I 2 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1899. CLACKAMAS New-Era. Mrs. Wells is going to Portland this week to visit her daughter. Albtrt Mead has been oh the sick list Mr. La Miller has a ncyv hike.,,' i School will begin on the 10th of this month. Tean B.jwman is going to Portland this week. Mrs. Wink has been on .the sick list. ' ' ' ';' , Sh-ekt1 Bunch of Violets ' April 11 ' Miss Vineliu Spnlak returned home Tuesday from Portland, where she has been Ktaying with her aunt, Mrs. Wana- maker. -. t ' ' ' ,-. E 'Hpuhik is biiil ling fenc) and mak ing oilier improvements. There was a Brand entertainment given at the school bonne Tuesday misfit The house was nieely decorated "The songs and recitations were too numer ous to mention. Af er the proaram, the young people played games and had a jolly time, after which a ppfendid luueh Wisseived Jo-eph Spul.ik and J. S raik h ive rented the (lour mill run Mr. Shefuhiek for five y ars. Prof. Ogle parsed through our burg on Saturday. Waller Mead st irto 1 for Eastern Ore gon Mondiiy. b. B. April 11. We are having p'enty of rain now. No need of frogs e.ning for water, for it has been falling in torrents the past few days. J. 0. Newbury made a trip to Portland Tuepdav. Fred Grinterhns been quite ill the past few days. Mrs. M. C. Mnrries, of Portland, was visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Burgoyne, last Saturday. an Mr. and Mrs. .Jon Streige, of Portland, clo -e moved to this plaue, intending to mount tlluir ,l0'"e llBre for a wllile- some r' rumored (hat several of the New not kyiil are going, lo Portland to work fluroliase a new wheel, lc" f Mr and Mrs, Anthony were visiting ' friends) at Molalla Snndny. 8unday-aohoolntl0:30a m. Anri' U, Wjs'nu, . Mrs. FI. lleynolds, who has been liy ing with her dtuigh'er the past winter, retnrnod to her home at Maukahurg Inst week. Her niiny friends were sorry to see her go, The railroad men are tearing out the platform in front of the depot and store and arouoinff to fill the vacancy in with granite sand from Grants Pass. We can boast of a telephone in the ticket otllce now. Max Clements nd family, of Ohio, have bought the Van Aukang farm and intend making it their future home. Fred Chinn ami family have moved onto Mr. Eisort's p'ane, Mrs. McM.mies, of Portland, was vis iting her sinter, tin, Iiurgoyno, Pahir diy, little Nettie U'ligoyne accompany ing her home. Mr. ami Mrs. Joo Strejcs, of Portland, huve arrived at Now Era and are visit ing at the home of Joe Sev ich. Spring term of school will begin next Monday, with Mrs. Wells as teacher. April 11. Toi'rist. Mountain View. A. M. Gilford came home from the asylum last week, and after staying all night with Jim Pierce and wife, went out to his home, which is near Union Mills. Goorgo Everhart went out to Molalla mi Saturday to spend Sunday with his mother and brothers. The MiHees Maylleld, who have been 'warding with Mrs. Kingo thai past month and attending business college in Portland, returned to thoir home at Highland on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wajdron went to Logan Wednesday morning lo attend Pomona Grange. Quite a number went fishing last Sun day, but met with poor success, as it was too rainy and cold. Misses Mollio and Nellie May came homo from Astoria Tuesday, where they were engaged in Salvation Army work. Mrs. Grout is slowly improving, after a severo illness. W. 11. Savage is riding for the sheriff this week. Mr. Pieattie received the sad intelli gence of the death of his mother last Saturday. He is the only one of the family lelt no-v. The Art 'wins will give an entertain ment and supper in the Willamette hall next Saturday evening. Their regular meetings will be hold in that hall on Thursday evenings after this week. The isiombly haa increased in membership so that the Red Mon'i hall is too small tor their accommodation. April 12. . Saunas. COUNTY NEWS Logan. Most