Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 14, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Bee the elegant dmplay in Price Broth'
ia show window. ,...;.
w to the Coir Cindy Kitchen for
chocolate cmmi.
Dora, in Oregon Cltr to W. T. Lyon
mmt wue, a oaogoier.
I have a fine line of bicycle hate just
. . in. Miss U. Goldsmith.
Born, to John Qard and wife at Her-
auwy, April 10th, a 13-pound boy.
Evreral prominent democrat! at
tended the Jeffersonlan banquet in Port
land but night,
Lowert price ever quoted on all
kinds of trimmed and antrimmed hats,
alias Goldsmith.
uewego Grange ii making prepara
tion! lor a grand celebration of it 25th
anniversary on the second Saturday in
Mm Carrie Millspangb, the well
known Chicago missionary, will fill the
pulpit of the Baptist church at 10:30
Sunday morning.
The Southern Paoiflo overland train
changed time last Sunday, and going
eoulh passes here at 7 :52 p. m., and the
north-bound reaches here at 7 :08 a. m.
In the probate court Wednesday
James Roots was guardian of the estate
of Augh Kalraah, and it wai ordered
that T. Swinson, S. Card and W. H.
Boring be appointed appraisers.
Harry T. Sladen has purchased the
lot and buildings on the corner of Main
and Sixth streets from H. 0. Stevens,
paying therefor 7,500. The lot has 88
feet frontage on Main street and extends
back 105 feet on Sixth. The lot how
ever, is triangular in shape, and is only
62 feet in width at the rear.
The young ladies of the Episcopal will
give a hat social Saturday evening at
Weinhard's ball. Hate will be trimmed
by young men, the ladies to furnish the
bate and trimmings. Three prises will
be given.ifirst, second and booby prise.
Everyone cordially invited. Admission
25 cents, including refreshments.
The singing of the Chicago Lady Quar
tette was of the style that always takes,
and eyery one in the audience was sorry
when the entertainment was over. The
renditions, not only of the quartette, but
of the solos, was such as to please all
lovers of music San Francisco Chroni
cle. At Oregon City on Saturday,
April 22.
The West Oregon City school district
held a meeting Monday night, and a mo
tion to build a new school house at Bol
ton was carried by a vote of one. It was
intended to take 500 from the tax levy,
that was intended to apply on paying off
a portion of the bonded indebtedness,
and use the same in erecting a new
school building. As the matter rests
now there is no money appropriated to
build the proposed structure.
Coolca Lodge No. 960. The Comine
Men of America, gave a reception and
octal to their officers Tuesday evening
at Redmen's hall. Refreshments were
eerved. The object ol the organization
is fraternity, intellectual improvement,
etc. It was organized last November,
and holds its meetings at Redmen's hall.
Following are the officers: President,
Jacob Straight; vice-president, Augus
tus Winesett; secretary and treasu t.
John Knapp; speaker, Edgar Dempster;
director,. Dell Goseler; sentinel, Lam
bert Goesler.
Last Friday night the Y. M. C. A.
building contest represented by the
Reds" and "Yellows" waa brought to
a erase ana ine result announced. The
former were winners bavin? secured
$247 55, while the side represented by
the old-gold color brought in $184 75,
making a total of $432 30. . The cap
tains of the reds were Miss Ida Paine,
J. E. Jack, and R. Bernier, junior cap
tain. The captains of the yellows were
Miss Gertrude Finley, L. 5. Horns-
huch. and J. C. Noble, junior. The-
merchants carnival given by the "reds'
gave them a long advantage over their
competitors. Among those who were
not mentioned at the merchant's carni
val, were Bessie Wood, who represented
Beatow'i wah factory; Mrs. Doolittle,
Krauese'i shoe store; Miss Rosa Miller,
Bellomy A Bosch; Min Edith Dehon,
Achillea Lodge 38, Knights of Pythias,
waa reinstated Wednesday . night by
W. M. Cake, grand chancellor, assisted
knights were present from Portland.
The following grand officers assisted ia
the ceremonies: J.P.Kennedy, grand
Vice-chancellor, Portland; G. W. Grif
fin, grand master-at-arms, Eugene; J.
D. Asher, grand prelate, Portland ; L. R.
Stiasoa, grand keeper of records and
eat, Salem. A splendid banquet was
erred at the Electric Hotel, with plates
for 67. The following are the new offi
cers of the lodge: Chief chancellor,
Richard L. Greaves; vice-chancellor,
William J. Wilson: prelate. Samnel J.
Barlord; M. of W., Grant U. Chapman;
keeper of records and seal, Samuel Dill
man; K. of T., Benjamin F. Doolittle;
M. of E., Joseph Fromong; master of
arms, Scott J. God fey ; inside guard, W.
