. 'OREGON CITY . COURIER-HERALD," FRIDAY; MARCH 31,: 1899. ' LOCAL AND LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. The Ooubier-Hebald leads. William Mellien is building a new cottage near Molalla avenue. Born, at Clackamas, to W. W. Jones and wife, March 22nd, a daughter. Eobert Jonsnud, of Sandy, has been granted a patent for a cable car grip. Tom F. Cowing, jr., has fitted out his office with a bran new Smith-Premier typewriter. The infant child of John Stedraan died at Carus during the past week. It was buried at Beaver creek. Hood's Sarsaparilla never disappoints. It may be taken for impure and-impoverished blood with per.ect confidence that it will cure., . The Oregon City Courikb-Hebald has been made the official newspaper of Clackamas county. A. very proper selection. Roseburg Review. The star mail service from Sandy to Salmon, has been extended to embrace Cherryyille, thereby increasing the route by a distance of one mile. J. A. Jones, who owns a sawmill up Vie Abernethy, has practically built a new structure, and has moved the old machinery into the new building. The fruit growers of Milwaukie are fairly on to successful methods of taking care of their orchards, Henry Henne- mann is busy spraying several orchards in that vicinity. Pay the Oregon Volunteers a visit on next Saturday evening, by attending the lecture and seeing the stereopticon views showing their landing, entertain ment and embarkation at Honolulu. Barthomew Sullivan, administrator of the estate of Michael, Lavell, deceased, ' was given, an order to pell the personal property of the estate Tuesday, by County Judge Ryan. The appraisers report the value of the estate at $1104 30. A , Portland paper savs that David Haab, who is serving a sentence in the county jail for attempted rape, served a five vears term in the Oregon peni tentiary for a similar offense committed in Portland. He was working in Baum, Brandes &. Company's rebtaurant at the time. The members of the Baptist church have about completed arrangements to DaV off thfl inrlahtArinpan nt thn nrcran. ization amounting to $700. The mem bers have subscribed money to pay off the greater part of the indebtedness, and it is expected that the remainder will be raied soon. Great preparations are being made for the ninth annual session of the Clackamas County Sunday School As sociation to be held at Harmony Tues day, April 14th. Carriages will be in waiting at Milwaukie to convey dele gates to the church. The program is given in anothrr column. At tlie regular meeting of McLongh lin Cabin No., held Monday night, one new member was initiated, and an ap plication for membership was received Gilbert L. Hedges was elected record ing secretary to succeed I). H. Glavs, who gave up the poi-ition on account of being away from home the greater part of the time. Amonu the new suits filed in the cir cuit court during the past week, are Samuel Haetincs vs Nellie Hastings; action for a divorce. The plaintiff al leges that the defendant made life bur densome for him, by continually un justly accusing him of smiling on other women. Lillian Weyand, of Portland, wants a divorce from Isiac Weyand. A few days ago A. Knapp received a medal for honorable service in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 71. It was made by direction of the Emperor of Gf-rmany, is signed by the minister of the interior, and counterFignud by the German consul at Portland. Mr. Knapp said the proudest moment of his life was when he marched a French pris oner to the rear of his company. Mrs. Lvdia A. Mojneit, a pioneer of 1851, died at Eaale creek,' Sunday, Marcli 26th, aged 87, and was buried Monday. The deceased was born at In dianap li, Indiana, in 1812. the was married to J. B. Howlett, who died while crossing the plains in 1851. The deceased was a continuous resident of Clackamas county since her first at rival hero. She left three children, Mrs. Mary Huelat Bradley, of Oregon City; W. J. Howlett. of Eagle creek, and J. N. Holett, of Clackamas. The Rosebur; Review has the follow ing referring to a former well known resident here: Captain J. P. Shaw of Coffee creek, one of the prominent mi ner of that district, is in the city today. He tell til