyuur
wealthy-in-money citizens ' arq-alraot a
unit for imperialism upon lines as exer
cised try Great Britain r ays the Argua,
and why they want a large standing
army. Great economic changes are
taking place.and thi class of citizen.;.
ship is always looking put,-, in a busi
ness jiy; fof; the future. Jfheajf ,JjJ
dent, cautinna and far bap! no. tTnlikn
dent, cautious and far seeing. Unlike
the producer andJaborer, who live air
sftost eiSJrely in the to day, these live iq
the future as well. Observant, and well
understanding thelaws oLjiriAie
averages oetweep money , ana properly,
arid being ever oh the .alert for that"
which is Jbeir betterment,' they adVV
cafe that policy ) which will insure for
"them a 'profit, " regardlesff of pr6fit,foit
others. So it js, they see in all lines 'of
prpduciona gradual slump from the
profitable prices once 'enjoyed Bnd ihej
see no return for investments in farm
mortgages, unless there i , a. weakening
in the purchasing oow.er .of the dollar,-
the very, thing they least desire para
doxical, perhaps, yet tiuel So they
want more national securities in which
to invest, more debt, and to get it,, they
want more .armament, more soldiery,
more expense, more official services
and more bonds. '
The proof of this tendency is abund
ant in the fact that the most earnest ad
vocates of expansion and imperealism
are publishers of the great papers in
thorough touch with the grert credit
combinations and by the fact that the
Depews, the Hannas,the Elkins, are all
in favor of the imperial policy. J , It is
simply a question of the dollar, its pow
er; and the desire to cheapen and to
keep cheap; that which out- producers
have to sell." - ' - i
Equal and exact justice to all moo,;, of
whatsoever persuasion, religious of po
litical; peace, commerce, and friendship
with all nations, entanging alliance .wijjh
none; the support of the state goveroj
ments in all their rights, as the most.
competent administrations for our do
mestic concerns, and the surest bulwarks
agaiust anti-republican tendencies; the
preservation of the general government
in' its whole constitutional Vigor," as
the sheet anchor'of our peacei at:' home
and safety abroad freedom of" religion;
freedom of the press these princi
ples form the bright constellation which
lias gone before us, and guided our steps
through an age of revolution and refor
Thkue are. more than' two million
good democrats who have been brought
up by republican parents and acquired
the habit of voting the republican ticket
lhey are not in favor of the gold stand
ard or trusts. They could not pnrsuade
themselves in 1896 that the party that
had been voting for Cleveland for twelve
years could set itself right in bo short a
time and they were prevented from
voting for Bryan and the Chicago plat
form through the fear that the .move
ment was not wholly an honest one.
They will be with us in 1900 if we spurn
tho harmony racket of Belmont, Croker
k Co. . . ,
Vice President Ilobari, uses an ink
stand that cost iflOOO which was paid for
out of the "contingent fund" of the sen
ate. Thomas JelTerson in his first in
augural address urged "economy in the
public seryice, ' that labor way be light
ly burdened." But he was tho fossil
who wrote that antiquated document
Called a Declaration of .Independence.
His old fashioned notions are out of
place at the end of the nineteenth cen
tury. Are we not a "world oower?"
Why shouldjiot our ruler enjoy a thous
and ijpllar inkstand at the public ex
pense? Of course the workman ' pays'
the bills. But wo' must bo imperial.
Willmington Justice.
More industrial trusts and monopo
istic combines were formed In 1S98
than in the entire quarter of a century
since the Standard Oil Compafi'y, parent
and pattern of American monopoly, first
began to destroy competition in ilium-
natlng oil. , . j
The total industrial trust stock and
bonds authorized in the first two months'
of this year was"$l,106,3J0,000, as against
a total of 1910,176 for the 12 months of
1899. 'rvA
TUe Financial 'Ctironicle estimates
that the total authorized output of in
dUfiirlai Uust securities for 1899 wiU'ex-'
beed t50,000,00,000.' ThisU exclusive
of such transportation combines as tne
coal trust. ' ;'" .
' X.M ' of ''these1 " cbmbmations have as
their objects the creation of a monopoly,
thd limiting of production' tVe contVol
pf prides bothn raw material', and iiri
lthed product; the drippling.'or if possi
ble, the destruction of competition, ani
the payment bt dividends,' on"": a .largely
inflated capitalization. N. Y. World, i
. Mr. Kauffman, of Needy, savs that by
feeding his cows one pound of oil meal,
six pounds of bran, 30 pounds of silage
and three oounds of vetch hay, he is
able to feed at a cost of 11 ceuts per day.
-N. W. Pacific Farmer.
Kducnte Vourllonli With rnamnu
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
orever. 10c, Sm. If C.C. O. fail, drug
. ists retumt monev.
