6 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY APRIL 7, 1899 NEWS OF . STATE. Joseph Burgoyne will move his flour mill from Lexington to lone if the people of lone assist him financially. Weston will vote tomorrow on the proposition of issuing $1.1,000 of bonds to fund the indebtedness of the city. J. Cully and George Haven were uned $20 by Justice Mclntyre, of Milton, for disturbing church services at Free Water. The Wood burn school directors have ordered J. E. Hawes, the principal of the ( public school, to discontinue the use of the rawhi le in p mishing refractory p u pils. G. W. Perkins, of Xorth Yamhill, who has returned from London, says that he niai He ted his hops at a good figure, and did not leave them to be sold on com mission. He had 261 bales which were eagerly purchased by London dealers as soon as they could be transferred from the steamer to the warehouse. Preliminary arrangements are being made for the conttruction of a logging railroad into the timber belt along Mer rill creek, b.tek of Dder Island. It is said to be the aim of the projectors to run the road oyer to the headwaters of the Clatskanie river and Milton creek, in which event a superior body of lim ber will be reached. The Polk county teachers' institute will meet at McCoy next Saturday. Jacob Slagal, a pioneer of 1854, died at Monore Monday, aged 69 years. City elections were held Monday at Eugeue, Cottage Grove, St. Helens and Dallas. Wooburn's city election Monday re sulted in a victory for the friends of the new charier. Erntst Perch committed suicide by shooting himself near Cedar Mill, Wash ington county, Monday. Gold Hill has voted bonds for a water works system. Weston will rebond itself for $10,000 . to pay off the water bonds. Columbia river fishermen decided at a meeting Tuesday night to comply with the law by taking out licenses. W. J. Jones w.is shot and killed at Antelope Tuesday by F. N. Spicer, who claims he acted in self-delence. State School Superintendent Ackei- man has returned from a tour of the schools of Eastern Oregon, which he re ports having found in a flourishing con dition. PACIFIC COAST. io "spider anu ny company was arrested at Tacoma Sunday for violating the Sunday law. Mitts Carrie Rogers was married to William Blackmail at Olympla Sunday. The bride is a daughter of Governor Rogers, A powder car on the Great Northern blew up at Everett, Wash., Sunday, killing one tramp and injuring two oth ers. The Washington state board of audit and control is in session in Tacoma. Four Ness Perce Indians have gone to Washington to lay before the govern ment the suup.ised grievances of the tribo. Lieutenants Learned, Oastner and Van Demon, now at Seattle, have been ord-re I nut to proceed to Alaska. It Is RUppjsod that they will be Bent to Mnnllu. Republicans elected nearly all their candidates atTaoma Tuesday, Fire distroyed CurinW creamery at Cheney, Washington, Tuesday. Loss, 1500. Ten lives were lost by the wreck of the steamer Chilcat, at Eureka, Cat., Tues day. Fire at Boundary, Wash., Tuesday de stroyed a hotel. Loss 150i). No insur ance, Lewis county, Washington, teachers tre assembled at Ceutralia, attending n institute. George Schwegeler fell from a log at Hoquiam, WaBh., Tuesday, and was in stantly killed. FOREIGN. Richard Chamberlain, brother of Jo seph Chamberlain, is dead at Loudon. Twenty-nine farmers have been mas sacred by aborigines at Byorsetsu, Ja pan. Serious disturbances have occurred at Canton. A British warship has gone to the scene. Germany is said to be concentrating a Meet at Amoy, with the Intention of see ing Futsien. United States Minister Straus had an audience with the sultan at Constanti nople Saturday. Turkish and Bulgarian frontier guards have collided in eastern Roumania, and both sides suffered severely. The resignation of the Greek cabinet 1ms been accepted. Ilong Kong authorities are pressing lor an extension of the territory ceded to THE WEEK England by the treaties of Canton and Kanking. The trouble at Canton is serious. TheChinese have captured Cap tain V rancis Henry May, superintend ent of the Hong Kong police. ihe village of Naboin, Japan, has been destroyed by fire and 70 lives were lost. The plague is raging in Formosa, and 232 deaths have occurred since January 1st. In a riot at Talien Wan 94 Chinese were killed and 128 wounded by Russian soldiers. The United States gunboat Machias lias gone to Bluefields, Nicaragra, to protect American interests. An unsuccessful attempt upon the life of Hoshi Toru, former Japs minister to the United States, has been made. The report that Captain May, of the H mg Kong police, has been captured by the Chinese, proves to have been er roneous. The Captain has arrived at Hong Kong. England and Italy are reported to have reached an agreement under which the latter will occupy San Mun bay, China, GEN Ell AL. John bherman progresses steadilv toward recovery The condition of Vice-President Ho- bart slowly improves. A furious snow