tint the p recent season has t been an excellent one for placer min ing, except that there ha at time been too much water doing injury to ditches' ., na nume. ..mere are now lour giants at work on the creek, and a good clean up i looked forward to. Snow is still" deep lii the surrounding mountain and , Captain Shaw had some difficulty on that account in getting out. 1 PERSONAL Born, in Oregon City, March 28th, to Rev. P. K. Hammond and wife, a daughter. The debate between the Y. M. 0. A. and Bolton Literary Society hits been postponed until one week from next Saturday. E. G. Caufleld, administrator of the estate of Luke Comer, deceased, has been granted an order to sell the per sonal property. Taxes are coming in Blowly at the sheriffs office, and that official wishes to announce that the taxes for 1898 are now due and payable. Do nor fail to hold a ticket that wiil entitle you to join the excursion party that will make a trip to the Hawaiian Islands on Saturday, April 1. Airs. G. M. Strange, deputy superin tendent, has more than caught up with the work in the office, amkis waiting on a delinquent school district in order to make out her annual report. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Freytag enter tained the members of the Congrega tional Endeavor Society at their home Wednesday evening Literary games and refreshments were features of the evening. At Supple's boatyard in East Port land, the Oregonian says that ground is being cleared for laying the timbers for a large barge for the Willamette pulp mills at O-iegnn City. It will be 100 feet long, 28 feet beam and 5 feet deep. The Oregon City and Bolton debat ing teams will repeat their debate at Pope's hall Saturday night. The Bol tons were victorious in the con'est held there a few days ago. The judges for the coming debate are Penator Brown ell, Rev. A. J. Montgomery and Profes sor L. W. McAdam. A patent for vaiious fractional and whole tracts in odd sections of govern ment land in Oregon to the Otegon A California Railroad Company, was rec orded in the county recorder' office Monday. The patent was dated at Washington, D. O , February 25th, and covers 1,467.85 acre. There will be special Easter seryices at the Congregational church Sunday. The morning topic will be "Resurrec tion Comforts." The Sunday school will have special servicw during its see. sion hour. The evening hour will be devoted to an Easter praise service. The choir will be augmented by some of the best local talent. The public is welcome to all these services . W. Albee, James Baxter and M. Ham ilton, three boys were arraigned before Justice Schuebel Saturday moruing, charged with disturbing Salvation army services. Officer Shaw cau tioned the boys to go home on the pre vious evening and avoid trouble, but they did not heed the warning. The boys were let off with a $5 fine and a severe reprimand by Justice Schuebel. The graduating class of the Parkplace school, who wiil comp'ete their course in June met at the home of Judge Gal lnwap the other evening, and elected the following class officers: PreJdent, Llewellyn Bill; vice-president, Daisy McAnulty ; secretary, Mamie McAnulty'; treasurer, Mabel Kennedy; prophet, Edna Jewell; historian, Mollie Biown; Valedictorian, Lizzie Evans. School rows are proving to be expen sive luxuries for the taxpayers of Clackamas- county. A case from Macksburg cost about $30, and there was no con viction because the jury failed to agree. The next day after the school meeting at Highland, George Kirk came in and pleaded guilty to assaulting A. Nicho las. Justice Schuebel fined him $", and this as expected to settle the matter. Later, however, Nicholas filed a bond and had the case brought up again. The jury did not agree, and the costs amounting to about $75 must come out of the county. Now it is learned that Kiik is to have another heating. The fnu't lies not with the justices, but the jury system is responsible for all these troub'es. When a jury disagrees in a state case, the county is stuck for the costs. A number of Clackamas county bl clycistsmet at Olaik & L-.der's office last Saturday evening, and to. k pre lirainnry steps toward organizing a county association. Rev. A. J. Mont gomery