Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 14, 1899, Image 1

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16th YEAR, NO.
Spray Pumps,
ray Materials,
180 Front Street, Portland, Oregon
State Fish Commissioner McGulre
And Senator Reed Drowned In
The Umpqua. W.F.Hub
bard has a Narrow
Superintendent W. F. Hubbard, of
the Clacakamas hatchery, returned from
Roseburg Monday morning afier a day's
search for the bodies of his comrades.
Mr. Hubbard said that he h id extreme
difficulty in reaching sliora in the swift,
angry waters of the Umuqin, and ex
presses some doubt as to the recovery of
the bodies soon, owing to the rapid cur
rent. Mr. Hubbard feels heartsick
over the accident. The following dis
patch from Roeeburg gives ttie details
of the accident.
Roseburg, Or., April 8. Hollister D.
Mc.Guire, fish commissioner of Oregon,
and A. W. Reed, state senator from
Douglas county, were drowned in the
North Umpqua river, opposite River
dale farm, eix miles below Roseburg,
this morning. The bodies have not yet
been recovered.
Messrs. Reed and McGuire, accom
pannd by VV. V. Hubbard, who has
charge of the Clackamas hatchery, went
down the Noith Umpqua to locate a site
for a new hatchery, int nding to return
this evening. All three camt to this
city with Governor Geer, Secretary of
State Dunbar and Adjutant-General
Tuttle on business connected with the
hatchery location and the Oregon Sol
diers' Home. Messrs. McGuire, Reed
and Hubbard went by freight train to
Winchester,.where they boarded a small
boat for the juction of the rivers,- six
miles below Roseburg. Governor Geer
and General Tuttle went to the Soldiers'
Home, and Secretary Dunbar left for
Astoria today. .'
After viewing the river in the vicinity
of Winchester, Messrs. McGuire, Reed
and Hubbard took a boat and proceeded
down the river, which is a wild, rapid
stream. When nearing the first falls,
they pulled the boat ashore and McGuire
and Reed got out and walked around
the-falls. Mr. Hubbard to,.k the boat
os-er the falls and the other two got in.
About one mile further down are the
long rapids, about one half mile in
length, and one can see them" only a
short distance, The roar of the water
flrBt announces one's approach. On
hearing the warning sound tiny under
took to tow ashore, when a rowlock
broke and I he next moment they were
in the water.
Commissioner McGuire and Mr. Hub
bard started to swim ashore. Senator
Reed, being unable to swim, clung to
the upturned boat. When about half
way to shore, Hubbard looked over his
shoulder and saw McGuire swimming
after him and Reed upon the boat.
When he reached the shore he looked
again, and both had disappeared.
Neither has vet been found. Searching
parties are out with ropes, lanterns and
grappling hooks.
The accident was mo3t unfortunate, as
Senator, Reed's wife expected to meet
him here tonight.
The water iu the North Umpqua is
faiily clear. If the bodies have lodged
between where the accident occurred
and the junction, they may be recovered
tomorrow. The South Umpqua is thick
with mining debris, and if the bodies
pass into it they may not be recovered
People at Winchester who know the
treacherous waters of the North Ump
qua warned McGuire. Reed and Hub
bard of the danger, and advised them not
to undertake so hazardous a trip. They
werh warned the second time when they
were about to get in the boat after Hub
bard bad taken it over the first rapids.
The North Umpqua is one of the swift
est running streams in Oregon. -
Before going down the river this
morning, Commissioner McGuire left
orders for a wagon to meet the party at
4 P. M. anywhere on the road between
Roseburg and the junction of the rivers.
Mr. Barker, a liveryman, went to meet
them, and met Mr. Hubbard, who gave
the details of the drowning. The news
reached Roseburg when the local .tratn
arrived at 5 :20, A large force of men
and a doctor immediately left ,foc Win
chester. . . . .
H. D. McGuire was the son of an Ore-!
gon pioneer, and was born in Portland
40 years ago. He has been extensively
engaged i.i various business enterprises, !
and since March 1893, was fish and
game protector. .
Probate Court.
In the matter of the estate of Colum
bia Jackson, deceased, Thomas P. Jf.ck
son, administrator, reported that the
personal property belonging to said es
tate consists principally of live stock up
on the ranges of Grant County. It is
therefore ordered by the court that John
W. Jackson, Joseph Jackson and James
Beason he appointed appraisers of said
es'ate in Grant county ; and it w is fur
ther ordered that said administrator be
and is hereby granted p-rmission to sell
the personal property belonging to said
estate as eo"n as appraisement shall be
In the matter of 'the estate of James
Crooksbank, deceased, Mrs. Agnes Jane
Cro.)kshaiik, aduiinit-tratrix, was al
lowed, to set aside personal property for
her i wn use.
