OREGON CITY, COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1899. I'L OREGON CITY COURIER OREGON CITY HERALD CONSOLIDATED. A. V. CHENEY. Publisher Legal and Official Kewspapsr; Cf Clackamas County. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. sown their ballots in rich trust soil and we are now reaping a large harvest of trusts, and the main query now is w!.at shall be done about it. If the republi can party can construct a machine which will as successfully thresh, the trust crop as the one used in producing it. it will be able to perform all kinds of miracles in the near future. It is bo- jlieved, however, by some very good intelligent men, that if confidence can be fully restored in Mark Hanna, everything will come out all right. KuL'.t . In Oregon City po-ito.llcea 2ml-clas matter SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Jpaldln advance, peryear 1 60 IX mouths , 75 Three moutus'lrial ; 25 IWThe date opposite your address on the paper denotes I he time to which you have paid. ADVERTISING RATES. : Standing buslm-is acIvprtlsemenU: Per month 1 inch 81, 2 im-lies 1.50, 3 inches 81.76, 4 Inches 2, 6 inches (column) W.25, 10Iiiohes(eoBnin) tl, 120 inches (coiuinn) $, ) curly contracts 10 per cent loss. Transient advertisements: Per week 1 Inch 6oc. 2 inchts 75c, 8 Inches' SI. 4 inches 81 26,6 Inches 81.50, 10 inches J2.60, t) inches 85 , Legal advertisements: Per iii. h flrsit Inser tion $1, each additional insertion 60c. Affilaviia of publication will not be furnished until pub- unmon ices arc paid. Some people seem surprised to find that a paper opposed to the .purty of corruption and trusts can live with out receiving financial support from some source other than from legitimate business, but the Courier-Herald is a living example of such, and will always be found advocating reforms for the common people and giving all the local and county news possible and it circu lates purely on its merits. An amendment to the constitution oi North Carolina limiting suffrage has been adopted by both branches of the general assembly. It pa -so J the house Local notices; five cents per line per week , by a vote of 81 to 27, and the senate by a vote of 41 to 6. It will be submitted to a vote of the peotile in August, 1901, per month 20o, PATRONIZE HO.ltl! I INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, APRIL 7, 1899. To Subscribers. The Ooukikr-Hrkald has put no ac counts in any agent's hands lor collec tion, but we understand Mr Filch has attempted to collect some of his back aocoiintH in this way. We have nothing to do with thece. The dale opposite your name on the paper represents Ihe time to which yon hnve paid. If any errors occur we are ever ready to correct them. We often hear men talking about "sound money" and saying that this country " must have a money that is good in Ew-rope," who would not know a ten dollar gold piece from a dog tag. Let no "imperialism" or "embalmed beef", draw your atlention away from the 10 to 1 idea. When men who are MEN are elected to office,' such scandal ous matters wrll tie no longer incubated into the national capital! 1 We predict that more than nineiv per cent of tbo delegates to the next nation al democratic convention will favor the re-adoption of the financial" plauk of the 1890 platform and vote for tho noniiiia ., tion of William J. Bryan, for piesident, on the first ballot We l ave known merchants who ' allowed their partisan views to so far outweigh common sense as to refuse to advertise in papers that do not pander to their political views. Now suppose the customers of such merchants should practice the same nairow contracted cours" how would the merchant feel about that? The Missouri house has ordered a bill engrossed which provides for the sub mission to the voters in 1900, of an amenimunt to the constitution, provid ing for legislation by the Initiative and Referendum. This is a process by wlrch tho legislature must, on the petition of 4 per cent of tho qualified voters of the Btate, order a incisure submitted to a vote of tho people and if it reteivca a majority it becomes a law. 