OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1899. (JOHN, H. AVOURMS ATTORNEY AT LAW I, .' . . Eeutffyr 2Ibtofat Oregon City, Oregon Office with H. E. Cross ftf Land Titles and Land . Gllica BusiHess a Specialty. ROBERT A. MILLER, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts of the State and he Bureaus of the Interior Dsparlment at Waish bgton. Koom 8, Chabmam Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. VAN'R. HYDE LAW OFFICE Will practice In all the Courts of the State and the C. S. Land Office. Abst acts made. Land Ti tles Quieted. Conveyances and all 1 egal Docu ments drawn. Real Estate bought and sold. Divor ces a Specialty. Office in Caufield Builciko, OREGON CUT, OREGON. GEORGE LINCOLN STORY LAWYER Will practice In all the Courts of this State and Washington. Foreclosure of Mortgages and Pro bate Mutters a Specialty. Titles exiimincd and Abstracts made. Office, C aufibi d Buildincj. COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Make col lections. Buys and sells exohance on all points In the United Stales and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received kul jeol to check. Bank opon from v A In. to 4 P. M. D.C.LAlOURK'l'lE," FRED J, MEYER, President. Cashier. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TORJNEY8 AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building ORSiGON CITY . T . . OREGON Qio. C. Bsowniu t. U. Campbiu BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caunald Building Oregon City, On W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huutley's, OREGON CITY - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeutfer Stb&olat, OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LlADIMO INSUSAXCI AOEKCY Or ClACIAMAS County Honey to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Doouments a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 8th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Ezperienoe.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronlo diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 19 a. m., t to 6 p. m. OBEQON CITY .... OREGON DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office in Caufield Building, Main Street Oregon Oitr. Briogb and Cbowm Work a Specialty. All work warranto.! and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Pepot, pBaaoN Our, . Oregon DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. with dr. welch. Willamette Block - Oppotitt PottoJJice Oregon City, Oregon. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1&64 J . TUB PIONEER EXFKE8SMAH AND DRAYMAN Parci ls Delivered to All Parte of the City OREGON CITY ' . T . . . OREGON Leading Photographer OREGON CITY, OKEQON Jab Printing t tic Curfcr (Efea. - " Durability is Better Than Show." The wealth of the multi millionaires is not equal to good health. Riches without health are a curse, and yet the rich, the middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood's Sarsaparilla, a valuable as sistant in getting and main taining perfect health. It never disappoints. Scrofula-" Three years ago our son, now eleven, had a serious case of scrofula anderysipelas with dreadful sores, discharg ing and Itching constantly. He could not walk. Several physicians did not help for sixteen months. Three months' treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla made him per fectly well. We are glad to tell others of it." Mrs. David Laird, Ottawa, Kansas. Nausea -" Vomiting spells, dizziness and prostration troubled me for years. Had neuralgia, grew weak and could not sleep. My age was against me, but Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me thoroughly. My weight Increased from 125 to 143 pounds. I am the mother of nine children. Never felt so well and strong since I was married as I do now." Mrs. M. A. Waters, 1529 33d St., Washington, D. C. Eczema-" We had to tie the hands of our two year old son on account of eczema on face and limbs. No medicine even helped until we used Hood's Sarsaparilla, which soon cured." Mrs. A. Van Wyck, 123 Montgomery Street, Paterson, N. J, Hood's Pilli cure liver Ills ; the non-Irritating an only cathartic to take v.lth Hood's SarBiarT'"lv For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY Go to v. F. HENNINQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as it goes by. