Oregon Courier-Herald CIRCULATION GUARANTEED LARGER THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE COUNTY City 7L"eVbsheddX: Iff! OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1899. 16th YEAR, NO. CONSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER, 189 a ... , l ...... . Spray Pumps, Spray Materials, GRASS CLOVER VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS gS BUELL LAMBERSON 180 Front Street, Portland, Oregon Building Notes. No building b oom has yet started here, but several new structures are under way, and more new buildings will be erected. M.L. Bussard, who recently arrived from Eugene, is completing a new feed shed 67x104 feet on the property opposite Major Oharman's store build ing on Main street. It will be provided with offices, ladies' toilets, etc., all fitted Tip with modern conveniences. This will be great a great convenience to far mers, who desire to feed their own teams. County Judge Ryan is building a barn on his premises to cost about $300. ,H will be substantially constructed, and 'can be change i into dwelling, if desired. George H. Wishart is buil ding a new cottage on Adams street near Seventh, to be occupied by himself. H. T. Bladen is making preparations - to build a new cottage at Gladstone be tween his residence and the electric line. Robert Schuebel his completed a new cottage on Madison street between Seventh andEghth. W. H. Savage is completing a dwell ing at Ely. Lumber Is on the ground to construct a stage in the upper story of the Mount Pleasant school hout-e. It is to be fitted up as a hall for public gatherings, etc., the lower room affording sufficient room for school purposes. TEACHERS' MEETING. Fraternal Notes. The Artisans initiated 14 new me w bers at the last regular meeting. Ten new members have been added to Lawton CoramandFo. l.Union Veteran's Union. .' ' ' j The Willamette Rebekah degree lodge. I. 0 0. F., gave a social at their hall last Friday evening. The Woodmen of the World gave a grand open meeting and entertainment at Weinhard's hall Saturday night. There was at least 500 people in the hall, and many went away unable to gain admission. The orchestra played sev eral selections; Mrs. W. B. Wiggins sang a solo, Eugene Kennedy gave a comic recitation ; Mrs. I. D. Taylor and Prof. T. J. Gary recited "Old Chums," and W, S. TJ'Ren made a short address Head Organizer George K. Rogers, of California, who was to have been the orator of the evening, was unable to leave Portland on account of illness, and his place was filled by City Attorney Long of Portland. He delivered an ex cellent address on woodcraft, and was frequently applauded. Seven ladies entered the nail-driving contest, and for a brief space of lime the sound of ham mers filled the hall. Mrs. W. O. Green won the first prize, a set of chinaware, and Mrs. M. Lutz carried off the booby prize, ' J 1 1 Mt TauiTttwU With CascHretB Candy Cathartic, cure constipation o re ver. 10c. 25c. If CO. C. fail, drug i ts refund money. Interesting Monthly Gathering of the Association at Mil- J waukie. , v " The regular monthly meeting of tlie Clackamas County Educational Asso ciation was held at Milwaukie Satur day. About 60 teachers were in attend ance, Multnomah county being pretty well represented. County Superinten dent N. W. Bowland presided and Miss Jennie E. Rowen was elected secretary pro tem. j' Piofessor S T. Adams, of Willsbur, spoke on "Phonic Analysi ," and an in teresting discussion followed. ' Mrs. Helena B. Rinearson gave a verjf entertaining dessertation on the "Ex- i . . in 1. . l:- II pulsion oi me rrenen iroiu Arcauia. At 12 m. a splendid dinner was served by the ladies of Milwaukie, and those who partook of the same pronounced it a veritable feast and served in the best style. At the afternoon seseion the pupils of the Milwaukie school gave a short pro gram. After a song by the school, Sadie James gave a recitation, "Guilty, or Not Guilty?" and Sarah Rogers sang a solo. S. T. Adams, Mrs. L. M. Hedge aud