storm raged in South Dakota Sunday and Monday, It was reiterated Sunday night by two members of the cabinet at Washington that no consideration will be paid to any proposition for money for the Cu ban army outside of the $3,000,000 fund now awaiting their acceptance. Governor-General Brooke proposes to remodel the Cuban judiciary. Rear-Admiral Charles O. Carpenter committed suicide at a Boston sanita rium Sunday.' A receivership for the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf railroad has been granted at Kansas City. Four Santiago bandits were captured Monday, after a hard fight with the Ninth Immune8. Warren Leland, proprietor of the burned Windsor hotel, at New York, is on the verge of death from appendicitis. John D. Farley, democrat, was Mon day elected mayor of Cleveland, defeat ing Robert E. McKisson, the present mayor. The United States supreme court Monday rendered a decision upholding the constitutionality of the war revenue law. More than three fourths of the cotton mills of the New England states bein operations Tuesday under advanced wge schedules. The work of searching the ruins of the Windsor hotel for dead bodies has been completed. The known dead now num ber 45, and several persons are still missing. Warien F. Leland died at New York Tuesday. John Sherman is progressing steadily towards recovery. Carter Harrison was re-elected may- or of Chicago Tuesday. Dan Creedon and Torn West fought a 20-round draw at New York Tuesday night. A combination of Montana and Mich igan copper mines is being negotiated at New York. The trial of Mrs. Anna E. George, on a charge of having murdered George D. baxton, Mrs. McKinley's brother, be- gan at Cauton Tuesday. WAR. The rebels are preparing to make a fight at Mariquina, near Manila. Ilo Ilo has been almost wiped out as the result of the recent fighting. A report of the etteets of the gun-fire of Dewey's ships May 1 last shows that 167 Spaniards were killed and 214 woun ded. White flags are being waved all around Malolos by rebels who have de serted Aguinaldo and who wish to sur render, A proclamation calling for the uncon ditional surrender of the Filipinos has been Issued by the Phillipine commis sion at Manila. Brigadier-General Reeves, Thirteenth Minnesota, and Oaptaiu Saxton, for merly of General King's staff, have re tinned from Manila, having resigned. The main btxly of the rebel army was located Monday five miles northeast of Malolos, Departure from Cuba of the remain ing volunteers will be delayed until the Cuban army question Is nearer settle ment. . The rebel army is msinr ntr C:i turn pit. Aguinaldo is said to be preparing to transfer the scene of his operations to the southern islands of the Philippine group. The Cuban assembly has disolved and ordered disbandment of the army. Rebels are committing all sorts of crimes upon private citizens about Ma lolos. MacArthur is preparing to remove his division to Calumpit, six miles north of Malolos. The Montana regiment and the Fourth I L J - . . cavairy naa a Drusn with the enemy near Malolos Tuesday. FILIPINO WAR. Rumored that Aguinaldo lias a Successor. Aguinaldo has fled and the Filipino war has degenerated into bushwhacking skirmishes. But comparatively few casualties are reported since last week. The Philippine commission have issued their proclometion affering protection to the Filipinos if they will become good citizens. MANILA, April 5.-6:30 P. M .The proclamation of the United States Phil ippine commission was posted in the streets, printed in English, Spanish and lagal, today.. It was also distributed in the outside towns as far as Malolos, and has been received with marked atten tion by natives generally and approved Dy a number of representative Minilans, The English bankers here who have been interviewed on the subject are op tomiutic upon the attitude of the Ameri cans, assuming that the decisive policy will undoubtedly be successful. Ihere are persistent rumors that Aguinaldo has been suplanted in his control of Filipino aflairs by General Antonio Luna, commander in chief of the Filipino forces. Luna is described as being a typical belligerent. The editor of Oceanic thinks tht proc lamation is the most politic document ever published in the Philippine islands, and that it is bound to convince the wavering of the folly of further hostil Hies. An English merchant Bays trie first clause, with reference to the estab lishment and malntainance of American sovereignty and warning , to rebels, should settle the question in the minds of every thinking Filipino. A Scotch shipowner thinks it does not le ive any further doubt as to the policy of the United States, and that consequently Aguinaldj must submit to the inevit able. CORRUPTION IN HAVANA. Governor-General Brooke to Re- model the Judiciary. , i Havana, April 2. Today, as under the Spanish regime, bribery nl fraud direct the Cuban courtp. This is the firm conviction of the mi'it iry adminis tration. Governor-General Brooke is taking