of the farmers in this section of the county are nearly through seeding. The prospects indicate an abundance of fruiis .,of ;all kinds ' if .o damaging frosts "follow. ' ' Mrs. Ned Hutchins has taken a re lapse nd is not improved in health at thy writing. . " Miss Oorless has arrived from Califor nia and expect 46 spend :the summer w ith her parents.' - " " eprge Clarke, is home from Harmony,' where he-- attended school during the winter" "' ' ' :" . Joe Kirchem . intends to build a fine' drilling this-siiiiimer. ' Mr." Kirchem is o.ie of our most prosperous farmers. ' Miss Wilson visited friends in Spring Hater yesterday. , "Mrs. George B. Trotter will stay with her parents until Mr. Trotter returns home from Eastern Oregon. Master Eddie Rowan is attending the Lower Log.m school. Frank Riobhoff has left school to work on his futher's farm. Mr Oorless has thi construction of his sawmill well under way and we ex pect to hear the hum of the. saw in the near future Mr. Fletcher lost one of his work horses not long since. Mr. Minder was working for Jacob Bobler several days last week. The general health of the community i g '"d. Twilight. April 10. Marquam. The fact is that there has been so lit tle happening that that noble trio, "So crates," "Pal'' and "Jasper," have been silent. Of course there are m iny com mon things of which we may have writ ten, such as the grass is growing on the ground with the roots downward, the bells are tinkling on the cows and lov ers are hanging on the front gale, but these things are too common. When Jasper writes he wants to tell something that will fairly make the eyeballs of the render tlanCC !! their socket. But the assemblies of tho philosophers at the two stores have been prolonged. Why,, not even the coining around of the fish 1 peddler gathering up the stolen baking powders has been io record. Indeed we have bad a Biesta. the nearest to a right down sensation was the coming of Frank Ridings' baby. Yea, Frank and Ann have got a baby. It is their fiist and is just as chipper as it can be. All the old women have been in to See it. Jasper's married sister pays it is a down right shame that they don't give that poor yountfone and its mother one min ute's rest. Frank was np one whole night with it. It loves the light and they keep a lamp burning all night for it, and if they blow the lamp out, it sets up a dreadful wail. It is a girl baby. You have read of the man who sold his shadow, and afterwards when he went out in the sunlight the boys would all' point at him and grown people would stare and wonder what had gone with hia shadow, so much so that the poor fellow would have given anything to have had it back again. 8o annoying was it that he would only go out on cloudy days. There are said to be two young men near Marquam that have two shadows each. Two girls are shad owing them even to the extent that they get into the fence corner where they know the .young men are to- pass that they may catch the gentle refrain of their dulcet voices. Poor boys! The voice of the hammer is heard in our town. Yes, the M. E. personage is under way, II, L. Skit vin has got an elegant new piano. The county serveyor has been here this week surveying the Robert Thomp son farm, preparatory to dividing it among the heirs. Jascrk. April 8. darken. The general health of this community is improving. A. liottemiller is working at Milwau kie at present. ' Fanners are nearly through sowing spring grain. Winter wheat is looking well; Clarkes may boast of "at least ono in dependent farmer who sows grain with one hand wid drives the team that har rows it in with the other. The patrons of our school have agreed to cut tho school wood this year, the proceeds to go for a bell. They meet every Saturday and will continue until the job is done. A Grange committee met at Aunt Patty Parrish's to make arrangements for obtaining lumber to build a Grange hall, the coutract for building having been let to H. McGeorge and C. N. Lar kins. Grandpa. April II. Those intending to plant tomatoes for field crop should send to Street, Cluck, mas, (or his low figures. , , Marqyam... . . ; J. V, Harless',- of Molalla, passed through our burg on Friday, en route to Silvertoh." ""'. . " Mr. Labour is confined to his room backs soon if it does riot stop raining, with a cold. 