H. T. Evans wese elected members of the association. . ". The association had invitations to hold its next regular monthly meeting on the fourth Saturday in April from Os wego, Parkplace and Harmony. Har mony was withdrawn and Parkplace was selected as the place for the next gathering. .1 Resolutions in respect to the memory of the late county eupeiintendent, H. S. Strange, were passed. County Superintendent A. P. Arm strong, of Portland, gave practical dem onstrations of how to solve problems in mathematics and explained the intrica cies of bank discounts. - ,l Professor Burnham gave some prac tical ideas on teaching grammar. Milwaukie has an excellent two-stoiy school building with modern appurte nances and well-selected library. At present only two teachers are employed, BELLOMY & BUSGH THE HOUSEFURNISHERS lest Stoves and Ranges pe Z2 w Econonilcal. Poorly cooked food is about as useful in the stomach as a keg I nails would be in a fire fuinace. Charter Oaks cook properly and pioduie nu'ritious food, with little fuel and NO Every Charter Oak stove is guaranteed. We also sell ether makes frum $6.50 and upwards. WHERE PRICES ARE LOWEST under a trouble. 9 Our Best Wall Paper Was bouglit before prices advanced, therefore we can fell jou our good grades at very low figures. , Carpets. v '; , It's in giving you hitthe-t grades and qualities, and jet at It-ss than you're frequently asked for common, out-of-date designs I r carpet, that makes your buying here interesting. All wool medium weight Ingrain Carpet 50c Tapes'ry Brussels Curpet. 5.rc Rapidly Growing Kore Popular . Iron Beds are strong and neat for the boys' room, pretty and durable for hotel or boarding house, and desirable for any bedroom, when vou can get a White Enameled Iron Bed, biaes knobs, full size, for $3.75. although there are four rooms. L. L, Moore is principal and Miss Edna Ross is teacher of the primary department. The board of directors are Richard Scott, chairman, J. G. Bonnett and Fred Birke meier. It is very seldom that any changes are made in the members of the board there, and the honors of chairman follow around in rotation. Miss Elgiva Mullan is now serving ber second term as clerk of the board. Among those in attendance were : ' Mary J. Failing, South Mount Tabor; S. T. Adams, Willsburg; A. C. Strange, Orient; Alice M.Spaulding, Montavilla; Mrs. Mary Calvin, Orient; Myra Sharp, University Park ; Ada MrLoughlin,Stone ; Charles Hanson, 0. H. Bateman, Wil son ville; M. S. Shrock, Hubbard ; Rob ert Ginther, Beaver Creek; H. T. Evans, Lulu Bamet, Oswego ; Earl E. Elliott, Highland; Louise Maxwell, Bullrun; J. B. Leatherman, Montavilla; J. L. Stalil naker, Sunnyside; Millard Hiatt, Ella Boehlke, Willamette Falls; W. H. Karr, Payn; Superintendent N. W, Bowland, Mrs. N. W. Boland, Harmony; Mrs. L. M. Hedge, Sycamore ; L. L. Moore, Miss Ro8P,EdnaRo8S,IdaStarkweather-Derry, Mamie Rogers, Emma Sturchler, Martha Sturchler, Florence Oben, Milwaukie; Lydia Smith, Edith Wright, Anna Rob ertson, Mrs. L. J. Tooke. E. A. Milner. Professor Bumhart, County Ruperinten nent A. P, Armstrong, Julia Welch, Cora Burdick, Hattie Marshfield, Alaze Watkms, Portland; Mrs. H. C. Salis bury, Clara Demmer, Gladstone; Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Zinser, Mrs. H. B. Ri nearson, Jennie E. Rowen, Harriet Oace, Mrs. B. F. Swope, T. J. Gary, Lizzie MacDonald, Alex Thomson, H. S. Gib son, K. H. Gabbert, I. W. Gray, Oregon City; Shirley Buck, Canby. Musical and Afternoon Tea, mi I. -m ... me males' music C'lub gave a mu sicale and tea at Willamette hall Satur day afternoon. About 150 invited lady guests were present and enjoyed the eventful occasion. The window blinds were lowered and the effect of colored electric lights and ban iuet lamps on the tea tables were grand. Features of the artistic decorations were ferns, Oregon grape and yellow daffodils. The recep tion coram. ttee were Mrs. Clark Ganong Mrs. K. H. Bhehaa,. Mrs, Jr-H. Strict ler, Miss Hazel Pillsbury, Mrs. Charles Miner, mis. Alex