Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 07, 1899, Image 1

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Spray ..Pumps,
Spray Materials,
An Extract of a Paper Read by It
Scott, of Milwauirte, at the
Dairy Association.
I bear malice toward no one who lias
the idea that there ia no such thing as
the dual-purpose cow, 1 hope no one will
take anything I may say in this paper
in any other than a fiiemlly siiiiit.
"The dual-purpose cow has (lone
more towards, relieving suffeiing hu
manity than any other animal, that is,
if she comes up to my idea of a cow.
She, in the first place, should have
healih and constitution ; should be de
scended from a family noioil for a larse
flow of rich milk, and also capable of
producing ci'lves like herself, that will
be the pride of the breeder - to look at,
or a joy for the butcher who handles
them, either as young veal or prime
steer beef; and the epicure who gets a
roast of thifi kind of beef will bless him
self that he was born with an appetite,
and has Biieh juicr steaks and roasts hi
fill the aching void that comes to man.
As to the breeds that are good general
purpose cattle they are tlia Red. Polls,
Ayrshires., Shorthorns, Devons and
Galloways., Each breed has its place
and habitat, ami wheje one will not
thrive the other will.. It is a fact that
Great Britain, has done more in the im
provement of livestock than all the rest
of tte i world combined, and the cattle
that are a success in the couth of the
British isles may be failures in the north.
IVoi ly cepked food is about as useful in the utoniacii as a keg I nails would he in a fue under a
fuin?e. Charter Oaks cook propa ly and. produce nutritious food, with little fuel and NO trouble.
Hoy Charter Oak stove is guaranteed. We also sell other makes from $6.50 and upwards.
Oar Best Wall Paper
Was bmght before -prices advanced,
therefore we cm fell sou our g'od
grades at very low figures. .
Porli3r33 aai Lase Curtains
We have the prettiest piferos aal
our prices will spjak f r themselves. ,
Front Street, Portland, Oregon
So the people have developed a breed
euilaMe to their environment. If will
be so in our state and tins United States
as we get down to the Imi-iness of dairy
ing and raising beef.
A good generid-pnrpe cow should
give at least 6030 pounds of milk and
make 300 pounds of butter a year, and,
when dry, fatten easily and make COO to
700 pounds of good beef, worth now $50.
This kind of a cow will have a good con
stitution, be able to stand a cold i-torm.
now and then if it should come up be
fore nhe could get to "shelter, and her
calves are always in demand , for propa-
eating her species. My idea is that
i Grat Britain owes her superiority as a
nation to her catile, for in developing
her cattle, she has also developed a race
of men and women surpassed only by
her eldest daughter, the United States,
and the daughter has kept on in the
mother's, way by still sticking to the
cattle of the older country, and if some
of her children do get in love with the
special-purpose cow, do not blame them
as it is a free country.
We And some who think the United
States large enough for us, like the spe
cial cattle men and women, who only
want one bn ed of cattle. Now, I am an
expansionist, and believe that it is the
that, gives good milk ana plenty of it,
good beef and plenty of it, that make
Oregon and Washington boys and girls
so much larger than their parents,'' and
give them the fire, patriotism and cour-'
age that have distinguished the Anglo-
Ba Reason
It's in yivina yon hijrlie-t grades and
qualities and jet at h ss 'hHti you're
lreiiuently asked (or common. iuit-of-da'e
die iuns f r carpet, that makes your
buying here interestini;.
All wool medium wnght Ingrain
Carpet roc
Tapes ry Brussels Carpet .r)."ic.
. "In five years I used 20
brooms at 25 cents eaeh
. Total cost, $5.00. I have
used my "BISSELL"
sweeper five years it
cost $3 and is good
- for five years more."
I have already saved $2.00 in cash still
have my sweeper and have also had the
benefit of ease, pleasure and convenience
have saved my time, labor, carpets, healtr"
and curtains all by use of a "BISSEM."
Saxon race from the days of Alfred the
Great to the preseni time. And if you
look back on history you will find that
where they have had the special breed
of dairy cattle they have made no pro
eiess in taking up the whit? man's bur
den of civilizing the world, and, no mat
ter where civilization extends, the
people that tie to the dual-purpose cow1
will be in the lead, ever doing tbeir best
to help their fellow-man. making general-purpose
men of ttiein."
.. The Potato Boom.