F. McGinnis; outside guard, G. B, Pot
ter... .. v
S. If. Tillman was np from Clacka
mas yesterday. s
Hon. John Krasa was visitor in
town yesterday. --.
J. K. Morris returned yesterday from
a visit to Macksburg.
A. Grleshaber, of New Eia, was a vis
itor in town Wednesday.
Miss Nora Gregory spent Bandar with
her parents at Greenwood.
E. F. McGugin. a prominent citizen of
Sandy, waa in town Tuesday.
E. Hetterman and John Walk were
down from Borings yesterday.
James 8mith. the Mecksbnrc mer
chant, was in the city yesterday.
Hon. F. L. Mintie and D. W. Kelaay,
were visitors in the city yesterday.
Miss Anna G. Dodson will beirin a
term of school at Garfield Monday .
J. E. Marks was down from I Marks
Prairie for several days during the week.
Miss Eva Scott, of Milwaukie. is re
covering from a severe attack of typhoid
Neat Ohlson was called to Marquam
Sunday by a telephone message, that
his wife was very ill.
J. Montgomery is building a livery
barn back of Marr & Muir's store on
G. R. H. Miller's lot.
Rev. P.B. Williams, a former resi
dent here, was in town Wednesday on
his way home from Astoria.
Mrs. George Knight, of Cauby, was
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Ev
ans, in Portland during the week.
B. J. Coeper, a member of the board
of directors of the Clarkes school dis
trict, was a visitor in town yesterday.
Hal Rands, who has been attending
college in the east for the past two or
three years, returned home Wednesday.
Mrs. H. B. Rineareon will teach the
Stafford Bchool in place of Miss Nefsger,
who has resigned to accept another po
D. M. Klemson ia home from the
Seven Devils mining country in Idaho,
and brought along some fine quartz
Mrs. Marie Graham and son, Erol, re
turned Saturday from a visit to her
brother, John Moehnke, near Albany :
also visited friends in Salem for a few
Mrs. L. L. Pickens is with Captain
Pickens in San Francisco, who is rest
ing from the effects of sea voyage. It is
not known just when they will arrive
Sergeant Major James Rintoul, who
was on Colonel Summers staff in the
Philippines, returned home Monday.
He looks well, although he was ill dur
ing a portion of his stay there, and had
the experience of hearing Filipino bul
lets whistle around his head.
C. N. Wait was down from Canby yes
terday and expressed the opinion that
the cherry crop in his neighborhood was
: 'mired to a considerable, extent by the
injured to a uonniderable extent by the
frost WeJnesday night, People from
other sections however, do not believe
that the cherry crop ia injured to any
great extent.
Circuit court convenes Monday with
no very important cases on the docket.
The drama that was to have been pre
sented at the opera house tonight, has
been postponed.
"Money to patent good ideas may be
secured by our aid, address THE PAT
ENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md."
Kindergarten Sohoel in the prima ry
class room, at Prysbyterian church. A
few more pupils solicited. Low rates.
Able assistant. Very young children
escorted. Josephini Piabodt, Teacher.
The board of county commissioners
transacted several items of businees not
given this week in the official proceed-
ings. neanesaay me Doaru made an
1 T 3 J it
order appropriating $2700 for the Mo
lalla road, the remainder of the $5,000
having been guaranteed by the citr and
from private parties. The matter of the
Deardorf road was laid, for examination
by the board. The county recorder waa
allowed $45 per month; treasurer, $25
per month, and the pay of the deputy
assessor increased from $2 50 to 13
day. Appropriations were made for the
Sandy district, $1,000; Boring, $200;
Cascades, $100. George Lazelle waa
given authority to contract a wood
chute over the New Era road. Albert
Engle waa appointed road supervisor of
district No. 2 in place of Fred Shaffer re
signed. T Care CMtlaUaa Faravei.
Take Cascarets L'andv Calharti i ru
or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, dnnmiata
refund money.
Tw. Mllltoaa Tear.
When Peonle bnv. tr ml Kn
t means they're satisfied. The people
of the United States are now buying
Cascarets Candy Oathartic at the rate of
two million boxes a year and It will be
three million before New Years. It
means merit proved, that Cascarets are
the moet delightful bowel regulator for
everybody the year round. All drug
gists 10. 25, 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
le CoBaaaazttloa Disappear! aa
tk War 147
An aathoritatiTe statement ia
by a British nadfeal Je-uraal Man)
eace within BO rears has made sock aa
aeVrasce 1st the prereaUoa and ear at
pntaonary eonsnmption that II It ad
a all chimerioal to hope ska (be
ease win be nhtmately stamped 4
This la markabte
tat tftuwtltor of H,
park eaWrs aaipU'sifTUstii ia
tattoo of Ma views and show Mat
aeath rate la steed!?