.'Enough amderrte hai'ialready 'been
taken bv the Hyilifrary court 5f HiTy
t.oeovin,yveuotry thit-Geo. 'Mites
was right wliep, he chargeir ;tbat(iiilea6
unfit for use was ' Issued What the'
coun try aesires ng.w is the .punishment
of those who. bought Bud tkosewhfr'Bold
that bad rteatt B6lfpofttickt,i)aU,'.iJ
T - bape.
Tammanv hall doesn't, control a Binole
eieciurai vote, yei It sceKS COniroi Uie
Some of the trusts aj .advancing
wages, but they'll catch-, the other fellow:.
Wifh'senators elected -bv direct vats
tnele.'wbaltf bnoaiitrre,'to electand
'Bb'state'wotilor'Be deiMve'd-oMfs full
r'eWnta'fio!l' frf'the VrtUedi Stites Sen-
ate for indefinite peri6sT.''t''-i'.i '! 1 ; i '
Oh. no"! bo'liticar:,,fil!l,-iddn''t have
anything (6 do With" afltrrtutiri those
second lieu tenancies "'In the j regular
away; not.a;tbjg&r Ifr'tte'rely'acct-
ueiuai iiiiii must) wiui iiietii rongesi po
litical backing secured the plums. ; -:
'The military cou'rtjof ijiinjiiry ascer
tained, in Chicago, that tip top meat is
now being sold to the goverment; but it
ascertained very little . about the; meat
sold to the government while- the war
was on. i , , . .
. It is said that individual lobbyists have
acknowledged pocketing $25,005 to $25),
000 each as their "whack" for legislation
secured from the last congress. . That's
where some of , the jax payers' money
goes, livery Washington . Ioboyist is
willing to testify that an era of unusual
prosperity is on.
The Oregonian prints another; indis
putable evidence ot prosperity, in the
shape of a delinquent tax list for Mult
onomah county that fi.ls about 100 col
umns set in solid nonpareil type. The
prosperity referred to is on the part of
the Oregonian which will be paid $6000
or $8000 for advertising the list. i
'' A Chicago syridicate owns a ranch in
Texas wnich contains 5,0007. quare miles.
its herds of cattle', aggregate 120,000
head besides 1 ,500 horses, and the calf
crop branded in 1898 exceeded 31,000.
Surprising as it may seem, all the work
op tberjyiph is done- by 125 men, one
man to every 24,009 acres.
(?ur hardware dealers .received notice
this week frPV. the,jjnrge stove manu
facturers that'' the iron trust had ad
vanced the price on raw material to the'
extent that they were compelled to with
draw all previous quoted prices and no
tifiid the dealers that they would be
compelled to advance the price from 20
to 35 per cent. Observer.
The national debt and the administra
tion's foreign policy are sympathetic.
Both are inoculated with ' expansion".
We belong to the dollar of our dads
democracy, and not to Perry Belmont's
ten-dollar dinner democracy.
The Astoria Herald has figuied out
that it costs $4.53 for every scholar in
our public schools in the state, and that
it costs $150.00 for every criminal. It is
therefore cheaper to educate that to pros
ecute. VERY GOOD.
The San Francisco Examiner is get
ting quite socialistic. Here is its plat
form : "
An Amkkicas Internal Tolicy.
First Public ownership of public fran
chises. The values created by the
' community should belong to the
Second Destruction of criminal trusts.
No monopolization o'f the national re
sources by lawless' private combina
tions more powerful than the people's
Third A graduated Income tax. Every
citizen t'o contribute to the support of
the government according to his
means, and not according to his nec
essities. , ' ..."""'
Fourth Election of senators ,by the
. people. The sente,, now becoming
the private property of corporations
and bosses, to be made truly represen-
, tative, and the sjate legislatures tq be
redeemed from recurring scandals.
Fifth National, state and municipal
'improvement of ihe public school sys
tem. As the duties ol citjzenship are'
both general and local; every govern
ment, general and local, should do its.
share toward fitting every individual
to perform them. . , '- , . ... ; t.
SixTH-rOurrency Reform.- All the na
, tion'a money to be issued by the na-
tion's govern.ment,"and its supply to
be regulated by the people aud not by
; the banks. . '. .
The Examiner's internal policy is
worthy of serious consideration. It will
appeal to every right thinking person.
The political party that has the wisdom,
foresight and patriotism to make a plat
form in accordance with these principles
will win at the next election, or demon
strate that the spirit of democracy does
; not longer animate the people, . . t
, i null vuiig v,j wu. aawu o v..iSu
arillais that it cures when all other
remedies fail. Therefore you should
take Hood's Sarsaparilla in preference
to all others.