Thomas, Mrs. Ira Wishart, Miss Mattie Draper, Mrs. L A. Dresser, Mrs William Andresen, Mrs, Frances Freeman, Miss Ora Spanglex Mrs. Charles Caufield, Miss Gertrude Fin.ey, Miss Addie Clark, Miss Nan Cochran. Mrs. J. li, fillsbury, Mrs. T. A. Pope Mrs. Uiarles Albright and Mrs. Robert Miller presided at the four tables and were assisted by Mrs. Franklin T. Grif- fith .Mrs. Allen Ellsworth, of Portland I Miss Amy Kelly, Miss Erma Lawrence Mitts Edith Wishart, Miss Lucy Wil Hams, of Salem, Miss Sade Chase and Miss Greta Strickler. Mrs. J. H. Strickler was director the excellent musical program and Miss Ora Spangler was accompanist. First on the program was a wedding march from Lohengrin (Wagner), followed with a Quis Est Home, from Stabat Ma- ter (Rosini), by Mrs. R. C. Ganong and Mrs. Alex Thomas. Mrs. Stricklor's quartet sang several selections, as also did the club. Mrs. Robert A. Miller gave a Shakespearean reading and Mrs. Thomas sang a solo. REALTY TRANSERS. Furnished Every Week bv Clacka. mas Abstract & Trust Co. W. II. Black to T. Buckman. 401.01 a sec 21. 3. le: 11.150. L. Robluns to W H. Vaughn. V sv and lots 1, 2, stc 30, 6 t, 8 e ; $-150. State to A. J. Hess, w of a4' and e of BWJi sec 0, 4 s, 9 e; 200. A. J. ilecs to T. H. Ward. Iltfl a n 5, 4 s, 0 e ; 200. .. If. Hedges to II. Ward. 2Rn a ,. ii",e; fdou, Schools That w'M he Tauaht Some Clackamas County Teachers. Charles Misler, of Aurora, commenced a 3 months term of school in district 59, Monday. Miss Myra Sharp, of University Park, will commence a term of school in dis trict No. 9, on the Clackamas, Monday. Charles Hansen, who has been teach ing a term of school at Wilsonville, will begin a term in the Wood's district Monday. Wiliard W. Austen will continue to teach the lower Logan school. Mrs. M. E. Karten well begin a term of Bchool at upper Logan next Monday, and Mrs. Matilda Frakes has been re-elected to teach the north Logan school. Miss Anna Young is teaching the Rock creek school, near Damascus. Frank Gill will begin a term of school at Garfield next Monday. A. B. Herman is teaching the Eiwood school. Robert Ginther will begin a term of school at Beaver Creek ne xt Monday. Miss Lizzie Blakney will teach the Happy Hollow school. LADIES ! Porlieres and Lace Cartel ns We have the prettiest patterns and our prices will tpoak f r themarlm. "In five years I used 20 brooms at 25 cents eachi Total cost, $5.oo. I have used my "BISSELL" sweeper live years it cost $3 and Is good for five years more." I bave already saved $100 in cash stiD have my sweeper and bave also bad the benefit of ease, pleasure and convenience; have saved my time, labor, carpets, health and curtains D by use of a "BISSEi.L." Summer Floor Dressing. Matting, clean and comfn table, eaeily kept clean,' price IU cents pi r yara an.: upwards. Bvjllomu & Busch, THE ROl'SEFURNISHKRS WHO WILL TEACH. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum A.affl baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day, ROl BAKINQ TOWOtD CO. , NEW YWM. ANNUAL MEETING Of Stockholders of the Willamette Savings iC Ixxm Ass'n. Hazel Ui School Report. The following is the report of school district No. 37, for the month ending March 25: . Those who wore neither absent nor tardy are, Florence Hays, Agnes and Lynnette Shipley, Earl and Carroll Shipley, Henry and Willie Nagle, Mil ton Shipley, Winfield and Ethel Baker, Willie, Carl and Louisa Weltner, Ferdi, Pearl and Ivor Long, and Anna Bor land. Visitors present during the month were, Mesdames Shipley, Childs, Hays, Whitten, Pitts, Weltner, Nagle, Baker; Misses Maud Walling, Blanch Dyer, Addie and Zena Whitten,' Nina Wauker Minnie Nida; Messrs Alex Thompson, M.Long, John Long, Frank Whitten, Guy Huys, Frank Childs, Harry Far- mer.and Masters Hepple Shipley and Clarence Whitten. Aura D. Thompoen, Teacher; Mar. 24: . ; ' per share. 