'llerc are some of the terrible things" says tho K. 0. Times, "which according to a cou:ily exeh mgo, are lively to be fall a delinquent. Last week a delin quent subscriber said he would pay up batunlay if be lived. He's dead. An other sui I: 'I'll seo you tomorrow. ' He's blind Still another s lid: ' hope to pay you this week or go to the devil.' lie's gone. There are hundreds who ought to t.ikn wiruiug byth ise procra s tinators and pay up their subscriptions Bow. at. the same time state officers are voted for. The avowed object of the amend ment is to eliminate the ignorant negro vote. To do this educational, properly and poll tax qualifications are prescribed. These are made ineffective to white peo ple by the further provision that, any person can vote who waa entitled to vote oi; January 1, 1807, or any time prior thereto, or whose ancebtors were enti tled to vote The statistics for the year 1893 will re veal a startling state of affairs in. fact will knock the props completely from under the fanatical temperance lecturer ers who have in the past claimed th it alcoholism was the cause of more deaths than siiy other plague. But the statis tics of 1808 will refute this id ;aand place Algetism in the lead as a destroyer of human life. For absolute proof look at the record during tho late war with Spain! The number of men killed in battle in the army was only 239 and those who died from wounds was 125. But the .number that succumbed to Al gorism while in camp, was 5,277 1 Now who is responsible for Alger? Solve this question and thon see who is responsible for all I hero deaths. It soema as t!iou'li tho "while man's burden" was, of late, being guaged as to what ho is fool enough to stand. --In the closing days of the last congress, the gold buzzards who were in control and who had already plundered tho people of the United States into bankruptcy; just to show their growing insolence and defiance of decency, honesty, economy, or ability to avoid stealing, voted a liMlo purse of three million dollars of the peo le's money to the advance agent of pros perity, on the side, for "miscellaneous S.'tna people think it is woefully wrong to criticize such august bodies as the hatch of old grafting grannies that are called tho Supreme Court. But when it takes these hoboes from two to five years to render a de isiou i n a case that my school boy could decide in ten minutes and decide right, it is high time such deniatrnues and t'immers were severely criticized and denounced. The 1-uv declares a crtaiti act a crime ; yet our supreme court .ill ponder over the matter for years, especially when some sleek political parasite of their stripe is charged with such a crime. It is about time for the people who pay the freight to come to the conclusion that our mpreme court, as at, present constituted, h a supreme fraud, a use less and expensive parislte aud a stran ger to justice, and could well be dis pensed with. The gold bug banker will scratch bis bond, swell up like a poisoned pun. look as wise as a cove oyster and tell vou that "thia government ennnot issue legal tender paper money Unit U t?ood, that paper, money must be issued bv the banks." Thev menu the b inker's trust. Put thev nil agree that interest bearing government bonds are just the thing and good us poM-ior the banker. Now tell us, if yon please, why a govern ment bond a piece of paper that com pels all producers to pay tribute to shy lock, the non-producing banker and money gambler, is better than the gov ernment notes that do not bear interest, and which circulate among the people, performing all the functions tint any money can perform ? You cawn't do it. It is strange that men who are ordinari ly enlightened on many other questions cannot see this matter, and the silver Issue Is their true light. The statement of the national treas ury shows an available cash balance cf $290,726,045: Nearly $5.00 for every man, woman and child in the country I stowtd away where it does no good t Expenses" which means, to keep up the The retiring of that vast sum from cir soid bug fences, to buy boose for the roy- dilation certainly does harm. It is the al snubs while galavanting over the gold standard policy that claims that the country, in varnished cars, etc. Oh treasury must have coin enough to meet yes, you bet, prosperity has returned . possible demands by presentation of to McKiuley and his gang. In the realms of nature there are cer tain unerring laws, and tho farmer who did not know that the kind of crop he would raise depend entirely on the kind f seed sown' would be a fit subject for the insane asylum. Nothiug is more true than man will reap what they bow. ly on the people. The constant accumu Therufore it is preposterous for one to lation and accretion to this vast reserve, sow oats and expect to reap whoat. In j that comprises nearly one-fourth of our tho realm of politics the same rule holds available circulating medium, of all goo' and our republican fellow citizens kinds, cannot but be a menace to bus- greenback and treasury notes for re demption. Yet the paper money is preferred to gold, and no one demands gold for paper, that p iper circulated