was elected chairman, fcnd W. A. Huntley secretary. The following were present from Milwaukie, and par ticipated in the deliberations: Oscar Wissinger, Robert Bonnett, B. W. Fii-h, J. W, James and Samuel Hoesley. The following were appointed a committee on permanent organization: Fred Meyer, M. E. Bain and A.J. ery. The following committee was ap pointed to investigate the nro route, confer with the board of county uuuimiBgioner regarding the location of a route, and ascertain where th Mn. nom.h conn'y connecting path ia to lie um: u. wissinger, J. F. Clark, E.E. Lharman, Dr. J. II. Miller and E. H. Cowing. The committee on perma nent organization is exprcted to report by Saturday night J. F. Clark wa elected permanent president, and W. A. Huntley (ecretary. PERSONAL 5 MENTION. W. F, Kirk wa in from Beaver creek Tuesday. . A.M. Kirchem, the Logan surveyor, was here Monday. C. 8. Chase, a well known citizen of Sandy, was here Monday. Miss Blanche Byland is visiting Mrs. J. M. Lewis in Portland. D. E. Brewer, of the Chemawa In dian school, was in town Monday. W. L. Starkweather, of Concord, went to Canby Saturday to visit relatives. " John Moore and H. Longcoy, of Clackamas, were visitors in town Mon day. . Miss Vinnie Knapp, of Portland, was visiting Mrs. K.H.Gabbert over Sun day. N. R. Graham, a prominent hop grower of Elliott Prairie, was in town Tuesday. ' . E. F. Bennett, publisher of the Stay ton Times, now presides as mayor of that city. - - . -. . . . F. M. Mathews, the wide-a.wake constable of Macksburg, was in town Thursday. , J. Major S. Bungate, a well known citi zen of Molalla, was here last Thursday and Friday. H. E. Harris is putting in an ice plant for the Holmes Coal & Ice Com pany in Portland . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knapp, of Port and, were visiting the family of J. A. Thayer over Sunday. N O. McLaughlin, of the state insane asylum, was visiting his family here Friday and Saturday. E, A. Ooe, the Svenson merchant, accompanied by his bride, was in the city during the past week. S. L. Moorhead, editor of the Junc tion City Times, parsed through Mon day on his way to Portland. Miss May Mark, who is now a sales lady at Olds A King's in Portland, vis ited her parent over Sunday. J. 8. Purdom, formerly chief of po lice here, has been appointed a night, watchman at the penitentiary. Misses Carrie and Bertha Moores, of Portland; were visiting their brother, C. B. Moore and family Sunday. Christian Zimmerman, of Aurora, was in town Friday, . settling up hi taxes on Clackamas county realty, W. C. Cheney, who has been conduct ing mining operation in the interior of old Mexico, returned home Monday. Hon. George Knight and wife were visiting friends and relative in Cottage Grove last week. Canby Independent. Hon. W. S. U'Ren, of Oregon City, was visiting friend in our city Sunday, returning Monday morning Albany Press. E. W. Dixon, special agent of the United States land department at Se attle, was visiting old friends here dur ing the week. Frank Williams, of Ashland, chair man of the populist state central com mittee, passed through Monday on his way to Portland. William Logus, under date of Febru ary 20th, wrote some interesting letters concerning the first battles at Manila with the Filininos. Attorney George Noland, well known here, is building three new cottage for rent during the summer season, says the ABtoria Herald. Mrs. Carter, mother of Mrs. A. L. Cornwall, leaves this afternoon for a visit with re'atives in Oregon City. Wood burn Independent. F. H. King was down from Logan Friday. He reports that but veiy little wheat u8 frozen out, and the fruit prospects are fairly good. Captiin J. T. Apperson and wife, of Oregon City, spent Sunday here with A. J. Apperson and family. McMinn ville Telephone Register. Miss Josephine L. Peabody, neice of Mrs. Elmer Dixon, will establish a kin dergarten school in the Shively build ing to begin next Monday. Albert Morris and wife and Mrs. P. Howell, of Mehama, who attended the funeral of the late Mrs! Minerva Hamil ton, returned home Monday. L. H. Cowing and wife, and MIbs Ethel Blinn, of Astoria, attended a birth day dinner given last Sunday by Mis Ruth Cowing at her home here. Misses