During the past week there was a
boom in the potato market, until the
supply practically gave out. The high
est price paid was $1.50 per sack, but
they were of exceptionable quality, and
the sucks were well filled. For once the
1 growers made money by hnl.iing on to
their potatoes for a raise. It is said that
the greater portion of the crop on the
west side of the river , was sold during
the winter. A buyer from Oalifornia
was in 'that sjti n for a considerable
portion of the winter, and purchased all
the potatoes that he could secure and
shipped them away by boat. A few
speculators made money in potatoes.
Louis Jaguar, of Portland, who formerly
resided here, is said to have cleared $15, '
0,10 on potatoes purchased last fall. He
lost $3 O0J on his purchases last year.
For Over Fifty Years
An Old and Whxl-Tkied Rkmedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softei s the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is
the best remedy for Duirhcei. Is
pleasant to the tiste, .Sold by Drug
gists in every putt of the World.
Twenty-five cents a bottln. Its value is
incalculable. He sure and ask for Mrs,
Win3low's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
Kdnoale YourliowU With Caavarrts
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
orever. 10c, 25c. If C.O.C. fail, drug
ists refund money.
Rspidly Grpwlisg Ecre Popular
Iron Beds n e strontr and real for the
boys' room, ptetty and durable for hotel
or boaiding house, and desirable for
any beilr.x m, when on can get a White
Eimmeled Iron lied, bass knobs, full
size, for $3.75.
Summer Floor Dressing.
Matting, clenn rH cwnf-rtnble, er.ri!y
kept cUvn, prive 10 cent? p r yaid am'
' Bjllomu & Buscli,
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
A-um baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health, of the present day.
Appropriate Church Services and
Aew Bonnets..
The churches generally observed Eas
ter Sunday with solemn and appropriate
services. For once the greater part of
the popn'ation attended the different
places of worship, and no doubt became
imbued wrh thoughlsof a better life and
Mt a higher re.ard for holy things.
New hats of the latest style were in evi
dence everywhere, and the millinery
stores had evidently been well patron
ized. The decorations in all the
churches we:e ta3ty and in, accord with
the eventful occasion.
st. Paul's episcopal cnuRCH.
There was an enrlv celebration of the
holy communion at 7:30 a. m., Sunday-
school at 10, followed with an elaborate
musical festival service at 11 o'clock, ac
companied with impressive services.
the Te Deum was presented by the
choir in a way that was impressive and
grand. The1 "Resurrection," b H. It.
Shelley, was sung bv Miss Imo Harding.
Mrs. N. W. Lawrence directed the choir.
At the evening service aDiroriate
Easter musio was rendered by the choir
and congregation. Rev. P. K. Ham
mond, the rector, preached ihe sermons,
both evening and morning.
The services here were very elaborate.
In addition to the special morning ser
vices and sermon by the pastor, Rev. E.
S. Bo linger, at 12:15 the Sunday-school
gave a special Enster program. In the
evening a grand program of sacred
I music was given under the direction of
j Professor E E. Cumpston. In addition
i to the usual praise services, selections
by the choir and address by the pastor,
j the following numbers wore given : Duet,
"O, Salu'aris" (E. If. Pailey), by Mr.j.
W ggins and Mrs; Charma i; "The
j Palms (J. Fon re), E. S.idio White; quar
tet, "The Ruirelon (C. E. Leslie),
i Mrs. Whginn, Mm. Ch.irman and
' Messrs. Oumpitoii and B'Stovv; "The
I Resurrection" (N. R. Shelley), E E.
Cumpston. The sopranos were Mmcs.
Gray, Roake, Wigging and Mm Sam
son ; the altos, Mines. Shepard, Caufleld,
Chartnan and Mlties Adair and White;
ihe tenors, Messrs. Roake and Heinz;
bassos, Messrs. Roake and B-gtow, and
theorginist U Mrs. F. F. White.
In addition to the eloquent sermon of
Rev. Navlor, a splendid Sunday concert
W is given in the evening. After the or
chestra voluntary, there was a recitation,
"Eister Chim 's"; olas sin;:, "Easter
Rib. bow"; cbis song. "Who Khali Roll
Away the Stone?"; violin solo, Prof.
Everest; a paper by Miss Seely, "Meth
odism in .UisMoui"; recitition, "Two
Pennies," Fraukio Clarke; recitation,
Bryll Ililt, and an addresi by Rev.
. Special services were held at the Pres
byterian rburdi, both morning and even
ing, and the choir sang two anthems at
eich service. The attendance at the
Sunday-school was the largest in the
history of the church. The topic at the
morning service was "The One Only
Name," and in the evening "Interpre
tation," 8T joiin's catholic church.