Hood's Tills cure billiousness. Mailed
for 25 cents by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,
ft. ,WIH1.IIII( ,lUVl
'day Affairs Noticed by the
Courier-Herald Reporter.A
'?We'pewfteedar3 Is a materjafli
(b i iheVor7of tlo ' Tlackamas "County
Humane Society.loh "accoubt of ..giving
tiebV ho drive in from the, country an
oppbrt'unftv iftilte their .horse t
minimum price .v tierei ijowex-
weather tor a continued engtu ot , tune.
. V-k .' i ? " " .
; in, . ; f U ' .i
f There was a nught fall yj the potato
market .fluting' the" past week. . Tliis,
however, was due tororifand maniptl-
Ikterii uJhrUea ."who are aliippiug .to
'San'Francisco, stilly receive ip-top ..pri-
teiOi'Jc'; "V T
Cleaning off the mud and accumulated
rubbishi Seventh street; fas a Jliovel
wortny qttne .inghest. commeudatton.
The plan of its lurtherrqtf nient is,
'spraqtbing badly needed. .Wheri the
proposed, improvement, of . L the, streets
leading into Main shall: have; become a
reality, visitor will ,tbink: that some
body lives in Oregon City, t- t tv ,
, County Recorder Randall is kicking
pretty hard because the board of county
commissioners only allowed him $45 per
month for deputy hire, while the other
officers get more,
..The hoboes still strike Oregon City oc
casionally, and are always looking for
work. One reached here about 5 o'clock
the .other morning cold and hnngry,
having left Salem the evening previous.
In explanation, be told Officer Shaw
that be was looking for work, He was
given shelter from the cold.
'. .. .
t prominent citizen is publishing a
rumor that a company is being formed
to secure a franchise from ' the city to
make an immense billboard on the bluff
front, near the Southern Pacific depot.
Wonder if they , will ask the county
board of commissiomrs for an
The county board of commissioners
complain that much of their time is ta
ken up with attorneys in unimportant
roaa"petitiohs, that the board is abun
dantly able to handle. In complicated
cases the services of an attorney are in
dispensable. However.'it should be re
membered : that the expenses of the
county board are $9 per day and the tax
payers have to foot the bills.
Rev. Sam Jones, who will usher in the
gra'nd'opening on the first day. of the
Chautauqua Assembly at Gladstone
park, bits been holding a series of revi
val services at Toledo, Ohio. A brother
of County Superintendent Bowland
sends some extracts from his recent
sermons. The way in which he pours
hot shell into his hearers will make
some of the ungodly sinners who hap
pen to be perambulating around Glad
stone park next July, shake in their
boots. Following are some of the
most pointed : "Take a voting man out
there that cusses; he would crush a
young giils's virtue tonight if he was
not afraid of a double-barieled shotgun
in the hands of her father. Yes, sir,
he will cuss. , Old cussing colonel, old
cussing judge, old cuasing major, old
cussing, captain, old cussing citizen!
Young men cuss, all sorts cussv I want
to hold you up tonight, and show what
an infernal scoundrel you are if you
curse. Yes, he will cuss in a minute,
he will cuss a preacher, cuss before -a
woman. cjiss anywhere, he, is a cusscr
from Qusseryilla." "The next thing I
beg .of. ygu to escape is the sin of licen
tiousness. I hve more hope for any
other class of men than I have' for that
slass that hay.ft .long debauched them-
st'lvies in- .licentiousness. There are
..yttupg'Oien sitting In this audience to
nightfthat if their mothers aud sisters
knew their lives since last Sunday night,
thej!.W(0uld gUjiutb'a hole and pull in
the hole:afterthem.J' ''' '
' '-'. " - ' : '' '" '''"' '
Itia sow an -assured fact that good
roads leading to Oregon City will be a
reality before many months "''rhis'n ill
bring business to Oregon City and' as
sure more amica'ble relations between
the town and country. But It isan' un
disputed fact that if Oregon tity expects
to hold the trade that should come K'eVe,
it must be made a market town' 'If
merchants here expect to hold'the Trade
thai- it tributary to the county seat 'tliy
must provide a market for all tfie'prod"-
ucvb iiia are uuereu. , .
.A striking illusWation of the greatness
of thia country of Ours is presented ih
the fact thata man' can 'be slraultane'
ously a candidate for the "United Sta"fe"s
senate and the state penitentiary, .,
Rockefeller was once a working man,
and Harvey Scott claim?, he. was price j
labortr, but they must remember Judas
was once an apostle and the devil waa
once in heaven. . , ... , . ,
You can't tell how much a hog will
weigh by hearing him grunt, neither
can you estimate the worth of a man by
the noise he makes. " '
The hunting season will soon be here
and the man wlio 'can borrow a gun and
steal a dog feels justified in buying a box
of cartridges. Commoner.