Hilda Erickgon, Rachel Lewis and Annie. Jones, who hold positions in Portland, have been spending a vaca tion at their respective homes near Carus. Archie Livermore, of Euwne, who i attending the Portland business college, was here during the past week, visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Zumwalt. Guido Clark, George Swafford and Howard Brownell, all student of Pa cific university at Forest Grove, were visiting at their respective home dar ing the week. ' ' "Rei. W. H. Latourette, who ha been filling the pulpit of the 'Baptist' church here f r the past month,' left 'Monday for hi home at Oakland. Calif. Mr. Latonrette wa bora a raised on the old bbmeetead near here, and it popu jar with many friend. LOCAL SUMMARY I can loan from $500 to $1500 at 7 in terest on No. 1 mortgage security, one to three years time. H. E. Cbpbs. Mason & Hamlin and Kimball parlor organs for sale at Oregon City Auction House, opposite postoffice. Ready made dress skirts from $1.50 to $3.00 at the Racket Store. A few cheap reliahle watches at youngpr's . Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy & Busch. Money to loan at 8 percent interest on mortgages. Apply to O. D. & D. O. Latourette. L And the prices are quoted so ridicu lously low that it will pay you to call. Cslia Goldsmith. . V The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G. Shark, proprietor, Bhaves for 10 cents. A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept. Dan WTillians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets Ribbons, embroideries, laces and all kinds of notions at the Racket Store. Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. O Latourette . I have abundance of money to loan at 8 and choice loans will be made at 7' C. H. Dye. When in Portland be sure, and call at the Royal restaurant where you can get the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. Wm. Bohlander, proprietor. Younger, who has had a life-long ex perience, will clean your watch for a dollar. Wanted 100 watches to repair at $1 each, at O. A. Nash's, Postoffice build ing, tl. Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, H, Cross harness shop, opposite A O U W building on the hill,, During my absence I have placed in charge of my dental office Dr. W. T. Lyon whom I can recommend to my friends and the public in general as a skillful and reliable dentist. L. L. Pickkns. Steam thresher and separator for sale on reasonable terms. Inquire at my residence one mile east of Sunnyside Postoffice, Clackamas county, Mrs. Agnes Cruikbhank. For good work horse and fresh milch cows call on W W. Irvin, Barlow( Ore. 45 cent round trip from Oregon City to Portland and return via Southern Paciflo trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a.m., and 3:35 p. m., and arrives from Port land at 9:23a. m. and 6:52 p. m. Save time by using the quicker route Weekly Oreginian and Courikr Herai.d for $2 per year. For sale, a Perchnron stallion, weight 1650 pound. Is in good condition; color strawbsrry roan. The property of Franklin Ford. Price $125. The horse can be seen at A, K. Ford's, West Ore gon City. Notice: Have you a farm for sale or for rent or do you know of any person hnlding farming lands that they wish to dispose of? If go, please wiite to any agent of the O. R. & N. Co. and he will sond you a circular which will interest you. United Modern Vigilantes have one payment per month, no more no less. No per cupita tax. When you seethe rate opposite your age on folder you know that' what you pay and you are not guessing what your next payment will be. Join the Oeegon City Branch. It's time to quit walking when you can buy a first-cUss, fully guaranteed '09 bicycle with all ti e latest improve ments for $30. Look at them at Hunt ley' Book Store. For flrst-clns8 handmade or machine made harness go to F, H, Cross on Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall, Prices reasonable and wok guaranteed, Free Pills. Send vnur ililrenu in IT. F. Rn.klan & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merit. These pills are eay inaction and are particu iery effective intlie cure of Constipation snd Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they liav