'j . ,,,,,U. grhe'finging school closed last Snndav 0. E. Young made a trip.to.,pregoTrifa''ri,-i'8''1d:''iirwere Bo ; weir pfeased City the first of tlie.week. W. H, VanWey, of Qregon City., vltit- ed friends in fhis vicinity last week. T I,vor J(,)-n fhe cte'ss on Sunday after Mrs. fehulse has been .auite sick fori ., ... ., imfi lint IN itnnmvinr some nme out is improving. ; , F. J, Ridings spends. most of his tim of late in studying "QiV latesfimproye- " James Hoag has moved, to ISariolV I"1'' InR- Tbfng conlraetr pfefe;?.0 SurlaUiu.d-.wife,, and. Lewis where he has a grul R. j; Moore and wife, "ortl'o'all spent Easter with M v. anu Mrs, Eby I. D. Larkins, John Labour arff' Jaines Marquam have .'just finished. dT vid i n g the re njt.ln iny 'pa rt of j h e Thoui P ton claim among the heirs." Countf Surveyor, E. P. Rands 'did Ihe'suYveyjng". Lioyu Marquam, wno is attending sclfool at Safe-mis'lioirie for' a VWebkra vacation. 1 ; '''""" "' E. M. Hartman, our postmasVeV,' 'is.( preparing to TMiifJ -an addition' To his. building and will ac:'d a larger" stock' of. goods. , Well, Socrates, that last shot of yours made all Alliens tremble and bo com pletely paralyzed ' Pat that we have' haidly recovered from its effects. We suppose it did "Jasper" up too, as we have not heard from him binco and probably never will auain, but like l.eo nidas of old, we fell bravely defending our country against an invading enemy. "Go stranger, and to Lacedaemou tell That here, obeying her behests, wel . Ml." Apr. 11. Pat. Mucksburg. What's the matter with "Susan?" 'e met him recently. He said be had hem busy clearing, so he hasn't had time to write. , - ' , . There wai a grand ball at the Macks' burg hall Saturday-' night, which' was well aitended, and a go id time was had by all. ..- Andiew Biscit-co, of Portland, passed, through here en route to Joliii Damra's,' where his fathar-indaw, Mr. Uiepner, is sick. '"'.' Our seditious Jessie James tribe hue been inadt quite sublimate through trL-3 bunal aid. " ' ' t Farmers have commenced plowing and hopgroweri liaVe Commenced cultif . vatlng their hops. - :;. G. W. Scramlin is improving the looks of his place with a new barbed iy:re fence. '"' ': c"'" "'" -l''i: Mlts Ida-GHmm is working for Mrs, G. W. Scramlin. ' ' 1 On Easter Sunday a (tOfte 'congrega tion assembled in the Grman Lutheran church to listen to an interesting sermon delivered by the Rev. Schoeuberg. Af ter the sermon the Lord's supper'was partaken of, and before the close two baby boys were baptised.' Suuday school at Bachelor's hall meets every Sunday afternoon and !s vwh attended. M, D. A. April 9. Sh ubel. Rev. II. Witrock is thinking of mov ing to Astoria. Some of the farmers are subscribing quite liberally toward planking the road, while a few mossbacks never would give anything, not even a day's work. Another arrival in this neighborhood who will not help swell the republican ranks, if he follows his father's teach ings, namely, an eleven-pound boy at W. D. G. Hill's. All doing well. A family from Oregon City lias moved onto F. M. Manning's farm. J. G. Cummins, his son, Bert, and Mr. Cosper.of Clarkes, went to Portland today to buy a sawmill. Shubel postoflice has a new signboard, and some of the questions asked about it make a fellow tired. A good many potatoes were planted last week, but the rainy days this week gave the farmers a rest and time to go fishing. ' Talking about fish, puts us in mind of C, Schuebol, of Oregon City, who spent a day here fishiiig and to hear him tell of the