at par without question before there was ever a dollar in the treasury. Every action of the treasury is In the direction of riveting the gold standard more firm We sometimes wonder if (here is still an intelligent working man in the land that is so blinded bv partisanship as to yet believe the hirelings of plntocrasy, when they, in their stump speeches and in their gold plated press, tell the work men how they love them and because of this great anxiety fur the welfare of the laborer thev do not want them swin dled by having the stipend they get for their labor, paid them in silver! Is it possible for an intelligent man to believe such tommyrot? It 'an only -be the blindly partisan and the grossly ignorant that swallow such gush. The idea of a Shylock oi his henchmen loving, aye weeping for the poor laborer I If they would belter their condition, American workingmen must disillusionize them selyes of such a belief. The Enterprise in its last issue feebly denied that it furnished large lots of unnecessary blunks for the court house. We admit it has not fur nished many of late, because it "load ed" up every case in the office with blanks several years ago and they have not been emptied yet, and some will not be for years to come. Some of the blanks printed by tho Enterprise four or five yean- ago ar still there, others are but little used, and the amount of old blanks on hand that are worthless and that were printed when republicans were in power is a caution. We know the pres ent publisher of the Enterprise does not know much about the prir.ting business and is not responsible for his absurd statements. Asa politician, lawyer and real estate promoter he's all right, and will no doubt soon shine in the newspa per business. A press dispatch from New York city of recent date states that "tbo Board of Health of the city is engaged in an examination of the 'sweat shops.' Thus far of 300 tenement house sweatshops examined 29 have been found in such bad sanilary condition that the board has been asked to order radical alterations. In the Italian quarter the inspector found men, women and children working from 5 :30 in the morning to 11 :30 at night, and the high est wages received was 45 cents a day." Now pause and ponder over the pros perity of these poor people under the benificent teign of Mr. Hanna's advance agent. Then pause again and consider how loyal Mr Hanna's administration is to the wo: king in n and women of tli is country, as many of the contractors who furnish the el thing for our soldiers have 'he work done in these disease breeding sweatshops, or by Chinamen, in or ler to satiate their appetites for greed. If oiir public officials weio chosen more from the producing clas-es, instead of, as is now almost unanimously the case, from the ranks of the drones and political trimmers, who have no sympa thy fur labor or laborers, much of the evils of government would be overcome. Most of our public officials, especially tho e who "msnufneture laws" are chosen frm the ranks of the truckling tools of plutocracy hence they have no sympathy for, or owe no allegiance to, the producing classes who elect them. Whose fault is this? Clearly it is the voters who are to blame but it is a Bad confession to have to make, that "the people" won't vote for one of their own number, because he is generally too poor to "blow himself" for bust-head booze during the campaign , This order should be reversed at once. Let it bo done in f iture campaigns ami note the benefi ciary results. Weekly Crop Bulletin. Crops. The condition of fall and winter sown grain is fair. In some lo calities the grain was frozen out in Feb iuary; in others, seeding was delayed by one cause or another, and the soil is not now in condition to be worked, it being too wet. With a lew weeks of fair weather dU'ing the current month the usual average will be Bovvn. The grain not injured (and the amount injured in comparison with the total is very small) isinamost promising condition. The cool weather retards growth, but assists in stooliug, so that la'er the stand will be excellent. As a whole, the grain crop iB in lair to good condition. In the Willeniette Valley fruit bloom has commenced, but it will not be gen eral for a week or more. Fruit trees in this valley, where planted in wet soil, were killed by the February freeze. The damage was not so great as was at first anticipated. . Many trees that were sup posed to be iniured are now showing life, and while the crop this year may be reouced, the trees will live. The in jury will not have a material effect upon the total fruit crop ; it Is confined almost entirely to prunes