the matter up, and intends to clean out the corruption, to revise the udiciary procedure, to change the court personnel and to abolish the barbarous practice of incommunicado, by which a judge may imprison for life a person ig norant of the accusation against him and of the names of his accusers. It is true that the statutes allow only three days' detention incommunicado, but a judge, under the practice that has grown up, may make a new commitment at the end of the third day, another at the expiration of the Bixth, and so on, with out limit. More than this, the evi lance in criminal cases is taken bv lerks, who, for a consideration, write into the testimony things never uttered, thus often making the best friends of the accused appear to condemn him. Apparently, the whole criminal and civil systems have been arranged so as as to make it easy to buy and sell jus tice. Small Conflict In Havana. Havana, April 2. Late this afternoon a conflict occurred at La Machina whaif between the police and some marints and Kailors of the Resolute. The ap pearance of General Ludlow and the po lice reserve quelled the disturbance. It is asserted that the marines, who were more or less Intoxicated, started the row. Several shots were fired hefnr the anival of the military governor and the oolice reserves under Chief Menocal. The marines returned to the Resolute. One policeman was wounded. Capital News. The gardening seasons of the medical department of the Willamette Univer sity have been deferred until some time in June, when the medical department will be on the regular program in con nection with the commencement week of the literary department. A class of three nurses will be gradu ated from the Salem hospital. The graduates are MiBS Myra Murphy, Miss Cora Smith and Miss Grace Smith. Success has at last crowned the efforts made to Incorporate the act to ciose the stores at 6 o'clock p. m. except on Sat urdays. About SO stores have omplie J with the movement. This is supposed to include closing on Sundays. The barbers have also, it is said, complied with the latter request. Easter passed very quietly here, with appropriate services in the churches. April 5. April Showers. 1 1 Worlfl and Courier-Herald $1.85 DEMOCRATIC GAINS. The Elections In Eastern States Give Democratic Majorities. Chicago, April 5. Official account of the returns of yesterday's election for mayor is as follows : Harrison ...149,158 Carter. 107,225 Aligeld 45.538 Scattering 2,385 Harrison's plurality is 41,933, but he he has 6390 less than a majority. Har rison carried 29 out of 34 wards, includ ing bis own ward, which is nominally republican, and also the Tenth, the strong republican ward and the home of his opponent, Carter. The Chronicle (dam.) today says : "William J. Bryan is coming to Chi cago April 14 as the guest of the Monti cello Olub, and he will make a speech that will doubtless be full of significance to the mayor's friends as well as to those politicians of the state who are prepared to fall in behind the Harrison standard. Mayor Harrison will also make a speech at the same b)ird. He will doub lets define his future policy, and Bryan will hear whether Illinois is going to make alliances with Eastern states which have been reaching so eigerly for sympathet ic co-operation, or whether the organi zation ttvU wis formed in the national democratic convention in Chicago is to remain intact.1' Thomas Gaghan, dem 'cratic n iti nal committeeman for Illinois, said : "I see, as a member of the national committee, the end of Altgeld's in a ence in national politic'). Comparing his vote for governor in 1896 with the vote of yesterday, it will be seen that his influence is a thing of the past." The friends of Mayor Harrison today were busy expressing their delight at the vista of political activity before him Bt retching away into state and national affairs. His nomination for governor is already talktd of, and the probability that he will head Chicago and Illinois democrats' in the next democratic na ti nal convention is eagerly discussed. IN COLORADO. Denver, April 5. Election reports from the state show that in Pueblo, George F. West, democrat, was elected mayor; in Colorado Springs, John B. Robinson, republican ; in Cripple Creek, E. P. M. Arthur, silver republican; in Victor, W. J. Donnelly, populist labor oandidate; in Trinidad, F. R. Wood, re publican ; in Central City, John Jenkins, dem crat; in Leadville, J.F. McDonald, silver republican.. Dinver, April 5 The democratic ci y ticket, except clerk and treasurer, and probably some of the aldermen, has been e!o"ted by pluralities ranging from 1000 to 2000. The mayor-elect is Henry V. Johnson, a prominent lawyer, who held ihe office of United States district attor ney for Colo-ado during President Cleve land's second trm. He supported Bryan iu the list presidential campaign. MISSOUHI. St. Louis. Ap il 5 Returns from mu nicipal and school elections held in most f the towns, cities and comities throujh out Missouri yesterday show that the democrats carriel a mijontyof their tickets, while in several cities, notably Boonville and Sedilii, rnnors were d' yided with the republicans , KANSAS. Kansas Citv, Km., April 5 Mayor William Mardiam, repub:ican, was re elected by about 500 majority and the remainder of the republican ticket was successful. T(PiSKA, April 5 The city e'eciion resulted in a complete victory for all the republican candidates and the Audito rium bond priposition An Enterprising Firm. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Geo. A. Harding, who spares no pains to secure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. He now has the agency for Dr. King's New Discovery, which surely cures constipation, coughs and colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is now producing so much excitement all over the country, by Its many startling cures. It absolutely cures asthma, bron chitis, nausea and all affections of the throat, chest and lungs. You can test it b'fore buying by calling at the above drug store and get trial bottle free, or regular sice for 50c and f 1. Guaranteed to I'Ure, r price refunded. NOTICE. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April 4th, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the ap proved plats of Township 7 south, range 4 east, and Township 7 south, range 5 east, have been received from the Sur veyor General of Oregon, and oh MAY 15tii, 1899, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said date, said plats will be filed in this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to en try on and after said date. Ohab. B. Moorbs, Register. Wm Galloway, Receiver. i Beauty 1 Blood. Clean blood means clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Osndy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to hsnish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by tak ins Cascarets beauty for ten cents. All druggists atiefaction guaranteed, 10c, 20c, 50c Weekly Oregon ian and Oregon City CourierHerald FOR ONE YEAR Just Received... NEW Spring and Rummer Goods Shoes, Boots, Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Fancy Goods, Dry Goods. YOKOHAMA CLOTHING COMPANY No. 3 Commercial Blk, next door to P. O., OREGON CITY A Good Thing. If you have a good thing the people want it. Their scales of living is many degrees higher than their fathers'; they want the necessities of life to be as good as possible for the money. MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at the lowest price. A penny saved is two earned. H. BETHK Dealer In First-Class Fresh Meats of All Kinds Opposite Huntley's, Oregon City. HARRIS' GROCERY.. Fresh Stock of First-Class Depot for HAT and FEED On Top.... The top of the Shoe isn't where the most wear comes, but it's important, nevertheless. Tops are made in a great variety of styles now-a-days. All of them are good, but some more beautiful than others We have all the new styles of tops, for you to select from. KRAUSSE BROS. x MRS. R. 220 First Street - - Has just returned from San Francisco with a complete assortment of Imported Pattern Hats&Millinerij Novelties Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled. t PRICES MODERATE I t BANK OF OREGON CITY um BAHinra boubi nr. tot cm AID TOP CAPITAL, 160,000.00 fteetdent, Ciaa. H. CAtiruiD Oio. A. HabmM X. 0. Caupulb floe president aehier, 4 General Banking Builneas Transacted Depoilti Reoelred Subject to Check. Approred Btlli and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrant Bought. Loans Made on Available Seeurilv Exchange Bought and Hold. Collectioni Made Promptly. Drain Sold ATailable in Any Fart of the World. Telegraphlo Exchange Sold on Portland. Baa Francisco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit. MANHOOD RESTORED ' '"- iJ tlnn a fiimni)i Vrnnoh nKmUn. 111 ; 1 W3 BEFORE AN. AFTER ail taonorrorjoflmpotency. CXPIDESKcleauiieataellver, u, kldtif -s and the nrinary orftana of ail impuriUea. The reason sufferer are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are tronbled with neat aim. T' l'I DEN" t; li th only known remedy to cure without an operation. MiestlmonU els. A writtea guarantee given and money returned II aix bnseadoea not effect a periuuueutcum. U a box, ail for iO), by mall. Sonu for ma circular and teatimoolala. r"un.u, AtUraa DA Vol. HEDICIXa COF. a Bsxao7,BaaFraiicbco,Cal. Ibrauaoy ' For gale bjr GEO. A. HARDIXG, Ciegon City, Oregon Two Dollars LINE OF. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City BECKER - Portland, Oregon X Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. "CUPIDENE Thta fntt Vo.vw.hi. tlon of a famous French physlciau, will quickly cure you of all bC ou or diwasea of the generative iirsana, auch u Ttnt MK,iT Jnwmiilaj l-aina in the Bt,BemlnalIm.S?r?il Nerua IVbuU" PimpleaTcnfluiwe to Marry, KihaonUugDrmlnai VariSaKe inJ Conatlnatlon. It etopa all le by lay or Sight PrJvq0k. ntaa of dlacharre. which If not rhtwfcm Wrf unn...v...