big fish he Caught! Hut he don't tell anything of those that were so small he had to throw them back into the water. Figures' won't lie, but fishermen will. ' '' Oil. April 12. ' "' " ..; . l'arkplace-Utadstoiie. -Wilbert Garrow, of Corvallis, is- up visiting old friends.. We -are always glad to see Wilbert's smiling face. s Alva Conditt, of Aurora, was seen in our town last Saturday arid Sunday. ' ' The dance given atlr. Wear's proved to be a success. All that was wrong was they stopped dancing too soon. ' F. Johnson, of Clackamas was visiting his sister Mrs. Merrill, last Sunday. Mr. Sladen is having a windmill built, and we understand he intends to build a store at the station. Ed Nachand, of Eastern Oregon, is visiting his aunt, Mrs, Himler. He and his father intend to go to the mountains this week. Mavila. . April 12. -; .: Garfield. : ; : . Moie rain, more rei-t. I. think the farmers will get rest enough this spring; the moss, will . bi gin to grow on their that Mr; KerhiU got the names of 22 for ff-nothVr 2 lessons'; a'ffd 'The're' will be M'rs. Cdnrad Kriahaiim and Mrs. W. r'fU'Tli,i,'x'wieilt (6'Oregon'ibity list Fiid'av. 1. ilV n V : .. i. . .i , . iiTi, i ur.uiu i jjuiiB sij.K at me Ti tiiTe oFwriti'xig. i.ajmai,cer.wentt y i pr,tiaii(,l toqay.-; .I9gw?i4Uotteoi)-.eat9but.-wi'6h-h'ftfjien on Iijs..wajr..to"take charge of he hfttch- orjif -:Ue hud- -two ' loa'nV'-of " provisions tc,;hauUtl,as la' as.' DaViV, wlio will pself.it itvo th liHtchery on horses: f Miss'Dh'llie 'L-e'n'rdn tfo'ok s'liddenlv sick ift-firfi'tforthe"otT!eday.'' ' -r . . . . .. ... ". fir. Bowman, t or-.Sun.nyside has botfrVhf tlielGutman farm and is ms.tj ng 'on'io it.-' - . -- ." ... . .. .. .. - ?'?R Lemon.is....oufr home for a .short vi'-it, She will return to-Portland' so n. - , Mm, Antrim has gone to Portland on 'a. "Visit. " Miss Iva Williams returned home. last "Friday,' She has been rusticstingln the country, but she likes Oregon Cilv the best. JVhri T. Irvin went, home with Lou Williams last week 'to stay a day or two. Mr. Gill has 24 pupils at present; there will be more to come in soon. Mrs. Doc. Palmateer, son and daugh ter were the guests of Mrs. J. P. Irvin Sunday. Miss Ida Surface was the guest of Miss Florence Davis Sunday. Robert Akin is visiting Alex Irvin a fevv days. ...... G.eorpe Cayey and wife have nv.vvd to Sell w ood. Fd Linn is down hi the bo'tom plougnihg f,)r his brother, Granyill. . lrs. Annie Bell.. of Eazle creek, was the guest of Miss Maud Tracy Sunday. Mrs. Mary Pos-on will leave us Wednesday to go back to Michigan. She likes Oregon beet, hut her husband loes hot. ' !; D.!" Warren is teaching '. the Tracy school, and Is boarding with 'Hans Tra- 'y-7 .... ' Francis Gill boards at Mrs. Lemon's. . Mrg. Ida Huxley is about well again. Apr. 10.- 1 ' REX. Mullno. During the nice weather last week the farmers were very busy putting in grain and plowing. F. M. Manning, the Mulino merchant, made a business trip to Portland last week. Mike and Frank Mulvey, of Portland, were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mulvey, Saturday and Sunday. The dance piven at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace la-t Saturday night was a decided success. Quite a number of young people at tended the drama at Molalla last Satur day night, and report the play very entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. Force gave a dinner on Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Mj-s, Hein, Mr. and Mrs. Goucher, Mr. and Mrs. Mulvey and Mies Maude Salis bury. v Miss Florence Patty, principal of the Molalla school, was the guest of Miss Maggie Mulvaney Sunday. t There will be a farewell party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniels next Thursday night, in honor of her son, Charles, who vxpects to leave soon for the Columbia river. Miss Floience Daniels was visiting friends in Oregon City last week. School is progressing