and plumu, and in 'a few lo :alitii s to p eaches. Garden making and spring work are delayed. Onions, radishes, peas, and other early vegetables have bi en planted but general garden work will not com mence until the Boil becomes warmer Strawberiies are making slow growth and no blossoms are yet repot ted. Rapp berriee, goosberries and currants are in leaf. Lambing is irt progress and no loss re ported. Stock wintered well and is now in good condition. Grass is making slow growth. A late season is alwavs discouraging, but it is not ' always a detriment to the quantity or quality of the crop to be harvested. While other seasons have usually been more auspi cioua at the current date, Iheie is no thing in the many reports received to cause any anxiety or alarm. B. S Pague. Grange Notices. The next regular meeting of the Clack amas District Pomona Grange will be held with Harding Grange, at Logan, on Wednesday, April 12, 1899, at 10:3J a.m. All Patrons of Husbandry cordially in vited to attend. Mary A. Waldhon, Secretary. Clackamas District Pomona Grange will hold its regular quarterly session Wednesday. April 12, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., with Harding Grange, No. 122, in their hall at Logan. A pleasant time is anticipated, and a cordial invitation is , extended to all members in good stand- !ng. Mary S. IIowabd. Master. lU'DOLPii Kokbskr, he who thinks he is, came out in last week's Enterprise with a letter jumping onto the editor of the Covkikr Hehai.i) f..r publishing an article criticizing him while acting in a public capacity. Mr. Koerner can rest assured that we will not hesitate to crit icize him or any other public official if we 1 1) ink he is not doing right. Mr. Koerner it mistaken when he states we have any ill feeling toward him, as we pride ourselves on the fact that we bear malice toward none, much less a man who thinks he i head and shoulders above his fellow-men because he is a straw boss in a corporation mill. He goes on to say that this paper was in strumental in defeating him last fall for mayor. If we did we are proud of the fact that we did what we could to elect a man that is not narrow minded and does not let personal spite interfere with public affairs. We thank you, Mr. Koerner, for the compliment. He also claims he was instrumental, while chair man of the finance committee, in throw ing the bid of this paper, which was lower, out, because he did not like us, and giving the job to a small organ that gave him "taffy" through its columns, and that we feel sore over it. We still claim Mr. Koerner was wrong, but as to feeling sore, we had not the least thought of such a thing. Mr. Koerner Beems to think a man is not worth mentioning unless ho belongs to the party of trusts and combinesand can be "voted" as the bosses witdi. MARKET IMPORTS. 2 0 per Portland. (Corrected on Thursday.) Flour Beat $2.903.20; graham 52.65. Wheat Walla Walla 5ti57e; valley 58c; bluestone 59(i0c. Oats White 4445c; gray 41 4;V. Barley Feed $22; brewing $22. Millstulfs lir.in $17; mid lliujs 11; shorts $18 j chop $10. Hay Timothy $S9; clear $78; Oregon wild $6. Butter Fancy creamery 50e; sec onds 4045c; dairy, 3242c; Btore, 20272c. Eggs 13Wc. Poultry Mixed chickens $44.50; hens $4 5t5; springs $3 50(ot ; geese, $08; ducks $'i(a:7; live turkeys 2 lii! dressed, 4-10o. Che se bull cream 12c per pound ; Young America 15c. Potatoes Burhanks$1.50l. 75; Earl v Koso $1.251.50; sweets pound. Vegetables Beets 90o; turnips 75c per sack ; garlic 7c pir it) ; cabbage $1 .25 160 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 75o per dozen ; parsnips 75c per sack ; celery "075c per dozen; asparagus 67e; peas 67c per pound. Onions 75c$l. Apples $1.25$1.75. Dried fruit Apples evaporated 45i sun-dried sacks or boxes 3(53)0 ; pears sun and evaporated 56c; pitlesa plums 45sc; Italian prunes 34c; extra silver choice 5S. ORKliON CITY. Corrected on Thursday. Carrots, parsnips and beets are in brisk demand at lc per pound. There is also a lively demand for eggs. Wheat, wagon, 62c. Potatoes, $1.20 to $1.35. Eggs, 13' to 15c per dozen. Butter, 30 to 50c per roll. Onions, 70 to 90c per sack. Dried apples, 4 to 5c per pound. Dried prunes Italians, Via; petite and German, lj'c. Green apples, 85c to $1.25 per box. No Scandal Can Arise IPi ' 'J L From the use of our CANNED BEEF or other canned goods, because there is no diversity of opinion as to- its quality. The unanimous verdict is one of approval. Those who use them freely are pleased with the freshness, richness and delightful flavor of every article. And our prices give satisfaction, t0- HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Grocers, Opposite