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. North. tJOA.a I 0l.M 00 Ml. :62r.n. :hA.M. tr Portland Ar Lv Oregon City Lv Ar Ban Franolsco Lv 1:00 r. The above trains stop at all stations betweer Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer. son, Albany, Tangent, Bhedds, Halaey, Harris, bur, Junction Oily, Irving;, Eugene, Creawell, Cottage Grove. Urains, and alt stations froia Roieburg to Ashland, Inclusive. R08EJSURQ MAIL DAILY. t:80 a. K. ,Lv Portland Arl 4tS0r. ft:27 i. M. I Lv Oreson City Lv I ft:M r.v I. HO r. a. Ar Roseburg Lv I t 9 u DIKING CARS ON OQDEN ROl'Tt PULLMAN BUFFET 8LBMPtHS AHD SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAF.S Attached to all Through Trains Weal Hide Dlvlnlou, llrrwrrn PORTLAND and CIIKVAI I Ik XlItTHlIK Dtll.TlIXCKPIMIKDlV. At Albany and Corvalils connet with train of Onxnii Central A Eastern K. R. ixfke Team DaiLY(ixciri0HDT.i i:MP. M. I l.v Portland ArM-j.it V 7. so P. M. I .tr McMiniivllle Lv t v B:80 P. M. Ar Iu,, pendence Lv t.JuA y. Rates and tickets to en'tern points ana fnmi il JAPAN, CMXA, H'lN' "l.l'I.P kua AL'S iUALIA, cau be tiUuiiieo f(Uui r.. E. BOYD, Aa-rnt. Orrinn CUj ft. KOK.ni.FR, C. H. MAHKMaM, Atam-xir, Aul. 1 p. At cut Portland, Or. Portland, Or. WML Dipabt TIME SCHEDULES ARRIVE Fur From Pert and. vkum Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Fast Mail Ft. Worth. Omaha, Mall 1:00p.m. Kansas City, St 6:45p.m. Loni, C h icago, and East. Spokane Walla Walla, 8 p o- Spokane Fiver kane, Mimieapo- Fiver 2:20 p.m. Us, St. Paul, Da- 1:80 a. m luth, Milwaukee, Chicago and East S ft) p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. Sail every five days. 8:00 p.m. Columbia River :Mi. in. Ex. Sunday Iteimers. Kx.Suudny Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and IVay Landings. 6:00a.m. Willamette River. 4:: p.m. Ex. Sunday kx. hi,U'n Oregon City, New berg, Salem i Way Landings. 7:00 a.m. Wlllsmsrlt and Yam- :a p. in. Tucs.. Thur. hill Niters. Hon.. ml and Bat. ami Kn Oregon City, Day ton, k Way Laud ing. 6:00 a.m. Wlllamttte River. 4:nup. in. Tuea., Thar Tun.. Tiiut and Sal. Portland to Corral- ami 8i. lis A Way Land, logs. Lv. Rlparia Snake Kher. 1 1. ). ih.h 1:4.'' a.m. :. m. Daily Kluaxla to l lalon lmr Ex. Saturday , tt. Frw...; f. E. DOXALD80.V, Ag. nt. Oiegon I : The Sewer Question'. Oregon City, April 3. EditorCoutier-Herald Dear Sir; The wiiter on the sewer question who signs himself "W. O." has got it bad. H talks about sickening, nauseating filth, reeking, revolting, demoralizing, vandal izing, etc., ad libitum. Where is Street Commissioner Brad ley? or he would have been out with his hose to flush this W . 0. But, seriously speaking, sir, the writer should visit the drug store at once for a draught, and nothing Bhort of croton oil would be sufficient. No wonder at the following inaudling sentiments: "Health and wealth are independent-of each other.... Sickness and poverty are also largely dependent on each other . . .Oh, it makes me sick to think of it; and all this in our beauti ful Oregon City ; IN OUR BEAUTIFUL OREGON CITY 1" Iu the words of the immortal Bumble, we would say "Dou't think of it then." But I here is more: ''Financially, the engineer and com mittee whose duty it was to make accu rate surveys and estimates have per formed that" duty carefully, and it can be done for 4 per lot." What gush 1 The committee vouching for the estimates I Why, the chairman disclaimed the least knowledge of sewer ing, and the engineer (God save the mark) simply made a guess at it. An expert in sione work claims that $12 to $15 would only be a fair estimate for Center street alone, without the pipe. In the bottom, with small pipes, through short range and all the excavations in sand, where every lot is occupied, the cost lias been heavy, but it is l o ap proach to what it would be on the bill, where large pipes would be laid, largely in the rocks, and the population is not thick enough to Lear the expense with out proving, in some cases, pure confis cation. Any one with a nose to bold may soon know that the hill is sweetness itself compared to the bottom, where they al ready have -ewage pipes and where in fectious disease is always most preva lent. A moderate expenditure on street inv p ovi ment and surface drainage is need ed on the hill far more than sewage pipes. Altars. Copy of Letter to Canby Paper. Oregon City, April 3rd. Mr. J. D. Stevens, Editor Independ ent. - Deat Sir : I cannot think that you have a deliberate intention of misrep resenting either Mr. Stout or myself, Lut in your last issue a statement is re peated which is, an absolute and unqual fled falsehood, as follows: "Mr. Hargreaves says that others at the Falls were not assessed at anything near their proportionate vain ," "if, as Mr. Hargraves