11 i A Sure Thin for Ton, A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head ache, furred tongue, fever, piles anda thousand other ills are caused by coc stlpation and sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. O. are a sura thing. Try a box to-day; 10c, 25o, BO, Sample and booklet free. All druggists of Mining Company Notice. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Blue River Mining and Millinv Company will be held at the city council chamber on Monday, April 3, at 2 p. m . J. M.Tkacy, President. J. J. Cooke, Secretary. The regular annual meeting of stock holders of the Willamette Savings and Loan Association was held Ma-ch 20th for the election of Directors and Audi tors, also for the reading of reports of officers. The secretary's report shows a very satisfactory condition of, affairs. The Association has not earned quite as much as for the previous fiscal year on account of the idle money on hand. Very 'ew applications for loans having been made during the year. There is now loaned out on first mortgages and collateral security (9,055. There is on hand in city and county warrants, $437.22 and cash on hand, 12,107 28. The book value of Block is : SerieB No. 1 is (40.74 " " 2 " 34.46 11 it 3 11 23.32 " ' " " 4 " 12.94 " ' The expeuse of conducting the affairs of the association is very small, and the fact that it is managed by a board oi di rectors composed of welt known citizens in whom all have confidence, makes it a safe and profitable way ., jpLinyesting; , small savings. Series No. 5 has just oeen opened ana should be taken up rapidly. Local pride should influence all to take stock in the Willamette Sav ing and Loan Association in preference to outside institutions. The following directors were elected : Geo. A. Hard ing, Rudolph Koerner, H. E. Straight, W. A. Huntley, T. F. Ryan, L. L. Por ter, E. E Cliarman, A. W. France and E. G. Cauflold. The auditors elected were, A. W, Cheney, Max Bollack anil Chas. II. CaufieM. The secretary is G. B. Dimmick, who will be plnased to give information regarding its plan of operation. For Rent The large 8 room, modern eonstrneted house, lately occupied by Rev, M. L. Rugg, for rent, II. E. Ckoss, Agent. ot H. L. Stmtton to Ira Lawrence, lots 8, 9. Mk 8 Falls View $375 a. k. Btepnens by sheriff toT. Davis, 55 s, fee 3, 4 b,2 e; 307. T. Davis to J. Davis 65 a, sec 3, 4 s. W. J. Stratton 0 A. I,. MHttfw.n J I. II. . . " 1, ihk H8, uregon Ulty; :'(J0. G. Kuenzie to J. A. Btede, 80 a H.C Moody elm : II. 100. M. G adsti ne lo fingsruian, SO a, Bee , i e ; i. V. loe to (4. h. Coese, 100 a. sec 11, 2 s. 3e; il,.0. G. W. Avery to D. J. Firn, 12 a J. G. raii( ru tim ; former deed. U. M. Ofborn 10 H. J Dobsm, 7 a, irar n,gie VJrreit UrIMufl ; I! 1,1. on . HHr,in J- M. Lamar, Its 13. oj, un o, ftdgeworxl ; 123. ' O. ( It-men is 10 M. Pi.rter, part of yA. see z,3n,le; oUO. 8. J. Drwison o C. D. Burnett, 7 a nesr Enele Creek bridge: tm, Ada Norrfd to T. L. Sini'h, loti 5, 6, oik . rails View; 170. J. K. Evans to E. A. Evnr. 14.84 as weirh -lin. Hi a rc 8. 2. a. 2 e. lots a 4. Mk 12, MttivhfiVM; H00. M.Mrjri toW. Jtni key, 75 a, K. Lar klisHiu. 6n.2e; $1 500. 4. C. Bradley to M. L. Btadley. tot 7, I'lW 131, Oregon Citv, M00. O. T To ne to F. Bidder, 40 a, sec 23.S..1 r; $12 Help toe Doctor Make the cure by taking your prescription to a drug store that you are sure of ; sure that only the purest and freshest drugs will be used ; sure that it will be compounded in a careful and scientific manner ; sure that the price will be honest, like the work and the medicine. The doctor's prescription reprssents not only hard-earned money, but something much dearer health. Help the doctor by taking them to the store that has the repu tation of buying chemicals and drugs of the highest quality only : the store that employs only competent and experienced pharma cists ; the store that because of its large business buys and sells often, thus keeping the stock constantly fresh ; the store that originated cut prices ; the tore of C. G. HUNTLEY CUT RATE DRUGGIST - OREGON CITY (STWe fill any prescriptions on any blank ' - , by any doctor. frnmfmrnfftmmtmfitmtmtmm