Postoffice - Oregon City C. Q. APPLEGATH, 3 VEAII HEAD OUTTCN WITH ILVKRFIIl.Ot A. PRASIL, FORMERLY DCSIONtn AND PITTIH WITH MARSHAL FIELD, CHICAGO, APPLEGATH & PRASIL FASHIONABLE FURRIER5 Sealskin Garments a Specialty SCMODCLINQ AND ItrPAIFitNa AT MOOIRATC PRICES ALL WORK GUARANTEED AU 143 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, ORE. A Flying Top Free! The Latest Fad Willi Every Dollar Parcliasa at HARDING'S DRUG STORE, wlicre all goods are sold at reasonable Tr.Te.nT Jny WIS Oh, My Headaches! Well, no doubt it is caused by imperfect eyesight, as about seven times in ten that is the trouble.. It costs you nothing to find out, if you will go and see A. N.'WItlGlIT - - THE IOWA JEWELEK 293 florrison St., Portland, Oregon Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific" Optician, in charged the opt'eal department, and you can consult hira and have your eyes examined frt-e of charge. THY it may be your trouble. J. HEftfR.S ECQS3LER, T1. D. if - 9 Your looks tc-U on you. Cu kerp It wcret a wtille. Before U loo lme. .if Jj and c or write u tins old doc- ! or. He has been treating auch j) casea lor over 20 yeara ana perleciiy re.iaoie. pumtfitita dis owu raeai ciue and tell no Idles. 13 XX. 1X3C33XjI3TI Old St. I.ouis Medical and t tl Disnensarv. 210 Yamhill ' , Portland, Otegou, positively 4 guarantee! 10 remove In any stage without loss of time from business. . ftnTmiUimrjWCuredbyanoldOervaau rfmtQy. Thii IlUilU ill a llOill remedy was sent to Ur. Kessler by al invim in ue-ruu. who have been sowing the seed from which the modern trust hai developed are reaping just the kind of a crop ordi nary, common sense mortals would have expected. The republicau voters have 1 ing the people, iness and tix the control of the finances of the country in the grasp of financial magnates. Tiie government is in part neaship with them instead of represent- Ninety per cent of the people have some kind of humor in the blood, and this causes many diseases. Hood's Sarsap arilla cures thesi diseases by expelling tho humor. Hood's Tills are uon-irritating and the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsapa r ilia. Two Millions Year. When peip'e huy, try, and buy acain, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Years. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All dru gists 10, 25, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. N. Y. World aii Courier-Herald $1.85 It has never failed, and we guarantee it.4 HI Tl Q0Dr$ Ulcers, Cancel ULU OoiluO long affected. PRIVATE This doctor guarantees to cure any I hi I ill U cute ol Syphilis, C-ouorrhea, Gleet. Stricture cuicu, uo uiuertuce liuw long sunning, spermatorrhea, , LobsoI Manhood, or Nightly Kminissions, cured pennant. iy. ine oauit oi sen ADuse eilcciua lv cured in a 'time. short ( ; Yfln Nil Y,V)J Your 'rror n'"1 ,o"ie" of y,,lh n btl 1UIH1U 1U0I1 remedied, and this old doctor will give you 1 , wnoieKoinr novice aud am yon- make you perfectly strong ami heullhv. You will bp aiiiaied at his success in curing 1 Sperniatoirhea. Seminal Luukrs. Nivhtlv Kmmu.i,. BnH J oilier effects. 1 KIDNEY Al URINARY COMPLAINTS. 1 painful, difficult, too freoucnt. nullcv or hlrwvlv ,,rln n t Batumi discharges, carefully Heated and periuautlyctired. J Tiles, Kl.euuiKti-m and neuialgla treated by ournewremedkal ibiii:iUs treated in any part of the country by his home VM. in. Writ - III 1 Particulars ihfIiiu ,. il.,n. ...A we will answer you pmmptly, hundreds treated at home me uuauiv 10 come 10 Hie ci.y, jj READ THIS Take a clear bottle at heritlm nH ,!,,.. i .v.. k.h. 3 7" ai u in me morning. 11 It Is cloudy or nas a ciouoy settling in it, you have some kidney or blndder i dineaae. and shoulJ he aiim,!. in K.f.. . ... - 1 able Uiaeasc as hundreds Die every year from Bright Dia-4 eaae of Kidueya. v Address or Call DR. KE8SLER, 2d and Yamhill Look at Your Houses W.Ne.e.J ? If you haven't got time, call on G. REDDAWAY. He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see him before buying y0Ur order. Paper Hanging and Kalsominmg done to perfection. All work guaranteed. G EO. R E D DA WAY Conf--"' IVIXJA, TWSole Agest In Clackamas County for CUR NATIVE HERBS OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF flonumenjtsndeadstones Estimates funnshed on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building Work. :: Drawings made by deBcription. No. 204 THIRDTiifTNEAR TAYLOR, . Silver Me.!l Awarded at r it - Portland Mechanic.' Fair Portland, OregOfl I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest and . now PiUon to do work better and more relsoiTable. !;