says, "the other factories were favored, &c," and In an other article: "The people .whom Mr. f-'tout favored and Hargreaves is apolo-tti-iug for, are gold staudard ." I defy any nne to show any statement do uction-or announcement that I have ni de whicn will t-uppori you in churn ing me wiili tuo above. If, with my open letter before you, yon can gather aliFOiiitt'ly false charges, to force an ar gument again-t Mr. Stout,, there is no question of your ability to assume a -uperior knimludge of the assessor1! tiusiuehb ti his diKTedit. My Benti uients are two well known to be charged wit i fhvorinu either gold standard or siver s aidard men of w a'th in paying taxes. It is reckless misrepresenta tion to fay I apologized for the P. Q. E. Co , or anyone i'le, on their taxation I won d have every cent legally due, and -o would W Stout. It is only the question of wh knows the business of irfe-HDg liert. lterpii'tfully yours, G. E. Hargreaves. Jnru Hat. Full' wing t.re the jurymen for the Apiildrn if i he iii cuit court, drawn yefteulu) : L. I . N u ni ower, farmer, Harding. J.' W. I natulan, photographer, Oregon City; J. C. Newbury, merchant, New Era. H. W, 1'tnter, laborer, Canemab. R. L. Kingo, farmer, Highland. J. H. I'orings, farmer, Boring. KhuiioimI I'ic'itey, farmer, Molalla. J. K. Mortis, ' laborer, West Oregon City. Will Jones, farmer, Beaver Creek. T. Huxley, farnte', Garfield. .latneK UhIv, farmer, Molalla. 1'i ii-r Ni hien, janitor, Oregon City. 1 1. .n en A I bott, farmer, Macksburg. art Unwell, farmer, Springwater. C. T. Vnii.ltr.tlie, carpenter, Oregon Oiy. . It. Fin. Man, gadener, Abernethy. lin n dill t rs, farmer, Eagle Creek. Jin. II. Beeson, millman, Beaver Ct.ek. lin.iit t ii'Hi r, inlkuian, New Era. J t HP'ti, fitimt-r, New Era. H (V Sihii 'pit. firmer, Garfield. I h n as .Mann, farmer, ADernetny. K. Fi.mo'1, farmer, Canby. Oli AiikkleMiu, farmer, Cascades. S. i in T'l-'r, farmer, Marqnnm. f. I. I ni ii"i , fHtiner, Tualatin. 'Hi' ii a 1'iatif, faimer. Marquam ' Jati.es F. .McCiiniiell, farmer, Pleasant T via r?s na"t farmer. New Era. J.J.tJ.Xiiwtt, merchant, Damascus. "int. Van, tuillmM, Bmtm Cruek. Fres Clippings. Woodburn Independent : The Odd Fellows are pardonably proud of the beautiful alter made by E. H. Wright and the handsome pedestals made by O. A, Nendel for their fine lodgeroom. Roseburg Review : Horticultural Commissioner J. R Casey visited Med tord yesterday and starts out this week for an inspection trip through Josephine, Douglas and other counties in his district. Milton Eagle: Mr. C. J. McKinzie has been awarded the contract by the postal department for carrying the mail between the O. E. &N. depot and the Milton postoflice, he being the lowest bidder. Moro Observer : Tne Moro Commer cial Club has been reorgauized. F. E. Brown, president ; E. E. Ly lie, vice-president; A. C, Stanford, treasurer; I. J. Keffer, secretary. Rooms are being fitted up in. the basement of the opera-house. A'bany Democrat : The Astoria Build- igg & Loan Association has sold its business to the EqnitaSle Building & Loan Association, of Portland, which is the same as the Butte company which owns the business of the Albany com pany. Fort Orford Tribune : Bagley broth ers shipped several tons of Burbank po tatoes to San Francisco by the Areata, recently, and were well pleased with re turns. It is something unusual for po tatoes to be shipped from this vicinity to California. Dufer Dispatch : The present outlook for the future harvest is indeed promis ing. The nights, although somewhat chilly, do not seem to interfere with the growing grain to any extent, and what looked so discouraging at the first has turned out, as it were, to be a blessing in disguise. Union Scout: Mr. Martin, of the Park, reports feed scarce in that locality and says the settlers have generally tufned their stock out to do the beat thev can. He thinks that horses will generally "pull through," but a large percentage of cattle will be unable to survive the struggle for existence. Dallas Observer : Messrs. Suitor & Thurston are filling an order for 200,000 feet of lumber this week. The bill con sists of heavy timbers and finished lutn ber. One hundred and sixty thousand feet goes to the California market. The mill is running at its full capacity, with plenty of orders ahead. Heppner Gazette: On Monday evening at theii regular meeting the Elks' elec tion of officers took place as follows Exalted ruler, S. W. Spencer; esteemed leading knight, R. F. Hynd; esteemed loyal knight, Henry Blackman; es teemed