Y. WorU and Conner-tali $1,85
No Scandal Can ArisQ
" T
4f v.'
am... i
' .'iLvinriiiD. "
..',, Sealskin Garments
'1,'.'-;': a Specialty'.' '-"':V
A Flying Top Free!
The Latest Fad
f l-ANT '
times in ten that is the trouble. It costs "you nothing to find out, if
..: you will go and see .
293 florrison St., Portland, Oregon
Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, in charge ol
the optical .department, and you can consult him amj have your eyes
examined free of charge. TRY it may be your trouble.
O'i T fW?L ,ne Old St. Vuia Medic
''SPPSn&'fJ S"''1 tiP"ry, M V
i X S-MVSJ Street, Portland, Oregon, pos
' PcASW' guarantee! to remoye
Iu any ttagt without
it JJ. 11 milium Ml remedy was sent to Dr. Kessler by a
s fi it nd in Berlin. It has never failed, and we guarantee It.
HI Tl "flRF! Ulcers, Cancer,
'uuu wuuuuiongan
-PRIVATF Diseases. , This
A A. A I1IIU c 01 Dvpniiis, t
l cured, no diffTerence now Ion
case of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet.
(Terence now loner standltiff. Knr
Loss of Manhood, or Nightly
Ihe habit of Self Abuse
' time,
YniTW(l MTU Your'errors and follies of youth can bej
1UU11U llllill remedied, and this old doctor will give you
wholesome advice and cure yon make you perfectly strong J
and healthv. You will be amased at his success in curingl
Spermatorrhea. Seminal Losses. Niirhilv HmmiuUn. I
oiner enecis. ...
painful, difficult, too freaticut. millev hr hlnoHv itrln .
, natural diitchftrves. carfullv
Piles, Rheumatism and neuralgiatreatedbyournewremediea
j aueuts treated In any part of the country by hla horned
tvKtrm. Writ, full Pkrtieulars enrlo. tm . .i
wt will answer you promptly, hundreda treated at homei
. who are uuable to come to the City. I
...... .
Take lr clear bottle at
set aside and look at It in
has a oloudv aettllna- in k.
(disease, and should be attended In h.f,,r
. - l . . . i ... . :
?anie uisease as huudreda
taae of Jijdneya. .
Address pf Call DR. KESSLER. 2d and Yamhill
Look at our Hduses
If you haven't got time, call on G. REDDAWAY. '
. He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A
; ' ! full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. ;,. Call and see
' - him before- buying your " order. , Pap.' Hanging and 2
; ? Kabomining done to perfection., All work guaranteed.'
G R E D DWAY onVn7K;et
aWSols AgentiD Clackamas County for OUR NATIVE HERBS
t s. ft...- r MANUFACTURER 'of'", ', " . "
Hon u ments nd Headstones
Estimates furnished oa all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
, Work. : : Drawings made by description.
Mirer Medal Awarded at T it -x
Portland Mechanics' Fair FOr 111(1, OregOIl
1 have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Korthwest and
am now m a position t-o do work better and more reasonable.
From theiU8eof our
..- . : - 1 i - .. M ....
6r ;ohep 'carlried goods,' because
thcreistno diversity of opinion as
iti Quality. .The unanimous
verdict is tMa of approval." Those
v; Whb.tts6 them' - freeJy'are 'pleased
with the-, freshness, richness ' and
deligbtfcl flavor '6f every article.
. And our prices' give Satisfaction,
.. ...I;- Bakers and Grocers,
Opposite ,Postqffice : , f-.wl . Oregon City
A. PRA8IL, u
nswurtiuisn and nru
WITH MtMHAkPIIUI, chicam. -
With Every Dollar Purchase at
all goods are sold at reasonable
Oil, My Headaches!
Well, no doubt it is' caused by
imperfect eyesight,' as about , seven
Loot M, Yonni Man,
Your looks tell on you. Can keep It
xcret while. Before Ha too late.
(O md ee or write to thia old doc
tor. He faai been treating such
caaea lor otct je teara aad perfectly
re.iable. Furmahea hla owu medi
and tcllt no talea.
1311. It ESS JS Hi 33X1 4
. of the Old St. Louia Medical and i
1 Yamniu
, positiTCly.
loss of time from business.
an old German remedy. This,
etc. cured, no difference how j
doctor guarantees to cure any
Spermatorrhea, J
Einmisslons, cured permant-'J
eflcctually cured in a. short
' - . X
hedtlm anA n.In.t fr. it. kin.
tha morning . if-1. (
vou havi. 'wmi ifiH. t.t.ij
Uie every year from Blights Dla- 2 . . -
' m l
J BU .UVU,- d