quite nicely un der the management of Mies Maude Salisbury, of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Mulvey and family at tended the funeral Of Mike Clifford t Molalla Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. II.Terry attended Sun day school at Liberal Sunday. April 11. ' ' School Boy. St. SijiHln'i GreHtnat Neil. " Mr. R. P. Olivia", of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had causeiV severe pains in the buck of his head. On using Electric Bit ters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left' him. He says this grand medicine is 'what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri fies the ' blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of tho body. If weak, tired or ailing," you need it. Every tot tie guaranteed, only 50c. For sale by Geo. A.' Harding, druggist. t ii i For eale, a Percheron stallion, weight 1650 pounds. Is in good condition; color strawbsrry roan. The property of Franklin Ford. Price $125. The horse can be seen at A. K. Ford's, West Ore gon City. : i ' Highland. Everythina is quiet now afier the school election. The most recent event is a singing school or class organized and taught by'Mis. Iiiiel. . : Success, to the good work ' - . ..The Misses May.f.eid Jiave returned from uttem'jng the Portland Businees College, ai.d,ajl thice have, commenced a teim of school. The Misses Harrington are teaching at Mink school house. ... . -, Eal E, Elliot tsnli sticks; . .' Highland Grange No! 261"is nowgo ing.t.o build. a..lia.U. .-.The--..ground is. already procured and the- contraot ..let. The grangers in a prosperous condition, new members' arncoming. i.n, apd.U. lias a bright future before it. The new hall will'be ' built near Clarke's posfoffice, ' The Highland ladies have the quilt ing fever at present. Mrs. E. Har rington led off, followed by Mrs. John Hi ft' ;-Mrs.-Albert Harrington- followed next cele'b'rallng her 34th wedding"anni-vers-ary with a sumpluouw dinner with all her peigl. boring lady fiiends present. The event was greatly enjoyed by nil. Our rustling neighbor, Scnbner, has put in his crop and gone to work on a river boat. Joseph Wallace pulled out today for Seattle to work in a logging camp to( ov'ke a stake. George Bowlsnd rede a wild horse for Joseph Parish the other day with about twenty spectators present, ard after a good many ups and downs and tumb ling and falling? conquered and rode him. George is alright when he strad dles a wild horse. . Mr John Cummins and Mr. Cospar, from Clarkes, have serious thoughts of purchasing a portable sawmill to saw and furnish planks for tlie county road. Mr. Cummins is looking for the con tract to furnish planks enough to plank as far as Mink's store. This will be a great blessing to the- Highland people and much appreciated. Apr. 10. Correspondent. Molalla. The present rains will hinder the farmers in their plowing and seeding, but it is hoped they will not lust lonp. The Molalla Dramatic Club gave an entertainment in the school house hall Saturday evening. The drama and two farces, which weie well rendered bv the jmateurs, received hearty rounds of Hpplauee. Although the Crowd was un usually small,' owing to much sickness, the proceeds amounted to over $18, which will go to the fund for purchas ing a new organ. Excellent music was furnished by the Molala String Band. Mike Clifford died at his home on Sunday at 12 :30, after a lingering illness, The remains were conveyed to the Adams cemetery where they were fol lowed by a large concourse of mourners and friends. Rev. Haines conducted the funeral services, We will sadly miss Mike's smilling face. . Fay Moody left for Eastern Oregon to be gone during the Bummer. The genial countenance of Geo. Ever hart was seen upon our streets shaking hands with old fiiends and acquaint ances. Rev. Haines preached in the Harless I hall Sunday evening to a small but at tentive congregation. John