lecturing knight, Frank Roberts ; secretary, James Hart ; treasurer, Frank Gilliam, and trustee, M. B. Metzler. Albany Herald : About 50 workmen on the Upper Willamette are cutting and rafting logs to Oregon City for the Spau'ding Logging Company, of Newberg. Camps of loggers are at work at Harrisburg the head of the Little Willamet.e and mouth of the Santiam, and the steamer Gtay Eagle and Valley Queen ate towing the rafts down the river. The timber is for the paper mills, and balm and wh te fir are the only kinds used. Word From G. T. Watts. A letter has just been received from G. T Watts, who is in Alaska, dated Jan. 30 He was then at Fort Selkirk and had just recovered from an attack of the scurvy, having cured himself by using tomatoes and lime juice. He eays: "I wulke I 140 miles to Fort Selkirk and drew ni.y sled as I went. I am going to return to my claim on the Pelly river in the morning. My provis ions will last me until July." He had received none of the letters that hail been written to him. If pros pects are not brighter soon, we may look for him home again next fall. Emma Watts. Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meyer celebrated their silver jubilee or 25th wedding an niversary at St. John's Catholic chnrch Wednesday morning. Solemn high mass was observed, conducted by Father Hill- ebrand assisted as follows: Celebrant, Rev. James Rauw; deacon, Rev. A. Boll a ; sub deacon, Rev. L. A. LeMiller; master of ceremonies, Rev. James Kauw, who preached an eloquent ser mon. There wag a program of music rendi red and delicious re reshtnents served at the banquet at their residence at 9 p. m. The following were guests at the banquet: Mr. and Mrs. Saraael Meyeir, Rev. A. Hillehrand. Rev. tJaines Rauw, Portland; Rev. L. A. Le Miller, New Era; Mr. and Mrs. R. Koe mer, Mr. and Mrs Frank Busch, Mr. and Mrs. John Vegelius, Mr and Mrs. A. P. Shoeps, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Mr. and Mis. Ed Sheahan, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fredrich, Mr. and Mrs. M. Michaels, Martha Meyer, Frieda Meyer, Augusta Meyer, Lou Drape, Susie Mirhael', Bertha Matldes, Maggie Hanifln. Julitie Fredrich, Cliut Mich- Frank Frederic). n. Steam thresher and separator for sale on reasonable terms - Inquire at my residenceone mile east of Sunnyside Postoffice, Clackamas county,' " Mm. Aokei VROiMJiAjuXe Give the Newspaper Men of V, e East Something to Write ami Think About. The official' editorial souvenir to be published for the visiting editors prom ises to be the finest description of the Northwest ever published, and Oregon City will be well represented by a full page illustration of the factories and falls, a page of five or s!s views grouped and three pages of descriptive reading matter. Among' the principal subscribers to this fund are : The Oregon City Bank, . Commercial Bank, Crown Paper Mills. N. R. Lang (Willamette Paper and Pulp Mills). Oregon City Enterprise, Courier-Herald, Oregon City Press, and others. , When waited upon by the committee don't fail to help the newspaper boyB along. Oregon City is one of the chief attractions we have to offer our thousand guests who are representatives of our ten thousand newspapers throughout the United States. , Township Road System. Editor Courier-Herald : If you will give us space in your columns, I think we should express ou ideas oil the road question, no matter how feeble the ideas maybe. , I have been asked what the New Eng land townaliip system is. I cannot quote the law as it is written in the statute ; I can only Bay that I once lived in uorth eru Wisconsin and saw the road system in operation. Each township was a road district and a voting precinct, in which they had three road supervisors, a town clerk, assessor and treasurer, the treasurer collecting the taxes. They held what they called a town meeting every spring, and there decided by vote how much money they needed for road purposes. The work was let in small or large contracts to the lowest bidder. I can say that I know from actual obser vation that under that syBtem they had good roads in ten years from the time the first settler blazed a trail through the swamp I o get in to a good body of land. We here psy 4 or 5 mills road tax and some people work twice as much more Would it not be better to double our road tax and give us the privilege of working half of it out on the road? The man that donates work would not object I think. I am not in favor of going into debt to build roads. In our private affairs every shrewd business man will