higher aaa zaore rational coaOitioas of
ttTint 4 nvare mialH nt methods ei
He airav hoirevee.
importaaos to ike
and moaJrytas; ratraeooes than be torn
to the apeeiflo pwflsasional atlempto at
core and pouts oat that the important
motors fa the progress that to batof
maoe ere (t) the greater enjoytoeat
of pare air and outdoor exercise. (I)
the improvement In ventilation and lbs
laws against overcrowding. (I) the
rifid inspection of beef artd mOk,
(4) the relaxation in the intellectu
al strain put upon children, (S) the
improved facilities of travel, by meant
of which persons of weak lungs tan es
cape front a trying climate, and finally
(6) the enormous gain that has been
made in the growth of a stronger men
tal resisting power in the patient, who
no longer looks upon himself as neces
sarily doomed because he has the con
sumptive diathesis.
To all this must be added the vast
knowledge which science has gained
of the genesis of the disease and its prop
agation, the valuable bacteriological
discoveries and the application of en
tirely new remedial agencies. Altogeth
er this medical expert wonld have w
believe that the final extinction of tu
berculosis, which has so long ravaged
the human race, is not at all a specula
tive dream, bat may confidently be ex
pected as an assured fact of the futon
toward which we are slowly approach
ing. Speaking of civil service, it may not
be generally known thai Russia bai
established a college at Vladivostok foi
the training of consular agents. Is
some respects Russia must astonish bet
own conservatives. But, on the othet
band, Rnssla is not "exempt from th
political corruption which, both is
China and the United States, has so of
ten excited the Muscovite contempt. A
recent governmental investigation
brought to life a state of affairs in Si
beria for which China would find it
difficult to fnrniah a parallel The gov
ernment, having appropriated several
millions to make reforms in the prison
system of Siberia, now finds that her
officials put the money into their own
pocket. The steal amounts to 88, 000,
000 rubles. Had this occurred in Chins
the government would have added the
men's heads to the general loss.
Suspension of the old custom of kiss
ing the Bible on the administration of
an oath and the virtual abolishment
of the book from the city courts of
New York appeaT to have no other than
a sanitary significance. Magistrate
Poole, who first relinquished the book,
states explicitly thut he "hrlievM i
the Bible every time, " h '
soon becomes fi"
among all kin U
to breed disease,
quires only that
by holding up t;.
appear to have
that a Bible can be no lioi..i u to
kept as clean as a dinner plate.-
The spread of democracy throughout
the world has some funny protests, snd
none is funnier thsn the anniversary
of the execution of Charles I in London
the other day, when Jacobites and Le
gitimists came out of odd corners and
went through a performance at the
statue of Charles I in Whitehall. To
crown the absurdity of the scene, a
great shield was exhibited as having
come from America, and on it were the
words, "America remembers ber mar
tyred king." One cannot help asking
what part of America It is that remem
bers and how many tears it has to shed
i r
.Those -rugged American girls wne
Insist on bathing in the surf in mid
winter without fori at Anbury Pack
find ample compensation in the warmth
of admiration which the large crowds
who assemble to see them bestow upon
them. It looks Tory much Ilka an exbi
Mttoa of bravado Intended to prove be
7n4 an doubt, what indeed most people
already nnderstand. that given an ap
plauding audience a girl will risk ber
Ufa to win a paragraph or a picture ia
the newspapers.
M. Sebastian Feure, the eminent an
archist, Is about to start a daily paper
la Paris to advocate bis doctrines, and
it Is said that Ana tola France wis as
sist him. But Anatole France can dis
seminate his views much better ia bis
aanre novels. People can be made to
swallow anarchy in glucose, but they
do not care for It rolled np in dally. The Chicago Lady Quartette sang to a
eartride' Mallohhul andinnce but nilfht. Thev
Switzerland's greet source of revenue
is tourists. Her chief industry is enter
tainment of guests. Her visitors bring
her in 4,600,000 a year, and this Is a
million more than the revenue of the
whole confederacy. In brief, Switzer
land lives upon what comes to ber and
not by what she sends out Heine called
ber a gnet nation.
For the latest thing in millinery and
best prices, call on Mias Goldsmith,
Seven par cent money to loan three
to Ave years. W. g. U'Ras.
A few cheap watches . for sale at
Younger's, Watches cleaned, $1.
Good draft team for sale: or trade. In
quire at Coauaa-HajuLB office.
Tonato andeebbtge plan tuit very low
prices. A few Bsrpee's novelties (1899)
given free ea all ordari 1-00. 0, F,
Street, Clackamas.
I an lean from $500 to $1500 at 7 in
terest on No. 1 mortgage security, on
to three years time. H.E. Caoss.