Johnson is lying very sick at his home near Teasel creek. We hope for a speedy recovery. Luther Fox came up from Barlow on his wheel Saturday, returning Sunday. J. V. Harless made a flying, trip to Oregon City Monday. Arbor day will be observed by the school. Levi Robbins, our enterprising mer chant, is doing a rushing business. Terry Kaylor, who has been laid up for some time with a sore foot, is able to to be about again. Apr. 13. Guess Who. An Knterpilnlr.1- Firm. There are few.men more wide awake and enterprising than Geo. A. Harding, who spares no pains to secure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. He now has the agency for Dr. King's New Discovery, which surely cures constipation, coughs and colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is now producing' so much excitement all over the country, by Its many startling cnres4 It absolutely cures asthma, bron chitis, nausea anil all nfF.tmnn r.t n. Hhroatj chest and lungs. You can test it betore. buying by calling at tho above drug store and tret a trial bottle free, or regular size for 50o and $1. Guaranteed to cure, or price refunded. Notice to Farmers I have erected on south side of Main St., near Woolen Mills, Oregon City, a feed yard for the benefit ot the public with first-class toilet and waiting room for the ladies. My prices are as follows: Stall room for team 10c, single rig 10c, saddle horse 5c. Also horses keot bv tha Hav n,oi. vi lin-mm. uarn room to rent bv the uivuiu, bibu currai lor loose Feed always on hand. stock. MARK L. BUSSARD. Proo. f . Orepian am Coirier-Herali $2 rH DILLS nouses tne tor I pid liver, and cure biliousness, sick I headache, Jaundice, nausea,-' lndlgesf tion, etc. . They are in valuable to prevent .a cold or break up a fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy your-cohfldence. ' Purely vegetable, they can be taken by children or deHcate women Price, 25c. at all medicine deulers or bv mall of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass; Fivo'-Ecw Lines Ladies'. Siriog'l...--Shoes frcm Flielps, Dcdgs & Palmer Chicagi, 111. I ' i'e.n' fine vfel kM lnoo. Chicrtun eh x'oIhk , Bilk v si- Ina tup, nemo toe, pxtremol ' $3.50 nrei8v. hliphv're lo; ou price per ( air Same nbovc lit plain tor-?, nHitri'tum Hnlm. KUrwIieie 1. Our price pur pair ..... 3.00 Lailles'-Vlcl khl Uce.ooln to, kid tip, polish. Til J Is known M Our "Clilengn Bleiltm." shoe. Our prion pr pair $2.75 $2.50 $2.25 Dadles' viol kid, tor ton, lien ton toe, corded tip, foxed also one of our "Sterling" line. Our price per pair Ladies' chocolate lace 'Pon- sid j Kill," Botitnn toe, stnek Up, inoliiim sole, pr.lmli. Our price per pair Above are all the nobbiest novelties ever shown in Oregon City. Call and see them. PRICE BROS., Next to Harding's Drug Store, ' OREGON CITY OR. BANK OF OREGON CITY H.DEST BANKING 1I0USS IN THK CITY PAID UP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS ftOJSM.OO President, Oo-presldent Jushter, Cms. H. Cacfliid Gxo. A. Habdih s. a. cauhild A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Reoelved Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Arallable Securitv Exchange Bought and 4ld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of the World. Telegraphic Eichange Sold on Portland, Baa francisco Ohlcauo an1 New York. , Interest Paid on Time Deposits. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor OrcgoH City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measur given; delivered to any part of the city. Try MoUon Hairy mad b Codtvcc4V vr & v. J. L-W . TCAHSt )Cuuktf--.'.r.-.'tr uvr tnicm vc . Trtfl COPYRIOHT AC. -J?1,on """""t a Vetch and description may ejulckly ucMlaln oflr opinion free whether an 1'''.'.''.! Probably BitenublSk Cooimunlc. ?.-n.,J?r,0'oniden,'1- Handbook on 1'atenla 1.. ?'2M MMicy for curing patent If Mai tutia, Witk.ua eliarf, U the Scientific Unterkatt. perrninrtrmeed weekly. Just Received