been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious RIltlfttanpA anil in ha nnrnlv vonrotuhla They dn not weaken by their action, but uy giving tone to stoinacH ana Dowel 8ize2"c per box. hold by (i. A. Hard ing. Druggist Notice to Farmers I have erected on south tide of Main St., near Woolen Mill. Oregon City, a feed yard for the benefit ot the public with firnt-rlaH til-t and waiting room for the lailie. , , My price ai a follow:, Stall room for team 10c, single rig 10c. saddle horse Sc.' Also hnrve kept by the day,- week or month. Barn room to rent' by the mown, aim corral or loose dock. ree always on hind, , tURK L: BUSSMD. Pre;. Bicycle Repair Shop Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Guns, Etc., Repaired and Cleaned in , a first-class manner at very reasonable prices. ....... A full stock of extras and repairs for Bicycles kept. Sole agent for Clackamas county fcr Chase Tough-Tread Tires Bicycles for Rent More machinery and a new motor have recently been added to my stock of tools, and I am now prepared to execute work promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed and Prices within the Reach of All. H. W. JACKSON Opposite Huntley's Drug Store - - Oregon City -ao TO- 0. H. FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER OFFKRKD FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite OongreKHtlonal tJhnroli, Main Htreet, Oregon City, Ore. SOUTI2 OgEGOy CITY ...The Most Desirable Suburb... : ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. - IT Is all within one mile of the center of the city and is cori , nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 1 5 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. , Choice Lots ready for the garden from $ioo to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. ' T. I. CIIAKMAN, Trustee, H. STRAIGHT. Doalor In. Groceries and Provisions. Also Full line of Mill Feed, Every Woman Loves It. that 1 gon SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Bull and Plant hava gont to thouifinrtiof latUAfd cut fomtra for balf a cantury . and to celferat Oi 80th jrcar In bualncM wo hart liiurd a Golden Wedding adlUou of Vick'sfnra. Guide which U work of art. 4 pn(i llttinnrtphnl In colon, 4 t.r'in Hoiivpiifr. ti'ftrly IU0 iiftKHi flllfd ttli hannMHiio ImlMun llhtlrullolil of KHiwrrn, Vrprtliblt, 1'lknU, KnilM. k. ,clently bound in whlU aihI gold. A liiftr. rtl In (-HlalnxN making ; an authority on all atitcta fjerlMlnllitf to parden, with caia Mr lUvaauie, alul ft 4m-mlla i-alalfifiiM of all that li dralrabla. II la loo iluiiv to girt away InritatrtinlnaUelr . I.ul wa waut rvrrron lutftmtwl III a Rood irurdcn to havt a ropy, Ihtn-rnr wa will atafl law lulrta and I lar UIK IIII.L far .1o. w.rtli ! IB OttJt It U1U kw trial! I fivoa It rail Aaaaal at areaaaa U (ay ataat laoai. Vlck's Little Gem Catalogue. . A pwrrWt Unit f rwi of a prlca Hat. U la Omply tha ' ftulda rondpntrd. flntlr UluRlraiH. and In handy ' abapa. uiaklui II conttiinmi for nlntmr. Fit It Vlcke Illustrated Monthly Maaailn ' r.nlarffpd, Inprovrd and up In .Jut on all anbjarta i ' relating to (laraanlna. tfartn itltur. ate. to rpnta , yr. Daedal lfc alUr-lba Maiailaa 1 wa yaaf, aad il Unlaw 9i ewala. 9mr aaw ataa at aalllaf Tiaalaati aaaaa iItm yaa ajar ar away awaay Ikaa way aaaa katua la Aaarlaa. Jamoo Vicko Qono, RochaataVV M. Y. BESTOW R. L HOLM AN Undertaker and Embalmei Carrie a complete line of caskets, coffins, robes etc. Superior good, Buperioi services at most moderate prices. Next door to Commercial bank. Oregon City , - Obiqo Charman Bros.' Block Lime, Cement and land Plaster. And likes to have it in her home. " Patent Flour " is popular with housewives who strive to please tneir husbands by Riving them the BEST bread and pastry, and is only made by "Patent - ..f-i 1 I .1. - r iuui, iuaiiuiaiiuii;u uy uic rc City Mills. Now- IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint your house and ...,,, Murrow IS THE MAN to do .the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leavt orders at Ely Bros, store 1 on upper 7th streeth. BOLTON DAIRY 0MAI. CATTA, trwpritr " v 1 .-; t Oaa HW,Oft fur Milk and Futt Heasore ' five.it tMrvtrt to tty i UVAe elty. Tir MaMaa vmiyw mm