Mason A Hamlin and Kimball parlor
orgaas for sale at Oregon City Auction
House, opposite pottofflee.
Ready made dress skirts from $1.50
to $3.00 at the Racket Store.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
Buchv .
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. . Apply to O. D. A D. O.
Latourette. ' .
And the prices are quoted so ridicu
lously low that it will pay you to call.
Celia Goldsmith.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parte of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
Ribbons, embroideries, laces and all
kinds of notions at the Racket Store.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. D. A D. 0
I have abundance of money to loan at
S and choice loans will be made at 7'
0. H.Dvi.
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of . Madison. Wm.
Bohlander, proprietor.
Wanted 100 watches to repair at $1
each, at 0. A, Nash's, Postoffice build
ing, tl. :
' Shoe repairing of all kinds at F,H,
Cross' harness shop, opposite A O U
W building on the hill,
During my absence I have placed in
charge of my dental office Dr. W. T.
Lyon whom I can recommend, to my
friends and the public in general as a
skillful and reliable dentist.
For good work horses and fresh milch
cows call on W. W. Irvin, Barlow, Ore.
45 cents round trip from Oregon City
to Portland and return via Southern
Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on sale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a.m.,
and 8:35 p. m., and arrives from Port
land at 9 :23 a. m. and 6 :52 p. m. Save
time by using the quicker route.
Weekly Oregon ian and Oourikr-
Hkbald for $2 per year.
Notice : Have you a farm for sale or
for rent or do you know of any person
o .. i lands that they wish to
' . . . please write to any
O it N. Co. and he will
sen it ar which will interest
Lnited Modern Vigilantes have one
payment per month, no more no less.
No per capita tax. When you seethe
rate opposite your age on folder you
know that's wbst you pay and you are
not guessing what your next payment
will be. Join the Oeegon City Branch
It's time to quit walking when you
can buy a first-class, fully guaranteed
'99 bicycle with all the latest improve
ments for $30. Look at them at Hunt
ley's Book Store.
For first-class handmade or machine
made harness go to F, H, Dross on
Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall,
Prices reasonable and work guaranteed,
Steam thresher and separator for
sale on reasonable terms. Inquire at
my residence one mile east of Sunnyside
Postoffice, Clackamas county,- -
Mas. Ashes Cbdikshamk.
Nt Right Ts Uglissit.
The woman who is lovely in face, form
and temper will always have friends,
but one who would be attractive must
keep her health. If she is weak, sickly
and all run down, she will be nervous
and irritable. If she has constipation
or kidney trouble, her impure blood will
cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions
and a wretched complexion. Electric
Bitters ia the best medic'ne in the world
to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys
and to purify the blood. It gives strong
nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety
skin, rich complexion. It will make a
good-looking, charming woman of a run
down invalid. Only 50 cents at Geo. A
Harding's Drug Store.
had been heralded with great praise, but
as usual they surpassed all expectations.
The voices sre rich and melodious. In
short, musically, taken together, they
give the Impression of a single Instru
ment. Los Angeles Times. At Oregon
City on Saturday, April 22.
New Store ft New Goods
Has moved
Furniture, Hoii
Goods, Notions,
and Second'Hand Goods
To Holman's old store,
Opp. Burmeister & Andreseit 's, " '
' Where he has an
Enlarged Stock
He Buys and
Second-Hand Goods
And all supplies
Send for Catalogues. 169
Bicycle Repair $hop
Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Guns, Etc.,
Repaired and Cleaned in a first-class
manner at very reasonable prices
A full stock of extras and repairs for
Bicycles kept. Sole agent for Clackamas
county for Chase Tough-Tread Tires-. ... .
Bicycles for Rent
More machinery and a new motor have
recently been added to my stock of tools,
and I am now prepared to execute work
promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed and 4
Prices within the Reach of All.
Opposite Huntley's Drag Store - . Oregi
oota . 0 H
kef) Oppaelte Oaasroeallaaatl Caarafc, Mala Mrs, Oragaa City, Ota.
Pm!r III .an.
lb 13 d d D fc4 It; Cert CI 10 TCl.
Every Woman
Loves It
And likes to have it in her home.
, , " "Patent Flour" is popular with
housewives who strive to please
their husbands by giving them
the BEST bread and pastry, and
that is only made by "Patent
Flour," manufactured by the Ore
gon City Mills.
bis stock of
in New Quarters
Sells Anything
5 and 10c Counters
for Bee Keepers.
And everything for the Garden.
Portland Seed Co.
and 171 Second St, Portland, Or.
see a
Undertaker tsA Ess!z3
Carries a complete Has of caskets, oofflaa,
robes, eto. Superior goods, Supertoi
services at most moderate prices, Vest
door to Commercial beak.
Oaaoov Citt - - Osasoi