Died F. W. Smi'h, at Coulder, Colo.,
on Thursday, April 6, 1899, of appen
dicitis, aged 21 years, 3 months and 21
Mr. Fred Smith was born in Corvallis,
Or., on Dec. 16, 1877, where he resided
wi.h his parents for a number of years,
when they moved to Stringtown, situa
ted on the Willamette river, about two
miles above Oregon City, where he has
since lived until last fall, when he left
for Colorado, thinking he might improve
his health by so doing.
Fred was a bright and intelligent
young man and had many iriends. He
enjoyed taking part in literary work,
which made him popular among Lis
many friends and relatives. ' J
He leaves a father, mother, four
brothers and two bisters and a hos-t of
friends to mourn his loss. - -
The bereaved parents have the sym
pathy of the entire community in this
their sad bereavement. ;
Oh, how sweet it will be
In that beautiful land
- So free from all sorrow and pain, -'
With songs on our lips
And with harps in our hands,
To meet our dear son and brother
again. M. B. B.
Backed by Quality
Is a good claim for buyera to lnvei'iRate It' a
good Utaa to keep in totieh with the best to secure'
the belt values. Buying Wall I'aper here means
thorough satisfaction and a selection of all the
neweet and best idiaa, Handsomest walls, but
modest investment.
it fit
per Pair
Porcelain Dinner Set
Per $7.50
WfflWIffi amn, mi win" '
2 i2 " a fir Mpr"
The Question of Economy
When mat corporation! r expending thous
ands of dollars in devices te save time, lkb?r and
materials there U evidence enough that this is an
lire f economy. We wish to put the strongest
emphosis upon the economy of the Charter Oak
Stove, ibis stove is the greatest saver of fuel,
food and of woman's strength and nerves, It
brings the eost of cooking down to the minimum
and keeps it there. No wonder it is turning the
cook stove business apskle do we. bacnoae It is a
revelation in its way. Tsm Chartkx Oak is 0
El nam wr Tool Ti&u to Piarirt ft.
Oak Front
For 59.BO
fsp This "jjS
lltJJ Ash TaWe ftp H '
$3.00 SJH3aI
1 iriV -i
All Fur Rugs 10 per cent
Below Cost
Carpets 10c to $1.25 per yard
There's a Well-Beaten Path...
It leads directly to our doors. Throngs of buyers traverse it day after day
Shows that we are strengthening the friendly business relation between the store
and public, without which there can be no success. Want you to keep coming.
Want y?".tokU our friends and neighbors about oar 'store. Confidence once
established between us, the rest will be eisy. '
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
A-um baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Matters of Interest Concerning
Clackamas Count! Schools.
Hon. William G.illotvay delivered a
very instructiveond entertaining leottre
on "Public and State Lands" before the
Barihy high scl ool Friday afternoon.
The next TVrcherV E luoatioii.d Asso
ciation wid meet at Parkplaee April 29,
1899, coinim ming at 10 o'eloik a.m.
Following is tho program :
A dtes of welcome by Prof. J. V.
Geography, by Prof. M. Hyatt.
P.ules for Study, by Prof. K. R. Stfele.
Vocal sulo, by Robert Ginther.
RfC'tiit'on, by Francis Galloway.
Arithmetic, Induct 've and Deductive
Teaching, Prof. E. A. .Mitner.
Oregon llisto y,'Mrs. Ea E. Dye.
The a hi ve pr uram will bo inter
spersfd with mnsc. N. W. Bowland,
county superintendent of schools.
The mothers of a number of pupils of
the West Oregon City eclwol were pe
sent last Friday afternoon to listen to a
deba e on "Resolv d, tliat country life
is preferable to city life." The question
was affirmed by Walter Gibb, Howaid
Strickler, Frank Shipley and David Mc
Millan, and the negative wai represent
ed by Lee Caufield, Earl Mosier, Berime
Smith, Walter Taylor and Donald Shaw.
The debaters acquitted themselves very
creditably. The judges decided that the
negative side presented the best argu
ment. "Mips Gertrude Nefger ia teaching in
district No. 14, near Stafford.
Several Clackamas county teachers
parti ipited in the teachers' institute
recently held at Hubbard. M. 8.
Shrock, who is a teacher there, was sec
retary of the meeting and prepared the
prepared the b cil program. Trofessor
J. 0. Ziner showed np the advantages of
psychology, to he teacher. A ptipen
written by J. P. Cole, of Aurora, was
read by Professor SUnborough. Shirley
Buck, of Canl y, made an excellent ad
dress on teaching grammar.