The services at the Catholic church
were particularly appropriate to the ob
servance of the day. The altars were
tastily decorated. A musical program
of unusual excellence was rendered, and
Father Hillebrand preached two excel
lent sermons.
Special Easter ervt es were conduct
edetZion Lutheran chtrrcli, Itev, W.
Banner, pastor. The text at the morn
ing service was the "Significance of
Christ's Resu-rection."
Rev. H. A. Barden conducted special
Eter ervies at the Baptist church in
the morning. l!:ere was special intific
and the decorations were tastily ar
ranged. , To Cura Cntlitlon F.irrts .
Take Ca'careis Candy Cathartic l()c
cur, druvgints
r fuHd money. ,
Advertisement of
Will appear in this space
Next Week
Miss Joehnke's Lecture. . '
A crowded bouse g-eeted Miss Wil
hemine Joelmke, who gavo a very inter
esting lecture on Hawaii at Shively's
hall for the benefit of the public schools
Saturday evening. The views were ex
cellent reproductions of Hawaiian life,
customs, curiosities and resources. The
lecture was very instructive and gave the
audience an inside view of, the wonders
of the greatest of . Ameiica's new posses
sions. '
The only fault to Miss Joenhkn's
lecture Is the pso of too many adjectives.
The most successful lecturers now give
their descriptions in the simplest and
most expressive language, which adds to
its effect. This will be observed in the
greatest lecturers and word painters,
who are popular on Chautauqua plat
forms. The greatest drawback to the lecture
was the noisy conduct of a number of
school boys on the rear seats. They
nude night hideous by their screeches
and whiatlos, and needed some big po
licemen wilh clubs to keep them still.
It would be a relief to the public for the
parents of those boys to keep them at
homo until they learn enough to conduct
themselves properly. They should be
given an object lesson, like the boys who
were disturbing the Salvation Army
e vices a few days ago.
Cut Rate
It is a very bad week when we do riot
: offer our customors something special in the
way of prices.
As usual, have too much Soap. Not
but what the quality is as good as ever, but
in our efforts to buy' it cheap enough to
retail it at wholeale prices, we sometimes
get too much. You can afford to lay in
three or four months' supply at these prices :
Regular Special
Tenand's Boquct.
'M ,1k - l.
471 1 Cologne..
Pear's Scented. . ..
Pear's Unscented
Wash Ra'
Glycerine. ,
Wich Hazel....
Skin Food
Florentine . . ,
Hcnzo Dermal .
Jenena Boquet
La Bella ,
Colonnial Dame
C-TFrcsh stock of Lowney's Candy just
Ten to 75c per box..
Baptist Y P. S, C. E Entertain
ment. The Baptist' young people are said to
have given a very successful enteitain
ment liiBt Friday evening for the benefit
of the Y. M. C. A. building fund. Miss
Veda Williams responded to an encore
in a piano solo j Mies Jessie Porter gave
a recitation ; Mrs. Strickler's quartet r-'
sponded to an encore; Master Francis
Gullowav imnnrRnnntuil a mvvlu.l t,t,.:.. '
man and responded to an encor; BIrs.
A. S. Dresser sang two solos; Mis Ella
Hoberg, of Portland, sang two solos witli
splendid effect and was enthusiastically
applauded ; Miss Sabin gave a recitation.
Mrs. Moehnke received the prize for
penny guessing, a silk pillow. Thee
cleared receipts were $16.
A Sure Tliluir for You,
A transaction in which you cannot lose
is a sure thing. .Biliousness, sick -headache,
furred tongue, (ever, piles anda
thousand other ills are caused by cotf
atlpntinn and elnggisdi liver, discards
Candy Cathartic., the wonderful ney
liver titimiilaiit and intestinal tonic are
by all druggists guaranteed to cure or
monev refunded n fl f' n
thing. Try a box to-day j 10c. 25c, CO,
Sample and booklet free. All dngg's'.e
For Rent The large 8 room, modem
constructed house, lately occupied by
Rev. M. L. Rugg, for rent.
II K. Chosh, Agent.
Soap gale
25 20
25 15
25 15
20 2yi
10 05
10 ' 05
10 5 for 25
15 3 for 25
15 3 for 25
10 3 for 20
15 3 fr 2 5
25 3 for 40
10 , 3 for 25
15 2 for 1 5
, , , ,
1 e
j , ,