advise us to keep out of debt. If we cannot af ford to go into debt to make needed pri vate improvements, in my judgment, neither can we afford to go into debt to make public improvements. At present everything we raise on the farm brings a fair price excepting wheat. If prices will remain as good for ten years as they are at present, it might be safe for us to go into debt to build roads, but what guarantee have we that it will not take twice as much produce to pay the uvbl when it is due as when it is contracted? The Populists have declared, and stick to it, that the purchasing power of tiie uollar is too great. It has lost its pur chasing power to some extent under this republican administration. To the extent that it has lost its purchasing power the farmers are benefited. Is there any one so foolish as to believe that any action of the present adminis tration raised prices, or that prices will stay up under a continuance of the gold standard? Stephkn Hutchinson. Highland, April 4. A Frightful Blunder Will of I en cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcere, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure ou earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guar anteed. Sold by Geo. A. Harding, drug- K'wt. Blue lllver Mines Road. From F. Sparks, of Blue River, who was in town today, we learn that five miles of the road from the McKenzie wagon road to the Blue River mining district is finished. Easy grades and a fair width of road bed have been made, and it will be no trouble hereafter to reach the quartz district with loaded wagons. The read has been completed to the snow line, leaving hut one-half mile unfinished. The work on that portion is not of a heavy character, and can soon be at tended to whenever the summer sun melts the snow. Eugene Guard. To Cur Constipation Foreta . Take Cascareis Candy Cathartic Vic. or 25c. If O. C. C. fail to corn, druggists refund inonet . Notice to Farmers I have erected on south side of Main St.. near Woolen Mills, Oregon City, a feed yard for the benefit ol the public. with tirst-class t-iil.-t an 1 waiting rouin for the ladies. My price are as follows: Stall riom for team 10c, single rig 10c, saddle horse 6c. Also horses kept by the day, week or month. Barn room to rent by the month, also corral lor loose stock. rees always on hand, . IrUHK L B'JGSAr, ri'83. Your Doctor Knows Tour doctor knows all about foods and medicines. , The next time you see him, just ask him what he thinks j or Scon's Emulsion; i Ctofl-klver OU with Hypo phospbitea. We are willing: ' I to trust in his answer. For twenty-five years doo ' tors have prescribed our Emulsion for paleness, weak- i ness, nervous exhaustion, and t for all diseases that cause , loss in flesh. Its creamy oolor and its' pleasant taste make it es pecially useful for thin and I delicate children. No other preparation of cod i liver oil is like it Don't lose , time and risk your health by ' taking something unknown and untried. Keep in mind (that SCOTT'S EMULSION has stood the test for a quarter of a century. 50c and $t 00; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. J". A.. IRO-IECE General Blacksiciil), Opp.Cliarmaii's S:ore, OUEGON CITY Special Attention Given to all kinds of Tool Work. BATH COMFORT Is unknown unless rveryihing connected with the bath tub is In nrfot order. The 1'lnmbiiiR done bv us la thoroughly mtlslMVr tory bectu.se It U done right, F. C. GADKE Progressive Business Men Insure in a 6rst-cfa.ss companies With an experenced agent. F. E. DonaldsonAgent Fir and Accident insurance New Furniture AT YOUNG'S I have just received a fine lot of new furniture, which I am offering at surpris ingly low linures. 1 got it at a bargain that's how I can sell it at thee prices. In Second-Hand Goods I have stoves, cooking 11 tonsils, carpets, bedding, furniture in fact anyandev erything you want for housekeeping. I will Buy Anything You have to sell and pay you the high est price. Call and see tne. Q. H. YOUNG, Main Stukkt - - OittooN City loblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OBEGON, Oathe 8treet between the Bridge end the Depet. Dbubla anit slnfl riis and aaddls horses a tysonhsnd at Ih lowast rates, nd torr Iso eonnoUd with th barn (or loos stock inrlnformatlon rf"dlui ,ny klni oi romptlT atundsd to b j lefur or person. HOUSES! BOUGHT OH SOLD, W. II. YOUXG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best )ooklngrlg and cheap, si rates in the city. i Cor. Main and 4th Ct. jCICO.N CUV. OliEGON Shall we kTAv tell you A why ? Ijl