Advertisement of
Will appear in this space
Next Week
Several Important Ordinances
Read First Time at an Ad
journal Meeting.
At the adjourned council meeting
Tuesday night Mayor Latoutette presi
ded, and all the members of the council
were present except Charman. The
mayor announced that the meeting was
for the purpose of transacting general
business. An ordinance was read the
first time and ordered published author
izing the payment of $009 to the Port
land General Electric Company for ex
tending the lighting eyetem to Ely, Falls
View and Kansas City additons, the
city to retain ownership, until the said
money is paid back to the city in rental
for lights. '""
An ordinance was read the first time
and ordered publif-hed for the improve
ment ot Third to Tenth streets inclusive,
except 7th, below the bluff, with crushed
rock, the beginning sections read as
follows :
That 4th, 5th, 6th, 8 h, 9th and 10th
streets from the easterly line of Main
street to the (-tone wall known as the
westerly line of the i ignf of way of the
O. & O. R. R. Co., aii 3rd, 4 h, 5th, 6th
7th, 8th, 9th and 10th streets from the
westerly line of Main street to tha east
erly line of Water street, be 'improved
: A . ...i.i. '.a ....! .... mi.- -a. Or1
ordinance requites that the crushe I
reck to 1 e 10 inches deep after it, '
rolled, the sidewalks to be six feet wl
and wood curbs to be constructed
each side of the street 5 inches wide a'
16 inches deep.
An ordinance was read to appropriate
$1000 from road fund toward luildii g
the proposed road from Thiid street to
southeily limits of city ou bluff. On
motion this matter was vostfoned until
the next meeting.
An ordinance was read first time and
ordeied published appropriating $500 to
improve conntclionsto the Molalla road.
Committee on stri ets and public pro
perty reported that the ftalrway up
Falls View could be repaired for $150,
and were-- ordered to.. further procedd
with the woik.
An ordinance was read the first time
and ordered published, establishing
sewer district No. 2 on the hill. It pro
vides for 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch pipes and
drainpipes; also that any individual
may take the benefit of the Bancroft
Iwding act in paying their asfesfunents.
Three aspesRots will have charge of the
constructipn t'f the sewers, Bnd will
apportion the enpt to each separate piece
of properly. Contractors will be taxed
$15 per day for noncompletion of their
cantract in specified time. Interested
pprtiee present to some extent expressed
themselves in favor of reducing the si.e
of the district.
Will lie the Greatest One on the
racijlc Coast.
The upper Clackaaias hatchery, to be
rebuilt and henceforth operated by the
state, is located in the limits of the Cas
cade forest reserve, but the government
has issued authority for its use by the
state. The state commission recently
held a meeting, and the following is a
brief synopsis of the proceedings :
The question of hatcheries occupied a
good portion of the time. It was the
unanimous opinion of the members of
the commission that the Clackamas
hatchery was of the greatest importance
just now. Experiments have shown
that salmon begin to spawn on the up
per Clackamas as early as July 15. This
is 30 days earlier than they spawn any
where else in the Northwest, with the
possible exception of the Sandy river,
and for this reason a large and well
equipped hatchery will be built there.'
It will be necessary to build a flume
nearly a mile long to insure an abun
dance of gocd water at all times, but it
is thought beet to do this. Work has al
ready begun on making a good trail to
the location, which is 40 or 50 miles up
the river from its mouth and several
miles from a good road. As soon as the
trail is completed, material will be taken
in and woik will begin.
The hatchery is to have a capacity of
10,000,000 and will cost in the neighbor
hood of $3000. It will be next to the
largest hatchery on the coast. The
largest one is the government hatchery
on the Columbia. It is the purpose of
the fish commission eventually to en
large the Clackamas hatchery, thus
making it the greatest one on the coast.
No other hatchery sites were definitely
decided upon. One more will be con
structed on . the Columbia waten this
year or early next, and will perhaps be
on the Sandy river. . ,: . ,
f , Oregonian and Cornier-Herali $2
! ftf
Large Tubing
Flush Joints
Dust-Proof Bearings
Hardened Non-Stretching Chains
Low-Dropped Crank Banger
Large Sprockets
Internal Expanders for Seat Post
and Handle Bar
Seven-Inch Cranks
Dunlap Tires
Laminated Rims
Axle Adjusting Cones, locked Inside
the frame Instead of outside
No Cotter Pin In the Crank Axle
No wheel is complete unless it has all
these improvements
All are found on 1899 CRESCENTS
Price $35. The best material and the best workmanship
go into the Crescents. There is nothing better than the
best, so there is no better wheel than the Crescent at any
price. Examine them at
UUNTIrs BOOK stoiw
Feathesstone Bicycles, $25.